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This paper argues in favor of legalization of medical marijuana at the federal level. Four pages in length, five sources are cited. ... MORE
This 3 page paper gives an example research proposal paper about the Tylenol tampering incidents in the 80's. This paper includes the cyanide poisoning incidents from 1982 and 1986. Bibliography lists 3 sources. ... MORE
Provides information on University of Maryland University College's strategic position, as well as where it is from a competitive standpoint with other schools. SWOT, PESTLE and comparative analyses are included. There are 7 sources listed in the bibliography of this 8-page paper. ... MORE
This 7 page paper gives an example paper about the differences between private and public schools. This paper includes the ways in which public schools are better than private schools. Bibliography lists 7 sources. ... MORE
Discusses the technology lifecycle, the technology acceptance cycle, and how it might pertain to blockchain technology and banking. There are 5 sources listed in the bibliography of this 3-page paper. ... MORE
This paper offers a grant and a research proposal that discuss parents in Florida who are court-ordered to attend nurturing parenting classes. Six pages in length, eleven sources are cited. ... MORE
One of the operations that we know gives a company a competitive advantage is a well-managed supply chain. Along the lines of corporate success is also the implementation of information and communications technology, in fact, companies cannot succeed today without it. This paper discusses ICT in terms of supply chain management. The essay represents part of a research study about the cement industry in Africa and whether or not ICT improves it. There are eight sources used in this 15 page paper. ... MORE
There have been a number of laws passed and numerous court cases regarding sexual harassment in the workplace. These span more than four decades and yet, it does not seem that the incidence of sexual harassment has been reduced. Statistical data are reported from an older Federal Government Report, a military academies report, and a general public report. The incidence of harassment at each military academy is reported for women and men along with the reasons they seldom report these crimes. The physical and emotional effects of experiencing this type of crime are discussed. There are three sources used in this three page paper. ... MORE
This 3 page paper gives an explanation of the transition programs for prisoners. This paper includes the Second Chance Act of 2007 and how it changed these programs. Bibliography lists 4 sources. ... MORE
This 4-page case study provides a fictitious situation facing a boss, concerning a chronically absent employee. ... MORE
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