• Recent Papers

    • Supply chain management improvement

      Supply chain management, from the upstream supply to the downstream supply, has the potential to present organisations with unnecessarily high costs due to waste. The paper examines supply chain management and the way in which efficiency may be introduced through cost reductions. The literature examined may all be applied within the cement industry. 29 sources are cited in the bibliography of this nine page paper. ... MORE

    • Biodiversity Ecosystems and Humans - Canada

      This essay has two major parts. The first is a review of biodiversity, ecosystems, and human health. The essays discusses the comprehensive ecosystem plan put in place by the Canadian government. The second part focuses on a research study and uses some of the government's strategic outcomes as targets. There are fourteen sources used in this twenty-one page paper ... MORE

    • Race, Gender, and Sexuality and the American Family

      This 5 page paper gives a summary of how the homework reading informed the student's opinion on the American family. This paper includes a summary of how race, gender, and sexuality relate to the traditional idea of family. Bibliography list 0 sources because the student didn't provide any source information. ... MORE

    • Training Law Enforcement Officers

      This 3 page paper gives an explanation of how law enforcement officers should be trained. This paper includes a discussion of physical training, law training, and training for proper temperament. Bibliography list 2 sources. ... MORE

    • The Importance of Voting

      This 5 page paper gives an explanation of why voting is important. This paper includes things such as voting laws in Kansas and why people Americans choose not to vote. Bibliography lists 5 sources. ... MORE

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