Click on any of the research paper to read a brief synopsis of the paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Computer Evolution from Mainframe to Distributed Systems
A 10 page paper providing a brief history of computers, beginning in 1944 when IBM's first mainframe was born of collaboration with Harvard University. That machine was fully electromechanical and though capable of computations, can be considered as less powerful than any pocket calculator today. The paper discusses the early portable computers and the first commercially successful personal computers, ending in a discussion of distributed systems including the debate surrounding fat clients vs thin clients, and the still-viable concept of the network computer designed to be for Internet use rather than providing all the capabilities of the PC. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Internet Usage by Two Companies - Gateway 2000 and DLJ Direct
A 5 page paper discussing two companies that heavily participate in Internet commerce, Gateway 2000 and DLJ Direct. Overall, the promise of great success through Internet marketing has not been realized in most areas of sales, but personal computer sales and online brokerage services have been exceptions. Both are wonderfully suited to Internet commerce: Gateway's customers obviously are computer literate; DLJ Direct's customers have come to rely on the ease and rapidity of stock trading using an Internet service. Though the Internet has not reached its full potential as a sales tool, it is heading resolutely in that direction, and to the point that those companies not offering extensive online options to their existing customers may lose those customers to businesses that do. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 8 page paper considers the increase in the use fo the internet and cybercrime and the way that the Computer Misuse Act 1990 may be used it dealing with different cybercrimes such as cyberobscenity, cybertrespass, cybertheft and cyberviolence which can include cyberstalking. The paper looks at what the Computer Misuse Act 1990 will cover and how it may be possible to improve the legislation and enforcement of the law concerning cybercrime. The paper is written with reference to UK law. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
This 8 page paper considers the increase in the use fo the internet and cybercrime and the way that the Computer Misuse Act 1990 may be used it dealing with different cybercrimes such as cyberobscenity, cybertrespass, cybertheft and cyberviolence which can include cyberstalking. The paper looks at what the Computer Misuse Act 1990 will cover and how it may be possible to improve the legislation and enforcement of the law concerning cybercrime. The paper is written with reference to UK law. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Historical and Social Relevance of Silicon Valley
This 11 page paper provides a history of Silicon Valley and also delves into how personal computers and the Internet are important to society. Many people are named in this historical look at computers, inclusive of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Frederick Terman. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
American Leadership as Personified by Steve Jobs and Virginia Henderson
A 5 page research paper that profiles 2 American leaders: Steve Jobs of Apple Computers and nursing theorist and innovator Virginia Henderson. The writer offers a profile of each leader and argues that these two individuals exemplify leadership qualities. Henderson's work changed the entire perspective of modern day nursing, making it more patient-oriented and humanistic. Jobs' missionary zeal towards computing has broadened the horizons of human knowledge by bringing computers into the home and making them "user-friendly" so that even children can access the Internet's broad knowledge base. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Computer Phobia and Gender Differences
Fear of computers is deemed as the main reason women avoid the internet in this 6 page paper on gender differences. Statistics reveal that more men are using the internet as society encourages males to pursue the sciences, while discouraging females. Solutions to the problem are explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Complex Problems Solved Through Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
A 12-page essay that presents a general overview of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the protocol suite that revolutionized computer networking and made high volume traffic between different operating platforms a possibility and a reality. Included is a brief history of the birth of the Internet and the conditions and events that led to the development of the standardized TCP/IP protocol set. Also included is an in-depth discussion of the various tasks performed both at the TCP layer and at the IP layer. Bibliography lists 14 sources. LCTCP-IP.doc
Failure Prevention and Development Problems Associated with Software Engineering
An 8 page overview of the challenges faced by software engineers in the last five years. Identifies the most predominant of these as revolving around the Internet and issues such as networking and operating system compatibility. One of the primary problems which is central to each of these arenas is that of data sharing. Software engineers not only have to address compatibility across operating systems but between networked computers and over the Internet. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Best Practices for Internet Security Protection
In six pages this paper examines Internet security issues in an overview that focuses on the best practices computer and Internet users should adopt. Twelve sources are listed in the bibliography.
Internet Addiction Disorder
This is a 6 page paper discussing internet addiction. Internet addiction, also known as Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), Internet Behavioral Dependence (IBD) or Problematic Internet Use (PIU), is considered a behavioral or social pathology similar to other nonchemical addictions such as pathological gambling, or compulsive shopping, sex or over-eating among others and has become an international concern. There are considered several different sub-types of internet addiction such as cyber-sexual addiction for those who are addicted to pornographic or sex web sites; cyber-relationship addiction for those who are addicted to online relationships; net compulsions which include internet shopping and gambling; information overload for those who compulsively surf the web or search databases; and computer addiction which is related to compulsive playing of computer games. Generally, internet addiction is assessed and treated similar to other addictive behavior which may include the 12-step program, cognitive therapy or other therapies such as expressive art therapy.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Intercultural Communication Issues
12 pages in length. The writer discusses the advantages of Internet chat programs such as ICQ as a means by which to bridge the gap of intercultural communication particular to Asian concerns, as well as addresses the social downfalls of too much time spent on the computer. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Internet Addiction Disorder
This is a 6 page paper discussing internet addiction. Internet addiction, also known as Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), Internet Behavioral Dependence (IBD) or Problematic Internet Use (PIU), is considered a behavioral or social pathology similar to other nonchemical addictions such as pathological gambling, or compulsive shopping, sex or over-eating among others and has become an international concern. There are considered several different sub-types of internet addiction such as cyber-sexual addiction for those who are addicted to pornographic or sex web sites; cyber-relationship addiction for those who are addicted to online relationships; net compulsions which include internet shopping and gambling; information overload for those who compulsively surf the web or search databases; and computer addiction which is related to compulsive playing of computer games. Generally, internet addiction is assessed and treated similar to other addictive behavior which may include the 12-step program, cognitive therapy or other therapies such as expressive art therapy.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Trends in Internet Protocol Addresses
An 8 page paper discussing Internet address structure and the changes that will be necessary so that continued growth can occur. By the mid-1990s, the Internet had become the world's largest public data network and was providing organizations with increasingly convenient methods of conducting their business. It currently is expanding at the rate of doubling every nine months; the number of personal computers in America connected to it is approaching 50 percent. Whatever the ultimate growth path of the Internet takes, it is likely that any new direction will be in concert with the old, as evidenced by the intent for IPv6 to both shadow and augment IPv4 so that a gradual conversion can be accomplished. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Internet Congestion
A 10 page paper discussing some of the ways it could be possible to reduce the increasing problem of Internet congestion. The paper discusses ISDN, ADSL, cable modem connection and DirecPC, but high-speed connections do little to ease congestion aside from perhaps allowing the user to spend less time to accomplish what he needs to do. Infrastructure needs to be shifted away from dependence on the circuit-switched voice system that existed long before most could conceive of computers. To accomplish that shift, it would be beneficial to look at IP telephony more as a method of data transmission rather than simply a low-cost alternative to conventional telephone service. In the meantime, the combination of the cable modem and the virtual private network appears to be a workable way of easing Internet congestion using available technology that could be implemented right away. The Internet is doubling every nine months, and there is little space for esoteric theorization without first ensuring that progress is made in practical areas. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Ethics of Global Computer Laws
This 7 page report discusses international computer laws and their ethical impact. What are the problems that are being presented on an international basis due to the Internet and expanded information technology? Issues relating to privacy, decency, and political speech are of particular concern when they cross both international and cultural boundaries. A greater potential for technology-based international crime also exists. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
e-Learning Personnel Development
A 7 page paper. Among the first technologies used were slides. The overhead projector provided a significant advance in training large groups. As computers became more common and the Internet became popular, they became predominant in training programs. This essay tracks the history of old and new technology used for employee training and includes possibilities for the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Society, Young Adults, and Computer Technology
A 4 page discussion of the importance computer technology (the Internet in particular) has in preparing young people to take their place in society as productive adults. The author points out that some segments of society have greater access than others but that many efforts are underway to ease that discrepancy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Stress of the Workplace and the Impact of Technology
4 pages in length. Technological advancement -- as beneficial as it is to myriad aspects of contemporary society -- can be a detriment in the workplace by virtue of the capacity for increased productivity. Email, the Internet and computers in general have all been cited as having at least some negative impact upon workplace stress, a situation with which employers are working hard to address. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Guide to Software Download and Installation
This 6 page paper is a step by step guide on how to download and install software taken from the internet. The paper starts with the preparation of the computer and ends with the software being installed.
Computer Industry and the Importance of Channel and Distribution Management
This 10 page paper looks at why the distribution channels ands systems are so important in this industry and outlines how they have been used to create competitive advantages. Companies such as Dell, Compaq and Hewlett Packard are considered, with a brief look at Microsoft. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Cyber Cafe Setup Business Plan
This 9 page paper is a plan to convert a café into a cyber café. The paper lays out the background ands the plans to carry out the conversion including a Gantt chart and a capital costing budget. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Negotiations - Juwan Howard
This 6 page paper is based in a case study supplied by the student looking at the negotiations surrounding the NBA player Juwan Howard in 1996. The paper starts by summarizing the entire negotiation process. The paper then presents the situation from the perspective of Howard ands both teams involved. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Case of Larson
This 3 page paper looks at a case study of a firm operating in Germany and the US to assess potential future approaches to business in difficult economic climates and assesses production and pricing decision ands considers entering new markets. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Computer Virus Spreading, Hacking, and Ethics
In 10 pages, the author discusses the ethics of computer hacking and spreading computer viruses. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
The Bahamas, Internet Security and Governance, and Challenges Facing the Islands
This 4 page paper discusses Internet governance and security issus and challenges facing Internet users in the Bahamas. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Computers in Classrooms
This 5 page paper offers general comments about computers and related technology in classrooms K - college/university. Following a brief overview of the history of computers in educational settings, the writer discusses one successful program, steps to take to integrate computer technology into the curriculum, the need for better training of teachers and the value of using computer technology for students. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Computer Security
8 pages in length. As the first of billions of emails flew through cyberspace nearly thirty years ago, the idea of computer security was not at the forefront of users' minds. In fact, the very notion of any threat inherent to the World Wide Web was so unheard of that even those who stood a great deal to lose from unauthorized entry were basically oblivious to the looming danger that would appear only years later. Today, computer security is the number one priority for anyone who uses the Internet, a reality born of unforeseen infiltration by those who seek to do great harm to the recipient of such an attack. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Choosing a Computer
This 7 page paper looks at how a computer may be chosen. The paper is written in three parts, looking first as the way the student may want to use the computer, then at the software that will be needed and finally at the hardware requirements. A computer system and software is selected using an $800 budget. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Ideal Computer Building
This 6 page paper builds an ideal computer with a budget of $2,000. The writer looks for the different components, including monitor and keyboard as well as the computer itself. The result is a powerful computer suitable for a high end advanced user. A complete breakdown of all costs is included. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
PC's History and Impact
7 pages. Personal computers have come a long way since the seventies, the eighties, and even within the last five years. Because technology is changing at such a rapid pace we have seen personal computers impact our lives in many different ways. Socially, economically and industry-wise the personal computer and its history are described in this well-written and concise paper. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Global Impact of Computers
An 8 page paper examining the conditions today that involve the computer and the world. Many cultures around the world have been deeply effected by the technological growth that involves the computer. With the development of the today's computer and technology, the world, for the most part, is becoming such that it works faster and more efficient in relationship to communications and business. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Germany and the Marketing of Computer Hardware
This 10 page report discusses marketing of computer hardware in Germany. Prices in Germany have been low, due to the fact that the market has a great deal of competition, with small local suppliers playing a role in this market. Computer 'supermarkets' have also had a great deal of success in selling personal computers inexpensively in Germany. However, numerous factors such as import/export regulations, the overall economy situation of Germany, exchange rate risk, transportation and other factors that have an impact on marketing and distribution are discussed. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Individual Privacy and Computers
6 pages in length. The technological revolution has brought with it a great deal of beneficial advancements for mankind; one of the most important developments of all has been that of the computer. In more recent times, the computer has moved from the restriction of industry well into the mainstream of society, providing a vast array of resources just a mouse click away. However, along with the advantageous aspects of computer mainstreaming, there has also been a significant breach in individual privacy, inasmuch as computers, as well as the web sites people visit each and everyday, have been structured as such to extrapolate personal information unbeknownst to the user. The writer discusses how the issue of computers and individual privacy has come to be one of the most pressing ethical concerns of the technological revolution. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Internet Marketing Success
This 10 page report discusses successful marketing on the world wide web. In 1998, the Internet was the venue for an estimated $1.7 billion in sales with users reporting being comfortable spending an average of $295 per purchase. Key strategies for successful Internet marketing differ from the strategies typically employed for an “offline” marketing campaign. The unique marketing medium that is the Internet must be looked at and utilized in equally unique ways. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Print Media Impact of Current Technologies
8 pages in length. Computers have become a significant part of life. There is no denying that their very presence has drastically altered humanity's existence since the mid to late 1940s. Through a number of developments, computers have not only become integral components of virtually every aspect of a person's life, but they have also been successfully assimilated into homes all across America for personal and business use. There is practically nothing that computers do not influence in one manner or another, which has caused society to render itself dependent upon its constant application. However, as with most other entities that offer such distinct advantages, they are typically balanced by at least some level of significant disadvantage; in this particular case, the detriment has been felt throughout the print media industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Business Analysis of Gardener's Eden
A 5 page paper discussing some of the reasons for the mail-order and import company’s success. Gardener’s Eden was founded in 1979, sold to Williams-Sonoma in 1983, and then sold to Brookstone, Inc. in 1999. Williams-Sonoma has only minimal Internet exposure, preferring to use its limited Internet exposure to offer catalogs by mail to new customers. Brookstone already makes its products available for sale on the Internet and provides new avenues for Gardener’s Eden previously unavailable to them. The company maintains its upper-end niche of providing high-quality imported and domestic products with a focus on recreational and artistic, rather than utilitarian, gardening. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Democracy and the Internet
This 9 page report discusses the open structure and availability of the Internet and how it creates a place where people can more participate fully in democracy. However, the cost of access to the Internet presents a number of problems in the determination of who and who cannot access this avenue for free speech and democracy. The democracy offered via the Internet and the ability to participate in the democratic processes it offers is clearly far more convenient for the middle class and wealthy as compared to the lower middle class or the poor. The ostensibly bias-less world of cyberspace is an egalitarian construct . . . for those that can pay the price of admission. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Business Operations and the Role of the Internet
A 5 page glance at some of the applications of the Internet in conducting daily business. The most obvious applications of sales and marketing are mentioned, but the paper concentrates more on data management, communications and intranet applications. The growth of the Internet has made communication with remote locations—district offices, outside sales staff, favored vendors, etc.—more efficient than ever before. Use of the Internet in increasing productivity is not limited only to large businesses, either. One NY deli increased their lunch business by 30% when they began accepting take-out orders through their Web page. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Internet Marketing of Nokia to Students
This 26 page paper considers the role of the internet in order to assess if it is suited to the selling of Nokia mobile telephones and accessorises to a target market of students. The paper first looks at marketing on the internet and the potential market before considering the way in which the target market and the product fit in with e-marketing concepts and how that market can be accessed. This includes discussion of internet service providers, e-commerce solution and security issues as well as marketing. The recommendation is that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and that the launch of a site should proceed with caution. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Traditional Media and the Effects of New Media
4 pages in length. Why purchase a print copy or an entire CD when the very same thing can be found on the Internet? The prevalence of online reading and music material has literally skyrocketed to the point where people are no longer finding a need to subscribe to print publications or visit mall music stores. Daily newspapers are available at the crack of dawn; monthly magazines are accessible earlier than those sent out buy postal mail; and entire CDs are being uploaded to the Internet for one's listening enjoyment. The writer discusses the impact Internet media is having upon traditional media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Current Market and Advertising on the Internet
This 15 page report discusses
the fact that the Internet and Internet advertising as changed modern marketing in a variety of ways. As a result, advertisers have an entirely new realm in which to operate and that can make significant changes in the way they do business. Numerous opinions are presented as are figures illustrating the enormous scope of the money involved in Internet advertising. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
eBanking and its' Influence on Accounting Information Systems
This 32 page paper looks at the use accounting information systems (AIS) in banks, and considers what impacts ebanking, or internet banking, has had on the AIS within banks. The paper starts with an introduction and discusses why and how this research is valuable. The use of AIS is then discusses before an in-depth look at the model of internet banks and the requirements that are made of any AIS within internet banking systems. This is examined to identify the areas of different which may have impacted on the evolution of AIS within banking. The bibliography cites 30 sources.
Traditional Media and the Effects of New Media
4 pages in length. Why purchase a print copy or an entire CD when the very same thing can be found on the Internet? The prevalence of online reading and music material has literally skyrocketed to the point where people are no longer finding a need to subscribe to print publications or visit mall music stores. Daily newspapers are available at the crack of dawn; monthly magazines are accessible earlier than those sent out buy postal mail; and entire CDs are being uploaded to the Internet for one's listening enjoyment. The writer discusses the impact Internet media is having upon traditional media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Mobile Printer Product Management Plan
An 18 page paper providing a product management plan for a versatile printer to be used with handheld and laptop computers. There is need for printers that are light enough to be truly portable and durable enough that they can withstand the shocks they may receive in being moved regularly. The company has developed such a printer, one that fills the gap left by similar products that already exist. The paper describes opportunity identification and selection; concept generation; concept/project evaluation; development; and launch. It includes a project plan for the test marketing phase and a capital budget analysis for the first three years of operation. The project is a modest one, in part because of the limited penetration of handheld computers to date. The advantage to the company in pursuing this project now is that it fills a specific need and has the ability to gain first-mover advantage in the industry. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Email Laws and Relevant Literature
4 pages in length. The tremendous impact computers have had upon today's global community represents the staggering progress contemporary society is experiencing. That business is conducted from opposite ends of the planet, people forge lifelong relationships without ever having met and employees work from the comfort and convenience of home via telecommuting speaks to the reality of what was once only far off aspirations. Indeed, the benefit of computers far outweighs the inherent drawbacks, however, those negative aspects are not so insignificant that they can be ignored; rather, the extent to which such concerns as email laws are necessary to address issues pertaining to personal privacy, unsolicited correspondence/advertisements and hacking. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
IT Forensics: Digital Evidence
5 pages in length. The article entitled "Computer Forensics" by Peter Sommer delves deeply into the advantage law enforcement officials have in the ongoing pursuit of apprehending cyber criminals. Discussing each component of IT forensics in a comprehensive yet understandable manner, the author provides a beginning-to-end overview of why computer forensics has become a necessity in today's high-tech world, how police carry out the often-tedious task of finding virtual evidence and when said evidence is considered permissible in a court of law. In short, Sommer offers an encapsulated yet thorough glance at the inner workings of an entirely unprecedented element of technological law enforcement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Electrical Engineer's Duties
8 pages in length. From the time of Benjamin Franklin, electricity has been a critical component to virtually every entity of human existence. From worldwide communications systems, space vehicles, computers, microwave ovens, washing and sewing machines, transportation vehicles, and manufacturing processes, Franklin's discovery established an entirely different world in which to live. Contemporary use of electricity has rendered the need for specialized training so that electrical engineers are capable of focusing their trade upon myriad fields that have developed throughout the twentieth century. Indeed, the common duties of modern-day electrical engineers are both vast and unlimited with regard to the way today's society utilizes electricity. The writer discusses the duties of an electrical engineer as they relate to military computer systems. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Mobile Printer Product Management Plan
An 18 page paper providing a product management plan for a versatile printer to be used with handheld and laptop computers. There is need for printers that are light enough to be truly portable and durable enough that they can withstand the shocks they may receive in being moved regularly. The company has developed such a printer, one that fills the gap left by similar products that already exist. The paper describes opportunity identification and selection; concept generation; concept/project evaluation; development; and launch. It includes a project plan for the test marketing phase and a capital budget analysis for the first three years of operation. The project is a modest one, in part because of the limited penetration of handheld computers to date. The advantage to the company in pursuing this project now is that it fills a specific need and has the ability to gain first-mover advantage in the industry. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Keyboard Skills and Further Technology
7 pages in length. There is little question that learning keyboarding skills at the third grade level does, indeed, help improve technological skills later on in school. Part of the challenge of acquiring a good, sound education is getting the student interested in the lesson plan; while some are inherently good students, others require the extra added incentive that computer access offers. However, the child's interaction with the computer is only as effective as his keyboarding skills, which, as studies have begun to note, are just as essential as is understanding the programs. The writer discusses how learning keyboarding in the third grade helps to improve technological skills later on in school. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Types of Computer Viruses
This is a 4 page paper which discusses the types of computer viruses, the manner in which they are transmitted and give examples of two recent computer infections.
The bibliography has 5 sources.
Turkey and the Marketing of Computer Hardware
7 pages in length. Once plagued with the unflattering moniker Sick Man of Europe, Turkey has done well to bring itself into the twenty-first century. One of the primary components of this vast improvement has been within the world of technology, where the Turks have sought to incorporate both their people and their government into the forward-moving aspect of computerization. As a means by which to help this nation expand, the marketing of computer hardware will serve as a significant boost to the ongoing efforts of Turkey's technological expansion. The writer discusses various issues and concerns in relation to marketing computer hardware in Turkey. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Saudi Arabia and the Exportation of Computers
A 13 page business plan discussing a rather cautious method of exporting computers to the Gulf region. Acme Computer realizes that projections for the domestic PC market are dour well into the next century, but that foreign markets offer the promise of growth unlikely while operating solely in domestic markets. Saudi Arabia technically is classified as a developing nation but is technology- and trade-friendly. Acme seeks to form an alliance with an established small business in Saudi Arabia in order to avoid any cultural faux pas and to learn the nuances of the culture before attempting to gain great returns. The company plans greater marketing efforts after gaining more experience with the culture, but cautiously is relying on its Saudi partner to educate Acme marketers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Hong Kong and Software Piracy
5 pages in length. In this day and age when the process of duplication is both easy and inexpensive in Hong Kong, the motivation to purchase brand new, factory sealed computer software is not as strong as the inclination to buy an illegally pirated title. Unquestionably, the issue of pirated computer software has outgrown the stage where it was nothing more than an inconvenience to manufacturers, whose economic loss was quite negligible. The writer discusses how the end of the twentieth century finds software piracy a tremendous money-making endeavor, leaving copyright holders with little left to do but either shake their heads in despair or take the Hong Kong bootleg industry head on by fighting back. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Controlling the Internet
5 pages in length. What sort of message are people getting today with all the Internet pornography available at their fingertips? Who is responsible for controlling what they can access while surfing the Web? With nearly six thousand pornographic Web sites on the Internet these days, users are
'virtually powerless' (Brake 20) to protect themselves and their families from accessing such sites. Industry analysts, experts and concerned parents alike contend that there is a great need for Internet control when it comes to the ease with which people can access pornographic sites. The writer addresses the fact that the Internet should be regulated. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Apple Computer's Organizational Culture
This 20 page paper discusses organizational culture and specifically, the organizational culture of Apple Computer. A brief overview of Apple Computer establishes the culture that existed when the company was founded. The writer then discusses what culture means, the essential ingredients of the culture of any firm and applies these to Apple. The culture of this company has not changed despite some CEOs who attempted to make it change. It has always followed its own path. With Steve Jobs back at the helm, that culture is once again being reinforced. One illustration. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
DirectInvest Brokerage Service Marketing Plan
A 10 page paper presenting a marketing plan for a startup online brokerage services firm. The online discount broker is the current news of stock trading. At just over 200,000 trades daily involving more than 100 million shares of stock, Internet trading still represents only a fraction of the total volume of any major exchange, but that volume grows at nearly 50% annually and is expected to grow at an even higher rate after totally secure transactions are assured for trading, as well as with the growth of the Internet. This marketing plan presents a current view of the industry and determines ways that DirectInvest can outlast the competition. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Individual Rights Usurped by the U.S. Supreme Court
A 5 page paper that argues the following: over the years, individual rights have been denied by the Supreme Court. In the criminal justice system, this has lead to the relaxing of laws to the extent that our Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights have been seriously infringed upon. All rights to personal freedoms in the workplace have been taken away by the Supreme Court, and women's rights to abortion have been substantially reduced. The remaining issue for many of us is the Supreme Court's decision on First Amendment rights in regards to imposed decency on the Internet. This decision is expected within the next month. We can only hope it is not their desire to usurp further rights from United States citizenry. The affect on global Internet business is inestimable. Bibliography lists 4 sources. Copies of sources included.
The Uses of TCP/IP Protocol Today
A 5 page paper discussing Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), an 'old' technology that is finding new life. There are great hopes for the public Internet in terms of attainment of low-latency delivery and minimal packet drop, but achieving those likely also will end favorable views of any hybrid network between TCP/IP and ATM, or even the old SNA configurations that are dated but still operational. Greater availability of ISDN is another factor that will work against such a hybrid and more toward IP. Regardless of personal bias, it appears that the connected world is moving more toward IP communications. The interim points between should be able to provide a rather seamless transition. Bibliography lists 7 sources. ksTCP-IP.rtf
The History of the Internet
This 3 page paper provides a brief history of the Internet. Specific individuals are named. The Internet and WWW are differentiated.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Proposal on Distance Learning and 'Desocialization'
A 25 page research paper. While distance education itself is not new, Internet-based courses are a relatively new phenomenon. The question this proposal asks is: Is there a difference in student achievement between those taking Online courses and those attending the traditional classroom course? The paper is a research proposal that includes: a general introduction to the topic of distance education/learning and to Internet-based education, in particular. The purpose of the study, hypotheses and methodology are included. The literature review reports both anecdotal comments and results of previous research studies, both qualitative and quantitative. One concern with this medium has been students feeling isolated with a lack of socialization with other students. As the literature illustrates, there are many tools and strategies that can be used to minimize any negative effect of distance. Statistical data are reported. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Literacy Standards Within Nursing Education Programs
A 7 page research paper. In nursing, as with other healthcare professions, it is imperative to the standards of a professionalism that nurses make learning a continuing priority throughout their careers. In order to accomplish this goal, specific literacy skills are required. Nursing personnel should cultivate critical thinking skills, computer literacy, information literacy, and literacy in nursing informatics. This examination of these topics focuses on the available literature. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Gap Inc, Nordstrom Inc and E-Commerce Operations
This 17 page paper compares the way in which Gap Inc. and Nordstrom Inc. compete for business on the internet. Then paper includes consideration of what is meant by e-commerce, background to both the companies as well as an examination of the companies’ strategies and the way these are reflected in their web sites. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
The Process and Barriers in Communication
This 10 page paper looks at the concept of communication, considers the way in which it takes place looking at a number of communication models and identifies the way in which communication breakdown. The way in which the Internet has impacted on communication is discussed, as well as the potential problems of communicating in a foreign language. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Internet Banking and Traditional Banking
This 10 page paper considers how the role of traditional banks is changing and the way that banks need to providing internet banking services. The paper considers how these services can be supplied looking at issues such as convenience, savings in the value chain, security and the risks associated with decreasing loyalty created by a lack of direct personal contact. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
The Research Process
This 15 page paper discusses the steps in undertaking a research study, including an overview of research, developing a research project, using statistics and variables, using libraries and the Internet, types of research, writing the report, and a brief discussion of a potential research project. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Comparison of Internet and Traditional Shopping
This 9 page paper looks at the way in which the shopping environment has changed and considers the differences between the online shopping environment and the traditional bricks and mortar shopping experience. The two concepts are considered in the context of a business seeking to increase sales to assess the potential of internet to increase sales. The paper is written with specific reference to Turkey. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Tourism and the Internet
This 16 page paper looks at the development of the internet as a distribution medium for travel services, concerning how and why this has occurred, identifying relevant factors and looking at how firms such as Expedia and Orbitz are able to satisfy customers’ needs in an effective manner. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Teens and Addiction to the Internet
This 6 page paper discusses the emerging social problem of internet addiction amongst teens and young college students. The APA as well as other expert sources are quoted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Research Proposal for Transition Into E-Commerce
This 4 page paper is an outline research proposal for a project to examine e-commerce. The project is to look at the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce for an existing business and how these may be used to determine the best possible strategy for entrance and continuation of trade on the internet. The bibliography cites 1 source.
The Internet
A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts Greenfield’s Virtual Addiction (Chapter 2: The Nature of Addiction), and Stoll’s Isolated by the Internet. No additional sources cited.
- and Internet Jurisdiction
A 5 page paper discussing's international operations and legal problems that the company potentially could become entangled with as Internet law continues to change. Amazon operates 9 sites (US, UK, China, etc.) and likely is bound by the laws of the country in which those sites are located. Jurisdiction changes have been occurring since an Australian court decided in 2002 that the site of injury imposed by a US site owner was Australia. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Promotional Analysis of Harry Potter Books and Films
A 4-page Promotional Price analysis on Harry Potter books and movies. The author addresses how this book is being promoted in the television, print, internet/point-of-sale media. Bibliography lists 5 sources. JVpotret.rtf
Types of eMarketing
This 6 page paper that explains how online marketing differs from traditional marketing, and what types of eMarketing Tools are used to gain and retain customers on the internet. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Stating a Business Case for the Linux Operating System
A 10 page paper providing rationale for choosing Linux operating system over various Windows® systems. Unix – and its Linux variation – remains the most versatile operating system in terms of hardware requirements. Windows is more hardware-specific with each generation, and less open to alteration than either Linux or UnixWare. The paper discussing points of cost, security (system, file, workgroup, Internet), performance and includes a list of some of the companies currently using Linux systems. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Love in internet relationships
A 3 page paper which looks at internet romance, and whether it is possible to develop romantic feelings for someone before meeting them face-to-face. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Internet and the Impacts on Post-Secondary Education
This 5 page paper provides an overview of research on the impacts of the Internet on changes at colleges and universities. This paper reflects the process of change, as well as the views of different populations about the impacts of changes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
This 10-page paper examines media censorship in Myanmar. Topics include types of media censorship and how the Internet is starting to break through it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Classifications of Web Sites
9 pages in length. The writer discusses transaction-oriented, delivery system and database access web sites as they relate to front-end and back-end applications (Internet, intranet and extranet) Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Computer System Security Types
This 4 page paper looks at Internet security for individuals and businesses alike. Linux, Windows and the Mac O/S are each discussed and specific software problems are noted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
It's Popcorn Time Marketing Plan and Recommendations
A 5 page paper consisting of speaker notes for an available PowerPoint® presentation of a marketing plan for a single-location confectioner specializing in coated popcorn produced according to a newly-patented process. The marketing plan recommends instituting online sales and entering agreement with a third party gift business, as well as hiring a knowledgeable, no-spam Internet marketer to assist the company in promoting itself online. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Internet vs. Privacy up to Individual Tastes
This 5 page opinion paper explores privacy rights on the Internet, and specifies that Americans do not have rights to privacy under the law in the way they imagine those rights. Therefore, their privacy is up to them. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Advertising on the Internet; Creating Pull for Bricks and Mortar Stores
This 4 page paper considers if it is possible to internet advertising in order to create demand for a product in retail stores and persuade the retailers to stock the goods. The paper looks at the case of Estee Lauders’ ‘Advanced Night Repair Concentrate’, and considers if this type of strategy will persuade the shops to stock the product. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Pros and Cons with Search Engines
This 4-page paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages to search engines. It also discusses why children should have access to the internet as long as the material they are viewing is closely monitored.
Cultural Gatekeepers and Search Engine Politics
A 6 page paper which examines the political implications of Internet search engines shaping cultural perceptions by indexing and ranking information, and also considers what influences the inclusion and exclusion of Web page ‘hits.’ Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Student Submitted Case Study on ILI
This 4 page paper examines the case study of ILI supplied by the student, the case concerns an early internet auction company. The paper explains and examines the strategy being used by the company.
Academic Integrity, Student Research Methods, and Study Skills
6 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses conducting successful library and Internet searches, upholding academic honesty, developing effective study skills, managing time wisely and setting/achieving goals. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Value of Social Networking Tools in a Teaching Environment with Specific Consideration of Business Students
The use of internet and interactive tools has increased over the last decade. This 7 page paper looks at the way that social networking tools, such as wiki and blogs may be of benefit to business student, aiding learning in an academic environment. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Voice Over Internet Protocol History
A 6 page paper reviewing the history of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). From its beginnings as an old and expensive technology that no one could find a good use for, VoIP now is poised to overtake POTS (plain old telephone service) in the future. If the future unfolds as the creator of the Skype VoIP service envisions, then existing telephone companies will find themselves with the need to discover new sources of revenue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Overview of VoIP Technology
The 14 page paper is a comprehensive overview of voice over internet protocol (VoIP). The paper explains how VoIP operates including the use of packet switching, examines the technology, looks at some sample prices and considers the future of the technology. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
AT&T and VoIP Technology; Strategic Issues
This 9 page paper looks at the well known communications company AT&T and the way ion which VoIP will impact on it strategically. The paper gives a brief background to AT&T and then looks at the way voice over internet protocol (VoIP), has been adopted by the company and the way it may impact on the company along with the way the changes could be leveraged for its’ advantage. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Web Design and Internet Technology
This 6 page paper considers two aspects of new technology. The first part of the paper considers development and spread of the Internet. The second part of the paper considers web design, why it is important and how it has developed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Overview of GTE
This 10 page report discusses GTE, one of the world's largest telecommunications companies. In the United States, GTE provides local service in 28 states and wireless service in 17 states; nationwide long-distance and internetworking services ranging from dial-up Internet access for residential and small-business consumers to Web-based applications. Outside the United States, the company serves more than 7 million telecommunications customers. Current merger issues with Bell Atlantic are also discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Literature Review of Internet Survey Research
7 pages in length. Internet survey research is one of myriad up-and-coming methods for companies to acquire the critical public feedback needed for product satisfaction and development. Issues pertaining to this particular survey research approach are vast, indeed, given the still unknown legal ramifications of such; however, one that stands out as quite important is that of copyright concern. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Literature Review and Contemporary Business Sales Strategies
An eleven page literature review relating to sales and marketing strategies in the modern business environment, with particular reference to the impact of Internet and Web technology, and the changes in marketing which have been brought about by the development of e-commerce. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Literature Review of Psychosocial Treatment of Mental Illness
This paper examines the literature and research available for psychosocial (i.e., non-medical or non-invasive) intervention in treatment of mental illness, mental retardation and learning disorders. The paper also examines how to best use the massive amounts of research that is available on this topic, both through the Internet and the library. Bilbiography lists 20 sources
Internet Medieval History Websites Compared
A 6 page research paper that examines and critiques three internet sites that deal with medieval history. The writer evaluates each site according to graphics, usability and the quality of information. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Wireless Communication's History
This 5 page paper presents an overview of wireless communication from Marconi to the Internet. Spanning a century, the paper explains how the new technology evolved. Safety is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
WWW History
This paper provides an overview of the development of the internet and the world wide web, providing a great deal of technical information in 9 pages. In addition to the evolution of this widely used phenomenon, current application in terms of business, entertainment and education are noted as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Case for Making Virtual Pornography Outlawed
An 8 page discussion of the impacts of virtual pornography on society. The writer emphasizes that while the issue of Internet regulation is highly controversial, pornography on the World Wide Web should definitely be outlawed if for no other reason than its impacts on the most vulnerable members of our society, our children. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Internet Laws and Pornography
5 pages in length. The writer discusses the need for legal control with regard to pornography and the Internet. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Risk Management Issues in E-Law
4 pages answering 4 questions about Internet law and risk management, particularly in matters of privacy and use of information gathered from site visitors. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Overview of Honolulu Annotated Bibliography
This 9 page paper is an annotated bibliography of sources giving information regarding Honolulu and the surrounding area. Sources are drawn from books, journals, magazines and Internet sites covering such things as geography, history, society, politics and culture. The paper lists 22 sources.
Contemporary Manifestations of Terrorism
This 10 page paper is really three essays combined into one paper. Three sections address different subjects related to terrorism. Sections are as follows: I. Major trends in terrorism in recent years; II. The most important emerging trends in terrorism; III. Major organizational patterns of current terrorist groups and how they may or may not change in the future. Many issues are addressed including biological warfare, suicide bombing and Internet terrorism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Case Study; Freedom of Speech and Satire Criticizing a Company
This 3 page paper looks at a case study, where a disgruntled employee sets up a satire of the company on the internet. The employee believes he is using his first amendment right for free speech. The writer considers the position of the company and how they should react, looking at both legal and ethical considerations. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
An Internet strategy for Kudler Fine Foods
This 18 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Kudler Fine Foods want to increase their revenues; the paper puts forward a strategic plan to implement and Internet sales strategy. This is considered by first looking at the company and undertaken an environmental scan. Implementation plan includes a work breakdown schedule, and Gantt chart and a budget. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Internet Gerocery Shopping and the Case of Webvan
This 8 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student. The market for the internet shopping services is considered and the needs of the segment are outlined, the cost structure is considered in order to identify areas that may be leveraged in order to support profit creation and the problems that the firm faces in becoming profitable. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Research Issues for Bookworm
This 6 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Bookworms need to undertake some market research to assess the potential for an internet café. The paper looks at what type of information would be needed the way that data can be gathered and considers the best approach to sampling. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
System Upgrade for the XYZ Corporation
A 14 page paper discussing the dilemma in which XYZ Corporation finds itself. Founded in 1985, the company provided contract financial services for larger businesses. With the growth of outsourcing, XYZ finally moved into providing payroll outsource services for other organizations. By 1999, XYZ's mainframe system that was new in 1992 was obsolete and the company's board has charged the CIO with creating a framework for upgrade. Points considered are customer perceptions and satisfaction, costs of upgrade and total costs of ownership, and outsourcing in terms of recurring costs and as an IT management tool. The paper urges XYZ to adopt a policy of long-range planning and consistent annual technology budgets after getting past the current crisis in which XYZ cannot compete with new entrants that have much more modern equipment and software. The paper recommends that XYZ consider using an intranet and Internet PCs to satisfy its preference for central control and "dumb" terminals. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Direct Email Internet Marketing
A 21 page paper discussing the problems and opportunities of direct email marketing. As direct email marketing to consumers still tries to find itself, business-to-business direct Internet marketing is expected to surpass $1 trillion by 2004. Businesses have not had reason to distrust online marketers as individuals have, and the business-to-business component has grown much more rapidly. There is little reason to believe that direct email marketing to consumers could not be just as effective, but the state in which it exists today indicates that the irresponsibility of spammers has created damage from which it will take time to recover. However, responsible direct email can be effective and welcome. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Development in the Lifespan/Preschool & Elderly
An 11 page research study (including an abstract) that consists of a literature review of scholarly research and articles available online through the Internet databases. Through this investigation, the researcher endeavors to contrast and compare early childhood (preschoolers) to senior adults (age 60 or older) in regards to social, cognitive and physical developmental domains. The review encompasses 12 sources, which includes sources for establishing a theoretical base. The researcher analyzes this data in order to reach conclusions about the generations and concludes that while there are, of course, marked differences, the literature supports the study hypothesis that there are numerous common factors across the generations that support the conceptualization of the lifespan as a continuum and not a series of distinct, separate stages. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
eCommerce Content Management
33 pages in length. The ever-changing face of global e-commerce has called for greater efficiency when it comes to content management, a critical component of online retailers that helps maintain unstructured information found on any given Web site. This information exists in many digital forms, not the least of which include text documents, engineering drawings, XML, still images, audio/video files and many other types/formats. Modification is a primary consideration when addressing issues of content management, given the constant modification required for maintaining a current cyberlocation. This ability to constantly modify a Web site's content also carries with it a tremendous responsibility for doing so properly in relation to easy reorganization and updating. The reason why content management has become such a critical component to the success of e-commerce sites is, as Ko et al (2002) note, is because Internet/Web users are becoming more savvy with so many emerging resources. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Role of Nurse Educator
An 8 page research paper that addresses the field of nursing education. Nursing education is a dynamic field that has been challenged in recent years by the issues entailed in the national nursing shortage, as well as the related faculty shortage, while also addressing the innovations presented in increasingly sophisticated technologies (Nurse educator, 2008). This discussion of the nurse educator role looks at various issues associated with this pivotal cog in the nation's healthcare system and the responsibilities involved in being a nurse educator. The final 2 pages on the paper offer an appendix that identifies 5 Internet sites related to nurse educators and discusses these sites. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Connection Between Youth Culture and Pop Music
A fourteen page paper which looks at the relationship between youth culture and the development of music genres, and the way in which the development of particular genres is related to such elements as socio-economic issues and generational influences, especially with regard to the wider dissemination of information now available via the Internet.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Third Party Computers and Denial of Service Attack
This 3 page argumentative paper considers a position where a company suffers a denial of service attack (DDOS) and considers if there is any potential culpability if a third party was used as a zombie to carry put the attack. The paper argues the case concerning tort law and the ethical considerations. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Restraint Uses in Psychiatric Nursing
A 4 page research paper that contrasts and compares position papers from the Internet sites of two psychiatric nursing organizations. The International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses (ISPN) and the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) both have position paper posted regarding the use of seclusion and restraint on psychiatric patients. The positions of these organizations are extremely similar. They both, for example, approve of the use of seclusion and restraint only as a last resort. However, there are also differences between the two documents. Examination of the two official position papers reveals that the APNA document is more informative and more precise, while assuming what is basically the same position as the ISPN on this topic. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Branding of a New Range of Refrigeration Products
This 10 page paper considers the way in which a new product may be considered in terms of branding strategy. The example of a new range of refrigeration units for the home, car and caravan are considered. The paper outlines the way in which a branding strategy may be considered, including the name and design of the logo, as well as the psychology behind the brand and the way that it may be utilized in Internet marketing. The last of the paper considers the way in which the brand may be managed in an international environment. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Content Regulations in Canada
A 6 page research paper that discusses Canadian regulations that govern music content over radio. For over thirty years, the Canadian government has required that a certain percentage of the music broadcast within the country should be of Canadian origin. This has proven to be a boon to the Canadian recording industry and Canadian artists. However, as these regulations were instituted prior to the development of the Internet, MP3s, satellite radio, etc., the question arises as to whether or not these regulations can continue to be relevant in the contemporary technologically oriented age. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Crimes Committed by Computers
12 pages in length. That hacking was present in the phone system over one hundred years ago speaks to a problem that has experienced a slow but steady evolution. The 1960s, however, is where the timeline of contemporary hacking gets its start, continuing on into the 1970s with John Draper – aka Captain Crunch – hacking the phone company by mimicking the tone that opens a line. By the 1980s, hacking had become much more sophisticated as a vast new entity called 'cyberspace' was introduced to the world. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Frustrating Technology and Distance Learning
5 pages in length. There was a time when students had to rely upon the traditional - and archaic - educational methods of attending class, abiding by the pre-established schedules of instructors, following a curriculum upon which they had little time to focus, as well as rearranging their lives to accommodate their schooling. This is no longer the case with the advent of telecommunications technology in the classroom -- the classroom being the privacy of the student's own home. Indeed, it is impossible to overlook the many benefits inherent to such programs as distance learning, video conferencing, interactive multimedia, knowledge-based systems and the Internet as they relate to education. Contemporary students have been given an opportunity unlike any who have studied before them: the chance to mold their educational needs to fit their individual lifestyles. However, along with the good comes the not-so-good in terms of technological frustrations that impede upon their progress. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Peapod Case Study
This 4 page paper examines the case of a supermarket in the US using e-commerce to sell groceries. The paper answers three questions. The first considers why the supermarket has been so successful in its’ internet shopping venture. The second part of the paper looks at the challenges the company may face in the future. The last part of the paper discusses whether the same model would be useful if the company wanted to start up in the UAE and/or GCC. The paper focuses on the supply chain issues.
Assessing School Web Sites; A Reseach Proposal
Schools are now using the internet and web pages, not only as a learning tool or teaching aid, but to communicate with stakeholders such as parents. This 18 page paper is a reseach proposal to look at how schools are using their web pages so communicate in terms of marketing communication and communicating with stakeholders. The paper presents an introduction along with aims and objectives, the limitations and the justification of the study. A literature review and a methodological approach is also presented. The proposal is based on researching secondary schools in the UK. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Computer System and Development Government Agency Fiasco
This 3-page paper describes a case study involving a government agency that spent $1 million on a systems development project that never ended up being used. The paper discusses how the agency and contractor could have handled things differently, and whether, based on the case, government agencies shouldn't have custom software written for them. Bibliography list 1 source.
Exploring Decision Support System Usage in ECommerce Research Proposal
This 27 page paper is a research Proposal to Explore the Use of Decision Support System in E-Commerce and includes a literature review. The use of both E-commerce has increased tremendously over the last decade. E-commerce is usually seen as sales over the internet but actually incorporates any transactions over an electronic medium. This is usually seen as an advantage. This paper considers how the use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) may help a business to enhance their e-commerce strategy and align strategies so that the efficiency is increased and results in a better profit. Many companies, such as Air Canada and FedEx already use DSS to great advantage increasing the efficiency through management of their resources. These are systems designed espially for those companies, but DSS are also available over the counter for smaller companies. The paper then shows how, with the use of a qualitative case study, following an extensive literature review the student can undertake primary research to identify the option model for the use of DSS is any given industry. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Information and Knowledge in the Age of Cyberspace
6 pages in length. Knowledge and information have become synonymous in the cybernetic age, but not necessarily to the benefit of understanding. The power of this statement illustrates that while technology might improve man's progress in some areas, it also fails to do so in a holistic manner. The global community is bombarded with information from myriad sources unlike any other time in history, which would lead one to presume this generation to be more knowledgeable than their parents or grandparents. This is, indeed, a logical deduction to make considering this age group was quite literally brought up in the midst of the technological revolution. However, the barrage of information today's younger generation receives on a daily basis via the Internet, television, radio, newspapers and magazines serves more to clog the assimilation into understanding than to allow for it. In short, the information is dispensed but the receivers have not been adequately taught how to decipher and retain what is important. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Cybercafe Gaming
A 6 page paper discussing a popular trend. The game-specialist cybercafé in Hong Kong as in any other country offers patrons a wide variety of activities they can pursue. It provides a setting like no other that can be found by any other means. Individuals can be and remain anonymous online while taking part in solitary activities in a social setting. Alternatively, they can choose to meet those who they discover through their online gaming entertainment. The atmosphere of the game-specialist cybercafé in Hong Kong broadens the options available to game players who use the Internet. Some are so compatible that they choose to make their partnerships more permanent. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Computer-Based Instruction/Effect on Reading Achievement
A 33 page research paper that offers a review of literature addressing this topic. The following study surveys a broad-selection of scholarly literature pertaining to the effect that CBI has on increasing reading achievement. Using Internet resources and database, the researcher located articles describing empirical research studies with CBI and also articles summarizing and discussing CBI in regards to reading. These articles are summarized in an extensive literature review and then summarized and analyzed as to content and the resulting implications. Results from this investigation were mixed, but, on the whole, they support the contention that CBI does increase student reading achievement. However, the researcher also discusses literature that disagrees with this assessment and what this suggests as to future ramifications. Paper includes 1 page abstract and a 2 page table of contents. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
Post 911 Laws
A 10 page paper. Americans have enjoyed a degree of freedom few, if any, other countries enjoy. Yet, it was that freedom that was at least partially responsible for the horrific events of September 11, 2001. In wake of the Attack on America, new laws have been passed that give far more freedom to different government agencies to monitor communications. The new laws cover the Internet, as well as all other telecommunication technology. This paper discusses these new laws and the need for them. It also discusses the need to balance national security with individual privacy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Contract Law Case and the Internet
This well written 16 page paper considers the following case; Jez, subscribes to an Internet magazine site. After paying his subscription fee, he is required to agree to the terms of use Jez does read them, but and proceeds to click on The “I agree to the terms of use”. Rob, a work colleague, discovers Jez's username and accesses the site without Jez's permission. Rob spams members of the chat room advertising his services as a freelance artist. The magazine wish to end the contract, the users of the chat room are not happy and he employers are also unhappy. The paper advises Jez, Rob, the magazine, the chat room users and the employers. The paper then considers a second issue where a company with a similar name wish to set up a domain and take action against the magazine company who have a very similar domain name. The case is written with reference to English law and cases are cited throughout. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Charter One Bank's and Bank of America's Online Banking
An 8 page paper discussing the state of ecommerce at these two banks. The key factors for success is continued assurance to customers that their transactions and their personal information remain secure, and that the banks keep their online banking services – including bill payment – free of charge to the customer. The value to the end user is only now beginning to be realized by that end user. As more people become familiar with the increase in personal productivity that online banking services can provide, both banks can expect greater activity at their Internet banking sites. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Computer Science's Shifting Paradigm
A 9 page paper discussing how the information age and particularly the Internet has changed the role of the salesperson and addressing whether sales is still a viable career choice, both now and in the future. Automation has changed the duties of the sales force, but it certainly has not diminished its importance to the company. Rather, it has augmented and elevated the role of the salesman to that more fitting "consultant," bringing to it an even greater degree if professionalism. Not only does sales remain a viable career in the electronics age, it offers even greater personal satisfaction than in the past. It is still a noble - and profitable - career choice. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
WWW Shopping
7 pages in length. Shopping has never been so fast and convenient as it is via the World Wide Web. Not only are people able to research large purchases such as televisions and furniture before making the commitment, but they are also afforded the luxury of buying groceries, personal items, gifts and a whole host of other commodities right from the comfort of their homes or offices. Indeed, the extent to which Internet shopping has increased consumer spending is something analysts have been tracking for the past several years, noting that the upward trend is clearly indicative of a convenience-driven society. However, anything so seemingly perfect must have at least one flaw, and Web shopping is no exception. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Internet, Security, and Financial Institutions
A six page paper which considers some of the problems faced by financial institutions and large corporations in terms of the security issues surrounding Internet communication and transactions, and some of the ways in which these problems are currently being addressed.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Roles of the Computer and E-Commerce in a Video Store
This 23 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at why e-commerce and computerisation is becoming a necessity in business. The potential the internet provides and the disadvantages of not maintaining a presence on the web are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of computerisation are also discussed. These are applied to a video rental business. The second part of the paper considers which cataloguing systems would be best for a video rental store, either providing an online catalogue or only in store reference. This includes flat file and relational databases, looking at the operation and use these systems to determine the best approach for this business. The bibliography cites 30 sources.
Cybercrime, Privacy, and Security
A 14 page paper. Cybercrime is increasing every year. The costs are staggering, as much as hundreds of millions of dollars each year plus the cost to human dignity and morale. The crooks have had more tools to use than our law enforcement agencies and law enforcement has been consistently thwarted in their attempts to gain authority to use the kinds of programs and strategies that could result in capturing the criminals. That changed on September 11. The Attack on America woke up the public and the Congress and resulted in a number of new laws that give expanded authority to specific agencies to "listen" in on the Internet. This essay discusses Cybercrime and then, the issue of security versus privacy. The writer takes the position that more security is worth less privacy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Issues and Challenges in the Carbon Offset Market
This 11 page paper answers five questions about the carbon market. The first question considers whether or not the offsetting market will encourage sufficient measures to prevent the need for multilateral intervention. The second question considers how the Internet may help small to medium-size offset providers in developing countries. The third question discusses the potential impact on the jobs market of a growing carbon market. The fourth question considers what aspect would be important in the business plan for a supplier in a developing country. The last part of the paper considers potential of offsetting to become a moneymaking opportunity in the money markets. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Overview of Nortel Networks
This 6 page paper discusses Nortel Networks, a giant in telephony, data, wireless and wireline solutions for the Internet. Topics discussed include: a critique of Nortel's Web site, their involvement with the Internet, their innovations, including what they call the four pillars of high performance Internet services. Also discussed: the long history of the company, acquisitions, partnerships, and overview of fiscal data for the last three years, and activities in which they are involved. Bibliography lists 10 sources. 1 table is included.
Internet History and General Information
This 5-page paper provides an overview of the history of the Internet, as well as dial-up, satellite, cable modem and DSL Internet connections. Also included are discussions about Internet 2.
Websites on Black History and Information Verification
A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares sites on black history. An Internet site entitled "History Notes" lists numerous articles by Runoko Rashidi. Two of these articles were selected for comparison with other Internet sites for verification of information and to discern if contradictions exist between the articles selected and other Internet sources. The two articles chosen were "Ancient Africa and Early Rome" and "The Moors in Europe." Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Advertising and the Internet
An 8 page overview of the world transition toward Internet-based advertising. This paper emphasizes the low cost and tremendous effectiveness of the media in capitalizing on the public’s growing tendency to turn to the Internet to research their buying interests. The author emphasizes as well, however, that despite the technological distinction of the Internet, many of the same marketing ploys are necessitated in this new medium as were necessitated by more traditional advertising campaigns. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Websites on Black History and Information Verification
A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares sites on black history. An Internet site entitled "History Notes" lists numerous articles by Runoko Rashidi. Two of these articles were selected for comparison with other Internet sites for verification of information and to discern if contradictions exist between the articles selected and other Internet sources. The two articles chosen were "Ancient Africa and Early Rome" and "The Moors in Europe." Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Encouraging the Development of the Internet in Developing Nations
A 16 page paper arguing that developing nations should encourage the development of the Internet and the necessary infrastructure within their borders. Whether the government should be directly involved is arguable, but the fact that the economy needs the benefits of the Internet is not. The Internet has become nearly as crucial for business operation as has the telephone, and other nations such as Singapore demonstrate that it is business activity and the resulting economic growth that lifts developing nations' peoples out of abject poverty. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
China, Singapore, and New Media and Internet Technology Uses
This 12 page paper evaluates new media and the use of the Internet in both China and Singapore. Does the government use the Internet for control or do the people use the Internet to try to avert government control? Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Elementary School Mathematics, Science, and the Internet
A 9 page literature review that addresses the use of the Internet in teaching math and science in the elementary classroom. Elementary school teachers today are confronted not only with the sometimes daunting task of instructing a diverse student population in the intricacies of science and mathematics, but they are also frequently required to incorporate new technology into their pedagogy as they do so, such as the Internet. This review of relevant literature on this topic examines several questions. First of all, it asks if use of the Internet helps or hinders the instruction of elementary student in regards to studying science and math, or is it simply one more item to be addressed in an overworked teacher's busy agenda? Assuming that the use of the Internet facilitates educational goals for elementary schoolchildren studying math and science, what are the best pedagogical practices in regards to Internet instruction? Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Dell Computer's Corporate History
5 pages in length. The year 1984 marked the beginning for the country's largest direct seller of personal computers. Michael Dell first began constructing his company from his dorm room at the University of Texas-Austin, often taking drastic measures -- such as hiding his computers in the bathtub -- to make sure that no one suspected his sideline. The business that emanated from this dorm room eventually became known as Dell Computer Corporation in May of 1984. The writer chronicles the growth and development of Dell Computer Corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Dell Computer's Corporate History
5 pages in length. The year 1984 marked the beginning for the country's largest direct seller of personal computers. Michael Dell first began constructing his company from his dorm room at the University of Texas-Austin, often taking drastic measures -- such as hiding his computers in the bathtub -- to make sure that no one suspected his sideline. The business that emanated from this dorm room eventually became known as Dell Computer Corporation in May of 1984. The writer chronicles the growth and development of Dell Computer Corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Portable Printer Marketing and Business Plan
A 5 page paper providing a mission statement, SWOT analysis, business and marketing plan for the PalmPrint, a truly portable printer designed for use with handheld computers. The PalmPrint represents the next generation of miniaturization of computer peripherals. It will appeal to the “gadget conscious” for early sales; it will appeal to serious users for sustainable growth and development because of the value it offers the user. The new generation of handheld computers elevates the class from PDA to true computer when adding a folding keyboard; addition of the PalmPrint completes the set. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Positive and Negative Aspects of Computers
5 pages in length. Computers have become a significant part of life. There is no denying that their very presence has drastically altered humanity's existence since the mid to late 1940s. Through a number of developments, computers have not only become integral components of virtually every aspect of a person's life, but they have also been successfully assimilated into homes all across America for personal and business use. There is practically nothing that computers do not influence in one manner or another, which has caused society to render itself dependent upon its constant application. The writer discusses negative and positive impact regarding computers since 1945. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Overview of Network Security
In 10 pages, the author discusses computer network security. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
This 4-page paper discusses the aspect of computer and network security and how much security is too much. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Computer Security Issues
This 4 page paper discusses computer security in four areas: auditing and monitoring; cryptosecurity; transmission security; and TEMPEST. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Software Programs for Qualitative Research
A 3 page paper that reports and discusses three computer software applications for conducting qualitative research. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Don't Bother Me, Mom, I'm Learning by Marc Prensky
This 3 page paper briefly reviews Marc Prensky's book about using computer games to help young people learn. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Maintenance of Computers
In 5 pages, the author discusses the topic of computer maintenance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Comparative Analysis of Biological and Computer Viruses
A 6 page overview contrasting and comparing biological viruses and computer viruses. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Overview of a Wall Street Journal Marketing Article
1 page in length. The writer talks briefly about Internet marketing. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Small Business and the WWW
This 5 page report examines the opportunities available to small business through maintaining a website and marketing via the Internet. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Internet, Small Business, and Export Information
A 5 page paper discussing some of the Internet-based services and information available to small business. Several years ago, there was great hope for the possibilities of direct Internet commerce, success in direct sales over the Internet has been elusive for most not involved with business-to-business transactions. Direct and international e-commerce is growing, and the Internet provides a wealth of information applicable to more standard methods of achieving 'international' status. It should be considered an integral part of establishing and maintaining relationships with foreign distributors and retailers. The paper discusses some of the specific sites offering export information to small business, such as that of Assist International. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Internet Access, Usage, and National Censorship
A 14 page paper discussing those nations and conditions in which Internet access is limited through censorship, with emphasis on the necessity of totalitarian governments to prevent their people from having too-great exposure to the practices and ideals of democracy that they could discover through unrestricted Internet access. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) continue to fight for an end to censorship on the Internet, but it remains unlikely that the worst offenders will change their collective stance when lack of control of the Internet within their countries equates to lack of control over citizens of the nations. The paper specifically discusses China, Cuba and Singapore. Though the governments have different motivations, the resulting censorship is much the same between them. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
The Dangers of Internet Gambling
A 3 page paper which illustrates the dangers of internet gambling with an argument it should be illegal. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 12-page paper provides an essay about the band Radiohead and how the Internet has changed the recording industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
New Perspective Through Cyberspace
A 4 page paper which examines how cyberspace, the internet, is creating a different kind of society with new perspectives. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Literature Review on Uninhibited Internet Effects and Safeguards
This 5 page paper explores several topics related to internet censorship and social theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Personal Jurisdiction Issues and Internet Business Websites
This 6 page paper discusses the personal jurisdiction problems involved with business on the internet. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
This 10-page paper is about eBay and its Internet security efforts. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
This 5-page paper focuses on how to prevent humans from compromising Internet security. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Internet Technology and Society
This 8-page paper focuses on a pro/con essay as to whether Internet technology is more beneficial or dangerous to society.
This 3-page paper answers questions about Internet trademark infringement and tort liability as it pertains to fictitious company Bug Inc. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Bermuda Triangle and its 'Mystery'
This 5 page paper debunks the mystery of the Bermunda Triangle and takes to task the misinformation which is prevalent on the internet.Bibliography lists 5 sources.
China and Internet Negotiations for the 2008 Olympics
A 3 page look at China’s negotiations for limited Internet during the 2008 Olympics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Rise of the Internet in Kenya
This 3 page paper examines the rise of the Internet in Kenya. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
This 10-page paper discusses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), some history, current usage and predictions. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Essay Questions on Voice Over Internet Protocol Answered
This 4-page paper offers answers to essay questions in areas of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
This 4-page paper presents data on Internet usage in Singapore. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Corporate v Personal Rights on the Internet
This 5 page paper discusses the rights of individuals vs. corporate rights on internet privacy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Literature Review on Uninhibited Internet Effects and Safeguards
This 5 page paper explores several topics related to internet censorship and social theories. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
United Kingdom and Computer Crime
This 8 page paper considers the current levels of computer crime in the UK and asks the question "is there sufficient legislation to combat computer crime or is there still a need for more?". The writer considers the barrier to combating this type of crime with some surprising results. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Computer Equipment Confiscation for Crime Investigation and an August 1999 Article in the Cyber Law Journal of the New York Times
This 5 page report discusses an article in the “Cyber Law Journal” (8-27-99) dealing with the problems associated with confiscating computer equipment when a crime using that computer is suspected. The article points out that investigators almost always have the upper hand when they confiscate private property, yet such officials rarely have the time, resources, or expertise to perform a “forensic analysis” on the impounded machines. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Buying a Laptop
This 5 page paper considers the process of buying a laptop computer with the use of a needs analysis. The example used in s laptop computer for family use. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Cluster Computing and Supercomputers
This 8 page paper considers the way both super computers and cluster computers can be used, looking at what they are and how they operate. The paper then considers four well known companies; Wal-Mart, GE, Nedcor and Boeing, and assess which type of system would best suit each company, giving an explanation for each. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
The Technological Evolution of Computers
A 10 page outline of the changes which have overtaken the computer industry since the invention of the first analog computer. This paper concentrates on changes in storage mediums such as tape drives, floppy disks, and CDs as well as changes in CPU technology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Computer Networking and How It Evolved
A 3 page paper that defines the term "computer networking" and examines how the process of networking has changed and evolved over the past half century. Included are brief discussions of the two most common types of computer networking, local area networking, or LAN, and wide area networking, or WAN. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Medical Imaging and Neural Networking
A 5 page assertion that networking is opening vast avenues for increased efficiency and accuracy in the analysis of medical imaging. Traditional methods of data analysis in such applications and medicine relied solely on the visual inspection of that data by experts. Neural networking complements this inspection with detailed computer analysis utilizing complex computer algorithms. The technique has proven invaluable in a number of diverse medical arenas. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Disaster Recovery Planning
This 5 page paper considers how a company can plan to protect its’ computers against a range of potential disasters, including extended power outages, fire, flood, blizzard and computer shutdown due to hackers or a virus. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
3D Computer Graphics and Film Special Effects
A 7 page research paper that argues that the computer-generated special effects and 3D animation of today is a definitive improvement over filmmaking of just a decade ago. This examination of computer graphics in film shows that this new and rapidly advancing field represents a giant-leap forward for cinema, both in the quality of the image and in safety. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Computer Equipment Confiscation for Crime Investigation and an August 1999 Article in the Cyber Law Journal of the New York Times
This 5 page report discusses an article in the “Cyber Law Journal” (8-27-99) dealing with the problems associated with confiscating computer equipment when a crime using that computer is suspected. The article points out that investigators almost always have the upper hand when they confiscate private property, yet such officials rarely have the time, resources, or expertise to perform a “forensic analysis” on the impounded machines. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Children and Computer Introduction
4 pages in length. Had this question been asked a mere two decades ago, the consensus would have likely been that a child's introduction to computers was not warranted until well after elementary school when their perceived readiness for such technological integration was well established. However, experts in academia and child psychology alike have come to realize the cognitive, dexterous and overall developmental value of a child's early introduction to computers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
CPA Company's Computer Software Upgrading
A 5 page paper discussing the hardware requirements for and advantages of upgrading an Erie, Pennsylvania CPA firm to Pentium III computers running Peachtree™ accounting software. The firm is an older one that still maintains many manual systems but also uses some limited bookkeeping and tax programs. The paper recommends an Ethernet LAN, zip drives for each computer, daily backup to a remote site for disaster recovery purposes and writable CD/ROMs for use by accountants in customizing record-keeping templates for client companies. No sources.
Can Computers Lie?
A 10 page paper that postulates that under modern technology, a computer cannot tell a lie. The writer uses intelligent references and humor to explain why today's computer cannot lie because it cannot yet "think"--using an analogy to Descartes' "I think, therefore I am." To prove the technological thesis, the paper discusses thoughts about the human brain, digital "thinking," digital v. neural nets, and how SW programs are helping humans think in their creative endeavors. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Year 2000 Computer Crisis
This 5 page paper discusses the year 2000 computer crisis. The problem as already resulted in computer shut-downs when merchants attempt to scan a credit card with an expiry date of 2000 or beyond. The problem is real and can result in possible mayhem. Why it is a problem and the possible repercussions are discussed from economical, safety, and everyday life perspectives. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Adaptable Intellegence User Interfaces and Human Computer Communications
A 10 page paper that defines and examines adaptable intelligent user interfaces developed through computer technology and how these interfaces are used in human computer communications. The first generation of these interfaces and how they were implemented is discussed as well as future visions for the next generation of interfaces. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Saudi Arabia and Apple Computers
Apple and Saudi Arabia: Time To Move: A five-page analysis of how a U.S. company, in this case Apple Computer, Inc., should go about entering a new market in a foreign country, i.e., Saudi Arabia. Included are economic, cultural and political climate in Saudi Arabia and the history and financial condition of Apple Computer. Cites four sources.
Working from Home and Internet Technologies
This 5 page report discusses the different type of residential connections available for Internet use for the at-home worker. The example used is that of a research company specializing in online information, whose workers need a fast and dependable connection to the Internet in order to do their work. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Internet Use by Employees
This 10 page paper presents a comprehensive literature review. This objective study highlights the way in which employees utilize the Internet at their places of employment as well as noting the problems such activities may cause. Employer liability is a significant concern. Other issues addressed include the way in which Internet use can lead to a hostile work environment, loss of productive time and other problems. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
An E-Commerce Marketing Plan
A 10 page paper. No one can doubt that e-commerce is here to stay; it grows exponentially each year. Companies, whether product or service, that do not have an Internet presence will lose business to those companies that do have an Internet presence. This paper presents a marketing plan for a chiropractic consortium. Topics include: description of the business; competition; e-commerce; designing a web page; and salesmanship on the web. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Corruption of Business Through the Computer Security Endangerment of Internet Hacking
6 pages in length. With the advent of Internet technology came the challenge to hack into sensitive personal and business information; as the Internet has advanced in sophistication, so have the hackers' ability to do even more damage. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A 7 page research paper that examines the new technology of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). The writer discusses what it is, how it works, and how it will affect the future of the Internet and telecommunications. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
L.L. Bean and Call Center Issues
An 11 page paper discussing the advantages to information management of the computer-telephone integrated call center, including the implications brought by Internet protocol (IP) telephony. The customer-focused, automated call center provides a broad solution to many business dilemmas. It provides enhanced customer service that is automated and managed yet appears highly personal to the customer, and it can increase the company's competitive advantage with its customers. Information is tailored to the needs of the business, summarized for analysis and centralized for access. Per-seat call center costs have decreased so that its advantages are available to many more companies now than in the past. With L.L. Bean's commitment to superlative customer service and treating "customers like human beings," the call center provides solution for many of the issues facing L.L. Bean in the current climate of intense retail competition and the need for current and reliable information management. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Resources on the Internet and its Applications
This 10 page report discusses a broad range of reference information that relates to the Internet and its various applications. Numerous citations are include with brief pieces of information written to provide a more comprehensive, yet condensed, overview of the Internet. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Dell Computer Inc. and Strategic Choice
A 15 page paper discussing some of the choices and opportunities open to Dell Computer. The world's second-largest manufacturer of PCs, the company builds each to order and keeps no finished inventory in stock. Internet sales account for $14 million daily, nearly all of which is business-to-business. Dell is now set to pursue the home PC market; the paper discusses strategies that could best achieve success. Now shipping PCs with Windows as well as Linux operating systems, Dell has the ability to be useful to all levels of users. Includes an organizational chart. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Critique of "Computers in Clinical Assessment: Historical Developments, Present Status, and Future Challenges"
A 3 page paper critique of a paper appearing in the Journal of Clinical Psychology discussing various types of assessment that have used the Internet as the medium. The authors suggest that the single most inhibiting factor preventing more widespread use of Internet-based testing is that of copyright and other intellectual property restrictions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Need for Hard-Back Books
A 3 page essay that discusses why hard-back books are better than reading books online. Reading a book is not the same as reading text on a computer screen. This is true for several reasons. First of all, there is the immediacy of hard-back book, as everything the reader needs is there, at the fingertips. There is also the factor of portability, that is, not everyone has a laptop or a book reader. Also, there is the problem of copyright and issues pertaining to access, which seem likely to continue to constitute obstacles to Internet access to recent books. Taking these points individually, the value of hard-back books is self-evident. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Introduction To IT Questions
This 14 page paper is written in 3 parts. The first part of the paper defines a number of terms associated with the internet, word processing, spreadsheets and databases. The second part of the paper identifies a number of books, CD's and DVD's that would be useful to a business studies student and calculates costs for bulk purchase. The third part of the paper presents PowerPoint slides outlines the background and use of the internet. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
History of the Arpanet
5 pages in length. Reviews the history of the Arpanet from its beginnings, the problems it has faced and the innovation it has wrought as a forerunner to the Internet. The myth surrounding the Arpanet is that it was devised as a means to survive a nuclear war. While this is certainly interesting, the truth is that the Arpanet was commissioned by the Department of Defense in 1969. The true purpose of the Arpanet was to save money by linking the computers of scientists and researchers. The writer explains in this well-written paper details regarding the Arpanet. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Resources on the Internet and its Applications
This 10 page report discusses a broad range of reference information that relates to the Internet and its various applications. Numerous citations are include with brief pieces of information written to provide a more comprehensive, yet condensed, overview of the Internet. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
The Internet Law of Australia
A 4 page overview of recent attempts at regulating Internet content in Australia. These actions have occurred in the face of laws which have been on the books since 1982 insuring Australians freedom of information. Australia’s solution to this contradiction has been to amend the Freedom of Information Act itself. The author contends that Australia’s attempts at censoring the Internet are the equivalent of fighting a windmill and suggests that many stand ready to fight for the rights originally granted by Australia’s Freedom of Information Act. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Health People 2010: Low-Income, Low Literate, Diabetic New Yorkers
5 pages in length. Statistics clearly illustrate the challenges low-income diabetic New Yorkers have in the ongoing quest to access the Internet to reach the plethora of helpful information pertaining to their disease. For example, seventy-seven percent with income of $15,000 or less have no computer, which equates to eighty-one percent unable to access from their homes (Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, 2007). While these findings provide valuable information pertaining to how this works against their health, it is important to note that a number of programs are being implemented in order to fix the problem. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Pros and Cons of Internet Grocery Retailers
This 14 page paper considers the advantages and disadvantages of selling groceries on the Internet. Written in two parts the first part considers the advantages and disadvantages for both the supermarkets and the customers. The second part considers the profile of customers in Hong Kong supermarkets and how they may or may not be suited to shopping on the internet. The primary research was conducted by the student.
New Media Technologies and Their Cultural Implications
A 10 page paper discussing producer control of individuals’ use of digital information; the “digital divide” in Internet access; and cultural implications of Internet content. There are cultural implications of access, of course, but there are additional considerations of the cultural differences in which content can be perceived. The bottom line is that the developer needs to be aware of these disparities in perceptions, and speak to all possible – or profitable – aspects. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Pure Play Internet Banks; Can they Create Value?
This 30 page paper considers whether or not pure play internet banks are able to create value. The paper starts with an in-depth literature review considering how internet banks may create value and the challenges they face along with the limited existing research. The paper then presents a methodology and some fictitious results to a survey of customers using the UK bank First Direct to assess the value the bank creates. The bibliography cites 23 sources.
The Deleterious Effects of Computer Gambling
This 5 page paper addresses this compelling issue. Gambling addiction is only one reason considered to support a thesis opposing Internet gaming. The paper concludes that Internet gambling sets people up to lose money and should be illegal in all states. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Dell Computer Pop Up Ad Design
In this 12 page paper, the writer was asked to focus on Dell using a pop-up ad on the Internet. The writer begins by describing the intrusiveness of pop-up ads. This theme carries through the paper. The essay includes the objectives of the ad, expected results, costs of Internet advertising, where to place the ad, checking results and adjusting the ad and several other issues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Internet Censorship of Dangerous Information
This 5 page report makes the argument that censorship of dangerous information on the Internet is an important consideration in preventing both domestic and foreign terrorist attacks. In particular, information regarding how to make a bomb is both harmful and dangerous and should be censored from the Internet. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Internet Privacy and Safety
In 12 pages, the author discusses the security and privacy issues related to the Internet. A trail of information about that person is left everywhere he/she travels on the information super highway. There are security and privacy issues related to how private information is being stored and collected. A person is able to safeguard his/her privacy on the Internet, however, if he/she understands what is going on. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Analysis of the Internet's Past, Present, and Future
This 21-page paper is a thorough analysis of teh Internet, exploring the medium from its early days to the present, and even venturing some opinions about the future of the Internet. Topics under discussion include security issues, advertising and sales, privacy and technology. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Nanotechnology: Role In Speeding Up Computers
10 pages in length. The yearly trek to upgrade outmoded electronic devices that have barely been paid off from the previous year has indeed become a tradition; with the ever-progressing nature of technological breakthrough, a computer that had all the new bells and whistles for 2007 can hardly draw one-quarter of its original sales price in 2009 when being sold on eBay. This never-ending cycle whereby perfectly good - if only a tad bit slow - computers are being tossed into the closet to make room for speedier versions of themselves has become somewhat of an obsession with the IT manufacturing industry and all those who eagerly wait to scoop the next version of electronic velocity. However, the time is nearing where such a huge step in the arena of computer speed - nanotechnology - is about to be realized that may well extinguish the need for inevitable annual upgrade. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Agriculture and Global Positioning System
The age of computers has brought with it many innovations. One area that has been greatly impacted by the rise in technological ability has been agriculture. The 'simple life' of the farm has been irrevocably changed by the advent of computer based renovations. 'Precision agriculture' is the term coined to represent the new era in farming techniques. Through the use of the global positioning system, GPS, computer age farmers are able to pinpoint the position of equipment and to analyze the soil content and product potential. This 5 page paper examines the benefit of GPS to the farming community. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Automotive Manufacturing and Computer Technology
A 6 page research paper discussing the historical impact of computer technology on automobile manufacturing. The paper gives a brief history of manufacturing technology within the automobile industry, then presents the process of the introduction of computer technology and finally discusses the overall present impact computer technology has on
automobile manufacturing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Tamas Waliczky's Digitalized Wide Angle Photography
A 5 page paper that explores the methods and effects of the interactive computer digital photography of Hungarian-born photographer Tamas Waliczky. Works discussed include "Focus", "Landscape", "Sculptures", "The Garden", "The Forest" and "The Way". Bibliography lists 4 sources.
India, Computers, and Girls
6 pages in length. The writer discusses the inherent obstacles that keep Indian girls from attaining the same computer abilities as their male counterparts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Solutions to System Security Issues
11 pages in length. System security has become increasingly more important within the past several years, inasmuch as new and innovative methods have been developed in order to breach well-tested protective measures. That hackers can readily infiltrate any given company's entire computer system with the intent to destroy data is more than enough reason to augment security measures. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Societal Impact of Technology
This 5 page paper looks at how technology has changed daily life. Changes throughout the centuries are compared with the immense changes that occurred during the twentieth. Advances in computer technology and biotechnology are emphasized. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Video Visualization and Browsing Programs
This 12 page factual paper considers the place in computer technology for video visualisation and browsing programmes and their use. Different types of programmes and systems are explained. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Digital Era and the Certified Public Accountant's Role
This 7 page paper looks at the changing role of the certified public accountant in light of new technology. The need for the CPA to upgrade computer systems is emphasized. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Business Strategy of America Online
A 5-page paper that analyzes the corporate structure and strategy of America Online, the world’s largest and most successful Internet service provider. Included is a brief history of the company’s origins, along with the ideals envisioned for the company by Steve Case, founder and CEO. Examined are the marketing strategies and corporate restructures America Online has initiated throughout the 1990s in order to keep up with a rapidly expanding and fiercely competitive market. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
3 Important Events, Idealism, and Realism
6 pages in length. The writer discusses three major events of the past five years -- environmental degradation, Internet business and Y2K -- in relation to idealism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Competition of Borders Bookstores and Barnes and Noble
A 20 page paper comparing two of America's largest retailers of books. Barnes & Noble and Borders have appeared to be similar for much of the life of Borders; Barnes & Noble was founded in the previous century and is much older. Neither appears to be giving enough attention to the issues of the late 1990s that are so critical to success. Specifically, each is deficient in its Internet presence though for different reasons, and each could make improvements in business practice that seems to target small booksellers rather than the companies' own customers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Overview of GTE
This 10 page report discusses GTE, one of the world's largest telecommunications companies. In the United States, GTE provides local service in 28 states and wireless service in 17 states; nationwide long-distance and internetworking services ranging from dial-up Internet access for residential and small-business consumers to Web-based applications. Outside the United States, the company serves more than 7 million telecommunications customers. Current merger issues with Bell Atlantic are also discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Antisocial Behavior and Chatting on the Internet
5 pages in length. The writer composes a multi-question survey as a means by which to determine whether or not Internet chatting is responsible for antisocial behavior. The paper includes survey instructions, thirty-two questions varying from moderate to direct, as well as a reiteration of the original research objective. No sources used.
Results of Antisocial Survey and Internet Chatting
5 pages in length. The writer presents the following for review of the antisocial aspects of Internet chatting: letter of transmittal, executive summary of study, introduction, results and copy of the original survey. No bibliography.
Addiction to the Internet
This 8 page paper describes and explores the subject of Internet addiction. Several areas are discussed including cases concerning child neglect and infidelity. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Marketing Case Study of Yahoo!
A 7 page paper that outlines the development and marketing strategies of Yahoo! Inc., the company developed around the Internet search engine. Though this company is only 2 years old, the projections that can be determined by current figures demonstrate the wise management and development practices of the company and the complexity of new products currently being marketed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Global Internet Business Opportunities and Challenges
A 5 page essay discussing the challenges and opportunities that await a business when it decides to go global on the Internet. Bibliography lists six sources.
Telecommunications, Technology, and Law
A 6 page paper discussing some of the ways that technology drives law within telecommunications. As technologies continue to converge, the need for new laws with different perspectives emerges. The paper discusses Internet privacy, wireless formats and cable involvement in the industry. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Privacy Concerns and Information System Usage
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of individual use of information systems. In particular, a manager's perspective is taken on matters such an internet usage and email monitoring. Bibliography lists 0 sources.
India's Internet Services Industry
This 4-page paper analyzes the current status of web-related services and Internet use in India and then determines if investment in this area would be high-risk Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Top2Bottom Snowboards Case Study 1
7 pages in length. The writer discusses e-commerce possibilities with regard to the marketing of snowboards as they relate to Internet goals and objectives, defining markets, web hosting and utilizing existing web sites as pattern to follow. No bibliography.
Overview of Honolulu Annotated Bibliography
This 9 page paper is an annotated bibliography of sources giving information regarding Honolulu and the surrounding area. Sources are drawn from books, journals, magazines and Internet sites covering such things as geography, history, society, politics and culture. The paper lists 22 sources.
Internet Sales Tax Proposal
10 pages. Presents an argument in favor of an Internet sales tax. Includes one graph. Discussion includes options on how to base the sales tax rate, who should collect it and what some repercussions might be. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Origins of Ford Motor Co. and its Current Strategic Development
This 16 page paper considers briefly the origins of Ford and then looks to the 1990s and the strategic way in which it has developed. This includes acquisitions, collaborations, the use of the Internet and the search for a competitive advantage. The paper assesses its current position and make recommendations for the future. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Controlling Workplace Internet Usage Through Planning
This 5 page paper focuses on problems of Internet usage in the workplace. Aside from the problems, a plan is provide that is related to how a company can balance security with privacy issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Legal Issues Involving Internet Usage and Minors
A 5 page research paper that offers an overview of legislation designed to protect minors using the Internet. The writer also discusses the law pertaining to minors and contracts. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Monitoring of Email and Internet Usage and Ethics
A 5 page paper. The extensive use of the Internet and e-mail in the workplace has led to more employers monitoring these activities. Monitoring has been attacked on the grounds that invades privacy but there is an enormous amount of literature that demonstrates the legal foundations for such monitoring. This paper addresses this issue and concludes with a resolution that meets both legal and ethical concerns. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Internet Protocol version 6 or IPv6 is taking over from IPv4. This 4 page paper looks at what it is, what it does and how IPv6 is an improvement on IPv4 functionality and with consideration on the way resources are used. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Downloading Music Legally
A 3 page paper which examines the controversy surrounding downloading music from the Internet, discusses recent court rulings and mandates, and considers how the music industry will benefit from legally downloaded music. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Privacy and the Internet
A 5 page paper which examines how the Internet affects privacy, considers the First Amendment and discusses important information to ensure privacy will be protected. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
ASP Code and Internet Shopping Carts
A 3 page research paper that briefly describes the ASP code behind Internet shopping carts, Security Sockets Layer code, and the logistics of employing PayPal to handle shopping transactions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Arguments Against Internet Censorship
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of internet censorship. The Toulmin model is used to assess the strength of the arguments. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Reallocating Marketing Budgets
A 5 page paper that introduces the topic by commenting on marketing changes when television became popular. The essay comments on Internet marketing and corporate sponsorship of different events with examples. The last part of the paper focuses on sponsorship marketing in Singapore. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 3-page paper provides a marketing plan for McBride Financial Included in the paper is a discussion about Internet marketing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Internet Marketing
This 8 page paper considers how marketing o the internet can take place, The paper begins by considering the market itself, its’ development and future potential of e-commerce. The paper then looks at the opportunities it presents and how it need to market in order to fit in with the purchasing models that are emerging. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Constitutional Rights v. Internet Privacy
A 9 page paper that examines the issues of privacy and freedom of information on the Internet as well as the crimes that have been bred by this privacy and freedom. Discussed are the types of crimes that occur in cyberspace, the attempts the U.S. government has made to deter these crimes, and the opposition these attempts have raised from civil liberty organizations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Mobile Telephone Company and a Decision Support System
This 5 page paper relates the development of an Internet-based Decision Support System (DSS) for a mobile telephone company, which requires an understanding of the methods for the development of this kind of system and the elements that make a “good” online DSS. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Futures and Options on Silver and Yahoo!
This 6 page report discusses the various investment properties, futures, options, and features of silver and the web portal company Yahoo! The world of Internet stocks and investment is often bewildering to the more traditional investment experts, as well as the individual investors. However, attempting to protect investments through a commodity of great 'traditional' value such as silver is not a wise move in the modern marketplace. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Wireless Communication's History
This 5 page paper presents an overview of wireless communication from Marconi to the Internet. Spanning a century, the paper explains how the new technology evolved. Safety is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Internet Gambling Should be Banned
This 3 page argumentative essay looks at gambling and why Internet gambling is particularly disturbing. Gambling addiction is discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
WWW and Down's Syndrome
A 9 page overview of the information which is available on the Internet regarding this genetic-based condition. The author reviews ten consumer-oriented web sites for content and presentation. Includes a table covering the major features of each of the reviewed site. No additional sources are listed.
This 9-page paper suggests steps and methods to technology project plans for a fictitious rehab center's web-based customer service design and Internet banner advertising. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Electronic Media and Direct Marketing
This 13 page considers the following quote “…the power of the web…is as a direct marketing medium par excellence…the web or…email marketing…are simply new media offering new scope for the exercise of direct marketing skills”. The paper looks at the role of direct marketing and how it is undertaken through electronic mediums such as the internet and how it has adapted and changed marketing. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Pros and Cons of E-Commerce for SME's
This 4 Page paper considers the advantages and disadvantages that are presented with the advent of the internet and e-commerce specifically for the small and medium sized enterprise (SME). The paper outlines both the advantages and disadvantages and considers viable solutions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Changes in Higher Education Due to the Internet
This 7 page paper discusses the changes that online education has had on higher learning. It considers the rise of the Internet education; the way in which this type of education has moved away from the liberal arts tradition; and the impact on tenure caused by distance education. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
eCommerce Systems Development Plan
This 25 page paper looks at how a company can plan for the introduction of an e-commerce system. Using an example company that already has a marketing presence on the internet the paper consider how the current resources and future goals of the company should be used to develop a e-commerce strategy and develop a suitable system. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Electronic Payment And Security Subsystems in E-Commerce
15 pages in length. To stand by and allow the competition to overtake one's target market via the Internet is to ignore one of the most impacting components of today's technological revolution. Indeed, the extent to which e-business has influenced the way contemporary commerce reaches an ever-expanding market is both grand and far-reaching. However, there are myriad considerations to make when organizing an online presence to insure the site's integrity and user-friendliness, with issues of security and payment subsystems two of the most important. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Cyber Bullying
3 pages in length. Schoolyard bullies have long made lives miserable for their victims who typically endure unrelenting taunting and physical abuse, a problem administrators and teachers alike continue to address in today's academic environment. Disturbingly, just as education has taken to the Internet, so too has the menacing act of cyber bullying where its presence has been magnified to such a degree that people have actually committed suicide to escape the online harassment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
ARP Protocol Subversion and Network Security
This 9 page report discusses how an intruder can compromise network security by subverting the ARP protocol. The address resolution protocol or "arp" is a protocol used by the "IP" or Internet Protocol to plot the pathways for IP network addresses to the hardware addresses being used by a data link protocol. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Fast Food and E-Commerce
This 10 page paper considers the impact that e-commerce has had on the fast food companies and their financial management. The paper looks at the potential ways e-commerce may be used, such as management of the supply chain, marketing and the use of the internet as a sales medium. The paper uses examples of real companies to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Article Analysis/Evidence-Based Practice
A 9 page article analysis of a research study, Pravikoff, Tanner and Pierce (2005), that was designed to evaluate the knowledge, computer literacy skills and general readiness of American nurses to implement evidence-based nursing practice. The writer summarizes and evaluates each section of the study, concluding with an evaluation of the research's significance to nursing. No additional sources cited.
Essays on Computer Management
This 5-page paper provides a series of questions to be answered dealing with technology and computers. Questions include ethics over selling names to other businesses, competitive advantage and technology, how to configure a system for a small business and advice to an employee who is looking for a promotion
Job Tasks in Accounting and Financial Management
This 15-page paper focuses on tasks and job descriptions of financial managers and accountants, for purposes of putting together a potential "job" that such a person might have in a computer services company. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of Information Security Management
A 10 page paper. In today's electronic world securing information is difficult and complex. There are so many ways in which security can be breached. This essay discusses why it is important for information managers to understand the many ways information can be compromised. The essay provides some specific examples and how to prevent these types of incidents. The writer also discusses the laws that are in place regarding computer abuse. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Computer Music and Its Impact Upon Society
A 5 page research paper that examines how the advent of computerized music has impacted society. The writer focuses on how computers have made musical instruction, performing and composition more available to a wider section of the public. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Year 2000 Crisis and How Y2K Can Be Successfully Managed
A 10 page overview of the predicted computer/communications apocalypse and management techniques. The author concentrates on two areas of concern, date coding and the introduction of viruses based on the millenium and other biases. However, the larger view is taken of 'mainstream' date coding problems, and considers audit cases and costs. Mitigation focuses on internal and global management of the problem. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
English Language Instruction and Computers
This 4 page paper is a dissertation plan to examine how and why computer teaching is able to help students learning English. The paper presents the reasons for the research, the research question, undertakes a brief literature review and states how the research will be useful for others in the future. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Nonprofit Organization Management
An 8 page paper on the importance of studying nonprofit management today. The writer posits that non-profit organizations require many of the same administrative skills that their profitable counterparts do and stresses the influence of funding, financial analysis, computer knowledge, evaluation, etc; Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Merger of CIT and Newcourt Credit and Subsequent Management
A 3 page paper discussing CIT’s acquisition of Newcourt Credit, emphasizing the current management styles at both organizations. CIT is more reserved and methodical in its operations, while Newcourt has a history of seeking innovation in finance. The company acts as the financing arm of Dell Computer and Yamaha Motors, but in a way that the customer never sees. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Gateway Inc. and the Application of Sales Management Principles
An 11 page paper. This essay presents a sales plan for Gateway, Inc., which is the #2 direct marketer of personal computers. Topics include: description of Gateway, Inc, including their vision and philosophy; selected fiscal data; marketing mix (4Cs); competition; fiscal comparison with primary competitor; competitive environment; goals; marketing strategies; sales plan monitoring and controlling; summary and conclusions. 2 tables are included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Compaq Computer's Logistics and Quality Management Tutorial
This 2.5-page tutorial examines quality management and how it can be used as part of an overall corporate strategy program. The tutorial uses as an example Compaq Computer's inbound logistics plan. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Customer Management and the Fictional Sunshine DVD Rental Company
This 4-page paper examines the fictional company SUN SHINE DVD Rental Store and the best computer-based system to help the store better manage customers and inventory. Under discussion are inventory management systems and CRM. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Technological Innovations Between 1930 and 1944
This 6 page paper looks at a range of technological innovations which took place between 1930 and 1944. The paper discusses innovations including the development of photocopier technology, the radio telescope and a computer. The innovations are discussed and patterns underlying technological innovation of this time assessed. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Human Learning and Computer Technology
5 pages in length. There is little question that technology has given considerable advantage to reading skills at the school grade level, not only serving to improve present learning skills but also setting the stage for increased capability later on in school as well. Part of the challenge of acquiring a good, sound education is getting the student interested in the lesson plan; while some are inherently good students, others require the extra added incentive that such technological advances as computer access offers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Computers and Floating Point Arithmetic
6 pages. In understanding floating point arithmetic in computers it is necessary to understand that floating numbers are inexact representations of real numbers and that because of this the operations that are performed on them are also inexact. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Music Instruction and the Use of Technology
A 10 page research paper which looks at how computer technology is impacting the field of music education. The writer gives an overview of some of the technological marvels available and then discusses the controversy as to how much these new innovations should replace traditional pedagogies. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
IWB-Latest technology for Schools
A 5 page paper. That introduces integrative whiteboards, which is connected to a computer and uses a projector with software to produce enlarged images, text, and animations for teaching and learning. The paper reports research studies from Australia that focus on their actual use and success. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
English Language Instruction and Computers
This 4 page paper is a dissertation plan to examine how and why computer teaching is able to help students learning English. The paper presents the reasons for the research, the research question, undertakes a brief literature review and states how the research will be useful for others in the future. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Computer Hardware and Peripherals: The Evolution of Learning
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of computer hardware and peripherals. Speaking from personal experience, the author indicates how research has increased his or her understanding of the topic. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Recording Studios and Changes in Technology
A 12 page discussion of the technological changes which have occurred in the recording studio since the popular music explosion of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Emphasizes the impetus behind these changes is attributable not only to the entertainment industry but also to factors as diverse as computer, military, and medical applications. Notes specific changes in Signal Inputs, Signal Conditioning, Sound Recording Equipment, Mixers, and Signal Outputs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Internet Security Threats
A 3 page paper consisting of speaker notes for an available accompanying PowerPoint® presentation on why every online merchant needs to be concerned about security. The paper discusses an old breach in Microsoft's Front Page® web publishing software (2000); use of a Novell-owned server to scan computers for personal information (2005); and theft of personal data affecting 140,000 people from ChoicePoint (2005). Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of Digital Mammography
A 2 page paper accompanying a separate PowerPoint presentation. Digital mammography – and particularly computer-aided mammography – shows promise for greater accuracy, which will translate to better results. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Using Computers in Pre K and General Education Levels First Chapter Research Proposal
This 20 page paper provides the first chapte rofa research proposal. This paper looks specifically at the role of computer use in general education and in Pre-K education. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
3 Education Research Proposals
This 6 page paper is made up of 3 research proposals with a research outline and a brief methodology. The proposals are to look at rrepresentations of computer-based learning in popular media, to assess representations of schooling on school websites and to examine children's help seeking strategies in an online educational discussion forum. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Frantek Case Study
This 5 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. Frantek are a company that had a contract to sell computer boards, but they have not been able to meet their contractual obligations. The buyer re-negotiates some more favorable terms for Frantek. The paper looks at the impact on accounting issues such as revenue recognition, inventory valuation and accounting for liabilities. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Employment Law and Employer Duties; A Case Study
This 9 page paper looks at a case concerning English employment law and assesses three different scenarios. The first concerns the way that work conditions are provided with cramped conditions and glaring computer monitors. The second issue concerns vicarious liability of the employer for an employee who catapults scissors across a room and injures another employee. The last issue considered is a scenario where an employer writes a false reference. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Cyberterrorism Danger
In the wake of the 9-11 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, the U.S. government has stepped up efforts to protect its citizens. Among those efforts is protection of computer networks that control power grids, water and the utilities. This paper examines what, exactly, is being done and how cyberterrorism is defined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Computer System Development
This 6 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student and summarised the problem, the need to develop a computer network for a doctors surgery that will allow connections to the hospital and the doctors home and then carry out a requirements analysis. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
A Case Study Concerning Data Protection
This 3 page study examines various ways to protect data in a stand alone computer. Authentication is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Unfairness of Telecommunications to Women
This 6 page paper describes the phenomenon of tele or 'cyber - commuting' and its popularity in modern society. It is argued that tele-commuting has actually intensified the consequences of a male-dominated workplace and that women are afforded the same lesser economic status and lower positions in the corporation they have always had as a result of the advent of computer technology in terms of telecommuting. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Computer Hacking History
3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief history of computer hacking from the 1960s forward. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
The Development and History of Artificial Intelligence
A 10 page paper discussing the history and development of artificial intelligence to the current time and an analysis of IBM's Deep Blue chess-playing computer. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Multimedia and Communications' History
This 20 page paper provides an overview of the history of communications leading up to and including multimedia. Various aspects are discussed inclusive of the history of video and audio communications and the way in which computer technology has affected the lives of ordinary individuals. The transitions over time are explored and a historical perspective is provided. Finally, the paper takes a look at how the media as a form of communications has affected the world. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Military and Technology Uses
This 10 page paper examines current and future trends. Various types of technology from stealth to computer to wireless are discussed. The future body suit with potentially life saving qualities are also included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Fitness Center IT System Design
This 14 page paper considers the desire of a fitness centre to design a computer system, to keep track of the different events and matches and to provide members with access to a program that can help them keep track of their progress. The paper defines the system and system needs from a business perspective and consider how this may be the source of a competitive advantage. The paper then looks at the way the planning of design and the designing stages can be planed and managed with the use of different approaches. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Case Study on Network Design
This 23 page paper provides a case study. The case study concerns a small advertising studio. Recommendations are made in respect to the setting up of a computer network at the office. Software and hardware are discussed as well as the networking process. Pricing and other financial considerations are included. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Hewlett Packard and Dell Printer Wars
A 4 page paper discussing HP’s decision to stop offering HP printers to Dell to sell with its computer systems following Dell’s announcement that it also would offer low-end, low-quality Lexmark printers that eventually took on the Dell private label. The entire scenario highlights the fact that both HP’s and Dell’s management disregarded the needs of customers and shareholders in acting from arrogance toward each. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Project Proposal; A New Computer System for a Retail Firm
This 4 page paper is a project proposal for the implementation of an integrated computer system for a small chain of retail stores. The organizational situation is reviewed, objectives are identified and then the 9 knowledge areas of PMBOK are briefly considered. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Prototype Model Building and Layer manufacturing
Layer manufacturing is the use of computer controlled and latest Materials and forming processes in building the physical model layer by layer based on a digital model. The 10 page model looks at three different systems that make use of layer manufacturing; the Thermojet Printer by 3D systems, The Perfactory Concept Modeler from Envisiontech and the ProMetal Rapid Tooling System. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
A Comparison of Three Operating Systems
A 3 page paper comparing common operating systems. Several operating systems continue to vie for most-used status in networked computers; the three examined here are Windows NT/2000, Windows 2000 Server and Linux. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Process of Innovation
It has been noticed that innovations at the beginning of a product lifecycle tends to be radical, and the product becomes more popular the innovation slow down into incremental developments. This has been seen in many industries, from cars to computers. This 9 page paper considers how and why this pattern of innovation may be seen giving real examples to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Criminal Justice and the Development of New Technology
3 pages in length. It used to be that tracking down and apprehending criminal suspects required a combination of psychological outsmarting and a whole lot of physical legwork. Today, while still necessitating the ability to outsmart criminals, the legwork has all but been replaced by new technology, particularly when dealing with assault crimes. Pertinent to today's ever-expanding criminal justice system is the implementation of computer technology as a means by which to accomplish such objectives as criminal investigations, intelligence gathering, crime-mapping and analysis, DNA identification, predictions, personnel management and administration. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Global and Multi-Country Strategies
This 4 page paper looks at three different products; a personal computer, a washing machine and an online MBA degree and discusses whether a multi-national company should adopt a global or a multi-country strategy for each of these products. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Student Submitted Case Study on the Purchase of 2 Laptops by an Australian Company's Purchasing Officer for Personal Use
This 10 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. A purchasing officer of an Australian company uses the company stationary and his position to purchase two lap top computers. When the invoice arrives the company he works for refuses to pay the bill. The paper considers the legal position and considers if this would have been different had the employee been a marketing officer. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Telecommunication Battery Industry
This paper offers a brief examination of the industry that produces batteries for cell phones and computers. Topics touched on include marketing channels and competition. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Overview of Information Security Management
A 10 page paper. In today's electronic world securing information is difficult and complex. There are so many ways in which security can be breached. This essay discusses why it is important for information managers to understand the many ways information can be compromised. The essay provides some specific examples and how to prevent these types of incidents. The writer also discusses the laws that are in place regarding computer abuse. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Films and 3D Computer Graphics
A 5 page essay on how the modern film industry now uses 3D computer graphics to create special effects instead of more traditional methods. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Computers and Usage of Security Blankets
This 7 page paper discusses the importance of using security blankets to prevent the circumventing of computer security and protecting digital copyrights. Furthermore, this paper offers insight into the vulnerabilities of security blankets and determining the appropriate countermeasures. Biblioography lists 10 sources.
Memorandum on Computer Security
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of computer security. It takes the format of an inter-office memorandum on security measures and outcomes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Types of Computer Programming Languages
A five page paper which looks at the different types of computer languages, why there is such a wide range of such languages, and the advantages and disadvantages of using C in preference to other compilers. Bibliograpphy lists 8 sources.
The Ethics of Hacking
An 8 page overview of computer crime related to hacking. This paper explores the ethics and justifications of hacking, dismissing those justifications as simply illogical. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Upgrading Riordan Manufacturing's Working Information
A 3 page paper discussing upgrade needs in sales and marketing. Riordan Manufacturing has a wealth of information available to it, but it is not using that information to its best advantage. Providing the sales force with laptop computers networked to Riordan's primary system will provide a start on building current information, while the addition of appropriate database or forecasting software can make use of the information that already exists. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Processes and Threads in Operating Systems
This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of computer operating systems. The use of threads and processes are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Computer Operating Systems at Huffman Trucking
This 3 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student, identifying the computer operating system that are used within the company and discussing potential reasons why those systems were chosen. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Security Issues and Computer Viruses
A 4 page research paper on computer viruses in which the writer describes their execution, destructive capability, progression, and seriousness. Tips and techniques for protecting systems from viruses are presented with a note of caution that new viruses are constantly being created and that no safeguard is ever foolproof. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Exporting Computers to Kenya
This 7-page paper discusses how a U.S. company would go about exporting computers to Kenya. Information included includes the economy, the potential market, political structure, taxes and licenses required and methods of promotion. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Computer Hacking History
3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief history of computer hacking from the 1960s forward. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Computer Hacking and Ethics
This 5 page paper argues that computer hacking is not ethical. However, both sides of the issue are discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Computer Hacking's Impact
This 7 page paper provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of computer hacking. This paper considers the effects of the practice on individuals as well as corporations, and provides insight into the reasons why hackers do what they do. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Literacy Standards Within Nursing Education Programs
A 7 page research paper. In nursing, as with other healthcare professions, it is imperative to the standards of a professionalism that nurses make learning a continuing priority throughout their careers. In order to accomplish this goal, specific literacy skills are required. Nursing personnel should cultivate critical thinking skills, computer literacy, information literacy, and literacy in nursing informatics. This examination of these topics focuses on the available literature. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Importance of Literacy in the Workplace
An 8 page research paper on the importance of workplace literacy. Skills for success include writing, speaking, listening, interpersonal, cross-cultural, basic computer, and organizational. The writer examines the extent of workplace illiteracy and employer training programs designed to resolve this problem. A number of relevant studies are discussed and appropriate conclusions are made. Bibliography lists approximately 15 sources.
Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLC) In Computer Systems
This 9 page paper examines the use of fuzzy logic in computer systems with special attention its use with fuzzy logic controllers (FLC). The development of fuzzy logic is shown with a three stage model and the value of neural networks to help system learning is discussed. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Real Uses of Artificial Intelligence Versus Portrayals in Science Fiction
A 5 page discussion of the value of artificial intelligence to future generations. The author points out that sci-fi films like “Neuromancer”, “Matrix”, and “Blade Runner” prey on the fears of those who have a poor understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the computer technology around which artificial intelligence revolves. Instead of being a threat to mankind as films such as those noted above delight in portraying it, artificial intelligence holds the most promise of practically any of mankind’s technologies in terms of the benefits which it has the potential to yield. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Children's Developmental Disorders and Reading
4 pages in length. Current generations of children with different developmental disorders such as dyslexia and ADD are reaping tremendous benefits that were not available to their historic counterparts. While books have always proven effective in reaching desirable literacy levels, they are no comparison to the overwhelming response educationally challenged children have when learning from computer programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
History and Function of the Linux Operating System
A 5 page paper overview of Linux specifically focusing on kernel (2.4 vs 2.2) use and security function. Linux took years to gain the attention of a significant number of engineers and programmers. Now that it has and major computer manufacturers are providing it instead of Windows, it is likely to grow in popularity more rapidly than in the past. The paper includes a list of several major companies using Linux for their major systems including supercomputing applications. Bibliography lists 5 sources in MLA format.
Persuasion Analysis of Mac Advertisement
A 6 page paper. This paper has several sections in its analysis of an Online advertisement for Apple Mac computers. The first sections describe, in detail, the advertisement. The paper discussed central and peripheral routes in persuasion, subliminal messages, cognitive dissonance, conditioning and the four elements of persuasion in ads. Each is applied to the Apple ad. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Firefighting Assistance from Computers
An 8 page paper which examines how computers can assist fire departments in terms of expediency in tracking fires, responding to calls, fire prevention, fire simulations and providing public education on fire-fighting. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Current Trends Regarding Network Security Issues
This paper examines trends that are impacting the concept of computer network security, including the separation between sophisticated and amateur hackers, the problems with firewalls and the difficulty in protecting wireless networks. A major focus of the paper is addressed toward wireless networks. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Computer Network Security: Security Devices
This 6 page paper discusses some of the devices used to enhance the security of computer networks, including keys, firewalls and digital certificates among others. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Computer Science and Graph Theory's Future
This 3 page paper defines and explores graph theory in mathematics. How it applies to computer science, and where it can take it in the future, is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Technology/Hospitality Industry
A 4 page research paper that discusses the many uses of technology in today's hospitality industry. Technology has changed the way in which the hospitality industry operates. It has gone from pen-and-paper accounting to utilization of the latest computer and automated technology. The writer discusses property management systems and other innovations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Digital Radio Developments
A 6 page research paper exploring the development of Digital Radio. Includes discussion of digital equipment currently available and tools and gadgets currently under development. Satellites, interactive networks, telephones, computers are mentioned. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Active Directory Plan
This 3 page paper provides an overview of Active Directory Plan. Active Directory is a Microsoft directory service that first appeared in the Windows 2000 server. Active Directory is a database system that allows for the grouping of objects, including computers, users and shared folders. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Computer Graphics Applied to Photography
A 3 page overview of the advances computer graphics are making into the modern world of photography. Digital art is many times more powerful than any combination of previously existing medias such as television, radio, video, film, text and images. With electronic art the graphic design artist can produce a virtual world, images can be transmitted around the world in milliseconds and changes can be incorporated in almost as little time in sizing, composition, layering, blending and other artistic considerations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Apple and Dell, Supply Chain Management
This 12 page paper looks at the supply chain of Apple Inc., focusing on the computers and the physical supply chain and compares it with Dell Inc. The paper gives some background to the companies and then looks at the way the supply chain operates upstream and the type of suppliers that are used as well as the management of the downstream supply chain. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Case Study on Decision Making
This 5 page paper answers five questions asked by the student concerning issues such as classifying decision making processes, Keirsey personality types, and which would be best for teaching the use of a computer system, the value of modelling, the use of an executive cube and the way that group decision-making support may be used. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Business World, Computability, and Machine Languages
This 14 page paper examines some of the key concepts of computers and their uses, machine languages, and applications for communication in the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Year 2000 Problem and its Economic Implications
An 11 page paper that provides a substantive overview of the background behind the problem of computer systems and the year 2000, and considers 3 possible solutions to calming the economic panic swelling and critiques these solutions. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Graphic Design and Color
A 4 page report that discusses the interrelationship of color theory and graphic design from a psychological impact perspective. A brief overview of the role of the computer in the delivery of graphic designs is also covered. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
E-Mail Security on Laptops
This 3 page paper looks at the problem of security of e-mails on laptop computers in a wireless environment. The paper assesses the problem and presents some solutions. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Background and Analysis of the UNIX OS
This 10-page paper provides a background and analysis of the UNIX Computer Operating System. Topics discussed include the history of the system and its importance to computing today, as well as shells, kernels, the file system, process management, memory management and input/output functions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Corporate Vision and Apple Computers
A 3 page paper describing the need for a company to state a vision. The writer profiles Apple Computer, Inc. and details how that company uses this successful business concept. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Nonprofit Organization Management
An 8 page paper on the importance of studying nonprofit management today. The writer posits that non-profit organizations require many of the same administrative skills that their profitable counterparts do and stresses the influence of funding, financial analysis, computer knowledge, evaluation, etc; Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Development and History of Artificial Intelligence
A 10 page paper discussing the history and development of artificial intelligence to the current time and an analysis of IBM's Deep Blue chess-playing computer. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Global Power Rise of the U.S.
A 5 page overview of the rise of the U.S. to international power. The paper begins with the ideals of the forefathers, leading to the inventions rising out of the Industrial Revolution and continuing through World War II (a-bomb), telecommunications, computer technology, military technology and the space program. The paper includes a discussion of some of the problems that have emerged as a result of democratization of communist and socialist states and how the United States is working to assist those countries in the move to the global market. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Dinosaur Behavior Determination
A 9 page paper outlining the methodology and tools used by paleontologist to gain an understanding of dinosaur behavior. Emphasizes computer modeling techniques. Bibliography lists five sources.
Overview of Digital Video Cameras
This 10 page report discusses digital video (DV) cameras and the many applications they offer in terms of creativity, web site design, multi-media production, and more. Digital video cameras specifically target the desktop computer user and offer superior digital storage formats and higher-quality optics. A new generation of affordable digital video cameras, along with the standard DV format, is bringing quality video editing to the desktop. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Merger of CIT and Newcourt Credit and Subsequent Management
A 3 page paper discussing CIT’s acquisition of Newcourt Credit, emphasizing the current management styles at both organizations. CIT is more reserved and methodical in its operations, while Newcourt has a history of seeking innovation in finance. The company acts as the financing arm of Dell Computer and Yamaha Motors, but in a way that the customer never sees. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A Review of the 3Com Corporation
This 5 page report discusses 3Com corporation ('computer, communication, and compatibility') and its spin-off of the Palm Pilot Division, as well as its impending relationship with Microsoft. The 3Com Corporation was determined to establish itself as much more than the “Palm company.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Importance of the Windows Registry
5 pages in length. For the most part, the general public is familiar with the manner in which to operate a computer; however, when it comes to understanding the inner workings of the system, a large percentage have absolutely no idea what takes place behind the panel. Such is the case with the Windows registry, an integral component of the Windows application in that it stores virtually all of the system's custom data. The writer discusses the importance of the Windows Registry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Developing a Communication Plan for Jack B Nimble
This 14 page paper provides a communication plan for a case study supplied by the student. Jack B Nimble is a fictitious company that has a number of communication issues, where communication has broken down between the company and different stakeholders, including suppliers, business partners and expatriate employees. The communication plan outlines the communication requirements, proposes a communication strategy and examines the way in which implementation may take place utilizing an Internet and intranet infrastructure. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Internet Health Information Resources and Their Reliability
This 6 page paper examines the Internet as well as several books to demonstrate that authorship and publishing house are important in determining credibility. The M.D. designation does not guarantee accuracy. The works of several well known doctors are examined. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Cyber Bullying
3 pages in length. Schoolyard bullies have long made lives miserable for their victims who typically endure unrelenting taunting and physical abuse, a problem administrators and teachers alike continue to address in today's academic environment. Disturbingly, just as education has taken to the Internet, so too has the menacing act of cyber bullying where its presence has been magnified to such a degree that people have actually committed suicide to escape the online harassment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Researching the Poem ‘Ars Poetica’ by Archibald MacLeish on the Internet
In four pages this paper instructs the student how to conduct Internet research on the poem ‘Ars Poetica’ by Archibald MacLeish with a description of how the research was conducted, resources used, and how the selected literary criticism assists in a greater understanding of the poem included. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.
New Frontier of Cyberspace
5 pages in length. John Perry Barlow concludes that cyberspace is a new frontier where people may find a communal home. The reasons why Barlow initially believed this to be true have been somewhat modified from their original composition; however, Barlow still subscribes to the belief that cyberspace presents a certain – if not unorthodox – form of communal atmosphere. The writer discusses that while others acknowledge this seemingly inherent element of Internet relations, there is still some trepidation with regard to fully condoning Barlow's assertion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Summary of Cyberdistributors The Liability Of Online Service Providers For Defamatory Speech Of Others by Mark D. Robins
3 pages in length. The writer discusses if there is a viable and legal way for online service providers (OSPs) to police the content of message boards where subscribers post defamatory and/or false statements, given the enormity of the Internet and the undetermined legal ramifications of such behavior. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Cyberspace Business Startup
This 15 page paper provides an overview of how to begin a business inclusive of financial considerations. The business plan is explained and the paper goes on to address issues of management and marketing. Applicable theories are provided. A sample business related to information technology is used. Because the case study is an Internet based business, much of the literature and analyses are pertinent to e-businesses. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Constitutional Rights v. Internet Privacy
A 9 page paper that examines the issues of privacy and freedom of information on the Internet as well as the crimes that have been bred by this privacy and freedom. Discussed are the types of crimes that occur in cyberspace, the attempts the U.S. government has made to deter these crimes, and the opposition these attempts have raised from civil liberty organizations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Ethics Pornography Cyberspace
This 8 page paper reviews the literature to determine the answers for three critical questions regarding the regulation of pornography on the Internet, texting, and other realms of cyberspace. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Estelle Enterprises Case Study on Strategy Development
This 6 page paper considers a case study provided by the student where a company faces threats and has to develop a strategy to cope with the threats. The case is briefly outlined, and the strategy included related diversification, the development of a new channel of distribution; the Internet and the development and maximization of competitive advantages. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Political Participation and the Internet
This 4 page paper provides information on this subject in addition to a proposal for further research. The topic is discussed and results reveal that the Internet does increases political participation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Strategy for Entering into an E-Commerce Business
This 57 page paper is a comprehensive dissertation style paper that examines the factors which need to be considered by a company proposing begin trading on the internet. The issues discussed in detail include a definition of e-commerce, advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce, security issues, legal factors, trade off’s and the general strategy. Real life examples are used to illustrate the discussion points. The in-depth literature review is then used to develop a strategy for entering this market. The bibliography cites 52 sources.
Starbucks Website
This 4 page paper (3 pages of text and 4 PowerPoint slides) look at how and why the Starbucks website is effective at gaining and then retaining the interest of visitors to it's' internet site. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
It's Popcorn Time Marketing Plan and Recommendations
A 5 page paper consisting of speaker notes for an available PowerPoint® presentation of a marketing plan for a single-location confectioner specializing in coated popcorn produced according to a newly-patented process. The marketing plan recommends instituting online sales and entering agreement with a third party gift business, as well as hiring a knowledgeable, no-spam Internet marketer to assist the company in promoting itself online. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
3 Human Services Providers Websites Assessed
A 4 page paper presenting the speaker notes for a PowerPoint® presentation with the same name. There is a wide variety of human services providers that can be found on the Internet. Three types are examined here and in the presentation: addiction treatment, job training and counseling services. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Research Proposal for Transition Into E-Commerce
This 4 page paper is an outline research proposal for a project to examine e-commerce. The project is to look at the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce for an existing business and how these may be used to determine the best possible strategy for entrance and continuation of trade on the internet. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Adolescents, Socialization And The Internet: Research Proposal
7 pages in length. The writer offers a proposal to research the impact of Internet communication on real-life socialization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 4 page paper looks at Napster and the way in which it brought the downloading of music over the internet into the mainstream. The paper is based on questions and materials supplied by the student.
WIPO Internet Intellectual Property Protection
This 3 page paper looks at the role and remit of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The paper then considers the way intellectual property on the internet is protects, with specific attention to music by looking at the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Thornton's Strategy in Action, Strategy Development and Organizational Learning
Thornton's is a premium chocolate supplier in the UK, selling though their own shops other outlets and on the internet. This 14 page paper is written in two parts. The first part identifies the strategies used by Thorntons and then looks at how they can be seen in action in the company. The second part of the paper looks at the way strategy may be developed and ho it appears to evolve at Thornton's and the way that organizational learning may be seen within the company. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Three Stages in the Development of a Distance Learning Program
This 9 page paper looks at a university aiming to implement an elearning program using the internet. The paper presents three milestones including the development of strategy and initial framework for the web pages, the needs assessment and the development of a platform to facilitate access to the sources on a mobile device. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
The Dissemination and Marketing of Music from Tin Pan Alley to the Modern Day
This 8 page paper looks at the way music has been distributed and marketed from the latter part of the nineteenth century and the role of Tin Pan Alley up until the model day of the internet and the iPod. Included in the paper is consideration of the impact of technology including records, cassette tapes, CD's and MP3 files as well as the role of the media. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
The Music Industry
This 6 page paper looks at the industry and the changes it has gone through. The Internet is noted as something that has altered it to some extent. Economic factors are considered. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Various Formats of Digital Audio
A 4 page paper discussing .wav, MP3, MIDI and MOD music-storing formats. Digital music and other audio forms have benefited greatly from the innovations of recent years. After the advent of the Internet, audiophiles formerly started their music downloads before going to bed for the night, for the download time of only a few files would take hours to complete. The legal landscape has greatly changed as well; the involvement of more corporate entities in music and other audio file downloading has resulted in more options being available for today’s users. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Burning CDs/Ethical Issues
A 3 page research paper/essay that analyzes the ethical issues involved in downloading music illegally from the Internet or burning an illegal copy of a CD obtained from a friend. Utilitarian and deontological positions are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
British Airways and Iceland Air's E-Commerce Ventures
This 8 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the web sites for Iceland Air and British Airways and assesses them for cultural sensitivity and ease of navigation. The second part of the paper performs a PEST analysis, looking at the political, economic, social and technological influences on airlines with specific reference to their use of e-commerce and the internet. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Porter's Five Forces Analysis of United Kingdom Supermarket Chains Safeway, Iceland, Asda, Sainsbury, and Tesco
This 7 page paper considers the UK retail food industry and how pressures have been changing, including the situation prior to the use of e-commerce and the impact that has resulted from internet shopping. Using many examples and looking at companies such as Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda, Iceland and Safeway, strategies are considered and the attraction of the market as a result of the changes is assessed. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Internet Advertising and Economics
10 pages in length. Inasmuch as society is moving away from traditional roles, marketing departments have had to assess and address the meaning of this movement with regard to their strategies. The writer discusses the economics of Internet advertising as it relates to consumers and merchants alike. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Service Characteristics and Consumption Trends That Impact on a Travel Agent
This 9 page paper looks at the service characteristics needed by a travel agent and examines the trends within the travel industry. The writer looks at issues such as the changing role of the travel agent, increase consumer empowerment, the role and importance of the internet and general trends and preferences. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Promoting a Supermarket - the Design of an Integrated Marketing Communication Approach
This 9 page paper looks at the way in which an integrated marketing communication campaign may be created for a local supermarket. The paper starts by examining the concept of integrated marketing; discussing how it is achieved and providing an example of an integrated marketing campaign and utilizes that information in order to provide a framework for a new campaign to support a local supermarket chain. The integrated marketing campaign utilizes local advertising, radio, an Internet website and a social networking site. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Internet and Hotel Industry
This 7-page paper offers an overview of the hotel industry, as well as the impact of the Internet on the industry. Also included are analyses of five hotel web sites. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
WIPO Internet Intellectual Property Protection
This 3 page paper looks at the role and remit of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The paper then considers the way intellectual property on the internet is protects, with specific attention to music by looking at the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Marketing EMI Music in the Digital Age
EMI are facing a number of marketing challenges, the decision by Radiohead to release tracks on their own website and increase in digital music downloads are all indicators of the changes. This 11 page paper looks at some of the challenges EMI face in terms of the general marketing of a service rather than a physical good and consideration of the influences and impact of marketing on the internet. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Educational Trends
A 9 page paper that reviews five journal articles that report existing or emerging trends in education. Not surprisingly, technology and the use of the Internet in the classroom is one of those trends. Others include a virtual classroom, cooperative teaching and school-university partnerships. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Internet-Based Activities
A 3 page research paper that describes and discusses 3 Internet-based activities designed to be used in a fourth-grade science class. The goal of the tasks is to teach the students about endangered species. The learning goals are scaffolded, each building on the other. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Should Your Company Accept Credit Cards Over the Internet?
This 7 page paper considers the case of a company that wishes to start accepting credit card payments over the internet. In an easy to understand paper, the writer considers the issues the company will need to consider, such as the use of servers, security, encryption, processing, authorising and the possibility of using an agent. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
The Likely Effects Of E-Commerce On The Future Of Book Publishing
This 10 page paper looks at the way on which e-commerce and the electronic media is likely to change the way books are published and sold in the future, looking at companies such as Amazon, eBay and Abe Books. The paper looks at the importance of the printed word and how publishing has changed in response to technology in the past and looks forward to the potential changes that may occur, especially with the concepts of e-books sold on the internet. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Ecommerce and Logistics Management
This paper examines how the Internet and other digital tools are providing an impact on supply chain management and logistics functions. The paper discusses both pros and cons of the electronic age on logistics management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Voice Over Internet Protocol History
A 6 page paper reviewing the history of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). From its beginnings as an old and expensive technology that no one could find a good use for, VoIP now is poised to overtake POTS (plain old telephone service) in the future. If the future unfolds as the creator of the Skype VoIP service envisions, then existing telephone companies will find themselves with the need to discover new sources of revenue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Internet as Distribution Medium for Music
This 3 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the supply and value chain comparing the internet and the bricks and mortar distribution medium. The second compares the costs associated with each medium. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Marketing EMI Music in the Digital Age
EMI are facing a number of marketing challenges, the decision by Radiohead to release tracks on their own website and increase in digital music downloads are all indicators of the changes. This 11 page paper looks at some of the challenges EMI face in terms of the general marketing of a service rather than a physical good and consideration of the influences and impact of marketing on the internet. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Downloading Music Legally
A 3 page paper which examines the controversy surrounding downloading music from the Internet, discusses recent court rulings and mandates, and considers how the music industry will benefit from legally downloaded music. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Employment Situations in California and in America as a Whole
A 5 page paper discussing movement in unemployment rates and the economic health of the California economy during the summer of 2002. The fallout of the technology sector, particularly in high-tech, Internet-related companies, set investors on their collective ear. Few expected such a correction in market value of these companies, and the losses incurred in returns has been more than only disheartening for organizations and investors alike. The stock market continues its slide, reducing businesses' market capitalization and therefore the amount of capital available to them. Many have laid off workers; many more have placed freezes on hiring. The economic outlook for California as for the rest of the country remains mixed and depressed, yet optimistic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Branding of a New Range of Refrigeration Products
This 10 page paper considers the way in which a new product may be considered in terms of branding strategy. The example of a new range of refrigeration units for the home, car and caravan are considered. The paper outlines the way in which a branding strategy may be considered, including the name and design of the logo, as well as the psychology behind the brand and the way that it may be utilized in Internet marketing. The last of the paper considers the way in which the brand may be managed in an international environment. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Industry Implications of the Merger Between Sprint and MCI WorldCom
A 10 page paper discussing implications of the merger for both the national and international telecommunications industry. Announced October 5, 1999, the combination of MCI WorldCom’s global presence and Sprint’s strength in wireless technology promises enhanced growth for both sides, particularly in wireless communication and Internet access, which is expected to provide the greatest growth in telecommunications well into the next century. Both companies will need to provide sound evidence to the FCC in order to gain approval, for the merger of the two companies reduces the number of large long distance carriers in the US from three to only two. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Small Family Travel Agency Going Online
A 17 page paper discussing the rationale for a small family travel agency to develop an online presence. The travel industry still has not fully recovered from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, but growth in “Internet travel” continues. This paper provides rationale for developing an online presence and describes the ideal web development team. The agency will need to decide in the beginning how it will use the site in order to be able to assess the site’s ultimate value. Even a simple site can be productive if it contributes to wider dissemination of knowledge of the agency that translates to use of its services. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Privacy Issues Involving Online Portals and Personal Information
10 pages in length. Internet users can never be too careful when it comes to providing personal information while surfing upon the World Wide Web. However, the extent to which users know when and how they are inadvertently handing over personal data is often masked by myriad technological methods that the Web site visitor has no idea even exists; what ultimately transpires by the time the user leaves the site is how he or she has unwittingly given tracking and usage information that may – but oftentimes is not – protected from unauthorized distribution. Universities, in their quest to collect information to improve their sites and provide user-friendly applications, should realize the importance of this matter and take it upon themselves to create and post a comprehensive online privacy policy that outlines precisely why, how and when visitors' personal information is collected if they do not want to be accused of possible privacy infringement. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Competition Issues and Microsoft
This 5 page paper comments on three issues: The effect on share prices of Microsoft's Internet competitors when Microsoft acquires companies; Whether or not Microsoft competitors are threatened by Microsoft's financial moves; and If the financial market should feel threatened by Microsoft's dominance in the operating system market. For the first issue, the writer provides three examples of recent acquisitions and makes general comments. The second issue is approached by demonstrating how, in at least one market, other companies give more competition to Microsoft than the other way around. Finally, the writer discusses Microsoft's smart card operating system and the threat this poses. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Evolution of Internet Marketing
An 8 page paper discussing issues of
consumer behavior, promotion strategy and product positioning on the Internet as its use
continues to grow. With all that is uncertain about the evolution of Internet commerce and
the final path it will take as it continues to change, marketers can be certain that they will be
required less to guess what consumers are doing. Tracking and data mining software
increasingly will be in operation to give statistical reports about what consumers are doing
on the Internet and will give marketers a quantitative base from which to work.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Computer Environment and Making Smart Networking Choices
This 5 page paper provides an overview of networking choices with a focus on peer to peer and client/server networks. All terms are explained. Details regarding Ethernet and Fast Ethernet are included in the discussion. Bibliography lists 8 sources
Developmental Psychology and a Premier Virtual Computer Generated Symposium
This 20 page paper addresses the problems of ADHD treatment, treatment of juvenile offenders as adults, and the treatment of many psychiatric or psychological problems with drugs. While a symposium including Freud, Erikson and Gilligan would be impossible, with the magic of virtual reality and imagination, such a symposium comes to life. How might these theorists feel about these twenty-first century topics? Background information is also provided on each particular topic. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
LAN Computer Network Construction
An advanced-level 9 page research paper on techniques, procedures, and standards for the successful establishment of a Layered Approach Network (L.A.N.) in business settings. The ISO's definition of seven layers of network structure are explained as are recommended tools, cable, and so on. Issues concerning the construction of the LAN are then described layer by layer. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Overview of Prolog Programming Language
A 10 page paper which provides an overview of the history and uses of this versatile programming language. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Injuries Related to Computer Work
This 3 page paper examines MSDs and carpal tunnel syndrome for example and makes recommendations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Personal Finance and the Impact of Technology and Computers
This 6-page paper discusses specific examples of how technology has impacted personal finance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
21st Century Computing
This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of computing in the 21st century. Issues of data warehousing, mobile computing, and net neutrality are discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Computer Aided Graphic Design
30 pages in length. There have been myriad technological advances throughout the past one hundred years. Indeed, the twentieth century turned out to be the springboard for the
unprecedented advancement in the graphic design industry, effectively availing entirely new and divergent concepts with which designers can create. From meager beginnings,
the graphic design industry has progressed into a much utilized and highly respected enterprise. The writer
discusses various changes and occurrence influential to the 20th century graphic design industry, including the transition from 2D to 3D; the incorporation of feng shui; and the issues of gender inequality. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Overview of Computer Aided Software Engineering
This 8 page paper provides an overview of CASE. Various aspects are explored. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Computer In Criminalistics
3 pages in length. Staying one step ahead of the criminal has long been the first line of defense for law enforcement officers; when intelligence is gathered that precludes the ability for the offender to actually commit the crime, it serves to establish a pattern by which subsequent foils can also be utilized. However, technology has created quite a significant challenge for law enforcement to maintain that critical step ahead of criminal activity by virtue of the wholly comprehensive nature of cyber crime. As such, the entire criminal justice field has come to incorporate the very instrument that has facilitated so many crimes as part of its arsenal for thwarting those offenses and ultimately catching the lawbreakers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Revenue Assessment and Projected Income Statement for Micro Chip Computer Corporation
This 3 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. The first part of the paper looks at the change in the net sales between 2004 and 2008 and considers if and how this may be used to assess future performance. The second part of the paper prepares and discusses a projected consolidated statement of operation for the following year based on the ratio method. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Systems Analysis, Computer Design, and Mathematics
This 3 page paper discusses the job of a systems analyst and why he/she needs to be good in mathematics to hold the position. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Developmental Psychology and a Premier Virtual Computer Generated Symposium
This 20 page paper addresses the problems of ADHD treatment, treatment of juvenile offenders as adults, and the treatment of many psychiatric or psychological problems with drugs. While a symposium including Freud, Erikson and Gilligan would be impossible, with the magic of virtual reality and imagination, such a symposium comes to life. How might these theorists feel about these twenty-first century topics? Background information is also provided on each particular topic. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Nursing and Computers
The extent that computers have entered the world
of nurses begins with education and includes almost all aspects of the
work environment. The role of nurse in the health care industry will
continue to be of value. The role of nurses is expanding and includes
more responsibility as well as a need for a greater knowledge base.
This 5 page paper asserts that the days when nurses believed they could
avoid using computers and continue to do an excellent job of nursing are
forever gone. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Systems Analysis, Computer Design, and Mathematics
This 3 page paper discusses the job of a systems analyst and why he/she needs to be good in mathematics to hold the position. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Mathematics and Computer Technology
This 15 page paper provides an overview of articles related to a research review of literature on topics that include mathematics software, technology and use in the classroom, the use of word problems and the use of techniques for the instruction of children with learning disabilities in mathematics. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Computer Failures and Disaster Recovery
This 15 page paper discusses the changing role and perception of disaster recovery plans when information technology fails. The paper considers the history of disaster recovery and the various options available to organisations or individuals who wish to make this type of strategic plan. The bibliographic cites 9 sources.
Dell Computer's Capital Sources
A 3 page paper identifying Dell’s sources of capital and estimating its Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). Sources are investors’ capital, revenues from business operations and debt financing. Based on Dell’s 2003 Annual Report. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Publishing and Applications That Are Intranet, Extranet, and Internet Based
5 pages in length. The writer discusses the difference between the three applications as they relate to the publishing industry, as well as offers examples of each. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Applications That are Intranet, Extranet, and Internet Based
5 pages in length. The writer discusses the difference between the three applications, as well as offers examples of each. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Online Communications and Social Impact
5 pages in length. In this day and age of tremendous technological advancements, there is almost nothing that cannot be accomplished from the comfort of one's home: grocery shopping, purchasing merchandise, paying bills and even striking up sight-unseen relationships with people halfway across the world. Communication, which once consisted of putting pen to paper, has now been reduced to a few key strokes and the click of a mouse; indeed, people are able to correspond via electronic mail faster and easier than traditional mail services could ever hope to offer. Personal web sites are availing the public with bits and pieces of people's lives to which they would not otherwise be privy. The writer discusses how such technological advancement has not always meant a rosy outcome in relation to social impact. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Dangers of the Internet and Child Vulnerability
12 pages in length, this paper lists the dangers that leave children vulnerable on the World Wide Web. Included are discussions of dangerous individuals, exposure to pornography, exposure to explicit language in chat rooms, exposure to alcohol and tobacco advertising, and risk of
Internet addiction. Attempts at government regulation are outlined, as well as the opposition to these proposals. Possible solutions to this problem are presented.
Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Internet Taxing
This 16 page paper provides an overview of this debate. Both pro and con arguments are thoroughly examined and The Tax Freedom Act is explained. Mechanics of collection is also discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Commerce Planning and Internet Security
This 5 page paper looks at short-term and long-
range planning in connection to commerce on the
Internet. Discussion considers a 'harm analysis',
dial-in connections, external network connections
(such as to third parties) and the necessary
detailing of any existing security measures which
are in place - in relationship to the projected
growth and profit of the company.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Internet Marketing Information Management
An 11 page paper discussing various data
mining techniques and their applicability to marketing tasks. The paper examines searching
newsgroups postings, web mining and opt-in email lists as workable approaches to gaining
consumer information for the purpose of more narrowly targeting the Internet consumer. It
recommends a combination of web mining and opt-in lists as a realistic and cost effective
method of gaining valuable consumer information without entering the world of spam.
Bibliography lists 12 sources.
BayesiaLabs Data Mining System
A 5 page paper discussing the operation and benefits of BayesiaLabs data mining system. Much of the focus of marketing lies in knowing the target customer, but much of the knowledge that could be used is virtually buried in nondescript forms and electronic files. The process of extracting these bits of information and combining them in meaningful ways is not economical manually, but automatic data mining can make “hidden” information available to marketers while not incurring any significant labor costs in the process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Google And Internet Search Engine Industry
This 4 page paper begins with a brief overview of Google, Inc. The paper provides an analysis of Google using Porter's 5 Force analysis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
How Companies Should Compete to Maximize Internet Returns A Proposed Dissertation
E-commerce is an important element of many businesses. This 7 page paper is a proposal for the development of an e-commerce model that can set out the requirments for a business to be successful in e-commerce. A literature review is undertaken and then a methodology is outlined which includes primary and secondary research. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Proposal for Internet Expansion of Chiropractic Office
A 15 page paper that presents a proposal directed to investors. In this proposal a group of chiropractors have decided to market their services Online by developing a Web site. The paper includes an executive summary; company overview; market comparison; marketing plan; management plan; data comparing average number of patients to the base for these chiropractors; costs for establishing and maintaining the Web site; obstacles and opportunities, including research; initial plan; action plan and offerings to the investor. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Internet and Information Democratization
This 4 page paper provides information on the controversy with a focus on health information. Both sides of the issue are explored. A proposal for a research project is included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Cyberbullying and Internet Privacy
This 5 page paper examines laws on cyberbullying. The link between bullying and suicide is examined. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Internet Business Marketing
This 5 page paper focuses on as an example of an e-business and looks at a variety of marketing schemes. ACNielsen, SRI and Cyber Dialogue are noted as companies that help businesses gain access to marketing information and techniques. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Nike's Internet Initiative, E-Nike and E-Marketing Strategies
This 6 page report
discusses the corporate giant Nike. Nike, the goddess of victory, is also the goddess of
athletic shoes. The report focuses on Nike’s Internet-based efforts and its unique way of
offering its products online. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Nursing Shortage and Effect on Job Market
This 5 page research paper describes the writer's investigation through nursing sources on the Internet in order to investigate how the nursing shortage is affecting the Maryland nursing job market. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Graphic Design, Typography, and the Impact of CAD Design
This is a 10 page paper discussing the evolution of typography and graphic design from a historical perspective and the recent advent of computer-aided design. Typography and graphic design have gone through a great deal of evolution since the introduction of the first printing press in the 15th century. Since that time, typography has been impacted greatly by the industrial revolution, the introduction of photocomposition and most recently, computer technology. In each revolutionary step, designers have maintained certain styles and formats while at the same time developed new and exciting aspects of the trade. The recent computer-aided design (CAD) applications which have been introduced have allowed graphic designers to not only develop new types of fonts, styles and logos at their desktop but have also expanded their responsibilities to include not only traditional design but the responsibilities previously of the typesetters themselves in addition to being the main designers for the market involving printed materials and graphics used in advertising, inter-active media and web design.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Computer Viruses 'Cyber Ethics' and Personal Responsibility
A 10 page discussion of the problems presented with computer viruses. The author contends computer viruses cause tremendous societal harm on both macro and micro levels. The thesis is presented
that while the creation and intentional perpetuation of computer viruses is ethically
and morally wrong, and even subject to the same societal provisions for legal punishment as is any other type of crime, we must take increased personal and societal responsibility for the abatement of the practice. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Computer Viruses 'Cyber Ethics' and Personal Responsibility
A 10 page discussion of the problems presented with computer viruses. The author contends computer viruses cause tremendous societal harm on both macro and micro levels. The thesis is presented
that while the creation and intentional perpetuation of computer viruses is ethically
and morally wrong, and even subject to the same societal provisions for legal punishment as is any other type of crime, we must take increased personal and societal responsibility for the abatement of the practice. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Mass Media and Entertainment
This is a 5 page paper discussing mass media for pleasure and entertainment with examples from British history. Mass media in relation to today’s society has a great many formats in which to give the public information, promotion of new merchandise, news, entertainment and various forms of pleasure in the world of television, journalism, films, computer games and the internet to name a few. Traditionally, media was thought to be a source of viable information to the masses yet history shows that media was also used as much for the pleasure and entertainment of the masses as it was to provide information about current, world or political events. In today’s newspapers, although seemingly filled with violent news, they are also filled with “feel good” stories, entertainment sections, film and literary reviews as well as the classic comic, jumble and crossword features. In the Victorian era, the mass media were the providers of scandals and serial novels highly popular in that time.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Overview of Computer Viruses
The path of technology has confronted and overcome
each new problem that has stood in the way of 'progress'. The computer
viruses currently 'attacking' the computer population is no exception.
This 5 page paper defines computer viruses, looks at their effects and
provides a guide to prevention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Dystopia and the Film The Matrix
This is a 5 page paper discussing the film “The Matrix” as a dystopia. The 1999 Wachowski brothers’ film “The Matrix” reflects the most severe fears and anxieties within today’s society in regards to a futuristic world as a “dystopia”. Opposite of More’s idealistic world portrayed in his work “Utopia”, the literary term “dystopia” refers to a “bad place”. Since the industrial revolution and more recently the computer and information revolution, society’s fears of possible negative results from growing technological achievements have been reflected in literature and cinema. While currently cyber-technology, that which is related to the computer world and artificial intelligence, is being promoted as a positive element within society in that humans are able to access free information and share information on a global scale, the film “The Matrix” portrays more so that element not promoted within technological circles, that is, the negative and de-humanizing aspects of cyber-technology which robs human of their individuality from a physical and mental perspective and uses humans for the proliferation and eventual dominance of artificial intelligence.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Flat Panel Computer Monitors Advantages and Disadvantages
This is a 6 page paper on the advantages and disadvantages of flat-panel monitors. Flat-panel monitors (for desktops) and flat-panel displays (for laptops) have taken off in the personal computer market because of their many advantages over traditional monitors. In addition to their obvious sleek designs and space saving abilities, flat-panel monitors have been found to offer users more viewer space with panels viewable up to 170 degrees and the ability to swivel 360 degrees in most models. Flat-panel monitors are also lighter, more maneuverable, use less energy, have lower electromagnetic emissions, and have lower heat output. Units can be purchased from as low as $350 US which makes the market available to users who have less expense for their systems and they can also be used as television monitors as well. While most flat-panel monitors require more video memory on computers, which will add to the overall expense of the system, all critics who have tested, and have now purchased flat-panel monitors, believe that their surge in the market will continue as they offer users superior quality and performance in addition to their improved energy and emissions ratings.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Television Violence Reduction Argument
A 5 page paper arguing for TV programming based on higher ideals rather than on blood and gore. One network has catapulted from the bottom of the pile based solely on the success of 'Touched by an Angel,' a show CBS executives believed would not last a full season, and has since added similar programming. Hollywood has followed suit. These shows and movies are not venues of substitute preaching, but rather are representation of higher ideals by which we can live and make our daily choices. The 'garbage in/ garbage out' saying common among early computer programmers applies also to the human mind, and reducing the level of violence on TV can only have positive effects. CBS has shown that those positive effects also can be reflected in the corporate bottom line. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Ths History of the Linux Operating System
3 pages in length. Linux was created in 1991 by Linus Benedict Torvalds, a twenty-one-year-old Finn who was attending the University of Helsinki. His self-taught talent of hacking served him well by affording him the deep understanding of how and why computers operate the way they do; from this knowledge was born an operating system that rivaled what had heretofore not been applicable to professional demands. The closest system was MINIX, however, it was severely limited in its professional application due to its instructional nature; because professionals already had the training, they required a more sophisticated system for industry use. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Tutorial on Electronic Commerce Quality Management
This is an 8 page tutorial paper that presents a discussion of quality management in electronic commerce businesses. The writer first presents a proposition that quality management is needed for success. The method of research is explained and the two companies to be considered ( and Dell Computer) which is followed by a literature review. The paper includes a brief explanation of total quality management and a discussion of why quality management is essential. Comments are offered regarding the quality of management at the two identified companies. Tutorial comments are included throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Women and Telecommunications II
In this well-argued 6 page paper, the point is made that tele-commuting does little more for women than keep them at home-- where they were a century ago. Women who work from their home office/computer are expected not only to handle corporate business from 9 - 5, they are also usually expected to take care of household affairs and even to raise children during the same time. This stands in contrast with men who cyber-commute but who are not expected to do anything other than work during the course of the business day. Various other relevant ethical issues are discussed and it is ultimately concluded that women have very little to gain in today's workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
eCommerce History
An 11 page paper tracing the history of ecommerce over the past century. After computers became necessary for business, it became desirable to use the electronic environment for more than only information storage. Data networking was the only missing link, and eventually telecommunications networks were sufficiently available to enable purchasing and payments in the electronic environment. Ecommerce was born, to be embraced by business and consumer segments at different rates. The purpose here is to trace the history of ecommerce and technology over the past century, and to make a conclusion as to whether the industrial age has ended. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Digital And Psychological Profiling Of Cyber Crime
10 pages in length. Witnesses are often the single most important elements of securing a conviction or realizing an acquittal; without these observers to testify as to what they saw, heard or know, myriad court cases would either go unsolved or erroneously resolved. With the technological age, however, has come an entirely different type of witness who - by virtue of its unique position to collect incriminating data - does not have the capacity to lie. Computers have become some of the most critical tools law enforcement agencies have encountered, inasmuch as they provide a clear-cut path to criminals who use them as cyber weapons. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Antisocial Aspects of Internet Chatting Proposal
5 pages in length. In this day and age of tremendous technological advancements, there is almost nothing that cannot be accomplished from the comfort of one's home: grocery shopping, purchasing merchandise, paying bills and even striking up sight-unseen relationships with people halfway across the world. In light of the fact that a person can cultivate long-term friendships with someone he or she has never met offers a definite safety factor to the art of socialization; what it also does, however, is remove the need for interactive socialization. This lack of face-to-face sociability is turning into a considerable problem for those who have cloistered themselves inside the anonymity of their computers. The writer composes a proposal for further study into the subject. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Decision Making in Schools and Information Technology's Uses
This 47 page paper is a full length dissertation examining the use of information technology and computer systems to help with decision making. The paper starts with an introduction, considering why this is an important issue and outlining the rest of the paper. The next section is a comprehensive literature review which looks at theories concerning decisions making, barriers to decision making and management systems designed to all technology to help with decision making. The paper then outlines the methodology for primary research using a case study school and presents some findings along with a discussion relating the findings to the literature review. The paper ends with some conclusions and recommendations. The bibliography cites 25 sources.
Post Industrialization Graphic Design
A 5 page paper discussing changes the computer age has brought to graphic design. The design abilities central to the success of the graphic designer receive greater expectation than in the past. No longer is it sufficient for a graphic designer to produce a marketing piece showing the product with a smiling consumer standing nearby. Now, such visuals are expected to convey a variety of marketing messages including quality, value and status. The creativity factor of the graphic designer has been highlighted so that it is now one of the most important qualities the designer can bring to work. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Artificial Intelligence and John Searle
5 pages in length. The writer discusses that no matter how sophisticated AI becomes over the scope of time, there will still be a line of separation that defines man from machine. Bibliography lists one source.
Failures at the Passport Office; The Summer of 1999
In the summer of 1999 the passport agency and the United Kingdom faced a crisis. The implementation of the new computer system resulted in lengthy delays in the issuing of passports. This 10 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper looks at the reasons why projects fail looking at a range of models that encompass a broad-spectrum of potential causes of failure. The second part of the paper examines the case of the passport agency in the context of the potential reasons failure identified in the first part of the paper. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Management, Organizational Structure, and National Culture
A 14 page paper. The essay begins by defining national culture and corporate culture and how national culture influences business culture. The writer then explains the different factors that influence the national culture, such as language, class stratification, emphasis on group or individual. Hofstede's four dimensions of culture are described and used as the benchmark for determining the national culture in the U.K. and the U.S. The writer uses two companies to illustrate the relationships between and among national culture, organizational culture and management styles. The companies used are Dyson Appliance from the UK and Apple Computer from the US. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Formation of Security Management Policy and Risk Management Effects
An 18 page paper discussing issues that need to be addressed when forming security risk management policy. The very essence of developing an effective security policy is dependent in great extent to the level of risk that exists. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that network and computer administrators face the threat of security breach each day. Building security is less predictable, particularly as groups of fanaticals place their energies into dreaming up increasingly grand plans for murdering innocents by the thousands. Those responsible for forming and implementing security management policy must be aware of the types of risk faced by the organization and then control for contributing factors. The paper discusses management of risks that are both physical and informational. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Tutorial on Electronic Commerce Quality Management
This is an 8 page tutorial paper that presents a discussion of quality management in electronic commerce businesses. The writer first presents a proposition that quality management is needed for success. The method of research is explained and the two companies to be considered ( and Dell Computer) which is followed by a literature review. The paper includes a brief explanation of total quality management and a discussion of why quality management is essential. Comments are offered regarding the quality of management at the two identified companies. Tutorial comments are included throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
South Africa as a Location for the Construction of a Computer Manufacturer
This 5 page report discusses why a computer manufacturing facility would do well in South Africa, the best location in the country for the facility, potential problems as well as opportunities.
A combination of American business style in areas of great interest and concern for the development of South Africa is likely to be a success in terms of popular support in any South African city. Also, despite its relatively small population, it is the 20th largest consumer of information technology in the world. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Business Computer System Design
10 pages in length. In this day and age of technological advancement, companies can no longer rely upon the antiquated methods of conducting business. To be sure, the fast growth of computerization has proven significantly effective for business strategies that strive to meet the needs of the company's clientele. TLC Concepts, Inc. is one such company that has found great success in the marketing of a variety of products and ideas; however, the business lacks organization, costing more time and money than the company needs to be spending. The writer discusses how these wasted resources are eliminated by designing a new computer system to meet the demands of a steadily growing corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Women and Telecommunications II
In this well-argued 6 page paper, the point is made that tele-commuting does little more for women than keep them at home-- where they were a century ago. Women who work from their home office/computer are expected not only to handle corporate business from 9 - 5, they are also usually expected to take care of household affairs and even to raise children during the same time. This stands in contrast with men who cyber-commute but who are not expected to do anything other than work during the course of the business day. Various other relevant ethical issues are discussed and it is ultimately concluded that women have very little to gain in today's workplace. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
-'s Promising Outlook
A 5 page paper discussing the situation faced by the Internet's newest e-commerce darling. is growing in value to both buyers and sellers, and certainly to investors - its IPO price of $16 increased to $130 in two months of trading. Its early success with airline tickets indicates that founder Jay Walker's patented business process is a workable one, will lead to profits and is sustainable over time. Analysts believe that the addition of other product and service category will solidify the company as an ongoing and long-lasting business. Bibliography lists 8 sources. KSp-line.doc
eBay's Future Growth and Strategy
An 8 page paper discussing growth and future strategy for the Internet’s leading online auction house. Founded in 1995, eBay went public in September 1998. As one of the few e-commerce businesses available already showing profits as a private company, investors have driven the value of the company’s stock artificially high. There is intense competition arising in the market eBay created, but eBay’s website averages just under one million unique (rather than repeat) visitors each day, far beyond the 100,000 visits to the nearest competition. eBay is entering into strategic alliances with several companies and acquiring others that can aid its growth and competitive advantage. Stock prices should fall, as should growth in earnings. If forecasts hold, eBay’s growth should be a more sustainable 97.6 percent through the year 2000. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Stock Brokerage in America and Economics
This 10 page report discusses the stock brokerage industry and its impact on the economics of the United States. The largest amount of securities of the time traded in the secondary markets fit into one or the other of two categories: bonds or stocks. As investors become better educated and more confident in their own analyses of the extensive information that surrounds them on a daily basis -- newspapers, newsletters, magazines, brokerage-house mailings, the Internet, and television -- and as the steady improvement in markets confirms belief in the value of sensible investing, investors realize that they have become far less dependent on the advice of full-service brokers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
MacIntosh Branding
This 14 page paper discusses what branding is and the importance of developing brands. The variables involved in creating a brand image are discussed. Passionate branding is explained, including the traits of passionate branding. The bulk of the paper describes how Apple developed the Mac brand, which is a passionate brand. Mac users are fiercely loyal. The message of the Mac brand and the variables involved are explained. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Internet Marketing Options for a New SME
This 3 page paper considers potential marketing options for a new medium sized e-business. Choices such as search engines, banner advertisements and viral marketing are discussed along with a potential way of monitoring the sales that the different marketing sources create. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Internet and Information Democratization
This 4 page paper provides information on the controversy with a focus on health information. Both sides of the issue are explored. A proposal for a research project is included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
BayesiaLabs Data Mining System
A 5 page paper discussing the operation and benefits of BayesiaLabs data mining system. Much of the focus of marketing lies in knowing the target customer, but much of the knowledge that could be used is virtually buried in nondescript forms and electronic files. The process of extracting these bits of information and combining them in meaningful ways is not economical manually, but automatic data mining can make “hidden” information available to marketers while not incurring any significant labor costs in the process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Cyberbullying and Internet Privacy
This 5 page paper examines laws on cyberbullying. The link between bullying and suicide is examined. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Internet Security and Recent Developments
This 4 page paper provides a great deal of Information on how to protect systems. Various products are discussed. The idea that perhaps the dangers are overblown is suggested. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Online Security
This 7 page paper focuses on the the problem that occurred early in 2000 when several companies' web sites came to a halt due to hackers flooding their servers. Several issues concerning security are explored, including but not limited to the use of encryption technology and hacker insurance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Journalism and the Internet
This 6 page paper explores online journalism to decipher its place in the history of journalism. Where does net journalism fit in? What is its future? What is the difference between online journalism and print journalism? These questions are explored after providing a brief historical account of print journalism. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Putting Company Brands on the Internet
This 7 page paper discusses the following quote "A brand is a brand regardless of its environment. Therefore, there is no need for a new theory of branding for the online environment, but merely a different approach to executing the brand’s essence". The paper assesses this statement with reference to marketing theory and practice arguing that the traditional approach may have the required knowledge but that a different approach needs to be adopted, especially for international brands. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Chemical Toxic Threat of Mercury
Mercury is a known neurotoxin and for this reason, it has been targeted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a primary toxic exposure threat. Mercury is transferred through multiple means including ingestion, airborne, and osmosis through the skin. Mercury toxins are released into the air naturally, as well as through car and other exhaust. Mercury is a component of computer chip manufacturing and for the IUB, it is served in the cafeterias and restaurants around campus via fish.
The National Research Council cites prenatal exposure effects ranging from mental retardation and cerebral palsy to deafness and blindness.... 9 references. jvToxThr.rtf
Web Based Application Tool and Cross Platform Programming Language Known as Java
This is a 3 page paper discussing Java as a Web-based application tool and as a cross-platform programming language. When Sun Microsystems first introduced Java it was considered a “cross-platform programming language” in which the introduction of such a tool could “level the Intel/Microsoft playing field by lowering the cost of application development”. Among other things however, Java is essentially considered as “Sun’s cross-platform application development language for Internet applications” which is why it is often considered as a development tool for Web-based applications. While Java clients were attracted by the low costs associated with adopting the Java platform, what really appealed to developers was the lack of the administration required to adopt the platform in that the language could be easily incorporated within existing HTML web pages to provide more robust interactive features and applications.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
'Bug Shop' Market Research
A 5 page paper discussing Paul’s idea of converting his hobby of Volkswagen Beetle repair into a full time business. He visited a dealership for information on the car that has been out of production for nearly 20 years
and was surprised that he received no information. The paper lists Paul’s options in conducting market research to determine the existence of a market for his proposed
business without the need of using a market research firm. Listed avenues are classic and collector car websites on the Internet, collectors’ publications and contact with clubs dedicated to the Beetle and the VW Bus. The paper also stresses taking a national focus of a restorer of Beetles and Buses rather than one of being a local repair shop for old cars. No additional sources cited.
Cognition and Solving Problems
The ability to assess a problem and
formulate solutions has been a subject within such varied disciplines as
mathematics, psychology, linguistics, neurobiology and computer science.
The fact remains that problem-solving is a complicated procedure that
merits study. This 10 page paper explores information processing and
memory in terms of problem solving. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
IS and Virtual Workteams
A 10 page paper discussing principles of sound team formation and the growth of virtual teams. Global competition, the computer age and excessive travel expenses have combined to make the concept of “virtual teams”
not only possible but more attractive than ever before, allowing people to work together in groups though they may not even reside in the same time zones. There have been
myriad management fads and gimmicks come and go over the years, but the virtual team is unlikely to be relegated to that category. Particularly in IS, it is far too valuable a
practice for organizations to be abandoning it. It appears to be a management tool that is here to stay; it is quickly becoming accepted standard rather than a corporate oddity.
Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Classrooms, Technology, and Education
This 5 page report discusses the changes and trends in teacher
education over the past two decades and the all-important
introduction of technology into mainstream use in virtually all
aspects of life, including the classroom. Teaching music teachers
to use Internet technology in their classrooms is the focus of
the studies proposed here. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Do Computers Have Creative Ability? An Artificial Intelligence Consideration
(7 pp) When was the last time that you wondered
how "smart" you are? We wonder about it all the
time with computers. We may not use the "s" word,
because that makes "them" seem too humanoid.
But we will ask how much memory does it have -
what other things can it "do?" And ever since machin
g more and more in our lives there is that
faint whisper of a question, what will we do, if
"they" get smarter than we are. This discussion
will look at some of those, "what-ifs," in the area
of artificial intelligence, and the ability of
computers to be creative. Bibliography lists
3 sources.
eCommerce Management Challenges
This 5 page report
discusses the management of electronic commerce or “e-commerce”
and how it continues to revolutionize the way the modern world is
doing business. The most successful businesses involved in
e-commerce are able to provide dynamic connections to customer
data bases using numerous interconnected routers for corporate
clients, as well as Internet access for mainstream consumers.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Overview of Generation N"e"XT
(10 pp). For the first time in history, most
teenagers and young adults are more experienced in
a computer based technology than the majority of
their caregivers or parents. Rather than be
frightened by this new skill employed by Generation
N"e"XT, we should see it as a creative challenge
to learn more about our young people and ourselves.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Yahoo! and the Internet Resume of Co Founder Jimmy X. Yang
(7 pp) On the bottom of his internet resume
Jimmy X. Yang, co-founder of Yahoo! lists,
'Personality: Hard working and highly motivated.'
Receiving a PHd from the University of Minnesota
in mathematics in January 2000, might give us that
idea as well. The curiosity of course, is what
motivates Yang's success; those personal and
business elements are examined in this paper.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
International Contests' Advertising
This 12 page paper examines advertising in its
latest internet form, "international contests. The
"information highway" has increased our
accessibility to products of the world, and added
a new glitch to those advertising "road" signs:
the international contest. Are these international
contest ads valid, or just another form of gambling,
or is there really good "stuff" just waiting for
you to pick-it up? Bibliography lists 25 sources.
NOTE: Sources attached = total this unit = 35pp.
Bibliography lists 25 sources..
How Mass Media Can Impact Teenage Girls.
(7 pp) Almost all of us are affected by mass media
in one form or other: films, television, radio,
music and music videos, magazines and other print
media, and now, the internet. We delude our
selves, when we say that, we are not influenced by
media: it comes in with the oxygen and leaves with
the Co2. Yet of all those under the "spell" of
the media, it appears that adolescent girls are
the most vulnerable. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Frontier Influence on Presidents George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln
(5 pp) When we are sitting in front of our
computer screen or driving to work or school we
loose sight of the term "frontier." Think about
out presidents of choice for this reading, for
them the frontier was still changing. We will
look at their lives in terms of three authors
presentations: The Whiskey Rebellion (1988) by
Thomas P. Slaughter, Andrew Jackson, Symbol of an
Age (1962) by John William Ward., and Out of the
Wilderness, the Life of Abraham Lincoln (1994)
by William Hanchett