Research Papers on Creative Writing

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Post September 11 Restoration Article and Qualitative Research

    This 3 page paper describes an article about the restoration of services after September 11—what type of article it is, what it explores, what qualitative method it uses, and so on. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • The 54th Massachusetts

    This 12 page paper describes a research proposal for a project, the subject of which is the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, one of the earliest of the black regiments recruited during the U.S. Civil War. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • A Modest Proposal To Abolish Schools And Introduce Workhouses In Their Place

    This 3 page paper is a proposal written in the style of Jonathan Swift’s 1729 satirical proposal to prevent “the children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden to their parents or country”. This paper argues that school is making children unhappy and causing stress and that the solution is to close the schools and out the children to work, with preference given to the jobs they their size skills give them an advantage. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Case Study: Decision Time at Lotus Corporation

    This 3 page paper uses a case study to describe the way in which Lotus Corporation launched its Lotus 1-2-3. It further considers whether Lotus should sell directly to its large accounts, or go through its network of distributors.

  • Case Study on the 2005 Wage Dispute Between the National Hockey League Players Association and Team Owners

    In three pages this customer submitted case study considers the 2005 wage dispute between the NHL Players Association and team owners in an analysis of the role played by personalities and emotions, how greater cooperation might have salvaged the 2005 hockey season, and the risks associated with ‘take it or leave it’ ultimatums. There are no bibliographic sources listed.

  • Student's Poetry Rewritten

    A 3 page paper which rewrites the student’s poems. No sources cited.

  • The Doctor is In

    This 3 page paper discusses some of the problems with doctors’ waiting rooms, and how they can be improved. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Dark Passages in John Keats' 'Ode to a Nightingale'

    This 5 page paper examines the psychological aspects of the poem, Ode to a Nightingale. Compared to the Tintern Abbey by Wordsworth and drawing from a letter to John Hamilton, this paper describes the probable state of mind of Keats when he composed the poem. His metaphysical statement about conscious thought and the 'dark passages' of the human experience are discussed. Examples and direct quotes given. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Student's Poetry Rewritten

    A 3 page paper which rewrites the student’s poems. No sources cited.

  • Can Marijuana Rescue California’s Economy?

    In five pages this argumentative essay discusses whether or not the legalization of marijuana will provide the cure for the seriously ailing economy of California. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Army Letter Sample

    This 3 page paper is a sample letter to the army, based on a case study submitted by a student. The letter includes information about a candidate who had left the military after lying about suicide ideation. The letter is apologetic and persuasive. No bibliography.

  • Compare and Contrast: The US and Great Britain

    This 5 page paper compares and contrasts the United States and Great Britain, using the book Countries and Concepts: Politics, Geography, Culture by Michael Roskin as its primary reference. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Literature and Essay Writing

    A 3 page paper which argues that writing an essay is not very similar to writing a piece of literature. Bibliography provides student’s sources.

  • Literature Review on Flexible Work

    This 10 page paper is a review of literature with regard to flexible working hours. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Literature and Expatriotism

    This 10 page paper explores the theme, tone and symbolism as it appears in the works of Hemingway and Stein. Examples given from A Sun Also Rises, A Moveable Feast and Gertrude Stein's: Autobiography of Alice Toklas. A general discussion of the lost generation and its relation to the X generation is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Native American Literature

    This 6 page paper deals with the changing perception of the Native American in American literature. The Novels of Treuer, Erdrich, and Alexie are used to explore such issues as loss, love, stereotypes, and other universal themes. Supported arguements are made which show that Native American literature is not always about a loss of land, heritage and language.Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • 20th Century Literature and Its Influential Factors

    This 5 page paper discusses the factors of the twentieth century which influence the writers of the time. Examples and authors listed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Literature, Identity and Character Revelations

    This 3 page paper discusses the technique of character revelation used by an author. Examples are given from the last books of The Odyssey as Odysseus reveals himself to Penelope. Quotes cited from the text. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • A Personal Statement of the Meaning of Literature

    A 3 page paper which discusses what literature can mean to a person. No sources cited.

  • What Literature Does

    This 3 page paper discusses why literature is important and what it does for readers. It argues that literature engages the imagination to a much greater extend that film or TV. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Literature's Theme Concept

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of the concept of theme in literature. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Assessment of the Observation 'Only the Curious Will Learn'

    A 5 page paper assessing the validity of the statement, “only the curious will learn.” The motivation that a three-month-old baby has for finger play with her own hands does not constitute the same type of curiosity such as that which led Madame Curie to investigate radiation or drove Isaac Newton to intercept a ray of sunlight with a prism. Both types encourage learning, however. It all begins with a question, and there can be no questioning without curiosity driving its origin. The paper discusses Homer Hickam’s curiosity about rockets and subsequent development of intense desire to learn the same math, chemistry and physics that he had disdained before seeing the Soviet Sputnik fly over his West Virginia home in 1957. No sources listed.

  • Similarities and Differences Between Private and Public Management

    This 4-page paper is a sample essay, discussing if the educational training for a public administration manager can be handled through an MBA program. The paper contends that no, MBAs and MPAs teach two different aspects of management, and if an MPA were abolished, students would have no idea how to work in public sector agencies.

  • ‘Sports Night’: An Exciting and Memorable Experience

    In three pages this speech features the writer’s personal reflections on attending a local community sporting event known as ‘Sports Night,’ an exciting experience during which throughout the course of the evening past legends from the world of sports gathered to sign autographs, tell stories, and make a lasting impression on young fans. There are no bibliographic sources listed.

  • Slow-Pitch Softball Essay on Team Sports.

    In seven pages this first-person essay on slow-pitch softball is divided into three subtopics, which addresses the issues specified within each subtopic. There is no bibliography.

  • Interests in Immigration, Sky Diving or Rap Music

    A 6 page paper which examines why someone would be interested in rap music, sky diving, or immigration. The topics are not combined and related to one another, but discussed separately. No sources cited.

  • Faith, Good Sportsmanship, and Goodwill Promoted by Jewish Athletes

    A 12 page creative essay and informational paper which examines the efforts of exemplary athletes whose commitment to their faith and to the performance of good deeds have made the world a better place. Athletes discussed are Benny Friedman (football player, coach, and member of the NFL Hall of Fame), Barney Ross (boxer), Hank Greenberg, Sandy Koufax (baseball players and members of the MLB Hall of Fame), Bruce Fleisher (golfer), Paul Tagliabue (NFL Commissioner), Gary Bettman (NHL Commissioner), Tamir Goodman (basketball player), and Gal Fridman (windsurfer and Israel’s first Olympic gold medalist). Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Motorcycle Transportation Persuasive Speech

    This 5 page paper gives an example of a persuasive speech involving motorcycles and their safety. Statistics, facts, figures and evidence presented to support the thesis. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Sports, Society and a Student's 'Senior Wish'

    This 3 page paper addresses the subject of sports and society. In this essay, why a student wants his or her team to go to the state playoffs is discussed. Written in first person, this essay presents this desire in the form of an ultimate wish for senior year. No bibliography.

  • Dreaming of Becoming a Nurse

    A 5 page paper which provides an essay sample of expressing a childhood dream of working in the nursing profession in the future. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Personal Narrative: Becoming a Nurse

    This 4 page paper discusses the reasons why a person decided to become a nurse.

  • Information on a Quantitative Research Article

    This 2 page paper provide an overview of some of the basic structures of the article entitled "Nursing Staffing and Resident Outcomes in Nursing Homes: Weight Loss and Dehydration," by M. Dyck (2007). Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • A Graduate School Admission Essay in Nursing

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of an example of one person's graduate essay in nursing, and provides a view of why this person wanted to become a nurse practitioner. There are no sources cited.

  • Providing Comfort in the Emergency Room

    As an ER nurse, it is easy to get caught up in the fast pace of the environment, to focus on the technical and critical nature of nursing in the ER and to forget that patients are people with hopes and fears and dreams rather than just people exhibiting illnesses and crying out in pain for immediate release. It is even easier in a rush to forget that these patients have families that care deeply for the welfare of their loved ones in need of urgent medical care and what that implies. For this reason, I sometimes repeat the hospital mission to myself like a mantra to help bring me out of my single-minded focus on the medical well-being of patients and be open to dealing with their immediate emotional well-being as well, as required by the necessity for providing comfort as well. 5 references. jvERexpe.rtf

  • Writing Exercise: Autobiography

    This 3 page paper is a writing exercise that takes the form of an autobiography of a woman who wants to become a nurse.

  • A One Act Play Biff and Buffy

    This 9 page paper is a play but contains a slew of information about basic psychology. Biff is not interested in reading his psychology book, but runs into classmate Buffy--a typical Valley Girl-- in the mall. They discuss concepts in psychology as relayed only by the book How to Think Straight About Psychology by Keith E. Stanovich. Twelve concepts are discussed in the context of this light-hearted play. No additional sources cited.

  • Personality Characteristics

    A 5 page essay that provides an example paper that is designed to aid a psychology student in this task by providing a guide that discusses the development of three of the student’s personality traits. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Pursuing a Masters in Business Administration (MBA)

    This 2 page paper provides an overview of the process of pursuing a MBA degree for a person in a psychology practice. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Life of a Homosexual

    A 3 page paper which looks at what the life of a homosexual is, or may be, like. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • 'The Poisonwood Bible' by Barbara Kingsolver and a Responsibility Letter

    A 6 page creative essay in letter form which examines what responsibility (if any) do individuals have to reach out to cultures and other individuals that are foreign to them and what responsibility does the United States and its citizens have to the world community, citing passages from “The Poisonwood Bible” to support the argued thesis. No additional sources are used.

  • Music at a Southern California Jazz Cafe, Steamers

    A 5 page analysis of the music heard at a small jazz café located in Southern California. The writer loved the music and the intimate quality of the café. No sources cited.

  • Writing about Hong Kong

    This 3 page paper gives and example of travel writing for certain areas of Hong Kong. Music Farm and the Tea Garden are emphasized, as well as some of the local night spots and scenery. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Definition of Envy

    A 3 page definition divided into four exemplary paragraphs: one for introduction, two for the body of the paper and one for conclusion. Envy has its victims, but those victims are the ones harboring envy, rather than those who are envy's objects. Like hatred, envy only truly harms the one who works to keep it alive. The writer combines Webster's Dictionary and the Bible for defining 'envy,' with no other outside sources.

  • Not Everything that is Learned is Contained in Books

    A 3 page paper which examines knowledge learned in books and knowledge learned through experience. No sources cited.

  • Life Lessons: Learning to Drive

    This 4 page paper discusses two milestones in a young person's life: turning 16 and learning to drive, and what life lessons are involved. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Convictions and Values

    A 4 page paper assessing the veracity of a statement made by Confucius, “To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice.” The paper agrees with the statement on both national and individual levels. It uses as examples the quote by Martin Niemöller (“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist, so I said nothing…”) and the experience of the author of the paper in reluctantly taking part in a substance abuse intervention of an old friend. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Why Write...Together? by Ede, Lunsford

    A 3 page analysis of an article by Lisa Ede and Andrea Lunsford "Why Write...Together?" This article describes the process of co-authorship, offering considerable insight on problems and benefits of collaboration. No additional sources cited.

  • Thank You Letter to Lissa Weinstein

    This 3 page paper is a letter from a mother to author Lissa Weinstein, thanking Weinstein for writing her book “Reading David,” about her experiences teaching her dyslexic son to read. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Article Analysis: Blackbeard

    This 3 page paper critiques an article about Edward Teach, known as "Blackbeard," from the August 2007 issue of "Smithsonian Magazine." Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Dangers of Internet Gambling

    A 3 page paper which illustrates the dangers of internet gambling with an argument it should be illegal. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Learning from Experience

    A 3 page paper which examines learning through experience. No sources cited.

  • How to Manage Time Effectively

    This 4 page paper discusses ways in which people can learn to manage their time effectively. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • What Can be Learned by Meeting a Figure Who Lived in the Past

    A 4 page paper which discusses what one could learn from meeting someone from the past. The paper discusses meeting and ancient ancestor from Europe following the bubonic plague. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Philosophy of Forrest Gump

    This 5 page paper discusses the strength and weakness of the character, Forrest Gump. Gump's philosophy as comes from the sequence of events in his lifetime, are exampled and examined. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • The Effects of Daily Watering on Grass Growth and Color

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of an experiment that could be conducted to determine why the grass at one house is green and the other is not. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Life of a Homosexual

    A 3 page paper which looks at what the life of a homosexual is, or may be, like. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Internal Environment of a House and Creating a 'Home Away From Home'

    A free-flowing 5 page essay on a specific internal environment. The writer describes a house and the feelings and memories it inspires in her.

  • Cheating is Necessary

    A 3 page paper which examines the necessity of cheating for a student. No sources cited.

  • Why I Want to be a Mechanical Engineer

    This 4 page paper is an essay written to express why a student might want to become a mechanical engineer. The discussion includes childhood motivation, the passion for the career path and the skills and academic abilities that the student may already have.

  • IQ Testing Descriptive and Analytical Debates

    5 pages. This paper raises questions concerning ongoing controversies concerning intelligence testing. The information is presented in two different ways. One is an analytical response to this debate, providing reasons why the subject is controversial. The second method is a descriptive response concerning the controversial intelligence testing. This paper gives examples of the difference between analytical and descriptive writing as well as covering the topic of intelligence testing controversies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Four Things That Will Help Improve the Quality of Life for Others

    This 3 page paper discusses four things that one can do to help improve others’ quality of life.

  • A Letter to a Senator Involving Iraq War

    This 3 page paper is a letter to a US senator regarding the reasons for the war in Iraq. This opinion letter suggests that the senator reconsider the reasons for entrance in the war.

  • Dark Passages in John Keats' 'Ode to a Nightingale'

    This 5 page paper examines the psychological aspects of the poem, Ode to a Nightingale. Compared to the Tintern Abbey by Wordsworth and drawing from a letter to John Hamilton, this paper describes the probable state of mind of Keats when he composed the poem. His metaphysical statement about conscious thought and the 'dark passages' of the human experience are discussed. Examples and direct quotes given. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • David Cole’s Case Against the Torture Lawyers

    This 3 page paper analyzes an article by David Cole, in which he argues that the lawyers who twisted the law to approve torture must also stand trial, along with those who did the actual torturing. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • APA and MLA Source Citations

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of two of the most popular styles for citing sources, and relates the basic principles. This paper includes both MLA and APA style citation examples.

  • Classification Essay/Birthday Parities

    A 3 page classification essay that discusses 3 types of birthday party. While birthday parties are appropriate entertainment for all ages, the types of birthday party activities that are suited to each age group differ considerably. For example, birthday party activities, music and the food and beverages served should all be geared toward the age of the person celebrating his or her birthday and the age classification of the guests. For example, consider these factors in relation to a birthday party for a toddler, a teenager and a senior citizen. No bibliography is offered.

  • Aspects of Freedom

    This 3 page paper explores the various aspects of freedom. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Narrative Writing & Shepherd's Christmas Story

    A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses narrative writing technique by analyzing an excerpt from Jean Shepherd's A Christmas Story. The writer describes good narrative techniques and then applies them to the text of the Shepherd narrative. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Three Essays on Realtors and Real Estate

    This 3 page paper comprises three short essays on realtors and some of the issues they face in the real estate industry.

  • Case Study on the 2005 Wage Dispute Between the National Hockey League Players Association and Team Owners

    In three pages this customer submitted case study considers the 2005 wage dispute between the NHL Players Association and team owners in an analysis of the role played by personalities and emotions, how greater cooperation might have salvaged the 2005 hockey season, and the risks associated with ‘take it or leave it’ ultimatums. There are no bibliographic sources listed.

  • ‘Sports Night’: An Exciting and Memorable Experience

    In three pages this speech features the writer’s personal reflections on attending a local community sporting event known as ‘Sports Night,’ an exciting experience during which throughout the course of the evening past legends from the world of sports gathered to sign autographs, tell stories, and make a lasting impression on young fans. There are no bibliographic sources listed.

  • Gates and Jobs and Hewlett and Packard

    This 5 page creative writing example is one of historic fiction. It is presumed that Bill Gates was born much earlier in the century and had a failed business during the Great Depression. Bill combines his talents with Steve Jobs's and together they try and fail to surpass Bill Hewlett and David Packard's company. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The English Language

    This 3 page paper examines English as a language that is used widely today. A political history is provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Elephant Man

    A 3 page paper which offers up a hypothetical journal entry, by Joseph Merrick (the Elephant Man, in response to Christine Sparks’ The Elephant Man. No sources cited.

  • Living Like Weasels by Annie Dillard

    A 4 page paper which analyzes Annie Dillard’s “Living Like Weasels.” No additional sources cited.

  • 'Atoms for Peace' Speech Analysis

    This 5 page paper uses Neo-Aristotelian methods to critique a speech by President Dwight Eisenhower about the dangers of nuclear weapons. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • College Education Financing

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of the best approaches to financing a college education. This paper introduces some of the trappings of new college students, including issues of selecting a college, travel, the use of credit cards and financial aid. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Democracy and Public Administration

    This 4-page paper is a sample essay discussing whether an administrative state would be a threat to democracy. The paper contends that no, both can work together, because there is no such thing as a pure democracy.

  • Questions of Accountability in Spurs Posse

    This 4 page paper argues that the boys of the Spurs Posse should not be held accountable for their actions in 1990, citing societal norms as the reason. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Research Process

    This 15 page paper discusses the steps in undertaking a research study, including an overview of research, developing a research project, using statistics and variables, using libraries and the Internet, types of research, writing the report, and a brief discussion of a potential research project. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Money Does Not Buy Happiness

    A 3 page paper which examines how money does not buy happiness and how money is not everything. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Happiness Cannot Be Bought

    This 3 page paper argues that the saying Money Does Not Buy Happiness is true. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Entrance Essay

    This 3 page paper is a candidacy essay for entrance into UCLA.

  • Example Entrance Essay

    This 4 page paper is an example of an entrance essay where a student has to tell a business school how their back ground might enhance and broaden their own learning and those of their your classmates. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • MSW Program Admissions Essay

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of an admissions essay for an MSW program. This paper integrates fictitious material about the student and demonstrates the way to write a solid essay for admissions in a MSW program.

  • An Essay on MSW Admission

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of an admissions essay for a MSW program. This paper outlines the specifics for one person and provides a solid example of this kind of writing.

  • The Perception of Beauty

    A 5 page paper that considers the statement "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and argues that this statement is essentially true. No bibliography.

  • Personal Narrative: Becoming a Nurse

    This 4 page paper discusses the reasons why a person decided to become a nurse.

  • North Bend Hometown Return

    This 6 page paper provides an example of a fictitious piece on a real town that happened to be the focus of David Lynch's Twin Peaks. The notoriety is mentioned but the story is original. The story involves a man who returns to his home town of North Bend and is caught up in an eerie experience.

  • The American Dream

    A 3 page creative essay that analyzes and offers commentary on the state of the American Dream. The writer first defines the American Dream and then discusses how its obtainment has become harder in recent decades. However, the writer concludes with an overall evaluation of the Dream as positive as it offers people hope. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Powerful Words and 1984

    This 5 page essay deals with the question of the power of language. Does language reflect reality or does it shape it? Examples are given from George Orwell's novel, 1984, which support the position that language does indeed have power to influence, but that it only reflects what is already existing. Short synopsis of 1984 included. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • The Legalization of Gambling: Its Social Impact and the Reasons for Its Continuation Paper Outline

    This is a 3 page outline discussing the points needed for a paper on the legalization of gambling and its social impact. However, the outline concludes with the continuation of legal gambling opposed to possibilities of banning it. An outline involving the legalization of gambling and its social impact includes various elements: the history of gambling on a worldwide scale; the history of gambling in the United States; and the impact of the legalization of gambling on a psychological, sociological and economic scale among other factors. The negative impact of legalized gambling has been found to be mainly socioeconomic in that people who become addicted gamblers often end up not only ruining their own lives financially and socially but also the lives of those around them. From a psychological perspective as well, gambling addiction must be treated similar to other addictions and therefore requires financial assistance to administer recovery programs. The positive impact of gambling is largely economic in nature by providing communities and state governments which much needed funding and employment opportunities in addition to the fact that many people enjoy gambling as a leisure activity. Despite the negative aspects related to gambling however, most researchers seem to conclude that banning gambling would not only be ineffective in stopping compulsive gamblers who may increase their risk by continuing to gamble but that banning gambling will take away some of the fundamental rights expected within the U.S.; freedom of decision-making and individual responsibility. Individuals currently have the freedom to decide whether or not to take part in the leisure activity of gambling or not; if this freedom were to be taken away it would negatively affect the nation’s moral health.

  • 2 First Person Sample Essays

    This 4 page paper contains two example first person essays. One essay examines the plight of a student who has to make a sound decision. The example used concerns an apartment rental. The second essay has two parts. The first involves a place of business where a decision is made based on erroneous assumptions. The second part involves black and white thinking. The issue chosen for the second part is abortion. No bibliography.

  • Sample of a Personal Biography

    This 3 page paper provides an example of a personal biography.

  • Comparison and Contrast: Alice Walker and James Baldwin

    A 4 page comparison and contrast between Alice Walker’s Everyday Use and James Baldwin’s Sonny’s Blues. No additional sources cited.

  • Example of a Scholarship Proposal

    This 3 page paper provides an example of a scholarhsip proposal, which includes the personal circumstances of one person.

  • Moving to Rhode Island

    This 3 page paper is a narrative essay about moving to Rhode Island.

  • 'The Poisonwood Bible' by Barbara Kingsolver and a Responsibility Letter

    A 6 page creative essay in letter form which examines what responsibility (if any) do individuals have to reach out to cultures and other individuals that are foreign to them and what responsibility does the United States and its citizens have to the world community, citing passages from “The Poisonwood Bible” to support the argued thesis. No additional sources are used.

  • A Personal Statement of the Meaning of Literature

    A 3 page paper which discusses what literature can mean to a person. No sources cited.

  • What Patriotism Means to Me

    A 3 page personal response to what patriotism means. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Laptops and Babies Are Not a Good Combination

    Toddlers and Laptops This 4 page essay describes a day in which one friend helped to repair another’s laptop with his 9-month old son “helping.”

  • Overview of Lies and Liars

    A 3 page paper which examines and classifies, without the use of source material, casual lies, careful lies, and compulsive liars. No sources cited.

  • Narrative Essay on the Most Influential Person in My Life, My Grandmother (Lola)

    In three pages this paper offers a narrative essay on the difficult life and death of the author’s Filipino aborigine grandmother, who endured countless hardships in the southern fishing island section of the Philippines who struggled and sacrificed for her family until her death from tuberculosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Compare and Contrast: San Francisco and Saint Louis

    A 2 1/2 page paper which briefly compares and contrasts San Francisco and Saint Louis. No sources cited.

  • Creative Writing on First Love

    This 3 page paper is a piece of creative writing. The paper describes a girls first love, looking why it was so important and how it has had a long lasting impact on all later relationships.

  • Courage is Named Maya Angelou

    This 5 page paper is an essay about the courageous spirit of Maya Angelou. Also quoted is the poem from the Million Man March which is used to depict her use of metaphor and message of courage to all people regardless of race or gender. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Student Appeal of the Harvard School of Medicine

    This 4 page paper considers why a student would have an interest in Harvard School of Medicine. This is an admission essay.

  • Story About a Senior Citizen Couple and Their Gradual Memory Loss

    This is an original 5 page short story about an elderly couple dealing with the gradual loss of their memory. The story is centered on the event of getting to their granddaughter’s wedding rehearsal luncheon. It begins… “As we turned onto the interstate, Bill and I both gave a sigh of relief for now this meant that we were truly on our way. That’s how it was anymore. To organize and get out of the house even for a weekend trip, seemed like a major undertaking. By the time I did all the laundry and Bill once again resurrected the old suitcases it was only a matter of time before either he or I would misplace his book, my glasses, or the car keys. Once on the road and well underway, we both felt relieved.”

  • Endicott College Mission Statement

    This 3 page paper paraphrases, explains and critiques the Endicott College Mission Statement, which is included in the paper.

  • Step by Step Process of Corn Bread Making

    A 5 page overview of the process of making corn bread. The author takes the reader through the process step by step from pre-heating the skillet to mixing the batter. Important terms like “pone” are defined as well as information on how Southern cooks regard and care for their prized corn bread skillets. No sources are listed.

  • Article Analysis: Noise

    This 3 page paper analyzes an article on noise, noise pollution, and efforts to curb it. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • An Overview of a Letter to Oprah

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of a letter to Oprah Winfrey, in which the student requests that Oprah help pay for student loans.

  • How I Remember the Creator of Peanuts

    This 5 page paper provides a first person speech commemorating this artist who passed away in 2000. The characters who appear in the comic strip are discussed in detail. No sources.

  • Personality Characteristics

    A 5 page essay that provides an example paper that is designed to aid a psychology student in this task by providing a guide that discusses the development of three of the student’s personality traits. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Observation: A Pineapple

    This 3 page paper is an essay describing a pineapple. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • How to Avoid Plagiarism

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of the best approaches for avoiding plaigarism when writing a paper that requires source material. This paper gives some hints to prevent a variety of different plaigarism errors.

  • Types of Plagiarism

    A 3 page paper which examines the different types of plagiarism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Praying Our Experiences by Joseph F. Schmidt

    A 5 page paper that presents a reflection of Joseph F. Schmidt's Praying Our Experiences written in the third person narrative style. Included are tutorial notes and suggestions on how this paper may be written in the first person voice or style. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Similarities and Differences Between Private and Public Management

    This 4-page paper is a sample essay, discussing if the educational training for a public administration manager can be handled through an MBA program. The paper contends that no, MBAs and MPAs teach two different aspects of management, and if an MPA were abolished, students would have no idea how to work in public sector agencies.

  • APA and MLA Formatting Differences

    This 3 page paper discusses the differences between APA and MLA styles of formatting research papers. Examples and explanations included. Bibliography lists 0 sources.

  • Bias and Formatting in APA

    3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses punctuation and bias avoidance in APA formatting. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Academic Studies and Excellent Research Websites

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of some excellent WEB sites that can be used for academic studies. This paper outlines some sources that are helpful in the creation of academic research.

  • Journal Entries: Strengthening Creative Writing

    An 8 page paper which presents 4 tutorial journal entries that would focus on the strengthening of creative writing skills. No sources cited.

  • Defining Wisdom

    A short, 2 page essay attempting to define wisdom and its components of knowledge, insight and judgment. The writer mentions studies into the decision-making process and asserts that wisdom is an effective insulator against slipping into bitterness when life just doesn't go 'right.'

  • Definition of Envy

    A 3 page definition divided into four exemplary paragraphs: one for introduction, two for the body of the paper and one for conclusion. Envy has its victims, but those victims are the ones harboring envy, rather than those who are envy's objects. Like hatred, envy only truly harms the one who works to keep it alive. The writer combines Webster's Dictionary and the Bible for defining 'envy,' with no other outside sources.

  • Hope Concept

    An 8 page paper examining the definition of hope and the affect it can have on our lives. Life is to be led joyfully, and hope is the undergirding quality that allows us to find purpose in everything in which we will look for it. Hope contributes to the determination to keep striving and not give up when it seems life has nothing good to offer us, and hope blesses us with a peace that regardless of how bad things seem (or are) at the time, conditions will improve. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Defining 'Unconditional Love'

    A 5 page definition of the phrase 'unconditional love'. Gives examples of unconditional love such as a mother's love for her infant but also points out that in reality almost all love has some conditions attached to it. Bibliography lists two sources.

  • Utopia from One Writer's Perspective

    A 5 page paper on a Utopia that offers a combined virtual and social education system, a justice system without lawyers, housing, food and clothing for everyone, no guns, community involvement in daily governance, and hierarchies of volunteer councils of twelve (to infinity). Income is earned and taxed--equally at 10 percent. Money and credit are dispensed with in favor of living according to means with debit cards. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Creative Writing Exercise on Personal Character Trait

    A 4 page paper that provides an overview of a character consumed by his own anger. The writer presents a characterization developed on a single personal trait presented in the first paragraph.

  • Technical Manual on the Paperclip

    A 4 page whimsical example of how to do a technical manual. Using the common paperclip as the technical object under study, the writer demonstrates through this example the various topics that a technical manual should cover. These include the history of the product, how to use the product, maintenance, and warnings/liabilities. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • A Fictional Account of a Faith-Based Journey

    A 5 page fictional account of the journey of an anonymous Englishman, recently converted to the Mormon faith, from his prosperous seaside life in the English village of Felixstowe to a new life in Beaver, Utah. The writer discussed what both Felixstowe and Beaver were like in 1894, as well as the missionary activities of the Mormons in the nineteenth century. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Symbolism and The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

    This seven-page-paper explores the symbolism and the imagery that is used in The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. Bibliography lists seven sources.


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