Click on any of the research paper to read a brief synopsis of the paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
UK Education Policy Prior to and Following the Second World War
This 6 page paper discuses education policies in the United Kingdom before and after World War II and comments on how policies prior to the war established the foundation for policies after the war. The writer begins with an overview of the general attitude toward education in the 19th century and discusses official commissions established to investigate education. The Forster Education Act of 1870 is discussed. The first major education act after the war was the Butler Education Act in 1945, which addressed secondary education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A History of Special Education in the US
An 8 page research paper that relates the history of special education. The structure of this history of special education first looks at the field earliest beginnings, which addresses how early special education innovators developed this field. However, the reality of history is also that there was resistance to the very idea of special education for severely mentally handicapped children and this is also addressed before moving on to the recent history of special education in the US and conclusions. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Distance Education Research
A 6 page paper discussing two distance education research efforts and assessing their value for contributing to the advancement of online education. One author decries the lack of quantitative methods used in education research, another focuses on the lack of framework-defining theory in much of today’s current research into distance education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Changes in Higher Education Due to the Internet
This 7 page paper discusses the changes that online education has had on higher learning. It considers the rise of the Internet education; the way in which this type of education has moved away from the liberal arts tradition; and the impact on tenure caused by distance education. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
General Education and Special Education Teachers
A 10 page paper which compares the stress levels between special education teachers to general education teachers and considers if special education teachers are at a higher risk of stress disorders than their general education counterparts. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
US Public Education
This is a 10 page paper discussing the history of public education in the United States. Since the 17th century, the Americans have been concerned with the support of public education in the United States. Many public schools which opened, the first reported in Boston in 1642, were still mainly for the education of those in the middle and upper classes as the lower classes were dependent upon the income brought in by their children. Through the support of advocates for the importance of public education, such Horace Mann and later, the Philadelphia Working Men’s Committee, the idea of public education funded by the state became more of a reality with stipulations which would allow for children to work and attend school at the same time. Many discriminatory aspects were still to be overcome however as the education of women, racial minorities and Catholics were highly restricted. Several innovators and centuries later, the development of public education was expanded to include women, African Americans and other minorities aided by laws of desegregation in the Fourteenth Amendment. Today, public education is still a controversial issue since the voucher system has been introduced to allow individuals to apply their public education taxes to tuition to private institutions which may provide more suitable and specific educational needs for those who do not wish to educate their children in the state and federal based curriculum. Regardless of the results of this latest controversial issue, public education will always remain an important part of the American society in their efforts to educate all Americans without fear of financial loss or discrimination.
Bibliography lists 20 sources.
History and Trade School Problems
8 pages. This is a literature review regarding the issue of trade schools vs. schools of higher education. For the most part there is an ongoing argument that trade schools are not as socially responsible nor as distinguished as schools of higher education. This paper shows why that statement is in most cases a false one; trade schools can be and in many cases are advantageous over schools of higher education. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Importance of Education and Teen Pregnancy
A 15 page research paper that explores the current literature on teen sex education. The writer explores the debate between those who promote abstinence-only sex education versus comprehensive sex education and argues that research shows that abstinence-only sex ed. does not work. Mandatory comprehensive sex ed. is proposed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Sexual Orientation and Sex Education in School
This six-page-paper discusses whether or not sexual orientation should or should not be part of the sex education curriculum in our nation's schools. It opens with a definition of sexual orientation and outlines what is currently being taught in sex education. It then discusses the many reasons sexual orientation should be part of the overall sex education curriculum. Bibliography lists seven sources.
Online Learning and Teaching
A 4 page research paper that investigates this topic. Online learning encompasses the possibility of bringing about a revolution in delivery of higher education. However, along with benefits, online education also brings concerns. Literature addressing online education discusses concerns about instructional strategies and best practices in online teaching, as well as advantages, disadvantages, and how online learning compares with traditional classroom instruction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Online Education
A 10 page paper discussing the emergence of the learning management system (LMS) for online education. Initially within the domain of business training only, online schools have begun to use many of the techniques that the LMS promotes. The LMS has come into being concurrently with a return to proven approaches to education, bringing the best of all worlds to online learning. The focus of the paper is that of higher education, but the principles apply to training in the workplace as well. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Current Perspectives/Math and Science Education
A 3 page research paper that discusses the fact that the position of the United States in relation to other countries and math and science education has been a cause for concern for the last decades. This examination of literature looks at current perspectives on trends in US education, with a focus on math and science education and how this impacts the country as a whole. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Current Perspectives/Math and Science Education
A 3 page research paper that discusses the fact that the position of the United States in relation to other countries and math and science education has been a cause for concern for the last decades. This examination of literature looks at current perspectives on trends in US education, with a focus on math and science education and how this impacts the country as a whole. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
UK Post World War II Comprehensive Education Development
This 5 page paper discusses the development of the comprehensive education system following World War II. The Butler Education Act of 1944 established the comprehensive secondary education system. It was a tripartite system with students identified for one of three types of secondary schools based on tests they took at age 11. This essay discuses the purpose of the Act and the arguments for and against the system. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Higher Education in California
A 5 page paper. The California Master Plan for Higher Education, passed in 1960, outlined the population pool for each higher education system in California, the University of California, the California State University and the Community College system. The Cal Grant program was also put into place to help low-income students pay for their education. This essay explains the criteria for admission, discusses the effects of Proposition 209 and increasing tuition fees. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Roles in Education/Chapter Summaries
A 10 page research paper that addresses issues in leadership as they apply to education. The first page addresses the question of what roles community leader and religious institutions should play in the process of education. This is followed by three 3-page summaries of articles on education and leadership. Bibliography sites these articles, but this information is incomplete.
Sexual Orientation and Sex Education in School
This six-page-paper discusses whether or not sexual orientation should or should not be part of the sex education curriculum in our nation's schools. It opens with a definition of sexual orientation and outlines what is currently being taught in sex education. It then discusses the many reasons sexual orientation should be part of the overall sex education curriculum. Bibliography lists seven sources.
Continuing Education
A 4 page essay/research paper in which the writer/tutor offers advise to the student on how to write a paper that relates her continuing education activities as a nurse. The writer/tutor, for the purposes of demonstration, selected the subjects of smoking cessation and an article describing 1-day continuing education conference on the implications of genomics on nursing practice as the topics for discussion because both topics are pressing concerns in contemporary nursing literature. The writer suggests that the student draws on this information in relating her continuing education activities. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Parental Issues in Education
A 3 page research paper that discusses 3 parental issues in education, which are: How parental values affect children’s education; how home-schooling affects performance in higher education; and whether parents should be allowed choice under the NCLB. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Special Education - Case Study
This 7 page paper responds to specific requirements. These include: networking with two sources to identify trends and hot topics in special education; having discussions with two principals about their experience with parent advocacy groups; discussing information with school special education coordinator; and identifying priority areas for the school. The three areas are assessing ELL students for learning disabilities, parent involvement and support for general education teachers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Special Education Views and Theories
This 3 page paper provides an overview of some thoughts/theories on special education.
Annotated Bibliography - Dual Language Education
This 5 page paper is an annotated bibliography of 10 sources dealing with dual language education.
Three Events in the History of Higher Education
A 4 page research paper that discusses the history of higher education in relation to three events. This examination will briefly examine these three events and discuss how they influenced higher education's development. In general, the progression that these three events dramatize a gradual evolution toward offering higher education to an increasing diverse, more numerous segment of the population of a particular era. These three events are the origin of universities in the medieval period; the opening of higher education to women and the implementation of the G.I. Bill after World War II. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Children and Early Formal Educational Instruction
An 11 page paper. There is a significant amount of pressure to begin children in formal education programs younger and younger. For this essay, a 'formal education program' is defined as any systematic early childhood education program where children receive any type of rating on cognitive performance, even reciting their numbers or the alphabet. It seems to make sense to think that sending children to formal programs at early ages would be detrimental to them. The literature belies this supposition, however, in fact, there is an ever-increasing amount of literature that demonstrates the short- and long-term benefits of very early education. This essay discusses the issues and presents the literature. The writer does comment on the practice of using standardized tests with four-year-olds. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Literature Review of Mathematics Distance Learning
This 8 page paper provides a review of literature on the use of online education in mathematics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A Review of Special Education Training Literature and Funding Issues
This 3-page paper focuses on literature dealing with funding for special education and its training. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Literature Review on Primary School Music Education for Children Ages 5 through 7
This 38 page paper provides an overview of music education and a review of the existing literature. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Literature Review on Physical Education
This 4 page paper provides an overview of the current literature about exercise, physical fitness and physical education. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Cultural Basis of Education, Pedagogy and Educational Psychology
This 5 page paper considers the cultural basis for education, pedagogy and educational psychology in the U.S., England and elsewhere. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Education and Nursing
This 5 page paper provides an overview of nursing education and its significance for nursing practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Law Enforcement, Cultural diversity and Community
This 9 page paper discusses the ramifications of integrating diversity training and cultural education into the criminal justice system. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Literature Review of Mathematics Distance Learning
This 8 page paper provides a review of literature on the use of online education in mathematics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
'Praxial Music Education' According to David Elliott
This 7 page paper discusses David Elliott's concept of musicianship, which he calls "praxial music education." Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Activity Cycles
A five page paper which looks at the Montessori theory of child development and education with particular reference to cycles of activity.
A 3 page paper which examines technology regarding education and technology involving digital pursuits from a global perspective. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Maria Montessori’s ‘New Education’
In three pages this paper examines what Maria Montessori meant by the term ‘new education.’ Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
This 3-page paper is an essay discussing whether education of unprotected sex in the school is enough for teenagers.
The Importance of an Education
A 5 page paper which examines the importance of an education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Education, Politics, and Northern Ireland
This 4-page paper focuses on education in Northern Ireland as it pertains to political and religious divisions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Science Education
This 5 page paper provides an overview of an article on science education goals and science classroom practices. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
John Dewey's Educational Philosophy
6 pages in length. Celebrated American philosopher, John Dewey, postulated that all life was interconnected amidst education, art and the environment. Through his teachings, Dewey passed along his philosophies to countless students in several colleges across the country. Education as we know it today has greatly benefited because of the insightful philosophies of one of America's foremost thinkers. The writer briefly encapsulates Dewey's philosophies as they developed throughout his career.
Rochester, NY, and Education According to John Dewey's Philosophy and Carter G. Woodson's The Mis Education of the Negro
A 15 page research paper that consists of three 5-page subsections. The first section has to do Carter G. Woodson's 1933 text on African American education, The Mis-Education of the Negro. The second section addresses the failed educational reforms that were implemented in Rochester, New York, in the 1980s and early 1990s. The final section deals mainly with the constructivist educational philosophy of John Dewey. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
The Necessity of Physical Education
A 6 page paper discussing the necessity of physical education in the schools. Lack of funding is discussed. Also the benefits mentally, emotionally, and physically are detailed. The writer's primary purpose is to show that proper Physical education is beneficial for the children. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Higher Education in the Supreme Court
This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of Supreme Court cases dealing with higher education. Engel v. Vitale is highlighted, as well as Board of Education v. Earls. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Using Computers in Pre K and General Education Levels First Chapter Research Proposal
This 20 page paper provides the first chapte rofa research proposal. This paper looks specifically at the role of computer use in general education and in Pre-K education. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Incentive and Retention for Special Education Teachers
A 3 page proposal for an incentive plan for special education teachers. The local school district has made available $10,000 annually for three years – a total of $30,000 – to be used in attracting and retaining ten additional special education teachers. The purpose here is to devise a plan for using those funds with two leading goals: cause teachers to feel valued and benefit their students. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Inclusion Program In High School/A Research Proposal
A 15 page proposal for a research study, which includes a table of content and an abstract as part of this page total. This proposal describes a study that would examine the success or failure of inclusion at the high school level by examining the attitudes of general education teachers and special education teachers as to whether or not inclusion programs are meeting the needs of all students and can, therefore, be classified as successful. The page count also includes suggestions as to proposed methodology and instrumentation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A Case Study
A 3 page research paper/essay that answers questions that pertain to a case scenario in which a fourth grade Cuban-American boy is recommended by his teacher for special education classes and suspension. The writer discusses the boy’s background, the circumstances, and recommends that the child should be kept in a general education classroom, but could benefit from a classroom in which the teacher takes a constructivist approach to learning. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Proposal for Outreach Education in a Community Needs Assessment
A 3 page proposal for conducting a needs assessment of community outreach education efforts targeting health care issues. Designs a study incorporating qualitative input from independent focus groups and representatives from various governmental and private agencies regarding the effectiveness of existing outreach programs and specific community needs. Anticipates that coupling this qualitative input with quantitative information retrieved from the U.S. Census Bureau will aid the design of stand-alone, financially independent, outreach education programs within a three year time frame.
Proposal on Distance Learning and 'Desocialization'
A 25 page research paper. While distance education itself is not new, Internet-based courses are a relatively new phenomenon. The question this proposal asks is: Is there a difference in student achievement between those taking Online courses and those attending the traditional classroom course? The paper is a research proposal that includes: a general introduction to the topic of distance education/learning and to Internet-based education, in particular. The purpose of the study, hypotheses and methodology are included. The literature review reports both anecdotal comments and results of previous research studies, both qualitative and quantitative. One concern with this medium has been students feeling isolated with a lack of socialization with other students. As the literature illustrates, there are many tools and strategies that can be used to minimize any negative effect of distance. Statistical data are reported. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Possible Barriers for MSN Pursuit by Registered Nurses
17 pages in length. Furthering one's education within the nursing field is advantageous to both the patient and the nurse; however, there are situations where attaining this higher education is fraught with perceived barriers. In the instance of registered nurses considering returning to school for a Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN), the perceived barriers include issues directly related to time, money and confidence. How these RNs attempt to overcome the perceived barriers inherently associated with attaining an MSN is paramount to the need for better-educated nurses throughout the industry. Several issues are raised when research seeks to find and address the perceived barriers of registered nurses considering returning to school for an MSN, not the least of which include the impact upon the severe nursing shortage, distance learning, decreased costs associated with higher education, as well as compressing the overall time required to attain the degree. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
1990s American Education Legislation
A 27 page research paper that examines the main trends in legislation pertaining to education in the 1990s. The writer argues that two main trends have predominated. The first trend is exemplified by the 'Goal 2000' legislation which mandates that states set national standards to improve the quality of elementary and secondary education. The second trend is the ongoing thrust of federal legislation to increase access to higher education for minorities. This paper offers a synopsis of educational legislative highlights from the 103rd, 104th, and 105th Congress as well as current trends in state legislation before speculating on whether or not the major goals of federal legislation are obtainable. Bibliography contains 26 sources.
Online Education: Balancing School With Other Life Responsibilities
3 pages in length. Everything takes priority at one time or another; the most important thing to remember is that only one thing can take priority at a time. Balance is the key to successfully juggling an online education with work and/or family demands, however, balance requires sacrifice and compromise whereby something at sometime is going to have to be delegated a secondary preference. The greatest conflict people find when they attempt an online degree is the perceived notion of "your time is your own" from employers, friends and family alike. While the fundamental attraction of online education is the ability to achieve this goal at home, that is the only difference between it and a brick-and-mortar schedule. That online learning removes the logistic component does not mean it lacks structure of time and commitment, a realization that spawns frustration when trying to balance with work and/or family demands. No bibliography.
United Kingdom Early Childhood Education Politics and Policy
A 5 page paper illustrating why workers in early childhood education in the UK need to be informed of political and policy matters. The UK’s approach to early childhood education was as fragmented and variable as that in the US until the Labour government implemented changes beginning in 1997. Today, all 4-year-olds have access to free daycare that includes academic instruction in preparation for compulsory school attendance beginning at age 5. There are concerns that very young children receive instruction for which they are not yet ready, a fact that workers need to remain aware of and avoid. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Early Childhood Education Politics and Policy
A 5 page paper illustrating why workers in early childhood education need to be informed of political and policy matters. Much is said about the potential effectiveness of non-government organizations (NGOs) in developing nations and the extent of their influence in shaping government policy and social perception in developing nations. NGOs exist in the United States as well, of course, and one of the most notable is The United Way. Currently it is embroiled in a political struggle seeking to preserve the federal Head Start program that has been in existence literally for decades. This is not an issue likely to disappear soon, and workers in early childhood education need to be aware both of the struggle and its implications. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Cultural And Gender Influences In Education And Organizations
20 pages in length. Education is becoming an elusive entity for many students who are not equipped to learn the 'American' way. The underpinning of socioeconomic, gender, racial and cultural components often erects barriers that prevent certain populations from engaging in the learning process with their Caucasian counterparts. Indeed, the extent to which the academic process is skewed toward American teaching ideals is both grand and far-reaching; that such marginalizing aspects as language deficiency, gender construct, stereotype vulnerability and standardized testing serve to segregate some student populations from receiving an equal education speaks to the manner by which different backgrounds may cause students difficulty in fitting in with a particular classroom culture, often instigating negative influence upon the self-esteem, perceived abilities as well as how they approach their studies and career choices. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
NCLB, View of Teachers
A 10 page research paper that discusses how teachers see the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act. The NCLB radically changed the nature of the public school system as it serves to deemphasize the local control of public schools, which has been a hallmark of American public education since its inception. The NCLB began to affect schools in the 2002-3 academic years, which means its effects have been ongoing for the last six years. This brings up the question of how do teachers, six years into the NCLB, perceive this legislation and its implications for the future of education in America. This literature review focuses on this question and the opinions of educators, rather than politicians or the general public. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
President George W. Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' Act and Its Implementation
5 pages in length. Contemporary society has a significant challenge on its hands: to provide students with a strong enough education to meet the ever-growing standards imposed by society. As a means by which to address this tremendous need, President Bush instituted the No Child Left Behind Act, which calls for the implementation of solutions to what he deems as the ten most important concerns within the nation's school system: Achieving Excellence Through High Standards and Accountability; Improving Literacy by Putting Reading First; Improving Teacher Quality; Improving Math and Science Instruction; Moving Limited English Proficient Students to English Fluency; Promoting Parental Options and Innovative Programs; Encouraging Safe Schools for the 21st Century; Enhancing Education Through Technology; Providing Impact Aid; and Encouraging Freedom and Accountability. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
UK's Talented and Gifted Education
This 43 page research report addresses gifted education with an emphasis on the United Kingdom. The report begins with a brief history of gifted education (in the 1870s in New Jersey, USA) and includes the change in focus from intellectual cognitive ability to a broader perspective. Topics addressed in the report include: the definition of giftedness and how that has changed and why, underachievement, methods for identifying gifted children, including tests, teacher recommendations and checklists, identification by provision and identification by provision in practice, Freeman's Sports approach, comments on nature vs nurture, can giftedness be developed, characteristics of the gifted child, emotional/social development, implications for teachers, preparing teachers to work with the gifted, and comments about programs for the gifted. While most of the research is applicable to giftedness anywhere, there is an emphasis on the UK. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Organizational Conduct and ELearning Effects
A 12 page paper. -learning is the fastest growing segment in education in education history and it continues to grow. Adopting E-learning/training methods and decreasing or eliminating traditional classroom training models represents a significant change for any organization. Since the research continues to support the effectiveness of E-training, more companies are changing to this technology. This report provides examples of companies and their successes, including ROI, data regarding the growth of E-training, and a general overview of E-learning in the corporate world. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Education and Cross Curricular Activities' Impact
7 pages in length. Acquiring an education no longer means sitting quietly in a classroom environment and listening to a teacher lecture for hours on end, receiving no mental or tactile stimulation or having to center upon one subject at a time. The very essence of learning is that students absorb the information bestowed upon them; however, the only way this can happen is if they are interested and focused. The approach to education has undergone significant modification over the past several decades, with one of the most promising being to raise level of inquisitiveness of high school students from varied cultures through cross-curricular activities. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Nursing Assistants and Multicultural Education
A 10 page paper discussing the education of nursing assistants from an immigrant population that is America's fastest-growing minority. Recruiters increasingly are looking to that growing Hispanic population as a possible solution to the nursing shortage. There can be several problems with recent immigrants, however. These include language barriers, not having completed a GED, limited healthcare, limited financial resources, and possible home issues. As the Hispanic population grows, health care facilities also see a rise in Hispanic patients. Overcoming cultural issues in education can assist in overcoming those same cultural issues in the health care facility. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Community College and Psychology Teaching
A 3 page essay supporting the choice to teach psychology at the community college level. The psychology instructor at a university enjoys full access to subscription-based literature databases as well as employer-paid conference attendance opportunities. Psychologists in private practice gain the satisfaction of being involved in improving the lives of individuals, and some achieve significant financial rewards. The community college can expect none of these financial supports or rewards. The rewards possible are significant and can be immense, however. As is the case when comparing community college education with university education, the end result is only different, certainly not inferior. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Drama and Religious Education
An 8 page research paper that examines religious education as taught through children writing and producing their own plays. Today, religious educators face a formidable task, as it is their goal to present the Bible and its stories in a way that is not only memorable to children, but also meaningful. This description relates a method for accomplishing this task that utilizes the dramatic arts. Specifically, children were instructed within the context of a religious education class on how to write, produce and star in their own play productions. Analysis of this method shows it to be effective and innovative in regards to teaching children biblical truths. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
National League of Nursing and the American Nurses Association
A 3 page research paper that discusses the differing roles of the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the National League of Nursing (NLN), two of the many professional nursing organizations that are active in the US. The ANA works for the improvement of health standards and the availability health care services and fosters high professional standards for nursing, as well as promoting the professional development of nurses and the advancement of their economic and general welfare. The NLN is primarily concerned with nursing education and has as its principal goal to promote quality nursing education, which it facilitates by providing an accreditation service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Emergency Nurse Triage and Education
A 20 page paper discussing the concept of triage and the education of triage nurses in emergency departments. Triage is the process and practice of categorizing emergency room patients according to physical need to be seen by a physician. Triage categorizes patients according to physical need so that those who need to be seen first are, those who can wait do. The state of triage education is such that triage nurses may be greatly experienced and well trained, or they may be barely conversant in the concept. Efforts are underway to ensure that nurses performing triage duty are qualified and experienced. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Role of Nurse Educator
An 8 page research paper that addresses the field of nursing education. Nursing education is a dynamic field that has been challenged in recent years by the issues entailed in the national nursing shortage, as well as the related faculty shortage, while also addressing the innovations presented in increasingly sophisticated technologies (Nurse educator, 2008). This discussion of the nurse educator role looks at various issues associated with this pivotal cog in the nation's healthcare system and the responsibilities involved in being a nurse educator. The final 2 pages on the paper offer an appendix that identifies 5 Internet sites related to nurse educators and discusses these sites. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
New York City and Asian American High School Students
A 18 page paper that discuses the academic achievement of Asian American students with an emphasis on Manhattan. The essay includes available data regarding the achievement of high school students, e.g., the percentage who meet graduation requirements in English and Math, the dropout and graduation rates. Cram schools in NYC are discussed. The writer comments on the effects of stereotyping. The education system in Japan, China and Korea are described to illustrate the effects of culture on learning and achievement. Immigrants from these countries transferred the focus on education from their home countries to America. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
President George W. Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' Act and Its Implementation
5 pages in length. Contemporary society has a significant challenge on its hands: to provide students with a strong enough education to meet the ever-growing standards imposed by society. As a means by which to address this tremendous need, President Bush instituted the No Child Left Behind Act, which calls for the implementation of solutions to what he deems as the ten most important concerns within the nation's school system: Achieving Excellence Through High Standards and Accountability; Improving Literacy by Putting Reading First; Improving Teacher Quality; Improving Math and Science Instruction; Moving Limited English Proficient Students to English Fluency; Promoting Parental Options and Innovative Programs; Encouraging Safe Schools for the 21st Century; Enhancing Education Through Technology; Providing Impact Aid; and Encouraging Freedom and Accountability. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Hospital Innovation Program Education Proposal
A 22 page paper presenting the full proposal for an innovation program at a large hospital. Program goals include (1) enabling insulin IV drip on the medical ward, rather than transferring the patient to ICU; (2) assisting patients to gain and maintain control over their blood glucose levels; and (3) encouraging continuous improvement in nursing knowledge and patient education. The program's theoretical base is a combination of planned behavior and the health-belief model in which the patient believes a problem exists and that treatment is effective. Outgrowth of the program will include greater patient education for better self-management of their diabetes. The paper includes sections addressing implementation and evaluation. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Various Employee Issues in the Workplace Workplace Considerations: Entitlements, The History of Rights, Education & Training, Community Support, and Whistle-Blowing
This is a 5 page paper discussing some issues considered by employees within the workplace. In addition to the basic elements of an employee contract, employees should be aware of their employers’ support of their employees and to what extent this support covers. Employee entitlements for instance may be expected but can vary from organization to organization. While employees are aware of certain rights which exist within the workplace, they should also know whether or not these rights are indeed better or worse than the rights of those who preceded them. Many organizations support education and training for their employees but in almost all cases, the education should be job related for the employers make a considerable financial investment in their employees and wish to retain them. Employees should also be aware of any community-related support their organization has and to what extent that support also benefits the organization. Lastly, employees should be aware of whether or not their organization and state supports “whistleblowers” and in what instances whistle blowing would be considered a positive step.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Overview of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
This is a 5 page paper discussing the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA): its history and application in a health care setting. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) was first introduced in 1987 as a national award for quality in manufacturing in the United States. In 1998, the award was extended to include the health care and education industries. The award is not only meant to award industries for their current quality but to also provide support and guidance for future quality. Regardless of discipline, the award includes certain categories which must be met in regards to establishing and maintaining industry quality which include leadership, strategic planning, human resource development, information analysis, process quality, operational results and customer satisfaction. In physician offices as part of the health care system, a patient-centered focus also creates more of a concentration on patient satisfaction, staff education, and innovation in regards to constant communication with the rest of the health care community.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Tuition Charged by Universities
A 4 page analysis of whether a publicly-funded
higher education program is either possible or necessary. The paper argues that since college or post-secondary vocational training is absolutely necessary for getting a
competitive job, free education should be provided, and the cost could be underwritten by the corporations who will benefit from these trained workers. No additional sources cited.
STDs and Plans of Health Promotion
This is a 5 page paper discussing health promotion plan for STDs in small and large communities. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a global as well as local concern for health care providers. In addition to guidelines and fact sheets about the prevalence, treatment and symptoms of STDs provided by the World Health Organization, national and local organizations are developing plans for the prevention of STDs through the education of the public provided mainly through health care facilities, centers and providers. Nurses play a dominant role in regards to health promotion in communities as many are involved not only in the larger centers such as hospital settings in which they will come in contact with patients with STDs but nurses also promote education in smaller communities through awareness programs for the schools, local centers and physician practices.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Social Change is Not Reflected by Statutory Law
Brown v. Board of Education passed into law in 1954, Miranda v. Arizona in 1966, and the Warren court has been out of existence for decades. New laws passed in the U.S. include all kinds of dictatorial aspects including the issue of Homeland Security where the Privacy Act has usurped all rights to an individual’s privacy. This is similar to reasoning behind the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which requires public corporations to keep an electronic copy of every type of correspondence ever passing in or out of a company (including email and post it notes) so that a companies records are complete in case the company investigated by the Federal government. As this shows, statutory controls have gotten out of hand, not the least of which includes an ancient criminal justice system. 4 works cited. jvStatut.rtf
The Conflict Theory of Karl Marx and Views of Terrorism
A 22 page paper that begins with a brief history of the evolution of terrorism, including the typologies of terrorism. Factors that have been linked to terrorism, such as poverty and lack of education are discussed. These two suggested causes, however, cannot be supported in more recent terrorist acts. Other causes cited in the literature are reported and discussed. The myths of terrorism, according to at least one author are reported. Marx's conflict theory is then explained and discussed as it might apply to terrorist acts in the past and in the present. The last section offers additional thoughts and a conclusion on the causes of terrorism. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Keyboard Skills and Further Technology
7 pages in length. There is little question that learning keyboarding skills at the third grade level does, indeed, help improve technological skills later on in school. Part of the challenge of acquiring a good, sound education is getting the student interested in the lesson plan; while some are inherently good students, others require the extra added incentive that computer access offers. However, the child's interaction with the computer is only as effective as his keyboarding skills, which, as studies have begun to note, are just as essential as is understanding the programs. The writer discusses how learning keyboarding in the third grade helps to improve technological skills later on in school. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Quebec's Adult Education Provision
A twelve page paper which looks at the development of adult educational provision in Canada with specific reference to Quebec; the dual system of school board and community education; the way in which the workfare and learnfare programmes have affected the training and employment figures in Quebec and the benefits which have been gained from the liaison between educational practitioners in Quebec and those from other countries in Europe and the Americas.
Bibliography lists 11 sources
Learning and Utilizing Language
A 3 page reaction paper to “Language and Education,” which appears in Life-Span, Human Development by Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider. This is a fascinating chapter in that it addresses the development of what is arguably the defining characteristic of what it means to be “human,” which is the ability to use language. This point is illustrated through the authors’ opening paragraph, which refers to Helen Keller, who was both deaf and blind from infancy, and how the ability to communicate through sign language connected her connected her to her family and society. The chapter then describes in detail how young children acquire language. No additional sources cited and the bibliography is incomplete.
Heath Care and Nursing's Pender Promotion Model
An 8 page paper discussing this model of nursing and model of health care, particularly as it relates to education. The Pender model holds that people are willing and able to take the steps necessary to improve their health standing, to seek increasing levels of wellness rather than only existing without the presence of illness. Delivering health-enhancing information within the confines of the Pender model as well as deference to learning theory can be of tremendous benefit to individuals. It is reasonable to assume that greater progress in a shorter period of time provides additional incentive to retain new behaviors and to continue practicing them until they become ingrained. Achieving healthier behaviors over the long term is the goal of those in health promotion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Traditional Schooling versus Home Schooling
An 11 page paper discussing arguments both for and against home schooling, concluding with an arrangement by which home-schoolers could continue their means of education while professional educators could be assured that the students are receiving adequate academic training. The situation by which students are required to log a specific number of school days annually and then are further required to pass achievement tests appropriate for their grade level should be oversight enough. Working in partnership with local school districts to make use of tax-supported facilities and programs allows the home-schooled to take advantage of public amenities that their parents support through their taxes, and also provides a means by which local school officials can quietly monitor academic progress. Though charges of isolation and lack of social skill development likely will never disappear, increased contact between the home-schooled and the more traditionally-schooled should quiet those fears, as well. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Trespassing My Sojourn in the Halls of Privilege by Gwendolyn M. Parker
This 5 page report discusses Parker’s unique story of the life she has lived as a result of her solidly middle-class upbringing where education and achievement were constantly emphasized. She grew into a smart and self-confident young woman with a deep rooted determination to demonstrate her ability and intelligence and was admitted to Harvard. She earned a place at New York University's law school and went on to become the only black woman at a Wall Street law firm, then moved on to American Express, where she rose to the rank of senior executive. Ultimately, she left it all behind and published her first novel, “These Same Long Bones,” in 1995. No bibliography.
Renaissance and Contemporary Women's Roles
5 pages in length. Throughout the renaissance, patriarchy was responsible for designing women’s role in society; many of these devices used in earlier centuries were related to religion. Certain scripture regularly challenged women to disprove that they were inferior—to not agree was heresy. When religion did not work alone, scientific theory was included as a factor in the equation that supported the ideal that women are inferior. Based on a conviction of inferiority, male authorities were then able to design lifestyles for women, including approved activities, mannerism, education, sexuality and religious pursuits. Contemporary society, however, has witnessed a metamorphosis of gender oppression, clearly demonstrated through popular culture. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
ICU Delirium
A 5 page research paper that discusses delirium in the context of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Research addressing delirium in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) has been ongoing since the 1960s (Hartwick, 2003). However, despite all that has been learned over the past forty years, ICU patients continue to suffer from delirium and it continues to hinder recovery and healing. The complications of ICU delirium are shown by a specific case study reported by Harwick (2003). This case study illustrates how nursing care can directly impact the effects of delirium and it also underscores the importance of nursing education on this topic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
ABE Programs and Resistance Problems
This 12 page analytical review of the current literature reflects the problem of
resistance in adult learner populations, especially in adult basic education (ABE) programs. This paper considers the basic views that
have been outlined in the current literature and defines the importance of existing perspectives as a means of determining ways of addressing the problem of resistance. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Veterans Affairs Benefits Proposal Paper
6 pages in length. The main thing on the minds of every soldier coming home from military conflict is to realign themselves with the lives they left behind. Work, friends, home life, familial relationships – all of these and more require a great measure of readjustment for veterans whose entire existence has centered upon war. Even those without any battle-related encumbrances - such as mental, physical or emotional injuries – still need help assimilating back into the society they left behind in order to protect. Veterans Affairs (VA) has been an instrumental force in providing much-needed education, home loans, pensions, medical care, life insurance and vocational rehabilitation for both the veteran and his/her family, however, as beneficial as VA has been in helping veterans piece their collective lives back together with such assistance, the system has become so overloaded that more and more veterans are going without benefits they are qualified to receive. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
2 Education Articles Reviewed
A 14 page paper that reviews two articles in the field of education, one of which is quantitative and the other is qualitative. The essay begins with an explanation of quantitative research and qualitative research. Because one of the articles is a case study, this method is also explained. The first article is a study from the UK and addresses a problem of the lack of progress as students transfer to high school. It looks specifically at science performance at year 6 – 8. The second article is a case study of a multilevel interdisciplinary team teaching approach used at a large urban high school. Besides reporting the studies, the writer comments on the research styles of each investigator. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Effectiveness of Sex Education in Teen HIV Prevention
A 14 page research paper that offers a research study proposal. The hypothesis for the proposed study is that a sex education program that significantly affects the attitudes and norms of participant adolescents and creates positive cognition toward abstinence and delayed sexual behavior can be termed to be effective, as this result can logically be assumed to have a positive effect on the incidence of HIV among adolescents/young adults. The proposal outlines the parameters of the problem and provides background information on the issues, which states the purpose of the proposed study. A literature review provides context, as it summarizes previous research on this topic. The proposed methodology, data collection and analysis are then summarized. Samples of a parental/guardian consent form and a participant asset form are also included. The proposal also includes a 1 page abstract. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Survey Development
A 5 page paper reporting on a six-week process of developing a questionnaire for a qualitative research effort in education and curriculum reform. The process begins with a literature review, followed by identifying key questions evident in the literature. The researcher identifies several areas of interest, devising questions from those areas for the trial survey. Independent reviewers assess the questions for content and validity; the researcher incorporates their suggestions and returns the revised questionnaire to them. He will incorporate further comments into what will become the final survey instrument. No sources listed.
Robert Louis Stevenson's Autobiographical Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
A 5 page essay that makes the point that on the surface, there is little to connect The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to the events that make up the life of its author Robert Louis Stevenson. Jekyll was English; Stevenson was born in Scotland. Jekyll was a scientist, a doctor; Stevenson a lawyer by education and a writer by profession, and, of course, the fundamental premise of the novel, which is that Jekyll transforms into Hyde, is in the realm of science fiction. However, if one looks below the surface and consider this work for what it says about Stevenson's Victorian mindset, autobiographical aspects begin to emerge. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
U.S. Muslim Families
4 pages in length. Muslim families began arriving in earnest in the mid 1960s with the intent to seek refuge from such atrocities as ethnic and religious persecution, Islamism, Anti-Islamism, civil and international wars and lack of education. Men and women alike hold jobs as doctors, lawyers and bankers, as well as local grocery store clerks and librarians. Indeed, the vast array of employment opportunities has not escaped Muslims in America. Attire of Muslim women is one of the most prominent of all customs, inasmuch as one is easily identified by the headscarf and fully covered body in flowing fabrics. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Myanmar and Function of SMEs
An 8 page proposal for research into barriers that currently exist for economic development in Myanmar, specifically those affecting development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). One author has described conditions in Myanmar in 2005 as a "darker shade of bleak" as the military maintains tight control of the government and Myanmar's people. SME operation providing jobs could mark the beginning of economic changes similar to China's history with its capitalist experiment that proved to be so successful. The primary key appears to be general education and vocational training, however. Research into the barriers that currently exist for SMEs could lead to more definitive identification of needs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
2 Education Articles Reviewed
A 14 page paper that reviews two articles in the field of education, one of which is quantitative and the other is qualitative. The essay begins with an explanation of quantitative research and qualitative research. Because one of the articles is a case study, this method is also explained. The first article is a study from the UK and addresses a problem of the lack of progress as students transfer to high school. It looks specifically at science performance at year 6 – 8. The second article is a case study of a multilevel interdisciplinary team teaching approach used at a large urban high school. Besides reporting the studies, the writer comments on the research styles of each investigator. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Elementary School and Family Life Education
A 3 page position paper that defends the role of family life education at the elementary school level, arguing that open and honest answers to all student questions concerning sexual matters serve to protect children from peer and media sexual pressure. While parents would like to protect their children from sexual messages until a later age, the truth is that children are bombarded with sexual images from television, billboards, movies and other media. Research shows that between sixth grade and junior high school, students' intentions to become sexually active increase (Price, et al, 2003). Therefore, the upper elementary grades provide an ideal time to provide a positive influence on sexual behavior by providing honest answers to sexual issues. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Middle Managers and TQM Implementation Implications
A 65 page paper discussing reasons for failure of TQM implementation, particularly as it applies to middle managers. The paper gives an overview of the approaches to TQM of Deming, Juran and Crosby, and focuses on Deming's 14 Points as the basis for properly-applied TQM practice. Deming's philosophy of management within the framework of TQM leaves no room for authoritarianism or autocracy; participative management is required if TQM implementation is to be successful in any firm of any size. The paper includes discussion of a mail survey identifying three middle-management attitudes toward TQM's potential effects on their jobs, including detailed descriptions of both observed and potential limitations of the study. It concludes that middle managers have legitimate fears that can be overcome with Deming's admonishment to invest in training and education of all employees, including the middle managers of which Deming himself made no mention. Bibliography lists 31 sources.
Education, Knowledge, the Human Soul, and Plato's 'Allegory of the Cave'
A 5 page essay that relates and analyzes the allegory of the cave that Plato relates in Book 7 of his Republic. The purpose of the narrative is to illustrate the effect that education, and specifically knowledge of philosophy, has upon the human soul. Essentially, the allegory of the cave posits that the enlightenment bestowed by philosophical education moves the cognitive powers of the individual from darkness into light, opening up a whole new world in which the individual is prepared to recognize what Plato deems to be the true nature of reality. No additional sources cited.
Necessity of Music Education
A 6 page research paper that discusses the advantages offered to students by music education. Research shows that music should be regarded as a crucial component in childhood development that promotes discipline, self-esteem and responsibility. Examination of the importance of music education shows that it should be a part of every school curriculum as it is through music that society has the hope of producing a happy, mentally-healthy, productive citizenry. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Special Education/Literature Review
A 15 page research paper that discusses special education, its history in the US. This examination of issues pertaining to special education offers a broad overview of this topic via a review of relevant literature. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Special Education Overview
A 5 page research paper that discusses special education, which is a topic that covers a broad array of topics. This overview of special education looks a few of these topics, offering definitions and discussion of relevant issues. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Special Education Issues & Policy
A 6 page research paper that takes the form of a hypothetical interview. The writer argues that the literature that pertains to special education suggests possible answers that a school district special education coordinator might give to the questions asked by the student researching this topic. This hypothetical interview, therefore, offers a template that the student can use when writing his/her own paper based on the interview data that the student will collect when conducting his/her interview. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Incentive and Retention for Special Education Teachers
A 3 page proposal for an incentive plan for special education teachers. The local school district has made available $10,000 annually for three years – a total of $30,000 – to be used in attracting and retaining ten additional special education teachers. The purpose here is to devise a plan for using those funds with two leading goals: cause teachers to feel valued and benefit their students. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
NCLB Act and Requirements for Special Education Teachers
16 pages. The 'No Child Left Behind' (NCLB) Educational Act that President Bush has signed into being assures new guidelines causing teachers and schools to be more accountable for the education received by every child, especially those in the lower-performing schools. This paper examines the ramifications of this tough new law and how urban schools can help provide special education students a qualified teacher in every classroom. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
American and Muslim Faith
15 pages in length. The writer discusses Muslim faith and practice, Muslims in America, Muslim fundamentalism in America, Muslim education and Muslims view on American education. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Planning an Obesity Education Program for 16 - 18 Year Olds
This 11 page paper looks at the problem of obesity, paying particular attention to the age group of 16 0 18 years. The aim of the paper is to develop an effective educational program aimed at reducing obesity in 16 – 18 year. Included in the paper is a discussion on the problem and current gaps in support and healthcare education dealing with obesity before looking at the use of an appropriate healthcare change model and the proposed inclusion in any education program. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Tutorial on Personal Education Views
This is a 6 page paper that offers personal views about different aspects of education. The topics discussed include: the roles of parents and the community in education, including citations related to the effects of parent involvement; administration's impact on teaching; and the impact of the student population, specifically, the need to meet the needs of a diverse population. Tutorial comments and recommendations throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Piaget/Elementary & Middle-School
A 3 page research paper that discusses and summarizes the cognitive learning theory of Jean Piaget and how this has impacted elementary education. The writer argues that, based on his research, Piaget concluded that a teacher should be more of a facilitator in the education process, than a leader, and that teachers should take their lead from the child. In other words, Piaget was one of the first psychologists to formulate a theory of knowledge as constructed by the learner. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Health Education Teaching Strategies
In this 3 page paper, the writer offers an overview of the 'seven by seven' health education curriculum in Hawaii, an introduction to the Personal, Social and Health Education program in the United Kingdom and provides an example using a nutrition unit. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Practice and Philosophy of Adult Education
In this 5 page paper, the writer describes their own personal philosophy of adult education, which is a combination of three of the five primary philosophical orientations in the field. Each of the three are described. The writer then goes on to discuss Knowles' comments on andragogy as compared to pedagogy. Finally, a mission statement for the adult educator is provided with a conclusion that describes an overriding principle of adult education. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Multicultural Education And Technology
A 10 page paper that includes these sections: abstract, stimulus statement and topic, teacher competence to teach multicultural education, what we know about technology and student achievement and technology in pre-service multicultural education classes, what we do not know and recommendations. There are many suppositions that make good sense about the value of technology when teaching multicultural lessons but there seems to be very little empirical evidence. Data are provided for studies where technology was used with ELL and disadvantaged students for math and writing. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
STD Abstinence-Only Education/Is It Working?
A 6 page research paper that examines what empirical studies and experts have to say about the content of sex education and whether abstinence-only programs should be preferred. The writer argues that this body of evidence indicates that while abstinence is an important message to send to teens, sex education should be comprehensive. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Impact of Adult ADD/ADHD on Education
A 20 page research paper that provides a literature review on the topic of adult ADD, with particular focus on how ADD affects the processes involved in adult education and degree completion. Topics include diagnosis, treatment, medication, and learning, as well as the impact of ADD on adult education and degree completion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Self-Realization And The Liberal Arts: Assessing The Link
6 pages in length. Building upon the intrinsic connection that exists between self and culture is the fundamental element of a liberal arts education. The extent to which liberal arts serves as a conduit between the individual and the surrounding world is both grand and far-reaching; that this direction of study empowers one with the capacity to experience a greater level of self-knowledge and self-realization speaks to the holistic value of a liberal arts education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
The Potential for Robots in Schools
This 14 page examines the potential use of robots and robotics in education, considering how the technology may be utilized, the benefits to the students, the teachers and the education industry as well as the challenges that are inherent with the use of robots. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Individualized Education Plan Sample
This 4 page paper presents an Individualized Education Plan for a first grade student who has been assessed and been determined to qualify for special education based on assessment results provided by the student. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Development and Value of Alternate Education
This 118 page paper is a comprehensive literature review looking at the development and value of alternative education, with an emphasis on the US. The paper looks at a range of theories regarding the way education is delivered, including teaching styles, curriculum design and learning styles. The development of different educational institutions and the provision of learning for different students is also discussed, along with the results and benefits that have been realized. The bibliography cites 187 sources.
Education and Humanism
A 3 page paper that presents a basic overview of humanistic education, a philosophy found in humanistic psychology. The writer reports how humanistic educators typically describe this approach. The basic components found in humanistic education classrooms is explained. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Necessity of Music Education
A 6 page research paper that discusses the advantages offered to students by music education. Research shows that music should be regarded as a crucial component in childhood development that promotes discipline, self-esteem and responsibility. Examination of the importance of music education shows that it should be a part of every school curriculum as it is through music that society has the hope of producing a happy, mentally-healthy, productive citizenry. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Nursing in Great Britain, Clinical Supervision
A 5 page paper discussing the role of clinical supervision in nursing. For the nurse involved in direct patient care, the result of the integration of national policy, health care governance, technical competence and positive client perspective is a continually-evolving program of continuous improvement and ongoing education. Whether that education is formal or experiential is of little consequence in forming a standard approach to direct patient care, but it can have implication in individual nurses’ professional development. That development must remain market oriented, but also remain in compliance with national policy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Diabetic Education and Nursing
A 7 page research paper that examines the role of the nurse educator in regards to education of clients suffering from diabetes. The writer discusses current literature, theoretical frameworks for diabetes education and how the role of the nurse educator impacts the lives of diabetic clients. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Effects of Academic Dishonesty on Higher Education
In eight pages this paper examines the academic dishonesty in an overview that includes causes, effects, impact on higher education, direct correlation with workplace behaviors, and makes recommendations as to how higher education can tackle this growing problem. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.
Accreditation & Regulatory Education Agencies
A 7 page research paper which contrasts and compares an accreditation agency and a regulatory agency in regards to higher education, pointing out the similarities and differences between these two types of organization and how each contributes toward facilitating the goals of higher education. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Early Childhood Educational Instruction
A 5 page research paper that contrasts direct/didactic instruction with developmentally appropriate instruction at the preschool level of early childhood education. This examination of research and literature demonstrates that most experts in early childhood education do not favor direct instruction, but rather support instruction that is developmentally appropriate. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Studies in Distance Education
This 3 page paper analyzes three articles about distance education very briefly, and discusses what the concept of distance education comprises. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Accreditation Need and Distance Education
This 10 page paper provides an overview of distance education, the increasing enrollment in Online higher education programs, research comparing Online versus traditional classroom student achievement and the need for accreditation. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Multicultural Education And Technology
A 10 page paper that includes these sections: abstract, stimulus statement and topic, teacher competence to teach multicultural education, what we know about technology and student achievement and technology in pre-service multicultural education classes, what we do not know and recommendations. There are many suppositions that make good sense about the value of technology when teaching multicultural lessons but there seems to be very little empirical evidence. Data are provided for studies where technology was used with ELL and disadvantaged students for math and writing. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Special Education/Literature Review
A 15 page research paper that discusses special education, its history in the US. This examination of issues pertaining to special education offers a broad overview of this topic via a review of relevant literature. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
The Development and Value of Alternate Education
This 118 page paper is a comprehensive literature review looking at the development and value of alternative education, with an emphasis on the US. The paper looks at a range of theories regarding the way education is delivered, including teaching styles, curriculum design and learning styles. The development of different educational institutions and the provision of learning for different students is also discussed, along with the results and benefits that have been realized. The bibliography cites 187 sources.
Status of American Education
A 3 page research paper that offers a discussion of educational literature. Since 1983 and the publication of “A Nation at Risk,” which gave a devastatingly negative report on the status of American education, the federal government has been attempting to reform the public school system with such programs as the Goals 2000, and then with the institution of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act. This examination of literature looks at a variety of scholarly articles in order to ascertain the current status of American education, its successes and failures. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Literature Review on Post 1980s' Teacher Education Programs and Trend Causes and Effects
This 12 page paper provides an overview of the current literature that represents changes in the trends in teacher education programs since the 1980s. In particular, this review of the current literature provides an overview of some of the central issues in education that have impacted changes in educational programming, including the reform movement, the transformation of educational directives under TQM, increasing immigration and subsequent diversity training and educational directives to define equity in the educational setting. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
Education and its History
This 13 page paper deals with the philosophies of education of several experts in the field, namely Barbara Thayer-Bacon, and Joe Kincheloe. Works cited include Philosophy Applied to Education, and Contextualizing Teaching. Constructivist and indivdualistic views are discussed as well as philosophies that impacted the modern development of the educational processes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Adult Literacy Since the 17th Century
5 pages. This paper describes the major events that have occurred in adult education literacy from the seventeenth century up until the present time in the United States. Historically there are a number of factors involved in these events including race, class and gender which have served to impact the access of this aspect of education. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Rich, Freire and Education
This 3 page paper discusses the essay and poems of Adrienne Rich and the banking theory of education put forth by Paolo Freire, and how they can be related to education. Bibliography lists 2 sources
Education and the Use of Cinema
5 pages. Paulo Freire has several interesting theories concerning the types of education, teaching methods, and which work best in the classroom or other venues. This paper will focus on teaching methods and the use of film as a viable media for Freire's Problem Posing Education theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Multicultural Education Challenges for Teachers
A 20 page paper that presents a modified research proposal, including an abstract and purpose of study. The literature review reports scholarly articles related to the preparation of preservice teachers in multicultural education. The purpose of the present study is to obtain information from teachers as to how prepared they feel to implement a multicultural education program. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Greenwood Primary Student Arts Program is a Program for School Excellence
This 12 page proposal relates to the use of an Integrated Visual Arts Education programme, designed to enhance arts education learning at Greenwood Primary School (GWPS). This proposal outlines the arguments for a funding request for this programme for school-based excellence, and demonstrates how the programme has succeeded in meeting many of the needs of the learner population. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Expectations of a College Education
A 3 page College Admissions Essay discussing what a student expects to receive from their college experience. Written from the perspective of one student, this paper outlines the major purposes of a college education. These purposes include the instillation of skills and knowledge, the transition from youth to adulthood, the enhancement of communication skills, and the provision of contacts that will be of value in the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Classrooms and Developmental Psychology Applications
This 4 page paper touches on the idea of how psychology may be applied in education. Much of the paper outlines theories from Erickson, Piaget, Freud and others. Developmental staging is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Shortcomings of a Cookie Cutter Education
An 8 page paper addressing the problems presented in trying to provide for equality in education while at the same time addressing the specific needs of each student. Insight from Ralph Waldo Emerson and John Dewey interlaces this paper. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Business Education Lessons
This 10 page paper provides an overview of the six facets of understanding and lists the basic elements that might be included in a lesson plan in relation to these facets. This paper also includes two complete business education lesson plans and the assessment tools to be utilized with those lessons. There are four sources cited.
The Need for Mandatory Sex Ed
A 3 page essay that argues that the State of Massachusetts should mandate comprehensive sex education in junior high, beginning at age 12. No bibliography is offered.
Critical Thinking & Art Education
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the nature of creativity and critical thinking. The writer relates a personal change in perspective that affected the way to approach to elementary art education. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Mentally-Disabled Young Adults, STIs Education
A 10 page research paper that describes a proposed comprehensive sex education program for residents of St. Dominic's Home who have intellectual disabilities. The paper includes program background, literature review, goals and objectives, evaluation model design, evaluation methods, data analysis and reporting, economic evaluation, ethical, equity and leadership considerations and implementing and monitoring strategies. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Schools Should Have Comprehensive Sex Education Programs
An 8 page research paper that examines the growing trend in the U.S. toward abstinence-only sex education. The writer argues that these programs are ineffective and bad public policy that actually endangers adolescents rather then coping with the problems of teen pregnancy and the rate of STDs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
College Education Financing
This 4 page paper provides an overview of the best approaches to financing a college education. This paper introduces some of the trappings of new college students, including issues of selecting a college, travel, the use of credit cards and financial aid. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Opportunity Costs of College
A 3 page paper discussing the costs and benefits of taking the time to gain a college degree. Those with college degrees currently earn nearly twice over their entire working lives as those with only a high school education, but there is less opportunity now for high school graduates than in the past. In the future there will be decreasing demand for those without a college degree and the lifetime earning potential between those with and without college degrees is likely to become even more disparate. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Multicultural Educational Tool of Drama
A 12 page paper that begins with data regarding the proportion of ethnic and racial minorities in the U.S., the definitions of culture, and the need for multicultural education. Attitudes begin very early in life. The writer then discusses how drama can be used to lead to awareness and understanding of other cultures. Lesson plan is included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Structural Inequality And Diversity
This 25 page paper is comprised of two parts. The major portion discusses the history of structural inequality, how systems of oppression and inequality are created and perpetuated, the systemic nature of inequality, and the value of diversity. The second and shorter part of the paper discusses structural inequality and communication skills. In this section, the writer focuses on the education system. Numerous examples are provided throughout the paper as are statistical data when available. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
20th Century Educational Inequality
A 3 page discussion of the attempts which have been made to insure equal education in the twentieth century. The author contends that these attempts have fallen short, that our schools are not meeting the dual goals of equality and excellence . Part of the reason is an almost myopic concentration on equality in funding when what is really needed is equality in circumstance.
Improving Organ Donation Through Clarification and Education
In six pages this paper discusses how to improve organ donations through clarification of confusion regarding the concepts of death, calming the fears that signing a donor card and offering organ donation consent encourages physicians to hasten death, and the importance of community education to change perceptions, attitudes, and to develop a more informed awareness of what organ donation and transplantation means. Seven sources are listed in the bibliography.
Lesson Plan Based on the Bloom Taxonomy
This 7 page paper provides an overview of a lesson plan for an education program. This paper outlines the audience, determines the learning needs, and uses two of the three categories of Bloom's Taxonomy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Decisions on the Educational Needs of Children With Down Syndrome
A 3 page discussion of the emotional struggles that confront parents of Down Syndrome children both on receiving the news that their child has the syndrome and as they try to make decisions about their child’s education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Community and Patient Nursing Care and Meningococcal Meningitis
A 5 page discussion of the multifaceted approach this disease requires in order to accommodate both patent and community needs. The nursing role extends from the bedside administration of medications and the monitoring of vital signs to administration of prophylactic medications to close contacts of the patient to the education of the community as a whole. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Impacts of the Level of Nursing Education on Patient Reported Outcomes
This 15 page paper provides an overview of the impacts of nursing levels of education and the self-reported satisfaction or perceptions of elements like safety. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Efficacy of Tutoring Programs & Math
A 10 page research paper that offers a template to a student researcher on how to go about conducting a proposed research study that examines the effect of 2 types of tutoring programs, peer-tutoring and a math content master lab, on academic achievement using a sample group of African American special education students within inclusive classrooms. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Introduction to Montessori
A 7 page paper that discusses some of the principles and the components in the Montessori method. Different concepts, like the absorbent mind, preconscious level, sensitive periods and discipline, are discussed. The writer comments on the contributions Montessori made to early childhood education. Bibliography lists 7 sources. PGmnts10.rtf
Language Acquisition Principles: Immersion
A 3 page paper which examines the conditions of immersion as it pertains to education and language acquisition principles. The paper summarizes/analyzes the article Dual-language immersion by Jennifer Esposito. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory and Teaching LD Students
This 10 page report discusses Howard Gardner’s theories of multiple intelligences and how they apply in teaching disabled students. Gardner, of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, asserts that in order for students to utilize their MI, students need to have various tasks where they can employ their underdeveloped intelligences. The theory also suggests that thematic teaching enhances multiple intelligences and allows students to use and strengthen various types of intelligence and skills. All of the aspects of multiple intelligences also apply in teaching disabled students. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Inequities in School Funding
A 3 page research paper that addresses three issues in school funding: (1) Inequalities in funding affect education quality; (2) Alternatives to reliance on local property tax for funding and (3) Challenges in improving school finance formulae. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Law Enforcement and the Value of Higher Education
This is a 9 page paper that provides an overview of law enforcement policy proposals. A proposal to incorporate higher education into officer training is explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Diabetes Control: A Review of Literature
This 9 page paper provides an overview of 8 articles that represent current research in the area of diabetes management and diabetes education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Human Resource Management and the Case of AXEON
This 10 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper is written in two parts, the first part considers the way in which different models of education may be seen with in the case study, looking at the theories of Maslow, Hertzberg and McGregor. The second part of the paper discusses the potential human resource management strategy which is in place, looking at the way in which the HRM practices manifest within the organization, what this may mean for the strategy of the human resource management taking place. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
New Nurses Survival Guide
A 3 page research paper that discusses how new nurses can survive the transition to practice. The fact that there is a knowledge and skill gap between a new graduate registered nurse's education and "actual practice requirements of new registered nurses" (RNs) has long been acknowledged among nursing professionals (Burns and Poster, 2008, p. 67). This gap in knowledge suggests that the novice nurse needs a survival guide in order to survive the critical transition from student to licensed RN. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Education and Leadership
This 5 page paper discusses leadership in education. The research focusing on educational leadership is plentiful, yet, despite the volumes, leadership remains an elusive concept. This essay reviews some of the literature and what is said about the characteristics and theories of leadership in educational settings. Sizer's essential schools concept is mentioned as is stewardship leadership. A list of commonalities among leaders is provided as are other comments. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Personal View of Constructivism
A 3 page paper providing a personal view of the value of the constructivist approach to education and personal assessment of two statements of Ernst von Glasserfeld, who coined the term "radical constructivism." An accompanying 12-slide PowerPoint presentation compares radical, social and cognitive constructivism and identifies their primary theorists (von Glasserfeld, Vygotsky and Bruner, respectively) and uses the example of the success of the Montessori method (cognitive constructivism) over the course of nearly a century). Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Learning Theories Integrated Into The Online Instructional Approach
5 pages in length. An online education has become both a viable and legitimate alternative to brick-and-mortar learning; initially questioned for its ability to teach students with the standard learning theories, online schools have proven their credibility by integrating such methods as active, behaviorism, cognitive, constructivism and exploratory. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Education and Citizens in the Postindustrial American Society
A 10 page (9 pp. + 1 pg. outline) paper which examines whether or not American society ensures that the ‘right to a good education’ for all citizens that is listed in President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Second Bill of Rights is being fulfilled. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Education as a Key to Liberating Women
This 5 page paper argues that both "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" and "Frankenstein" presents the idea that education is the key to liberation, both in terms of women, and for the monster in Frankenstein. It agrees with the first premise but not the second. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
STDs and Plans of Health Promotion
This is a 5 page paper discussing health promotion plan for STDs in small and large communities. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a global as well as local concern for health care providers. In addition to guidelines and fact sheets about the prevalence, treatment and symptoms of STDs provided by the World Health Organization, national and local organizations are developing plans for the prevention of STDs through the education of the public provided mainly through health care facilities, centers and providers. Nurses play a dominant role in regards to health promotion in communities as many are involved not only in the larger centers such as hospital settings in which they will come in contact with patients with STDs but nurses also promote education in smaller communities through awareness programs for the schools, local centers and physician practices.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Differential Treatment of Women Laborers in Canada
This is a 12 page paper discussing wage and labor differentials for women in Canada. Within Canada today, women in the labor force generally make 70 to 80 cents for every dollar men make. This “wage gap” has actually decreased greatly over the years but still has a long way to go for total equity in the work place despite positive legislation in the 1970s and 1980s. Historically, women within Canada have been “crowded” into certain female-dominated professions such as clerical positions, nursing, teaching, domestic work, social work and sales and services. While clerical work once was comparable with male blue-collar jobs in regards to pay, the increase in unionization in many blue-collar trades left most of the female-dominated positions as those which were lower paid. As women shifted away from clerical positions and proceeded to attain degrees in higher education, the wage gap began to decrease but then women encountered the “glass ceiling” in which women held a disproportionate number of positions in the lowest quartile in large corporations. Today, women still have lower average salaries than men despite the gain in higher education. One of the reasons found within studies by Statistics Canada and others is that women who choose to have and raise children lose experience during their absence; experience men continue to gain which in turn leads to more promotions. Another reason believed for the continue wage gap is discrimination which still exists within employers, co-workers and the general population somewhat who still categorize some professions as “female” (such as teaching) and some as “male” (such as the trades) and in essence this restricts female workers from opportunities within the blue collar and higher executive markets.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Reading Education History
A 6 page paper. One writer developed a historical framework that illustrated four ages of reading pedagogy. These are used as the basis for the historical account of reading education. The writer also includes major theorists in the discussion, such as Noah Webster, John Dewey and Norm Chomsky. A history of reading education would not be complete without mentioning the decades old debate of phonics versus whole language. Finally, the essay considers the major trend in literacy and reading programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
History's First Feminist Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz
5 pages in length. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz has been called history's first feminist, a title that she would likely appreciate and take considerable pride in if she were alive in today's world. The woman who entered a convent as a means by which to further her quest for self-education found out that society was not too accepting of women who went against the grain of conformity; in fact, not only was she condemned for her struggles as a woman who sought out more than the social limitations availed to her, but she also had to face ridicule because of her sexual orientation. The female Mexican cultural symbol second only to the Virgin of Guadalupe, was, in fact, of the lesbian persuasion. The writer discusses how de la Cruz was determined to overcome the obstacles that stood in the way of her waiting education. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Grandma's Life Lessons
5 pages in length. Grandmother was a wise woman; she may not have had too luxurious a life, but she knew what it took to survive. One thing she taught me that helped determine my ultimate direction was the difference between education and experience. In her illustrious opinion – to me, at least – she did not believe that higher education -- the
process of transforming raw information from various mediums into meaningful knowledge -- was always necessary in order to succeed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Cultural and Societal Determinism and the Ties That Bind Latino Students
9 pages in length. Latino students in the South Central Los Angeles face a constant uphill battle when it comes to obtaining the same degree of education as their Caucasian counterparts. The fact that they are forced to assimilate into a cultural existence so different from their own is enough of a challenge; however, the mounting pressure of other circumstances -- including the absence of multilingual programs on the school curricula, teacher apathy, a general lack of educational diversity and the presence of cultural and social influences -- only increases the pressure these students already experience on a daily basis. The writer discusses how Latino students in the South Central Los Angeles are bound by societal and cultural determinism when it comes to their education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Learning's Theoretical Components
This 6 page paper addresses three specific aspects of education and learning: the notion of schools and brain compatibility; the role of emotions in learning; and a basic philosophy of learning. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Autistic Students
This 14 page research paper investigates the developmental disorder, autism. Autism is a disorder that appears in infancy and continues throughout the victim's life. Topics include: the characteristics of the autistic child and student; etiology; diagnostic process; and treatment programs. Research studies are reported as is the federal law that mandates the right to an education. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Appalachia and Coal Mining
An 8 page paper on past history of coal mining/strip-mining and damage done to the land. This piece discusses the entrance of people all over globe, and how that community is rallying to 'live at home' and 'fix the land.' The people and governments and coal mining companies are working together through re-education for new technologies and fixing the land to keep their home. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.
Spiritual Journey of Saint Ignatius Loyola
This 5 page research paper explores the life and spiritual journey of St. Ignatius Loyola, Spanish nobleman turned founder of the Society of Jesus Jesuit mission. Specifically discussed are the circumstances which led him to dedicate his life to God, his 'Spiritual Exercises,' which laid the foundation for his order known for both spirituality and education. Bibliography lists several sources.
Arguing in Favor of School Vouchers
A 7 page argument in support of school voucher system. Evidence of excellence and voluntary voucher funding does not support arguments against based on lack of education to certain segments of society. Writer focuses on Florida and southern arguments in support of voucher program where programs are already in place. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
AIDS, HIV, Behaviors and Attitudes of Young People I
A 3 page research paper exploring the affects of AIDS education on young adults ages 18-24. The writer attempts to show that many young adults who participate in risky sexual behavior are not uneducated about the possibility of exposure to HIV. There are also a number of other factors that influence peoples choices around risky behaviors, including the use of drugs and alcohol. The writer cites a number of sources that support the idea that excessive alcohol consumption increases risky behaviors. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Country Overview of Peru
A 10 page research paper exploring the history, government, economy, education, health, and nutritional status of Peru. Great improvements have been made in the country since 1990, however, due to the fact that nearly half the population live in poverty Peru is a long way from being a nation with equal access to its benefits. Politically, it is also a long way from being a democracy since its president appoints so many members of the governmental structure. Bibliography is included.
Social Workers, Single Mothers, and Welfare
In this 14 page research paper, the writer addresses the failure of social workers to resolve the problem of single mothers on welfare. The paper defines exactly who the individual so-called welfare mother is, what are her singular and particularly unique issues, and how the welfare mother attitudinally perceives `work' and what kinds of skills, background, education and other familial concerns the mother has that can either preclude going into mainstream society as a `worker' of not. Report contains an extensive review of the literature, original methodology, study, tables, charts, etc. Bibliography lists 10+ sources
AFDC and Welfare Reform Issues
A 5 page paper that studies the impact of welfare reform on single mother's collecting Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). This paper focuses on the inherent problems within the AFDC system that related directly to women's un-wed status, along with current misconceptions regarding participant status, education and ability to transition from the program into work. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Utopia from One Writer's Perspective
A 5 page paper on a Utopia that offers a combined virtual and social education system, a justice system without lawyers, housing, food and clothing for everyone, no guns, community involvement in daily governance, and hierarchies of volunteer councils of twelve (to infinity). Income is earned and taxed--equally at 10 percent. Money and credit are dispensed with in favor of living according to means with debit cards. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Seek Specific Job Opportunities Based on Bilingualism
A 2 page essay outlining some of the many advantages to bilingualism in the modern workplace. The role of education is stressed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Neil Postman's The Judgment of Thamus
This is a 5 page paper that reviews the essay "Judgement of Thamus" by Neil Postman in terms of Postman's presentation on the concept of the role of technology in education and information dispersal. No additional sources cited.
Critically Reviewing Implications and Effectiveness of the Implementation of the 1996 Welfare Reform Laws by Vocational and Adult Educators
This 20 page paper provides an overview of welfare reform and the impacts of welfare reform on the vocational and adult education perspectives in the welfare reform era since 1996. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Home Health and Hospice Company Business Requirement Analysis
A 10 page paper discussing two identified IT needs at HHH, a home health and hospice company. One of the needs is for automated HR services to provide self-service HR; the other is the addition of laptops, printers and a wireless network so that visiting nurses can reinforce patient education with printed information that patients can use as references after the nurse leaves. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
School Revenue Issues
A 4 page research paper that addresses 3 issues pertaining to school finance, which are how school revenue & expenditures are impacted by demographics & economic change; current social problems that are causing an increase in the annual costs of elementary and secondary education and the issue of year-round schools. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Controversy Over Schools Being Open All Year
6 pages in length. In the ongoing pursuit of lowered costs, higher academic retention and expanded space, many schools across the nation have adopted the concept of year-round schooling, a trend that has students attending classes every single month with small breaks dispersed throughout the year. The controversy surrounding this alternative to the conventional education format is decidedly strong, particularly from the instructor's point of view; however, there is just as much support for year-round schooling due to its non-conformist nature. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Education Research Study Critique
This 5 page paper evaluates an article by Helwig, Anderson and Tindal that appears in The Journal of Education Research. The study as explained in the article is explored and critiqued in an outline format. No additional sources cited.
Modern Youth and Education
This 5 page paper examines the responsibility of government and families in educating American youth. Suggestions are made. A focus is on early education. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
American Public Policies
A review of several of the most troubling public policy arenas of the modern day. These include health, welfare, education, and energy. The paper outlines concerns in each and emphasizes the importance of public policy in addressing these concerns. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Plagiarism in Colleges
An 8 page paper. Following an introduction to the topic of plagiarism, the paper reports data on the frequency of this act with examples that include the attitude and responses of students. The paper discusses some of the plagiarism detection programs available for higher education instructors and comments on them. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Poverty : Causes And Effects
This 12 page paper begins with the data regarding poverty, including rates, regions, minority factors. The paper discusses theories on the causes of poverty and the outcomes and consequences of poverty, including poorer health and less education. The long-term consequences are also discussed. The writer comments about poverty and the schools and the implications for educators. Statistical data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Philosophy of Education by Jean Jacques Rousseau
This 5 page paper examines Rousseau's educational philosophy through an examination of his book Emile. Emile is discussed in depth and applied to modern education. No additional sources cited.
Science in Society
This 3 page paper evaluates an article about science education. The importance of science in society is emphasized. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Changes in Education: The Field of Science and Social Change
This 3 page paper provides an overview of the social influences that have defined changes in science education in recent years. This paper considers cultural and community influences. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Safety and Seat Belts
A 7 page discussion of the problems revolving around noncompliance with seat belt laws. Although seat belt usage is increasing over time, many are still non-compliant. The author examines the views of those that do not use seat belts, pointing out that education is the key to increasing compliance and saving lives. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
An Article on Hong Kong Schools' Sex Education Implementation Reviewed
This 8 page paper reviews an article by Ip, Chang & Lui that focuses on how sex is perceived in China. Authors report on their own study and recommend inclusion of sex education in the schools. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Legal Issues in Education
A 30 page research paper that addresses specific legal issues as they apply to teaching and education. Topics covered include tort liability, negligence, law pertaining to disabled children, privacy issues, drug testing, search and seizure and others. Bibliography lists 1 source.
What Makes a Public School Public
This 5 page paper begins with a very brief overview of the history of education in America. The essay discusses what makes a public school public and some of the many differences in the country. The proportion of federal, state, and local funding is reported. Accountability is also discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Segregation in Education
7 pages. This paper gives an effective look at the fact that African Americans need neither segregated schools nor mixed schools. What they need is simply good education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Seminarians and Spirituality
A 3 page paper that comments on how seminary education helps form one's spirituality and how it prepares students to fulfill their calling. Comments are general rather than specific and examples are included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Adding an Athletic Trainer to the Sports Medicine Clinic
A 4 page paper promoting the concept of adding an athletic trainer to a sports medicine clinic. The paper argues that an existing sports medicine clinic has the opportunity to use athletic trainers on staff in the same roles that nurse practitioners and physician assistants fill in the practices of internists, gynecologists and other medical specialties, as well as providing better client education for injury prevention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Language and Teaching
A 5 page research paper draws on education literature in order to discuss teaching and learning within the framework of the typical tasks in a teacher's workday, i.e., lesson planning, preparing materials of instruction, classroom management, discipline, and lesson delivery, with a particular emphasis on the difficulties inherent in ESL instruction. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Ten Faulty Notions About Teaching And Learning By Heward
A 5 page paper. The full title of the article analyzed is: "Ten faulty notions about teaching and learning that hinder the effectiveness of special education" by William L. Heward. The writer provides a very brief synopsis of each of the ten notions and comments on several of them. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Science and Art of Teaching
8 pages in length. The role of teacher encompasses myriad elements that are critical to the overall learning experience; if an instructor does not implement a hands-on, well-rounded and interactive approach to education, then his or her students are being cheated out of one of the most important encounters of their lives. Clearly, teachers hold a power that few others employ when it comes to molding young minds. When one examines this influential element, one can readily recognize the fact that teaching reflects the combined components of art and science. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Educational Strategies and Teaching Approaches According to Chickering, Gamson, and Angelo
A 5 page research paper/ essay that examines Chickering and Gamson's "seven principles of good practice" and Thomas Angelo's fourteen teaching strategies. The writer argues that these educators, with these recommendations, provide a solid foundation for teaching practice and personal philosophy. This examination explores how these principles and strategies might relate to middle school English education in the seventh and eighth grades. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Teaching Strategies and Dyslexia
A 9 page paper that begins with an introduction to dyslexia and the regular education classroom teacher. This is a frustrating condition for both the student and the teacher because it sometimes seems that no matter how motivated the student is or how hard the teacher works, little progress seems to be made. This essay discusses some approaches that have been shown to be effective for elementary dyslexic students in regular classrooms. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Educational And Instructional Technology
This 11 page paper is divided into two parts. Part 1 discuses the history of technology in education and instruction and the purpose of technology. Part 2 reports a few studies that reveal enhanced learning when today's technology is incorporated into the lesson design. In some cases, specific applications or Web sites are identified. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Early Childhood Education Programs and the Involvement of Fathers and Males
This 7 page paper discusses and outlines the need for father/male relationships in early childhood education programs. Examples of successful programs offered. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Keeping Art In Public Schools
11 pages in length. It has long been realized how the infusion of creativity serves to enhance the overall level of intelligence; as such, students who are in public schools with active arts programs stand to benefit from the synergistic alliance between creativity and intelligence, a coupling that is being threatened by budget cuts and teacher shortages. To attend public school without the advantage of including art is placing students in an environment without culture; clearly, maintaining a schedule of math, science and English does not fulfill the requirements of a well-rounded education. In short, the presence of art programs in public schools "raises SAT scores; improves reading, math, and spatial skills; increases overall academic performance; and builds self-esteem, self-discipline, creativity, community cohesion, and greater tolerance for difference" (Gee 9). As the author points out, the mixed nature of art helps to bridge the divide student populations have with accepting diversity in their lives. With so much being excised from today's public schools, taking away art programs does nothing short of jeopardize the broad-based knowledge that affords greater knowledge, better opportunities and a sense of accomplishment. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Interdisciplinary Unit on Earth Day
This is a 4 page paper that begins with a general introduction of the need for children to understand the dangers to the earth. The unit, which is appropriate for grades 2 and 3, begins with an explanation of how Earth Day originated and why. Activities for this unit are outlined under multiple headings to provide an interdisciplinary unit. The headings are: Reading/Literature/Writing/Science/Environmental Health and Science/Environmental Education/Math/Writing/Reading/Art/Music. The essay also includes a brief outline of which Pennsylvania standards are included in the activities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
ICT School Strategies Development
This 37 page paper examines the way in which strategies should be formulated for teaching information and communication technology ICT, or information technology (IT) on schools so that all students can leave with good IT skills. The paper is written with a full table of contents (not included in the page count), includes the research rationale and keys aims. An in-depth literature review is conducted, studying the different barriers that exist and the different approaches which may be used for curriculum design. The paper then presents some primary research (fictitious) to demonstrate how this can be presented and then tied in with the literature review. The paper needs with recommendations of future ICT teaching strategies. The paper focuses on UK secondary schools (years 7 – 13), but would be applicable to other countries and other areas of education. The bibliography cites 34 sources.
Pay Disparity and Gender in both Private and Public Sector Jobs
This 29 page paper investigates gender pay disparity in both the private and public sectors. Sections include: Introduction, Definitions, Literature Review, and Conclusions. The introduction offers a general overview of the topic and the implications of gender pay gaps. The literature review cites numerous studies on this topic and reports figures that demonstrate a gender pay gap. The writer reports how much of the gap is attributable to characteristics of men and women, such as men working longer hours, family and child rearing, education and experience. The writer points to the glass ceiling and the glass wall that prohibit women from achieving higher level positions and that discourage women from entering certain occupations and careers. The writer also comments on where the pay gap is most severe – in the public or private sector. A recommendation is made in the conclusion for changing this situation. 4 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
High School Science Teaching
A 7 page paper that represents a college student's ability to blend theory with practice. This essay begins by identifying two themes that emerged from both the literature and coursework - students have different learning styles and science curriculum and methods of teaching need to change. The essay discusses why science education needs to change with an emphasis on secondary schools. The paper identifies the courses the student enjoyed the most and relates that to the literature on the need for the active engagement of students with the curriculum and materials. Gardner's multiple intelligences theory is outlined with an example of a science teacher who used this framework. This is also related to theory and practice in teaching science. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Survey Development
A 5 page paper reporting on a six-week process of developing a questionnaire for a qualitative research effort in education and curriculum reform. The process begins with a literature review, followed by identifying key questions evident in the literature. The researcher identifies several areas of interest, devising questions from those areas for the trial survey. Independent reviewers assess the questions for content and validity; the researcher incorporates their suggestions and returns the revised questionnaire to them. He will incorporate further comments into what will become the final survey instrument. No sources listed.
Physical Education Instruction and Growth Patterns of Children
A 5 page research paper that looks at how growth patterns in children should affect PE and sports instruction. Achieving optimum growth and development is one of the primary concerns of physical education instruction. To meet these goals, the adults who instruct school age children need to be cognizant of what constitutes normal growth patterns and also be aware of the ways in which growing children differ from adult norms. Adults should be aware of what constitutes good nutrition for children, and also the possible impact of strenuous sports training on children's growth potential. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Sports Coverage and the Media II
In this well-reasoned 6 page essay, the writer discusses what the media's ethical responsibilities should be in covering sports-related issues & events and how these measure up with reality. It is argued that the media spends too much time influencing the opinions of fans while it should really be providing objective news. Ultimately, the media's poor coverage of sports helps ruin the private lives of athletes, creates dishonesty among players & coaches, and in the specific case of college sports,-- helps draw the spotlight away from education itself. Recommended ideas about what the media should be doing are presented. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Eleventh Grade Mathematics Teachers in the State of New York
A 4 page paper discussing the benefits of entering education as an 11th grade math teacher in New York State. If one author is correct and there is no shortage when the price increases, then it is conceivable that the field will be more competitive in several years as salaries increase. At present, governments at all levels face budgetary constraints and it is unlikely that New York will be able to increase salaries to the point that supply of math teachers can fill the demand. It is an extremely good time to be seeking a job as a math teacher in New York State. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Modenr Day Segregation in Education
This 5 page essay examines the problems associated with separating students into academic 'tracks.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, American Identity and Education
A 5 page paper which
examines Maya Angelou’s “Graduation” and Langston Hughes’ “Salvation” as they relate
to the importance of education and finding one’s identity. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Personal Philosophy of Nursing
A 3 page essay that offers a template for a student nurse to use in writing about his/her personal nursing philosophy. A nurse’s beliefs “regarding humanity, values, the nature of nursing, the focus of nursing, the goals of practice and the focus of nursing research and education” collectively formulate a personal philosophy of nursing that informs and shapes that particular nurse’s practice behaviors (Courier, 2008). As a medical profession, nursing knowledge draws upon the related scientific fields (CSUB, 2006). However, nursing also goes beyond the medical model of healthcare delivery to stress humanistic, caring qualities that address the emotional, psychological side of human experience, as well as physiological needs. The purpose of the following essay is to provide a guide to a nursing student that can aid that student in describing his or her own personal philosophy of nursing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nursing Education Bill
A 6 page examination of literature and discussion pertaining to the Nursing Education and Quality of Health Care Act of 2007 (S. 1604). The purpose of this legislation is primarily to increase the nation’s workforce in regards to well-educated nurses. By 2014, current estimates predict that the nation will need 1.2 million new and replacement nurses (Clinton, 2007). The bill now before the Senate will provide funding for grants and other financial programs in rural communities, which is a strategy intended to encourage the “recruitment and retention of nursing students, nursing faculty and nurses who serve in rural areas” (Clinton, 2007). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Hierarchical Structure Interrelationships as They Relate to Nursing Accountability
A 4 page discussion of accountability in nursing. Contends that accountability is an integral component of all aspects of nursing. The nurse is, of course, above all accountable for the well-being of his or her patient but, with recent pressure from state legislators and higher education coordinating agencies, accountability is becoming a greater and greater emphasis of all aspects of nursing. In the case of student nurses, and indeed all levels of nurses, this accountability is channeled through a chain of command, a chain of accountability which can extend both upwards (through the institutional hierarchy), downwards (to the patient) and even sideways (to colleagues and other professionals) dependent on the organizational structure. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Nursing Need to Delegate
A 3 page research paper that discusses the need for RNs to delegate tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel. While unlicensed assistive personnel (UAPs) are available in a number of clinical environments, overworked and harried registered nurses (RNs) will frequently fail to take full advantage of the capabilities of UAPs by not delegating tasks. Buerhaus, et al (2002) point out that nursing education should include instruction in delegation as part of clinical management precisely so that nurses will become more comfortable with this skill. The ability to delegate effectively is needed in order to oversee the non-RN nursing workforce that will inevitably be required in order to maintain sufficient level so patient care (Buerhaus, et al, 2002). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nursing Philosophy and How It Developed
Nursing did not consider "defining" itself until about twenty years ago. In 1980, The American Nursing Association published their official definition in a policy statement, which reads "nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual and potential health problems" (ANA, 1980, p.4). Each individual state may make some slight variation on the applicability of this definition, particularly in the area of continuing education. This 7 page discussion, however, will examine the basic philosophy of nursing which lies behind this general definition.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Values and Professionalism in Nursing
A 5 page paper discussing development, preservation and advancement of nursing as a profession. Much of the focus of development of nursing over the past century has been on professionalism that has been based on theory and practice, while education, licensing and standards of care have addressed technical expertise requirements. Though true for any profession, that of nursing is not for everyone. Nursing requires a particular type of commitment and level of caring, which the paper discusses. JCAHO is seen as contributing to the overall trend. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Personal Philosophy of Nursing
A 3 page essay that offers a template for a student nurse to use in writing about his/her personal nursing philosophy. A nurse’s beliefs “regarding humanity, values, the nature of nursing, the focus of nursing, the goals of practice and the focus of nursing research and education” collectively formulate a personal philosophy of nursing that informs and shapes that particular nurse’s practice behaviors (Courier, 2008). As a medical profession, nursing knowledge draws upon the related scientific fields (CSUB, 2006). However, nursing also goes beyond the medical model of healthcare delivery to stress humanistic, caring qualities that address the emotional, psychological side of human experience, as well as physiological needs. The purpose of the following essay is to provide a guide to a nursing student that can aid that student in describing his or her own personal philosophy of nursing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nutrition and Health Problems in the Elderly
A 7 page paper discussing controlling diabetes and obesity in the elderly through better nutrition. Intervention that seeks to control both diabetes and obesity in the elderly is not an easy task, but it is one that at least is logical. Patient education is paramount, as is an approach marked with creativity. Visual attractiveness is more important as well, for taste and smell are not as active as in individuals’ earlier years. Controlling diabetes and obesity in the elderly through nutrition is not easy, but it is possible. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Benefiting and Educating Consumers Through Advertising
A 4 page paper discussing the benefits of using advertising to educate consumers. Educating consumers is a point of advertising's classic rules, but advertisers have moved increasingly further away from that rule in recent years as they strive merely to put brand names in front of consumers. As is the case with anything else when one or more points of "laws" are ignored, those ignoring those standard rules miss opportunity to achieve greatest efficiency. Pharmaceutical companies, online traders, online bankers and a host of other companies dealing in goods and services have fared well by including consumer education in their marketing efforts. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A History of Foreign Language Curricula in American Schools
This 11 page paper traces the history of foreign language in American schools. The paper looks at the decades of the twentieth century to see the course that foreign language curricula would take primarily in high school but also in elementary school and in higher education.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Environmental Protection and the Rainforest Café Restaurant
5 pages in length. Grounded in the belief that a combination of education, food and fun is the perfect recipe for enlightenment, the Rainforest Café's primary objective is to teach its patrons about the importance of environmental preservation. The uniquely cultural atmosphere of its dozens of worldwide locations strives to imprint upon its guests the critical connection between human behavior and the swiftly disappearing rain forests. Given to the sights and sounds of a real rain forest thunderstorm every quarter hour, the animated antics of huge elephants towering just behind your seat and food servers adorned in authentic safari garb, diners are treated to an eclectic atmosphere of "amazingly lush surroundings, cascading waterfalls, and beautiful giant aquariums" (Anonymous, 2003) while savoring "fresh, original menu selections, influenced by the cuisines of Mexico, Asia and the Caribbean" (Anonymous, 2003). Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Defining and Managing Diversity in the Workplace
A 12 page paper. Today's workforce is diverse. That is a fact. The definition of diversity is broad and includes: age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, knowledge, experience, background, sexual orientation, culture, and whatever other factors affect how a person works and how a group works together. This essay begins by defining diversity. A discussion of the benefits of a diverse workforce is next, followed by a lengthy discussion on managing a diverse workforce. Examples of how some companies have successfully managed a diverse workforce and the benefits of their efforts, such as increased profits. Principles of managing a diverse workforce are included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Anti Defamation League and the American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee
15 pages in length. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) stands up for myriad minority groups that find it difficult to defend their political existence amidst a wholly intolerant global society. From anti-Semitism to homophobia to Holocaust denial, the ADL's ongoing mission is to fortify the presence of these groups by infusing the younger, more impressionable members of society with a healthy dose of tolerance education. Similar to the ADL, the ADC's mission is to undo centuries' worth of bias toward people of all faiths, races and backgrounds; however, the grassroots civil rights organization's primary focus is upon Arab heritage in the United States. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Licensing Teenage Drivers
This 5 page report discusses teenagers and advocates their ability to act as safe and conscientious drivers.
A driver’s license is a necessary and important step in the larger process of maturing and accepting life responsibilities. Teenagers can be required to do more than just pass drivers’ education and drive well. In order to earn and keep a license, they may be required to stay in school, not drink alcohol, and certainly not use drugs. A driver’s’ license can be a powerful motivator. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Effectiveness of Sex Education in Teen HIV Prevention
A 14 page research paper that offers a research study proposal. The hypothesis for the proposed study is that a sex education program that significantly affects the attitudes and norms of participant adolescents and creates positive cognition toward abstinence and delayed sexual behavior can be termed to be effective, as this result can logically be assumed to have a positive effect on the incidence of HIV among adolescents/young adults. The proposal outlines the parameters of the problem and provides background information on the issues, which states the purpose of the proposed study. A literature review provides context, as it summarizes previous research on this topic. The proposed methodology, data collection and analysis are then summarized. Samples of a parental/guardian consent form and a participant asset form are also included. The proposal also includes a 1 page abstract. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Human Behavior: Conditioned Responses
9 pages in length. The prevalence of conditioned response within the fundamental basis of human behavior illustrates how the concept of reward/punishment is integral to the way in which people act. To understand the connection between stimulus and learned behavior is to realize the strong motivational factor that draws an association between the two; that behaviorists like Pavlov and Skinner have clearly demonstrated the extent to which behavior in all species is prompted by reward/punishment outcome speaks to the straightforwardness of rescripting undesirable behaviors into desirable ones. The inherent value of such knowledge lends itself to addressing issues in criminality, education and a whole host of other areas where conduct plays an important role in a civilized society. Moreover, understanding the cues of behavior and how they are manipulated provides psychologists with the opportunity to restructure destructive thought processes. In short, Pavlov and Skinner set the precedent for proving how the components of human behavior are both simple and finite. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Dr. Sandra M. Finch's Dental Practice and Customers Role, Satisfaction, and Retention
This is a 5 page paper discussing various suggestions and opportunities for customer satisfaction and retention in a dental practice. Assessment of the information available on the web site of Dr. Sandra Finch, D.M.D (, provides the reader with a good outline of the services available in her dental practice in White Rock, British Columbia. The web page gives background, education and training information about Dr. Finch herself under “Meet the Doctor” as well as other customer services areas such as “About the Practice”, “New Patient Information”, “Cosmetic Dentistry”, “Testimonials” and an email contact address under “Contact Us”. The importance of the customer/patient is emphasized throughout the web site and the invitation is also extended to welcome new patients. However, in order to retain her current patients and attract new patients, various customer relations procedures could be introduced which would provide a unique edge over the competition. These practices could include increased advertising through other areas of the media, public speeches to local social groups, customer satisfaction surveys, setting up a referral network, larger access through the web page, guaranteed appointment times and extended hours among other suggestions.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
4 Major Child Abuse Types, Treatment, Prevention, and Statistics
This is a 3 page paper discussing child abuse. The four types of child abuse: physical, sexual, emotional and neglect affects over 879,000 children in the United States on an annual basis. In the past decade, it has been found that over 3 million suspected cases are reported each year. Perpetrators of the abuse are parents, caregivers, babysitters, relatives, and foster parents among others. While the rates of male and female children are around the same, female children suffer four times the rate of sexual abuse than males. In addition to the annual rates of abuse, approximately 1,200 children die each year from abuse and neglect with 85% of child fatalities occurring in children under the age of six. Each year new prevention and treatment programs are developed on national and state levels in order to lessen the incidence of child abuse through support programs and education.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
An 18 Year Old Male's Sexual History
This is a 5 page paper discussing the sexual history of an eighteen year old boy. In the United States, by the time a teenage boy has reached the age of eighteen, he has had over a decade of sexual education. At about the age of 8 or 10, research has shown that boys and girls are aware of sexual intercourse and the other sexual options used such as anal or oral sex among others. In addition, at around this age, boys become aware of the sexual development and interest of others in their peer group. On average, teenage boys start being sexually active at the age of 13 or 14 after which they begin experimenting with the different options available in which they can obtain higher degrees of satisfaction from sex. By the time most teenagers reach grade twelve, they have had over six different sexual partners. Teenage boys also report having sex for pleasure and not necessarily intimacy; explore more sexual options; have more liberal sexual attitudes; and, are not as concerned as girls about protected sex despite their knowledge of the importance of protected sex.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Plato's The Laws Summarized and Analyzed
This is a 10 page paper summarizing and analyzing Plato’s “The Laws” on a chapter by chapter basis. Philosopher and educator Plato (427-347 B.C.E.) wrote extensively in general philosophy which he believed was the basis for the theory of education and political thought. Plato was greatly influenced by the philosophies of Socrates and in addition was critical about Athenian public life “which he presented as dominated by the rhetorical and poetical uses of language in the formation of policies and attitudes”. “The Laws” (360 B.C.E.) was Plato’s last and most extensive work and it reaffirms many of his arguments from previous works in regards to the practical politics of running a Republic. The central speaker is an “Athenian stranger” who gives “advice on the constitution of a proposed new city”.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Error of Reconstruction by Kenneth Stampp and Revisionist History
Can you remember some phrase about education, which goes something like, "the more you learn, the more you discover how much you do not know." Such is the case in "revisionist history." Basically "revisionism" works from the premise of new information, or the use of additional information. Kenneth Stampp is a historic
revisionist concerning the Civil War and the Reconstruction Period. In this 6 page discussion,
we will examine the "new" data that he brings to light in his 1967 (and still being published) text, The Error of Reconstruction.
Theories, Policies, and Intervention Regarding Youth Suicide
This is a 5 page paper discussing the theory, intervention and policies about youth suicide. Because of the increase in youth suicide in the United States in the last thirty years, researchers have provided cognitive theories in an attempt to describe the continuum which occurs in adolescents from negative emotions to depression to suicide ideation to eventually suicide. Once understood, parents, educators and counselling professionals try and implement intervention programs which are available to adolescents in school programs, outside counselling and hotlines to provide for all possible avenues of screening and intervention. Primary and secondary programs should be included in any policies implemented for the prevention of youth suicide starting with programming for youths at risk in the primary school level and continuing throughout the teen years allowing for proper education of counsellors and teachers in regards to the research available.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Culture, Demographics and Socioeconomics of the Black American Family
This is a 6 page paper discussing the demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of African American families. Studies of demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of African American families and communities have shown that overall, African Americans report lower incomes, lower education, higher unemployment and poverty rates, and higher mortality and suicide rates than most White communities in the United States. All of these factors have improved over the last decade and unemployment was reported at an all time low in the last U.S. Census. Despite these adversities however, a large percentage of African American families have succeeded in their educational and professional careers. It is believed that this “resilience” is enhanced by several cultural support characteristics which exist within the African American families and their communities. Most African Americans have reported that their most difficult challenges are based on racism and oppressive factors rather than factors which relate to their family or socio-economic status. Racism, oppression, and segregation are also believed to be some of the primary differences in the mortality and suicide rates in the African American population from the white population. In social science studies and in relation to agencies which wish to establish social support groups to help African American families, all of the cultural, socio-economic, and demographic differences must be taken into account.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Issues, Problems, and Solutions Regarding Nursing Shortages
This is a 12 page paper discussing the current nursing shortage issues and proposed solutions within the profession. The United States is currently undergoing a nursing shortage which is expected to continue until the year 2020. Reasons for the shortage have been reported as: an ageing nursing population; an ageing and decreasing nursing education population; less than competitive salaries in the nursing profession; poor recruitment programs; an increase in the overall population of the United States; an increase in the number of patients due to the ageing baby boomer population; and, individuals in modern society living longer due to new technologies and treatments. The nursing shortage affects the nursing profession in a number of different ways in that nursing managers are trying to find ways to organize, retain and satisfy their current nursing workforce during a time of crisis while at the same time trying to organize new incentives and recruitment strategies to once again build the profession.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Nursing Profession and Teamwork
This is a 5 page paper discussing the change in teamwork in the nursing profession. Teamwork within the nursing profession has changed a great deal within the last fifty years. Team nursing was a common structure in patient health care but took many of the registered nurses (RNs) away from patient care and into administrative work leading to job dissatisfaction in nurses and leaving lesser skilled workers such as licenced practical nurses (LPNs) and aides with patient care. When primary care nursing was introduced, RNs were once again in charge of patient care but were left with little administrative representation until the introduction of nursing executives which allowed for nurses to become active members on the administrative teams. Today, patient-focused health care requires multidisciplinary teams which include not only physicians, nurses and aides but also physical therapists, occupational therapists and the patient in regards to decision making about patient care. The nurse has become a vital member of the patient-focused team because the nurse becomes the team leader and liaison between the patient and the rest of the team based on the nurse’ high level of contact with the patient. This allows the nurse to not only utilize health care skills learned through his or her education but also increases the area of responsibility to include important aspects of communication necessary in a successful team environment.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Mathematics One on One Tutorial and Peer Alternatives
A 7 page overview of the importance of the one on one tutorial approach in improving a student's
academic performance. The author emphasizes that the tutorial environment has a long history of success and is becoming a more and more important
feature of twenty-first century education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Applications of Orthopedic Sports Medicine
12 pages in length. The field of orthopedic sports medicine has become a uniquely specialized occupation due to the intricate and often repetitive damage that occurs from sports-related injuries. Once having been incorporated as a part of regular medicine, the need was highly warranted for a separate entity as a means by which to deal with the special problems inherent to orthopedic sports medicine. It is not unusual to find lay people and those with sports injuries themselves becoming involved as both trainers and support personnel, proving to be particularly effective when working toward a degree in
Health and Physical Education. The writer discusses orthopedic sports medicine as it relates to academic and practical application. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Math Assessment, Authentic Assessment Programs, and Inconsistencies
This is a 10 page paper discussing the interpretative and inconsistent nature of math assessment and possible authentic assessment programs. Several issues relate to the inconsistent and interpretative nature of math assessment within the educational curricula today. Firstly, on a national basis, studies reveal the range in attitudes in regards to importance math assessment has in the overall educational curriculum. While math assessment is often mentioned, its importance does not seem as highly weighted as other aspects of assessment of school performance. Secondly, within the school systems themselves, teachers in mathematics vary a great deal in their teaching practices which can affect assessment; perception of their students’ abilities based on social factors and past performance; perception of the importance of national and consistent assessment; and desired learning outcomes. There are many educational assessment tools which are available. However, assessment tools vary in regards to their expense, time, and curriculum considerations which can affect whether or not the tool can be usefully applied. One of the goals of the U.S. educational system is be “the first in the world in mathematics and science achievement” and some educational programs are trying to fulfill this goal by not only developing consistent national education and assessment programs but programs which are comparative on an international scale, such as that found within the International Baccalaureate Program (IB).
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A 2003 Steptoe et al Article 'Behavioral Counseling to Increase Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables in Low Income Adults' Revieweed
This is a 5 page paper reviewing Steptoe et al (2003) trial “Behavioral Counseling to Increase Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables in Low Income Adults”. Investigators Steptoe et al (2003) conducted a randomized trial to study the effect behavioral counseling had in regards to increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables in low income adults. The investigators were successful in outlining their assumptions for the study, participants, methods, assessment and measurements, results and conclusion in addition to including the limitations of their study. Using 271 participants aged 18-70 years old from a deprived ethnically mixed inner city area, the investigators conducted brief individual behavioral counseling sessions with groups based on the stage of change model as opposed to time matched nutrition education counseling. Assessment of self reported number of portions of fruit and vegetables as well as plasma carotene, tocopherol, ascorbic acid concentrations and urinary potassium excretion levels were taken at baseline, eight weeks and 12 months after the counseling sessions. Overall, it was found that consumption of fruit and vegetables increased in the behavioral (by 1.5 portions) and nutrition (by 0.9 portions) groups as well as an increase in the plasma carotene and tocopherol concentrations but the carotene levels were has a significantly higher increase in the behavioral group. The percentage of persons eating five or more portions per day increased by 42% in the behavioral group and 27% in the nutrition group. The investigators were able to surmise from these results that “brief individual counseling in primary care can elicit sustained increases in consumption of fruit and vegetables in low income adults in the general population” (Steptoe et al, 2003, p. 855).
Bibliography lists 1 source.
Sharon Kay Penman When Christ and His Saints Slept
This is a 5 page book review of Sharon Kay Penman’s novel “When Christ and His Saints Slept”. Sharon Kay Penman’s novel “When Christ and His Saints Slept” (1995) tells the story of the struggle for the English crown upon the death of Henry I during the 12th century. The novel is considered excellent on many accounts by the critics. Firstly, the novel is accurate in its detail in revealing the political turmoil and its horrific effects on the citizens of Britain at the time. Secondly, by the in-depth characterizations used in the novel and in some cases the introduction of fictional characters in order to obtain this, Penman managed to find a way to humanize that era in history which had previously been untold in such a manner. By doing this Penman not only creates an intensely interesting novel of history but also hopes to inspire her readers to further their education in the history of the Middle Ages, an area she considers still dark and undiscovered in its previous depictions.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The History and Mission of Tripler Army Medical Center
This is an 8 page paper discussing the history and services at the Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii. The Tripler Army Medical Center, located for over fifty years on Moanalua Ridge in Honolulu, Hawaii, is not only known for its picturesque location and distinctive pink coral buildings but it is also known for its expansive coverage of over 3 million square miles and a patient base of over 750,000. The military medical presence in Hawaii was initiated in the late 1800s which grew with the U.S. presence in the Pacific especially during the Philippines conflict, the Second World War, the Korean War and the conflict in Vietnam. Since that time, Tripler has consolidated with the other medical facilities in the Pacific and is the focal point for military medical health care in addition to be the center for innovative research, medical education, humanitarian efforts and community programs.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
How to Serve a Client with Multiple Physical and Mental Health Issues
This is a 5 page paper giving a critique of a client who was assessed with multiple substance abuse, physical and mental health problems. A client was presented to the counseling team who was assessed to have multiple substance abuse, physical and mental health problems. The female client is 25 years of age, of Hispanic origin, homeless and currently unemployed. Assessment of the client found that she is HIV positive, bipolar, has a sexual addiction and also abuses cocaine and alcohol. The client was uncooperative during initial assessment with the counselor. In a critique of the client, it must be determined the possible causes of her afflictions and to what end the counseling team can offer assistance through an education of her symptoms.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Beuys and Warhol, Two Different Artists
This is a 6 page paper comparing and contrasting the works and politics of the artists Joseph Beuys and Andy Warhol. Artists Joseph Beuys and Andy Warhol lived and worked basically at the same time from the 1920s to the 1980s. Beuys, who grew up fairly conservatively, served in the war and held an academic position, expressed a great deal of warmth and hope in his art works which was also reflected in his political and philosophical outlook on life. He believed that all humans were students of life and it was their obligation to use their creativity throughout their disciplines to integrate the ideals of all cultures. Throughout his lifetime he was the founder of several activist groups designed to allow for a more open-minded society. His convictions to freedom of education were often at his own expense as he sacrificed a great deal for his activism. Warhol was known as one of the most influential commercial and pop culture artists of his time. His outlook on life and the human race was somewhat more grim than Beuys’ however as he believed that modern culture should and does act like a machine. He stressed that he was superficial along with the rest of society and used his celebrity to further his career mostly in the art, film, music and television industries. He did however use some of his exhibitions to display some of what he considered to be disasters of the twentieth century but most of his activism was through his art and not through outward causes like Beuys.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
New England and English Puritans
This is a 5 page paper discussing the Puritans in England and New England.
The Puritans were originally known as non-conformists to the Church of England (or the Anglican Church in America) in that they stripped away much of the administrative hierarchy, “popery”, religious symbols and icons to the basic belief that only God could make religious ministers and that the Bible was the “Lord’s revealed word”. Because much of their religion was based on the interpretation and understanding of the Bible, Puritan leaders were well educated scholars and also promoted education in their communities. While many Puritans came over from England in the early 1600s with the Pilgrims, more joined the new communities when the Act of Uniformity was passed in England in 1662 which dismissed and punished any ministers not conforming to the guidelines of the Church of England and using the Book of Common Prayer. Once in New England the Puritans began to established authoritarian communities under their leaders and also established many of the educational school systems still in existence today.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Thurgood Marshall's Role in Education
This 8 page paper examines biographical information in addition to Marshall's role as a judge. How his life relates to the theme of education is the focus of this paper. An annotated bibliography is included.
America’s Grade Schools and the Importance of Technology and Technology Integration
In fourteen pages this Master’s thesis paper analyzes the importance of integrating technology in American schools to lift lagging education standards and discusses such innovations as SMART boards, Promethean boards, and enVisionMATH, along budgetary considerations as well as the demands on schools posed by constantly changing technology. Fifteen sources are listed in the bibliography.
Theory of Human Capital and Student Loans
This 5 page paper considers how the introduction of student loans scheme foe university students fits in with human capital theory. The writer considers the value of education as an investment to both the country and the individual. New Zealand is used as an example, but the theories are equally valid for other countries or areas. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Theories of Social Class and Social Stratification
This 5 page report discusses the development and attributes of social stratification and social classes. Humans most often choose to establish social class based on a matter of rising from a large base of homogeneity to a pinnacle of the elite or the unique. Ultimately, the stratification of social class (and power) results in an unequal distribution of political and economic power. Most “objective” of delineations are those based on income, occupation, and education. No secondary sources.
Dr. William Glasser's Reality Therapy Theory
A 7 page research paper that examines the theories of Dr. William Glasser, specifically focusing on Reality Therapy and how this can be applied to education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Pre Industrial Europe and Childhood Conditions
This 5 page report discusses what childhood was like in the pre-Industrial Europe compared to what it is like at the close of the 20th century. Disease, brutal living conditions for those not of the aristocratic or upper-middle classes, early entrance into backbreaking labor, and little or no education was standard for the average European child up until the late 19th century and often beyond. Children moved into adulthood far more quickly then than they do today, since they were needed to contribute to the community and were thus inducted into adulthood as soon as physically possible. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Academic Achievement and the Impact of Effective Leadership
12 pages in length. Gaining the upper hand within the classroom situation is not always an easy task to accomplish from the instructor's point of view; indeed, there exist myriad concepts and techniques with which to approach any number of circumstances, utilized primarily for the exclusive goal of improved education. However, what often proves most effective is the leadership ability the teacher possesses. The writer discusses the impact effective leadership has upon academic achievement. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Mock Interviews Involving the Dual Labor Market
In 8 pages, the author has a mock interview with one person in the primary labor market and one person in the secondary labor market, discussing whether they like their job, the type of qualifications the employers told the employees they need, the kind of education, whether the employees are being paid a fair wage, the working conditions, whether they have benefits, how they are treated by co-workers and supervisors, etc. The conclusion discusses what have we learned from the research, as well as what can be done to improve workers lives and working conditions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Progress in Bolivia
This 6 page paper tracks the progress of health, education, socio-economic and politic conditions between the census years of 1976 and 1994. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Parishes That Excel by Fr. Patrick J. Brennan
A 5 page analysis of Father Patrick J. Brennan's discussion of the characteristics of successful parishes in regards to education, ministry and evangelization. No additional sources cited.
Schools and Gender Bias
A 5 page summation and analysis of Myra and David Sadker's book Failing at Fairness, which asserts that while girls and boys sit in the same classrooms, read the same texts, and listen to the same teacher, they receive very different educations. The paper first explores how gender bias is demonstrated in the classroom, and then how it can be corrected. No additional sources cited.
Critically Reviewing Implications and Effectiveness of the Implementation of the 1996 Welfare Reform Laws by Vocational and Adult Educators
This 20 page paper provides an overview of welfare reform and the impacts of welfare reform on the vocational and adult education perspectives in the welfare reform era since 1996. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Higher Education and an Affirmative Action Short History
This 11 page paper provides an overview of affirmative action in higher education with a focus on landmark cases. Hopwood, Bakke and more recent Michigan cases are discussed. The paper takes the position that affirmative action is necessary. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
2 Education Law Cases Analyzed
This 10 page paper provides two legal briefs (Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley; Felter v. Cape Girardeau School District). The cases are compared and contrasted. No bibliography.
Education and Literature's Role
This 5 page paper considers how and why we should use literary as part of a further education curriculum. Using authors such as Mark Twain and Arthur Miller the writer considers the value that can be gained by the student form this type of study. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
ECE and Children's Literature
This 5 page report discusses the title topic and briefly addresses the many areas in which a teacher’s use of children’s literature can make a significant impact in a young student’s learning processes. Aside from issues related to language acquisition and development, expansion of critical thinking skills, proficiency in reading and writing, there is one very simple and very fundamental reason for using children’s literature in early childhood education. Children love stories! Bibliography lists 4 sources.
African American Education Throughout History
In this 4 page paper, the writer encapsulates the struggle for education for black children between Colonial America and the 1930s. Major persons, dates and events are presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The History of Turkish Higher Education
A 6 page overview of the many changes that have occurred in Turkish tertiary education. This paper traces these changes from the mid twentieth century to the present and explains the various factors that have contributed to the move from centralization to decentralization and back again. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
History/Education & Educational Psychology
A 5 page research paper that offers an overview of the historical foundations of education, psychology and how they combine in educational psychology. The writer gives a brief sketch of the men and concepts that makeup this history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
U.S. Employment Prospects in History Teaching
This 5 page paper discusses the various options for a history education major. Examples are given. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Professional Education Organizations
A 15 page discussion of the importance of teachers' groups. The author emphasizes that these groups can be very diverse yet can play a tremendously important role in the shaping of policy and even law relating to education. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Historical Development of the Irish Language
This 11-page paper details the Irish language, focusing on its history and development from the Celt tongue. Also discussed in this paper are the use of Irish language as it pertains to education, poltics, religious teachings and so on. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Aspects of U.S. History - Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement
This 6-page paper focuses on two facets of U.S. history -- first, how Brown vs. Board of Education helped spark desegregation and ultimately the Civil Rights Movement; and second, how the Vietnam War escalated under the leadership of Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.
Culture of Costa Rica
A 6 page research paper that examines the culture of Costa Rica by looking the topics of religion, education, economics, family, class structure, language, history, natural resources and geography. In so doing, this survey of culture shows the complexity of this Latin American society. Biography lists 8 sources.
Problems Associated with Economic Development
This 9 page paper reviews 4 articles supplied by the student assessing the problems faced by poor nations when trying to undertake economic development looking at issues such as the resource curse, the problem of democracy, the lack of development where education levels have increased and the problem of geography. The paper ends with a discussion on the articles. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
WWW History
This paper provides an overview of the development of the internet and the world wide web, providing a great deal of technical information in 9 pages. In addition to the evolution of this widely used phenomenon, current application in terms of business, entertainment and education are noted as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
This 6-page paper examines an element of literature by using two poems and short story by John Milton (When I Consider How my Light is Spent), Robert Frost (The Road not Taken) and Sherman Alexie (Indian Education). There are 3 sources cited.
Flaubert/Emma Bovary
A 4 page essay that discusses the causes for Emma Bovary’s unhappy life and eventually suicide. These causes include Emma’s convent education and her passion for Romance novels, which is a habit she continued into adulthood. Also in childhood, the death of her mother and the occupation of her father influenced her environment, as did the double standards of the nineteenth century in regards to the social opportunities and expectations of women and men. No additional sources cited.
Various Psychology Assignments
A 3 page research paper that addresses various topics in psychology. Issues covered include the existence of ESP, the legalization of marijuana and the education of gifted children. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Standardized Testing and its History
This 11 page paper discusses the history of standardized testing and it's impact on education. This paper examines standardized testing from its inception through the 1970's. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Nineteenth and Twentieth Century History of American Public Education
This 6 page paper discusses some of the major movements in public education beginning in about 1850. Some topics discussed include the common school crusade and Horace Mann's and Elwood Cubberly's parts in that movement, the attempt of the NEA to change the administrative structure from local to centralized. The reforms of the 1950s and 1960s and what caused them are discussed along with comments from authors like Ravitch. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Gender Equality and Sports Law
This 5 page report discusses chapter IX of the 1972 Educational Amendment to the 1964 Civil Rights Act which deals with the issues of gender equality in sports. Elementary and secondary education programs are often in violation of Title IX. As a result, the judicial system has, of necessity, become involved. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Human Resource Management and the Case of AXEON
This 10 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The paper is written in two parts, the first part considers the way in which different models of education may be seen with in the case study, looking at the theories of Maslow, Hertzberg and McGregor. The second part of the paper discusses the potential human resource management strategy which is in place, looking at the way in which the HRM practices manifest within the organization, what this may mean for the strategy of the human resource management taking place. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Creating a Survey Questionnaire
A 10 page paper using 46 student-supplied questions to devise a questionnaire that ultimately will be used for a case study research investigation of a higher education class that includes a distance component. The questionnaire devised here will not be able to provide all of the input required in case study research, but it can define a framework within which the researcher can assess his observations. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Sexual Harassment in Oleanna by David Mamet
A 5 page research paper/analysis that examines the context of David Mamet's play, Oleanna. The writer discusses whether or not the play dramatizes sexual harassment or male victimization within the broader context of higher education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Developmental Supervision Case Studies
A 6 page research paper/essay that summarizes and analyzes three case studies that deal with examples of supervisory style in education. Each case study discusses how a supervisor handled the problems of a particular teacher. Supervisory styles examined include collaborative, directive informational, an directive control. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Promiscuity and Sex Education Proposal
An 11 page paper. A scenario is presented wherein parents of middle school students believe the sex education program promotes and encourages promiscuity. The writer is designing a study to determine the effects of the program. Sections include: the hypothesis, dependent and independent variables, method description, internal validity, sample population, data collection, types of measurement validity, example of Likert and semantic differential questions, ethical considerations, external validity and how data is to be analysis. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Dissertation Proposal on Special Education, Emotionally Disturbed Teens, and the Impact of Distant Intentionality on Anxiety, Self Esteem, and Depression
20 pages in length. The stringent control of scientific processes precludes much incorporation of alternative approaches based primarily upon anecdotal evidence. Examining the current conventional approaches that impact self-esteem, depression and anxiety in emotionally disturbed adolescents attending a school of special education, one finds conspicuously absent any modified manner by which these individuals' psychological conditions are addressed, bringing to light the overwhelming need to take a closer look at such alternative approaches as Distant Intentionality. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Cyber Bullying
3 pages in length. Schoolyard bullies have long made lives miserable for their victims who typically endure unrelenting taunting and physical abuse, a problem administrators and teachers alike continue to address in today's academic environment. Disturbingly, just as education has taken to the Internet, so too has the menacing act of cyber bullying where its presence has been magnified to such a degree that people have actually committed suicide to escape the online harassment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Healthcare Administration Leadership
A 3 page essay that justifies pursuing a doctorate degree in healthcare administration. Doctorate education in healthcare administration is formulated to aid in the creation of highly motivated, advanced healthcare leaders, who can effectively address the challenges of today's healthcare system, as well as shape effective public policy for the needs of the future (Doctor in HA). The challenges facing the U.S. healthcare system, as well as the healthcare systems in all Western, industrialized societies, are formidable. Effective leadership in healthcare administration is a crucial factor in meeting these challenges. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
'Michael Robartes and the Dancer' by Irish Poet William Butler Yeats
A 5 page research paper/essay that offers explication of Yeats' poem "Michael Robartes and the Dancer." The writer argues that in this poem Yeats voices his nineteenth century rationalization against women having a wider role in public life, even going so far to oppose women in higher education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Frustrating Technology and Distance Learning
5 pages in length. There was a time when students had to rely upon the traditional - and archaic - educational methods of attending class, abiding by the pre-established schedules of instructors, following a curriculum upon which they had little time to focus, as well as rearranging their lives to accommodate their schooling. This is no longer the case with the advent of telecommunications technology in the classroom -- the classroom being the privacy of the student's own home. Indeed, it is impossible to overlook the many benefits inherent to such programs as distance learning, video conferencing, interactive multimedia, knowledge-based systems and the Internet as they relate to education. Contemporary students have been given an opportunity unlike any who have studied before them: the chance to mold their educational needs to fit their individual lifestyles. However, along with the good comes the not-so-good in terms of technological frustrations that impede upon their progress. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Curriculum Design and the Impacts of Experiential Learning Theory
8 pages in length. The Kolb Model of experiential learning clearly demonstrates how there is no comparison to seeing something in a book and experiencing it in real life. Students, like sponges, soak up knowledge when placed in the right setting. Clearly, incorporating all the senses is an educational philosophy every teacher should adopt into his or her curriculum, yet not all instructors are experienced enough themselves to be able to lead their students through such an intense journey as the Kolb Model offers. Tangible learning is just that - a journey - because it incorporates so many facets of a person and requires the student to participate fully and completely in such environments as physical education. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
ICT School Strategies Development
This 37 page paper examines the way in which strategies should be formulated for teaching information and communication technology ICT, or information technology (IT) on schools so that all students can leave with good IT skills. The paper is written with a full table of contents (not included in the page count), includes the research rationale and keys aims. An in-depth literature review is conducted, studying the different barriers that exist and the different approaches which may be used for curriculum design. The paper then presents some primary research (fictitious) to demonstrate how this can be presented and then tied in with the literature review. The paper needs with recommendations of future ICT teaching strategies. The paper focuses on UK secondary schools (years 7 – 13), but would be applicable to other countries and other areas of education. The bibliography cites 34 sources.
Achievement in Web-Based Courses
A 6 page research paper that offers a critique of a study on web-based learning. Bell (2007) conducted a study that investigated the effects of self-regulated learning (SRL) and epistemological beliefs (EB) on the achievement of individual learners involved in courses that included web-based learning environments. The researcher points out that while online learning has been praised as creating greater access to higher education, it is questionable as to whether or not all students in their late adolescence/early adult years can benefit from this experience, as the online learning environment requires a high degree of self-regulation, as well as “higher levels of intellectual development” (Bell, 2007, p. 523). This critique of this study focuses on the methodology that was employed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Learning Theories - Emphasis On Adult Learning Theories
A 30 page paper. Part 1 of the paper discusses the learning/development theories of Thorndike Bandura, Rogers, Maslow and Kohlberg. The major points of each theory are presented and discussed, including the contribution of that theory to the field of education. The five theories are also compared and contrasted. The second part of the paper discusses adult learning, specifically, again, relating comments to the five theorists identified. 1 Table is included that shows the differences in focus of each theory. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
How Can Today's Society Solve The Problem Of Discrimination?
3 pages in length. Discrimination is a multifaceted component of contemporary society that has placed a tremendous black mark upon the character of a nation allegedly inhabited by civilized beings. To dissect the overwhelming presence of discrimination is to find it in virtually every social subgroup, not the least of which includes gender, race, religious, workplace, age, economic, social status, sexual orientation and education. Solving discrimination - a prolific problem that perpetually feeds upon itself - people need only reach back to their roots when multiculturalism reflected a rich and rewarding integration whereby everyone benefited from such an alliance, unlike today where cultural ownership has taken form. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
State Funding of Public Education
A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses the issue of whether or not states should provide full state funding for public schools. This examination looks at this concept as a means for equalizing funding and concludes that broadened. but not necessarily full, state funding would serve this purpose, while helping school districts to retain some control. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Angina Pectoris From a Nursing Perspective
An 11 page paper discussing angina from a nursing perspective. Angina pectoris can be regarded as an 'early warning system' heralding cardiovascular disease, but it also is a condition that itself needs to be managed. Treated angina results in far fewer occurrences of myocardial infarction (MI) than untreated angina. Patients know that the possibility of MI is great after they are diagnosed with angina, and nurse-led care programs are highly effective in providing quality patient education as well as alleviating patients' fears. This paper reviews the condition and discusses nurse-led management of it. Includes a 3-page outline and an abstract. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
MSN and ANP Degrees
This 3 page paper provides a response to some of the following questions: 1. What is the difference between baccalaureate and graduate-degree education with regard to autonomy? Why is it important to identify clinical or practice experts to help you achieve your Practicum learning objectives? Why must MSN students have MSN mentors? 2. What is advanced nursing practice (ANP), as you understand it? What do you believe the role will be for advanced practice nurses in five to ten years? Please share the titles and educational preparation that your State Board of Nursing recognizes as APRN? Bibliography lists 1 source.
Culture and Principles of Psychology
An 11 page paper that begins by discussing the difficulties of defining the concept of culture. The writer then discusses cultural psychologists and some authors' opinion that the approach to studying culture is unsystematic. Two unsystematic approaches are explained and three typical orientations to studying culture in psychology are also explained. Three examples are provided to illustrate the need for cultural competence, two in business and one in education. The write concludes with further comments about cultural psychology and the need for more research before psychologists will know how psychological principles can be applied in different cultures. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
All Year Education in the U.S. and its Controversy
A 7 page paper describing year-round schools in the U.S. The writer describes what year-round schools are, studies on their effectiveness, and recommends that they be adopted. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser and the Opinions of Freire and Thoman
7 pages in length. Critically analyzing Eric Schlosser's "Fast Food Nation" based upon the opinions of Thoman and Freire enables one to better understand the extent to which Schlosser's concept is adopted – sometimes subtly, other times more obviously – throughout the vastness of academic psychology. Clearly, the fundamental purpose of Schlosser's book is to illustrate how homogenized society has become in direct relation to the fast food mentality; as such, contemporary education has been unwittingly drawn into the downward spiral of this existence, serving to deny students the ability to apply self-determination rather than coercion, intentionality rather than reaction, creativity rather than homogeneity and rationality rather than chance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Erik Erikson: Biography and Theory
20 pages in length. Erik Homberger Erikson, born near Frankfort, Germany in 1902, was the son of Danish parents whose collective aspirations amounted to a tremendous impact upon better understanding human behavior. The foundation of Erikson's prolific influence upon mankind's developmental activities began in an unconventional manner by virtue of art and language courses when one might readily expect him to be immersed within the bounty of science studies more indicative of his ultimate contributions. His distaste for conventional education compelled him to glean a more worldly instruction as only life experiences can provide; as such, he eschewed formal schooling and went to Europe. Erikson's intersection with psychology arrived when he began as an art instructor for American children whose parents traveled to obtain Freud's enlightenment in Vienna. From there he attended the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute, which led the way for his entrance into America and ultimate status as the first child analyst of Boston; a position at Harvard Medical School soon followed with others at Berkeley, Yale and the Menninger Foundation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Poetry, Art, and Music Creativity
A 9 page research paper that investigates the topic of artistic creativity. The standard cultural myth about creativity is that "Only artists have creativity and creativity is rare" (Epstein, 1996, p. 41). Creativity is part of human existence. Rather than being rare, creativity seems innate to human experience as every human culture, throughout history, has devised its own art, music and storytelling traditions, either oral or written. Empirical research verifies what insightful people appear to have realized throughout the ages, which is that creativity is the result of education and work, learning and building on the creations of others, and then filtering that knowledge through the prism of personal experience and individuality. In short, this discussion proposes that creativity is a distinct cognitive process that is common to all endeavors, which includes music, art and poetry. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Comparing Special Education Teachers with Teachers in a Regular Classroom
This 6 page paper compares and contrasts the special educator with the regular classroom educator in the areas of classroom management, subjects taught, class size, and teaching methods. Quotes and examples given to support the thesis. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Education and Virtual Reality
This 15 page paper discusses the use of virtual reality in schools. Following an introduction that includes comments about virtual reality and the two basic ways humans have to learn, the writer reports opinions on the benefits of virtual reality as well as how it has been used in some schools. A summer pilot program in an elementary and high school using the headsets and gloves is reported with the types of subjects virtual reality was used for. Two other programs using 3D virtual reality are explained. A case study using a Web-based virtual reality application for college students is described with the outcomes. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Education, Special Needs Individuals' Rights, and the Law
An 11 page overview of the diversity of considerations which are reflected in the laws, court decisions, and legislation pertaining to the rights of people with special needs. The author provides a detailed summary of several of these considerations and emphasizes that applications range from addressing the needs of individuals with physical disabilities to addressing the needs of individuals with specific cultural characteristics which make special educational provisions a necessity. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt, Alfred Hitchcock's Rope and Education
A 6
page paper which examines the theme of education in Alfred Hitchcock’s film “Rope”
and Donna Tartt’s novel “The Secret History.” Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Education Law New Jersey v. T.L.O. Analyzed
This 3 page paper evaluates the case. The facts of the case are provided. The fourth amendment is defined and applied to the case. Arguments for either side are included as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Early Childhood Education and Multicultural Literature
This 2.5 page paper discusses the benefits of using multicultural literature in the ECE classroom. The essay begins with the fact that children develop attitudes and opinions towards people from other cultures, nations, races very early in life. Exposure to different cultures through picture and early reader books can help change children's attitudes. The writer then discuses the dual role multicultural literature can play in the early childhood classroom. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Early Childhood Education Professionals and an Administrative Training Literature Review
This 9 page report discusses the literature related to research that has been conducted regarding management and administration and its place in running a successful child care center. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Increasing Parental Involvement in Special Education
A 14 page paper combining several smaller papers (KSeduSPEDlitRv.rtf, KSeduSPEDpar.rtf, KSeduSPEDparQ.rtf and KSeduSPEDlim.rtf) into a larger, complete action research proposal. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Three Research Methodologies for Inclusion in Education
This 12 page paper provides an overview of three different methodologies that can be used in research on the issue of inclusion programming. This paper provides qualitative, quantitative and action research examples. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Research Study Proposal on Equitable Education
This 15 page paper provides an overview of a research proposal on the issue of gender equity in the classroom. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Education Research, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
12 pages in length. Quantitative research should begin with an idea that is usually articulated as a hypothesis by the researcher which then, through measurement, generates data and then by deduction allows a conclusion to be drawn. In contrast to this method, qualitative research begins with intent to review a certain area. The researcher then collects data through observations and interviews and generates his or her ideas and hypotheses from these data. These inferences are largely made through what is known as inductive reasoning. The strength of the quantitative approach is in its reliability or the repeatability of the pattern. The same measurements should yield the same results every time. The strength of qualitative research lies in its validity or closeness to the truth. That means that good qualitative research, by using a diverse number of data collection methods, should actually touch the core of what is going on rather than just skimming the surface of the facts. The validity of qualitative methods is greatly improved upon by using a combination of research methods. This is a process known as triangulation and is used by independent analysis of the data by more than one researcher. The writer discusses how qualitative and quantitative research methods apply to research in education. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Education and the Impact of Parental Involvement
A 6 page paper that provides an example of Chapter 1 of a dissertation or thesis. The sections included are: the problem, problem background, literature review, purpose of study, hypotheses, limitations and delimitations, definitions, and the importance of the study. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Chapters One through Three of Introduction, Study of the Problem and Outcomes and Evaluation Education Action Research Proposal
A 15 page paper providing the Introduction, Study of the Problem and Outcomes and Evaluation chapters of a proposal for action research in a junior high school. The purpose of the research is to discover the state of classroom disruptions that teachers deal with and their responses to those disruptions, followed by implementation of a school-wide classroom management program designed to decrease students’ disruptive behavior. The goal of the action research is not only to improve the classroom environment, but also to reduce teachers’ stress; improve teachers’ effectiveness; improve student achievement; and improve student morale. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
Special Education and ADHD
This 30 page paper provides an overview of a dissertation study on ADHD. This paper integrates a review of literature and a methodology and shows how a study could be conducted. Bibliography lists 15 sources
PowerPoint Presentation on Stress and Educational Attainment
This 6 page paper is a 7 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes to present a methodology and report notional results for research to assess any potential correlation between educational level of the individual and the stress levels that they suffer. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Legal Or Ethical Issue Pertaining To The Role Of Faculty Member In Higher Education
7 pages in length. Sexual harassment on college campuses falls within the boundaries of both legal and ethical considerations, inasmuch as there are laws prohibiting any interaction of an intimate nature between faculty member and student, as well as the unwritten codes of behavior that should be inherent to every civilized instructor. The extent to which teacher/student sexual harassment negatively impacts the student's ability to achieve academic objectives due to the inherent anxiety of the situation is both grand and far-reaching; that faculty members utilize sex as a way to manipulate students speaks to an act of unethical and illegal behavior beyond the limits of any reasonable person. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Case Study Middle School Math
A 4 page paper including an annotated bibliography. This is a case study of a math program not succeeding and what the staff did. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
3 Education Research Proposals
This 6 page paper is made up of 3 research proposals with a research outline and a brief methodology. The proposals are to look at rrepresentations of computer-based learning in popular media, to assess representations of schooling on school websites and to examine children's help seeking strategies in an online educational discussion forum. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Political Power, Supernatural Rituals and Anthropology
This is a 4 page paper discussing supernatural rituals and political power, misunderstanding and civilization, and individualism within American culture. Three central ideas within modern day anthropology are discussed, namely: the political functions of supernatural rituals; the misunderstanding of civilization; and, the core values of American culture in relation to the unequal distribution of wealth and the public education system. Supernatural rituals have a political function which can be twofold: those who are influential within the religious structure in society carry that power beyond the ritual itself; and, politically, those who wish the support of a large population within society can align themselves with a religious group. Misunderstanding and illusions for truth are part of the realizations of a young daughter in Barbara Kingsolver’s novel “The Poisonwood Bible” but these ideas are applied to anyone’s idea of his or her own civilization which becomes wholly dependent and built on one society but is inapplicable to another. Finally, the idea of “individualism” within the United States has become so profound that those who are wealthy within the U.S. (including the government itself) have done little for those who are less fortunate. This is well reflected in the high poverty rates in the country and the public school system which is unable to meet the basic needs of its citizens.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
A Discussion of Caretakers of Our Common House by Carol Lakey Hess
This is a 6 page paper discussing Hess’ “Caretakers of Our Common House”. Carol Lakey Hess’ “Caretakers of Our Common House: Women’s Development in Communities of Faith” studies not only areas connected with faith, theology and women’s experience but also the various aspects in the difference of female socialization in regards to “caring and connection” and how this relates to theological interpretation. The idea of the practice of faith within communities relates to Hess’ argument that separation and connection is obtained through “hard dialogues and deep connections” in which girls and women care be nurtured to be caretakers of their “own house” (self) as well as the “common house” (the community of faith). Women, through conversational education and strong leadership in the religious community can overcome the generations of gender socialization which have largely led to men as powerful and women as servile, caring, and supportive which has resulted in women “losing themselves” to societal roles.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Learning Disability Dyscalculia
This is an 8 page paper on the learning disability dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is a developmental mathematical learning disability which is often considered part of or the same as dyslexia, the developmental reading and writing disability. While dyslexia has been known to cause some dysfunction in the understanding of mathematical elements, dyscalculia is much more complex in that it also includes over fifty different distinct classes of mathematical disabilities which include elements of confusion of abstract and strategic thought, an inability to properly construct time, schedules, or visual representations of places and directions as well as a person’s inability to conduct many tasks necessary in the running of a household such as financial planning, balancing checkbooks and credit cards, and may also include instances of people being habitually late, lost or unable to locate objects among other factors. Researchers in special education feel that the disability of dyscalculia is not being addressed in the educational systems because largely Americans are more accepting of being mathematically deficient but find that being deficient in reading and writing is not socially acceptable.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
New England and English Puritans
This is a 5 page paper discussing the Puritans in England and New England.
The Puritans were originally known as non-conformists to the Church of England (or the Anglican Church in America) in that they stripped away much of the administrative hierarchy, “popery”, religious symbols and icons to the basic belief that only God could make religious ministers and that the Bible was the “Lord’s revealed word”. Because much of their religion was based on the interpretation and understanding of the Bible, Puritan leaders were well educated scholars and also promoted education in their communities. While many Puritans came over from England in the early 1600s with the Pilgrims, more joined the new communities when the Act of Uniformity was passed in England in 1662 which dismissed and punished any ministers not conforming to the guidelines of the Church of England and using the Book of Common Prayer. Once in New England the Puritans began to established authoritarian communities under their leaders and also established many of the educational school systems still in existence today.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Nursing and Computers
The extent that computers have entered the world
of nurses begins with education and includes almost all aspects of the
work environment. The role of nurse in the health care industry will
continue to be of value. The role of nurses is expanding and includes
more responsibility as well as a need for a greater knowledge base.
This 5 page paper asserts that the days when nurses believed they could
avoid using computers and continue to do an excellent job of nursing are
forever gone. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Bolman and Deal's Theories as they relate to School Systems
This is a 10 page paper discussing the primary management practices within the school system in the context of Bolman and Deal’s four organizational frames. Bolman and Deal’s text “Reframing Organizations” (2003) deals with the concepts of frames within the workplace which employs the “usable knowledge” available from a management perspective and also addresses the failures within organizations “due to lack of imagination”. Organizations are broken into the four conceptual “frames” of structural, human resources, political and symbolic which account for the various aspects of planning, staffing, organizing, directing and controlling within any organization. The management functions within school systems can also work within these frames as they include all of the same vital components which must be managed and maintained as within corporations.
A study published by Souchet (2001) is used to show the management practices within the school system in regards to the role of a principal within a small urban setting in the Mid-Western United States. The school principal within the school setting is “also known as the middle manager and the site administrator” in organizational terms and is considered as the major managerial influence within the school as he or she must determine “whether the education is effective or ineffective, whether morale is high or low, whether the school climate is positive or negative; whether personnel are satisfied or dissatisfied; whether students achieve or don’t achieve; whether parents and the public are cooperative or uncooperative; and whether there is effective or ineffective management and leadership”.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Studying the Terroist Groups the Red Army Fraction/Baader Meinhof Group, the Dashmesh Regiment, the Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba, the North Korean Communist Group, and the Action Directe
This is a 30 page paper studying five terrorist groups: their history, ideology, acts of terrorism and current status. The study of five terrorist groups, the Action Directe (AD), the North Korean Communist Group, the Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba (IJT), the Dashmesh Regiment, and the Red Army Fraction (RAF) shows the extent extremists will go to further their causes in both the domestic and international arena. The Action Directe (AD) in France and the Red Army Fraction (RAF) in Germany were mostly active in the 1970s and 1980s when many of their leading members were imprisoned. Although not directly linked with any recent terrorist actions, the members of the AD and RAF are still actively associated with radical or political groups today. The North Korean Communist Group is considered one of the most viable terrorist threats of today as they are large, well-funded, still torture political prisoners and are believed to still manufacture nuclear, chemical and biological weaponry contrary to international agreements. The Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba (IJT) as the student based affiliated of the political party Jamiat-i-Islami (JI) in Pakistan wish for the education of Islamic youth and for the formation of an Islamic state free of all Western deviant and capitalist influences and continue violent protests to promote this ideal. The recent war on terrorism against the Taliban in Afghanistan has led the IJT to believe that the increase in martyrs for their cause will only increase their recruitment for their group. Finally, the Dashmesh Regiment or 10th Regiment in Pakistan and India wish for a separate Sikh state called Khalistan which is currently on land in India. They have formed alliances with other national and international terrorist groups with the intent of getting their cause well known and have been responsible for several international acts of terrorism. Although their group was diminished when the Indian forces captured many of their leaders, international Sikh supported organizations have been formed in their place to continue their cause.
Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Philosophy of the Montessori Educational Method
This 4 page report discusses the philosophy and
educational methods that were originally developed by Maria Montessori (1870-1952).
The fact that Montessori insisted that a child “is not an inert being” initiated a remarkable
shift in thinking. As more people found value in her philosophy and began to apply it in
education and childhood development, it became clear that there was a great deal of merit
in applying this changed way of thinking. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Argument's Logic and Lack Thereof
This 5 page report
discusses the assumptions made in a hypothetical argument
regarding Waymarsh State College who go to their state
legislature to protest budget cuts. The “logic” used by the
legislature in ignoring the students was that since only 200
students protested at the capitol, the remaining 11,800 students
must not care about either the issue or their education. The
argument presented does not follow the “rules” of a logical
argument and presents a conclusion that is clearly not warranted.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
'Michael Robartes and the Dancer' by Irish Poet William Butler Yeats
A 5 page research paper/essay that offers explication of Yeats' poem "Michael Robartes and the Dancer." The writer argues that in this poem Yeats voices his nineteenth century rationalization against women having a wider role in public life, even going so far to oppose women in higher education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Public Schools and Sex Education
A 5 page discussion of the necessity of sex education in the school system. Contends that due to the complexity of modern society, sexual promiscuity is a fact of life for many children and must be addressed. Concludes that since the traditional mechanisms are not longer in place to educate our children regarding the intricacies of sex this role falls to the school system. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Adverse Drug Reaction Among Elderly Patients: Impact Upon Costs And Length Of Hospital Stay
3 pages in length. Drug companies are well aware of the issues surrounding why adverse drug interactions occur in the first place, so it stands to reason why they should be on the front lines with regard to quelling this reality. Adverse drug reactions happen for several reasons, not the least of which includes treatment of more than one doctor, unmonitored self-medicating and lack of education about the serious nature of drug interaction. No bibliography.
Public Health Advertising v. Direct to Consumer Advertising
A 9 page research paper that contrasts and compares US direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs with the European approach, which emphasizes public health education because the advertising of name brand drugs in the EU is prohibited. The writer concludes that these two forms of advertising are converging and that this evolution offers a positive benefit to public health. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Qualitative Research In Education
4 pages in length. Choosing an appropriate research model is paramount to revealing the most accurate outcome; while it is critical to uncover data without inadvertent bias or manipulation - an occurrence that can happen with any format - qualitative methodology is especially fitting to draw accurate conclusions where people are the focal point of the study. Qualitative research strives to reach much more deeply into the subject matter than its quantitative counterpart, providing a greater level of understanding pertaining to quality - as with education - that cannot otherwise be disclosed through a research method that studies only quantity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Hepatitis C Control Proposal
This 5 page paper proposes a three step program to control the spread of the disease in Los Angeles. At the center of the proposal is education, and a needle exchange plan is also recommended. Research is cited. An overview of the disease is provided. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Education Gender Inequities Proposal
This 3 page paper is a proposal for a study focusing on gender inequities in education. The introduction comments on the purpose of the project. The literature research reports studies that demonstrate boys receive more attention from their teachers than girls. The writer comments on the importance of school as a socialization process for learning gender roles. The paper ends with a summary and suggestions for research. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Mobile Women's Wellness Center Marketing Plan
A 15 page marketing plan for a new concept in women's health care. WomensHealth is a startup women's wellness center providing service primarily from a mobile office that will travel to office buildings, factories, malls and anywhere there is a concentration of women needing fast and affordable access to basic health care as well as to a wide variety of health care screening tests. WomensHealth will conduct individual patient education sessions with women, and will hold classes for small groups. PowerPoint® presentation available. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
X Ray Techologists Continuing Education
5 pages containing the content of a 13-slide PowerPoint® presentation outlining the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists' requirements for continuing education and documentation. Bibliography lists 1 source. KShlthCEx-ray.rtf
Data Entry Codes and Quantitative Analysis
A 1 page table providing data-entry codes for transforming qualitative data to quantitative data that can be statistically analyzed. The codebook addresses variables such as age, gender, marital status, education and general level of health. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Overview of Educational Research
This 11 page paper begins with a stimulus statement alleging research in social sciences, including education lack rigor. The essay discusses the criticisms levied against social science research and then discusses different qualitative methods that have been shown to be effective and valid. A table illustrates the criteria of good research and how that is translated into quantitative and qualitative approaches. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Improving Food Supply and Water Use in Cambodia
A 7 page paper providing the contents of and speaker notes for a 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation, available separately. Content discusses problems in food production and water use, and makes recommendations for more sustainable practices. Neutralizing the corruption factor will allow the people to implement the education that the international community provides, promoting economic development and Cambodia's ability to become self-sufficient in supporting the needs of its people. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
How Teachers Should Manage Classroom Behavior
This 6 page paper looks at various theories concerning behavior management in education. Several contemporary books are reviewed along with the theories of progressivism and reconstructionism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
IT Acquisition by Developing Nations and Strategies of Identification
This 13 page paper is an outline for a paper studying the best ways for developing countries to develop strategies to help them develop information technology competences. The paper gives an introduction and a justifications of the research and then gives a lengthy literature review that focuses on the way foreign direct investment,(FDI), may be used with knowledge transfer and the role of education and internal policies. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Women Viewed During the Enlightenment Era
A 4 page research paper that addresses the question of gender inequality could be rationalized in an age (the Enlightenment) that held prized rationality. Examination of Enlightenment literature suggests that, first of all, there existed a body of thought that pictured women as either too delicate or cognitively deficit to benefit from education; and, secondly, there was an equally insidious argument that uses nature to justify gender inequality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Literature Review on Special Education and Challenging Student Behaviors
A 19 page research paper that offers a literature review concerning ten studies that that deal with program design for special education and its effect on challenging behaviors as well as academic results. The studies and summarized and discussed. Bibliography lists ten sources.
Adolescence and Football
A 5 page paper which examines the impact of football as a sport on adolescent growth by considering what it teaches them in terms of education and life, and evaluates whether participation is healthy or damaging. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Pain Management and Long Term Care Residents' Rights
An 11 page paper discussing traditional and newer approaches to pain management among the elderly, specifically those confined to nursing homes. The paper includes discussion of Neuman’s, Orem’s and King’s theories of nursing practice as they relate to the issue of pain management among nursing home residents. The use of pain-killing drugs is frowned on even when use of them is necessary. More highly favored is patient education and personal responsibility in exercising pain management techniques. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Planning to Manage Your Classroom
8 pages. In classroom management the book Authentic Classroom Management by Barbara Larrivee can be invaluable. The book covers such necessary topics as rules, procedures and behavior; implementing change in the classroom; assessing the intervention plan and creating a need-satisfying classroom environment. All of these topics and more are discussed in this paper that will be of great use to those in the education field. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Article Reviews on Early Childhood Education Behavior Management
A 4 page paper. Two articles that discuss behavior management in the early childhood education classroom are summarized. The writer then provides ides on how these strategies could be incorporated into a behavior management plan. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Educational Management Business Model
A 7 page paper. This essay is based on one book: "The "Business" of Reforming American Schools" by Denise Gelburg. The writer addresses the issue of adopting private sector business and management models to public education. the writer comments the effect of this practice on social justice and equity and also on the profession of teaching. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Project Management and New Technologies
Wireless communication makes instant education resources a phone call or finger touch away. This advancement ties in nicely with other advancements in technology, which according to Primavera (2004), includes advances in the defense and space travel industries and the automotive and transport industries. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvPMtech.rtf
Philosophy of Nursing and Values
A 5 page paper discussing the values and philosophy of nursing, as well as nursing as a profession. Much of the focus of development of nursing over the past century has been on professionalism that has been based on theory and practice, while education, licensing and standards of care have addressed technical expertise requirements. Though true for any profession, that of nursing is not for everyone. Nursing requires a particular type of commitment and level of caring. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Preceptorship in Nursing
A 9 page research paper that examines nursing preceptorship. The paper begins with a brief history of nursing education and then moves on to define nursing preceptorship and to explore its role in nurse retention, the nurturing of critical thinking skills and other areas of nursing practice. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Year Long Mathematics Program Planning for the Fifth Grade
This 3 page paper describes a year-long plan for mathematics, using the NY standards as a guide. The essay includes some of the general topic areas to be covered, instructional approaches, and offers suggestions for adapting the program for special education and ELL students. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Gates Foundation Grant Application Sample
A 5 page paper that begins with an overview and introduction to this Foundation's Education Grant Program. The writer identifies the items in the initial inquiry letter and then provides a sample grant application for funding for technology to establish an after-school program for students. The purpose of the project is to increase elementary grade students' achievement in math and language arts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Literature Review for Increasing Parental Involvement in Special Education
A 3 page paper providing the literature review section of an action research project focused on increasing parental involvement in special education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Diabetes Control: A Review of Literature
This 9 page paper provides an overview of 8 articles that represent current research in the area of diabetes management and diabetes education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Diabetic Education for Continuing Education for Nurses
Exploring Perceptions of Health Care Management Compared to Published Standards of Care Among a Rural Population Experiencing Diabetes: A Review of Literature
This 6 page paper provides an overview of elements of a review of literature on the subject of diabetes education and adherence to health care management principles and standards of care. Bibliography lists 5 sources
A Special Education Integrative Literature Summary
This 5 page paper discusses a variety of special education topics from the perspective of a special edcuation director. This paper highlights the importance of a person in this position in regards to the information provided in these articles, and asserts that the director necessarily must be informed on these issues. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Competency Based Education Literature Review
This 8 page paper reviews key theories, concepts and research as it applies to competency based education. This paper examines both the pros and cons of the subject as well as providing a comprehensive analysis of the topic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Literature of the Medieval Period
This 21 page paper addresses several different topics. The authors discussed are St. Paul (Romans and Galatians); Augustine (Confessions); Gospel of Mark; Boethius (Consolation); and Gregory of Tours (History of the Franks). The essay discusses: the education of each author; who may have rewritten their original document; defining evil; authors' perceptions of a heavenly kingdom; the authors' use of belief; why each of the authors considered himself a Roman; conflict. While most of the five authors are discussed under each topic heading, not all are. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Leadership Study Literature Review
A 20 page literature review that is designed to be used with a study on leadership that employs the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), developed by Kouzes and Posner in the late 1980s. While this review of pertinent literature does not solely address studies that have employed the LPI, this point is occasionally stressed, as this is the study instrument to be employed by the student researching this topic. In the following literature review, research studies are examined in which leadership was addressed in reference to gender, age, ethnicity and education. Bibliography lists 32 sources.
Articles and Analysis of British Journal of Special Education
This 7-page paper deals with analysis and literature search of the British Journal of Special Education. The paper discusses the standard of the publication, as well as some of the current literature dealing with special ed and its challenges. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Grade Point Averages and Music Education
A 5 page research paper that examines the current literature regarding whether or not music instruction has a positive effect on academic performance. After a literature review, the writer concludes that music instruction is beneficial to academic performance, but that literature discounts the celebrated "Mozart Effect," which maintains that just listening to classical music can improve math scores. Instruction in playing an instrument appears to be crucial in obtaining the optimum cognitive effects from music education. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Physical Education Concepts
A 3 page literature review on PE. Keeping high student interest and involvement is a goal of every teacher in regards to their subject matter. The following literature review explores the ideas presented in a variety of articles which demonstrate ideas for accomplishing this task in regards to Physical Education (PE). Exploration of these articles indicates that PE teachers and coaches are exploring new conceptual territory in regards to how PE programs and sports instruction should be designed and implemented. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Need for CTE Education
An 8 page research paper that examines literature pertaining to career and technical education (CTE) and to the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. Three research questions are explored via a literature review and the writer concludes that the NCLB Act is not achieving its agenda and viable options for students, such as CTE, are being dropped as a consequence of pressure from high-stakes testing. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
The Under Representation Ethnic Minority Students in College Attendance Figures
This 14 page paper considers two hypotheses; Members of ethnic minorities are less likely to attend colleges for post compulsory education and counties with higher than average ethnic minority populations are more likely a lower proportional number of college degrees than countries where there is an average or lower than average ethnic population. The paper starts by explaining the hypotheses, then conducts a short literature review, presents an annotated bibliography and then conducts two statistical tests, one for each hypothesis, to test if they are correct. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Diabetic Education for Continuing Education for Nurses
This 11 page paper provides an overview of lesson plans for diabetes management, as well as a rationale for the development of nursing education programming. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
New Nurses Survival Guide
A 3 page research paper that discusses how new nurses can survive the transition to practice. The fact that there is a knowledge and skill gap between a new graduate registered nurse's education and "actual practice requirements of new registered nurses" (RNs) has long been acknowledged among nursing professionals (Burns and Poster, 2008, p. 67). This gap in knowledge suggests that the novice nurse needs a survival guide in order to survive the critical transition from student to licensed RN. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Raising Moral Youth
A 3 page paper which examines how today’s youth can combat negative moral influences through such involvement as church, education and sports, and volunteering. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Classrooms and Developmental Psychology Applications
This 4 page paper touches on the idea of how psychology may be applied in education. Much of the paper outlines theories from Erickson, Piaget, Freud and others. Developmental staging is discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Advanced Clinical Psychology Degree POS, PDP And PSLP
11 pages in length. Altruism lives deep in my heart; as such, guiding those who require special assistance has long been a prominent goal for my life's work. Intermingling this objective within both my personal and professional lives has allowed me greater freedom to pursue this objective inasmuch as the passion to achieve carries over from one back to the other; never is there a rift between them whereby I am restricted to cultivate a greater understanding through education and application because I am compelled to "leave it at the door" in a personal sense. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Beer and Circus How Big Time College Sports is Crippling Undergraduate Education by Murray Sperber
6 pages in length. Murray Sperber's gutsy portrayal of academia gone awry gives readers a significantly better perspective of just how influential big money has become in determining the level of education being taught at contemporary colleges. The extent to which sports and all its generated income has long been a big part of collegiate life is both grand and far-reaching; that the pursuit of athletics and the lure of party life has overtaken a solid academic focus, however, is what Sperber vocalizes as being inexcusable and wholly responsible for the downfall of society's undergraduate scholastic future. No additional sources cited.
Adding an Athletic Trainer to the Sports Medicine Clinic
A 4 page paper promoting the concept of adding an athletic trainer to a sports medicine clinic. The paper argues that an existing sports medicine clinic has the opportunity to use athletic trainers on staff in the same roles that nurse practitioners and physician assistants fill in the practices of internists, gynecologists and other medical specialties, as well as providing better client education for injury prevention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Beer and Circus by Murray Sperber
A 10 page essay/book review that discusses the basic premise of Murray Sperber's book Beer and Circus, How Big-Time College Sports is Crippling Undergraduate Education. The writer/tutor also offers the student research this topic suggestions for how to apply Sperber's book to a planned career in college sports. No additional sources are cited.
Efficacy of Tutoring Programs & Math
A 10 page research paper that offers a template to a student researcher on how to go about conducting a proposed research study that examines the effect of 2 types of tutoring programs, peer-tutoring and a math content master lab, on academic achievement using a sample group of African American special education students within inclusive classrooms. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Gifted Classroom Underachiever Manipulation and Psychology
An 8 page paper discussing positive ways of dealing with the talented and gifted underachiever in the classroom. These students often need special education as much as do the learning disabled but often do not receive it. Some can challenge themselves, but challenging the student still is the job of the teacher. The paper discusses using real-world lessons, peer tutoring and following the child’s lead as strategies for avoiding boredom with the average class. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Math Performance and Middle School Students
This 9 page paper provides an overview of a study of middle school special education students and methods to improve their performance on math assessments. This paper considers the implications of different methods. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Questions and Prompts Mathematical Thinking
This 3 page paper looks at the value and use of prompts and questions in the teaching of mathematics in post compulsory education. The paper considers why questions and prompts can be important in developing mathematical thinking and considers the ideas of theorists including Zygfryd Dyrszlag. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Academic Planning and Nursing Assessment
A 12 page research paper that examines the forces affecting nursing curriculum development, as well as the elements of effective nursing academic planning. This examination of nursing curriculum development examines what experts feel regarding effective nursing education. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Nursing Questions
This five page paper responds to the following questions: What characteristics differentiate public health nursing from community nursing? How does the role of the nurse change as the client evolves from an individual to a family, an aggregate population, and a community? Based on knowledge gained to date in your MSN program, what are the advantages of graduate nursing education when providing care to communities and aggregates? What are some strategies for providing culturally sensitive care to aggregates and communities? Bibliography lists 5 sources.
UK Mathematics and GCSE Level Expansion
This 9 page paper looks at the difference way in which the A’ level mathematics in the UK education system may be seen as a development and expansion of the GCSE level subject. The writer looks at the syllabus and consider how the transition between the two levels is made, and how it may best be understood by the student. The bibliography cites 8 Sources.
United Kingdom Education and the Effects of Psychology Development
Over time education has changed a great deal in the UK. This 5 page paper considers how the changes have been influenced by the development of knowledge and understanding of the human psyche and the study of psychology. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Neuman Systems Model
A 12 page research paper that examines this model. Nursing theorist Betty Neuman’s Systems Model Theory is one of the most widely utilized model of nursing being used today. This critique of Neuman’s model draws on literature in order to offer an extensive overview of its theoretical structure and its subsequent utility in regards to nursing practice, education, research and administration. This evaluation will also consider pluralism, ethical considerations and gender bias, as well as strengths and weaknesses, when discussing Neuman’s model in regards to achieving nursing goals. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Profession of Nursing
An 8 page contention that the factor that distinguishes nursing from non-professional vocations is the level of proficiency that is required by the profession. This proficiency depends not just on the organizational provisions and procedures that are put in place but on the knowledge of the nurse herself. Knowledge goes hand in hand not only with education but with experience and the ability to apply research to clinical practice. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Past and Present Nursing
A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares nursing in years gone by with the nursing profession of the present. This contrast addresses four major areas: appearance, education, technology and employment opportunities. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Home Health and Hospice Company Business Requirement Analysis
A 10 page paper discussing two identified IT needs at HHH, a home health and hospice company. One of the needs is for automated HR services to provide self-service HR; the other is the addition of laptops, printers and a wireless network so that visiting nurses can reinforce patient education with printed information that patients can use as references after the nurse leaves. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Registered Nurse's Hospital Role
A 5 page paper discussing some of the roles that RNs fill in the hospital setting. Nursing’s reach and respectability have grown immeasurably in past decades, but the registered nurse still provides a wide variety of services within the hospital setting. In its most basic analysis, nursing reflects caring, followed closely by education of patients and other caregivers. The paper also discusses RNs as nurse managers and mentors in the still-evolving health care industry. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Forensic Mental Health Setting and Nursing Care
6 pages. Within the field of forensic mental health there are many different approaches used to educate the nursing staff. These approaches focus on developing awareness, skill and competence in intercultural care. This paper describes programs used in the education of nurses that are involved in patient care in the field of forensic mental health as regards to different ethnic groups. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Pharmaceutical Sales and the Entrance of Nurses
An 8 page paper discussing nurses in pharmaceutical sales, including reasons for making the change, education required and experience expected. Nurses can be highly successful in pharmaceutical sales. It can be difficult to gain access into the field, but those who can find the opportunity to continue the helping and caring that drew them to nursing, while yet enjoying much more regular hours and a greater sense of personal control. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Overview of the NYSNA
A 4 page paper discussing this professional nurses' association. Though conditions have changed dramatically during the first century of NYSNA's existence, many of the problems leading to its creation still plague nursing today. Today's organization operates the largest nurses' union in New York; provides nurse education and practice information; is involved in research and planning; and acts as a government liaison. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nursing Education & A Humanities Fieldtrip
A 5 page paper that offers a nursing student suggestions for how to organize a fieldtrip that focuses on an aspect of humanities studies for a group of learners consisting of nursing students. The writer suggests a fieldtrip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. A discussion of the role of the humanities in nursing education is also included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Academic Curriculum and the Importance of Music Education
A 5 page research paper that discusses the importance of music education in public school. In recent decades, there has been an emphasis on academics in the school curriculums while art and music have gone by the wayside as "luxuries," yet many experts feel that these subjects are important. Reasons supporting music in school curriculums are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Korea and Jazz Music
This 7 page paper discusses jazz in Korea in general; how paraxial music education could be used to develop school curricula; and how it impacts jazz itself. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Learning Theory in 'Stand & Deliver'
4 pages in length. Unmotivated, rebellious and without any understanding of how education represents their only way out of existing social and economic circumstances, the students of Stand & Deliver experience a metamorphosis unlike any before them: Through the unyielding dedication of a teacher who knows there is more to these teenagers than contempt and failure, they achieve academic success supported by nothing more than the steadfast faith a single man has in their ability to do so. This ability to influence the students is based upon the observational learning theory of Albert Bandura. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Women and Children as Products in the Sex Industry
This 7 page paper examines the issues surrounding human trafficking. The problem is apparent not just in third world countries but even in countries like the US. The author suggests education is the key to addressing human trafficking. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Women and Children as Products in the Sex Industry
This 6 page paper examines the issues surrounding human trafficking. The problem is apparent not just in third world countries but even in countries like the US. The author suggests education is the key to addressing human trafficking. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Music School Application Letter Sample
A 3 page example letter from a student applying for admission to a music school. The writer emphasizes the benefits to be gained from musical education. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Musical Differences Between the U.S. and India
The music of different countries, in this case that of India and the United States, is comprised of different histories, cultures, faiths and education. While the music of these two countries might be completely different from one another, the fact remains that each country has music that represents these same agendas. Includes outline
Music Instruction and the Use of Technology
A 10 page research paper which looks at how computer technology is impacting the field of music education. The writer gives an overview of some of the technological marvels available and then discusses the controversy as to how much these new innovations should replace traditional pedagogies. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Sexuality Regulation
A 4 page exploration of attempts by organizations such as the World Association for Sexology (WAS) and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to define and protect sexuality. This paper points out that because sexuality is so culturally variable such a task is an impossibility. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kohn and Human Motivation
A 5 page research paper which focuses on Alfie Kohn's book Punished by Rewards. The writer analyzes Kohn's stance regarding the fallacies in behaviorist psychology as it applies to both education and the workplace, concluding that while Kohn is right in many instances, not all aspects of his philosophy are applicable to the work environment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Higher Education For Police Officers
6 pages in length. The psychology of crime requires significantly more than law enforcement officers brandishing loaded weapons at and physically apprehending offenders. Indeed, the extent to which contemporary police forces must also incorporate some level of psychological interface with the perpetrator is both grand and far-reaching; that obtaining a degree of higher education in order to better understand the criminal mind while in the field speaks to a much greater scope of law enforcement than many people realize exists in today's criminal justice system. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Psychology As A Career
A 7 page paper that begins with information from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook about psychologists, positions and education needed with the writer selecting one field to pursue. The next section discusses the adult learner. Using self-assessments provided by the student, the paper reports results from the Multiple Pathways to Learning and the Personality Spectrum as related to the writer's scores with explanations about how this information can help the student. The writer also comments on time and stress management for the adult learner.
21st Century Nursing
This 18 page paper first provides a section on changes in the health care industry, with a focus on the health care delivery system. Various laws are examined, such as COBRA, ERISA and the Social Security Act. The second half of the paper consists of an examination of the nursing profession and how it will likely change in light of trends in the health care industry. The role of the nurse is seen in relation to education, changes in technology and the advent of managed care. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
A New course on Global, Multicultural Aspects of Psychology
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the issue of multiculturalism in education, with a focus on creating a new course in global, multicultural aspects of psychology in order to address the changing client base. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
'Writing Superheroes' by Dyson
This 9 page paper provides a critical inquiry into this work in the realm of education and psychology and expands on some of the concepts inclusive of the importance of cognitive thoughts. The idea of the superhero is discussed but it is one part of this comprehensive book on reading, writing and child psychology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Educational Effects of Single Parenthood
This 10 page paper provides a hypothetical case study of a mother raising a daughter in 1980s Camden, New Jersey. The daughter's history is traced through the educational system from birth through college. The case is evaluated sociologically and several environmental factors are determined to have been detrimental to the educational success of the child. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Math Education for Children with Special Needs Article Critiqued
5 pages. Looks at an informal inclusion program at a secondary school and critiques the study done based on that program. Gives information about the data collection, the success and weakness of the study and significant findings. An excellent research project in critiquing a data study. Bibliography lists 1 source.
NEED 2009
A 5 page research paper that describes and discusses this bill, which is currently before Congress. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Educating Nurses on the Importance of Clean Scissors
This 8 page paper is a design for a nurse educational program on cleaning scissors. The paper presents the rationale for the study, learner goals, an outline of the content, the educational approach; resources needed and process of evaluation. The program is designed so it can be adapted for nurses at different stages of their career. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Developing a Plan for Nursing Education
A 6 page paper choosing teaching methods for a class to be titled "How to Deal with Negative Co-Workers." The learner group consists of nurse managers comprised of young adulthood (18-40 years) and middle adulthood (40-65 years) nurses. The paper lists role playing, group discussion and lecture as the methods that will be used, listing the advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as means of evaluating them. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Literacy Standards Within Nursing Education Programs
A 7 page research paper. In nursing, as with other healthcare professions, it is imperative to the standards of a professionalism that nurses make learning a continuing priority throughout their careers. In order to accomplish this goal, specific literacy skills are required. Nursing personnel should cultivate critical thinking skills, computer literacy, information literacy, and literacy in nursing informatics. This examination of these topics focuses on the available literature. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Diabetic Education/New Nurses
An 11 page research paper that primarily consists of a paper outlining an educational program on diabetes for new medical-surgical nursing hires. Additionally, this paper devotes 1 page to answering to general nursing questions. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Nurse Education: Lesson Plan for Navigating a User Crisis
A 5 page paper discussing learner characteristics, developmental stages and readiness to learn for a group of mental health nurses when devising a lesson plan for handling users in crisis. An appendix discusses the ASSURE model and provides a lesson plan overview for a five-session course of study employing lecture, role play and demonstration. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
School Nurses and the Usefulness of Jean Watson's Nursing Paradigm
This 4 page paper explores the applicability of Jean Watson's nursing paradigm on the problem of teen sex, pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Patient Simulators/Human Patients in Nursing Education
A 12 page research paper that offers a literature review that first at the nursing shortage and why there is a shortage of nursing educators and then, this review looks more extensively and specifically at the literature pertaining to patient simulators. The purpose behind this is investigation is to evaluate whether or not this teaching tool, patient simulators, is effective, how it impacts the tasks of nursing educators, and how simulators, of various types, compare with more traditional forms of instruction. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Education Technology and Teacher Training Effects
A 6 page research paper that investigates educational literature pertaining to the effect of teacher training on the implementation of technology into classroom instruction. The writer argues that this literature review shows the crucial nature of this factor. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
ABE Programs and Resistance Problems
This 12 page analytical review of the current literature reflects the problem of
resistance in adult learner populations, especially in adult basic education (ABE) programs. This paper considers the basic views that
have been outlined in the current literature and defines the importance of existing perspectives as a means of determining ways of addressing the problem of resistance. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Special Education Classroom and Behavioral Management
This 5 page paper gives two Journal abstracts concerning the topic of behavioral self management in the disabled student in the classroom. Single subject designs used. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
College Classroom Management
A 5 page paper that focuses on classroom management in college classrooms. Contrary to what many college instructors, especially new instructors, believe, a classroom discipline or management plan must be developed. This essay offers ideas and suggestions for developing such a plan. Glasser's work is cited in terms of choice theory, drive theory and classroom meetings. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Discrimination and Justice in Public Education
Ju An 8 page paper. There are three general elements in this paper. First, there is a discussion of the growing diversity in the public schools and the discrimination that exists against "minority" students; next, is a discussion of what the Bible says about discrimination and justice; third, there are recommendations regarding changing the situation. Data are provided. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Music Education, Performance Skills
A 3 page research paper that discusses the areas of performance instruction that should be covered by a musical educator in regards to ensemble performance. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Distance Learning
This 6 page paper provides an overview of the core issues and considerations relevant to planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating distance-learning technologies in the K-12 educational environment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Classrooms, Technology, and Education
This 5 page report discusses the changes and trends in teacher
education over the past two decades and the all-important
introduction of technology into mainstream use in virtually all
aspects of life, including the classroom. Teaching music teachers
to use Internet technology in their classrooms is the focus of
the studies proposed here. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Teaching Our Children About Sex
This 4 page paper contends that our complex society has necessitated a shift in the way our children learn about sex. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Using Learning Contracts Within Patient Education
A 12 page paper presenting the beginning point from which a nursing learning contract can be negotiated. The paper discusses attributes of adult learners, which includes the nurse involved in contract learning as well as the patients benefiting from the end result, which is to be a booklet that a general practice can use in educating patients in the proper use of medication. The proposed learning contract lists 5 learning objectives, and 5 possible approaches to meeting those objectives. It discusses evidence of mastery, evaluation approaches, and provides a time line for completing individual assignments. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
ECE and Psychology
This 4 page paper examines the use of psychology, with focused attention on Erikson's stages of development, in early childhood classrooms. Information about the stages are provided.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Educating Alabamians About Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Choices
This 3 page paper reviews the mission and services of this critical government agency. Specific attention is given to the way this agency helps low income individuals make healthy food and lifestyle choices. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Distance Learning Programs' Evaluation
This 5-page paper discusses how one would evaluate the success (or lack thereof) of an e-learning, or e-distance learning course. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Education's Inclusive Theory and Disabilities
A 5 page discussion of the inclusive theory. The author suggests that while inclusion should always be the goal, approaching severe disabilities on a small group basis is often preferable for both the disabled and the non-disabled student. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Diversity and Inclusion in Education
This 8 page paper provides an overview of the issue of diversity in the educational setting, with a focus on the issue for two dominant subcultures. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Education Assessment
This 5 page paper considers the use of assessment tools. Looking first at the British Pictures Vocabulary Scale, the test is outlined and value considered. The paper then considers the value of competence based tests and looks at their advantages and disadvantages. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Supreme Court Ruling on Affirmative Action in the Area of Higher Education
7 pages in length. The writer discusses recent University of Michigan case decisions where affirmative action was ruled acceptable with regard to admission policies. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Ethics of College Funding
A 14 page paper with several subheadings. The paper discusses how these colleges are funded, the cuts they have experienced in recent years, increasing tuition and fees, other sources of funding, and ethical issues that could arise with each situation. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Health Education and Technology
This 5 page paper details the ways in which the health care program can utilize new technology in fairly low cost ways. The paper also outlines specific ideas for implementing and utilizing technology in the classroom and providing for experiential learning. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Succeeding Without a College Education
5 pages in length. It is drilled into the minds of students since the beginning of their academic career: You will not amount to anything without a college degree. The writer discusses that while this age-old tradition may have previously measured an individual’s success, much of the contemporary working world relies quite heavily upon skills rather than a college degree. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Down Syndrome Student in the Mainstream Classroom
This 5 page paper emphasizes the importance of integrating Down Syndrome students into the mainstream classroom. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Important Discoveries in Microbiology
This 3 page paper emphasizes the importance of hygiene and vaccines in controlling these diseases. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Multiple Intelligences Theory of Howard Gardner and Education
A 6 page paper which examines the value and effects of incorporating Gardner’s multiple intelligences into the classroom. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Internet and the Impacts on Post-Secondary Education
This 5 page paper provides an overview of research on the impacts of the Internet on changes at colleges and universities. This paper reflects the process of change, as well as the views of different populations about the impacts of changes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Managing Knowledge in Schools
This 9 page paper begins with a discussion about knowledge and knowledge management and how human resources relates to knowledge management. The essay then focuses on knowledge management in educational settings, providing ideas for implementation and examples. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Australian Education: Grammar and Literacy
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of literacy in Australia. The exclusion of grammar from Australian curricula is explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Computers in Classrooms
This 5 page paper offers general comments about computers and related technology in classrooms K - college/university. Following a brief overview of the history of computers in educational settings, the writer discusses one successful program, steps to take to integrate computer technology into the curriculum, the need for better training of teachers and the value of using computer technology for students. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Leadership and Education
7 pages in length. The writer discusses choices and problems as they relate to the notion of educational leadership. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Literacy Standards Within Nursing Education Programs
A 7 page research paper. In nursing, as with other healthcare professions, it is imperative to the standards of a professionalism that nurses make learning a continuing priority throughout their careers. In order to accomplish this goal, specific literacy skills are required. Nursing personnel should cultivate critical thinking skills, computer literacy, information literacy, and literacy in nursing informatics. This examination of these topics focuses on the available literature. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Education and Constructivism
This 5 page paper describes constructivism, beginning with a definition and description, including the commonalties among the divergent perspectives in the field and the beliefs upon which constructivism is based. A discussion of Vygotsky's social learning theories and how they acted as a building block for constructivism is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
PBS and Marketing Efforts
An 8 page paper discussing PBS' courtship of corporate sponsors and individual contributors. Public broadcasting is not unique to the US;
several European countries and Australia also support similar services but the US version is the only one not totally supported by the government. The paper discusses aspects of PBS' marketing and why sponsorship is attractive to corporate entities. It provides a means by which they can
claim corporate social responsibility while simultaneously reaching the typical viewer who is older, female, with above-average income and education, and rarely watches commercial
channels. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Feminist Approach to Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko
5 pages in length. Leslie Marmon Silko's "Ceremony"
addresses a long-standing issue that has existed between Native American men and women: the open and equal pursuit of identity. That patriarchy has been the controlling social force for centuries has effectively placed the female gender in the shadows of acceptance, while the male gender has successfully progressed in all possible areas: politics, education and economics. For women, these areas have long histories of restraint through design of the woman’s role; the effects of such designs have been so well entrenched that they have automatically applied to virtually every other area of public life. No additional sources cited.
Applications of Orthopedic Sports Medicine
12 pages in length. The field of orthopedic sports medicine has become a uniquely specialized occupation due to the intricate and often repetitive damage that occurs from sports-related injuries. Once having been incorporated as a part of regular medicine, the need was highly warranted for a separate entity as a means by which to deal with the special problems inherent to orthopedic sports medicine. It is not unusual to find lay people and those with sports injuries themselves becoming involved as both trainers and support personnel, proving to be particularly effective when working toward a degree in
Health and Physical Education. The writer discusses orthopedic sports medicine as it relates to academic and practical application. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Waldo E. Martin Jr's Brown v. Board of Education A Brief History with Documents
A 2 1/2 page
paper which reports on Waldo E. Martin Jr.’s “Brown v. Board of Education A Brief
History with Documents.” No additional sources cited.
Pain Management and Nursing Involvement Increases
A 19 page paper divided into 14.5 pages of text and 4.5 pages of annotated bibliography discussing augmenting the nurse's role in pain management among the elderly within the nursing home setting. Pain among the elderly has been seen more as an unfortunate fact of life in the past, but current approaches to pain management and pain education appear to be beneficial, leading to less dependence on pharmaceuticals and less cost to the elderly as a result. When combined with a higher quality of life, nondrug pain management appears to be worthwhile. The Harvard-style annotated bibliography lists 13 sources.
Field of Nursing and Education Importance
This 6 page paper looks at educational models, with a focus on the ADN degree. Questions regarding competence, as well as whether or not nursing programs should impose limits, and what type of degree should be required, are discussed. Both sides of controversies in nursing education, as seen through the eyes of health care administration, are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Article Summary/Veenema (2008)
This 3 page article summary offer an overview of an article by Veenema (2008). The article describes the curriculum and program developed by Veenema under the auspices of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and how it addresses the needs of nurses in regards to disaster nursing education. No additional sources are cited.
Nursing Application Degree Essay
A 3 page nursing degree program essay. The essay stresses motivation and dedication as strengths, and lack of knowledge of nursing theory and the means of putting it into practice as weaknesses. The applicant states, “I seek to augment the knowledge and experience I already possess with learning on levels I have not visited before. Additional training and education can enable me to further contribute to the nursing profession and benefit patients, and I am eager for the opportunity to gain that knowledge and training.” Bibliography lists 1 source.
Management of Hypertension Among African Americans
An 8 page research paper that offers a discussion of literature, which addresses the persistent and severe problem of the high incidence of hypertension among African American populations. First of all the specific background facts of this evidence-based nursing education problem are examined and then the various aspects for a nursing educational intervention are outlined. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Personal Narraive/2 Year RN to 4 Year RN
A 5 page personal essay that discusses the nursing education. The writer uses the metaphor of a journey to describe the various aspects of nursing. No bibliography is provided.
Nursing Home Care and the Effects of Mandatory Continuation of Nursing Education
This 50 page paper provides an overview of the impacts of a mandatory continuing professional nursing education mandate on improvements in nursing home care. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
Nursing and Self-Care
A 3 page summation and analysis of an article by Jackson (2004) on the crucial role that holistic healing and self-care plays within the context of nursing and nursing education. No additional sources cited.
Nursing Profession and 'Telehealth' Implications
An 8 page paper which examines the implications of telehealth on the nursing profession by defining the term; discussing its benefits; costs; education and/or training guidelines for nurses, privacy, confidentiality, security, ethics, informed consent, and storage of telehealth records; ensuring reliable technology; provincial/state issues; and legal issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Levels of Nursing Education
A 7 page research paper that examines the literature on the role that education plays in practice and, specifically, if the educational level of nurses at the entry level constitutes a significant factor to nursing practice. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Importance of Healthy Lifestyle
This 4 page paper discusses why health education is important in elementary grade schools. The writer defines health and wellness and discusses the benefits of these programs. The paper also notes the benefits of these programs. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Health Care Delivery in the United States
This 3 page paper focuses specifically on health care delivery and its connection to health education system. Also reviewed is public opinion re same.Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Healthcare Administration Leadership
A 3 page essay that justifies pursuing a doctorate degree in healthcare administration. Doctorate education in healthcare administration is formulated to aid in the creation of highly motivated, advanced healthcare leaders, who can effectively address the challenges of today's healthcare system, as well as shape effective public policy for the needs of the future (Doctor in HA). The challenges facing the U.S. healthcare system, as well as the healthcare systems in all Western, industrialized societies, are formidable. Effective leadership in healthcare administration is a crucial factor in meeting these challenges. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Discussion on Articles 1 - 4; Rights of Children and Health
This 5 page paper discusses four articles concerning abuse and neglect of children, the right to healthcare, the right to education and child labor. Each article is discussed and progress towards the stated goals is assessed. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Gender Bias and the Developmental Stages of Kohlberg
This 4 page paper provides an overview of the issue of bias in mathematics education, with a focus on the way in which Kohlberg's developmetal stages can be used to understand gender bias. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Learning Styles And The Mature Learner
A 6 page paper that begins by defining the mature learner in higher education degree course. The paper discuses the advantages and challenges for this student and reports and discusses Kolb's Learning Cycle and Honey and Mumford's learning styles. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Human Learning and Computer Technology
5 pages in length. There is little question that technology has given considerable advantage to reading skills at the school grade level, not only serving to improve present learning skills but also setting the stage for increased capability later on in school as well. Part of the challenge of acquiring a good, sound education is getting the student interested in the lesson plan; while some are inherently good students, others require the extra added incentive that such technological advances as computer access offers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Learning as a Theme in Milton's Paradise Lost
A 5 page paper which examines what Adam and Eve learned before and after the fall, and considers their differences in the ways in which they receive their education. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Distance Learning Program Initiation
This 5 page comments on some of the issues that need to be addressed when setting up a new distance education program. issues include technology, faculty training, the extra time needed, synchronous and asynchronous technology, and quality issues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Sexuality Regulation
A 4 page exploration of attempts by organizations such as the World Association for Sexology (WAS) and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to define and protect sexuality. This paper points out that because sexuality is so culturally variable such a task is an impossibility. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Freedom of Knowledge and the Courage of Learning
A 5 page essay that discusses the ultimate purpose of education and the benefits of living in a society where knowledge is freely available. The writer draws heavily upon Dai Sijie's novel Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress in making points on this topic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Do Madrasa Teach Terrorism
This 6 page paper considers the history of the madrasas in Muslim education. The relationship between madrasa and modern day terrorism is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Article Critique/Kameg, et al (2010)
A 5 page critique of study article by Kameg, et al (2010), which describes and evaluates the information provided, demonstrating that this constitutes a valuable quantitative study pertaining to nursing education. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Technology and Learning Styles Among High School Freshman
This 3 page paper provides an overview of an article on education. Vicki Cohen’s article Learning Styles and Technology in a Ninth-Grade High School Population relates the details of a study on variations in learning styles in technology and the implications for curriculum development. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Leo F. Buscaglia's Living, Loving and Learning
A 3 page essay that summarizes and assesses Leo F. Buscaglia's 1982 text Living, Loving & Learning, which is a marvelous book that deals not only with education and teaching, but how--ideally--individuals should approach life. In this regard, Dr. Buscaglia emphasizes that loving is the key to a fuller, more meaningful life and also to success as a teacher. This text is an eclectic assortment of material that ranges from the autobiographical to observations specifically designed to help teachers cultivate a loving approach to the art of facilitating learning in their students. No additional sources cited.
UK Mathematics and GCSE Level Expansion
This 9 page paper looks at the difference way in which the A’ level mathematics in the UK education system may be seen as a development and expansion of the GCSE level subject. The writer looks at the syllabus and consider how the transition between the two levels is made, and how it may best be understood by the student. The bibliography cites 8 Sources.
2 Contemporary Issues Confronting Our Country
5 pages. There are two main issues plaguing our country today and those are the use of illicit drugs and the less than adequate education received by the general population. The government has failed to solve both problems in the past and it can be assumed it will be making no headway in the future in solving either problem. This paper discusses the main limitations the government has in solving either of these problems.
Adverse Drug Reaction Among Elderly Patients: Impact Upon Costs And Length Of Hospital Stay
3 pages in length. Drug companies are well aware of the issues surrounding why adverse drug interactions occur in the first place, so it stands to reason why they should be on the front lines with regard to quelling this reality. Adverse drug reactions happen for several reasons, not the least of which includes treatment of more than one doctor, unmonitored self-medicating and lack of education about the serious nature of drug interaction. No bibliography.
Distance Education and the Isolation of Rural Schools
This 4 page paper discusses distance education and the benefits it offers, particularly to students in rural areas. It also briefly touches on how teachers interact with students in the distance learning situation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Challenges and Experiences of Aboriginal and Islander Tertiary Education Students
This 4 page paper summarizes and assesses the texts of "Well, I rest my case" by Jackie Higgins, looking at the issues it incorporates and critiquing the content. The challenges faced by Higgins, and those which may face students are considered in the social context of aboriginal education in Australia. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Health & PE/Differentiated Instruction
A 4 page research paper that discusses differentiated instruction in general and then focuses on applying these principles to health and physical education classrooms. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Options for Christian Education
A 7 page paper. Challenges include having a comprehensive curriculum for all ages, eliminating the distractions, enticing people to attend Christian education classes at church, and changing lifestyles to follow Scripture. Each challenge provides an opportunity and these are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A Practicum for Special Education Working with Cerebral Palsy
This 25 page paper provides an overview of a practicum project, the culmination of studies in special education. This paper relates the study of methods to address the needs of students with cerebral palsy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Guardian Higher Education Supplement Article on Academic Stresses and Challenges
An article written in the style of the Guardian Higher Education Supplement, based on interviews with academics in a university Business Management Department, dealing with the kinds of stresses and pressures which academics have to deal with, and their coping strategies.
This 5-page paper discusses the concept of academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarizing, etc.) and its impact on higher education. The paper also discusses academic dishonesty and its impact on life lessons
Achieving Inclusion in Education
This 4 page paper looks at the concept of inclusive education and how this may be applied to physical disability in a secondary school, looking at different approaches and the ay inclusion may be achieved. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Seeking a Job in Investment Banking
This paper focuses on a career in investment banking and touches on issues such as job duties, education and job skills required, salary expectations and career trends. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Educational Trends
A 9 page paper that reviews five journal articles that report existing or emerging trends in education. Not surprisingly, technology and the use of the Internet in the classroom is one of those trends. Others include a virtual classroom, cooperative teaching and school-university partnerships. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Are Payday Loans Legalized Loan-Sharking?
A 3 page paper discussing the operation and ethics of payday loan companies. The need for the existence of payday loan companies is regrettable, but the business can be expected to grow as the economy continues to favor greater numbers of low-paying service jobs. They are not legal loan sharks, but their success certainly indicates a need for general financial education in public schools. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Fremont Technology Plan and Enhancing Education through Technology Grant Program
This 3 page paper compares section 5 of the Fremont Technology Plan to Criterion 5 of Enhancing Education through Technology Grant Program. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Cyber Bullying
3 pages in length. Schoolyard bullies have long made lives miserable for their victims who typically endure unrelenting taunting and physical abuse, a problem administrators and teachers alike continue to address in today's academic environment. Disturbingly, just as education has taken to the Internet, so too has the menacing act of cyber bullying where its presence has been magnified to such a degree that people have actually committed suicide to escape the online harassment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Firefighting Assistance from Computers
An 8 page paper which examines how computers can assist fire departments in terms of expediency in tracking fires, responding to calls, fire prevention, fire simulations and providing public education on fire-fighting. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Medical Coders
A 3 page research paper that discusses the field of medical coders. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), health information technicians who specialize in assigning codes to patients' medical records for insurance purposes are known by a variety of terms, such as "health information coders, medical record coders, coder/abstractors or coding specialists" (BLS, 2008). This essay offers a brief overview of the medical coding profession: that is, what they do, the education required, associated certification processes, licensure, etc. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Collaborative Learning Communities
A 3 page research paper that discusses collaborative learning communities, which are established between teachers, teachers and students and between the students themselves, have been found to provide an efficient and powerful framework for achieving academic goals. As this suggests, research that addresses the implementation and maintenance of such communities, exploring associated problems such as those that pertain to the topic of special education and inclusive classrooms, is extremely important because research data informs teachers about the possibilities inherent in collaborative learning communities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.