Research Papers on Environment & Ecology

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • The Forest Biome

    This 10 page paper is a PowerPoint presentation with accompanying notes. The presentation looks at temperate forest biomes, giving general background on biomes to place the temperate forest biome in the broader context, looks at the characteristics and gives examples of different types of symbiotic relationships and compares this to a freshwater biome which may boarder with it. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Improving Food Supply and Water Use in Cambodia

    A 7 page paper providing the contents of and speaker notes for a 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation, available separately. Content discusses problems in food production and water use, and makes recommendations for more sustainable practices. Neutralizing the corruption factor will allow the people to implement the education that the international community provides, promoting economic development and Cambodia's ability to become self-sufficient in supporting the needs of its people. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Alternative Fuels

    A 4 page paper discussing the alternative fuels that gain the greatest attention in 2007. The paper discusses ethanol (including biofuels), current fuel cells and hydrogen research. The paper concludes that we need clean, alternative fuels; we also can conclude that we have not yet achieved a single solution that can fully substitute for gasoline and diesel fuel. A separate PowerPoint® presentation is available as well. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Barriers to Implementing Good Environmental Practice

    This 9 page paper is a PowerPoint presentation of 10 slides and speaker notes, presenting a research project to investigate why consumers follow poor environmental practices by not switching off electrical equipment when they have finished with it. The slides give an introduction, define the problem and the rationale for the study, the methodology and some of the expected results. The presentation ends by considering future research. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • BP and the Gulf of Mexico

    This 5 page paper provides a brief overview of this oil spill. It then discusses leadership, actions of officials, any conflicts between corporate and government leadership, political issues and what Homeland Security learned. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • China and Environmental Sustainability

    A 10 page paper discussing two environmental problems in China (the Three Gorges Dam and air pollution) and measures that the government has or may take to mitigate the environmental effects. In contrast is the experience of Singapore, which adopted stringent environmental regulations when its economic growth led to environmental degradation. Though geographical constraint is not an issue in China overall, the citizenry could be taught to view their immediate surroundings as the only "environment" that counts as the government imposes stricter, more encompassing regulation on environmental effect of business. This is not likely to occur on an official level any time soon; it is more likely that China, as the U.S. before it, will incur grave environmental costs before moving to effectively abating the environmental effect of its economic activity. Accompanying PowerPoint® presentation available. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Biodiversity in China

    This 10 page paper is a PowerPoint presentation looking at the issue of biodiversity. The paper defines biodiversity, looks at who and why it is important for China, the scale of the problem and the way that the problem could be tackled. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Environmental Sustainability Challenges

    An 8 page paper discussing two environmental problems in China (the Three Gorges Dam and air pollution) and measures that the government has or may take to mitigate the environmental effects. In contrast is the experience of Singapore, which adopted stringent environmental regulations when its economic growth led to environmental degradation. Singapore was able to address growing environmental problems before they came to be ingrained in systems and operations, and after MNEs became dependent on Singapore's markets and workforce. Likely its small size also contributed to dedication to environmental sustainability, an advantage that China does not have. Bibliography lists 6 sources. PowerPoint presentation available.

  • Plastic or Paper/A Research Proposal

    A 4 page research proposal for investigating the full environmental cost of paper and plastic grocery bags. Consumers need to be able to make sound decisions based on fact rather than on supposition, and they need to recognize that their decisions are factual and legitimate. Assessing the total environmental and economic footprint of both paper and plastic bags can contribute to that end. Includes a timetable as an appendix. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Environmental Impacts of Road Transport on Air Quality in the Greater Manchester Region England; A Research Proposal

    This 15 page paper is a research proposal to assess the environmental impacts of low-cost notation on air quality in the Greater Manchester region. The paper presents an introduction which gives the aims and objectives of the study as well as a justification. The methodology is outlined, including the general approach to the research and an outline of secondary and primary research. The paper then ends with a literature review looking at the position of Greater Manchester and the potential environmental influences caused by road transportation including consideration of the different types of pollution present in transport emissions. The bibliography cites eight sources.

  • Going Green: Waste Minimization

    This 20 page paper provides an overview of a sustainability project, one that is designed to enhance green actions in the community college setting. Specifically, this paper addresses the issue of waste minimization in this setting. Bibliography lists 15 sources. This paper has includes a 19 slide PowerPoint presentation. Please be sure to request file MHsustai55.ppt

  • Evaluation of Proposal for Eastshore State Park

    5 pages in length. After reading Opportunities on the Berkeley Waterfront by Paul Kamen, Vice-Chair of the Berkeley Waterfront Commission, the student will want to state that the crux of contention concerning this particular project points to the ongoing battle between environmentalists and land developers. The proposed site for Eastshore State Park, which is along the east side of the Bay from near the east side of the Bay Bridge to Richmond, has two groups torn as to which direction this area should take with regard to development: one that wants to preserve as much as possible of the existing shoreline and the other that believes people should be able to utilize this land for recreational purposes. No bibliography.

  • Road Construction Environmental Impact

    An 11 page paper. The proposal is to construct a road in a remote area in Latin America. This essay discusses environmental issues related to the project, including an initial simple assessment of ecological, economic and social impacts. The paper discusses both the negative and positive environmental, social and economic consequence of the project. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • English Class Research Proposal

    A 3 page paper. The essay introduces the topic of global warming and notes that this issue remains a topic of controversy, which the writer explains. Following this narrative about the topic, the writer reports the purpose for writing the paper, the reason for selecting this topic, the intended audience, the writer's position on the topic and the thesis statement. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Greenwaste Case Study

    This 19 page paper looks at a case study based in the UK where a company wants to build a waste incinerator on a derelict site. The paper looks at the different issues impacting on the granting of planning permission and reference to the local development plan, as well as the environmental assessment with an in-depth look at the baseline and scoping assessments. The paper finishes by discussing some potential mitigating strategies. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Sidwell Friends School - A Study in Environmental Sustainability

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of environmental sustainable features in building. Sidwell Friends School is used as a case study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Environmental Business for Virotech

    This 3 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Virotech have developed a technology using waste from one industry to clean up waste from others. The paper presents answers to two questions, concerning the business model used and whether this clean up model is a suitable long term model and looking at how and why the local firm has become global. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Tennessee Law and the Environmental Effects of Surface Sewage Runoff

    This 7 page report discusses the environmental impact of sewage runoff in a variety of landscapes. Over 5.3 million metric tons of sewage sludge are produced in the United States every year. The sewage treatment industry, like others in the waste business, has discovered, not surprisingly, that the cheapest means of disposing of this yearly mountain is to spread it over nearby fields. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Federal, State, and Local Environmental Laws

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses the benefits of granting local and state governments more authority over federal environmental laws. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Environment and the Tort Law of South Carolina

    In 10 pages, the author discusses South Carolina tort law related to the environment. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Legal Implications Involving a Hypothetical Land Owner and Pollution Issues

    5 pages in length. The environment around Fred Smith's land has been in trouble for a long time due to decades and decades of misuse, exploitation and degradation, which have ultimately placed a tremendous burden upon the land and air resources. Re-establishing what has already been destroyed, as well as protecting what still exists, is what local and state law enforcement officials are working feverishly to achieve before Smith's chemical plant imposes anymore damage. With the support of environmental law, significant improvement will be established to rectify damage already done as well as prevent any further from occurring. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • UK Law and Water Pollution

    This 12 page paper considers what laws are in place in the UK, directly, or indirectly through the EU to [protect the environment and drinking water against pollution. The writer considers this from different angles, including the difficulty of bring a prosecution and limitations on the remedies. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Operational Discharges, the Law, and Marine Pollution

    This 34 page paper considers the way in which international law seeks to control oil pollution. The writer considers the background of the situation, such as the current condition of the shipping industry with the different pressures that have been placed upon it, such as the economic pressures. With this background the development of marine law relating to pollution is considered, looking specifically at the development of that are aimed at reducing and controlling operations discharges form sea going vessels. This includes considerations of the various international conventions including United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Alabama's Forestry and Farming Industries

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of forestry and farming in Alabama with a focus on the forest industry in two of the state's counties. Demographic information is provided for the counties and for the state as well. The paper is replete with statistical information. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • In Praise of Wolves by R.D. Lawrence Reviewed

    This is a 3 page review of R.D. Lawrence’s “In Praise of Wolves”. Spanish born R.D. Lawrence lives on a 100-acre wilderness farm in Haliburton Highlands, 170 km north of Toronto, Ontario and has written over 29 books on nature and wildlife. In the spring of 1983, Lawrence and his wife traveled to Ishpeming in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan to study an untamed but captive pack of wild wolves and compared their behavior to those he had previously studied in the wild and with the two wolf cubs which he himself had raised. During the study and his use of other studies he has conducted on packs in the wild, Lawrence often contradicts other scientific theories in that he proposes that in many ways, wolves in the wild provide a much closer study and comparison to human behavior than do many studies on primates, considered humans’ closest natural relatives. In addition, Lawrence through the use of biological, sociological and psychological comparisons is not afraid to apply human terms to wolves in the text. Instead, Lawrence has found that in many ways, humans could learn from wolf behavior in terms of their handling of aggression (as opposed to the human emotion of anger) and stress in the wild. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Liability and Environmental Law

    This 16 page paper considers a case where a company wishes to buy land that is contaminated. The first part of the paper considers the legal position of the company with regard the pollution and potential liabilities if the land purchase goes ahead. The paper makes reference to environmental law in the UK including, but not limited to, the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Water Resources Act 1991. The shorter second part of the paper considers how an offer on the land may be made to allow for these potential liabilities. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • A Comparison of the Writings of Rachel Carson and Al Gore

    This 5 page paper compares and contrasts Rachel Carson’s “The Obligation to Endure” and Al Gore’s “The Climate Emergency” for presentation style and effectiveness. No additional sources are listed.

  • Dakota A Spiritual Geography by Kathleen Norris

    This is a 5 page analysis of Kathleen Norris’ “Dakota: A Spiritual Geography”. Tutorial language appears throughout the text in square brackets as an aid for writers in their analysis. Kathleen Norris’ 1993 book “Dakota: A Spiritual Geography” relates the spiritual journey and shift Norris and her husband have experienced since moving to South Dakota twenty years ago to tend the family farm. Although a Protestant, she has become an oblate to the local Benedictine monastery and has come to appreciate their isolated and peaceful existence. Norris and the monks’ spirituality are heavily connected to the landscape which is beautifully described by Norris’ poetic and artistic hand but it is a landscape and an existence which must be chosen by an individual in order to be appreciated according to Norris. In a time when materialism and wealth seem to have become prevalent motivators in the world, Norris reveals to readers how spiritually satisfying her life has become as she has been able to center herself in relation to her landscape and the community she has adopted. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Future Global Predictions

    This 5 page essay focuses on predictions for the world in the context of cultural geography. Several issues are explored inclusive of population, agriculture, ethnicity, and religion. No bibliography.

  • The Contrasting Geography of The British Isles and The United Arab Emeritus

    A 4 page comparison of these two diverse geographical regions. The largely desert geography of the United Arab Emeritus offers little in the way of the agricultural opportunity such as that found in the British Isles. In both regions, however, mining is an important industry. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Global Warming, Climate Change and War

    A 12 page research paper, which includes a Table of Contents and an abstract, that presents a literature review and analysis, which examines fifteen current sources in order to discern how scholars and political commentators view the connections between climate change caused by global warming and war. Literature is summarized and then discussed before offering conclusions. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Wildlife and the Impact of Urbanization

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the history, context, management and philosophies behind the problem of urbanization and its impact on wildlife. Urbanization has resulted in a large negative impact on wildlife in addition in regards to the flora and fauna communities. Within the last 300 years in the U.S., deforestation for urban or agricultural use has fragmented wildlife populations through urban sprawl, linear land use (such as roads and power lands) small and large agricultural land plots in addition to the introduction of exotic plants and animals which have an impact on native plants and animals. Agricultural use and urbanization in addition to being the demise of some species also causes the shift in native plants and animals in certain areas; shifts which tend to allow for the proliferation of some species often at the expense of others. Preservation and conservation efforts within the U.S. are primarily the result of the ethics and philosophies as promoted by Aldo Leopold who called for ecological considerations in regards to any urban planning. Preservation methods today focus mainly on restraining urban sprawl through the promotion of inner city renewal, the purchase of undeveloped land for preservation, promotion of mass transit through railways and fewer roads, and set growth boundaries around urban areas. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Westward Settlement and Environmental Effects

    This 4-page paper examines westward settlement during the 19th century and its impact on the environment. Issues covered include technologies that spurred settlement, ecological impacts resulting from westward moement, and the reaction of settlers to the changes in the land. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Memoral Park in Houston, Texas

    This 5 page paper discusses the various amenities and attractions, history and location of Houston's Memorial Park in Texas. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Hoover Dam

    This 4 page paper examines the construction and history of the Hoover Dam and also addressed environmental concerns. Many facts and figures are relayed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • New England in the Seventeenth Century and Environmental History

    A 6 page research paper that examines chapter 3 from a text concerning American environmental history. In the text Major Problems in American Environmental History, editor Carolyn Merchant assembles an eclectic yet revealing collection of documents and essays that offer a form of "snap shot" of a specific period in American history in relation to environmental issues. Chapter 3 of this text focuses on the New England forest in the seventeenth century. Examination of this chapter demonstrates the basic conflict not only between how the Native Americans perceived the natural world, but also between how different groups of Europeans perceived it. These documents indicate that how the natural world is perceived and conceptualized within the boundaries of the human imagination is crucial to human interaction with the natural world. Bibliography lists 12 sources taken from this 1 text.

  • Literature and the Element of Science

    This 5 page paper discusses the scientific concepts presented by Daniel Quinn's protagonist, Ishmael. His unique perspective brings out the dire straits that mankind has put himself in, and offers solutions. Quotes cited from the text. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Literature Review of Remediation and Hazardous Waste

    This 4-page paper focuses on a literature review of hazardous waste remediation, with discussion specifically about nanotechnology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Environment in Literature: Ecocriticism, Ecofeminism and the Concept of Dwelling

    This 15 page paper examines writings by Barbara Kingsolver and Greg Garrard to explore the ways in which authors use, or examine the use of nature in literary works. It pays specific attention to the ecofeminist nature of the heroine of Kingsolver’s book Prodigal Summer, and also considers the concept of dwelling and farming with regard to sustainability. Finally, it defines ecocriticism and illustrates its use.


    This 16-page paper provides an analysis and literature review about the effectiveness of "green" promotion and advertising to a corporation's image. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • 'Picturesque' Landscape as an Evolving Concept

    A 3 page consideration of how our concept of man's impact on the environment has changed over time. The author reviews the literature to support the contention that, as Robert Smithson contends in his discussion of "Frederick Law Olmsted and the Dialectical Landscape", the concept of "picturesque" is indeed a material one and one that has been in place since ancient times. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Northeast U.S. and the Problem of Solid Waste Management

    This 11 page paper looks at the use of landfills as a major problem in the Northeast. Recycling is discussed in detail as an effective method to handle solid waste. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Management In The Fire Fighting Industry

    A 5 page paper which discusses some of the management issues concerning the fire industry. One of the examples provided illustrates how the management techniques used by the fire industry are used by the private business sector, clearly indicating that management in the fire industry is a very serious and thoroughly examined reality. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Interdisciplinary Unit on Earth Day

    This is a 4 page paper that begins with a general introduction of the need for children to understand the dangers to the earth. The unit, which is appropriate for grades 2 and 3, begins with an explanation of how Earth Day originated and why. Activities for this unit are outlined under multiple headings to provide an interdisciplinary unit. The headings are: Reading/Literature/Writing/Science/Environmental Health and Science/Environmental Education/Math/Writing/Reading/Art/Music. The essay also includes a brief outline of which Pennsylvania standards are included in the activities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Business and the Effects of Environmental Regulation

    This is a 9 page paper discussing the impact environmental legislation has had on business and the role of business in regards to global resource management and conservation. Within the last two decades, the environmental impact of business and industry has led to necessary legislation in global resource management. In many instances, businesses have had to change their design, processing and testing practices in order to comply with legislation which cost many industries a great deal of money. On the other hand, there has also been a great deal of waste in the business and industry sectors which has had an extreme environmental impact globally. Because of this, the role of business in regards to global resource management and conservation has increased significantly. Many businesses have taken a pro-active stance and initiated environmentally-friendly practices which not only decrease their own costs, especially in the area of energy consumption, but have also provided the businesses with a positive public image and can help in the marketing of their products. Because the world’s population and need is seen as increasing while the natural resources around the world are seen as decreasing, it is the expected role of business to not only comply with environmental legislation which will decrease the environmental impact of industry but businesses must also become proactive in the areas of conservation and global resource management. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Conservation v. Preservation in Management of the Environment

    A 5 page discussion of preservation verses conservation. The author uses examples from fallow agricultural areas and fire dependent systems such as prairie grasslands and forests. While preservationists emphasize the preservation of an entire ecosystem, conservationists emphasize the preservation of one or more parts of an ecosystem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Issues Related to Management of Ecosystems

    A 15 page paper that reports, explains and/or discusses five issues based on specific readings. The first section explores the concept that indigenous peoples have a natural harmonious relationship with the environment. Events with the Cree, the Yuracare and other Indian groups are used as examples. The second topic has to do with ecosystem management. The third section compares the positions of Pinchot and Muir and suggests what each would think about the spotted owl issue. Next is a report of the history of community forestry in the U.S. Finally, the writer discusses Chase's opinion about humans playing God, using the Yellowstone National Park as the example. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Issues in Coastal Resource Management

    This 7-page paper examines issues pertaining to coastal resource management in the U.S. Topics include government and non-governmental efforts, as well as the management of land, agriculture, vegetation and water as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Reducing Dependence on Foreign Oil in the Transportation Industry

    This 5 page paper discusses why it's vital that America reduce its dependence on foreign oil, and ways in which the transportation industry can reduce that dependence. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Survey Concerning Alternative Transportation

    A 3 page research paper that reports on a brief survey of how people perceive alternative forms of transportation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Air Transportation Environmental and Regulatory Issues

    A 7 page paper which examines issues that affects air transportation, particularly commercial and cargo aviation, cockpit cameras, environmental concerns, air/noise pollution, and airport land usage. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Transportation Fuel Possibilities of Natural Gas

    5 pages in length. Without question, the world's energy demand has increased due directly to the fact that the population continues to rise. What this translates to in correlating statistics is that energy demands throughout the past half-century have tripled, the global economy has quintupled and the world population increased twofold. If the human species is going to sustain its existence much past the new millennium, alternative fuel sources – such as natural gas – must be implemented in virtually every sector of transportation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Anheuser Busch Brewery Company

    This 6 page report discusses the brewing company, Anheuser-Busch and its traditional management structure and controls. The St. Louis, Missouri, brewery leads the industry in the United States with a market share of approximately 45 per cent. Very few beer companies, domestic or foreign, have been doing as well. Anheuser-Busch is also involved in agriculture, entertainment (amusement parks and professional sports), creative services, packaging, and recycling. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Psychology Professionals and Ecological Awareness

    A 4 page essay/research paper that addresses questions that illustrate the usefulness of psychology as an environmental science. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • Hazards of Ocean Dumping

    A 5 page paper concerning the hazards of ocean dumping. The author discusses the many ways in which the ocean is polluted, the effects, and the solution. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Benthic Storms

    A 7-page paper that defines the undersea disturbances known as benthic storms and examines the causes and effects of these disturbances. Included is a discussion of the components of the sediment existing in the benthic zone and how these components are suspended and transported by way of the undersea currents that create and push benthic storms. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Environmental Collapse and Kathryn Phillips' Tracking the Vanishing Frogs and Michael Harris' Lament for an Ocean A True Crime Story

    A 7 page discussion of the many environmental perils which we are facing. Emphasizes that these perils are far from mysterious, as the titles of these two books might imply, but rather revolve two common factors of greed and overpopulation. No additional sources are listed.

  • Overlying Atmospheric Circulation System and Ocean Currents

    A 5 page discussion of the relationship between ocean currents and the overlying atmospheric circulation system. Both ocean circulation systems and atmospheric systems have definitive patterns which are comparable in their nature and both function in much the same way in regard to the manner which they move through the world. The author discusses the causes and effects of this interrelationship, noting important phenomena like hurricanes and the ability of the world’s currents to transport not only sedimentary material but man himself. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • World's Oceans and Over-Fishing Repercussions The Ocean's Potential to Feed the World's People: Over-Fishing, Populations and the Environment, and Aquaculture in the LEDCs and MEDCs

    This is a 7 page paper discussing over-fishing of the world’s oceans, in particular reference to the North Sea, the relationship between the environment and population and fishing and aquaculture in the LEDCs and MEDCs. Within the last several decades, the fish population in the world’s oceans has decreased substantially. While the decrease in fish stocks has been partially blamed on environmental factors, the largest problem has been that fishing levels have been at capacity or at the over-fishing level for over thirty years resulting in the loss of some of the more popular fish stocks. Through fishing bans and aquaculture, many MEDCs (More Economically Developed Countries) have just begun to initiate programs with the hopes to recover the stocks but the future of most stocks is still questionable. In the LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries) where larger portions of the population are also malnourished, there has also begun to be a great deal of over-fishing but mainly due to fishermen from wealthier countries who have moved from diminished areas. In addition, while a great percentage of continents such as Africa have been deemed suitable for aquaculture, funding depends on governmental support which varies from country to country and year to year. It is estimated that the results of the over-fishing in all the oceans in which many of the stocks will be forever diminished will eventually lead to an increased dependence on grain farmers; a demand they cannot meet. Overall, the increasing world populations will be affected by increased malnutrition and famine, similar to what was initially predicted by Thomas Malthus in 1798 unless more funding and support can be placed on aquaculture worldwide. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Earth's Oceans and Contamination by Nuclear Waste

    This is a 4 page paper which discusses the causes, consequences and concerns of the dumping of radioactive waste into the Earth's oceans. The bibliography has 5 sources.

  • Marine Life, Ocean Pollution, and Other Human Environmental Impacts

    12 pages in length. Man's desire to further his own progress as a species has rendered a wholly detrimental impact upon the global environment; that humanity continues to pursue recreation, community development and technological advancement in such a way as to impose tremendous pollutants into the ground, water and atmosphere speaks to a species whose careless actions are influencing the planet's very survival. Nowhere is this more evident than with ocean pollution and the devastating impact it has had upon marine life. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Paleoclimatology

    A 3 page research paper that, first of all, defines paleoclimatology and discusses what is meant by paleo proxy data. Then the writer includes a brief chart of the sources found on the topic of iron fertilization, which is a scheme proposed to “fix” global warming by inducing ocean plankton blooms by seeding the ocean with iron. These sources are then summarized and the topic briefly discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 10 Strategies for Adapting to Climate Change

    This 4 page paper looks at 10 different strategies for adapting to climate change. The number one strategy is ocean fertilization, after this is discussed a further nine strategies including the development of whether control systems, proliferating drought resistant crops, the use of carbon sequestration strategies, roof gardens, sequencing gene gnomes and building flood resistant homes are all discussed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Developing World's Problems with Water Contamination

    12 pages in length. The truism attached to shipwrecked sailors afloat in miles and miles of ocean – water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink – is easily equated with the long-standing problems plaguing underdeveloped countries where their own water supply is concerned. While the sailors must grapple with life-killing salt that prevents their ability to drink from the limitless reserve all around them, those in such global communities as Africa are faced with an entirely different challenge to obtain clean, uncontaminated drinking sources. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Human Habitat and the Significance of Lakes, Rivers, and Coastal Waters

    9 pages in length. Even though approximately seventy percent of the earth is covered by ocean salt water, coastal waters, rivers and lakes are far more important to people due to the direct impact their proximity has to various communities. The reason for this separation between water sources is because of the myriad ways in which people utilize the water’s vast and varied properties from these sources, including habitat development, food sources and drinking water. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Climate Change and Technology

    This 10 page paper looks at the potential for technology to be used to help with the international problem of climate change and global warming. The paper assessing the problem of climate change and outlines some of the potential causes and then looks at a range of ways technology, including biotechnology, can help alleviate some of the issues associated with climate change. The technologies considered include forms of carbon sequestration including ocean iron fertilization and alternatives fuel sources, including ethanol and solar energy. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Littering and Environmental Psychology

    An 8 page discussion of the problems associated with littering. The author categorizes the different types of litterers and proposes solutions that might be applied to all. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Water Source Protection

    11 pages in length. One of the earth's most precious resources is in great peril. Water, the substance required by all living beings as a means of survival, is succumbing more and more to the ravages of pollutants, most -- if not all -- of which are the cause of humanity's environmental carelessness and neglect. Indeed, water sources of decades past were only beginning to show the signs of contamination, still remaining well within the parameters of what is considered to be safe; however, the water sources of late are clearly demonstrating the consequences of overwhelming pollution by killing off a significant amount of the plant and animal life that depends upon it for existence. What is being done to correct this drastic situation is too little too late according to critics, who contend that the world's water source has been left to fight for its health for far too long to be expected to regain its soundness. The writer discusses the detrimental changes that the world's water source has experienced. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Developing World's Problems with Water Contamination

    12 pages in length. The truism attached to shipwrecked sailors afloat in miles and miles of ocean – water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink – is easily equated with the long-standing problems plaguing underdeveloped countries where their own water supply is concerned. While the sailors must grapple with life-killing salt that prevents their ability to drink from the limitless reserve all around them, those in such global communities as Africa are faced with an entirely different challenge to obtain clean, uncontaminated drinking sources. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Social Significance of Aesthetics

    This 7 page paper provides support for a thesis encompassing aesthetics and cleanliness and its role in terms of recycling and handling of waste. The paper examines both city and rural life in terms of building a sustainable environment. There is a focus on 'building green' and designing products which are recyclable. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Problems of Global Population

    12 pages in length. With the current global population at 6,079,229,255 and growing every second, people are overpopulating themselves right out of the planet. According to the Germany World Population Fund, a full one-third of all births is the result of incidental or unwanted pregnancies. With a staggering one billion teenagers right at the brink of their reproductive years, this particular period in time has come to be known as the largest 'youthquake' ever as global officials attempt to quell the perpetual – and highly damaging – population growth. The writer discusses the various impacts of human overpopulation, as well as addresses potential solutions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Thomas Malthus and His Theories on Population

    This 7 page paper looks at the theories of Thomas Malthus on population growth and control. His controversial views were not universally accepted as they appeared to condone the abandonment of welfare provisions due to the relationship between food production and population growth. Alternative views have been put forward in the years since Malthus first published his theories, as such the theories of Esther Boserup which can be seen as a strong contrast to Malthus are also considered. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Issue of Municipal Waste

    A 6 page paper that explores the issue of municipal waste. The writer first defines 'waste,' then discusses the amount generated and the effect it has on individuals and the environment. What is being done about waste and what could be done are discussed. 1 table is included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Benthic Storms

    A 7-page paper that defines the undersea disturbances known as benthic storms and examines the causes and effects of these disturbances. Included is a discussion of the components of the sediment existing in the benthic zone and how these components are suspended and transported by way of the undersea currents that create and push benthic storms. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Peter Matthiessen's Far Tortuga

    (5 pp) Although this initially appears as an adventure story, anyone who knows Peter Matthiessen's work will be ready for much more, and view the sparse writing and revelation through dialog, as rhythmic as the sea itself. Far Tortuga (1975), like his other works, is distinguished by a love of nature, and an urgent concern that the elemental harmony between man and nature is in great jeopardy, as well as the belief in the cyclic process of the universe.

  • Issue of Ozone Layer Depletion

    A 5 page paper that examines the environmental problem of the depletion of the ozone layer. The opposing views of this issue are discussed, along with the initial goals and objectives set by the Montreal Protocol in 1987 and the present lapse in the fulfillment of those goals and objectives. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Dan Vergano's Article 'Water Shortages Will Leave World in Dire Straits'

    3 pages in length. According to a report by Dan Vergano, whose article entitled Water Shortages Will Leave World in Dire Straits appears on the Water Environment Federation's Web site, the next fifty years poses a significant threat to the entire global population where water shortages are concerned. Over half of all people on the planet will suffer with the detrimental impact of a worldwide water crisis caused by man-made problems such as coral reef destruction, coastal rise due to global warming, tremendous drops in various bodies of water, waste (human & industrial), poverty, as well as wholly inadequate management of current water resources. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Water Resources Mitigation: Man-made Wetlands for Effluent Distribution

    A 4 page overview of the problem of domestic waste. This paper suggests man-made wetlands as mitigation and additional treatment for treated effluent. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • “When Smoke Ran Like Water”

    A 6 page analysis of the book by Devra Davis. This paper outlines some of the major points the author presents and assesses how the information can be utilized by the reader. No additional sources are listed.

  • Phytoremediation

    10 pages in length. The more contaminated man makes his planet, the more frantically he seeks ways to reverse the damage. Historically, toxic soil has been unearthed and redistributed into landfills; tainted sediment has continued to spill into bodies of water, kill the fish and sicken all who eat it; and polluted groundwater has all too often leeched its way into drinking supplies. In short, no method to liberate heavy-metal contamination has proven effective for eradicating its presence - until the discovery of phytoremediation, the process by which green plants are used to break down and/or absorb toxic substances in air, soil, sediment, sludge and groundwater. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Trout Fishing in the Mid Atlantic and Acid Rain Effects

    A 7 page paper on trout fishing in the mid-Atlantic region. For years, the practice has played a vital role in the area's economy but man's own abuses have severely damaged the environment and killed off a significant amount of fish. The writer examines this problem, its occurrence, and how it occurs. The production of acid rain and how it disrupts the food web is of primary importance to this discussion. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Ecuador and Texaco

    This 3-page paper analyzes a case study regarding Texaco and its land damaging activities to the rain forests of Ecuador. The paper examines the legalities of what Texaco is doing, and supports and takes a particular position.

  • Sustainable Development of Rain Forests' Natural Resources

    A 3 page research paper that is based on the premise that this research is a speech delivered by the head of a damn project to be built in the African rainforest. The speech argues for sustainable development of the rainforest as a valued natural resource. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Destroying the World's Rain Forests

    A 5 page paper discussing current thinking on the plight of the subsistence farmer responsible for the greatest portion of destruction of the world's rainforests. Though outside groups often sought commercial development of the world's rainforests while well-meaning groups held meaningless protests, environmentalists in recent years have developed pragmatic views of the growing problem. It has not been the 'evil corporation' seeking its own profits regardless of the costs involved, but rather a combination of poor fiscal policies, ineffective social programs and too-rapid population growth that have taken the greatest toll. True reduction of the devastation lies in social approaches in the nations in which the rainforests are located. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Importance of Rain Forests

    5 pages in length. Man's unrelenting progress as a species has rendered irreparable harm to the environment around him; one of the most impacting of all situations to arise from this persistent quest toward human progress is the detrimental condition such efforts have imposed upon the world's rain forests. Inasmuch as "the reasons for the unprecedented depletion of tropical forests are numerous and very complex" (Didia 477), time is of the essence if preservation efforts are going to work. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Amazon Rain Forest and Deforestation

    In 5 pages, the author discusses deforestation of the Amazon rain forest. The deforestation of the rain forest of the Amazon region of Brazil has been the topic of much discussion. It is the destruction of an important part of the environment. The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, however, has also meant jobs and profit for the people of the area. This is quite a conundrum, which has no easy answers. Included is a free one-page Roman Numeral outline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Rain Forest Interdisciplinary Unit for Second Grade

    A 6 page paper that describes the major components of a thematic interdisciplinary unit for second-graders. The paper begins with a rationale for the unit and then presents the objectives for the unit. (These are also correlated to the Pennsylvania Standards.) Materials and resources are then listed. This is followed by activities for each of five different disciplinary areas. No Bibliography.

  • Consequences of the Amazon's Deforestation

    This 4 page paper discusses the deforestation of the Amazon and the consequences of these actions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Rain Forests of the Pacific Northwest

    4 pages in length. The writer discusses climate, plant/animal species of and threats to the Pacific Northwest rain forests. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Rain Forest Deforestation

    A 7 page overview of the numerous direct and indirect impacts which are associated with the destruction of our world’s rainforests. The author touches on the impacts caused by farming, logging and general development, emphasizing that deforestation destroys not just the rainforest trees but the entire intricately balanced habitat. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Look at Chameleons

    A 5 page overview of the group of animals we know as chameleons. The author provides a specific phylogenetic classification of these animals from Kingdom to Species, noting the similarities in evolutionary pattern with other vertebrates and distinguishing the chameleon from other lizards on the basis of key taxonomic criteria. A discussion of the ecology of the group as a whole is presented as is a brief notation on the endangered status of one specific example of this group, Chamaeleo belalandaensis. A detailed explanation of how and why the chameleon changes color is included as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Will Existing and Developing Technologies in Chemistry Protect Air Quality?

    This 5 page paper examines the question: Can the society rely on existing and developing technologies in chemistry to protect air quality globally? Biofiltration is discussed along with preventative techniques of improving air quality. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Safety Conditions at Chernobyl

    A 4 page paper which examines the safety conditions at Chernobyl. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ecosystems of the Coral Reefs

    10 pages in length. Hundreds of millions of years of oceanic history teeters on the verge of permanent extinction. Because of the detrimental effects of pollution, overfishing, tourism and drastic environmental changes, the world's coral reefs are fighting for their very existence. That coral reefs are an ecosystem all unto themselves, their rapid decline does not only influence their survival, but also that of myriad other species as well. Significant efforts are being made as a means by which to salvage what is left and perhaps repair what has already been damaged. The writer discusses ecosystems as they relate to coral reefs. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Underwater Forms of Life and Their Coral Reef Survival Link

    5 pages in length. Inasmuch as coral reefs represent a complex community of organisms and their environment functioning as an ecological unit in nature, it is not surprising to find that the numerous life systems that coral reefs support include a variety of plants and animals, in that the reef protectively harbors them as a means by which to thwart predators, as well as to provide for the reef itself. For some, the reefs are a place of safekeeping; for others, however, the reefs represent an overly abundant meal ticket. The writer discusses the importance of coral reefs upon other underwater life forms. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility And Energy Management

    This 14 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper looks at the concept of corporate social responsibility discussing what it is or why companies may choose to adopt it, frameworks may be used as guidance and essential elements of corporate social responsibility strategies. The second part of the paper looks at the concept of energy management, examining why and how it takes place and uses the example of Hewlett-Packard to demonstrate energy management in practice. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • The BP Oil Disaster - a Stakeholder Perspective

    This 3 page paper is based on an article supplied by the student. 8 different questions are answered concerning the ethical issues of the disaster, why the disaster occurred, who may be held accountable, identification of the stakeholders and the impact of the disaster on the environment and the fisherman. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Considerations Regarding the Endangered Species Act

    This 6 page paper considers the arguments surrounding this question. The author refutes critics of the Endangered Species Act but contends that, if administered to the full extent of its power, the Act is sufficient as is. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 3-page paper provides an example of an energy resource plan for a home owner's association. Discussion includes conservation methods. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Have Aesthetics Become More Important Than Conservation in the Environmental Balancing Act?

    A 9 page discussion of the contest that often erupts in scenarios involving conservation verses development. This paper presents the viewpoints and considerations that are in play in the question of whether to put a wind turbine park within view of a national park. Should aesthetics outweigh the benefits of an alternative energy source? Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Global Warming

    A 5 page paper which evaluates the various perspectives on global warming. Some people argue that it is a manmade and serious reality while others argue that it is part of nature’s course. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Global Warming: Real or Imagined?

    A 4 page review of the issue of global warming. This paper contends that our perception of global warming is based more on a misrepresentation of fact and emotion than it is on hard scientific data. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Hybrid Electrical Vehicles

    An 8 page paper. A hybrid vehicle is one that uses two sources of power, such as gasoline and electric batteries. These are on the cutting edge of automotive technology. This paper discusses how such vehicles are powered and introduces the Toyota Prius and the Honda Insight. The writer also reports what American manufacturers are doing in this area. Finally, the disadvantages and advantages of hybrids are described. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Hydrogen Fuel as a Renewable Energy Source

    This 7 page paper examines the health and environmental benefits of renewable sources of energy versus their fossil fuel counterparts. More specifically, this paper examines the benefits of hydrogen fuel cells, their impact upon the environment, and their future applications. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • An Overview of Fuel Cell Technology

    A 22 page paper that provides a comprehensive overview of fuel cell technology. Discussion includes: an introduction to fuel cells, what they are, how they work and the types of fuel cells in research; applications for fuel cell technology, including those that are already in use; fuel cell-powered motor vehicles and what the progress is in this industry, including manufacturers who have already introduced fuel cell-powered cars and the forecasts for the near future; issues concerning hydrogen; problems and disadvantages with fuel cells and a conclusion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Jerry Mander/The Indian Worldview

    A 4 page essay that summarizes and discusses a chapter from Jerry Mander’s 1991 text In the Absence of the Sacred, which is entitled “Indians are different from Americans.” In this chapter, Mander argues that the worldview of the native or aboriginal peoples of the world—that is, the so-called “Indians,” which is basically a misnomer coined by a lost European—is fundamentally different from the worldview of mainstream culture in industrialized Western society. The discussion of this chapter summarizes Mander’s principal points in making this argument. No additional sources cited.

  • Sustainable Development and Human Welfare

    This 4 page paper discusses sustainable development, what it is, the impacts it has on societal factors, current thinking, and argues that without sustainable development human welfare is in jeopardy. Bibliography lists

  • Sustainable development and The United Arab Eremites

    This 10 page paper looks at the concept and practice of sustainable development in a global context, including what it is, how it takes place and general attitudes and practice. The paper then considers the way that the UAE is adopting sustainable development policies and practices within the global context. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Sustainable Development; The Influence of the United Nations

    This 9 page paper looks at the contribution of the United Nations (UN) towards the development of the idea of ‘sustainable business practices’, evaluates the United Nations political influence and examines the different geographical and political agendas which have contributed towards the concept of sustainable development from this institution. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Bottled Versus Tap Water: Environmental Impact

    3 pages in length. Paying for water was as foreign a concept fifty years ago as traveling by jet-propelled body packs is now in the twenty-first century, however, the quality of today's tap water has declined to the point where bottled water has become a safer and more palatable option that consumers have responded to over the past three decades. Yet the environmental disadvantages of choosing bottled water over tap have been proven quite significant due to the necessary steps required to reach consumers. As Jungbluth (2005) found, it is not so much the content - as in carbonated or plain - that makes a greater environmental impact as it is the manufacturing and delivery aspects. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Issues and Challenges in the Carbon Offset Market

    This 11 page paper answers five questions about the carbon market. The first question considers whether or not the offsetting market will encourage sufficient measures to prevent the need for multilateral intervention. The second question considers how the Internet may help small to medium-size offset providers in developing countries. The third question discusses the potential impact on the jobs market of a growing carbon market. The fourth question considers what aspect would be important in the business plan for a supplier in a developing country. The last part of the paper considers potential of offsetting to become a moneymaking opportunity in the money markets. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Carbon Emission cause by Materials Used in the Construction Industry

    This 12 page paper looks at the carbon footprint of the construction industry, they that the emission are created and measures that may be used to reduce the carbon footprint. The paper focuses on the materials used in construction and building and levels in the UK. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • Animal Testing Alternatives

    A 4 page research paper that examines the issues surrounding alternatives to animal testing. Examination of why researchers should consider alternatives to animal testing in laboratories show that the arguments against this practice are persuasive and backed up with empirical research. These arguments state that (1) animal testing is often simply an entrenched procedure, which is continued due to tradition and law, rather than its efficacy; (2) successful alternative methods for testing have been discovered, which makes it logical to assume that further alternatives could be formulated; (3) animal testing is expensive as compared to alternative methods; (4) alternative methods are produce faster results, and (5) animal testing is cruel and, therefore, immoral. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Conservation v. Preservation in Ecosystem Maintenance

    A 5 page discussion of the many complex consideration which go into environmental management. The environmental management approaches of preservation and conservation are defined and contrasted. The author contends that rather than get caught up in the semantics of the preservation verses conservation argument, however, we must selectively employ each of these approaches if we are to find the most workable solution to insure the future of our world's natural resources as a whole.

  • The Ecosystems of Brazil

    A 5 page overview of the tremendous ecologic value of the Brazilian ecosystems. Discusses the many threats to the sensitive ecologic balance of this system including deforestation, global warming, and slash and burn agriculture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The California Recycling Bill of 1989

    This paper examines California's Bill 939, which was passed in 1989. The bill mandated that by 2000, the entire state would diverte 50 percent of waste toward recycling. The paper discusses the history of the bill, how it has been implemented, and level of compliance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Toxic Waste in America

    A 4 page paper. The issue of e-waste is becoming more and more difficult as new electronics are developed and sold and old ones are put in storage or just disposed of in a landfill. This essay reports statistical data for e-waste in the U.S., including recycling rates. It discusses e-waste in Asia. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Oil Spill During the Week of June 6, 2010

    A 3 page research paper that reports on the events reported in the news for the week of June 6, 2010 pertaining to the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig, which resulted in the worst oil spill in US history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Responses of the International Community to Climate Change Issues

    This 8 page paper looks at some of the international responses to the threat of global warming and climate change. The responses include the use of legislation and voluntary agreements at international, national and local levels as well as the responses of businesses, including large corporations such as Hewlett Packard. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Aspects of Environmental Accounting

    This 30 page paper examines the issue of environmental accounting. The paper looks at the approaches that may be adopted to environmental accounting, such as social accounting and the way this may indicate the underlying corporate governance models or values adopted. The direct and indirect benefits are discussed and many real life examples are used to illustrate the point raised. The paper considers the case of the UK, but the lessons are universally applicable. The bibliography cites 28 sources.

  • Building Green

    A 4 page paper discussing 3 "green," LEED-certified buildings and proposing research into the practicalities of building green. Businesses are pressured on all sides to operate more efficiently, and research that illuminates the true costs and cost savings of "green" buildings can be valuable to all businesses. In this vein the proposed research will focus on (1) actual costs of either new construction or retrofitting of existing buildings; (2) changes in operational costs resulting from the green focus; and (3) the potential value that organizations can find in social responsibility as a result of their efforts. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Climate Change and Technology

    This 10 page paper looks at the potential for technology to be used to help with the international problem of climate change and global warming. The paper assessing the problem of climate change and outlines some of the potential causes and then looks at a range of ways technology, including biotechnology, can help alleviate some of the issues associated with climate change. The technologies considered include forms of carbon sequestration including ocean iron fertilization and alternatives fuel sources, including ethanol and solar energy. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Climate Change and Human Rights

    A 5 page research paper that discusses taking a human rights perspective on climate change and, also, the connections between climate change and poverty, vulnerability and gender. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Impact of Climate Change

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the gaps in protection provided for climate change refugees and the most vulnerable countries affected by climate change. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Managing Climate Change In Developing Countries

    A 3 page paper. Managing climate change means reducing global warming and devising strategies to reduce warming and also adopting strategies to try to minimize the damage climate changes have caused. This paper discusses these issues and reports examples of what these countries can do to manage these changes. The paper also reports commitments developing countries have made to reduce warming. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Importance of Rain Forest/Coral Reef

    A 3 page research paper that takes the form of a closing argument in a case where developers are threatening an old-growth rain forest and a coral reef. The writer speaks for the defense and the preservation of these ecosystems. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Uses and Abuses of Fossil Fuels

    This 9 page paper discusses the use and abuse of fossil fuels, the processes in extracting, the future and the pros/cons of fossil fuels. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Debate on Reduction of Fossil Fuels

    This 6 page paper presents evidence regarding fossil fuel reduction on a variety of fronts. Positive and negative aspects of the constructive are relayed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.


    This 8-page paper focuses on methods to wean countries off their dependence of fossil fuels. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cleaner Plastics; Lifecycle and Recycling

    Plastics are associated with poor environmental practices consuming fossil fuels in their production and disposal. This 20 page paper considers the way in plastics production and recycling may be undertaken in a cleaner way. The paper focuses on recycling looking at the lifecycle from the recycling perspective including the creation of plastics using plants that result in biodegradable plastics as well as the ways in which plastics may be recycled. The bibliography cites 50 sources.

  • Reducing Green House Gas Emissions in Irish Dairy Farming

    There is little doubt that green house gases need to be reduced. This 15 page paper summarizes an article that assesses the potential of different dairy herd management systems to reduce the direct and indirect green house gas emissions. The reseach also looked at the impact on profit levels. The paper summarises the findings of the reseach and then offers a neutral opinion on the reseach. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Equilibrium and Drinking Water Purification

    A 5 page exploration of the chemical factors that facilitate the use of reverse osmosis to purify drinking water. Bibliography lists 3 sources

  • Quality of Drinking Water

    A 6 page research paper which examines the problem of whether or not U.S. drinking water is safe. The writer first defines the problem, and then looks at what is being done at the state and national level to keep the public informed as to the quality of their drinking water, and what possible solutions might be implemented to help control water quality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Geothermal Energy

    A 3 page review of this energy option. This paper explores geothermal energy from a large scale perspective as well as from the perspective of the individual home owner who elects to use geothermal heat pumps in their home’s heating and cooling system. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Geothermal Energy Usage on a Wide Scale is Not Practical

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of this renewable energy source. The paper concludes that its low availability renders it impractical as a primary energy source but suggests it be used in conjunction with other forms of energy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Global Warming

    An 8 page paper which discusses global warming. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Global Warming

    A 6 page paper which examines various articles concerning global warming. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Global Warming Debate

    5 pages in length. The debate over whether global warming is actual truth or mere fallacy is perpetuated by those who stand to lose a great deal of money and power if such desecration is irrefutably proven to exist as a direct result of man's selfish and damaging behavior. Al Gore was successful in illustrating this fact with the evidence found in An Inconvenient Truth, a chronicling of how and why global warming is not only real but also a travesty that occurred by human hand. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Global Warming: Disproportionate Impact and Foreign Aid

    A 3 page discussion of how to prepare developing countries to deal with the impacts of global warming. This paper contends that those most responsible for the pollution contributing to global warming provide aid to those countries in need. The point is made, however, that foreign aid is only one potential approach. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Presentation Guideline for Global Warming

    A 3 page guide for an oral presentation on global warming. The paper presents as balanced view as possible in only 3 pages, discussing evidence of polar ice cap and glacier loss as well as the fact that Al Gore's Tennessee farm frequently runs afoul of the state environmental commission. The paper discusses the difficulty of measuring true data in the face of naturally occurring phenomena such as El Niño, concluding that the evidence for global warming is compelling enough that certainly we should be acting to counteract it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Urban Solid Waste in the Year 2050

    A 6 page paper set in 2050, discussing the strides that have been made in the past 48 years. Certainly the population is higher and the city contains greater land area through annexation of outlying areas throughout the ensuing five decades. The fact that there is little change in the volume of urban solid waste over the 50 year period translates to immense progress in the management of that waste. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 4-page paper, written in "travel article" style, points out eco-friendly attractions and accomodations in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Making Hospitals Eco-Friendly

    A 3 page paper that reports what some hospitals are doing to become 'greener.' The writer reports hospitals building new facilities who are trying to attain the LEED certification. The paper also discusses some of the things existing hospitals can do to reduce waste and energy costs and the benefits of doing so. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Symbiotic Benefits of Mass Market Eco-Tourism

    This 8 page paper considers the role of ecotourism. The mass market for tourism is often seen as being one that is in no way compatible to an ecological approach. This paper argues rather than being a contradiction, mass market ecotourism offer many benefits for both the tourist and the environment. The writer considers different types of ecotourism projects along with their successes and failures. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Great Britain's Supermarkets and the Effects of Products That Are Environmentally Friendly

    This 7 page paper looks at changes in Britain's supermarkets inclusive of strict government regulations and industry standards. Environmentally friendly products are discussed in light of the expansion of the British supermarket and its impact on the society and the economy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Renewable Energy - The Pressing Need

    This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of renewable energy. Arguments for the necessity of renewable energy are explored. Bibliography lists 0 sources.

  • How to Decrease Foreign Energy Dependency of the U.S.

    This is a 3 page paper which discusses the potential for use of renewable alternative energy sources within the United States. The bibliography has 4 sources.

  • Positive Accounting Theory and Environmental Accounting

    This 5 page paper discusses the statement that positive accounting theory can explain the greening of financial accounting disclosure but that it cannot provide a framework for improving it. The paper considers the link between positive accounting theory (PAT) and how it does or does not explain the increasing disclosure of environmental reporting and whether it provides a framework for such disclosure. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • United Kingdom Business and Environmental Issues

    This 19 page paper looks at different aspects of environmental controls and environment law and the impact they have on business. The paper has five sections; Planning decisions, environmental statute law, environmental audits, the UK Environmental Protect Act 1990 and the use of HAZOP. Each section outlines the issues and discusses the implications on business. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Environmental Issue of Water Purification

    This 3 page paper provides an examination of why water purification is an important environmental issue. This paper highlights the many environmental problems which are a result of this issue, as well as information about possible solutions. Bibliography lists 1 source.


    This 7-page paper discusses McDonald's and what it's doing about environmental pollution. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Environmental Pollution on the Coast

    This 6 page paper discusses water pollution as it applies to coastal areas in the United States and in particular the Dana Point area in California. Measures taken to insure pollution control are outlined as dictated to the city by the EPA. Solutions for national recovery are offered. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Change Needed for Environmental Sustainability

    A 5 page discussion of what would be required for a sustainable environment. Emphasizes our dependence on petroleum products and the need for a change in this dependence. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sustainability in Indian Business

    A 15 page research paper that discusses the various ways in which India is addressing the issues associated with environmental sustainability. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Shell Oil and Environmental Sustainability

    This 24 page paper examines the approach that Shell, the well known petroleum company takes towards green or environmentalist issues and sustainability. The paper starts with a consideration of the different models that can be used when assessing environmental or sustainable practices. These are examined with examples, such as the Brent Spa oil rig disposal. The paper then considers the approach of Shell and concentrates on the behaviour of this company in Nigeria. The actions are then considered in terms of the models already identified. The bibliography cites 19 sources.

  • Ethanol and Biomass Conversion

    This 5 page paper examines the use of ethanol as a fuel. The writer starts with a description of how crops may be converted into ethanol, and then considers the arguments for and against using food stuffs in this way when there are food shortages in some parts of the world. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Ethanol is a Good Alternative Fuel

    This 4 page paper examines the use of ethanol. Pros and cons are examined but this paper is primarily focused on the benefits of ethanol use. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Synthetic Fertilizers: An Alternative

    A 5 page assessment of the environment impact of chemical fertilizers. The author argues that the use of carbon based natural fertilizers is a better alternative and provides options for obtaining those fertilizers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sustainability Strategy at Wal-Mart

    This 5 page paper looks at the sustainability strategy at Wal-Mart considering it from a business perspective. The paper argues that in the past sustainability strategy has been half-hearted and that a new approach which demonstrates the way that environmental and business goals can be aligned is essential if the company wants to succeed in influencing its' suppliers and creating business opportunities in the long term. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Sustainability and Business

    This 7 page paper looks at the way in which sustainability is a current issue in management and the way it is developing and emerging in the commercial environment. Different approaches to sustainability and sustainable developed are discussed and examples of companies adopting various strategies are presented. The bibliography cites 11 sources.


    This 3-page paper focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of wind-based energy. The paper also includes ways to overcome some of the challenges. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Renewable Energy: Wind Power

    A 6 page research paper that discusses the nature of wind power, its potential as a renewable energy source and associated issues. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Energy from the Wind

    A 4 page research paper that discusses how wind power can meet the world's need for renewable energy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Firefighting Assistance from Computers

    An 8 page paper which examines how computers can assist fire departments in terms of expediency in tracking fires, responding to calls, fire prevention, fire simulations and providing public education on fire-fighting. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Florida Naturalist and Professor Archie Carr

    This 3-page paper focuses on the late professor (and Florida naturalist) Archie Carr and the video dedicated to him: “Archie Carr: In Praise of Wild Florida.” The paper discusses Carr's approach to Florida, his love for the state, and his unique way of expressing that love through his writings. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Biodiesel Fuels

    A 4 page research paper that examines the issues surrounding the use of biodiesel alternative fuels. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Bioremediation Oil Spill Cleanup Applications

    A 6 page overview of the use of microorganisms in oil spill cleanup. Includes a discussion of the evolution of bacteria and the characteristics which make them suitable for bio-remediation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Article Review on Bioremediation

    A 3 page review of a December 2003 interview of Dr. Barbara Methe, the collaborative investigator at the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland, and Dr. Derek Lovely, the head of the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) microbiology department. These researchers clarify the benefits of using bacteria, especially the Geobacter bacteria, in the cleanup of hazardous waste. No additional sources are listed.

  • British Columbia and Salmon Farms

    A 7 page research paper that examines salmon aquaculture, focusing on the experience of British Columbia, summarizing the issues and the arguments on both sides of this volatile debate. Looking at these issues shows that benefits of salmon farming outweigh the deficits when the ecological problems that have arisen from fish farming are dealt with adequately. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Agribusiness and Farming Differences

    This 3 page paper discusses the differences between farming and large agribusiness. Examples are given which show the detrimental effect that agribusiness has had on rural farming communities. Pre-WWII farming is compared/contrasted to post-WWII farming practices. Loads of quotes from Wendell Berry's book, Another Turn of the Crank.

  • Paper Bags

    A 4 page paper, with outline, which argues, persuasively, that paper bags are better for the environment than plastic bags. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Problem of Air Pollution

    A 6 page paper presenting a general overview of air pollution. Causes and effects are discussed both in laymen's terms and with some chemical references. Bibliography contains 4 sources.

  • Air Pollution/Cause and Effect

    A 7 page research paper/essay that examines the cause and effect relationship of industrialization and air pollution. The problems associated with air pollution in the contemporary era are attributed to human actions. In other words, there is a direct cause-and-effect situation at work wherein human societies engage in industrialization and the myriad side effects of this industrialization results in polluting the air and the environment. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Pollution and the Tourism Industry

    This 20 page paper examines the link between tourism and pollution focusing on air and water pollution. The paper explores how and why tourisms is causing pollution, this includes looking at how tourism is increasing, the ways in which air travel increases the presence of greenhouse gases and the pollutions caused by cruise ships. Other sources of pollution are also discussed with the paper ending by considering the extent of the pollution. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Cancer and Air Pollution

    A 5 page discussion of the connection between air pollution and cancer. The author discusses specific air pollutant components such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and nitrogen oxides in relation to their association with cancer. A brief review of the efforts which have been made to curb air pollution is also included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Pollution in China

    This 8 page paper examines the problem of water and air pollution in China, assessing the causes and extent of the problem as well as the measures that have been taken to reduce pollution. The paper also considers measures taking in other areas to deal with similar problems. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Environmental Pollution from China and its Impacts on the U.S.

    A 3 page paper which examines the pollution in China, and then discusses what affect this pollution has on the United States. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Shortcomings of the Clean Air Act

    This 4 page paper considers the ways that the Clean Air Act has failed to effectively address air pollution and global warming associated with coal burning power plants. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Problems and Solutions for the Air Pollution Issue

    This 16 page paper addresses a variety of aspects of air pollution. Beginning with basic definitions, air pollution is clearly defined and various types of pollution are explored. Both indoor and outdoor pollution are discussed as significant problems. Causes are also addressed, including both human and natural varieties. The problems of cattle, lightening and volcanoes are noted as causes. Next, the exact effects of pollution are explained, inclusive of some documentation that poor air quality can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. The idea that air pollution is worse in the undeveloped world is highlighted and it is concluded that perhaps an economic or political solution will ultimately help to clean up the air. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Alabama's Forestry and Farming Industries

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of forestry and farming in Alabama with a focus on the forest industry in two of the state's counties. Demographic information is provided for the counties and for the state as well. The paper is replete with statistical information. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Cars of the Future

    A 6 page research paper that discusses the latest innovations and thinking about the future of the automotive industry, focusing on electric cars and ideas for mass transit. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Electric Cars and the Environment, an Annotated Bibliography

    This document is an annotated bibliography only, containing 9 sources.

  • Building Energy Efficient Homes

    This 10 page paper examines energy efficiency with attention to building materials for green homes. The cost of going green is discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Globalization, Inequality, and Poverty

    This 3 page paper discusses the statement that “we live in a world where poverty and inequality are increasing and increasing globalization has not benefited the poor countries”. The paper examines both sides of the argument using relevant data to support the arguments, before coming to a conclusion. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Globalization's Human Benefits

    A 5 page paper discussing a statement that world events other than tragedy serve to bring the world's people together in an increasingly effective global village. The paper discusses the formation and operation of the European monetary union and the emissions credits of the Kyoto protocol as examples. The ability to sell its emissions credits to industrialized nations has brought economic opportunity to Madagascar that did not exist before resolution of the Kyoto protocol, positively contributing to long-term sustainability while providing the people of the nation an item for sale that places no pressure on the local environment. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Bottled Water

    A 3 page reaction paper to “Bottled Water Awash in Ecological Outcry” by Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz. No additional sources cited.

  • Global Warming And Methane Hydrate

    A 4 page paper. The writer suggests that the exact location and time when global warming began cannot be determined but it does appear to have begun millennia ago, even prior to the industrial revolution. Recent research from drillings in Greenland suggest a new theory for past ice ages and warming trends. Data are reported when available. Both carbon dioxide and methane hydrate cause this greenhouse effect; this is discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Electricity Generation; Coal Fired Power and Hydropower

    This 8 page paper compares and contrasts two different methods of generating electricity; coal fired electric power and hydroelectricity. Each is defined and the processes described, along with relevant areas of consideration, such as general usage and environmental factors. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Water Resource Problem

    This 8 page paper begins with a discussion of a water resource problem, specifically industrial wastewater. The paper describes several strategies that are being used to clean the water for reuse as whitewater. The writer discusses a sustainability plan to implement some strategies, the advantages and benefits and the challenges. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Environmental Awareness

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of environmental awareness. Issues such as the BP oil spill are highlighted. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Economic Equity and Efficiency of Treatment as They Relate to Acid Rain

    This 10-page paper discusses the acid rain problem in Canada, and attempts to apply economic theories of equity and efficiency to the problem. Also analyzed are Canadian policies, history of acid rain, and suggested improvements to current policy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Global Perspective on Environmental Problems

    This 5 page paper looks at the most significant environmental issues facing the world in the 21st century, and assesses whether they have the potential to destabilize the international environment or increase unity by stimulating cooperation. The paper is written with reference to international relations theory. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Environmental Issues and Role of Accountants

    A 5 page paper. The questions posed are: Should accountants become more proactive in environmental issues? and Should auditors become more proactive in environmental issues beyond reporting? And, if so, what role should either play? The writer discuses the primary role of fiscal auditors and responds to the question. The writer then illustrates what steps accountants might take to be more proactively involved. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Environmental Performance of Three Different Types of Light Bulb

    This 17 page paper looks at three different types of light bulbs from an environmental perspective. The paper starts by looking at the way in which incandescent, CFL and LED bulbs produce light and relevant aspects regarding their use. The paper then looks at their environmental performance over their lifecycle of manufacture, use and disposal. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Road Construction Environmental Impact

    An 11 page paper. The proposal is to construct a road in a remote area in Latin America. This essay discusses environmental issues related to the project, including an initial simple assessment of ecological, economic and social impacts. The paper discusses both the negative and positive environmental, social and economic consequence of the project. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Green Supply Chain Management

    This 16 page paper examines the concept of the green supply chain; managing the supply chain in a sustainable or environmentally friendly manner. The paper starts by examining what a green supply chain is and how it may be defined and put into practice and the considers additional issues such as the potential benefits, costs, the key factors for implementation and then considers examples of firms that hover elements of a green supply chain in the UAE. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Cancer and Homes with Unacceptable Radon Gas Levels

    This is a 7 page paper discussing indoor radon exposure as a leading cause of lung cancer. In the U.S., it is estimated that 1 out of every 15 homes has an “unacceptable” level of radon gas (higher than 4 pCi/l). Within the last 15 years, radon has been found to be the second leading cause of lung cancer within the U.S. claiming over 14,000 deaths each year. While studies are still being conducting in several countries and populations, it seems that radon is linked primarily with causing lung cancer and has not been linked with any other types of cancer at this point. This is primarily due to the fact that alpha radiation released by the radon progeny atoms which adhere to the lungs has little capacity to travel distances and therefore concentrates its damage to the lungs. While certain aspects of reducing radon exposure are still being debated, such as what can be considered “safe” levels, most scientists and state and federal health agencies agree that there is little doubt that radon is one of the leading causes of lung cancer and humans receive their radon exposure from indoor environments such as homes, school and work environments where the radon levels are considerably higher than outdoors. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Renewable vs Nonrenewable Energy

    This 3 page paper explores alternatives that could result in energy self sufficiency for individuals and governments alike. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Sources of Alternative Energy

    This is a 10 page paper that provides an overview of alternative energy sources. Geothermal power, solar, and wind turbines are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Fossil Fuels and Future Energy Requirements

    6 pages in length. In the not-too-distant future -- with regard to history's timeline -- there will come a point when fossil fuels will have been depleted and humans will be forced to find alternative sources with which to power automobiles, household heating units and myriad other machinery that utilizes fuel. However, waiting until supplies are exhausted before establishing a workable alternative would place a major hardship upon future energy demands. For this reason, various options -- not only those that supply a form of fuel but also those that reduce and often eliminate pollution -- have been in the works for several years. The writer discusses the issue of future energy demands and potential fuel alternatives. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Alternative Energy Sources: What is Best for America?

    In six pages this paper examines five alternative energy sources, their similarities and differences, and considers which of these sources would be best for the U.S. economy. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • The Environmental Impact of Using Alternative Energy Sources

    9 pages in length. The writer discusses how alternative energy options prove to beneficially impact the environment. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Alternative Energy Sources and Sustainable Development

    A 14 page paper discussing sustainability as a consideration in the search for alternative sources of energy. Outcome is primary in terms of its influence on sustainability. Current and future developers of alternative energy sources need to give greater attention to the issue: "Will our grandchildren be able to continue this practice?" Developers must address the issue of the "triple bottom line," arriving at alternatives compatible with each of the three branches. Bibliography lists 10 sources in 17 footnotes.

  • Alternative Fuels

    A 4 page paper discussing the alternative fuels that gain the greatest attention in 2007. The paper discusses ethanol (including biofuels), current fuel cells and hydrogen research. The paper concludes that we need clean, alternative fuels; we also can conclude that we have not yet achieved a single solution that can fully substitute for gasoline and diesel fuel. A separate PowerPoint® presentation is available as well. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • The Addition of Alternative Fuel Cars to Lotus Rental Cars

    A 3 page paper discussing the state of alternative fuel choices in 2005 for the purpose of assessing the feasibility of Lotus Rental Car of adding alternative-fuel cars to its fleet. DaimlerChrysler, Ford, GM, Isuzu, Mercury and Nissan all offer flex-fuel vehicles designed to operate on either gas or ethanol, or any combination. Prices are falling and are close to prices of those with standard fuel systems, and neither the customer nor the company needs to be concerned about what type of fuel is placed into the tank when the car is rented. Lotus certainly should seek negotiations on flex-fuel vehicles for its future purchases. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Alternative Fuels

    An 8 page overview of the diversity of alternative fuels sources that exist. This paper summarizes both the merits and the demerits of these fuels. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Alternative Automobiles

    This 4 page paper examines alternative cars: electric, hydrogen, fuel cell and natural gas powered automobiles. Research is provided to support the assumptions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.


    This 3-page paper provides a review about the article, which deals with populations of ambibians as they pertain to cattle grazing.

  • The Phenomenon of Urban Heat Islands in Brazil

    5 pages in length. The phenomenon of urban heat islands (UHI) is a wholly manmade occurrence derived from humanity's tendency toward urban living. Vast numbers of global communities live in what can only be described as asphalt jungles comprised of too many people, too much pavement, too many darkly colored surfaces on roofs, roads and parking lots that make it incapable for the surrounding environment to reflect heat. As a direct result, temperatures in these areas of urban sprawl can spike an entire eight degrees in the summer when compared to their suburban and rural counterparts. Brazil's overwhelming pollution problem is particularly associated with the notion of urban heat islands, inasmuch as this rise in heat sets off a chain reaction of chemical compounds being emitted into the air that become worse with every degree in temperature. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Feasible Alternative Represented by Nuclear Energy

    A 10 page paper that begins with an introduction in which the writer comments on the need and desire for inexpensive energy and also explains the Kyoto Protocol. The essay then provides a brief explanation of the general operation of a nuclear power plant, the number of plants in the world, the two major accidents at nuclear reactor sites. Safety measures that are in place are explained followed by a short discussion on nuclear waste and cooling and disposal process. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nuclear Power: An Environmental Necessity

    A 5 page assessment of nuclear power as a feasible environmental option. This paper argues for nuclear power and discounts the controversy over whether or not it contributes to greenhouse gases. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ireland's Wind Farms and Planning Permission Difficulties

    This 8 page paper considers the difficulties with planning permission in Ireland and how this impacts on the development of wind farms in a country that is failing to develop sufficient sustainable energy resources. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Rural Areas and Hazardous Waste Spills

    A 7 page overview of the many considerations involved in the efficient address of hazardous waste spills. The author reviews some of the problems encountered in a spill and emphasizes that while the EPA serves as the lead agency in such events, specific local procedures should be in place in order to deal with a hazardous waste spill. The key to dealing with hazardous waste spills is to have people working as a team rather than as disassociated entities.

  • Rainforest and Ecotourism

    This 9-page paper provides an example of how an eco-friendly hotel would operate in a Puerto Rican rainforest. Topics discussed include external activities for the guests, how the hotel should be constructed and some information on finances.

  • Environmental Protection and the Rainforest Café Restaurant

    5 pages in length. Grounded in the belief that a combination of education, food and fun is the perfect recipe for enlightenment, the Rainforest Café's primary objective is to teach its patrons about the importance of environmental preservation. The uniquely cultural atmosphere of its dozens of worldwide locations strives to imprint upon its guests the critical connection between human behavior and the swiftly disappearing rain forests. Given to the sights and sounds of a real rain forest thunderstorm every quarter hour, the animated antics of huge elephants towering just behind your seat and food servers adorned in authentic safari garb, diners are treated to an eclectic atmosphere of "amazingly lush surroundings, cascading waterfalls, and beautiful giant aquariums" (Anonymous, 2003) while savoring "fresh, original menu selections, influenced by the cuisines of Mexico, Asia and the Caribbean" (Anonymous, 2003). Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Respecting Nature and Yellowstone National Park

    An 11 page, historical overview of Yellowstone National Park. The writer discusses tribes that once inhabited the area, how public interest grew as the result of a 19th century mining expedition, and how preservation of the park has evidenced our commitment to nature. A section also covers the large-scale fires of 1988 which ripped through Yellowstone and left widespread damage. The 'let-burn' policy of allowing forest fires to continue burning naturally is explained. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Uses and Issues Involving Landfills

    This is a 6 page paper discussing the uses of landfill sites and the regulations needed to construct sites. Issues addressed involve landfill leakage, positive uses for the methane gases produced and the environmental impact of landfills. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Landscape and the Environment

    This 9 page argumentative essay explores the synthesis ideas of Tilley concerning landscape and apply it to the environmental issue. Explored are biological needs, societal needs and psychological needs in the evolutionary process. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Love Canal and Hooker Chemical

    This 3-page paper answers questions about the Love Canal disaster during the mid-to-late 20th century. Also included is a topic about Nine Mile Run, a "brownfield" proposed restoration project. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Lessons Learned From Love Canal

    6 pages in length. Lessons learned from the hazardous waste incident at Love Canal were ones that did not need to be taught; rather, there was no learning curve involved with knowing that building a community on top of a defunct waste site had the potential - if not sooner than most certainly later - to become an environmental disaster of massive proportions. That such a lesson would need be taught to developers is unsettling on its own; to have developers make the conscious decision to place myriad families directly in harms way for the benefit of a buck speaks to a breach of ethics no amount of remuneration could rectify but that a handful of new legislation could attempt to prevent in the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of the Canis Lupus Species

    A 6 page overview of the behavior, ecology, and management concerns which exist for this fascinating carnivore. The gray wolf (Canis lupus) is not only one of the most impressive of the large North American mammals it is also one of the most misunderstood. Recent conservation efforts have been successful in reviving an almost extinct population but this success has not been without its problems. As wolf populations expand their threat to man, whether perceived or real, grows. This paper emphasizes that proper management of the gray wolf involves not just species specific management but ecosystem management as a whole. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Madagascar Wrestles with Conservation

    This 10 page paper discusses the unique wildlife of Madagascar and reveals the many conservation efforts to protect this wildlife. Furthermore, this paper outlines the forces which impede such efforts and why conservation in Madagascar is so important. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Annotated Bibliography on Mercury Contamination

    This is a 4 page annotated bibliography of 9 sources dealing with various aspects of mercury contamination.

  • Get the Mercury Out! Plan of Action

    This 4 page paper discusses ways in which citizens might work to make the environment safer with regard to the danger proposed by toxic mercury. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Nanotechnology and Environmental Considerations

    A 5 page review of nanotechnology. The author demonstrates that nanotechnology is moving into mainstream application at a phenomenal rate. While much of this technology is beneficial, there is room for significant environmental concern. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • France's Natural Resources

    A six page paper which looks at the way natural resources are managed in France, especially water and forestry, and considers how well the country's environmental policies are implemented.

  • Article Analysis: Noise

    This 3 page paper analyzes an article on noise, noise pollution, and efforts to curb it. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Organic Farming vs Non-Organic

    Contrasting organic farming to big agriculture, this 6 page paper delineates its many benefits. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Organic Farming and Sustainable Agriculture

    This 10 page paper evidences the reasons that organic farming should be utilized in a civilized nation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Southern California's Organic Farming Pros and Cons

    6 pages in length. Contemporary society is clamoring for organic foods in light of all the reports revealing the level of pesticide contamination and herbicide degradation that has appeared in recent food supplies. Southern California farmers are no different in their desire to please the rest of the country, which is why many distributors are incorporating organic farming into their techniques. In order to meet such a demand, however, some farmers throughout southern California are jumping on the organic bandwagon without first applying the concepts of organic farming, which inevitably precludes them from addressing pertinent issues in a proactive way, such as pesticides and water supply. Securing a labor force willing to engage in the physical demands of organic farming is yet another problem faced by southern California organic farmers, inasmuch as immigrant workers are, for the most part, not educated in relation to alternative growing methods. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 10-page paper discusses the benefits of organic farms and food, as well as the growing demand for organics. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of Organic Foods

    This 6 page paper focuses on organic foods, their definition and whether they are better or more nutritious than their conventionally-grown counterparts. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Detrimental Aspects of Phosphates

    (5 pp) As an average person, I don't think that I get any dirty than most, yet the other day I did agree to help some friends move into a new apartment, and the majority of me was filthy, to the max. I decided that it was time to use one of the super-duper television-type detergents to get the various types of crud out of my clothes. Don't buy any soap with phosphates in it - one of my roomies cautioned. Why, I asked. She gave me the -like, what planet are you from look, and I decided to see what her concern was as the basis for this paper of humans and the environment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Environmental Analysis for the Aqualim

    This 8 page paper is an environmental analysis that could be used when considering the launch of a new water saving device to be attached to showers. The paper looks at the macro environment in Australia and identifies the opportunities and threats that this new water conservation device; the Aqualim will face. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Defending Nuclear Power Facilities

    A 5 page paper essay arguing in favor of nuclear power generation in the US. The bottom line is that as the world’s leading consumer of fossil fuels and electrical power, the US ethically, morally, environmentally and economically should be pursuing only nuclear and hydro power generation at the present time and for the foreseeable future. The benefits of nuclear power generation are too numerous and too clear to reject out of hand. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Pollution and China

    A 6 page paper which examines the pollution problems in China. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Business Cannot Ignore Pollution: It is a Matter of Life, Death, and Ethics

    In thirteen pages this paper examines the issue of industrial pollution and presents evidence to support the contention that the international business community cannot ignore the effects of pollution and considers environmental and health impacts, philosophical and Christian ethics, and what the government’s role should be in ensuring that business is held accountable for the damage inflicted by the pollution it generates. Nine sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Pollution

    An 8 page paper which examines the affects of pollution. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Marine Vessel Diesel Engines and Selective Catalytic Reduction

    This 15 page paper analyzes the good, bad and ugly of selective catalytic reduction in marine vessels. Brief overview of the scr, problems, future applications, use of technology in UAE. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Influence on Current Real Estate Market in California

    5 pages in length. There are a number of variable to take into consideration when examining the influences of today's California real estate market, not the least of which include interest rates, construction costs and legislation. California, one of the highest priced real estate markets in the country, has experienced exponential growth over the past several years where home sales are concerned, which has analysts and laypersons alike debating whether such a trend represents impending inflation or a solid market. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Starbucks’ Recycled Coffee Cups

    A 3 page overview of this company’s recycling efforts. This paper examines the many considerations involved in the production of a food package out of recycled wastes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Dallas and Its Plastics' Recycling

    (5pp) Did you know that about 1,200 soft drink and salad dressing containers could be recycled to carpet the average living room? Or that over 5 years ago the United States threw away 193 million tons of plastic, and recycled only about 5% of it? We will look at Texas, and focus on Dallas to see how "plastic" they have become. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Detecting Oil Spills With Remote Sensing

    5 pages in length. The Geographic Information System (GIS) is employed as a means by which to determine various environmental changes that would otherwise be quite difficult – if not impossible – to track, not the least of which is utilizing remote sensing for detecting oil spills, which is defined as "the science — and art — of identifying, observing, and measuring an object without coming into direct contact with it" (Remote Sensing & Natural Hazards). However, it has been discovered that coupling GIS with Global Positioning System (GPS) greatly enhanced the capacity to achieve more accurate oil spill mapping. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History of Soil Erosion and Conservation Efforts

    A 6 page paper discussing lessons in controlling soil erosion from past cultures (pre-Columbian Mexico, the Inca and Haiti); operational control and physical treatment of the soil. Operational control includes crop selection and lighter tilling to retain soil; physical treatment includes terracing, strip cropping and organic farming. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The Problem of Beach Erosion

    4 pages on Beach Erosion; its recent history, progression, costs etc;. Goes into detail about reasons for the erosive process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Solar Energy

    5 pages in length. With fossil fuels inching their way out of existence within the next century, there is a great need for alternative and renewable energy sources. Solar energy meets all the criteria, because it is renewable and available to everyone across the globe. The writer discusses the pros and cons of solar power, as well as offers economic comparisons with traditional energy sources. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Theory and a Solar Energy Overview

    This 10 page paper offers an overview of solar energy beginning with the theory underlying solar power and the two major types of solar energy. The technology of solar power cells is explained, beginning with the two major categories of solar energy. The most common materials and elements used to produce photovoltaic cells, how these cells work and their output are then reported. Four of the most common types of collectors are explained. Innovations in the production of solar cells are reported. Comments are made regarding the costs and the savings gained from using solar power. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Northeast U.S. and the Problem of Solid Waste Management

    This 11 page paper looks at the use of landfills as a major problem in the Northeast. Recycling is discussed in detail as an effective method to handle solid waste. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • U.S. Hazardous Waste Facilities and Historical, Archaeological, and Cultural Information

    3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses the Industrial Revolution, automobiles and solid waste treatment plants as they relate to the cultural, archaeological and historical aspects of hazardous waste facilities in the United States. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Problems of Water Pollution and Possible Solutions

    A 9 page paper on the problems facing the world, and particularly the U.S., in regards to water pollution. The paper concentrates on streams, surface and ground water pollution and the most likely polluters of those waters. The solutions addressed include cooperative efforts, educational efforts, technology and changes in the law. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Animal and Plant Evolutionary Examples

    A 7 page overview of the marvels of evolution as reflected in six very different representatives of the plant and animal kingdom. This paper notes the lessons mankind might learn from birds, insects, and even the lowly parasitic worms as well as food crops such as corn, medicinal plants such as foxglove, and ornamentals such as the exotic water hyacinth. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Cattle Impact of the Columbian Exchange

    A 4 page overview of the environmental impacts that have been associated with cattle since their introduction to the Americas by Europeans. These impacts extended to land, water, and vegetation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Political Issue of Second Hand Tobacco Smoke

    This 5 page paper supports the thesis that ETS is a political, and not a health, issue. The history of the smoking wars is included. Medical evidence pointing to the ambiguity of the topic is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources .

  • Effective Ecological Volunteerism

    A 3 page research paper that first discusses the problem of global warming and then suggests a plan involving college student volunteerism that is designed to help. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Sewage Inputs and Water Pollution

    A 10 page overview of the problems of water pollution caused by domestic wastes. Discusses regulation and the factors which influence it and identifies two alternative methods for treatment and discharge. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • UK Law and Water Pollution

    This 12 page paper considers what laws are in place in the UK, directly, or indirectly through the EU to [protect the environment and drinking water against pollution. The writer considers this from different angles, including the difficulty of bring a prosecution and limitations on the remedies. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • United Kingdom's Water Quality Laws and the EU's Impact

    A 12 page overview of the myriad of considerations which have gone into revising water quality laws in the United Kingdom. Given the close ties between EU directive and UK law, it becomes impossible to understand the latter without considering the former. Unfortunately, EU policies in themselves have not enjoyed tremendous success in curbing the rampant pollution which exists throughout Europe. This is true for other member nations as well as for the UK. Although there has been some improvement since the implementation of new environmental laws in the UK, water pollution remains a considerable concern. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Worcester, Massachussets' 2004 Water Quality Report

    This 4 page paper analyzes the City of Worcester (Massachusetts ) 2004 Water Quality Report. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Sustainable Golf Course Management

    A 10 page paper developing a sustainability plan for golf course management. There are several environmental problems that traditional golf course design and maintenance can cause. The paper addresses mowing equipment emissions, water management, fertilizers, pesticides, the use of native plants and guidance from Audubon International. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Issues in Coastal Resource Management

    This 7-page paper examines issues pertaining to coastal resource management in the U.S. Topics include government and non-governmental efforts, as well as the management of land, agriculture, vegetation and water as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Southern California Water Resources and Human Impact Assessment

    12 pages in length. The writer discusses pollution, encroachment and sustainable development as they relate to human impact upon southern California water resources. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Addressing Water Pollution

    A 9 page overview of the many factors that can contribute to water pollution. This paper presents a sustainability plan for domestic wastewater discharge using a man-made wetland. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Our Undervalued Water Resources

    A 4 page contention that while water is arguably our most valuable resource we typically are not cognizant of that value. Overdevelopment is a tremendous treat to this resource. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Agricultural Needs for Water in California

    This 5 page paper discusses water scarcity, and how water should be reserved for agricultural needs primarily as opposed to urban centers in these situations. This paper uses California as an example, as well as other global locations to show the need for making agriculture a priority. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Peoria and Water

    A 3 page research paper that looks specifically at the water system in Peoria, Illinois and how it has been deprivatized. However, the writer also discusses broader issues that affect the American water supply. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Hudson River Valley Watershed and Hazardous Waste Disposal

    This 15 page paper looks at the problems of pollution in the Hudson River and what can be done about it. Dredging is recommended as the most practical course of action. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Noise Monitoring System

    This 5 page paper examines a noise monitoring system and then assesses its technical efficiency. The paper uses an airport as an example, with the measurement of aircraft noises, looks at how the data and what it is used for as well as the reliability before considering potential weaknesses of the system. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Wetlands and the Impact of Housing Developments

    A 6 page overview of the various impacts that housing developments can have on wetlands and associated groundwaters. Discusses nutrient contributions, pesticide contributions and ground water overdraft. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Precipitous Damage to the Everglades of Florida

    A 5 page paper that argues the point that industry and an expanding population have done considerable damage to Florida's Everglades and the ecosystem that it supports. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the Everglades are being crowded by agricultural interests to the north and urban interests to the east, and the diversion of water from the rain forest to support these two interests is disrupting its natural cycle and leaving it short of needed water supplies. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Domestic Wastewater Problem and Concept of Sustainability

    A 10 page overview of the concept of sustainability in relation to the treatment and disposal of domestic wastewater. Identifies two more sustainable alternatives than conventional chemical treatment and disposal into water bodies: reverse osmosis and manmade wetlands. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Domestic Treatment of Toxic Waste

    An 8 page overview of the problems of domestic waste treatment and disposal. Outlines the practice of international disposal in third world countries and provides examples of appropriated treatment and domestic disposal alternatives. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Toxic Waste and Its Repercussions

    6 pages in length. It is not as though no one saw the problem escalating long before it reached its current out-of-control proportion; rather, toxic waste and the myriad problems that accompany it have been noted for the past several decades. But it has only been in more recent years that the great threat of toxic waste repercussion upon the ecosystem has been truly recognized for the irreparable damage it has caused. Because of this ongoing damage, environmental groups are scrambling to reverse some of the negative influence toxic waste has cast upon the land, air and water. The writer discusses such repercussions as they deal with toxic waste. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Soils Warning Issued by World Scientists

    A 5 page overview of the implications of the 'World Scientists' Warning to Humanity' to soils. Recounts the havoc agriculture and modern and historic subsistence practices have dealt on the world's soils. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Doing the 'Right Thing' by Recycling

    This 5 page paper presents an argument in the favor of recycling - its benefits, rewards, and ultimate outcomes. Bibliography included.

  • Global Supply of Energy and Natural Gas

    This 7 page research paper discusses issues concerning natural and other gases as world energy supplies. Inherent benefits, risks, dangers, and advantages over other energy sources are all examined. It is concluded that as an energy source, natural gas is not as widely used as are other types. Nevertheless, the availability of natural gas assures humankind a huge source of nonpolluting energy for the future. Bibliography lists 4+ sources.

  • Appalachia and Coal Mining

    An 8 page paper on past history of coal mining/strip-mining and damage done to the land. This piece discusses the entrance of people all over globe, and how that community is rallying to 'live at home' and 'fix the land.' The people and governments and coal mining companies are working together through re-education for new technologies and fixing the land to keep their home. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.

  • Fire Prevention Planning

    5 pages in length. Inasmuch as fires occur when people are least prepared, there are a number of precautions to take as a means by which to avert such a tragedy from happening. Each town's local fire department works hard to educated the community as to the necessary carefulness to help prevent -- as well as deal -- with fires. Whether the issue revolves around community structure, escape routes, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors or planning and executing routine family fire drills, firefighters are constantly instructing the public on how to prevent fires. The writer discusses various prevention-related issues in relation to fire. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Post 1980s' Oil Market

    7 pages in length. If there is one thing that can be asserted about the oil market, it is that it is in a constant state of fluctuation. Nowhere is this more evident than when one studies the events of the 1980's in comparison to that of the contemporary oil market. There is virtually no way for such a vacillating industry to conform to forecaster predictions, as its inherent nature is to change with great regularity. Inasmuch as industry experts attempt to rein in some modicum of knowledgeable prediction, they have routinely been met with disappointment. The writer discusses how such was the case with the 1980 oil market, noting that the same has continued forward into the 1990's. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Personal Experience in Nature

    This 7 page report discusses Galanthus or Amaryllidaceae as one of the first signals of spring in colder climates. They grow best in full sun to light shade and cool, moist soil. But of greater importance in the context of this lesson or “parable” is whether or not and how much of the truth can the “common folk” understand and survive. But when a person focuses only on the larger picture of Earth as a backdrop for humanity, he or she loses the fundamental realization that the Earth is its own reality, separate and apart from the creatures who inhabit it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Rural Community Fire Prevention and Master Planning

    6 pages in length. There was a time when small rural communities dominated the landscape, with individual houses dotted all throughout the inside and outskirts of town. Because each dwelling was significantly distanced from all others, it was a somewhat difficult chore to attend to issues of fire, particularly in relation to water supply, water pressure, fire hydrants and emergency equipment accessibility. As master planned communities came into existence, the notion of fire prevention quickly took a turn for the better, inasmuch as these housing developments provided a means by which such issues could be adequately addressed. The writer discusses how master planned communities help in fire prevention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Anheuser Busch Brewery Company

    This 6 page report discusses the brewing company, Anheuser-Busch and its traditional management structure and controls. The St. Louis, Missouri, brewery leads the industry in the United States with a market share of approximately 45 per cent. Very few beer companies, domestic or foreign, have been doing as well. Anheuser-Busch is also involved in agriculture, entertainment (amusement parks and professional sports), creative services, packaging, and recycling. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Agriculture and Global Positioning System

    The age of computers has brought with it many innovations. One area that has been greatly impacted by the rise in technological ability has been agriculture. The 'simple life' of the farm has been irrevocably changed by the advent of computer based renovations. 'Precision agriculture' is the term coined to represent the new era in farming techniques. Through the use of the global positioning system, GPS, computer age farmers are able to pinpoint the position of equipment and to analyze the soil content and product potential. This 5 page paper examines the benefit of GPS to the farming community. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management In The Fire Fighting Industry

    A 5 page paper which discusses some of the management issues concerning the fire industry. One of the examples provided illustrates how the management techniques used by the fire industry are used by the private business sector, clearly indicating that management in the fire industry is a very serious and thoroughly examined reality. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • 1996's Oil Spill Off Rhode Island's Coast

    This 8 page report discusses a 1996 oil spill off the coast of Rhode Island. An oil barge, the “North Cape,” ran aground in sand 150 yards off Moonstone Beach near Kingston, Rhode Island. The barge was loaded to its full capacity of four million gallons. The resulting spill of 828,000 gallons of Number 2 heating oil wreaked a catastrophic toll of marine wildlife and forced closure of the area's fishing for five months. Issues discussed include the environmental and economic impacts, as well as the possible preventive measures that could and should lessen the likelihood of it happening again. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Hazardous Material Issues and Firefighter Safety

    5 pages in length. There are a number of on-the-job hazards for firefighters, not the least of which includes the possibility of contamination from hazardous materials. In order to offset the chance, protective uniforms and equipment are employed to effectively shield the firefighter from any toxic fumes. The first priority when encountering any field emergency is to assess the safety of the fire scene and whether or not the source of the fire is from any sort of hazardous materials. The writer discusses how this makes a special set of assessment skills and protocols a requirement for as a means by which to determine firefighter safety. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Bioterrorism and Hazardous Materials

    5 pages in length. There are a number of on-the-job hazards for firefighters, not the least of which includes the possibility of contamination from hazardous materials; this inherent danger has steadily increased with the growing incidence of bioterrorism. What once was comprised of oil tanker spills and other relatively simple operations has been overshadowed by a more devious and extremely fatal situation of bioterrorist activity. In order to offset the chance of contamination – whether that might originate from something as seemingly burning plastic or the life-and-death threat of anthrax, chemical warfare’s most potent weapon -- protective uniforms and equipment are employed to effectively shield the firefighter. The first priority when encountering any field emergency is to assess the safety of the fire scene as well as the chemical source. The writer discusses how this makes a special set of assessment skills and protocol a requirement as a means by which to determine firefighter safety. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cannibals and Kings by Marvin Harris

    A 5 page analysis that examines Cannibals and Kings: the Origins of Cultures by Marvin Harris. The writer demonstrates that Harris offers some intriguing ideas relative to the way that early man developed in response to environmental forces. Harris' book covers a wide-ranging variety of topics. In so doing, he often presents a perspective on history that is non-traditional. Nevertheless, Harris provides some very persuasive arguments that leave the reader with much to consider relative to the technologically oriented path of Western society. No additional sources cited.

  • Cost of Coastal Development

    5 pages in length. Coastal development used to exist in tandem with the environment; in recent years, it has not only spread dramatically but it has also begun to work against the fragile land. The costs associated with this ceaseless growth are not merely monetary in nature, but rather a combination of economic and environmental expenditure as coastal development inherently damages myriad commodities employed by both man and animal. As a means by which to address this situation, the writer discusses how the concept of sustainable development has been suggested in order to offset the majority of future coastal degradation. However, critics wonder if such a concept possible, given the fact that continued development of any kind will still pose an environmental threat to many coastal locations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A 'Personal Narrative' of South America by Alexander Von Humboldt

    A 5 page analysis of Alexander Von Humboldt's personal accounts of South America in the early eighteenth century. A gifted naturalist, his accounts are interesting and informative of nineteenth century bias, as well as So. American reality. No additional sources cited.

  • Asphalt Nation by Jane Holtz Kay

    A 5 page summation and analysis of Jane Holtz Kay's book 'Asphalt Nation.' In this book, Kay addresses the trend away from the auto-dominated public policy that has shaped the American landscape since the invention of the Model T. She argues that the time has come to move away from auto-centered transportation. No additional sources cited.

  • The Right Place at the Right Time for Al Gore

    This 20 page paper explores Al Gore, Jr. and his political life. When Gore was nominated for the vice presidency in 1992, his father unabashedly told The New York Times that "we raised him for it." If this were not an election year, and we were to look at the life of Al Gore, Jr. We would say that his is truly an American success story. For the American body politic, he has been at the right place, at the right time. Gore has had a political lifetime "making it happen." Bibliography lists 13sources.

  • Economic Growth and Sustainable Business Strategy

    This 4 page paper looks at how economic growth can promote sustainable strategies in business. A number of scenarios and case studies are given in this concisely written paper to aid the student in the understanding of how green issues and business can be seen as coexisting with both sustainability and profitability achieved. The bibliography cites 12 sources.


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