Research Papers on Health and Nutrition

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Research Papers on Health and Nutrition

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension a.k.a. DASH

    This 10 page report discusses the “DASH” or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet DASH is a sound dietary concept that has the potential to save lives and offers a new way of thinking about health, fitness, and nutrition. Hypertension or “high blood pressure” is a major health problem in the United States but African-Americans face a much greater risk of hypertension and all of its related health problems than white Americans. This report particularly focuses on DASH, hypertension, and the African American population. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Health Education Teaching Strategies

    In this 3 page paper, the writer offers an overview of the 'seven by seven' health education curriculum in Hawaii, an introduction to the Personal, Social and Health Education program in the United Kingdom and provides an example using a nutrition unit. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nutrition and Exercise in the Treatment of Mental Illnesses

    This 20 page paper presents a literature review assessing the potential influence of nutrition and regular exercise are mental health patients. The paper starts by looking at the problem and the background problem, then present an in-depth discussion on the way in which the literature review was performed, including identification of databases and search terms used. A single article is assessed and then a comprehensive literature review is presented. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Optimizing our Nutrition

    This 5 page paper emphasizes the importance of good nutrition in optimizing health. The role of amino acids and fatty acids is the primary focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Child Development Activities 2

    An 18 page paper answering several questions in development in early childhood, as well as questions about health, cleanliness and nutrition. The paper provides two examples of Physical, Language, Social, Creative and Cognitive developmental activities for each of four developmental stages between birth and 12 years, and provides a trifold brochure discussing the process of acclimating children and parents to a new care service. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • A Health and Nutrition Education Plan

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of a family health plan for a fictitious family, which includes both nutrition and exercise plans. This paper relates the family's need, including need for the management of Type 2 diabetes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Youth Fitness

    A 6 page exploration of the factors that have entered into declining youth fitness. This paper emphasizes the importance of a physically active lifestyle and good nutrition in insuring good health. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Proper Nutrition And Good Health: Culinary Cause And Effect

    3 pages in length. More than one hundred years ago, just after the turn of the twentieth century, culinary science recognized the cause and effect of proper nutrition equating to good health. Although the extent of this knowledge may not have been as vast as it is today, that it was even a component of culinary in any way indicates a strong association between the art of cooking and the healthfulness it instills. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nutrition and Infants

    5 pages in length. There is perhaps no more vital a growth period in an individual's life than during infancy. Indeed, the very fundamental formation of one's entire physical, emotional and mental being is established throughout the first several months of life. Playing an integral role in this developmental stage is that of nutrition, which represents the basic building blocks for good health. When addressing the various components of infant nutrition, the writer discusses particular problems associated with this stage of life, necessary supplementation, special food and diet issues, as well as government programs to assist with infant nutritional needs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Artificial Nutrition/hydration & Terminal Pediatric Patient

    A 10 page research paper that discusses the ethical issues involved in withholding or withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration from a terminally ill child. The writer describes the various types of artificial nutrition and hydration and their benefits and risks, as well as the ethical principles of beneficence, non-malfeasance, etc. within the context of this pediatric nursing dilemma. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nutrition Concerns in AIDS

    An 8 page review of the importance of adequate nutrition in Auto Immune Efficienc Disorder. This paper details the various physiological processes that can be affected by nutrition. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Wellness & Nutrition for Healthy Aging

    A 7 page research paper that includes a brief abstract, which reads as follows: This examination of nursing literature addresses the subject of nutrition and how it impacts the goal of wellness. As this is a broad topic, the paper narrows the topic to the two periods in life when nutrition is particularly crucial to wellness, which is in childhood and in regards to older adults. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Behavior and the Influences of Nutrition

    A 7 page research paper that looks at this topic. There is an old saying that "You are what you eat," which refers, of course, that it is what we consume that provides the nutritional building blocks for the body. Considering the truth of this statement, a corollary would necessarily follow that what we eat, and therefore how the body and brain are constructed, necessarily affects the way we act. Researchers are, therefore, exploring the various ways in which nutrition impacts behavior. This body of data indicates that nutrition affects behavior in a profound manner. The writer particularly focuses on studies that examine the effect of nutrition on childhood development and behavior. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Computer Industry and the Importance of Channel and Distribution Management

    This 10 page paper looks at why the distribution channels ands systems are so important in this industry and outlines how they have been used to create competitive advantages. Companies such as Dell, Compaq and Hewlett Packard are considered, with a brief look at Microsoft. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Negotiations - Juwan Howard

    This 6 page paper is based in a case study supplied by the student looking at the negotiations surrounding the NBA player Juwan Howard in 1996. The paper starts by summarizing the entire negotiation process. The paper then presents the situation from the perspective of Howard ands both teams involved. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Case of Larson

    This 3 page paper looks at a case study of a firm operating in Germany and the US to assess potential future approaches to business in difficult economic climates and assesses production and pricing decision ands considers entering new markets. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Cyber Cafe Setup Business Plan

    This 9 page paper is a plan to convert a café into a cyber café. The paper lays out the background ands the plans to carry out the conversion including a Gantt chart and a capital costing budget. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Nutrition and Health Problems in the Elderly

    A 7 page paper discussing controlling diabetes and obesity in the elderly through better nutrition. Intervention that seeks to control both diabetes and obesity in the elderly is not an easy task, but it is one that at least is logical. Patient education is paramount, as is an approach marked with creativity. Visual attractiveness is more important as well, for taste and smell are not as active as in individuals’ earlier years. Controlling diabetes and obesity in the elderly through nutrition is not easy, but it is possible. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Wellness & Nutrition for Healthy Aging

    A 7 page research paper that contains a brief abstract and addresses the nutritional needs of the elderly. The writer examines literature pertaining to the crucial role that nutrition plays in regards to obtaining the goal of healthy aging in populations of older adults. Using a theoretical framework provide by the nursing theory of Joyce Fitzpatrick, this examination and synthesis of relevant literature specifically addresses how nutrition impacts wellness and the implications of this information relative to nursing practice. Sections of this paper are identical to khwelnut.rtf, but this paper focuses on the needs of older adults, while khwelnut.rtf addresses nutritional needs across in both older adults and children. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Plasma Lipids and Nutritional Impacts

    5 pages in length. Proper nutrition is, quite literally, the lifeblood of existence. Provide the body with the appropriate food sources and the body will respond by remaining healthy and full of energy; inundate it with poor choices or an overabundance of any given food category and it will rebel the only way it knows how: with disease. Therefore, the phrase 'you are what you eat' is not merely a meaningless cliché; instead, it reflects the various eating patterns found in any given culture and the corresponding health issues directly associated with such dietary choices. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Safety and Health

    This 6 page paper looks at different issues regarding Health and Safety at work. The writer argues that the engineer has a moral responsibly to consider health and safety when designing products systems or services and looks at the role of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the role of the health and safety engineer in industry, the role of the health and safety committee in a modern factory, the use of risk assessment tools and the value in health and safety measures. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Families Should Decide Own Health Goals

    An 8 page research paper that offers a discussion of the family health nurse's role, which focuses on the aspect of decision-making and who is the most qualified to establish health goals and make health-oriented decisions, the professional health practitioner or families themselves. This examination of literature indicates that the role of the family nurse should be to empower family members in the task of determining their own health goals by helping families develop their strengths within the context of an egalitarian, collaborative partnership with the family health nurse. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Future Possibilities of Foods That Are Genetically Engineered

    A 4 page consideration of the promise of genetic engineering. This paper describes the potential benefits of the technology in improving the production, nutrition, and marketability of four common food crops, corn, wheat,tomatoes, and avocados. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Issues in Chinese Medicine and Medicinal Nutrition

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the history and philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and describes the common elements it shares with Chinese medicinal nutrition. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Causative Factors and Impacts of Fatigue

    This 11 page paper addresses the physiological and environmental factors contributing to fatigue. Adequate sleep, hydration, and nutrition are critical for pilots. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Family Assessment and Health Care

    A 5 page paper discussing the family as client and the increasing need for public health nursing to address families, rather than individuals. Families gain increasing attention in health care matters, though accessibility to health care still is grossly limited to many. Community- and advanced-practice nurses in many cases are filling the voids left by the path of evolution of health care in the US. We can expect this route to become only more common as former health care standards become increasingly elitist and out of the reach of the mainstream. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nurse's Role and Bowel Elimination Influential Factors

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of the factors that influence bowel elimination and the role of the nurse in preventing constipation in patients in a hospital setting. This paper integrates a view of factors like hydration, nutrition, frequency of elimination and pharmacological factors that influence bowel elimination and the role that nurses play in preventing problems in elimination. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Review of Qualitative Research on Childhood Obesity

    This 8 page paper reviews a qualitative research article on childhood obesity. The paper looks at the research by Lynn Kelly and Barbra Patterson reported in the article “Childhood Nutrition: perceptions of carers in a Low Income Urban Setting” and assesses the research, considering what was being studied, if it was undertaken in an effective way and the appropriateness of the methodology, along with the strengths and weaknesses of the research. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • 'Jump Start' Grant Proposal

    An 11 page grant request package requesting funding from a private foundation for a nutrition and exercise program at a public school in California. The paper includes a letter of intent and a cover letter; title page content; project summary; organization statement; community assessment and needs statement; program design and timeline; program goals and objectives; program evaluation criteria; and anticipated budget. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Exercise and Biochemistry

    11 pages in length. Exercise, along with proper nutrition and an otherwise healthful lifestyle, helps make the body and mind a sound working relationship. Not many people stop to consider the physiological implications of exercise beyond their muscular appearance and heart performance, yet there are myriad considerations to be made when it comes to understanding just how the body functions while exercising. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Diet and Cancer

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the role of nutrition in the treatment of cancer. Both liver and colon cancer are the focus of this paper which provides information of recent studies on prevention as well. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Review of Qualitative Research on Childhood Obesity

    This 8 page paper reviews a qualitative research article on childhood obesity. The paper looks at the research by Lynn Kelly and Barbra Patterson reported in the article “Childhood Nutrition: perceptions of carers in a Low Income Urban Setting” and assesses the research, considering what was being studied, if it was undertaken in an effective way and the appropriateness of the methodology, along with the strengths and weaknesses of the research. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Facts About Nutrition and Diabetes

    A 3 page research paper. Obtaining reliable information concerning nutrition and diabetes is one of the first steps toward controlling blood glucose levels and the possible adverse side effects of this disease. This examination of diabetes and nutritional facts, first of all, examined a web site for three nutritional topics pertaining to diabetes and, then, consulted a professional journal article in order to verify this information. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • School Aged Children and Nutrition Factors

    A 4 page overview of the importance of good nutrition for children. The author asserts that a good nutritional plan takes more into consideration that vitamins, minerals, and calories. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Risk and Hypertension, Pancreatic Cancer

    A 3 page research paper that discusses risk reduction in relation to pancreatic cancer and hypertension. The writer relates both topics to improving diet and nutrition. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Controlling Weight, Diet, and Physical Fitness

    A 3 page examination of the relationship between physical fitness, nutrition, and weight control. The author breaks this relationship down to a simplistic formula balancing out energy consumption and physical expenditure. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Electronic Child Health Network - An Analysis

    This 10-page paper analyzes the case study entitled "Electronic Child Health Network," detailing an e-health network in Canada. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Electronic Child Health Network - An Analysis

    This 10-page paper analyzes the case study entitled "Electronic Child Health Network," detailing an e-health network in Canada. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Family Health Nursing

    A 6 page research paper that addresses literature pertaining to family health nursing. Family health nursing provides the “conceptual underpinnings for the practice of family nursing across the life span” (Garwick, 2002, p. 284). The Family Health Nurse (FHN) concept was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Europe in order to provide a means to strengthen “family and community-oriented health services” (West and Macduff, 2006). WHO identifies the FHN as providing a “key contribution within a multi-disciplinary team of health care professionals in the attainment of the 21 health targets” established by the WHO HEALTH 21 policy framework (West and Macduff, 2006). More aspect of FHN are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • California State Department Of Mental Health: Infant Preschool Family Mental Health Initiative Delivery Of Services

    7 pages in length. Maintaining stable mental health is a critical component to being able to live within a civilized society; those whose mental health is compromised for any number of reasons are often without appropriate resources to help them function at an adequate cognitive level. As a direct result, these individuals may gravitate toward fringe communities whereby the challenge of meeting basic human needs is greater than they can achieve. Indeed, adults with mental health problems are difficult enough to assist through limited state services, but when the individual in question is an infant or young child, it becomes critical for the state to intervene in the effort to fend off a lifetime of mental instability. The California Infant Preschool Family Mental Health Initiative (IPFMHI), conceived as a way in which to develop and expand "infant and early mental health services for children age birth to five and their families" (Knapp, 2006). Prevention, however, is as much a part of this service as is addressing existing problems, being that the Initiative - as part of the overall California State Department of Mental Health - is rooted as much in avoiding mental health issues as it is in intervention. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nonprofit Hospital's Strategic Management Plan

    This 5-page paper focuses on the case of a hypothetical non-profit hospital, and the need for a solid strategic plan to handle issues such as spiraling health care costs, resentful patients and unmotivated staff. To explain how the hospital would handle these situations, the paper discusses two similar "real life" scenarios and how they can be applied to the subject of the paper. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Problems of Retaining Nurses

    A 5 page research paper that, first of all, examines the problem of the current nursing shortage and nurse retention, but then looks at The Nurse Recruitment Act of 2002 and evaluates how it may impact the US health care system and the nursing profession. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Pregnant Patients Smoking Cessation Through Nurse Intervention Programs

    A 9 page paper evaluating three studies and making recommendations based on the studies' findings. Indications given by the findings of these studies are that nurse-managed interventions are more effective than physician-managed ones, and public health settings are more likely to see greater degrees of success than are private ones. Another primary indication is that it is personal attention and willing support that substantially increase positive results in cessation efforts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Clinical Supervision of Nurses in the NHS; Professional, Legal and Ethical Perspectives

    This 8 page paper looks at the increasing importance of clinical supervision for nurses in the UK's National Health Service. The approach is being adopted with the aim of performance management and quality improvement. The use of supervision is considers from a professional perspective, the legal perspective and the ethical perspective. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • ANA as a Political Action Committee

    This 5 page paper focuses in on the political action committee (PAC) affiliated of the ANA. The ANA's support of health care for the elderly is at the crux of this paper as well as the history of such issues affecting the aging population. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Community Health Care Nursing and Child Abuse Interventions

    A 5 page overview of the phenomena of child abuse and the considerations this abuse presents in the community health care environment. The author of this paper contends that while some may question the appropriateness of nursing intervention in anything but the medical aspects of this phenomena, it quickly becomes apparent that nursing intervention has out of necessity evolved to not only provide medical treatment for the abused but to a position of working with law enforcement personnel to identify the problem and to eliminate it where possible. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Prescribing Nurses and the Treatment of Wounds

    This 7 page paper considers the position of community nurses when undertaking wound dressing and how, with the advent of prescribing nurses, the non prescribing community nurses are placed in a difficult position with conflicting needs from their primary health care trusts, patients and the law. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Nurses, Patients, and Managed Care

    The increase of managed care has changed the framework of health delivery, effecting both the patients and the nurses. This 4 page paper, with a two page annotated bibliography, considers how this impacts on the nurses. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Performance Management through Clinical Supervision of Nurses in the NHS; Professional, Legal and Ethical Perspectives

    This 11 page paper looks at the increasing importance of clinical supervision as a tool of performance management for nurses in the UK's National Health Service. The approach is one which can be seen as having the potential to improve quality of care and enhance skills. The issue is considered from the professional perspective, the legal perspective and the ethical perspective. The bibliography cites 21 sources.

  • Nurse Practitioner Profession and Risks of Musculoskeletal Injuries

    This 7 page paper looks at the risk of back, and other musculoskeletal, injuries in the health care setting. Risks of such injuries to the nurse practitioner in a primary care setting are explored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nurse Practitioners and Advanced Practice Nursing

    A 6 page paper discussing the role of the nurse practitioner, requirements for the certification and some of the problems that NPs face. Though the American Medical Association complains about their expanding roles in health care, many MDs prefer hiring NPs because of their advanced training and knowledge. The role of the NP is seen as expanding in the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nurses Knowledge of Prevention Strategies for Constipation in Elderly Patients who are Bed Bound: A Health Promotion Study

    This 20 page paper provides an overview of a health promotion study about the nature of constipation in elderly bed bound patients. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • MetLife Management

    A 5 page paper assessing MetLife’s management and marketing in terms of its strategy for the future. This old company went public in 2001 and now focuses on banking and total financial planning as well as life and health insurance. It seeks to be relevant to customers’ lives in the present, rather than being important only at some time in the future. The paper discusses the composition of the Board of Directors, actions by CEO Robert H. Benmosehe to effect the changes at MetLife, as well as the company’s marketing philosophy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Functions of Upper Management

    This 13 page paper considers the role of top management. The paper discusses the statement that “the key function of top management is to establish a strategic vision, mobilise support, generate enthusiasm for change, organise resources and channel effort and energies towards agreed objectives”. The paper discusses this statement with regard to the British National Health Service (NHS), a public body. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Patient Care and Individual Differences

    A 6 page review of two nursing articles dealing with patient care. The author of this paper provides an overview of each article, its presentation style, and findings, and identifies similarities in the message being conveyed by both articles. In addition to the direct impacts to health, illness and injury can result in a number of complex problems. The literature is replete with examples of treatment regimes and recovery expectations but always at mind must be individual variation in both physiology, emotion, and manner of dealing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Organizational Management and In Search of Excellence by Peters and Waterman

    10 pages in length. The writer compares the approach of Peters and Waterman as it relates to organizational management in the health care industry. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Community Health and the Nursing Care Theory of Jean Watson

    An 8 page research paper that examines the caring nursing theory of Jean Watson. The theory is first discussed and then the writer offers a literature review that shows how it is applicable to community health nursing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Smokers and Health Promotion

    A 5 page research paper that examines the risks of tobacco use, offers a literature review and then relates this to health promotion intervention using the "5 A's" approach. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nursing Management Issue/Medication Error

    An 11 page research paper that addressing this issue. This examination of the problem of medication errors focuses on the context of mental health nursing within the United Kingdom (UK); however, this is a problem that is systemic to all modern healthcare systems; therefore, informative sources outside the UK will also be consulted. After examining and discussing the literature, the writer considers the literature from the perspective of risk management theory. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Total Health Plan Project Management Case Study

    A 12 page paper that describes project management for the development of a comprehensive health management program for a small company. Includes: work breakdown structure, task flow, project schedule and reporting, costs, and evaluation of project and performance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • British Nursing Advocacy and Law

    An 8 page research paper that examines advocacy in mental health nursing in the UK. The writer critically analyzes advocacy in relation to a specific scenario and discusses the legal and ethical ramifications as they pertain to nursing practice. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Mental Health Insights from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and A Beautiful Mind

    3 pages in length. The extent to which mental illness plays an integral role in each film is both grand and far-reaching; that one film depicts psychological instability as something one can successfully pretend to have, while the other profiles a man whose profound schizophrenia does not hamper his mathematical aptitude, illustrates just how influential a component mental health is in the overall social picture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Law, Genetics, and Insurance Testing

    A 15 page research paper that examines the law concerning genetic testing and whether or not health insurers can use test results that show that an individual has a genetic tendency towards a disease as grounds for canceling or not providing coverage. The writer particularly focuses on the comprehensive law enacted by the state of New Jersey. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Health, Environment, and Law

    This 3-page paper answers the following questions: the social psychological role of prevention in the Canadian health care system; how social psychology is used to solve social dilemmas and problems associated with eyewitness testimony and how they can be addressed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A History of Children In Mental Health Facilities

    This 15 page paper is a comprehensive and exhaustive discourse on the development of the mental health care center in the United States, in particular the advent of treatment of children and adolescents. Examples are given from experts in the field of child psychiatry and history. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • U.S. Refugee Population, Health Policy Treatment, Prevention, and Care Services

    This 5-page paper examines literature pertaining to health care needs of asylum-seekers and refugees in the United States. The essay, based on the literature, develops some legislative policies that would help this vulnerable population. Topics touched on include savings to taxpayers. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Skin Cancer Literature Review

    This 20 page paper is a literature review on skin cancer. This paper also includes an assessment of the health problem within rural communities and also discusses the role of nurses in regards to disseminating information. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Managing Stress in the Critical Incident

    7 pages. Critical incident stress management is very important to have for debriefing or diffusing purposes as a resource for first line responders to any disaster. Those firefighters, police officers and other disaster relief workers undergo untold amounts of stress and while they might not at first think so, the early intervention of stress related health problems could be averted with critical incident stress management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Disease Surveillance; A Literature Review For Research Into Attitude And Practice Of Ministry Of Health Physicians Toward the Surveillance System In Saudi Arabia

    It is important that there are accurate and efficient surveillance systems to support the protection of public health. This 7 page paper is a literature review looking at different aspects of surveillance systems, including the use of GIS and the role of the physician in that system. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Diabetic Education for Continuing Education for Nurses Exploring Perceptions of Health Care Management Compared to Published Standards of Care Among a Rural Population Experiencing Diabetes: A Review of Literature

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of elements of a review of literature on the subject of diabetes education and adherence to health care management principles and standards of care. Bibliography lists 5 sources

  • Literature Review of Consumer Research

    An 8 page paper providing a literature review for the research questions identified in KSresConsHlth.rtf, “Researching Consumer Attitudes in Private Health Insurance.” The review addresses the topics of service quality, process flows and call center operation. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Literature Review on Borderline Personality Disorder

    An 18 page literature review that analyzes, contrasts and compares the findings of several research studies pertaining to the diagnosis and treatment of borderline personality disorder, which is one of the most complicated conditions encountered by mental health professionals. The writer discusses the DSM-IV criteria for diagnosis and what current research relates about possible treatment modalities. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Public Health Aspects of Food Safety

    This 8 page paper discusses the issue of food safety from a public health perspective; it focuses mostly on a literature review. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Studies

    A nine page paper which looks at two research studies concerned with the way in which stress and resultant high blood pressure affect Black people, and the different aims and methodologies of the two studies in terms of the quantitative and qualitative approach, the way the which the studies can be used in juxtaposition to provide an overview of the problem, and the applications which they have in the fields of health care and social issues.

  • Health Education and Technology

    This 5 page paper details the ways in which the health care program can utilize new technology in fairly low cost ways. The paper also outlines specific ideas for implementing and utilizing technology in the classroom and providing for experiential learning. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Airline Industry After Terrorist Attacks of 2001

    This 5 page paper deals with the fate of the airline industry in the wake of the terrorist attacks. Analysis of stockholders, industry and overall health of the airline businesses. Examples, charts, statistics included. Quotes from CEO of American Airlines. Bibliography lists 9 sources.


    This 6-page paper discusses the impact of the aging population on the health care system and provides suggestions of what needs to be done to be prepared. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • U.S. Health System

    This 3 page paper begins by identifying one hopes the main functions of the health system is and how that system is failing in the United States. Experts say the system is broken. Limited statistical data are reported in terms of medical errors and the uninsured. The writer also reports and discusses the mission statement from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Importance of Health Care Communication

    A 5 page paper that discusses a very complex topic in an emerging field. The paper provides a definition and goal of this type of communication. The writer discusses reports research that correlates effective communication with better health outcomes and the reverse with poor communication. Therapeutic communication is defined and discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • APN Role in Protecting Elderly Abuse Victims

    A 5 page research paper that reports on elder abuse and the possible role that APNs can take in regards to this public health issue. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Workplace Safety and OSHA

    5 pages. Safety in the workplace is the subject of regularly scheduled meetings due to Occupational Safety and Health Association regulations. In order to promote goodwill among employees and to encourage their attendance at these meetings there are often promotionals and giveaway items at these meetings that serve as constant reminders throughout the year that safety is a priority in the workplace.

  • Daycare and Worker Burnout Study

    This 20 page report discusses a proposed study of the issue of “burnout” in the daycare setting and its potential to cause loss of concern for the job and the children being cared for. The impact on the child inn terms of his or her own mental health and sense of well-being is also discussed. The specific concerns to be examined, the methodologies, and suggestions for change and improvements are also outlined. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Healthy Work Environments: Decision Making In Nursing

    6 pages in length. Nursing requires some of the most attentive, detailed and organized staff of all industries; to make even one error in judgment or application can cost a life. As such, decision-making ability is of utmost importance from the moment students step into a nursing program to the day of retirement decades later. There is simply no room for lapse in decisiveness when it comes to making choices for another person's health, therefore, principles such as critical thinking and cognitive competence must work in tandem with decision-making for their synergistic components. To look lightly at making nursing decisions is to fail to uphold the inherent and unique responsibilities that guide the industry's overall mission, particularly where ethics are concerned. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Foreign Registered Nurses Recruitment and Nursing Shortage

    A 5 page research paper that discusses foreign recruitment of nurses as a solution to the nursing shortage. Proponents say that it is a practice that benefits the organization and offers benefits to the nurses involved. Opponents to this practice argue that it is robbing the health systems of Third World countries in order to service First World needs. The debate is contentious because both sides have viable points. The writer discusses both sides of the debate, but indicates that the opponents of this practice have the better position. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Bone Cancer Case Study and Nursing Interventions

    An 8 page research paper that addresses a specific case scenario, which deal with nursing interventions for a 52-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, which is metastasized to the left hip and involves the lymphatic system. She presents to the oncology nursing unit with severe bone pain in her left hip. She has already undergone external radiation therapy (palliative) and is suffering from severe nausea and vomiting. The patient and her family are having difficulty coping, both with the patient's current health status and with the terminal prognosis. This investigation examines three aspects of this patient's care and possible nursing interventions: bone pain; nausea and vomiting; and psychosocial interaction with the patient and her family in regards to coping. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Cultural Needs of Chinese Women in Childbirth

    An 8 page research paper that discusses cultural competence in regards to the nursing needs of Chinese women and women of Chinese extraction. According to census figures, the demographic nature of the American populace is becoming increasing culturally diverse. This fact constitutes a challenge to healthcare professionals as it has been shown by research that providing care that is culturally congruent with the patient’s background and health beliefs can have a beneficial effect on obtaining a positive outcome. Therefore, cultural competency is considered to be an important component of contemporary nursing care. This discussion of sources focuses on the needs of Chinese women or women of Chinese descent during the processes associated with childbirth from a nursing care perspective. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Expansion of Paper on Nursing Delegation and Shared Governance

    A 14 page expansion of a 4-page paper by the same name. The health care facility that maintains a shared governance model is able to make greater use of all the resources available to it. Typically, each patient care department of a facility such as this has a nurse manager who serves as a facilitator in unit governance and as a liaison between direct-care nursing staff and nursing administrators. This organizational structure is more conducive to true shared governance than hierarchical straight-line organizational structures that have the effect of insulating administrators from those providing direct patient care. It also ensures that those having the greatest degree of direct patient contact have a voice in establishing policy for both the present and the future. The paper discusses shared governance more as a philosophical approach to management than as a “how to.” Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Restraint Uses in Psychiatric Nursing

    A 4 page research paper that contrasts and compares position papers from the Internet sites of two psychiatric nursing organizations. The International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses (ISPN) and the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) both have position paper posted regarding the use of seclusion and restraint on psychiatric patients. The positions of these organizations are extremely similar. They both, for example, approve of the use of seclusion and restraint only as a last resort. However, there are also differences between the two documents. Examination of the two official position papers reveals that the APNA document is more informative and more precise, while assuming what is basically the same position as the ISPN on this topic. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Diets: Choices, Healthier Lifestyle, Disease & Popularity

    6 pages in length. What one chooses to feed one's body makes a tremendous impact upon how that body performs. Fueling all corporeal functions, the type, quantity and nutritive value of food can either fortify a body or compromise it until it becomes vulnerable to disease. Even then, the composition of food is such that it can help to once again restore health when the body has undergone trauma or disease. Weight management involves modifying how and what one eats often to the point of eliminating certain foods that are deemed fat inducing, a choice that can withhold essential nutrients necessary for a healthy mind and body. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Water Source Protection

    11 pages in length. One of the earth's most precious resources is in great peril. Water, the substance required by all living beings as a means of survival, is succumbing more and more to the ravages of pollutants, most -- if not all -- of which are the cause of humanity's environmental carelessness and neglect. Indeed, water sources of decades past were only beginning to show the signs of contamination, still remaining well within the parameters of what is considered to be safe; however, the water sources of late are clearly demonstrating the consequences of overwhelming pollution by killing off a significant amount of the plant and animal life that depends upon it for existence. What is being done to correct this drastic situation is too little too late according to critics, who contend that the world's water source has been left to fight for its health for far too long to be expected to regain its soundness. The writer discusses the detrimental changes that the world's water source has experienced. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Epidemiology And Infectious Disease Prevention: West Nile Virus

    3 pages in length. The current state of America's economy has triggered an expansive and detrimental backlash in so many industries that it is overwhelming to contemplate the extent to which this economic downturn has trickled into areas many people would never consider. The frequency with which delinquent homeowners are abandoning their houses has become a tremendous public health issue due to swimming pools left unattended and untreated whereby the water festers and attracts virus-carrying mosquitoes. According to Goodman et al (2009), the prevalence of this particular hazard has spiked the number of West Nile virus cases. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Art and Healing

    The western medical establishment has come to recognize the value of dance, music, literature, painting and drama in preventing and treating illness. Techniques such as guided imagery, dance, art therapy and music have become the tools of health care professionals in all areas. These techniques have much in common with the Chinese practices of Qigong, yoga and acupressure. Eastern methods often integrate contemporary medical practices with ancient forms of healing. The western medical establishment is learning to give the Chinese practices the credit they deserve for the benefits they are able to bring to patients. This 6 page paper examines the use of both Eastern and Western therapies with a foundation of dance or music. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Adolescents and Cognitive Behavior Theory

    20 pages in length. Psychology as a discipline has come to be an essential element in the overall aspect of human life. Without its influential element, myriad individuals would not be able to properly function within their world. The practice of psychology has proven to be more than merely a treatment for the affluent or the crazy; rather, it has been embraced by mainstream society as a means by which people are able to work out various psychological situations. No longer is such treatment considered taboo in a world where mental imbalance is quite prevalent. An example of such mainstream approaches is that of cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents, illustrating how powerful one's thought process truly is with regard to one's overall mental and physical health. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Laura, In Williams’ Glass Menagerie

    A 3 page essay that discusses the character of Laura from Tennessee Williams’ poignant play “The Glass Menagerie.” There are a number of similarities between Laura Wingfield and the small glass animals that she collects. As with her small glass animals, Laura is fragile, both in health and temperament. Also, like her animals, which are a beautiful expression of art, Laura herself has an ethereal beauty. This metaphor also connects Laura with nature as the shapes of her glass suggest the natural world, which is distant from the play’s urban setting. As this suggests, the glass menagerie itself can be viewed as a metaphor for understanding Laura’s inner nature and Romantic beauty. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Daycare Setting and the Protection of Welfare and Health

    A 20 page overview of the various provisions that are necessary to prevent the spread of disease and exposure to toxic chemicals in the day care environment. This paper provides a step by step review of basic hygiene practices in response to specific questions and scenarios regarding those practices. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Bonsize Plant Hormone Marketing Case Study

    5 pages. This is a marketing case study for the introduction of a new plant product. Bonsize Plant Hormone makes virtually any plant into a miniature Bonsai style plant. For instance, used on young rose bushes they will over time become smaller and more compact without losing their health and vigor. They will eventually wind up being approximately 8 to 12 inches tall fully mature, with fully formed flowers and leaves just like a regular size rosebush. This paper will show how a product such as this would be marketed to the public.

  • ADHD and Issues in Classroom Management

    A 11 page paper. ADHD is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders reported by schools and mental health clinics and as such, is one of the most researched conditions in America. This paper provides a description of ADHD, including behavioral symptoms. The emphasis is on managing the classroom. Research regarding effective procedures and programs is discussed along with a number of quick tips teachers can use immediately. The writer then discusses the research and includes a discussion on why reinforcement is not used as often as it should be. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Overview of Health Club Management

    A 15 page paper discussing management of the new-generation health club. As the baby boomers enter new phases of their lives, things change in all sorts of industries. The health club and day spa industry has been growing steadily since 1995, the year that the first of the baby boomers began to turn 50. The paper addresses varied management issues, including expanding revenues without expanding facilities by providing outsourcing services for those local businesses with health club facilities on site. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • A Public Health Inspection of Apartment Housing and Public Swimming Pools

    This 4 page paper reviews the problems associated with lead paint in poorly maintained residences and poorly designed and maintained swimming pools. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Need to Improve School Lunches

    A 10 page research paper that offers a comprehensive overview of the need to improve the quality of school food. Topics examined include the program promoted by Jamie Oliver, the Food to School Program and also the finding of empirical research literature. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Mental Health Counseling: Child Abuse And Neglect

    7 pages in length. Antisocial behavior is considered one of the many consequences adolescents and adults harbor from childhood abuse/neglect, as are issues of intimate bonding and repeating the harmful behavior inflicted upon the child. It has been noted how an individual reaches a certain breaking point during intervention when he or she admits to the hurt that has long existed, in addition to the humiliation and grief typically associated with child abuse/neglect. Analyzing theoretical perspectives and therapeutic approaches provides a significantly better understanding of what steps are required in order to help the abused/neglected child work through his damaged psyche. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Knowledge Management at Molnlycke Health Care

    This 19 page paper is a proposal to develop knowledge management at a medical equipment company, including a sample cover letter. The paper examines the concept of knowledge management looking at what it is and how it can add value, and then examines the company, what it does and the way it competes and along with the existing level of knowledge management. Based on these two sections a strategy to increase the use of knowledge management is proposed. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Conflict Mediation In Health Care

    A 3 page paper that begins with comments about some of the causes of conflict and the types of conflict that erupt. The process of mediation is explained, including the mediator's role and how it works. Two different examples of conflicts that were resolved through mediation are reported. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Long Term Performance of the Vanguard Specialized Health Care Mutual Fund

    A 6 page paper evaluating the long-term performance of this mutual fund. Investing in major drug firms, health service organizations (i.e., HMOs) and medical equipment manufacturers and distributors, this fund shows promise for continued growth regardless of whatever level of volatility exists in the stock market at any given time. This fund consistently has been rated in the top ten performing mutual funds since 1986, not only overall but in all categories of one, three, five and ten years, averaging more than 26 percent return annually for five years. The paper concludes that this fund is a wise choice if the investor is seeking a proven fund with the objective of long-term growth. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Database Management Systems for Health Care Call Center

    A 10 page paper discussing the potential value of implementing a call center at a company providing software for long term care facilities. The paper reviews the benefits of meeting customers’ needs for technical assistance and providing that assistance in a timely manner. It also discusses the types of database management systems available (Oracle 9, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server), recommending that the company choose either Oracle or SQL. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Software for Health Information Management

    A 3 page paper discussing 3M Company’s Clinical Workstation Application component of its 3M™ Care Innovation Expert Applications system for automating patient records. The software is useful in putting all available patient information into the same location and maintaining it in a format that is highly useful for enhancing patient care quality and increasing the organization’s operational efficiency. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

    A 3 page research paper that offers an overview of this nursing specialty: its practice settings, roles, expected salary, educational requirements, etc. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • The Master's Prepared Nurse: Competencies in Health Care

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of nursing competencies. The proper role of the master's prepared nurse is explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Article Overview of 'Rotating Night Shifts and Risk of Breast Cancer in Women Participating in the Nurses' Health Study'

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of an article on breast cancer and considers the impacts of rotating night shifts and breast cancer risk. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Gerontology and Health Care: A Literature Review

    This 15 page literature review examines the topic by category. Issues addressed include access, the needs of older adults, funding, and family support. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Literature Review on Dementia and Healthcare Employee Attitudes

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of existing literature regarding the nature of dementia and the impacts of physician/nurse attitudes. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Health and Illness Interpretations

    A 5 page research paper that review 5 stories of illness and healing. Insight into processes associated with both illness and healing do not necessarily have to come from medical texts or research on nursing. Literature abounds with works that provide perspective and understanding about how illness, even fatal illness, can promote psychic healing and the most healing elements are not always the ones that are the most obvious. The following examination of definitions of illness and healing looks at the lessons that can be learned from works of literature, each focusing on a different aspect of illness, death and learning to live. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Women's Mental Health/Depression

    An 11 page research paper that offers discusses depression and women, offering an analysis of literature that examines both physical and social issues associated with women and depression and then discusses implications for nursing practice. Paper includes 10 pages of text and 1 appendix. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Case Study in Gender and Family Health

    A 4 page research paper that, first, offers a case study of a young woman with ovarian cysts. The writer then discusses each aspect of the case study, referring to relevant literature, before offering conclusions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • HIPAA Privacy Rule Effects and Implementation

    This 12 page paper provides a proposal for a research project involving the impact of the HIPAA legislation. The paper is broken down into many categories and includes an outline, abstract, review of literature and recommendations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Delegation Example in a Health Care Setting

    This 6 page paper includes 12 Powerpoint slides and two pages of notes. A case study is presented regarding a nurse and a CNA and how communication difficulties may arise. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A 2003 Steptoe et al Article 'Behavioral Counseling to Increase Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables in Low Income Adults' Revieweed

    This is a 5 page paper reviewing Steptoe et al (2003) trial “Behavioral Counseling to Increase Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables in Low Income Adults”. Investigators Steptoe et al (2003) conducted a randomized trial to study the effect behavioral counseling had in regards to increasing the consumption of fruit and vegetables in low income adults. The investigators were successful in outlining their assumptions for the study, participants, methods, assessment and measurements, results and conclusion in addition to including the limitations of their study. Using 271 participants aged 18-70 years old from a deprived ethnically mixed inner city area, the investigators conducted brief individual behavioral counseling sessions with groups based on the stage of change model as opposed to time matched nutrition education counseling. Assessment of self reported number of portions of fruit and vegetables as well as plasma carotene, tocopherol, ascorbic acid concentrations and urinary potassium excretion levels were taken at baseline, eight weeks and 12 months after the counseling sessions. Overall, it was found that consumption of fruit and vegetables increased in the behavioral (by 1.5 portions) and nutrition (by 0.9 portions) groups as well as an increase in the plasma carotene and tocopherol concentrations but the carotene levels were has a significantly higher increase in the behavioral group. The percentage of persons eating five or more portions per day increased by 42% in the behavioral group and 27% in the nutrition group. The investigators were able to surmise from these results that “brief individual counseling in primary care can elicit sustained increases in consumption of fruit and vegetables in low income adults in the general population” (Steptoe et al, 2003, p. 855). Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Healthcare Industry Financial Management

    This 5 page essay discusses issues revolving around effective and meaningful financial management in the health care industry. The political system of the United States is fundamentally responsible for the development of policy and no area feels the politicized nature of policy-making more than health care. As a result, comprehensive and effective financial management is the key component of the modern health care delivery process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Article Analysis: Evolutionary Biology and Human Health

    This 3 page paper analyzes an article that reports on an October, 2007 conference on human health and evolutionary biology. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • U.S. Health Care System

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the American system. According to an online dictionary,, a "health care system" is defined as a "Complex of facilities, organizations, and trained personnel engaged in providing health care within a geographical area." If one considers only this extremely broad definition of a "health care system," then, yes, the manner in which health care is delivered in the U.S. is a "system." However, there are scholars who express an evaluation of the way that health care delivery functions in the US that is so negative that one can also easily make the argument that the delivery of health care in America is too dysfunctional to be considered to be a "system," as the term "system" implies organization and comprehensive service. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Family Health Nursing

    A 6 page research paper that discusses this area of nursing. The World Health Organization (WHO) in Europe introduced the concept of the Family Health Nurse (FHN) in 1998 as a possible means for promoting and strengthening health among families (Macduff and West, 2005). It was proposed that this new type of nurse would make a "key contribution within a multi-disciplinary team of health care professionals" (Macduff and West, 2005). This examination of family health nursing looks at its role in promoting family health, how it is defined and how it fits with the changing nature of the family in Western culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Organizational Structures and Health Care Management

    A 6 page paper identifying the structural differences between community hospitals, major teaching hospitals and health maintenance organizations (HMOs). All are primary players in the overall health care industry, but each maintains a different focus in the industry. The purpose here is to identify the goals and performance measures of each type of health care organization. Each of these health care organizations ultimately exist to enable health care delivery, but each maintains a distinct position in the health care industry. Teaching hospitals promote a blend of standard practice and changing technique; community hospitals strive to stay attuned to the needs of the local area. HMOs seek to require both to be fiscally responsible in their treatment of individual patients. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Performance of HMOs

    A 10 page paper tracing the history of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and reviewing their performance over the years. HMOs' performance exceeded expectations during the decade of the 1990s, evidenced by total spending being a full $1 trillion less than expected 1993 – 2000. The health care industry has changed once again, however, and HMOs find themselves drowning in the rising costs they are unable this time to contain. Though they performed well in the past, it does appear that the time has come for another approach to delivering health care to individuals. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Health Policy and the Role of Public Health Nurses

    A 6 page paper assessing three studies addressing nurses' ability to influence public health care policy. How much direct influence nurses can have on policy-making does not appear to be clear, but likely is greater than many nurses perceive. Particularly in the area of public health, nurses' roles appear to be weighted more to the traditional roles than in other areas of health care though actually may not be. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Health and Alcohol

    This 18 page paper is a literature review and proposal for a study to develop strategies for the health service to increase health in the local population by reducing the level of alcoholism and alcohol abuse in a low income community. The paper starts by outlining the study community that will benefit and then considers what is meant by health the physical and social impacts of alcohol and the knock on effect with the level of road accidents that occur as a result of alcohol and the cost of the harm caused by alcohol in England. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Proposals on Health Care Reform

    A 5 page research paper that examines the health care crisis in the US by looking at current proposals for health care reform that have been made by the Democratic candidates for the presidency, President Bush, and others. The writer then examines briefly why health care reform efforts are difficult to legislate. Annotated bibliography lists 4 sources and also includes a brief outline for a longer paper on this topic.


    This 3-page paper discusses the occupational nature of humans, while discussing health aspects of occupation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • An Admission's Essay Sample

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of an admission's essay for a student seeking a doctoral degree in Natural Health.

  • Mobile Women's Wellness Center Marketing Plan

    A 15 page marketing plan for a new concept in women's health care. WomensHealth is a startup women's wellness center providing service primarily from a mobile office that will travel to office buildings, factories, malls and anywhere there is a concentration of women needing fast and affordable access to basic health care as well as to a wide variety of health care screening tests. WomensHealth will conduct individual patient education sessions with women, and will hold classes for small groups. PowerPoint® presentation available. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Affordable Healthcare in Australia

    A 7 page research paper that examines affordable healthcare in Australia specifically in terms of community health nursing: the role of the community health nurse and the relationship of this nursing specialty to the social model of health. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • 'Health as Expanding Consciousness' Nursing Philosophy of Margaret Newman

    A 3 page research paper that discuss Margaret Newman's Margaret Newman's philosophy of nursing, Health as Expanding Consciousness. This nursing model is founded on the concept that health is not a stationary goal, but rather part of a continuum. Newman posits that lifetime behavior patterns can be identified and manipulated in such a manner as it becomes possible to use an episode of illness as an opportunity to achieve greater health. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Health and Alcohol as Perceived by a GP Nurse

    This 22 page paper looks at the problem of alcohol and how this may be seen from the perspective of the GP nurse when designing a programme to help reduce the problems caused by alcohol abuse. The paper starts by looking at models of health and the definition of public health, then considers health needs such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Bradshaw’s Taxonomy of Needs. The paper then considers the issues of alcohol abuse, the role of the GP nurse and some potential models for developing improvement programs. The bibliography cites 23 sources.

  • African American Teenagers and Incidence of HIV

    A 12 page research paper that focuses on HIV infection among African American adolescents as a public health threat. In exploring the ramifications of this public health issue, this examination explores HIV transmission using the epidemiologic triad model. This information is then viewed from the standpoint of nursing theory, specifically Parse's theory of human becoming, which was chosen because it has been applied frequently within a public health/community nursing perspective. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • 21st Century Nursing

    This 18 page paper first provides a section on changes in the health care industry, with a focus on the health care delivery system. Various laws are examined, such as COBRA, ERISA and the Social Security Act. The second half of the paper consists of an examination of the nursing profession and how it will likely change in light of trends in the health care industry. The role of the nurse is seen in relation to education, changes in technology and the advent of managed care. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Ethical Issues in Mental Health Care Practice

    A 7 page research paper that addresses 2 ethical issues for mental health care practice. Mental health counselors in the US follow the code of ethics layout by the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA). This comprehensive code covers numerous areas of ethical concern, two of which are the issues of obtaining informed consent and patient confidentiality. These are two areas that are integral to either counseling or research endeavors and therefore should be of prime consideration for practitioners. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Health and Alcohol as Perceived by a GP Nurse

    This 22 page paper looks at the problem of alcohol and how this may be seen from the perspective of the GP nurse when designing a programme to help reduce the problems caused by alcohol abuse. The paper starts by looking at models of health and the definition of public health, then considers health needs such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Bradshaw’s Taxonomy of Needs. The paper then considers the issues of alcohol abuse, the role of the GP nurse and some potential models for developing improvement programs. The bibliography cites 23 sources.

  • Affordability of Health Insurance Letter to U.S. Senator Bill Frist

    A 4 page letter to Senator Bill Frist, M.D., describing a citizen’s view of his inability to purchase health care insurance. A large and growing percentage of the American people are unable to afford any health care insurance of any kind, yet do not qualify for social assistance programs. While those who can afford insurance can buy it and those who live in poverty have full access to public health care programs, many of those of us who cannot afford either health care or health care insurance earn just enough that we also do not qualify for public assistance of any kind. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Iceland and Health Care Delivery

    A 6 page paper comparing the health care systems of Iceland and the United States, where Icelandic medical students generally go to complete their residency requirements. Both systems are facing intense economic pressures, but Iceland’s national system does not prevent any citizen from gaining access to health care as is the case in the US. The health care system of Iceland holds a lesson from which the systems of all developed nations could benefit well. It would be desirable for those completing their residencies in the US to serve as ambassadors of a health care system that can have economic pressures and still be caring and committed to the ideals undergirding it. The paper also relates the mission of Saint Leo University to Iceland’s national health care system. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Problem of Uninsured Patients and New York's Metropolitan Hospital Center Operations

    A 6 page paper discussing the operation of New York's Metropolitan Hospital Center, a public hospital part of the health care network of New York City, and the growing numbers of uninsured patients it serves. As a public hospital, it is not dependent only on payment for services for revenue, but it also does not have unlimited funds available to it. The paper suggests that the hospital offer a permanent "health fair" area in which it can offer health screenings at minimal charge to those who have no other access to health care. Individuals can monitor their own cholesterol, blood sugar (nondiabetics, of course) and other factors that doctors monitor for others. The hospital can provide health promotion services, increase its service to the community and readily identify those with serious needs that the city needs to support in treatment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Community Health Nursing Considerations

    A 6 page discussion of the myriad of situations which can confront the community health care nurse. The author of this paper contends that community health nursing encompasses a diversity of health care and social arenas. Consequently, numerous issues are often associated with community health care. Two are centered out for the purpose of this paper, obstetric care among drug-addicted mothers and child abuse. The author emphasizes ignorance is no excuse in the community health care environment. We must simply seek out the specialized training we may need and we must act. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Changing Nature of Health Care in the U.S.

    A 7 page paper discussing the state of several aspects of the US health care system and nurses’ roles within both the current system and that which continues to emerge. One of the primary qualities of US health care today is that it is in flux. It has been changing dramatically since the advent of managed care; continued budgetary pressures and the ongoing shortage of nurses dictate that further changes are made in the future. Nursing itself is changing as well, as those who have made nursing their life profession approach retirement age themselves. Those new to health care now face higher career demands than those who went before them. The new generation of nurses will need to be even more adaptable to change and more conversant with technology as it continues to change the face of health care. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Advertising and Marketing in Health Care

    An 18 page paper discussing the growing acceptance of marketing and advertising within the health care industry. There are three ways that health systems can build their bottom lines. One is by raising rates, which has been resisted and condemned by nearly every aspect of health care. Another is to cut costs. Cost-cutting efforts have been in place for years, to the extent that employee morale has been decimated in many organizations and patient care has been known to suffer. The final method of increasing the bottom line is to build volume, which health care systems are actively embracing as average marketing expenditures have risen by nearly $500,000 annually in a single decade. The paper discusses current marketing issues, marketing communications and advertising, decision-making techniques and considerations in developing marketing plans. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • HHH Strategic Plan

    A 24 page paper presenting a strategic plan for a home health and hospice provider of nursing care. HHH stands poised to enter a phase of growth that was not envisioned at the time of its founding. All of health care is in flux and continues to evolve. Even though there have been many changes in recent years that have led to increased need for home health care, it is likely that changes occurring in the industry in the future will add to that need as well. These changes added to the fact that the first of the baby boomers only now are entering retirement age indicate that demand for the services that HHH offers will increase dramatically in less than five years' time. The company has the option of remaining as it is, but if it is to grow with the industry and be able to take advantage of increased demand for home health and hospice services, it must plan for future growth in the present time. An accompanying PowerPoint® presentation is available. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • The Continuing Evolution of Advanced Practice Nursing

    A 10 page paper discussing the continuing evolution of advanced practice nursing and the resistance it receives from physician groups. Nurse practitioners and other advanced practice nurses have filled significant roles in US health care for years. They have legal rights and the technical expertise to take on much of the burden of providing direct health care services, generally under the supervision of an MD. This advanced practice niche is a hybrid position arising from increasing pressures on the still-evolving health care American health care system; it is a position respected in the profession and welcomed by patients. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Community and Corrections Nursing

    A 7 page paper discussing how the correctional facility nurse can have effect in the local community. The US penal system guarantees appropriate health care to prison inmates. US Supreme Court decisions have determined that withholding any medical treatment where there is urgent need constitutes "cruel and unusual punishment," which of course is not allowed by the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution or by the American character. Providing nursing service within the prison community offers distinct challenges, but it also offers opportunities that otherwise might never be available to health care providers. Prisons often hold individuals that public health professionals have difficulty locating; extending public health screening to the correctional setting can have direct benefit both within the prison and in the local community when individual inmates are released. Includes an outline. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • STDs and Plans of Health Promotion

    This is a 5 page paper discussing health promotion plan for STDs in small and large communities. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a global as well as local concern for health care providers. In addition to guidelines and fact sheets about the prevalence, treatment and symptoms of STDs provided by the World Health Organization, national and local organizations are developing plans for the prevention of STDs through the education of the public provided mainly through health care facilities, centers and providers. Nurses play a dominant role in regards to health promotion in communities as many are involved not only in the larger centers such as hospital settings in which they will come in contact with patients with STDs but nurses also promote education in smaller communities through awareness programs for the schools, local centers and physician practices. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nursing Practice Improvement and Qualitative Research's Importance

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the concept that qualitative research is more valuable than quantitative research for improving nursing practice. Quantitative research involving large scale surveys and methods of accumulating cost and performance data in the annual process of health care management is traditionally the most widely used research method and provides for relatively large-scale low-cost studies. However, in today’s environment in which health care has become patient-centered and indicators in health care are based on quality assurance and quality improvement, qualitative research methods are now the preferred measure of effectiveness of health care, most notably in the area of nursing practice. Qualitative studies in nursing practice which involve subjective and interactive interviews and assessments include not only those involved with direct patient contact but patient perception as well. Patient satisfaction and perception has become essential to the determination of areas of concern in the health care system and allow for immediate action in improvement in nursing care. Qualitative research which also involves nursing input and interactive discussions also gives the nursing staff opportunity to comment on the impact of changes within the organization; an interaction which in itself has shown directly impacts and improves nursing practice. Despite the need for large-scale quantitative reporting, qualitative research methods are not only preferred in regards to quality improvement but also provide direct, subjective and immediate opportunities for improving nursing practice and patient care. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • STDs and Plans of Health Promotion

    This is a 5 page paper discussing health promotion plan for STDs in small and large communities. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a global as well as local concern for health care providers. In addition to guidelines and fact sheets about the prevalence, treatment and symptoms of STDs provided by the World Health Organization, national and local organizations are developing plans for the prevention of STDs through the education of the public provided mainly through health care facilities, centers and providers. Nurses play a dominant role in regards to health promotion in communities as many are involved not only in the larger centers such as hospital settings in which they will come in contact with patients with STDs but nurses also promote education in smaller communities through awareness programs for the schools, local centers and physician practices. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Overview of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA): its history and application in a health care setting. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) was first introduced in 1987 as a national award for quality in manufacturing in the United States. In 1998, the award was extended to include the health care and education industries. The award is not only meant to award industries for their current quality but to also provide support and guidance for future quality. Regardless of discipline, the award includes certain categories which must be met in regards to establishing and maintaining industry quality which include leadership, strategic planning, human resource development, information analysis, process quality, operational results and customer satisfaction. In physician offices as part of the health care system, a patient-centered focus also creates more of a concentration on patient satisfaction, staff education, and innovation in regards to constant communication with the rest of the health care community. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Organized Crime Syndicates and Commercial Burglaries

    In this 15 page paper, the question of what is meant by 'organized crime' is explored with particular reference to commercial burglaries and robberies. Several different types of criminal organization are discussed, from the organized efforts of individual criminals and affiliated acquaintances ('teams' or 'partners in crime') to more professionally organized 'gangs,' 'rings,' and finally to international sydicated crime with contracted criminals who conduct robberies and burglaries. It is argued that a new approach is needed to this significant risk to businesses from burglaries and robberies of all these types. This would, like new approaches to physical health, include attention to the causes as well as the symptoms of the worldwide crime disease, and to the general health of society as a preventative measure. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Socialized Medicine

    6 pages in length. Because of the huge interest in socialized health care over recent years, many hospitals and physicians are drawn to the program. The reasons most of them state for this interest are to share financial risk, contract directly with employers, enhance the quality of care and promote collaboration with medical staff. In spite of these good reasons, however, the lack of administrative assistance necessary to manage the costs associated with socialized health care could force many hospitals to take a second look at these problems prior to committing themselves. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Forensic Pathology Of Sudden Unexplained Death

    8 pages in length. Death of any origin requires a legal certificate that denotes the cause of demise, however, the reason for a death that is sudden and unexpected can keep prevent that cause field on the certificate blank for many months. Determining cause of death in this instance - which is defined as "those that do not result from a diagnosed terminal illness or other debilitating or deteriorating illness or condition where death is anticipated (natural death) unless the illness or condition is the result of an injury, whether intentional or not" (Washington State Department of Health, 2005) is the task of forensic pathologists who are not only trained in identifying the nature of disease and injury but also the "mechanisms of sudden death and subtle forms of homicide" (Washington State Department of Health, 2005). The criminal nature of forensic pathology provides the conduit between difficult police investigations and an appropriate criminal justice outcome. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Health Risks Associated with Tobacco Smoking

    7 pages in length. Cigarettes, once considered glamorous and chic, have emerged as the single most external threat to the health of the general public. The conflict over smoking has become perhaps the greatest morality play of late 20th-Century America. Whether or not one smokes makes no difference as to the potential for contracting any one of the vile diseases associated with smoking: emphysema, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a multitude of cancers, including lung, throat and tongue. To bring the point home, half million a year people die each year from cigarette-related causes, with 37,000 to 40,000 of those dying as a result of secondhand smoke. A staggering $50 billion dollars is estimated to be the amount of associated health care costs. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Depression In Elderly Women

    15 pages in length. Depression is an equal opportunity offender that spares no one from its life-stealing symptoms; significantly more than just a blue mood, depression is one of the most prevalent mental health issues plaguing contemporary society. For some, escaping the grips of depression is all but impossible due to its genetic disposition; for others, environmental and/or psychosocial problems lend themselves to the onset and sometimes persistent state of depression. Elderly women are no exception and in fact are a large percentage of those afflicted with depression due to a number of causes associated with health, emotions and loss of independence. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Concept Analysis: Aging

    A 20 page research paper that offers a nursing concept analysis on aging. As the percentage of the American population that is over the age of 65 increases with each passing year, there is more and more attention being paid to geriatric health care needs; and, in keeping with this trend, successful aging is a concept that is also garnering more attention. The importance of geriatric health care issues underlies the need to understand the concept of aging more fully and to describe in detail the differences that are inherent to successful/healthy aging as opposed to maladaptive aging (Flood, 2002). This concept analysis of aging endeavors to accomplish this purpose, as it describes how literature addresses the aging process and its implications. Bibliography lists 26 sources.

  • Florida and Foster Care

    A 15 page paper. The primary focus of this paper is the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), and more specifically, the foster care system. The subtopic is mental health issues facing children in foster care. The essay reports data regarding the incidence of mental health and behavioral disorders among children and youth, in general, and among children in the foster care system, in particular. A great deal of data regarding children in Florida's foster care system are included. Numerous cases of Florida's mishandling of foster care children in included, including the "loss" of over 500 youngsters. The writer illustrates through examples how the Florida DCF has failed children. These issues are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Canada's New Influx of Immigrants and Depression

    A 10 page research paper that addresses this topic. Canada is currently experiencing a huge influx of new immigrants. This factor not only affects the Canadian economy and work market, but also it impacts the health care system. The question arises, however, as to precisely what the impact on the health care system will be as this involves determining the needs of this demographic group. The framework for this literature review addresses this question specifically in regards to the topic of mental heath and incidence of depression among new immigrants to Canada. As immigration necessarily implies a period of transition, in which cultural and psychological adjustment is required, it seems logical that depression could be a serious problem among new immigrant groups. The following literature review explores what research has to say on this hypothesis and also what studies reveal about the factors that affect depression among new immigrants, as well as the prevalence of depression. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Nurses & Health Care Policy

    A 4 page research paper that addresses the role of nurses in health care policy. There are numerous healthcare issues and policies that affect nurses and nursing in a variety of crucial ways. The nursing shortage, which is a worldwide phenomenon, causes staffing issues that affect the quality of patient care, as well as nurse retention. Medicare cutbacks and other budgetary restraints naturally deeply affect nursing, as well as when hospital administrations react by requiring mandatory nursing overtime. These issues bring up the question concerning the role of nurses in healthcare and health policy, which the writer discusses. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • HIV Positive Nurses Should Still Be Allowed to Work

    4 pages in length. Key to the "prevention and management of HIV transmission in healthcare settings" (Campbell, 2004, p. 33) is clear and factual understanding of how the disease is passed and to conquer unfounded, erroneous beliefs that fuel the fear of HIV-positive nurses being a threat to patients and other health care workers. Research clearly supports the reality of the situation: While the risk of transmitting HIV depends upon "health personnel practices, the prevalence of the illness, and the frequency of exposure" (Campbell, 2004, p. 33), the fact remains it is too low a risk to disallow HIV-positive nurses to continue working. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Community Sport Promotion Supported

    A 3 page campaign speech for an individual seeking a position from which s/he can develop community sport. The speaker reviews growing rates of obesity, diabetes and coronary artery disease as public health problems of the electronic age, and the problem of boredom and isolation that many teens and children deal with on a daily basis. Healthy people create healthy, vibrant, active and involved communities, which in turn positively affect the lives of all within them. While sport cannot be seen as a magic cure for all of the world’s ills, it certainly can provide a measure of health and happiness in the communities that value and support it. No source listed.

  • The Parish Nurse and Advanced Practice Nursing

    A 15 page paper discussing the emergence of advanced-practice nursing in parish nursing. The parish nurse cannot provide services that substitute for hospital treatment or costly laboratory testing procedures, but s/he certainly can provide routine screening measures, educate patients on a variety of health-related topics and advise patients on when they do need to visit a doctor. Unlike nurses in non-parish settings, the parish nurse also is able to highlight issues of spirituality. In essence, the parish nurse has the ability to treat the whole patient, rather than only addressing symptoms as health care providers in most other venues are confined to providing. The advanced practice nurse involved in parish nursing has the opportunity to provide service and caring at the highest points of their potential. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Government Involvement in Health

    A 4 page paper that discusses the history of health care insurance in the U.S. beginning with private agreements in the 1920s. How the government interceded is reported, such as giving Blue Cross tax exempt status and allowing firms to offer benefits as incentives. The history continues through Medicare and Medicaid. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Impact of Managed Care

    A 7 page paper discussing the effects of managed care on buyers, sellers, the community and the doctor-patient relationship. Nearly everyone decries the cost of health care and health insurance; millions of Americans are uninsured and their numbers are growing. A generation ago managed care appeared to be the cure that the industry needed, and for a time the managed care approach to cost containment worked well enough that by the 1990s it had managed to reduce the rate of increase in total costs. That trend did not continue, however, and as managed care sought to regain results of the past the situation only deteriorated in terms of relationships. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Feminism of the Sixties and Nursing

    A 5 page examination of the manner in which nursing changed at the impetus of the feminist movement of the 1960s. Previously relegated to primarily a subservient role in the health care environment and restricted solely to the hospital or doctor’s office, nurses took their lead from the feminist movement to remold their view of themselves as competent professionals. No longer simply puppets of those who had previously held the power and prestige in health care, nurses banded together to make a difference both in the political aspects of healthcare and in nursing theory. Consequently, this time in nursing history was one of the most productive in terms of the degree to which nurses would add to healthcare practice.

  • National League of Nursing and the American Nurses Association

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the differing roles of the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the National League of Nursing (NLN), two of the many professional nursing organizations that are active in the US. The ANA works for the improvement of health standards and the availability health care services and fosters high professional standards for nursing, as well as promoting the professional development of nurses and the advancement of their economic and general welfare. The NLN is primarily concerned with nursing education and has as its principal goal to promote quality nursing education, which it facilitates by providing an accreditation service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Patient Welfare, Health, and the Family Nurse Practitioner

    A 5 page discussion of the variety of responsibilities and issues facing the nurse practitioner in the contemporary health care environment. According to their nature these issues can either enhance or impede the role of the nurse practitioner in family practice. Client, health, environment, and nursing processes all interplay to impact overall patient welfare. Many of these issues are encompassed under the theoretical framework of the nursing practice. At the same time, however, many of the issues which confront the nurse practitioner are affected as well by such factors as experience and the simple ability to deal with the multitude of issues which arise in the multicultural situation in which we so often work today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Research on Nursing Leadership

    A 6 page paper reviewing five reports of research conducted focusing on nurse managers and the problems they face in achieving what they need to do. A primary goal of the nurse manager in today’s rapidly-changing health care environment is that of improving patient outcome as well as staff retention. Health care continues to evolve into a form immensely different than that in which it existed for decades. As it becomes more “business-like” in its management, it also is more likely to achieve those goals that can improve staff retention as well as patient outcome. These studies point to promise for achieving management structures that can benefit all involved, including staff and patients. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Concepts of Self Care

    14 pages in length. The writer discusses how the objective for maintaining and/or regaining one's health by way of the self-care concept is found in two primary components: 1) patient involvement and 2) nurse's guidance. Isolating questions include if the patient is physically and/or mentally stable enough to facilitate his or her own recovery; whether the nurse is able to convey the necessary information regarding the application of self-care; and how effective the patient is at both understanding and applying the concept. The essential uses of the concept, therefore, are to instill the patient with a significant responsibility for health recovery and maintenance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Homeless Shelter Oral Hygiene Teaching and Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory

    A 5 page discussion of the motivational theory behind dental hygiene. The author stresses that dental hygiene is a necessary component of good health. The observation is made, however, that in the homeless environment dental hygiene often falls by the wayside. A necessary focus of the homeless shelter, therefore, should be to reinstill the importance of good dental hygiene. A variety of motivational philosophies are reviewed with an emphasis on those by Albert Bandura. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Childhood Obesity/Focus on Kaneohe, HI

    A 5 page research paper that addresses the problem of childhood obesity, which focuses on also on what is being done locally in Kaneohe, Hawaii. The writer discusses the health and psychological impact of obesity, as well as reviews successful interventions before making recommendations. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Lasting Effects of Hurricane Katrina

    This 3 page paper examines the impact of Hurricane Katrina on the health care system; it also discusses the government response to the tragedy and how Louisiana is coping today. It also states what might have been done differently. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Vegetarianism Benefits

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of vegetarianism and lists the different types. The bulk of the paper concentrates on health benefits of not eating meat. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Health Care Market and Price Elasticity

    This 5 page paper considers the price elasticity in the healthcare market. Influential factors such as substitution, competition and cross-elasticity factors such as income and complimentary factors such as health insurance are considered. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Four Health Insurance Issues

    A 5 page paper This essay discusses four issues regarding health care: proposed solutions for the uninsured to obtain insurance; is it easier to obtain insurance today; should we limit or cap benefits for the elderly; what legislation has passed that addresses this issue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • National Health Service and Complementary Medicine

    This 5 page paper discusses how complementary medicine fits into the National Health Service in the UK. This paper explores the benefits of complementary medicine as well as the history of the NHS. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Skin Cancer Literature Review

    This 20 page paper is a literature review on skin cancer. This paper also includes an assessment of the health problem within rural communities and also discusses the role of nurses in regards to disseminating information. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Manufacturing Milk and Microbial Issues, Required Processing, and Storage

    This 12 page paper relates the issues around milk manufacturing, storage, processing and microbial issues. Milk is one of the most prevalent beverages in the Western diet, and communities throughout the world view milk as a form of basic sustenance. Over the course of the last century, the development of methods for manufacturing, storing and processing milk products has reduced health threats directly related to microbial issues. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Marijuana and its Psychological Effects on the Brain, Sleep, and Stress

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of marijuana with an emphasis on its health benefits. It includes an analysis of how marijuana acts upon neurotransmitters, and offers a counterpoint to some of the more exaggerated claims. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The ‘Philosophy’ of Massage Therapy

    In five pages this paper examines the philosophical underpinnings of massage therapy in terms of beliefs concerning health, illness, and the basis for massage therapy, with comparisons made between it and allopathic medicine. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Both Sides of the Marijuana Legalization Controversy

    Both sides of the issue are explored in this 7 page paper. The writer discusses health & social aspects of the controversy - citing the risks associated with legalizing marijuana as well as the possible advantages to doing so. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Taxonomy of Survey Instruments

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of survey instruments relevant to health care marketing. Taxonomies are included with assessments of validity and reliability. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Review of Motorcycle Helmet Laws

    This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of motorcycle helmet laws. Legal and health-related aspects of the issue are explored. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Analysis of low and very low calorie diets

    The quest to lose weight involves a combination of physiological and psychological components that work synergistically to reach the desired goal; for a percentage of people, the objective to drop pounds is focused more upon aesthetics but for others it is a matter of improving physical condition and removing health risks inherent to obesity. The writer briefly discusses the risks and benefits of low and very low calorie diet plans. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History of Minimum Wage, Supreme Court to Rule on ACA

    A 3 page research paper that covers two topics. The first half of the paper presents the history of the federally mandated minimum wage, and the second half discusses the Supreme Court's announcement that it will rule on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act's required mandate for all Americans to purchase health insurance. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Careers in Health Information

    A 7 page paper discussing various health information careers. Among these are analyst, medical records technician, medical record director, information security officer, information privacy officer and compliance officer. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • School Bullying/The Effect on Bullies and Victims

    This 20 page research paper consists of a 15 page report and a 5 page annotated bibliography. The paper offers an examination of literature that explores what is known about the effects and repercussions of bullying, both in regards to victims, but also in regard to what the bully experiences in terms of mental health outcomes. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Mental Health Insights from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and A Beautiful Mind

    3 pages in length. The extent to which mental illness plays an integral role in each film is both grand and far-reaching; that one film depicts psychological instability as something one can successfully pretend to have, while the other profiles a man whose profound schizophrenia does not hamper his mathematical aptitude, illustrates just how influential a component mental health is in the overall social picture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nuclear Medicine

    16 pages in length. Technological improvements within the medical profession would have practitioners from a century ago shaking their collective heads in awe and disbelief. The extent to which nuclear medicine has surpassed the expectations of technological advancement only fifty years ago is both grand and far-reaching; that its usage is incorporated into myriad procedures for disease detection speaks to the growing trend toward this nontraditional approach to health care. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Marketing Campaign Case Study Development

    This 10 page paper designs a marketing campaign for a student health clinic that is to be held once a week in a rural school. The paper considers the service and the target market as well as the budget, then using marketing theory and the way it has been applied by commercial companies to a similar target to develop a hard hitting and effective campaign. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Drug Therapy and Kidney Transplantation Economic Comparision

    This 10 page report discusses a comparison of the economics of kidney transplantation and the economics of drug therapy. What cannot be overlooked in the discussion comparing the economic aspects of transplantation and drug therapy is the basically simple fact that kidney transplantation holds the potential to substantially restore the health of many otherwise terminally ill patients. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Integration of Alternative Medicine with Western Medicine

    7 pages in length. Concluding evidence points toward a growing trend of western medicine practitioners collaborating closely with alternative doctors. It is not without significant forethought that the two very separate entities have joined together to create a synergistic approach to health care. The writer discusses that prevention is the key for the alternative approach, where historically and typically, the western medicine practitioner has focused more upon treating the illness or disease after it has already been diagnosed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Alternative Medicine Therapies of Energy Medicine, Rebirthing, and Pranayama

    A 6 page research paper that examines alternative medicine therapies. Therapies offered by alternative medicine are becoming more and more accepted, even within academic circles. This holistic approach to medicine suggests that the ability to heal lies within the patient rather than within the health care practitioner. The following examination of alternative medicine therapies looks at pranayama/rebirthing and energy medicine. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • America's Drug Trends Since 1980

    This 10 page report discusses the illegal drug trends that have taken place in the United States over the past two decades. Drugs have made a tremendous impact on American society over the past thirty to forty years, yet many Americans are often ambivalent regarding their opinions relating to drugs in terms of decriminalization, availability, impact on society, and mental and physical health impacts. In 1979, some 25 million Americans had tried drugs sometime in the preceding month. Today that figure is 11 million. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • SoBeä Beverages' Marketing Plan

    A 5 page marketing plan for an existing product. SoBeä Beverages is a line of ready to serve drinks that spans the gap between soft drink and 'health food.' SoBeä capitalizes on the trend toward other flavors than traditional colas and lemon-limes in such products as their black tea, energy elixirs, cranberry-grapefruit combinations and others, but does so with the addition of herbal ingredients such as ginseng, ginkgo, guarana and echinacea. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Corporate Compliance and Minimizing Waste

    This 20 page paper asserts that waste minimization is the most effective form of compliance for any corporation. The necessity for compliance, based on public health and environmental reasons, are explored. Also included is the history of industrial practices and the environmental movement as well as an explanation of how waste lowers the quality of life. Detailed methods of effecting minimization, along with easy to understand examples and the inclusion of the 'waste management hierarchy', is a focal point of the paper. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • 1990s' American Economy

    A variety of economic indicators are reviewed in this 5 page overview that looks at the years between 1990 and 1998. A look at the past explains how the nineties economy came to be and, more importantly, how the various indicators are used to assess its health. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Kenyan Woman

    6 pages worth of compiled research and information on the social role of women in Kenya, their high fertility rates, culture, and tradition. Insight is given into the socio-health related problems that exist and what is (or is not) being done to solve them. An interview with a woman from Kenya (who now lives in the U.S.) is cited. Bibliography lists 6 relevant sources.

  • Children Need Welfare Programs

    A 4 page paper in which the writer examines myths created by welfare opponents and argues about the necessity of welfare programs in guaranteeing the health and well being of many of the nations children. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Gilded Era/Welfare Reform & The Elderly And Privacy

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses Tammany in the Gilded Era, attempts toward welfare reform and how the elderly lose privacy when they enter permanent health care facilities. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Home Health and Hospice Company Business Requirement Analysis

    A 10 page paper discussing two identified IT needs at HHH, a home health and hospice company. One of the needs is for automated HR services to provide self-service HR; the other is the addition of laptops, printers and a wireless network so that visiting nurses can reinforce patient education with printed information that patients can use as references after the nurse leaves. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Total Health Plan Project Management Case Study

    A 12 page paper that describes project management for the development of a comprehensive health management program for a small company. Includes: work breakdown structure, task flow, project schedule and reporting, costs, and evaluation of project and performance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Federal Supplemental Women, Infants, and Children Nutritional Program

    This 10 page research paper examines the federally-established program known as WIC (Women, Infants and Children). Specifically discussed is the agency's history, current available information on program eligibility and benefits, its goal and program objectives, standards and criteria, services, and some suggestions on how the WIC program could be more effective. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • WHO and its Efficacy

    A 20 page research paper that examines several problematic issues that have interfered with the World Health Organization's (WHO) stated mandate to bring the highest possible level of heath to all the people of the world. The issues include the sale and quality control of pharmaceuticals on the international market, the advertising and sale of infant formula in developing countries and the effectiveness of the Global Program on AIDS. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Overview of Line Dancing

    A 5 page paper on the general background of line dancing, its popularity and decline. The paper focuses on the benefits of line dancing as it relates to physical and mental health. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Vegetarian Advantages

    In this 8 page research paper, the writer documents some of the more healthy aspects of a vegetarian diet-- arguing that even though we may not all want to follow such a 'strict' plan-- adhering to certain key aspects of vegetarianism can be most helpful indeed. Discussed are : the health risks & problems associated with eating meat, foods consumed by vegetarians, and common vitamins / minerals that we all need to include in our diet. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Can Aging and Death be 'Controlled?'

    A 2 page paper discussing what measure of control we truly have. For now, "controlling" death and aging is limited to the genetic base of individuals plus the effects of long-term health-related choices and living styles, but our current limitations are not indicative of our future ones. As recently as the 1940s the human genome and structure of DNA were mysterious as well, but those have given up many of their secrets. Death and aging may give up theirs as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • AIDS and the Bubonic Plague

    In this insightful 5 page essay, the writer discusses similarities between the Bubonic, or 'Black Plague' (a.k.a. 'Black Death') of the 14th century, and the modern-day A.I.D.S. crisis. Public health and social issues are taken into consideration as they relate to each of the two societies discussed. Stereotypes, discrimination, and popular fears are analyzed as well. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Public Places and Smoking

    A 3 page paper arguing in favor of a public ban on smoking. Citing statements from the World Health Organization and a number of cancer research centers, the paper proves that second-hand smoke has definitively been tied to lung cancer as well as other disorders. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Country Overview of Peru

    A 10 page research paper exploring the history, government, economy, education, health, and nutritional status of Peru. Great improvements have been made in the country since 1990, however, due to the fact that nearly half the population live in poverty Peru is a long way from being a nation with equal access to its benefits. Politically, it is also a long way from being a democracy since its president appoints so many members of the governmental structure. Bibliography is included.

  • Post 1996 Tobacco Laws

    A 6 page paper that covers the tobacco legislation proposed and passed since 1996. The writer examines programs facilitated by the Clinton administration through legislation, and the new tougher proposal introduced in September 1997. The paper looks at various opinions, interest groups, legislators, and provides some background on the health risks associated with cigarette smoking and the tobacco industry's cover up. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Heath Care and Nursing's Pender Promotion Model

    An 8 page paper discussing this model of nursing and model of health care, particularly as it relates to education. The Pender model holds that people are willing and able to take the steps necessary to improve their health standing, to seek increasing levels of wellness rather than only existing without the presence of illness. Delivering health-enhancing information within the confines of the Pender model as well as deference to learning theory can be of tremendous benefit to individuals. It is reasonable to assume that greater progress in a shorter period of time provides additional incentive to retain new behaviors and to continue practicing them until they become ingrained. Achieving healthier behaviors over the long term is the goal of those in health promotion. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Spates Robotic Enhancement of Safety

    A 14 page paper discussing the declining safety record of the 500-employee company, which has determined to implement an employee health and safety initiative designed to enhance employees' overall health while reducing accidents on the production floor. The health and safety programs are extensive and begin with health screening for employees, continuing even to the company's cafeteria where a registered dietitian designs a 'healthy' foods section. Safety is more department-specific and requires area supervisors to certify employees in the equipment and processes used in each manufacturing area. The paper provides budget figures and an approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the programs. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Article Summary on Health and Psychology Topics

    This 5 page paper summarizes six articles on various health/psychology and related subjects. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Stress and Health

    A 12 page paper which examines how stress affects a person’s health. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Alcohol Abuse and Public Health

    This 3 page paper discusses alcohol abuse and why it can be considered a public health issue. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Chinese Culture and Health Beliefs

    A 5 page research paper that describes typical beliefs of traditional Chinese medicine and health beliefs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Definitions of Nursing Meta-paradigms

    A 5 page research paper that offers definitions of the nursing concepts health, environment, person and nursing, and also caring. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 7-page paper discusses communication skills and understanding required by the mental health nurse. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • A Sample Allied Health Care in Radiology Admissions Essay

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of an admissions essay for allied health care in radiology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Article Summary on Health and Psychology Topics

    This 5 page paper summarizes six articles on various health/psychology and related subjects. Bibliography lists 6 sources.


    This 4-page paper examines various strategies SC Johnson can undertake to sell its cleaning products to retailers and health care organizations.

  • Quitting the Cigarette Habit and The Role of Health Psychologists

    This is a 5 page paper on the role of health psychologists in smoking cessation. The Website of the Health Psychology Associates ( addresses issues related to the research, treatments and role of health psychologists in the health care setting. One area of particular concern for health psychology is smoking. Essentially, health psychologists are concerned with the psychological and biomedical reasons for why people are addicted to smoking and have difficulty stopping and what treatment programs can be initiated to help people stop smoking. Research has found that people begin and continue smoking from a combination of social, psychological, and biological factors. In smoking cessation therapies health psychologists have found that a combination of psychological, social and biological factors are also the most effective in that patients are instructed on the use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in addition to the more important aspects of personal and social counseling, coping strategies, skill management and stress reduction throughout the stages of contemplation of smoking cessation through until well after action and maintenance of smoking cessation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nurse and the Future of Canadian Health Care

    This is a 21 page paper discussing how nursing as a professional group may influence the changes and recommendations in the Romanow report for the future of health care in Canada. On November 28, 2002, Roy Romanow and the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada released its final report. This report highlights recommendations in key areas in health care including Medicare; issues in primary health care; prevention and promotion; key measurement tools through the development of the Health Council of Canada; innovation and delivery through information technology; access for rural and remote communities; homecare; prescription drugs; and, Aboriginal health among many other factors and includes funding commitments for these recommendations. The nursing associations across Canada including representatives from the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) and the Canadian Federation of Nurses’ Unions (CFNU) have supported the Romanow Report as a “remarkable blueprint for building Medicare’s second generation and strengthening the public’s access to nurses” as well as the reforms which “will shorten waiting time and improve care” overall. The professional nursing groups have an active interest in all aspects of the Romanow report which not only broadens the roles and responsibilities of the nurses in Canada but increases the number of programs which will be affiliated with nursing. Most important in regards to nurses’ roles in the recommendations of the report are those which relate to measurement outcomes from an administrative and informative approach; those which relate to various commitments to innovations within the industry and primary care access; homecare access; and the new legislation proposed in regards to the entire health human resources. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Study on Health Status and Participation Critiqued

    A 6 page paper analyzing a study in nursing research published in a journal in 2004. The implications for nursing is that nurses should seek to reinforce patients’ decisions to initiate health behaviors at the outset, in an effort to call them back to the place where they applied critical thinking skills to arrive at a determination to begin health behaviors. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Health Promotion

    A 4 page research paper that discuss nursing and health promotion, which has become a prominent theme in nursing literature. The writer discusses the definition of health promotion, its purpose and nursing responsibilities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Family Health Nursing

    A 5 page research paper/essay that discusses family health nursing, families and the role of the family health nurse (FHN). Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of NMAS and its HIV/AIDS Intervention Program

    An 8 page research paper that offers an overview of New Mexico AIDS Services (NMAS). Based on having conducted a presumed hypothetical interview with a public health nurse employed at NMAS, the writer/tutor offers a description of the program, that is, how it works and what it accomplishes; its program objectives; and the role of the community/public health nurse. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Putting Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort in Practice

    A 7 page paper examining Kolcaba's theory of nursing and how to put it into practice. Many of the technological advances in medicine and nursing have focused far more on processes and outcome benefits than on the comfort of the patient. Kolcaba (2008) holds that greater comfort translates to greater attention to the health-seeking behaviors (HSBs) that can enhance long-term health and wellbeing. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Childhood Obesity

    A 4 page research paper that examines the problem of childhood obesity from a public health nursing perspective. The writer discusses the severity and health repercussions of the problem and then addresses nursing diagnosis, evaluation and possible intervention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Appraisal of Team Performance

    A 3 page paper discussing approaches to appraising the performance of teams, particularly those in health care settings. One nurse rejects the 360-degree approach because of conditions under which many nurses work. The team score approach may be better in health care settings. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • HMOs and Metaparadigms of Nursing

    A 5 page research paper that, first of all, defines the four basic concepts of nursing, which are health, patient, environment and nursing, and then discusses how they relate to the health insurance industry and HMO organizations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Perspectives on Shortage of Nurses

    This 4-page paper examines the impact of changes in health care demand on the nursing profession and issues facing nurse anesthetist as a result. The paper also discusses how best to allocated health care resources nationally. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Nursing Homes and Ethical Issues

    5 pages in length. In today's world of nursing home care, the level of abuse and neglect has reached an all-time high. The commonality of such unacceptable treatment has called for myriad legal intervention as a means by which to re-evaluate health reform; however, such inhumane activity continues in spite of these measures. The most frustrating aspect of nursing home care is the fact that the patients themselves are often incapable of reporting such treatment, rendering them victims in the ongoing breakdown of America's health care system. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Health Psychology

    A 5 page paper. Health psychology is a vast field and is, in fact, the umbrella classification for all psychologists who work in the area of health. This essay addresses why this is an important field in today's world by discussing some of the knowledge and insight gained through research. The link between stress, individual behaviors and illness is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Community Nursing Issue Regarding HIV in Black Males and 2010 Objectives

    A 7 page research paper that examines the problem of increased risk for HIV among young black men. This examination demonstrates the dire need for community health nursing efforts to be coordinated with other health initiatives in order to provide a comprehensive strategy for addressing the needs of this demographic group. In addressing this problem, this examination also focuses on young black men in the Philadelphia area, who appear to be a group particularly at risk. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Los Angeles Air Pollution and Healthy People 2010

    A 6 page paper integrating Healthy People 2010 Objective 8-1 (Reduce the proportion of persons exposed to air that does not meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's health-based standards for harmful air pollutants) and Watson's Theory of Human Caring to address the effects of air pollution in Los Angeles. Nurses operating within Watson's theory and addressing air quality can seek to educate the elderly and parents of young children about the dangers of high-pollution days and how they can mitigate their health risks as others continue to work to improve local air quality. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Funding Universal Health Care

    A 7 page paper that reports certain data, including expenses related to GDP per capita compared to other countries, the number of Americans with no or inadequate health insurance. The paper discusses how individual states attempted to fund universal health coverage and how other countries fund the program. The writer comments on the savings that could be achieved with certain practices and how such a program would need to be funded in this country. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Health Care Delivery in the United States

    This 3 page paper focuses specifically on health care delivery and its connection to health education system. Also reviewed is public opinion re same.Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Universal Health Care

    A 3 page paper that begins with facts about the number of Americans with no health care insurance and the number who die unnecessarily because of it. The essay explains what universal health care means, the advantages of having such a system and the disadvantages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Health Care Insurance And The Unemployed

    A 9 page paper that is written as a proposal. The paper discusses the issue of continuing health care insurance after losing one's job. Statistical data are included regarding the unemployed and the uninsured. The writer points out the greater difficulties single individual unemployed persons have obtaining health care coverage. Annotated bibliography included in the page count. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Importance of Healthy Lifestyle

    This 4 page paper discusses why health education is important in elementary grade schools. The writer defines health and wellness and discusses the benefits of these programs. The paper also notes the benefits of these programs. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Public Health/Then & Now

    A 4 page research paper that encompasses 2 topics. The first topic is on Lillian Wald and Mary Brewster and how they introduced public health nursing in the U.S. during the early twentieth century (roughly 2 pages). The second topic addresses the Public Health Association of New York City, offering an overview (roughly 2 pages). Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Access to Services for People with Disabilities

    This 3 page paper examines the problems people with disabilities face when it comes to health care. Do people with disabilities have access to health care in the same way that other people do? Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Health Care and Issues of Ethics

    A 20 page research paper that examines 3 issues in health care: 1) the balance between the government's need to protect public health versus individual rights in regards to the resurgence of TB; 2) a case study, in which a dying man's wife requests termination of life-sustaining intervention and pain control; and 3) examination of court cases in which the state's need are weighed against individual rights. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Health Care Services Case Study

    A 7 page paper that responds to specific questions about a 75-year-old patient and a health care organization. The essay includes reports and discussions of the services this health care agency provides and relates it to one of Etzioni's approaches to s social problems, Erikson's life stages, and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system as related to the services provided by this organization.

  • The Education of Sub-Saharan Women/A Research Proposal

    A 6 page paper proposing research into educating women in sub-Saharan Africa in health issues, concentrating on nutritional needs, condom use and general health matters. The desired end goal is to design a program addressing topics particularly applicable to women in sub-Saharan Africa, including both social structures and specifics of disease transmission and development. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Health Care Insurance And The Unemployed

    A 9 page paper that is written as a proposal. The paper discusses the issue of continuing health care insurance after losing one's job. Statistical data are included regarding the unemployed and the uninsured. The writer points out the greater difficulties single individual unemployed persons have obtaining health care coverage. Annotated bibliography included in the page count. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Public Health Advertising v. Direct to Consumer Advertising

    A 9 page research paper that contrasts and compares US direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs with the European approach, which emphasizes public health education because the advertising of name brand drugs in the EU is prohibited. The writer concludes that these two forms of advertising are converging and that this evolution offers a positive benefit to public health. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Healthcare and IT Influence Increases

    An 11 page paper discussing emphasis on training and cost containment; the origins of success and failure of IT projects in health care; and a recommendation for achieving real IT-based value while decreasing training cost and time. The success and failure of IT projects in health care rests on the same basis as IT success or failure in any other industry. Recommendation for solution to training costs is to adopt industry-wide standards, as suggested by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative in 2003. An accompanying 12-slide PowerPoint presentation is available. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and OSHA Regulations Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) Regulations and Law Enforcement

    This 10 page report discusses OSHA regulations and their impact on law enforcement agencies. The OSHA standard is primarily intended for workers in danger of exposure to bodily fluids that may carry dangerous pathogens and was originally created in concern for health care and sanitation workers. It is important to remember, that law enforcement officers are every bit as likely as health care workers to be exposed to situations where they too may be affected and infected by life-threatening disease, in fact, in many instances they are far more likely to be exposed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Major Problems of the U.S. Health Care System

    This 10 page paper discusses three of the major problems of U.S. health care: the uninsured; the soaring costs; and the fact that decisions about health matters are sometimes taken out of doctors' hands, compromising care. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Nursing Assistants and Multicultural Education

    A 10 page paper discussing the education of nursing assistants from an immigrant population that is America's fastest-growing minority. Recruiters increasingly are looking to that growing Hispanic population as a possible solution to the nursing shortage. There can be several problems with recent immigrants, however. These include language barriers, not having completed a GED, limited healthcare, limited financial resources, and possible home issues. As the Hispanic population grows, health care facilities also see a rise in Hispanic patients. Overcoming cultural issues in education can assist in overcoming those same cultural issues in the health care facility. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Economic Indicators 2006

    A 9 page paper examining three forecasts for each of 5 economic indicators and then relating those findings to the medical industry. The bottom line in nursing is that (1) currently active, practicing nurses have a wealth of opportunity available to them; (2) the profession is attracting greater interest among would-be students who could help ease the shortage in the future; but (3) the ongoing shortage has been in effect for so long that there is a shortage of nursing educators; and (4) those who could help ease the shortage cannot gain the training necessary for licensing. The situation is different for physicians and other health care professionals, but the bottom line for all is that demand for and costs of health care will continue to increase in the future. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Student Training and Outlook in Pediatric Nursing

    5 pages in length. Nursing students with a focus upon pediatric care play an integral role in the overall development and application of standards of care, the transmission of scientific and humanistic caring, professional performance, ethics, as well as the level of competency expected from the industry, all of which directly relates to the level of motivation newly licensed professional nurses experience. When one critically appraises these areas of role development, one must consider a vast array of components that pertain to student interaction: areas needing further development; planned actions to continuously improve professional role; responses to changing societal influences; changing health care needs of people; changing developments in the profession; ability to depict trends, develop strategies and act proactively; and transformation tools learned, how change can be managed and challenges in the transformation of nursing and health care deliver. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Healthy People 2010/Obesity Objective

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the overweight/obesity objective 19-1 of the Health People 2010 goals. Today, nearly 55 percent of all adult Americans can be classified as overweight or obese and the incidence of overweight/obesity for children and adolescents is also climbing (FDA and NIH, 2008). The health consequences of this trend can be personally devastating, which is why this problem is one of the many issues addressed by the Healthy People 2010 objectives, in which objective number 19-1 is to: “Increase the proportion of adults who are at a healthy weight” (FDA and NIH, 2008). A healthy weight is “defined as having a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 18.5 and less than 25” (FDA and NIH, 2008). To formulate a public policy that would achieve this goal involves addressing multiple issues. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Faith-Based Counseling

    7 pages in length. The role religion plays in counseling is a complementary one because of the intrinsic healing nature of faith. The extent to which spiritual health equates to mental health is both grand and far-reaching; that faith-based counseling utilizes familiar components of everyday life makes it a more accessible and comfortable experience when compared with the oftentimes esoteric nature of conventional therapies. While the common denominator among all therapeutic modalities is to bring a sense of balance to a patient's life when he or she is in the throes of psychological conflict, faith-based counseling does so in such a way that draws upon God's calming influence and the Bible's guiding Scripture, ultimately providing holistic structure to the counselor's intended objective. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Cibelli, Lanza, West, and Ezzell's Research on 'The First Human Cloned Embryo'

    A 5 page review of the article published in the January 2002 edition of “Scientific American” recounting these researchers experiences in stem cell research. This article offers a fascinating glimpse into many aspects of cloning and stem cell research. The author of this paper interprets the research from a mental health perspective. Included is a discussion of the applications in the treatment of such conditions as Parkinson disease. An emphasis is also placed on the responsibility of the mental health professional to serve as an interpreter of stem cell research to the general public. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Financial Questions - the Four Accounting Statements and Use of Accounting Information

    This 3 page paper is written in two parts. The first part identifies and explains the 4 different statements which are found in audited annual accounts. The second part of the paper considers important actions that should be found in the office of a successful health organization, in the context of accounting functions. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Hydrogen Fuel as a Renewable Energy Source

    This 7 page paper examines the health and environmental benefits of renewable sources of energy versus their fossil fuel counterparts. More specifically, this paper examines the benefits of hydrogen fuel cells, their impact upon the environment, and their future applications. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Strategies to Retain Employees

    A 3 page paper that emphasizes the shortage of nurses and other health care professionals. The paper reviews an article about employee retention and comments on what needs to happen to reduce the turnover of nurses. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Tutorial on Clinicians and Child Abuse

    This tutorial essay addresses several issues that clinicians and health care practitoners must consider in issues of child abuse and neglect including profile of an abuser, determining when abuse has taken place and whether a child should be returned to an abusive family. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Health & PE/Differentiated Instruction

    A 4 page research paper that discusses differentiated instruction in general and then focuses on applying these principles to health and physical education classrooms. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Steps Towards Electronic Medical Records

    A 3 page paper. More private companies are entering the health care field, specifically in terms of electronic recording. This paper reviews four articles that discuss what some companies are doing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Divorce in Families w/Special Needs Children

    A 5 page research paper that examines divorce and looks specifically at factors that affect divorce in families with children who have special needs. This investigation of literature examines the effect of divorce on children’s physical and mental health; the importance of parents forging a new alliance that considers the welfare of the child, and the reasons why the parents of special needs children are at greater risk for divorce. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Demand for Cigarettes and the Impact of Taxation

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of the impact of taxation on demand for cigarettes. Elasticity of demand is explored, as well as potential health and revenue benefits. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • The Dangers Of Smoking

    3 pages in length. Once hip and socially acceptable, cigarette smoking has become the looming beast from which communities across the globe are trying to escape. Cities across the United States are implementing smoking bans as a response to the steadily growing proof that cigarettes pose tremendous health risks - even to those who do not smoke. Considering the many detrimental issues associated with cigarette smoking, three of the top concerns include secondhand smoke, lung cancer and global impact. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cigarette Smoking in Adolescence (Article Review)

    This 3 page paper examines an article by Larson, Story, Perry, Neumark-Strainer & Hannan (2007) that takes a look at adolescent lifestyle factors and behavior. The focus is on cigarette smoking and other health related behaviors. No additional sources cited.

  • Persuasive Essay on Why People Should Not Eat Fast Food and Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation

    In five pages this persuasive essay relies upon Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation as a primary source in this overview of the reasons why people should not consume fast food, with unsanitary practices, animal cruelty, and public health concerns such as obesity the primary focuses. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Child & Adolescent Obesity/U.S.

    A 6 page research paper/ argumentative essay that examines the topic of childhood and adolescent obesity in the U.S. The writer examines the parameters of the problem, defines it, discusses epidemiological factors and argues that more research should be conducted in order to discern what interventions work and which do not work in preventing and alleviating this serious public health problem. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Evaluations of Biopsychosocial and Biomedical Health Models

    This 7 page paper critically evaluate the impact of using the biopsychosocial model of health rather than the biomedical approach to treat a patient. The paper applies this with specific reference to treating the common cold. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Avian Flu 2

    This 10 page paper examines the occurrence and reporting of bird flu cases. The paper starts by looking at the different reports from the World Health Organization and what data is contained in the reports, how it is collected and the barriers to effective collection. The paper then looks at the spread and mortality rate of the disease and trends in the way the disease is spread in different patients, considering age, gender and locations, the paper also looks at the current research. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Career Planning

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of using research and strategy to improve one's chances of a satisfying career. The example of a health care manager is used. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Internet and Information Democratization

    This 4 page paper provides information on the controversy with a focus on health information. Both sides of the issue are explored. A proposal for a research project is included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • "The Gift Of Therapy" By Irvin D. Yalom, M.D.: Reactionary Report

    3 pages in length. Like so many other industries where products and services are being homogenized to the point of becoming a valueless commodity, Yalom (2003) worries about the upcoming generation of mental health professionals whose essential training resources are quickly dwindling under the weight of economic cutbacks, insurance games and the ongoing pressure to dangerously speed up the therapeutic process. No additional sources cited.

  • Managing Stress in the Critical Incident

    7 pages. Critical incident stress management is very important to have for debriefing or diffusing purposes as a resource for first line responders to any disaster. Those firefighters, police officers and other disaster relief workers undergo untold amounts of stress and while they might not at first think so, the early intervention of stress related health problems could be averted with critical incident stress management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Personal Philosophy of Nursing

    A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the nursing concepts of person, environment, health/illness and nursing. This examination of these concepts examines each idea in relation to how it is defined by the Barry University School of Nursing faculty, but also offering a personal perspective on the meaning of each term. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Memory Deficits Due To Alzheimer's

    12 pages in length. Perceived reality of such ratings as self-care, depression, irritability, anxiety, memory and health status indicates Alzheimer's disease patients do not possess an accurate realization of their deficits, illustrating how the disease - whether in early or advanced stages - can impact how patients believe they can function when compared to the what caregivers and clinicians observe. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Toys 'R Us Financial Analysis

    This 4-page paper examines financial information from Toys 'R Us to determine the company's financial health. Ratios mentioned include EPS, Current Ratio and others.

  • Financial Trend Analysis in Healthcare

    A 5 page paper discussing financial trend analysis as it applies to health care. Financial trend analysis is a tool commonly used in making investment decisions because it allows potential investors to assess the path that a potential investment target is following. Analysis of financial statements using methods that make trends more readily apparent can inform those who seek to know the true financial outlook for an organization and make adjustments for the future. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander Smith and Principles of Ethics

    A 5 page paper discussing this novel by Alexander Smith in terms of principles of ethics in general, but specifically those involving health care. The bottom-line message is that there are certain basic rights that individuals should be able to expect in their lives, but that are not always made available to them. When injustice occurs, the individual is to rise above it, condemning the unjust not with words or revenge, but with acts of kindness and understanding. The individual is to break the chain. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Should New Drugs Be Labelled As ‘New’ To Indicate A Higher Risk Than Established Dugs?

    This 4 page paper considers the issue of new drugs and whether or not they should be labelled as an issue of public safety. The FDA focuses on drug approval, leaving a gap when it comes to assessing drugs that have already been approved. There ahs been a call for all new drugs to be marked as new. The paper assesses this from the perspective of the drug companies, the health policy makers and the patients. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Alcohol and Drug Use/Juvenile Crime

    An 8 page research paper that includes a brief abstract, which investigates literature on alcohol and drug consumption in order to discern the relationship between these factors and juvenile involvement in criminal behavior. First of all, the writer summarizes four relevant research studies; then, findings are summarized and discussed and conclusions are drawn, which argue that, rather than a causal effect of criminal behavior, alcohol and drug consumption is a symptom of the social and mental health issues with which juvenile offenders have to cope. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Learning Enhanced Through Music

    A 5 page paper that explores the connection between music and enhanced learning abilities. Discussed are the opinions formed from traditional research on this subject, the altered opinions gleaned from recent studies, and the phenomenon dubbed 'The Mozart Effect' in author Don Campbell's The Mozart Effect for Children: Awakening Your Child's Mind, Health, and Creativity With Music. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Healthcare and Continuous Quality Improvement

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of the impact of CQI, continuous quality improvement, on the health care environment. This paper specifically considers the impact for nurse practitioners. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • What Is Positive Psychology?

    3 pages in length. With virtually all other psychotherapy focusing upon fixing an emotional problem by dwelling upon the cause, positive psychology spotlights what makes a person happy, more content hopeful about life. Indeed, there will always be a place for the type of therapy that purges psychological troubles by making patients face the problem, however, this new and upcoming approach of drawing benefit from the upbeat aspects of constructive and empowering optimism is a mental health trend whose time has definitely arrived. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Continuation of 'Historical Development of Shannondale Nursing Home'

    A 5 page continuation of “Historical Development of Shannondale Nursing Home” (KShlthDevShan.rtf) that explores how changes in the local area and in the overall health care industry are certain to affect Shannondale’s future. The purpose here is to address anticipated changes in items such as professional staffing, human resource management, financial solvency, technological changes and other related issues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Being a Man in the 1999 Film Boys Don’t Cry

    In five pages this paper discusses how this film’s theme of how masculine identity is defined can be applied to courses in public health and psychology. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Illness and Culture in How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent by Julia Alvarez

    A 7 page research paper that addresses the problems that can be encountered for a health care practitioner in dealing with Hispanic clients. The writer draws on Julia Alvarez's novel How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent in applying social psychology concepts pertaining to culture. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Statement of Intent : Health Care Worker to High School Counselor

    This 3 page statement of intent focusses on a master's program in psychology with an emphasis on marriage and family counseling. This student's goal is to transition form being a health care professional in dentistry to a high school counselor. No bibliography.

  • Modified Leadership Construct for Health Care

    A 15 page paper. This essay presents a modified leadership construct for health care organizations. The essay discusses constructs, leadership constructs, functional leadership model, and transformational leadership. The modified leadership model incorporates the functional leadership model within transformational. A graph of the new model is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Contemporary Appalachia, Transportation Challenges, and Mental Health

    This 7 page paper looks at the accessibility of mental health services for the people of Appalachia. Much of the paper focuses on the lack of adequate transportation to access services. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Did residents of Indiana have an increased Risk of Dying from Typhoid in the Early 20th Century?

    This 3 page paper takes data from the NBER on health and uses it to demonstrate a statistical analysis starting with a hypothesis test. The data used is on the incidence of typhoid between 1900 and 1903. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • A Systematic Approach To Managing OHS - BSBOHS401B

    This 3 page paper looks at what is meant by a systematic approach to occupational health and safety and how it may be supported through planning and management systems and approaches. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Alcohol and Tobacco Advertising

    This 5 page paper considers the advertising of tobacco and alcohol in the context of morals. The hypothesis behind the paper its that it is a lack of morals of the part of these industries that leads to the advertising of products that can cause ill health and death, to both the general public and by design to children as well. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Tobacco and its Unacceptable Impacts to Human Health

    This paper provides a comparison of the health impacts of methamphetamines, marijuana, and tobacco. The argument is made that tobacco should be illegal just like the other two drugs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Public Places Should Prohibit Smoking

    A 6 page paper in which the writer discusses the problems secondhand tobacco smoke creates in the workplace, educational settings, and in socializing environments. How this may contribute to the problems of the smoker in these places will be examined. Past solutions to smoking in public places will be contrasted with present and potential solutions. How overall community health may be improved by banning smoking in public places will be emphasized. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Political Issue of Second Hand Tobacco Smoke

    This 5 page paper supports the thesis that ETS is a political, and not a health, issue. The history of the smoking wars is included. Medical evidence pointing to the ambiguity of the topic is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources .

  • Health and the Effects of Stress

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses the negative health impacts inherent to stress, with particular emphasis upon the workplace. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • American Public Policies

    A review of several of the most troubling public policy arenas of the modern day. These include health, welfare, education, and energy. The paper outlines concerns in each and emphasizes the importance of public policy in addressing these concerns. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Disease Management/Hypertension

    A 9 page research paper that discusses disease management programs, with a focus on hypertension. To address the problem of hypertension, healthcare provider systems and health plans have turned to the strategies provided by disease management (DM) programs as a method for improving patient outcomes in hypertension management. This examination of DM programs in regards to hypertension seeks to evaluate DM as a tool for containing cost and ensuring quality in regards to control of this chronic condition. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Business Cannot Ignore Pollution: It is a Matter of Life, Death, and Ethics

    In thirteen pages this paper examines the issue of industrial pollution and presents evidence to support the contention that the international business community cannot ignore the effects of pollution and considers environmental and health impacts, philosophical and Christian ethics, and what the government’s role should be in ensuring that business is held accountable for the damage inflicted by the pollution it generates. Nine sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • What Is Positive Psychology?

    3 pages in length. With virtually all other psychotherapy focusing upon fixing an emotional problem by dwelling upon the cause, positive psychology spotlights what makes a person happy, more content hopeful about life. Indeed, there will always be a place for the type of therapy that purges psychological troubles by making patients face the problem, however, this new and upcoming approach of drawing benefit from the upbeat aspects of constructive and empowering optimism is a mental health trend whose time has definitely arrived. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Poverty : Causes And Effects

    This 12 page paper begins with the data regarding poverty, including rates, regions, minority factors. The paper discusses theories on the causes of poverty and the outcomes and consequences of poverty, including poorer health and less education. The long-term consequences are also discussed. The writer comments about poverty and the schools and the implications for educators. Statistical data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Organizations, Communities, Poverty

    A 5 page paper that begins with definitions and a discussion of the natures of these two entities. The paper then discusses poverty and how it is defined and persistent poverty. The writer comments on the challenges of providing public health services to rural areas. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Cigarette Smoking and The Health Care System

    This 3 page paper argues that there is a cause and effect relationship between smoking and disease. This in turn burdens health care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Smoking Cigarettes

    A ten page paper which looks at some of the issues surrounding cigarette smoking, such as the addictive nature of smoking, the health risks, and the involvement of governments and corporate businesses in the smoking phenomenon. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Smoking in Public Places

    This 3 page paper discusses why smoking in public places should be banned. It includes a discussion of the effects of smoking on the health of children and seniors; and the bans on smoking in the workplace, restaurants, and transport. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Smoking and its Impacts to Human Health

    This 6 page paper sums up the many health impacts associated with smoking. Anti-smoking campaigns are encouraged as are laws that prohibit smoking in public places. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Public Places and the Hazards of Smoking

    In 5 pages, plus a 1 page sentence outline, the author discusses that smoking should be banned in public places. Cigarette smoke is potentially hazardous to all those who inhale it, whether voluntarily or passively. second-hand smoke has been found to be detrimental to the health of the non-smokers who are forced to breathe this smoke that they find offensive. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • U.S. Public Places and a Smoking Ban

    A 5 page paper which argues in favor of banning smoking in all public places throughout the fifty states, citing public health hazards. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Senior Citizens in Miami, Florida

    In this 7-page paper, the growth of the elderly population in Miami, FL is explored along with the safety issues and concerns of health care for the elderly. There are 3 sources included.

  • Quality Improvement Tools Healthcare

    This 6 page paper looks at some tools which may be used of quality improvement in healthcare. The paper starts by identifying two potential areas of quality improvement and discussing the type of data needed. The main part of the paper then looks at three tools or approaches which may be useful in gathering, measuring and assessing data needed to support a QI initiative. The tools discusses include patient health survey, Six Sigma and the use of data mining. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Pricing at the U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam

    A 4 page paper discussing pricing and using a Naval hospital as the target organization. The U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam has the freedom to establish prices for any goods or services not covered by Medicare, but it has no freedom at all when establishing prices for goods and services for which Medicare could be asked to pay. This is a fact of health care in evolution. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Society of Thailand and the Effects of Drugs and Prostitution

    This 10 page paper looks at Thailand and its narcotics trade and sex industry. Specific information is relayed and an evaluation is made as to what the industries have done to the physical and mental health of the people. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Obesity in Adolescents

    8 pages in length. There are a number of variables that work together as a means by which to establish the state of an adolescent's health. Among the outside determents that help to shape the teenager's nutritional perspective, it can be surmised that there exists a great deal more to the modern diet than merely what is ultimately consumed. The writer discusses issues related to and influenced by adolescent obesity. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Cultural Identity and How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent by Julia Alvarez

    An eight page paper looking at this multicultural novel in terms of its treatment of the issues of cultural identity and assimilation. The paper asserts that when immigrants try too hard to melt into one homogenous nation, they lose those distinctive characteristics which allow them to maintain their emotional and spiritual health. Bibliography lists two sources.

  • Costs of Driving While Impaired

    A 10-page research paper dealing with the problem of driving while impaired. Discusses the effects of various impairing substances on driving ability, the costs to society of the impaired-driving problem, and how it has affected society from a health and safety standpoint. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Patients, Families, and AIDS' Psychological Effects

    A 12 page research paper that examines how a positive diagnosis for HIV impacts the patient and the patient¹s support group. The writer gives particular emphasis to the problems encountered by mothers who are diagnosed as HIV positive and how this impacts their children. The ramifications of recent research are discussed along with observations as to how intervention by health care professionals can have a positive impact on AIDS patients and their families. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Alcoholism Causes and Effects

    5 pages in length. Out of control drinking is not simply a matter of health. The problem drinker soon finds that alcoholism affects the relationships with friends, family and co-workers as well. This explanatory research paper details the effects of alcoholism in the problem drinker and some of the causes associated with it. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • England's 1999 Rise in Interest Rates

    This 7 page paper presents a critical analysis of the rise in interest rates brought on by the Bank of England. An overall macroeconomic analysis is provided along with explanations of monetarism versus Keynesian economic theory. Projections for the future health of the English economy are included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • HIV and AIDS Prevention Program and Federal, State, and Local Government Agencies

    Intergovernmental Relations between a Public Program and This 5 page report discusses intergovernmental relations in the context of a public program and its need for interaction with other government entities. The example used is that of a state’s HIV/AIDS prevention program. The program was designed to educate the general population and target unique populations with meaningful and culturally appropriate HIV/AIDS prevention information. It receives funding and support from the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, the State Legislature, and private funding sources. Bibliography lists 6 sources and includes an annotated bibliography.

  • Euthanasia Controversy and Hard Choices

    A 5 page paper that examines court cases that have challenged the practice of euthanasia, or an individual's right to end one's own life when faced with terminal illness or a vegetative state. Focus is on two 1997 cases in particular, Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health and Washington v. Glucksberg. Included are views held by those opposing the practice of euthanasia as well as views of proponents. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Marketing Strategies for Johnson and Johnson Company

    A 5 page overview of Johnson and Johnson, one of the world's largest and most successful health and personal care companies. Outlines the company's international interests and marketing strategies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Progress in Bolivia

    This 6 page paper tracks the progress of health, education, socio-economic and politic conditions between the census years of 1976 and 1994. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Are Victims Still Being Blamed for Social Inequality?

    A 5 page research paper that first of all examines the principal points of William Ryan's Blaming the Victim (1971), which accuses American society of perpetuating social rhetoric that places the blame for social inequalities on the victims. The writer then examines some recent articles on health care and the poor to assess how they either substantiate or contradict Ryan's accusation for the present day. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Personality Traits Required of Health Club Personal Trainers, Class Instructors, Receptionists, and Managers

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the personality characteristics needed for managers, receptionists, class instructors and personal trainers with references to the health club setting. Throughout organizations, the personality characteristics of the employees must include a great deal of range depending on the position and the mission of the organization. While there are considered to be several types of managers, all of them should be committed, confident, energetic and hard-working among many other unique qualifications. The personalities of receptionists are particularly important because they give clients the first and lasting impression of the organization. Receptionists above all must be warm, friendly, discrete and unobtrusive in addition to be able to handle a great deal of stress brought on by unpleasant clients. Class instructors in health clubs also have unique personality characteristics. In a sense, they pick up where the receptionist left off in regards to maintaining a good impression of the organization. In addition however, they must be outgoing and perceptive enough to be able to motivate a large group of people although each person has his/her own learning preferences. Lastly, personal trainers have to even more “in tune” with the individual personalities of their clients in order to make the relationship work. Personal trainers are good listeners, good motivators and have to maintain the proper professional/personal balance with their clients. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Nursing Profession and Teamwork

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the change in teamwork in the nursing profession. Teamwork within the nursing profession has changed a great deal within the last fifty years. Team nursing was a common structure in patient health care but took many of the registered nurses (RNs) away from patient care and into administrative work leading to job dissatisfaction in nurses and leaving lesser skilled workers such as licenced practical nurses (LPNs) and aides with patient care. When primary care nursing was introduced, RNs were once again in charge of patient care but were left with little administrative representation until the introduction of nursing executives which allowed for nurses to become active members on the administrative teams. Today, patient-focused health care requires multidisciplinary teams which include not only physicians, nurses and aides but also physical therapists, occupational therapists and the patient in regards to decision making about patient care. The nurse has become a vital member of the patient-focused team because the nurse becomes the team leader and liaison between the patient and the rest of the team based on the nurse’ high level of contact with the patient. This allows the nurse to not only utilize health care skills learned through his or her education but also increases the area of responsibility to include important aspects of communication necessary in a successful team environment. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Communication Barriers to Emergency Medical Services to Homeless, Transsexuals, and Prostitutes

    This is a 6 page paper with added tutorial language discussing the emergency medical services communication barriers which exist in the special populations of prostitutes, transsexuals and homeless populations. Although various emergency and health care services are offered in Toronto and the province of Ontario, the populations of homeless people, prostitutes and transsexuals are reluctant to use these services. All three of these populations have reported harassment, and “treat ‘em and street ‘em” minimal services from emergency health care services. This adds to the reluctance to contact these services in addition to the fear of contacting official agencies because of the legal implications. Incidence of drug and alcohol abuse and underage prostitution in addition to the high degree of violence associated with prostitution lead to an obvious initial degree of reluctance to contact authorities in regards to emergency assistance. Unfortunately, these populations have a higher need of emergency services than most due to the increase risk of substance abuse, exposure to disease and in the case of transsexuals, complications due to the administration of hormones. Despite the findings from most studies, initial examination of services offered in homeless shelters in the Toronto area show that these first contact agencies do not include access to emergency and health care services. In order to improve communication to these populations first contact should perhaps be instigated through these initial services. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Legalization of Gambling: Its Social Impact and the Reasons for Its Continuation Paper Outline

    This is a 3 page outline discussing the points needed for a paper on the legalization of gambling and its social impact. However, the outline concludes with the continuation of legal gambling opposed to possibilities of banning it. An outline involving the legalization of gambling and its social impact includes various elements: the history of gambling on a worldwide scale; the history of gambling in the United States; and the impact of the legalization of gambling on a psychological, sociological and economic scale among other factors. The negative impact of legalized gambling has been found to be mainly socioeconomic in that people who become addicted gamblers often end up not only ruining their own lives financially and socially but also the lives of those around them. From a psychological perspective as well, gambling addiction must be treated similar to other addictions and therefore requires financial assistance to administer recovery programs. The positive impact of gambling is largely economic in nature by providing communities and state governments which much needed funding and employment opportunities in addition to the fact that many people enjoy gambling as a leisure activity. Despite the negative aspects related to gambling however, most researchers seem to conclude that banning gambling would not only be ineffective in stopping compulsive gamblers who may increase their risk by continuing to gamble but that banning gambling will take away some of the fundamental rights expected within the U.S.; freedom of decision-making and individual responsibility. Individuals currently have the freedom to decide whether or not to take part in the leisure activity of gambling or not; if this freedom were to be taken away it would negatively affect the nation’s moral health.

  • Cancer and Homes with Unacceptable Radon Gas Levels

    This is a 7 page paper discussing indoor radon exposure as a leading cause of lung cancer. In the U.S., it is estimated that 1 out of every 15 homes has an “unacceptable” level of radon gas (higher than 4 pCi/l). Within the last 15 years, radon has been found to be the second leading cause of lung cancer within the U.S. claiming over 14,000 deaths each year. While studies are still being conducting in several countries and populations, it seems that radon is linked primarily with causing lung cancer and has not been linked with any other types of cancer at this point. This is primarily due to the fact that alpha radiation released by the radon progeny atoms which adhere to the lungs has little capacity to travel distances and therefore concentrates its damage to the lungs. While certain aspects of reducing radon exposure are still being debated, such as what can be considered “safe” levels, most scientists and state and federal health agencies agree that there is little doubt that radon is one of the leading causes of lung cancer and humans receive their radon exposure from indoor environments such as homes, school and work environments where the radon levels are considerably higher than outdoors. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Childhood Diabetes and Nursing

    (8 pp) According to the American Nurses Association and American Association of Diabetes Educators (1998), diabetes, is increasingly recognized as a national health care and economic concern that is receiving a great deal of attention from legislators, providers and those who pay health care services. Efforts to improve care, and thus decrease its complications, validates the need for nurses who specialize in this area. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Discussion of the 'Middle Child Syndrome'

    31 pages in length. With the trials and tribulations of Jan Brady firmly entrenched in the American psyche, one might have thought that the Middle Child Syndrome was nothing more than a spoiled brat acting out her insecurities no differently than any other child. However, since the time of The Brady Bunch more than two decades ago, the psychological community has come to realize that there is, indeed, an issue of self-esteem with regard to middle children. Parents who have three children do not consciously realize the varied ways in which they relate to each child, inasmuch as the eldest child typically maintains a role of responsibility; the youngest assumes the role as baby; and the middle child gets lost somewhere in the shuffle. Given no identity like his or her siblings, the middle child comes to feel left out and unimportant – two of the most detrimental aspects of health self-esteem. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • The Causes of Effects of Binge Drinking

    In 5 pages the author discusses the causes and effects of binge drinking. "Forget pledging to a fraternity or attending the first home football game. There's an increasingly popular rite of passage for college freshmen: getting falling-down drunk. Binge drinking has emerged as one of the unhealthiest aspects of college life, with freshmen of both sexes and students who live in fraternities and sororities most likely to spend at least one night a week drinking to get drunk, health experts say. This phenomenon has always been around, but never have so many students - particularly women - reported engaging in binges," (Roan 01E). Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Contemporary Nursing's History

    This 5 page report briefly discusses the development and history of modern nursing in the Western world. “Modern” nursing, just as other aspects of modern medicine, began to come into its own in the mid- to late-19th century in the Western world. Between war, scientific advancement, and the onslaught of the Industrial Age, humans were becoming aware of certain physical truths regarding their physical bodies, good health, and what constituted beneficial care and treatment. It has continued to advance along with technology and human knowledge. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Therapeutic Benefits of Recreational Therapy

    It is known that exercise is good for both physical and mental health, that play reduces stress and provides an outlet for negative emotional response. Play therapy is an accepted therapeutic tool in the field of psychology and, yet, recreational therapists are often considered to be 'camp counselors' or, at best, diversionary experts. This 10 page paper explores the therapeutic usefulness of recreational therapy in a number of settings. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Nursing and Computers

    The extent that computers have entered the world of nurses begins with education and includes almost all aspects of the work environment. The role of nurse in the health care industry will continue to be of value. The role of nurses is expanding and includes more responsibility as well as a need for a greater knowledge base. This 5 page paper asserts that the days when nurses believed they could avoid using computers and continue to do an excellent job of nursing are forever gone. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Major Problems Facing the U.S. Health Care System

    This 10 page paper discusses three of the major problems of U.S. health care: the uninsured; the soaring costs; and the fact that decisions about health matters are sometimes taken out of doctors' hands, compromising care. It also discusses the findings that a person's social status determines their level of care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Patient Harassment of Nurses

    A 5 page paper. The incidence of patient harassment against nurses and other health care providers is much higher than most people probably think. This paper discusses the kinds of harassment and abuse many nurses and other health care providers experience. Reports from Sweden, Australia and the United Kingdom are included. Data included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Obesity Community Health Intervention

    A 4 page research paper that examines childhood obesity, which is considered to be the “greatest challenge to child health in the 21at century” (Ponder and Anderson, 2007, p. 148). This discussion of literature focuses on this community health issue and the factors that literature indicates can be applied to an effective nursing intervention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Schizophrenic Patients and Therapeutic Nursing Relationship

    A 4 page research paper that discusses establishing a therapeutic relationship with a schizophrenic patient. In order to aid mental health patients, literature indicates that a therapeutic relationship between nurse and patient is essential. This examination of the nurse/patient therapeutic relationship in a mental health setting focuses on a case study of 23-year-old Caucasian male with auditory hallucinations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • A Case History of Angina

    A patient was recently admitted to the surgical ward due to a health breakdown, the result of angina. This patient’s admission and treatment are described below. Covered are: patient's history, social background, health problem (diagnosis), contributing factors, affects on family, preventative care for future occurence (programme of treatment). Bibliography lists 10 sources. jvMedhel.rtf

  • Heart Disease Prevention and the Role of a Canadian Nurse

    A 4 page research paper that discusses how nurses are involved in health and wellbeing as it relates to heart disease prevention. The writer discusses this topic in relation to the five categories of health promotion listed in the Ottawa Charter of 1986. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Health Assessment Models and the General Practice Nurse

    This 11 page paper examines the role of the practice nurse using health assessment models. The paper starts by looking at the importance of health needs assessments and the use of Maslow’s Hierarchy and Bradshaw’s taxonomy of needs. The paper then considers the use of different models of consultation skills, the role of in analysis and decision making, the nurse as part of a team and how the models apply to this role. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • Forensic Mental Health Setting and Nursing Care

    6 pages. Within the field of forensic mental health there are many different approaches used to educate the nursing staff. These approaches focus on developing awareness, skill and competence in intercultural care. This paper describes programs used in the education of nurses that are involved in patient care in the field of forensic mental health as regards to different ethnic groups. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Mental Health Issues and Prison System Problems

    This 10 page paper examines correctional institutions and how they neglect mental health. Mental health is defined. Some solutions are explored. There is a decided focus on New York State facilities. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Appraisal of Team Performance

    A 3 page paper discussing approaches to appraising the performance of teams, particularly those in health care settings. One nurse rejects the 360-degree approach because of conditions under which many nurses work. The team score approach may be better in health care settings. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Health Care - United States vs Canada

    An 8 page paper. Compares health care in both countries, reports data regarding costs and comments on access and goals of each program. The problems reported with each system are reported and discussed. A recommendation is made for the health care system in the U.S. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Pending Health Care Legislation

    A 5 page research paper that briefly summarizes and discusses H.R. 3200, which is the health care reform bill that, along with the Senate version of the bill, may eventually pass into law and radically reform the American health care system. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Medical Coders

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the field of medical coders. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), health information technicians who specialize in assigning codes to patients' medical records for insurance purposes are known by a variety of terms, such as "health information coders, medical record coders, coder/abstractors or coding specialists" (BLS, 2008). This essay offers a brief overview of the medical coding profession: that is, what they do, the education required, associated certification processes, licensure, etc. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Los Angeles Air Pollution and Healthy People 2010

    A 6 page paper integrating Healthy People 2010 Objective 8-1 (Reduce the proportion of persons exposed to air that does not meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's health-based standards for harmful air pollutants) and Watson's Theory of Human Caring to address the effects of air pollution in Los Angeles. Nurses operating within Watson's theory and addressing air quality can seek to educate the elderly and parents of young children about the dangers of high-pollution days and how they can mitigate their health risks as others continue to work to improve local air quality. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The Health Insurance Crisis

    This 5 page paper discusses the health insurance care crisis in the U.S., what causes it, and what it means for the future of health care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and OSHA Regulations Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) Regulations and Law Enforcement

    This 10 page report discusses OSHA regulations and their impact on law enforcement agencies. The OSHA standard is primarily intended for workers in danger of exposure to bodily fluids that may carry dangerous pathogens and was originally created in concern for health care and sanitation workers. It is important to remember, that law enforcement officers are every bit as likely as health care workers to be exposed to situations where they too may be affected and infected by life-threatening disease, in fact, in many instances they are far more likely to be exposed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Health Care Communication

    This 6 page paper provides a general overview of the importance of effective communication within the health care system. The discussions include: health care provider and patient; the need for communication skills to be learned, the need to recognize cultural and national communication differences, communication between professionals, and an example of how one organization set up its internal communication network. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Health and Safety and the Workers Compensation Scheme in New Zealand

    This 10 page paper examines the legislation and regulation of health and safety in the workplace in New Zealand. The workers compensation system administered by the ACC, put in place under health and safety legislation, with the aim of reducing risk in the work place as well as compensating sufferers of occupational injury or disease is discussed and the basis of the system, which has its' basis in the Woodhouse Report, is discussed with the principles used compared to the Meredith Principles. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Homeless and Health Care

    This 5 page paper begins with the most recent estimate of the number of Americans who are homeless. The essay discusses the health problems of this population and includes examples of some homeless health care projects. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Spirituality & Religion in Counseling

    A 6 page research paper/essay that considers the integration of spirituality and religion with therapeutic techniques within the framework of counseling. In increasing numbers, health practitioners, clinicians and therapeutic counselors are realizing that spirituality and religion are an indispensable component of human life. Furthermore, these professionals are increasingly realizing that the incorporation of spiritual and religious elements within the framework of counseling or health care facilitates the healing process and promotes the achievement of positive client outcomes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • A Community Health Issue in Kentucky/Smoking Cessation

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the problem of smoking cessation with a community health perspective based on Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory. According to 2003 statistics, Kentucky ranks as having the highest percentage of smokers in its population so this is a particularly crucial public health issue in this state. Principles of smoking cessation intervention are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Basics of Bodybuilding

    This 5 page report discusses bodybuilding, its health benefits, as well as positive mental health aspects. Bodybuilding is most easily defined as the act of lifting heavy objects with the purpose of building muscular size and strength. Put simply, when an individual lifts weights, uses exercise machines or and follows a regime of weight gaining physical activities, he or she is working to build up muscle. The sport of bodybuilding was designed to develop the musculature of the human body to its optimum beauty and strength potential. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Costly Medical Interventions Should There Be Limitations Placed Upon Them?

    A 5 page research paper that examines the question as to whether or not health care should be rationed and whether expensive high tech procedures should be limited to keep down overall health costs in the country. The writer argues that such proposals are ethically unsound. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Operations and Uses of Cellular Phones

    This 15-page-paper considers cellular phones, their history and their operation, including digital CDMA. Additionally health aspects and security concerns are also discussed. As are their variety of uses and the suspected health hazards and the security issues surrounding this form of communication. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Health Benefits Of Red Wine

    A 6 page paper. Does red wine really reduce risk for coronary heart disease? It was in the early 20th century that evidence showed moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages reduced the risk of heart disease. The writer reports these studies and the studies demonstrating the health benefits of a daily glass of red wine. The writer explains what is in red wine that has a beneficial effect on one's health, the types of red wine found to be most effective, and the health benefits attributed to red wine. The writer also explains how alcohol is metabolized in the body. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Health Care System in the United States and Access by Black Americans

    This 17 page paper reports the health status of African-Americans in the U.S. Statistics about the incidence of specific diseases and mortality rates among Black Americans as compared to White Americans are reported. The essay includes a discussion of the barriers to quality health care services. For instance, Black women are more likely to die of colon, rectal and breast cancer and Black men are more than twice as likely to die of prostrate cancer. The writer then turns to report the racial and ethnic composition of physicians as well as that of medical students. The discussion includes a few suggestions for correcting this inequity in quality health care. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 27 sources.

  • Therapeutic Relationship Between Nurse and Client

    A 4 page research paper that investigates the nurse/client therapeutic relationship in mental health nursing with illustrations of Peplau's theory as dramatized in the film Good Will Hunting. The therapeutic nurse/client relationship stands at the core of mental health nursing. Through the establishment of this relationship, nurses are ideally suited as therapists to lead clients toward accomplishing mental health goals. Examination of the parameters of this relationship demonstrates how, ideally, it should be established following the parameters established by nursing theorist Hildegard Peplau and by psychologist Carl Rogers. The phases of the relationship, as outlined by Peplau, are dramatized in the film Good Will Hunting (1997) and examination of this film provides a venue for elaborating on nursing principles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Apple U Phoenix U Texas Health

    A 3 page paper that begins with a one-page sentence outline. The paper then discusses two training programs at Apple Company, training programs at UT Health Systems at Harris County Psychiatric Center, and training at the University of Phoenix. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Medical Doctors and Nurse Practitioners Conflict Management

    A 10 page paper using the Kolb model to examine conflict assessment and management. As health care changes and patients increasingly take active roles in their own health care, they care less about hierarchy than they do results and practical application rather than medical theory. Though the struggle is between nurse practitioners and physicians, it is the patient ultimately most affected. In today’s health care system as it currently exists, nurses not only have “more time” for direct patient interaction than do MDs, they also generally have greater motivation. The model presented here stresses communication and experimentation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 4 Issues Involving Health Information Management

    This 8 page paper discusses four issues related to health information management. The first discusses emphasizes the changing roles and responsibilities of the HIM, including the transition from paper patent records to electronic ones. The second section presents a discussion of the skills, knowledge and competencies today's health information manager must have, including examples from some job descriptions. The third section deals with the ways in which the HIM is unique and different from other information managers. The last section discusses the challenges for health information managers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Role of the Nurse Anesthetist

    A 15 page paper discussing systems theory, nursing system theory and the place where the CRNA fits into the US health care system. The Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) fills a vital role in the larger health care system, one that will continue to increase in relevance as the first of the baby boomers now are entering retirement age. As is the case in any advanced-practice field of nursing, the issue of physician supervision continues to be a point of issue. It is less so for the CRNA, which most states allow to practice independently. The purpose here is to assess the role of the CRNA in the health care system of the United States. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • President John F. Kennedy's 1963 Community Mental Health Law

    7 pages. President John F. Kennedy first implemented the 1963 Community Mental Health Law, known as Act PI 88-164, the Mental Health Act. This was a well-intentioned plan that was meant to serve all peoples in need of mental health care regardless of age or income. The act did in fact serve in this capacity for some time, but unfortunately it has fallen by the wayside in many cases. This paper explains the legislation, implementation and impact of this important act and how it has affected the population in many ways. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Winners and Losers Among Health Care Providers

    A 39 page paper providing Chapters 2 and 3 of a larger work assessing winners and losers in the health care wars. Care providers and health care plans constantly are at odds, providers wanting to charge increased rates and plans seeking to hold costs steady. The purpose here is to assess which contingent loses more, which is a difficult call. No one – neither care providers, premium-paying employers, care plans nor end consumers is satisfied with the structure of health care as it currently exists. The paper reviews several lawsuits between providers, plans and patients; discusses the origins of the current financial and delivery mess; and reviews proposed solutions by Harvard’s Michael Porter and Clayton Christensen. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Physical Education Instruction and Growth Patterns of Children

    A 5 page research paper that looks at how growth patterns in children should affect PE and sports instruction. Achieving optimum growth and development is one of the primary concerns of physical education instruction. To meet these goals, the adults who instruct school age children need to be cognizant of what constitutes normal growth patterns and also be aware of the ways in which growing children differ from adult norms. Adults should be aware of what constitutes good nutrition for children, and also the possible impact of strenuous sports training on children's growth potential. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nutrition and HIV

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the relationship between nutrition and HIV. Extreme weight loss frequently occurs among HIV-positive patients. Known as HIV wasting, weight loss can occur for a variety of reasons, which include cognitive impairment and difficult in swallowing, but it can also occur due to altered “gonadal, adrenal and thyroid function” (Ungvarski, 1996, p. 26). Nurses play a crucial role in combating HIV wasting through educational interventions with HIV asymptomatic patients, as well as acting as a resource for information on successful interventions that can be employed when HIV wasting strikes (Ungvarski, 1996). Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Basic Human Right of Health Care

    A 5 page paper arguing that access to health care is a right, rather than a privilege. There are those who maintain that health care is no more a right than is the "right" to drive fast cars; far more subscribe to the view that access to health care is a basic right of all people. This paper echoes that position. The paper suggests that neither employers nor the government needs to be central in the debate over health care reform, but that individuals need to be given control through the use of medical savings accounts and vouchers for the poor. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Studies and Recommendations on Burnout of Nurses in Oman and Other Countries

    This is a 4 page paper discussing nurses’ burnout. Nurses’ burnout is a global problem which is considered more severe in developing countries due to the initial high patient nurse ratio and the increased number of health care workers which leave developing countries for other opportunities. While the Sultanate of Oman has a fairly large nursing population, over 70% of the nurses are foreign born leaving Oman even more vulnerable to the departure of a large portion of its nurses. The Ministry of Health within Oman has undergone several initiatives which will hopefully help to retain the current nursing population such as increasing the percentage of Omani and adopting international nursing standards, but in addition, the administrators responsible for the well being of nurses in Oman may wish to consult worldwide studies on nurses’ burnout which indicate that environmental factors such as resource availability, supervisor support, length of stay in high demand departments and overall “empowerment” within the workplace among many other factors are equally important in decreasing emotional exhaustion and stress which leads to burnout. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Legal Process of England ish Legal Process: Entertainers, Drugs And Insurance

    6 pages in length. Venus, a famous pop star, applied for 10 million pounds of life insurance to MegaLife, an insurance company; as expected, the insurance company was anxious to know whether Venus was on drugs. Slick, an employee of MegaLife, telephoned Orbit's contracted Dr. Irvine Kiljoy, whose job it is to keep an eye on the health of such pop stars as Venus who are signed up with the Orbit label. Slick deceitfully told Dr. Kiljoy that Venus had consented to his supplying MegLife with information about herself, which Dr. Kiljoy believed because Venus had that very morning left the following message on his answer phone: "Kiljoy, I want you to write a report for me; it is not about my health, it is a personal business matter." Unknown to Kiljoy was the fact that this was a reference to litigation Venus was planning against a restaurant where she had been served salmonella laced soup whilst on tour promoting her latest hit single "Heavenly Body." Based upon this misunderstanding, Dr. Kiljoy told Slick all about Venus' long-standing battle with cocaine addiction; on the basis of this information, MegaLife refused Venus life insurance. When Venus learned why her life insurance application failed, she instigates tort proceedings against the doctor for breach of statutory duty. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Healthcare of African Americans After the Second World War

    A 5 page paper which discusses how Africa Americans experienced a great change in access to health care, and access to health care professions following WWII, when the federal government made an active assault on discrimination policies. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Triage and its Medical and Military History

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the history of triage in medicine and its use in the military and civilian health care. Triage, a medical term to mean a sorting or classification of patients based on their levels of medical urgency was first developed as a military term and used in wartime. The French used “triage” to decide who would be taken from the battlefields to be treated and who would be left behind. Soon afterward, from World War II until present day, triage was not only used in Army field hospitals but is also now used in emergency departments to classify the large number of patients who enter each day. Nurses have been involved in the triage process from the beginning and recently the nursing associations have broadened the original three level triage classifications of emergent, urgent and non-urgent, to one of a four level priority system in the United States and one of five level priorities in Australia, Canada and Great Britain. Regardless of the number of levels, triage has become an important and efficient system to evaluate a patient’s urgency as well as analyze the effectiveness of the health care given in emergency departments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Post 1945 History of Africa

    This is a 5 page paper and timeline discussing the history of Africa from 1945 to present day. A timeline from 1945 to present day Africa shows a great deal of change which has occurred within the last fifty years throughout the continent. Since 1945, African countries have gained independence from their colonial countries, established democracies and are heavily involved in international trade and commerce. However throughout this time period, Africa has also been fraught with civil wars, drought, famine, poverty and increasingly poor health. Culturally, although the African countries gained their independence from their colonial countries, the influence of the French, British, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish and Italian cultures are still felt across Africa and acknowledged. Today, African leaders are working with international agencies and corporations to increase their trade and economic status, establish new health and debt relief plans and improve international relations in addition to addressing the national and international exploitation of their people and natural resources. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • How to Serve a Client with Multiple Physical and Mental Health Issues

    This is a 5 page paper giving a critique of a client who was assessed with multiple substance abuse, physical and mental health problems. A client was presented to the counseling team who was assessed to have multiple substance abuse, physical and mental health problems. The female client is 25 years of age, of Hispanic origin, homeless and currently unemployed. Assessment of the client found that she is HIV positive, bipolar, has a sexual addiction and also abuses cocaine and alcohol. The client was uncooperative during initial assessment with the counselor. In a critique of the client, it must be determined the possible causes of her afflictions and to what end the counseling team can offer assistance through an education of her symptoms. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Employee Benefits Package Sample

    This 8 page paper offers a sample benefits package for management and non-management employees. The writer also comments on the reasons for providing the benefit and why there is a difference in certain benefits between management/executive and non-management employees. Benefits included are health, dental, vision, paid days off, including maternity leave, family leave, new father leave, holidays, sick days, vacation days, child care, and different retirement benefits, including profit sharing and stock options. Research has shown that having a generous employee benefits package attracts talented people to work for the company and keeps them once hired. For instance, studies have shown companies can save as much or more than $75,000 per year when child care assistance is offered. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Dogs And Physical Therapy: How An Injured Athlete Can Benefit From A Trained Pit Bull

    10 pages in length. The notion of animal-assisted therapy is hardly a new idea, inasmuch as it has become an instrumental component of both the physical and emotional well being throughout the health care industry. From nursing homes to hospitals to physical rehabilitation, animals have proven at least just as - if not more - effective at helping individuals regain use of their bodies and create happiness in their minds. What is a relatively new and untapped aspect of animal-assisted therapy, however, is certifying pit bull terriers as trained "therapists," a practice that has proven particularly beneficial in relation to sports injury rehabilitation such as a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Health People 2010: Low-Income, Low Literate, Diabetic New Yorkers

    5 pages in length. Statistics clearly illustrate the challenges low-income diabetic New Yorkers have in the ongoing quest to access the Internet to reach the plethora of helpful information pertaining to their disease. For example, seventy-seven percent with income of $15,000 or less have no computer, which equates to eighty-one percent unable to access from their homes (Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, 2007). While these findings provide valuable information pertaining to how this works against their health, it is important to note that a number of programs are being implemented in order to fix the problem. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Mental Issues, Mindset And Social Work

    3 pages in length. The American mindset toward mental illness, mental retardation and addiction has historically been an attitude of disdain and weakness; those who suffered from these conditions have long been considered undesirable fringe of society and best kept at arm's length. In short, Americans want something done about such individuals so they are dealt with and kept out of mainstream society, however, they do not necessarily want to be the ones handed the responsibility. This is a perplexing reaction in today's world given the propensity of mental health problems that exist - both diagnosed and undetected - in what is often heralded as the world's most prosperous and progressive of societies. A significant reason for this mindset is because Americans are vastly undereducated about mental illness, mental retardation and addiction, and too often draw erroneous conclusions about the social value of these struggling individuals. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Diagnosed Disorder: OCD

    11 pages in length. Being compelled by the urge to display abnormal behavior is frustrating and embarrassing reality for people who suffer with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The perceived weakness to overcome the persistent desire to repeat behaviors one knows do not need repeating inevitably breaks down one's self-esteem and compromises the overall mental health status. Checking the light switch is turned off even though the light bulb is not illuminated, locking/unlocking doors several times, washing hands dozens of times a day or making sure the coffee pot is unplugged even though one remembers unplugging it are just some of the behaviors people with OCD feel compelled to do despite their logical thought processes telling them otherwise. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Mental Health Treatment and Group Work Importance

    This 25 page paper is written in two parts, the first part of the paper looks at the problem of mental health, its’ prevalence and impact and then considers how group work can be used to treat mental issues. The paper focuses on group therapy considering how and why it can be of use. The second part of the paper places the group therapy into a wider context by examining mental development from a human development perspective and the role of group interaction. This includes the consideration of social groups and peer pressure. The bibliography cites 32 sources.

  • Aging and Mitochondria

    This 14 page paper discusses the aging of America. Today, more than 6,000 people turn 65 every day, that number will jump to 10,000 by 2011. This essay provides information on aging trends and the effect on the health care system. The writer also comments on the mitochondrial damage theory of aging and reports two dietary supplements that have been shown to be effective in preventing and even reversing certain age-related symptoms. 1 Graph included, Statistical data included. Statistical data reported. 1 Graph included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Taking a Toddler’s Blood Pressure

    A 6 page research paper that examines the topic of teaching parents (or caregivers) to monitor a toddler’s blood pressure. Childhood obesity is one of the most crucial public health issues facing the country today and recent studies have shown that not only is pediatric obesity on the rise, but its associated comorbities are increasing as well, such as “hypertension, dyslipidemia, and early-onset type 2 diabetes,” which is generally referred to as “metabolic syndrome” (Hypertension, 2005, p. 908). Furthermore, high blood pressure can be a symptom of “kidney, heart, blood vessel or endocrine disease” (SoRelle, 2006). Considering this situation, it may become advisable for a nurse to teach parents how to monitor their toddler’s blood pressure. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Obesity and Childhood

    A 6 page paper discussing the growing problem of obesity in childhood. Television, electronic games, uncertain dangers in urban settings, parents’ busy schedules and a plethora of other influences all combine to contribute to creating increasing obesity in children. Children are more sedentary than at any other time, and marketers believe there is great value in marketing directly to those efficient influencers of parents. The cost of marketing directly to children now tops $12 billion annually, and increasing numbers of health professionals believe that today’s children face a lifetime of learning to deal with and overcome the physical and psychological influences of childhood. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Obesity in Adults

    This 30 page paper looks at the problem, causes and treatment of obesity. The paper starts with an introduction, defines what is meant by obesity and discusses the influences on obesity, including genetic, environmental and behavioural influences. The paper discusses the conditions that result from, or that are aggravated by, obesity, including diabetes and coronary heart failure. The paper then goes on to look at the way obesity can be treated and the models of change which can help to frame treatment approaches, including the Tannahill Model as well as the approach of Prochaska and Diclemente. The discussion in the paper includes policies and approaches seen in the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) and UK obesity statistics .The bibliography cites 34 sources.

  • Effect of Hurricanes, Floods on Environmental Health

    A 16 page research paper that analyzes data concerning the effects of Hurricane Katrina. This paper addresses research concerning the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina from the perspective of environmental health. First of all, the problems arising from Katrina are summarized, then background information is offered, which is followed by a literature review of relevant sources, including applicable research studies. Conclusions and recommendations are discussed. The page count includes a brief abstract, a 1-page proposal for the paper and a 3-page annotated bibliography. The bulk of the paper is 12 pages in length. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Explaining DNRs

    A 15 page paper. The paper begins by explaining the differences between an Advance Directive and a Do-Not-Resuscitate order. DNRs are not well understood. They are misinterpreted largely because patients and their families do not understand them. The one health care professional who has the best opportunity to clear up this confusion is the nurse. This essay discuses DNRs, their implications, and how they affect nurses. Bibliography lists 10 sources. PG698592.doc

  • The Employment Situations in California and in America as a Whole

    A 5 page paper discussing movement in unemployment rates and the economic health of the California economy during the summer of 2002. The fallout of the technology sector, particularly in high-tech, Internet-related companies, set investors on their collective ear. Few expected such a correction in market value of these companies, and the losses incurred in returns has been more than only disheartening for organizations and investors alike. The stock market continues its slide, reducing businesses' market capitalization and therefore the amount of capital available to them. Many have laid off workers; many more have placed freezes on hiring. The economic outlook for California as for the rest of the country remains mixed and depressed, yet optimistic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Assessment of a Bundle of Healthcare Services for Patients with Dementia

    This 23 page paper examines a new service developed to provide improved healthcare services to patients with dementia. The service examined is the new dementia patient bundle of care developed at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton, UK. The paper starts by looking at how and why this population is vulnerable and needs special services. The service itself is discussed and the way that this is impacted and satisfies different, policy, social and legal requirements is examined The paper ends by considering the role of the mental health nurse. The paper is written with references to polices and legislation of the UK. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Cause And Effect Of Stress

    6 pages in length. Stress is the catalyst to an untold number of physical and psychological responses both good and bad. Knowing how to control those otherwise involuntary reactions is a large part of living in harmony with stress, because there is simply no way to live without it. Anxiety and pressure, excitement and anticipation or even the bodily strain of a manual labor job - no matter which end of the scale it exists, stress will impact the person in both mind and body; it is the way in which it is handled that determines how detrimental the outcome will be. Indeed, there is no mistaking the synergistic relationship that exists between stress and health. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nurse Role Definition

    A 5 page paper which examines the role of a nurse and argues how their role is essential to good health care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Substance Abuse Agency and Management Theory

    An 8 page paper discussing politics at a public agency. The Helen Ross McNabb Center is the result of government support and private enterprise involvement for the purpose of providing substance abuse treatment in the foothills of the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Though private enterprise is involved and the center uses many volunteers from the community, its primary point of accountability still is the United States’ Department of Health and Human Services, from which the center gains most of its funding. The purpose here is to assess to what extent the market forces of the private sector may affect management at a government agency. The paper evaluates management theory and employees’ willingness to learn from outside entities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Kindleberger on the World Economy

    A 5 page research paper which looks at the theories of renowned economist Charles P. Kindleberger in his book World Economic Primacy: 1500 to 1990. Kindleberger postulates that nations go through life cycles that are roughly similar to those of a single individual. First there is youth, then maturity, and then eventually there is aging; however, the life cycle of a nation ends in quiescence rather then death. As evidence of this, the writer examines world health as an economic indicator and concludes that this does tend to verify Kindleberger's hypothesis that the U.S. is in decline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Progressive Era to Present Day Social Welfare Policies

    This 19 page paper provides a comprehensive overview of the social welfare policies beginning with the Progressive Era through the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. Notables discussed include Roosevelt's New Deal, including legislative acts, programs and constitutional amendments, the founding of the NAACP and National Urban League, the first White House Conference on Children and the beginning of the mental health movement. Other topics include the Social Security Act, Johnson's Great Society, the cutbacks by Nixon, Reagan, and Bush. The writer comments on the Welfare reform movements of the 1970s and the 1990s. other related topics are discussed. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Health Care Staff Shortages

    A 7 page paper that includes labor shortage data for three states and the nation. The emphasis is on RN shortages, the numbers needed in the future and what is driving the need. The concept of supply and demand is discussed in terms of RN shortages. The writer makes suggestions for how this shortage might be decreased. Statistical data regarding nurse/patient ratio, the number of lives that could be saved, and working conditions for nurses. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Counseling According to Scripture

    A 7 page paper. This essay uses Dr. Neil T. Anderson’s book, Discipleship Counseling as the source. The essay discusses some of the themes found in Anderson’s book. These include integration of psychology and theology; the definition of mental health; barriers to overcome before a person’s relationship with God can be restored; and the seven steps to freedom in Christ. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Gay Lifestyle's Socioeconomic Costs

    This 7 page paper examines the gay lifestyle and what it costs the workplace and the larger society. Issues such as AIDS, health insurance and the justification of homosexuality as a protected class are broached. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • College Campuses and Homosexuality

    A 5 page paper discussing the incidence of homosexuality and sexually transmitted infections on college campuses. There is little research directly asking these questions. Ultimately, it appears that homosexuality is not increasing on college campuses, though that conclusion is supposition based on inference. It is clear, however, that incidence of STIs including HIV is increasing on college campuses. Students have tuned out the safe sex messages, and public health officials need to concentrate on regaining students’ attention. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Overview of Music Therapy

    A 6 page research paper that defines and discusses what music therapy is, how it is used, and who uses it. The writer discusses how music is acknowledged through the health care industry as a valuable therapeutic tool. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Health Overview of High Blood Pressure

    A 5 page discussion of the health impacts of hypertension. This paper defines hypertension and outlines its impacts to cardiovascular and renal function in particular. Presenting the case study of a fictional patient who presents to the emergency room with chest pain, the author reviews the diagnostic techniques which are utilized and the interventional methods which are employed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Healthy People 2020 and the PPACA

    A 3 page research paper that argues that the PPACA can be regarded as an action plan for achieving the Healthy People 2020 goal of reducing health disparities. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Role of Nutrition in Treating Celiac Disease

    A 10 page overview of this condition and the problems it introduces in terms of diet. This paper provides an overview of both the foods that should not be consumed and how to go about choosing healthy foods that can be consumed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Human Environment and the Impacts of Radiation from Cellular Phones

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses the inherent health hazards in relation to cellular phone radiation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Model of the Canadian Health Care System and its Application in Other Regions of the World

    This 3-page paper is a persuasive argument as to why the Canadian health care system model would work well in the United States. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Law, Genetics, and Insurance Testing

    A 15 page research paper that examines the law concerning genetic testing and whether or not health insurers can use test results that show that an individual has a genetic tendency towards a disease as grounds for canceling or not providing coverage. The writer particularly focuses on the comprehensive law enacted by the state of New Jersey. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Health Insurance Coverage and Middle Class Americans

    A 15 page paper discussing the social and economic factors contributing to the increasing number of middle-class Americans who have no health-insurance coverage. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Educating Alabamians About Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Choices

    This 3 page paper reviews the mission and services of this critical government agency. Specific attention is given to the way this agency helps low income individuals make healthy food and lifestyle choices. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Nursing in Great Britain, Clinical Supervision

    A 5 page paper discussing the role of clinical supervision in nursing. For the nurse involved in direct patient care, the result of the integration of national policy, health care governance, technical competence and positive client perspective is a continually-evolving program of continuous improvement and ongoing education. Whether that education is formal or experiential is of little consequence in forming a standard approach to direct patient care, but it can have implication in individual nurses’ professional development. That development must remain market oriented, but also remain in compliance with national policy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Horizontal Violence In Nursing: Critical Essay

    8 pages in length. Choosing a career in nursing illustrates an individual's ability to deal with many difficult situations that most others cannot address when it comes to the health and welfare of their human counterparts. The extent to which nursing involves tremendous physical and psychological challenges where patient care is concerned is both grand and far-reaching; that some of these struggles derive directly from those in the industry who are supposed to bolster rather than demean one's confidence and increase one's unease speaks to the observable consequences of horizontal violence in nursing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Field of Nursing and Education Importance

    This 6 page paper looks at educational models, with a focus on the ADN degree. Questions regarding competence, as well as whether or not nursing programs should impose limits, and what type of degree should be required, are discussed. Both sides of controversies in nursing education, as seen through the eyes of health care administration, are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Albert Bandura's Theories and Nursing

    Bandura's concepts are compared with other theorists' such as Lawler and Piaget in this 11 page analysis. Bandura's premise that self-efficacy expectations are the most important influences on motivation is highlighted. All theories are discussed as related to the nursing profession and the key elements of individualism, environment, society and health are discussed in relationship to nursing and Bandura's theories. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Biopsychosocial Model and Health Psychology

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the field, its evolution and its importance to society. The biopsychosocial model is discussed in the context of health psychology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Twenty First Century Critical Clinical Psychology Issues

    This 5-page paper is a review of critical issues facing clinical psychology in the 21st century. Some of these issues include information addiction, a better acceptance of the mind-body connection when it comes to physical health and an overall change in the specialties of the profession. Bibilograpy lists 1 source.

  • Overview of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

    A 10 page research paper that offers an overview of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. The paper defines the disorder; describes its history and incidence statistics; research; implications/impacts on health; psychological and social implications; treatment; and the role of nurses and nurse practitioners in management, concluding with a section that addresses the feeling of the NP on the topic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Analysis of Sr. Callister Roy's Adaptation Model Theory

    9 pages in length. Understanding the evolution of Sr. Callister Roy's adaptation model and how the essential concepts of the model were developed is prerequisite to identifying the inherent differences that exist between and among all other models. Roy's model, defined as "the process and outcome whereby the thinking and feeling person uses conscious awareness and choice to create human and environmental integration" (Carey, 2003), reflects the relationship that exists between environmental integration and nursing care, which has much to do with the manner by which the nurse holds accountability for the patient's health over and above any accepted standards. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Australian Patient with Unstable Angina and Nursing Actions

    A 9 page paper discussing unstable angina in Australia and relevant nursing actions for a specific patient. The paper discusses pathophysiology, prevention and consequences, as well as relevant educational requirements. Mrs. Brown may find herself with a wealth of medications to begin taking on a daily basis, but the preferred approach is that of managing conditions with diet and exercise first. Mrs. Brown’s nurse may be able to affect greater patient compliance by supplying pertinent information underlying health professionals’ recommendations. Bibliography lists 13sources.

  • Community Nursing Partnership Rewards and Threats

    This 8 page paper considers the threats and rewards of partnership working in nursing with reference to community nursing and the National Health Service (NHS) in United Kingdom. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Jean Watson's Human Caring Theory

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of Watson's nursing prespectives. Nursing theorist Jean Watson developed her Theory of Human Caring in the late 1970s, as a result of Watson’s efforts to bring greater meaning to the health care process. This paper outlines this theory. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Metaparadigms and Nursing

    A 5 page paper discussing the four metaparadigms of nursing include nursing, health, environment and person. The purpose here is to define each concept and assess each one in terms of Mezirow’s (1991) framework of critical reflection, followed by a statement of whether the totality or simultaneity perspective is better suited to each metaparadigm. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Enteric Feeds and Health Organization Policy

    A 10 page research paper that first addresses health care organization and policy, but then focuses on a specific area of nursing care, enteric (also listed as "enteral" in the literature) feeds. The writer discusses how a nurse research team addressed the problems of tube placement aspiration. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Overview of Roy Adaptation Model

    A 5 page research paper that presents an examination of literature, which offers an overview of the key components of the Roy Adaptation Model (RAM). The writer describes how the RAM addresses the nursing meta-paradigms of person, environment, health and nursing, as well as how Roy envisioned the principal component of her model, i.e., adaptation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Nursing Concerns at Large Hospital System

    The focus of this 6 page paper is a list of problems at Sutter Health in California. Nurses had identified patient safety issues that included high patient:nurse ratios. They finally went out on strike more than once. This essay identifies the problems and the steps taken and reports what three other hospitals did to resolve some of their problems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing Shortage in Canada

    A 6 page research paper that discusses the shortage of nurses in Canada and the factors that affect this situation. This literature review examines the Canadian nursing shortage from various analytical perspectives and then offers strategies for possible solutions to this major health care problem. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Studies in Nursing Leadership

    A 4 page paper reviewing two studies focusing on management style in nursing. Autocracy has no place among nurses at any level, particularly in levels of senior management. As the entire health care industry continues to grow and evolve, appropriate leadership style is critical to the overall success of departments and organizations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nursing Hybrid Program

    A 3 page paper that discusses the Health Care Academy in the Delaware Community College district in Pennsylvania. The existing nursing shortage has the potential of seriously reducing quality patient care. Many approaches have been used to reduce the shortage and have more people enter nursing as a career. The program described in this essay may be successful. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nursing and Communication Theory

    A paper which looks at the way in which communication theory is relevant to modern nursing practice, in terms of the relationship between nurse and client and the changing professional structure of the health care system as a whole. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Home Health and Hospice Company Business Requirement Analysis

    A 10 page paper discussing two identified IT needs at HHH, a home health and hospice company. One of the needs is for automated HR services to provide self-service HR; the other is the addition of laptops, printers and a wireless network so that visiting nurses can reinforce patient education with printed information that patients can use as references after the nurse leaves. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Six Questions on Nursing Theory Models

    A 7 page paper answering six questions centered on the value of the study of nursing theory models, how they can be useful in varying health care settings and how they can inform both personal and professional relationships. Nursing theories discussed in the paper are those of Orem, Roy, Neuman, King, Rogers and Johnson. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Counseling a Dysfunctional Family with Obesity

    This 4 page paper discusses the ways in which a community health nurse could use the "family as a client" approach, the structural-functional theory and evidence based nursing to counsel a dysfunctional family with obesity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Roper, Logan and Tierney Model of Nursing

    A 4 page paper discussing the history and utility of the Roper, Logan and Tierney model (12 activities of daily living), followed by a short discussion of the four metaparadigms of nursing: nursing, health, environment and person. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nurse Education: Lesson Plan for Navigating a User Crisis

    A 5 page paper discussing learner characteristics, developmental stages and readiness to learn for a group of mental health nurses when devising a lesson plan for handling users in crisis. An appendix discusses the ASSURE model and provides a lesson plan overview for a five-session course of study employing lecture, role play and demonstration. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Role of Public Health Nurse/Diabetes Care

    A 5 page research paper that addresses the role of public health nursing in regards to elderly population with diabetes. The writer stresses the importance of self-management and educational intervention. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Registered Nurse's Hospital Role

    A 5 page paper discussing some of the roles that RNs fill in the hospital setting. Nursing’s reach and respectability have grown immeasurably in past decades, but the registered nurse still provides a wide variety of services within the hospital setting. In its most basic analysis, nursing reflects caring, followed closely by education of patients and other caregivers. The paper also discusses RNs as nurse managers and mentors in the still-evolving health care industry. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nurse's Perspective on the Midwifery Profession

    This 6 page report discusses one of the oldest health care professions -- that of being a midwife. Midwives specialize in women giving birth. In countless circumstances, midwives are able to provide the specialized and personal services that the typical gynecologist-obstetrician M.D. could only provide if she or he had a truly limited medical practice. More often than not, the average midwife provides the average pregnant woman with the services she most wants and needs -- competence and personal interaction and understanding. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Interview With Nurse CEO

    A 7 page paper that begins with a summary of this hypothetical interview with a nurse who is the CEO of a health network. The essay responds to certain questions asked and provides elaboration from the literature. Questions focus on leadership issues, such as definition, trends, qualities, philosophy, learning experiences, mentors and more. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Relationship Between Psychiatric Nurse and Patient

    A 9 page research paper that discusses the nurse-patient relationship, past and present. This examination of nursing literature presents an overview of the nurse-patient therapeutic relationship--its foundation in nursing theory; the factors that influence its success or failure, and, most importantly, the theoretical perspective that is being offered for the future of mental health nursing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nursing Metaparadigms Explored

    An 8 page research paper that examines the four metaparadigms of nursing, person, health, nursing and environment. This examination of these concepts, first of all, discusses the personal view of the writer regarding these fundamental categories. Then, these personal definitions are examined from the perspective of the simultaneity and totality perspectives, as outlined by Parse (1987). Next, the nursing metaparadigms are examined from theoretical perspective proposed by Madeleine Leininger and then, based on this information, personal definitions of these concepts are then reexamined. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Theoretical Perspectives on Nursing

    A 14 page research paper in which the writer aids a nursing student in reflecting on the four metaparadigms of nursing (person, environment, health and nursing) in relation to Mezirow's theory of transformative learning. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • 4 Traditional Metaparadigms in Nursing

    5 pages in length. The student discusses the four traditional nursing metaparadigms – nursing, environment, health and person – by offering various nursing theories as examples. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Beneficial Relationship between Senior Citizens and Pets

    22 pages in length. In this day and age of ever-increasing technological advancement, there are still some things that cannot be improved upon, such as the inherently beneficial relationship between pets and the elderly. There is no question that animals offer unconditional love and support, which is what most people desperately need when living out the rest of their lives in residential or nursing homes. While this intrinsic bond has long been recognized, it has not been put to medicinal use until quite recently with the advent of therapy animals and in-house pets. The marked difference animals have shown to make in various aspects of elderly patients' lives is astounding, from encouraging speech where none had existed to giving hope to one who has all but lost it. Undoubtedly, pets provide a significant incentive for the elderly to live, if for no other reason than to take the focus off their own failing health and place it upon another loving, receptive being. The writer discusses the benefits that pets have upon the elderly. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Value of Exercise

    In 6 pages the author discusses the value of exercise when used as a preventative measure. Exercise has been taunted as the be-all and cure-all of all ailments. Although some have thought this to be mythical, many studies have found that exercise is indeed, beneficial to many health ailments. In fact, exercise is even beneficial psychologically. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Elderly: Depression And Suicide

    8 pages in length. The trend in elderly suicide has fluctuated over the past three decades to reveal a distinct correlation between depression and the desire to take one's life (McKeown et al). No fewer than two million of the more than thirty-five million elderly in America have some form of diagnosed depression; another five million exhibit symptoms too slight to warrant an official diagnosis or go undiagnosed altogether. The mid fifties marks the recognition of depression and the beginning thoughts of suicide particularly in men (Kaplan). As of the year 2000, eighteen percent of suicide deaths reflected those age sixty-five and older; to define this statistic even further, Caucasian men at least eighty-five years old represented the majority of the deaths (Older Adults: Depression and Suicide Facts). Broken down by age groups, 2004 statistics reveal the following number of suicides: 45-54: 16.6%; 55-64: 13.8%; 65-74: 12.9%; 75-84: 16.9%; 85 and over: 16.4% (Health, United States, 2006). Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • 'Military Industrial Complex' Warning of Outgoing President Dwight Eisenhower

    A 3 page paper relating this former president's 1961 warning to current nursing practice. "See your doctor." "Ask your doctor about ____ and if it's right for you." So go pharmaceutical companies' advertising directly to consumers who cannot directly purchase their products. As health care costs continue to spiral despite efforts to contain the rate of increase, pharmaceutical companies spend millions on advertising to those powerless to purchase the prescription drugs they tout. This appears to be a symptom of the "military-industrial complex" that Dwight Eisenhower warned against on leaving office in 1961. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • State Statutes and Civil Monetary Penalties

    A 3 page paper discussing the Office of Inspector General (OIG)'s apparent reversal of itself in gainsharing arrangements between hospitals and physicians that strive to hold the line on spiraling health care costs. The paper demonstrates that OIG has not been inconsistent, that its initial rulings addressed treatment of individuals and that its subsequent agreement addressed treatment of entire groups of patients. The paper discusses Florida statute 456.053 in the same light. This law prevents physicians from referring patients to other physicians with whom the original could have a monetary link. Thus one doctor in a large practice cannot refer a patient to another in the same practice. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Health Care and Unions

    A 19 page paper discussing the trend of unionization among all health care workers, focusing primarily on the movement among physicians to be allowed to organize for collective bargaining. Distressed that insurers and HMOs have such an overpowering say in how they treat their patients and how they set their fees, the nation's doctors are split in their motivations for wanting to unionize: some say it is for the patients; others claim that fee structures are restrictive and so limit their incomes. The National Labor Relations Act specifies that only employees can organize against their employer. Existing anti-trust laws subject independent and only loosely-associated physicians to charges of price-fixing and conspiracy, and physicians' groups are lobbying Congress to alter those laws. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Fashions for Women

    5 pages. In the 19th century women's fashions were dramatically different than those of today. Those women who could afford them wore up to six petticoats and it took much practice in learning how to raise them properly as she walked up steps or curbs. In those days the wasp-waisted look was the height of fashion and women corseted themselves so tightly as to have doctors fear for their health. This paper explains how clothing changed from the 19th century through the 20th century. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Evaluating the Impacts of a Vegetarian Diet Proposal

    A 20 page proposal to evaluate the effects of a vegetarian diet on health and quality of life. A specific emphasis is placed on evaluating the effects of the vegetarian diet in terms of disease prevention. Provides a review of the literature and presents the hypothesis that vegetarians are likely to enjoy an improved quality of life, a lesser propensity for obesity and such diseases as cardiovascular disorders, osteoporosis, cancer, and diabetes. Suggests experimental methodology for testing this hypothesis and supports the contention that this performance can be judged through a comparison of cholesterol levels, body mass index (BMI), and medical history in regard to diseases, and blood sugars of vegetarians verses non vegetarians. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Podiatry Patient Satisfaction Proposal

    An 18 page paper that presents a project proposal. A partnership has dissolved leaving the sole podiatrist in the position of having to rebuild the business. The sections of the paper include: the statement of the problem, the significance of the problem, the purpose of the project, literature review and methodology. This practice will begin with a patient satisfaction survey for the purpose of increasing patient satisfaction. The literature survey includes information on the parts of the foot, the stress feet experience every day, the wonder of the function of the foot and what makes the human foot different. The importance of healthy feet and the practice of podiatry and how people abuse and mistreat their feet are also discussed. The incidence of different types of foot health problems is included. The importance of patient satisfaction is explored. Other related data are included. One appendix included, which presents the patient satisfaction survey. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Hospital Innovation Program Education Proposal

    A 22 page paper presenting the full proposal for an innovation program at a large hospital. Program goals include (1) enabling insulin IV drip on the medical ward, rather than transferring the patient to ICU; (2) assisting patients to gain and maintain control over their blood glucose levels; and (3) encouraging continuous improvement in nursing knowledge and patient education. The program's theoretical base is a combination of planned behavior and the health-belief model in which the patient believes a problem exists and that treatment is effective. Outgrowth of the program will include greater patient education for better self-management of their diabetes. The paper includes sections addressing implementation and evaluation. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Interdisciplinary Unit on Earth Day

    This is a 4 page paper that begins with a general introduction of the need for children to understand the dangers to the earth. The unit, which is appropriate for grades 2 and 3, begins with an explanation of how Earth Day originated and why. Activities for this unit are outlined under multiple headings to provide an interdisciplinary unit. The headings are: Reading/Literature/Writing/Science/Environmental Health and Science/Environmental Education/Math/Writing/Reading/Art/Music. The essay also includes a brief outline of which Pennsylvania standards are included in the activities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • ADHD and Issues in Classroom Management

    A 11 page paper. ADHD is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders reported by schools and mental health clinics and as such, is one of the most researched conditions in America. This paper provides a description of ADHD, including behavioral symptoms. The emphasis is on managing the classroom. Research regarding effective procedures and programs is discussed along with a number of quick tips teachers can use immediately. The writer then discusses the research and includes a discussion on why reinforcement is not used as often as it should be. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Substance Abuse Agency and Management Theory

    An 8 page paper discussing politics at a public agency. The Helen Ross McNabb Center is the result of government support and private enterprise involvement for the purpose of providing substance abuse treatment in the foothills of the East Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Though private enterprise is involved and the center uses many volunteers from the community, its primary point of accountability still is the United States’ Department of Health and Human Services, from which the center gains most of its funding. The purpose here is to assess to what extent the market forces of the private sector may affect management at a government agency. The paper evaluates management theory and employees’ willingness to learn from outside entities. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Comparison of Supply and Demand Factors between the Healthcare Sector and Other Commercial Sectors

    This 3 page paper compares and contrasts the presence of supply and demand factors and shifters as well as barriers within the healthcare industry with other mainstream industries to identify similarities and differences. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Global Joint Ventures and the Management of Risk

    An 11 page paper discussing some of the conditions from which organizations involved in international joint ventures must protect themselves. Business has a more global focus now than at any time in the past. While that global presence contributes to the success of all segments of a specific organization, it also enhances the need for astute risk management. Aside from the normal fluctuations of the business cycle, international joint ventures also can be affected in their success through currency fluctuations, economic health of the host country and local political stability. Business entry into a new national market in the form of an international joint venture is in itself a measure of risk management, in that neither party bears the full weight of the risks associated with the new venture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • American Airline Industry Fortunes and Yield Management Impact

    A 9 page paper on the positive financial effects that yield management pricing has had on the major airlines of the U.S., exhibited by a $2.5 billion industry-wide profit after posting losses of over $13 billion over the previous four years combined. With the major airlines' increased financial health, they are better able to compete not only with each other, but against the newer, smaller airlines that would like to create a secondary market in areas not well-served by the major carriers. The major airlines, however, are using all their new-found financial might to drive the smaller ones out of their markets and then follow with increased fares when the threat of competition is gone. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Global Data Security

    A 12 page paper that begins with a report of electronic security breaches, followed by a discussion of the global security market and trends within that market. The essay then introduces a global security company and outlines a business unit structure and a geography matrix map, which is limited, and discusses how the company can gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Using health/medical data and information, the writer discusses concerns in the global security industry with comments about the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The writer then makes a recommendation for the global security company in terms of greater global expansion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Federal Regulations, Malpractice, Contract, and Property Law Cases

    This is a 15 page paper discussing various issues which are involved with three law cases provided by the client. The paper discusses issues relating to home ownership insurance, property, legal liability, admissible evidence, bankruptcy, malpractice, contracts and violations of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Regulations. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • How Exercise Delays Onset Of Dementia In Alzheimer's Patients: Literature Review

    20 pages in length. The natural course of aging takes its toll on both the body and mind; as much significant progress medical technology has made, there are still some aspects of human existence it cannot stop or reverse. Multimodal exercise has long been a highly recommended component of the geriatric health protocol as a method by which to tone muscles, strengthen bones stronger and keep all the bodily systems in good function. Why is it, therefore, that exercise is only just recently being associated with the delay onset of dementia when it has such dramatically positive impact upon the rest of the physiological makeup? Second only to the skin, the human brain is the largest organ in the body that responds to stimuli no differently than others, however, it is also vastly complex when compared to the liver or heart; because medical science still has a very long way to go before the mind's holistic function and capacity is known, new realizations of the mind/body connection will continue to be made, not the least of which includes the growing association between physical activity and staving off dementia. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Physical Effects of Smoking

    12 pages in length. The writer discusses the physical problems associated with cigarette smoking, including lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. Statistics included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Health Psychology Matrix and Stress

    A 3 page paper listing 4 personal/work stressors in a table listing the stressor, type and general mitigation strategies. The remainder of the paper addresses each stressor and steps the writer can take to change conditions and so lessen the effects of each stressor. No sources listed.

  • Is Walking Beneficial for Human Health?

    This 5 page paper examines the benefits of walking. The only source used is a 2008 issue of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Three articles are cited. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Auricular Acupuncture As Adjunctive Treatment To Ameliorate Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms, Depression, Anxiety And Insomnia: Literature Review

    21 pages in length. The path to well being could not be more different between Eastern and Western philosophies; through man's successes in technological advancement, allopathic methods have virtually overshadowed consumer knowledge of or interest in ancient Eastern holism. That Western health care is based within a foundation of surgery and pharmacology while Eastern approaches it from an unadulterated, holistic approach speaks to a tremendous rift in how both entities perceive the path to wellness. This is not to say, however, that allopathic medicine is either inappropriate as a treatment method but rather that it is unsuitable as the only option when Eastern medicine is rooted in proven healing for the past 2,500 years. Taking a pill to ride the body and mind of anxiety, depression and insomnia of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is merely treating the symptom rather than addressing the issues that have ultimately manifested in these ailments. Utilizing such holistic modalities as auricular acupuncture serves to unblock the trapped energy inherent to trauma response so it begins to channel through the body and mind continuum restoring both mental and physical well being. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Electrical Stimulation For Chronic, Non-healing Wounds Literature Review

    Chronic wound care is considerably more difficult to manage than it seems; a single ulcer or open sore can have a tremendous impact upon an individual's personal and professional life to the point of disrupting it entirely. From high health care costs to job loss to compromised quality of life, what may otherwise seem to laypeople as an innocuous medical issue is in truth quite impacting upon the patient's entire life, not the least of which includes impaired mobility, chronic pain and social isolation (Ly & Poole-Warren (2008). Utilizing the ever-growing technological options for this particular problem has rendered some benefit to accelerated wound care, however, the speed with which such methods as electrical fields like POSiFECT and Dermapulse depends upon the severity of the wound. the delayed and sometimes ineffective nature of conventional wound treatment has rendered the need for more advanced options that while not perfect are showing great promise as a viable and better alternative.

  • Program for Reducing STIs in Mentally Disabled Populations

    This 4 page paper describes the findings to date on sexually transmitted infections in mentally disabled young adults from review and analysis of literature. This paper is based on the development of a health care program evaluation for the mentally disabled residents in facilities. Bibliography lists 5 sources Please see below.

  • Critical Incident Analysis in Nurse Management

    A 6 page incident report addressing failure of nursing staff to attend to a patient their care for five hours. The paper reviews individual and organizational responsibility, particularly in terms of nursing’s core values. The organization needs to assess its patient care delivery model to ensure that no patient goes for extended periods without having some staff member check on their status several times during a single shift. Quality of care is an issue that gains great attention in today’s health care environment, and leaving any patient unattended for five hours does not even approach the point of providing quality care. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Health Risks and Managing Crises

    This 13 page paper examines a case study provided by the student. The first part the paper uses figures supplied to investigate the causes of illness in a workforce following a works barbeque. A link between illness and age is considered using a chi squared test. Then the different foods are examined to identify the source of the problem, demonstrating how correlation may not indicate causation. The second part of the paper looks at an ongoing situation where it appears there is a serious health risk to employees causing heart attacks. The paper outlines the steps that should be taken to investigate this risk and protect the employees.

  • Employers' Tool for Healthcare Outcomes Management

    An 11 page paper discussing the increasing rates of obesity in the US – indeed in all developed nations – and the health problems that are expected to increase as a result. Diabetes already is epidemic in the US, and obesity contributes to several of the leading causes of disease and death in the country. Lean organizations need to gain full contribution from every employee, an accomplishment not possible when employees are ill but present, or even absent from work. Solutions such as those presented in the paper can make life-changing differences for those individuals who choose to exercise them. A real-world workplace promotion can provide immense benefit for employees as well as for the organization, and involving employees early in the planning process ensures that the resulting program is relevant to employees, their lives and families. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Call Tracking and Shand's Health Care

    This 12-page paper provides an example of how a call track system can assist a university medical center in better allocation of professional resources to the community. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Advanced Nursing Practice Philosophy

    A 5 page research paper that, first of all, discusses the four meta-paradigms of nursing: health, person, nursing and environment. Then, the writer discusses issues of collaborative practice, focusing on the role of the family nurse practitioner.

  • Nursing and Entrepreneurial Opportunities

    A 3 page research paper that examines entrepreneurial opportunities for nurses. The writer concentrates on nurse anesthetists and mental health nursing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Personal Philosophy of Nursing

    A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the nursing concepts of person, environment, health/illness and nursing. This examination of these concepts examines each idea in relation to how it is defined by the Barry University School of Nursing faculty, but also offering a personal perspective on the meaning of each term. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Nursing Issues and the Health Issues of the West Family

    A 5 page research paper that is framed around a scenario describing the West family members indicates numerous health issues. The following discussion selects 5 of these issues and relates them to literature and to a relevant nursing issue. Then two of these nursing issues are used to formulate a nursing care plan. There are four current members of the West household and a fifth on the way, as May West is 8 weeks pregnant. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Community Health & Teen Pregnancy

    A 5 page research paper that presents a scenario involving a high rate of teen pregnancy within a specific community and then discusses the role of community nursing exploring the role of the community health nurse, as a provider of care, manager of care and representative of the nursing profession, within this difficult situation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Mamawawa, Sleep, Drug Addiction and Other Issues

    This 16 page paper includes several sections. Topic headings are: Weight loss program including discussion of set point; mamawawa premise; sleep; stages of sleep; health hazards of drug addiction; positive incentive theory of addiction and an outline for a research paper on autism. Each section includes its own bibliography. Total Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Nursing and the Impact of Electronic Data Security

    An 8 page paper discussing how the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 might affect nurses’ approach to their jobs. There is no question that HIPAA will change the way that nurses work. The only question at present is how it will change work processes and work flows. It appears to have ability only to complicate nurses’ already-full days. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nursing Leadership Scenario

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the need for effective nursing leadership. The writer summarizes the efforts of Terry Capuano and other nursing leaders at Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network, which is located in Pennsylvania, and how they succeeded in creating a beneficial environment for nursing excellence by developing a highly successful leadership-development program. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Topics in Community Health Nursing

    A 6 page research paper that discusses the history and parameters of community health nursing practice. Topics covered include school nurses, occupational nursing and the expanding horizons of CHN. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Jean Watson's Nursing Theory

    An 8 page research paper that discusses Watson's Theory of Caring, its major concepts and the way in which the four nursing meta-paradigms of person, health, nursing and environment can be applied to a hypothetical caring moment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Qualitative Study 'Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction in Mental Health Nursing: Focussed (sic) Interventions via Evidence-based Assessment' Reviewed

    A 5 page paper reviewing the report of a qualitative study of stress among nurses in Britain’s National Health System. Cottrell (2000) provides a quite useful and highly relevant study directly applicable to the issue of stress among nurses. Though the author does not provide any research-supported follow-up on the intervention portion of the study, he provides alternatives that appear to be quite reasonable and naturally present the opportunity for further research in the future. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Nursing and the Impact of 1996's Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

    A 5 page paper discussing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. The paper provides a brief history of the law and discusses the data security aspect that went into effect in 2005, but the focus of the paper is how it can be expected to affect nursing and nursing duties. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Strategies to Retain Employees

    A 3 page paper that emphasizes the shortage of nurses and other health care professionals. The paper reviews an article about employee retention and comments on what needs to happen to reduce the turnover of nurses. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Health Care: Challenges in Caring for a Diverse Population, and Dealing with Colleagues of Different Ages

    This 3 page paper discusses two matters: the opportunities and challenges presented to health care workers by the increasingly ethnically diverse American population; and generational conflict between older nurses and younger nurses and administrators. Bibliography lists 2 sources

  • Nursing Paradigm Concepts and Leininger's Theory

    A 10 page paper discussing the concepts of person, nursing, environment and health of the nursing paradigm, from the perspectives of personal conviction and Leininger’s theory. Certainly intercultural nursing can be accomplished using other theories, but Leininger’s is the most complete culturally. Cultural awareness can be expected only to gain in importance in coming years, in all areas of the country. Nurses who are more culturally aware will be those who are able to have the greatest degree of influence with culturally diverse patients. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Practice Scope and Nursing Professionalism

    : A 3 page research paper that includes a 1 page introductory business letter to the nursing program manager who requested the research. This report pertains the topic of nursing professionalism and how this is influenced by the scope of practice. The topics covered pertain to nursing professionalism, as evidenced in activity of nursing professional organizations, both in Canada and the US; the Health Professions Act; registration and licensing; and continuing competence through lifelong learning, as evidenced in baccalaureate degree entry-to-practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Both Sides of the Marijuana Legalization Controversy

    Both sides of the issue are explored in this 7 page paper. The writer discusses health & social aspects of the controversy - citing the risks associated with legalizing marijuana as well as the possible advantages to doing so. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Canadian Institute for Health Information Document Cyberography

    This 3 page paper is a cyberography of documents found on the web site of the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) and related links. 5 sources listed.

  • Cyberography and Ontario Healthcare

    A 3 page research paper that describes and evaluates web sites that address the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC). The writer offers pertinent information, i.e., URL, title and date accessed, prior to describing the pertinent page. Five web pages are evaluated. No bibliography is offered as this information is contained within the context of the paper.

  • Overview of Inuit Youth and Problems They Face

    This 9 page paper discusses some of the problems facing Inuit young people today, including ill health and unemployment. It focuses on the most severe of all problems, the 'epidemic' of suicide among young Inuit men. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Children, Adolescents, and Divorce Effects

    A 10 page paper that explores the research addressing the effects of divorce on American children and adolescents. Data included regarding rates of divorce and number of children affected. Research is contradictory regarding the effects of divorce on children but most researchers conclude there are any number of negative effects on children ranging from higher suicide rates and higher high school drop-out rates to more health problems and poorer performance in school. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Alcohol in Society

    This 6 page paper examines alcohol toxicity, drinking at work, drug testing, health concerns and more. Alcoholism as a family disease is also discussed. This paper includes many facts about the toxic nature of alcohol and how it is related to homicide and suicide. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Tobacco and its Unacceptable Impacts to Human Health

    This paper provides a comparison of the health impacts of methamphetamines, marijuana, and tobacco. The argument is made that tobacco should be illegal just like the other two drugs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Analysis of Abortion Law Evolution

    This 10 page research paper chronicles the evolution of U.S. abortion legislation by examining landmark Supreme Court case law decisions. Specifically discussed are historic cases including Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), Roe v. Wade (1973), Harris v. McRae (1980), and Akron v. Akron Center For Reproductive Health, Inc. (1983). Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Law and Genetic Testing

    A 15 page research paper that examines the law concerning genetic testing and whether or not health insurers can use test results that show that an individual has a genetic tendency towards a disease as grounds for canceling or not providing coverage. The writer particularly focuses on the comprehensive law enacted by the state of New Jersey. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Family Nursing - Teen Suicide

    This 4 page paper begins with the effects of the suicide of a teenager and statistical data regarding its incidence. Three of the objectives in Health People 2010 that relate to this issue are reported. Both Freire's learning theory and Mezirow's transformative learning theory are explained as possible approaches for the family nurse to use at this time. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Addressing the Problem of Native American Suicide

    This 4 page paper investigates the reasons behind the escalated suicide rates experience among some Native American groups. This is a problem being addressed by mental health professionals in close association with tribal spiritual leaders. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Adolescent Suicide

    An 8 page research paper that offers a comprehensive overview of the current teen suicide rate and the implications for public health practitioners. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Marijuana and its Psychological Effects on the Brain, Sleep, and Stress

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of marijuana with an emphasis on its health benefits. It includes an analysis of how marijuana acts upon neurotransmitters, and offers a counterpoint to some of the more exaggerated claims. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Marijuana Decriminalization

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of arguments for the decriminalization of marijuana. Health, financial, and social benefits are cited, and an outline is included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Jewish Community and Health Issues

    Health issues as it affects the Jewish community are discussed in a 5 page paper. Topics included are ritual circumcision, kosher food choices, fasting and physician assisted suicide. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Home Health Agency Information Technology Upgrading

    A 5 page paper describing the work process at a home health agency and how increased use of information technology could improve work processes, patient care and responsiveness of the company to both patients and their doctors. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Issues of Reimbursement and Nurse Practitioners

    A 7 page research paper exploring the issues surrounding nurse practitioners and why they are not more available to patients. Despite their advanced training and certification in different specialties, few HMOs offer their services as an alternative to physicians as primary care providers. The issues are both budgetary in their favor and political in their opposition, still, they do not replace doctors but they can and do provide excellent health care services. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Doctor - Patient Confidentiality

    A 5 page overview of provider-patient confidentiality. This paper reviews a specific case of confidentiality being breached and the court ruling in the subsequent lawsuit. The importance of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is emphasized. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Zuger's "Defining A Doctor, With A Tear, A Shrug And A Schedule" - Analysis

    4 pages in length. Zuger's (2004) thesis strives to illustrate the inadequacies of medicine in its historic, contemporary and future state; by chronicling the wholly diverse approaches of two otherwise dedicated doctors, the author provides readers with a significantly greater understanding of how a career in medicine is not one-size-fits-all but rather a result of each individual's perception of what health care should be. Both interns, Zuger (2004) duly points out, reflect opposite ends of the same system, one that does not work to its fullest - and safest - capacity when based upon such extremes. No additional sources cited.

  • Organizational Health

    This 20 page paper looks at four different aspects of the employment environment that concerns the ‘wellness’ of an organization. The issues discussed include bullying and harassment as elements of toxicity in a company, individual employee health, work family initiatives and the importance of the work life balance and employee assistance programs. Each influence is discussed individually. The bibliography cites 22 sources.

  • Questions in Health Care Management

    This 6 page paper addresses a number of issues in health care management such as managed care, sexual harassment and the idea of professionalism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • US Army Burn Center - The Case for Electronic Health Records

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of electronic health records. The Burn Center at Brooke Army Medical Center is used as a case study. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • UK Confidentiality and Doctors

    This 10 page paper looks at health law in the UK and the issue of confidentiality. It is usually assumed the patient has a right to privacy however there are many different circumstances under which this assumed automatic right of confidentiality will be breached. This paper considers a range of these circumstances and examines them with reference to statute law, regulations and case law. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Technology Helps Health Care

    A 5 page paper that reports and discusses the shortage of these health care professionals. Data are included. The paper describes some of the ways technology can help with these shortages. Bibliography lists 7 source.

  • Integration of Alternative Medicine with Western Medicine

    7 pages in length. Concluding evidence points toward a growing trend of western medicine practitioners collaborating closely with alternative doctors. It is not without significant forethought that the two very separate entities have joined together to create a synergistic approach to health care. The writer discusses that prevention is the key for the alternative approach, where historically and typically, the western medicine practitioner has focused more upon treating the illness or disease after it has already been diagnosed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Health and Gender Inequality

    This 8-page paper discusses gender bias in health in terms of doctor-patient relationships. Also discussed are potential reasons why such bias continues to exist today. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Delimitations, Summary Sections for Proposed Study

    A 3 page paper that offers a guide to a student writing a study proposal that offers suggestions for the sections of the proposal describing “delimitations and limitations” and the “significance of the study.” The proposed study addresses the problem of obesity and the influence of health beliefs on lifestyle choices. No bibliography is offered.

  • Proposal for Outreach Education in a Community Needs Assessment

    A 3 page proposal for conducting a needs assessment of community outreach education efforts targeting health care issues. Designs a study incorporating qualitative input from independent focus groups and representatives from various governmental and private agencies regarding the effectiveness of existing outreach programs and specific community needs. Anticipates that coupling this qualitative input with quantitative information retrieved from the U.S. Census Bureau will aid the design of stand-alone, financially independent, outreach education programs within a three year time frame.

  • Impact of Audits on Accident Rates in Hong Kong/A Research Proposal

    This 15 page paper gives an in-depth research proposal to examine the hypothesis that accident rates will drop in the Hong Kong construction industry is health and safety audits are made compulsory. The paper looks at the background and shows why this research is important in terms of human and economic cost. The paper then considers methodology and gives an example questionnaire, discussing how it can be analyzed to assess the hypothesis. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Research Proposal on Safety and Health

    This 15 page paper proposes a health and safety research project to look at the tools of assessment and how suitable they are to measure unseen risk, such as air quality. The paper gives a justification of the study, the aims and methods, a time table and a literature review examines models that may be used and the risks of poor air quality. The bibliography cites 14 sources.

  • Disparities in Cancer Health

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of cancer health disparities by race. Causes are discussed in speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Health Promotion Proposal/Childhood Obesity

    A 12 page research paper, which includes a 1 page abstract, which presents a health promotion proposal study that addresses the problem of childhood obesity and focuses on a proposed intervention that would be geared toward educating and helping the parents of toddlers to establish good eating habits early in life. Bibliography lists 10 sources.


    Understanding the depth and scope of what on-the-job hazards exist for police officers is an instrumental way in which to help mitigate the detrimental outcome when they do occur. Dealing with the criminal element is not the only connection police officers have with on-the-job hazards inasmuch as their responsibilities also include domestic disturbances, traffic stops and health-related emergencies. The purpose behind this research proposal is to determine the greater propensity of hazards as they relate to criminal and noncriminal situations. 6 pages and 6 sources.

  • Health Care Center Case Study: PQRST

    5 pages in length. Mr. G.M. arrived for his emergency appointment at the health care center presenting with an earache and sore throat. While it may not have seemed to be a need for an emergency appointment, the attending nurse found out additional information via the PQRST format that did not necessarily warrant immediate attention but is commonly seen in the emergency room. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pfizer Inc. Animal Health Products Case Study

    This 7 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student concerning Pfizer Inc. Animal Health Products. The writer answers 5 questions set by the student, looking at the influences on the ranching industry, the issues of high quality and price products during an industry downturn, the appropriateness of the marketing strategies already used and how marketing may be improved and the potential of relationship marketing. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Communications in Health Care (Case Study Analysis)

    This 4 page paper provides a case study and analysis. Communication is discussed in the health care setting. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Research Proposal on College Students and Their Attitudes About Smoking

    A 12 page proposal for a questionnaire-based study is presented which is designed to quantitatively assess student smoking and attitudes toward smoking. A review of the literature is presented which details both the known health impacts of smoking and exposure to secondary smoke and the known correlation between an individual’s attitude and their smoking status. Includes a 13 question survey. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Health Care: Proposal

    4 pages in length. The following proposal speaks to the existing health care operation whereby the modification of two specific aspects will serve to address the insufficiencies inherent to the current program: A) modify the overall service delivery approach and B) enrich the fundamental quality of care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Case Study to Demonstrate Influences on the Delivery of Mental Healthcare

    This 10 page paper uses the fictitious case of a mental health patient living in the community to illustrate the impact that political philosophies and statutory instruments have on the way care is provided for those suffering from mental illnesses. The paper is written with reference to policies and legislation in the UK. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Facing a Family Health Challenge

    This 7 page research paper addresses a specific case study, which describes a patient suffering from the end-stage lung cancer. The overall objective of this examination is to relate how nursing approaches that are described in literature can be applied in order to aid this patient and her family in facing a complex health challenge. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Psychological Diagnosis Case

    A 14 page paper. The case discussed is that of a 32-year-old man who is unable to hold jobs for any length of time. The initial interview with the therapist finds that this person has bipolar II disorder and major depressive disorder with suicidal ideation. Includes mental health status exam, DSM codes for diagnoses, treatment plan, etc. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • A Case Study Concerning the Move to Electronic Patient Records

    This 7 page paper looks at the example of a health organization that decided to migrate from paper-based patient records to electronic patient records. The goals of the migration are outlined, different considerations and implementation processes which were used are discussed and the outcome is summarized. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Changing Operations - A Case Study

    This 16 page paper is based on a fictitious case study provided by the student. A company needs to go from selling a standardized product to selling customized solutions. The paper considers different aspects related to that change, including the need for a new organizational structure, planning include a Gantt chart for the project, activities management, quality management, health and safety management and the way measure may be taken to use for future improvements. The bibliography cites 12 purchases.

  • Hospital Emergency Department and Supply Chain Management

    An 11 page paper that presents a case study of a large hospital and clinic organization but that focuses on the emergency department. The writer describes the existing supply chain management issues for the emergency rooms, provides examples of supply chain management systems in other global industries as well as in the health care industry and then makes recommendations for the emergency rooms under study. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Health Care Change Theories

    Case Study Tutorial : A 10 page paper. This paper presents a case study taken from the literature that involves the problem of missing medical charts at a health clinic. The paper provides the background for the case and the change strategies used to analyze the problem and implement a change. Lewin's force-field analysis and Rogers' diffusion of innovations models are discussed. How the change was implemented is explained. Tutorial comments are included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Outline for "History of the Prospective Payment System"

    A 1 page outline of a separate PowerPoint® presentation providing the history of the prospective payment system. Created by legislation in 1983, the PPS has been characterized as being "revolutionary" and serving to dramatically reduce the rate of increase in health care costs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ddifferent Issues about Memory

    This 6 page paper discusses many different issues related to memory and learning, including short-term memory, long-term memory, three memories are stored in the brain, the effect of the context, synapses, brain health and what interferes with learning and memory. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Impact of Vertical Integration on Health Care Systems

    A 12 page proposal for a study on the impacts of vertical integration on administrations in health care systems. This proposal supports the thesis that effective administrative processes, including management philosophies and information systems are necessary for the cost effective use of vertical integration. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Politics Use of Health Care Research Proposal

    This 4 page paper provides a proposal, inclusive of an outline, to do a project related to health care and how it is used as a political football. Source recommendations are included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Research Proposal for Healthcare Industry Survey on Consumer Satisfaction

    In recent decades, the aging of the American population has led to an increase in the number of individuals seeking care in skilled nursing facilities. This 12 page paper provides an overview of the application of a satisfaction survey to assess this population in the health care environment. Bibliography lists 9 sources.


    This 15-page paper is a formal research proposal concerning patient safety, medical errors and uses of health care management theories to solve these issues. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • Prostate Victims & Their Partners/Quality of Life

    A 5 page research paper that takes the form of a research study proposal, which briefly describes an area that is under addressed by empirical research, specifically, this area pertains to quality of life issues that take into consideration factors that affect not only the health of the cancer victim, but also consider how quality of life issues affects the patient's life partner. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Internet and Information Democratization

    This 4 page paper provides information on the controversy with a focus on health information. Both sides of the issue are explored. A proposal for a research project is included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Marketing Segmentation for Health Care

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of market segmentation in health care. A hypothetical strategy is unveiled in speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Western Pennsylvania's UPMC Health System Presentation

    A 12-slide Power Point presentation on UPMC Health Systems in Western Pennsylvania, including discussion of the effects of the organizational structure of the system. The paper associated with this file contains speaker notes and sources only. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Data Entry Codes and Quantitative Analysis

    A 1 page table providing data-entry codes for transforming qualitative data to quantitative data that can be statistically analyzed. The codebook addresses variables such as age, gender, marital status, education and general level of health. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Studies

    A nine page paper which looks at two research studies concerned with the way in which stress and resultant high blood pressure affect Black people, and the different aims and methodologies of the two studies in terms of the quantitative and qualitative approach, the way the which the studies can be used in juxtaposition to provide an overview of the problem, and the applications which they have in the fields of health care and social issues.

  • The Uninsured in America: A Crisis in the Making

    This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of the lack of adequate health care coverage in America. A survey instrument to conduct research into the topic is designed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Critique of Qualitative Study/Nutrition

    A 7 page article critique that describes a qualitative study undertaken by Tanofsky-Kraff, et al (2005), which investigated the relationship between dieting, childhood obesity and eating disorders. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Resources Relating to Cardiac Emergencies

    A 5 page overview of cardiac emergencies and the resources they require. The author contends that cardiac emergencies not only necessitate immediate action on the part of emergency health care personnel but also a conscientious public, adequate emergency equipment and facilities, and appropriately trained transport personnel. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Skills Needed by a Forensic Nurse

    This 3 page paper considers what skills are needed by a forensic mental health nurse when looking after patients in a medium secure unit. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Nurse Consultants and Their Role

    The 12 page paper explores the contributions that nurse consultants occupy in healthcare and critically discusses their role. The paper focuses in the consultant nurses in the UK National Health Service. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Contemporary Appalachia, Transportation Challenges, and Mental Health

    This 7 page paper looks at the accessibility of mental health services for the people of Appalachia. Much of the paper focuses on the lack of adequate transportation to access services. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Nursing Metaparadigms/Nursing Philosophy

    This 5 page research paper/essay discusses the parameters of nursing philosophy, as related to the nursing philosophy of the Jacksonville University School of Nursing and the four nursing metaparadigms of Person, Environment, Health and Nursing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Metaparadigm of Nursing, Parse's Totality and Simultaneity, and Madeleine Leininger's Cultural Care Diversity

    A 12 page paper discussing culturally sensitive nursing. As the composition of populations shifts in many developed nations, it becomes increasingly necessary for nurses to relate to patients in terms that patients can understand. Madeleine Leininger’s Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory focuses on spanning the cultural divide that can exist between the nurse and her patient. The purpose here is to assess the concepts of nursing, environment, person and health in terms of Leininger’s theory and Parse’s totality and simultaneity perspectives. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nursing and Mandatory Overtime

    A 3 page paper discussing resolution of the conflict between nurses and nurse management arising from mandatory overtime. The nursing shortage has been operational for a generation now; it is unlikely to end soon. In the meantime, both nurses and their employers need to work together to identify alternative processes rather than striving to maintain the status quo of duties when everything else about health care has changed in recent years. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nursing Questions

    This five page paper responds to the following questions: What characteristics differentiate public health nursing from community nursing? How does the role of the nurse change as the client evolves from an individual to a family, an aggregate population, and a community? Based on knowledge gained to date in your MSN program, what are the advantages of graduate nursing education when providing care to communities and aggregates? What are some strategies for providing culturally sensitive care to aggregates and communities? Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Health Care Management, Hiring and Retention of Employees

    This paper looks at health care management hiring and employee retention practices addressed via job satisfaction issues based in content (external)and process (internal) modeling. Bibliography lists 6 sources. JVhcmot.rtf

  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and Risk Assessment

    A paper which looks in detail at the Risk assessment and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, with particular reference to the concepts of "sufficient" and "suitable" as used in the Regulations, and the way that these have been interpreted in recent case law. Bibliography lists 25 sources

  • ICU Nursing Ratio Restructuring and Change Management

    A 4 page paper evaluating the possibility of restructuring the ICU to gain one-on-one nursing, using Lewin’s change theory. All health care costs continue to increase despite managed care, regulatory insurer and individual efforts to halt the spiral. The ongoing nursing shortage has meant for ICUs that they may have fewer RNs available to them and that recruiting and retention has become more costly over the past several years. Though costs are of significant importance to ICUs, quality of care remains of central focus. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Risk Management, Security, and Communication

    A paper which looks at the role of communication in security and risk management, with reference to corporate organisations and societal institutions such as the health service, and considers the impact of IT and global communication on these issues.

  • Accountability, Profitability, and Management Position Merging

    This is a time when being lean means strength and being fat means weakness. Companies, and countries, all over the world are reengineering themselves to reduce employment and reduce duplication of effort to save costs. One of the most economic methods of achieving such stellar objectives is to merge management and worker positions, and one of the best combinations is the merging of the Quality Assurance Manager role with that of the Health & Safety Manager. By combining these roles, the company succeeds at not only reducing costs, but also combining two positions that rely on the same aspects of control – strict adherence to standardization and compliance. 6 references. jvQAHnSm.rtf

  • Following Watson's Example/Personal Philosophy of Nursing

    A 10 page research paper/essay that offers a guide for contrasting and comparing a student nurse's personal nursing philosophy to that of nursing theorist Jean Watson. The writer argues that each individual nurse brings personal perception to the act of interpreting Watson's theory. This interpretation is necessarily influenced by that nurse's personal history, knowledge level, and understanding. The purpose of this discussion of Watson's theory is to compare and contrast it with the personal nursing philosophy of a particular nursing student. The paradigms of person, environment, health and nursing are addressed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Elements of Psychiatric Nursing Practice

    A 4 page research paper that draws on the nursing model of Hildegarde Peplau, as she is acknowledged to be one of nursing's leading theorists, as she was one of the first to emphasize the importance of the nurse/patient relationship. Peplau's model specifies three phrases in this relationship: orientation (meeting the patient, establishing a relationship), exploitation (the patient takes advantage of the nurse's expertise) and termination (discharge plan is initiated). When Peplau formulated her model of psychiatric nursing, Interpersonal Relations in Nursing, the routines of mental institutes tended to reinforce illness (Sills, 1999). Peplau taught nurses to nurture mental health, to conduct research and seek methods for interrupting the illness maintenance systems (Sills, 1999). This examination of psychiatric nursing practice looks briefly at research literature in order to demonstrate how Peplau's model remains applicable today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • U.S. Foreign Educated Nurse Licensing

    This 23 page paper discusses the licensing process for foreign-educated nurses in America. The essay begins with an introduction that reports the nursing shortage, the practice of importing foreign-trained nurses in developed countries and the ratio of nurses to population in several countries. The next section reports the licensing process for nurses who are trained in the U.S., which is followed by the process for licensing foreign-trained nurses, including the CGFNS program and the NCLEX examination. The contents and process of the exams are discussed. The author then discusses other challenges for the foreign-educated nurse, such as the sometimes vastly different communication process. The last section is recommendations to help foreign-educated nurses become more successful. The writer also discusses negative impact importing nurses has on global health and the need to resolve the real problem. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Family Nurse Practitioner's Role

    A 5 page research paper that examines the role of the family NP. In today's cost-conscious health environment, institutions and clinicians are concerned about how to maintain quality service in a manner that is both cost-effective and provides good patient/client outcomes. Research shows that numerous studies have verified the utility and efficiency of employing increasing number of nurse practitioners to meet this need. This report examines three journal articles that discuss the role of the family nurse practitioner, which offers a brief survey of how this specialty field of nursing is fulfilling needs and is perceived at this time. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Family Nurse Practitioner

    An 8 page research paper that discusses the four metaparadigms of nursing in relation to the family nurse practitioner role. FNPs work with people of all age groups and their families, as they provide the necessary care and information for individuals to make informed decisions concerning their health and lifestyle choices. Across the country, nurse practitioners routinely work in coordination with family physicians, with skill sets that are complementary to each other (Flanagan, 1998). In exploring the role of the FNP, this examination addresses this topic from the standpoint of the four fundamental metaparadigms of nursing. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Rural & Remote Nursing in Australia

    A 5 page research paper that describes this area of Australian nursing. Nursing in rural and remote Australia has recently been the focus of a great deal of attention from the Australian Nurses Federation, and it is hoped that this attention, in terms of research and position papers, will encourage government policymakers to likewise focus on the needs of the this crucial area of public health (Armstrong, 2006). As this suggests, it is widely acknowledge that nursing practice in rural and remote settings differs significantly from nursing practice in urban locales (Courtney, et al, 2002). This literature review looks at some of the problems and challenges facing nurses in rural and remote areas of Australia in order to offer an overview of the healthcare concerns of nursing professionals whose practice is far from the resources available in urban areas. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Nursing Education Bill

    A 6 page examination of literature and discussion pertaining to the Nursing Education and Quality of Health Care Act of 2007 (S. 1604). The purpose of this legislation is primarily to increase the nation’s workforce in regards to well-educated nurses. By 2014, current estimates predict that the nation will need 1.2 million new and replacement nurses (Clinton, 2007). The bill now before the Senate will provide funding for grants and other financial programs in rural communities, which is a strategy intended to encourage the “recruitment and retention of nursing students, nursing faculty and nurses who serve in rural areas” (Clinton, 2007). Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nursing Home Costs and the Impact of MDS/PPS/RUG III System Utilization

    A 5 page paper investigating the possibility of a nursing home nurse traveling to assisted living facilities to provide health services in those facilities. There are many cost factors involved in nursing home operation, not the least of which are facility, insurance, pharmaceutical and supplies costs. Drug costs and medical supplies are costly and continue to increase in price, but those costs still are manageable. Other operating costs can be anticipated and forecast with much greater assurance of accuracy, but the availability of skilled nursing personnel continues to be problematic. Effects of the law of supply and demand directly affects nursing homes’ costs. The purpose here is to investigate the effect of acuity and utilization of the MDS/PPS/RUG III system on nursing home costs. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Nursing Philosophy and How It Developed

    Nursing did not consider "defining" itself until about twenty years ago. In 1980, The American Nursing Association published their official definition in a policy statement, which reads "nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual and potential health problems" (ANA, 1980, p.4). Each individual state may make some slight variation on the applicability of this definition, particularly in the area of continuing education. This 7 page discussion, however, will examine the basic philosophy of nursing which lies behind this general definition. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Personal Definition of Nursing

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the parameters in defining a personal definition of nursing based on ethical and professional standards. Actions that are purposeful and effective are inevitably aligned with a specific set of values that serve to guide individuals in the process of decision making, in both their personal and professional lives. Therefore, the following examination of nursing values offers a comprehensive view of this topic that addresses the following topics: definitions of nursing's fundamental concepts (i.e., nurse, patient, health and environment; personal and professional values of a nurse; examples from practice to support these values; and how these values relate to the Regis College mission. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 3 Sociological Views on the Shortage of Nurses

    5 pages in length. The nursing industry of years gone by saw beyond society's brusque and compassionless approach to medicine by providing humanistic care beyond the traditional way. The lack of humanistic care made glaringly apparent by the medical community's unemotional arms-length attitude was precisely what nurses like Florence Nightingale sought to correct, believing that a world without the ability to touch – along with treating the disease – is not a world where actual healing occurs. Under her wing, Nightingale took care of the soldiers while at the same time training other women to "nurse" them back to health. Indeed, one can readily contend that her efforts as a means to humanize the medical industry have often struggled to continue in contemporary practice. Examining today's nursing shortage finds several sociological perspectives under consideration as they relate to Nightingale's original approach, with the tenets of conflict theory, functional analysis and symbolic interactionism employed as a means by which to seek out a more humane and holistic approach to medicine. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nursing and Global Perspectives

    A 12 page research paper that examines how nursing is changing to meet the new demands of the twenty-first century. With the advent of global marketing and the revolution in telecommunications, the world has suddenly become a much smaller and much more interrelated place. All aspects of society are under reconstruction to fit the parameters of the changing global situation, and it is in this context that many nursing professionals are exploring what this means for nursing and what should be the place of a caring nurse, or as simply a caring individual, within the context of global health and healing. Literature review offered. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Virginia Henderson/Neonatal Application

    A 5 page essay that, first of all, addresses the parameters of the theoretical perspective on nursing that was developed by Virginia Henderson. The basic assumptions and major points of Henderson's theory are summarized, which includes briefly addressing how she perceives the four meta-paradigms of nursing (i.e., person, environment health and nursing). Then, a clinical application of this nursing theory is discussed. Specifically, the research conducted by Ahmed (2008), which describes a successful educational intervention that was undertaken with the mothers of pre-term infants in regards to breastfeeding, is described and then discussed in terms of Henderson's theory. This discussion demonstrates the utility and versatility of Henderson's theoretical perspective and why this theory is highly applicable to neonatal nursing. This paper also includes an abstract which is 117 words in length and included as part of the page count. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • U.S. Nursing Shortage

    A 4 page research paper that summarizes and discusses the nursing shortage in America. The current U.S. nursing shortage began in 1998 and resulted from a combination of social and economic factors, which included the “little growth in RN (registered nurse) wages, demographic changes in the RN workforce that decreased the supply of working RNs and a stressful hospital workplace environment” (Buerhaus, et al, 2007, p. 853). Currently, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services predicted that by 2010, there the nursing shortage will have reach the level of 29 percent, which translates to more than 800,000 nurses (Chandra and Willis, 2005). This examination of literature briefly summarizes this situation and the negative impact that it has on the American healthcare system. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing Philosophy for Professional Practice

    A 7 page research paper that discusses a student-formulated professional philosophy of nursing practice, which is that making clinical judgment decisions in nursing care should be comfort based and founded on an understanding and knowledge of the patient’s continuous evolving physical and mental state. This examination of literature discusses how this philosophy can be applied to the four nursing domains of person, environment, health/illness and the nurse. Then, a broader perspective is given that takes into account the expectations of ANA standards of practice, the requirements of law and JCAHO standards. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Reform and Ethics As They Relate to Nursing Home Care

    10 pages in length. Discusses at length the health care reforms and ethics as pertaining to nursing homes. Whenever nursing home care is an issue, people take notice. It is possible that with Medicaid dollars decreasing that the nursing home industry will fight increases in the amount of state regulation required in maintaining the care and maintenance of nursing care facilities. It is unfortunate that public effort to correct this situation will probably not be enough to withstand their fight because most public organizations to not have the resources with which to combat this problem. Discusses federal court case. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Forensic Psychiatric Nursing

    6 pages in length. Nursing in general encompasses many subsets of care, not the least of which includes focusing upon those who are mentally ill. In that vein, a forensic nurse tends to victims of trauma and catastrophe, those who commit crimes and enact violence, as well as address the issues that pertain to family members of each group. Psychiatric nursing, by comparison, cares for those no matter the age with varying stages of mental illness, not the least of which includes depression, psychosis, schizophrenia, dementia or bipolar disorder. Supplementary training is required for both of these specialties such as therapeutic alliance, pharmacology and diversity of psychological therapies. Combining the two areas of expertise creates forensic psychiatric nursing, a somewhat new subset that is currently charting its own course with mentally imbalanced offenders within the overall aspect of mental health care. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Role of Duties in the Burnout Problem of Nurses

    5 pages in length. There exists an inherent connection between those who enter the nursing field and their desire to help others. They discover that the best way to make a difference in someone's life is to be there in their most desperate of times. This is why nursing is such a tremendously rewarding career: just by offering a piece of oneself, an individual can make a lasting impression, while at the same time assisting in a person's recuperation. However, as uplifting as this field may be, there is a significant downside in that a high percentage of nurses become burned out after considerable time in and around a health care facility. The writer discusses how intensive care and neonatal nurses are more prone to burnout than their counterparts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Jean Watson's and Joyce Travelbee's Nursing Theories

    A 10 page overview of the nursing theories of Joyce Travelbee and Jean Watson. This paper emphasizes the holistic approach of both of these theories, comparing them to other nursing theories and, noting the importance of spiritual, culture, and psychosocial impacts on health. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Nursing's Hermeneutic Phenomenology Method of Inquiry

    A 24 page paper discussing the value of the hermeneutic phenomenological method of inquiry in nursing. All researchers need to take great care in designing, conducting and evaluating their investigations, particularly when using the hermeneutic phenomenological method of inquiry. Any research effort undertaken in this method may be suspect in the view of proponents of quantitative methods, but the method allows research into areas not possible to evaluate using quantitative methods. Resulting conclusions from valid, reliable research conducted according to hermeneutic phenomenological inquiry can be of direct benefit to both nurses and patients, and significantly add to increasing the “humanness” of health care. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Nursing Shortage In The United States: Causes, Effects And Solutions

    8 pages in length. The health care industry is fraught with struggles that keep people from obtaining the medical attention they need in a system where patients often pay the price for social and political agendas. One area in which this fall down of services is felt especially hard is with regard to nationwide nursing shortages that place patients in a highly vulnerable situation when they are admitted to a facility where one trained nurse must oversee three times the number of people than is safely or ethically acceptable. The variables that have constructed this national problems are such that it is becoming uncertain what type of care one will find from one hospital visit to the next. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Reflection Process Recording

    3 pages in length. Much of life's attempts at communication is fraught with misunderstanding or misconstrue. In the field of nursing, this reality can be deadly. One of the many ways to uphold a working system of checks and balances is through the practice called process recording. Nursing - more than virtually all other profession - relies upon the mastery of the health caregiver to maintain open communication with the patient; as such, it is a daunting task to verify each and every process without the help of creating a record of interaction. Behind the overall concept of process recording is to provide an opportunity for self-reflection in relation to the way in which interpersonal communication is approached. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Imogene King: Theory Of Goal Attainment

    6 pages in length. An individual's physical and/or emotional recovery is not left to happenstance or the sole responsibility of nurse practitioners; rather, convalescence comes from the proactive efforts of both patient and caregiver, a synergistic interchange that thrives because of equal output. Imogene King fully appreciated the value of patient involvement with regard to healing process and shared this vision through her theory of goal attainment. The extent to which personal goal setting empowers the patient to reach individual milestones of progress is both grand and far-reaching; to remove or withhold this internal power because of political or economic issues only serves to delay the healing process when the patient loses the ability to proactively target specific recovery goals. The impact such a concept as King's has made upon the nursing profession illustrates how the industry as a whole believes patients oftentimes have a greater influence over their journey back to health than anyone else does; additionally, King's perspective was instrumental in facilitating theoretical approaches overall. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Health Care: Ethical Dilemma

    4 pages in length. Carol took a one-month leave of absence rather suddenly; when she returned and resumed her regular nursing duties, there was nothing outwardly different about her but there was most definitely a change in the way many of her coworkers interacted with her. Shortly thereafter it was disclosed by some disgruntled employees that Carol had learned she was HIV positive and took the time off to make the ethical decision of whether she should continue working in the health care field. Patients soon learned of this and refused to let Carol come near them, fearful they would contract the disease merely by casual touch. Bowing to the pressure but fully behind Carol's presence as a nurse, hospital administrators decided to honor their commitment to patient care and let her go. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Presentation on Canada's Hamilton Health Services

    Three pages of speaker notes intended to accompany an 8-slide Power Point presentation analyzing the strategic alignment of a Canadian for-profit hospital. The presentation compares the hospital’s mission, vision and values statements with the results of patient satisfaction surveys, clinical operations and operational efficiency. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Heath Benefits of Aged Garlic Extract

    A 5 page research proposal for nursing research into the effectiveness of aged garlic extract (AGE) on cholesterol levels among study subjects with confirmed heart disease. The proposal includes reference to disseminating results within the Neuman systems theory of nursing for a “systems” view of the use of garlic in conjunction with statin drugs and other traditional treatments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Health Care Organizations and Data Mining

    This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of data mining. Speaker notes for a Power Point presentation are given. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Health Care and Organizational Structure

    3 pages containing slide text and speaker notes for a 4-slide PowerPoint presentation on hospital organizational structure. Complex problems cannot readily be addressed with simplistic organizational structures. The complex problem is a multi-faceted one, and each of its components needs to be addressed. There are dynamic tensions between structural groups, but also a sense of working for the same overall goal. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Knowledge Management at Molnlycke Health Care

    This 19 page paper is a proposal to develop knowledge management at a medical equipment company, including a sample cover letter. The paper examines the concept of knowledge management looking at what it is and how it can add value, and then examines the company, what it does and the way it competes and along with the existing level of knowledge management. Based on these two sections a strategy to increase the use of knowledge management is proposed. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Internet Health Information Resources and Their Reliability

    This 6 page paper examines the Internet as well as several books to demonstrate that authorship and publishing house are important in determining credibility. The M.D. designation does not guarantee accuracy. The works of several well known doctors are examined. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Problems with Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly

    In five pages, the author indentifies the kinds of abuse and neglect the elderly tend to experience, how abuse cases are handled by doctors and the law, and what can be done to avoid these problems. Five references are included.

  • Patient Outcomes and the Collaboration Between Physicians and Nurses

    A 5 page research paper that explores the crucial nature of nurse/doctor collaboration in patient outcomes. In 1967, Leonard I. Stein, MD, described the pattern of basic communication between a physician and an attending nurse as the "Doctor-Nurse Game." The expectation in this communication "game" was that a nurse, usually a woman, would make suggestions for patient care, but would do so in a manner that would make it seem as if the idea came from the physician (Haddad, 2003). A major rule of the "game" was that open disagreement or overt challenges to the physician's authority and judgement were to be avoided at all costs (Haddad, 2003). This paradigm is not only outdated, but also incredibly inefficient and disrespectful to all parties involved. However, some doctors insist on playing it, to the detriment of patient care. Research indicates that facilitating the highest standard of patient care requires effective nurse/doctor collaboration. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Health and Poverty/Incidence of Childhood Asthma

    A 5 page research paper that relates the details of literature review search for studies pertaining to the treatment and management of pediatric asthma among low-income young children. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Managing Quality and Risk Management in a Mental Health Environment

    This 12 page paper looks at the concept and use of quality management in healthcare with particular attention to a mental healthcare facility. The concepts and meaning of quality care are discussed, along with the way it is implemented, Internal and external influences are considered and some recommendations are made for improving quality management in a mental healthcare facility. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Obesity and the Development of Pharmaceuticals

    This 3 page paper addresses the development of pharmaceuticals for obese patients. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Weight-Loss Diets Cause Weight Gain/Diet for Health

    A 3 page research paper/essay that contrasts and compares weight-loss diets with eating healthy. The writer argues that weight-loss diets, per se, do not work. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Best Practices and Satisfaction in Health Care

    This 5 page paper examines satisfaction of patients and nurses. The concept of care is examined. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Music and its Health Benefits

    This 2 page paper reviews a journal article entitled, "Got Pain? Got the Blues? Try the Music Cure." The healthy benefits of music have been known for thousands of years. There has been a renewed interest in recent years. The article cited offers general comments as well as the results of a number of studies in which music was used with patients. There is also one study related to college students and the increase in their IQ score. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Psychology's Role in Managing Overall Health

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the role of psychology in diagnosis and disease management. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Cholesterol and Health

    A 4 page overview of cholesterol. This article delineates the different types of cholesterol and their role in human physiology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Digestive Health: Dietary Choices in Celiac Disease

    A 3 page consideration of the choices that must be made in regard to food for those suffering with this condition. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Discussion on Articles 1 - 4; Rights of Children and Health

    This 5 page paper discusses four articles concerning abuse and neglect of children, the right to healthcare, the right to education and child labor. Each article is discussed and progress towards the stated goals is assessed. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Ethics and Legalities of Health Care

    A 12 page paper discussing a case in which an emergency room nurse turned away a patient delivered by ambulance. The receiving hospital is a private, for-profit organization, and the patient had no job, no funds and no insurance. The patient was suffering from an apparent broken leg after injuring it playing tennis on a city-owned court. When asked how he intended to pay the hospital’s bill, the patient replied that he would sue the city for the funds. The nurse determined that there were no serious injuries present and that the patient was stable, and then instructed the ambulance crew to transport the patient to a public facility. The paper identifies the facts of the case, then reviews legal, moral and economic issues of the case before concluding with a proposed corporate statement addressing future occurrences. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Role of Culture/Mental Health Nursing

    A 6 page research paper in which the writer investigates the significance of cultural competence from a nursing perspective while also offering suggests on this topic from the viewpoint offered by a transcultural assessment conducted by the student researching this topic, which examines personal beliefs and how these can affect nursing practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Causes and Conditions of Homelessness

    A 6 page paper which examines many of the conditions which lead to homelessness and those conditions which involve the homeless. The paper discusses socioeconomic concerns, physical and psychological health issues, and environmental issues. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nature, Nurture, and Individual Behavior

    This 5 page paper deals with the question of nurture versus nature, and gives brief arguments for nurture being the leading cause in determining an individual's behavior and consequent successes in life. Examples in the areas of health, medicine, and world events are given. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Benefits of Marijuana Legalization

    A 13 page paper which argues why marijuana should be legalized. Tobacco and alcohol are discussed as are the health benefits and economic benefits. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Are Physicians' Professionalism Sacrificing Humanity?

    6 pages in length. One would automatically surmise that those who enter into the medical field as a doctor would understand the inherent connection between mind and body health. Patch Adams did, yet his approach to the practice of medicine was anything but conventional. Adams refused to sacrifice his humanity for the profession he had come to respect and enjoy, partly because he believed he had a great deal of healing to offer, as well as the fact that he saw a significant amount of non-medicinal oversight within the business of mental and physical restoration. Why was Adams’ desire to inspire happiness and frivolity looked upon so disdainfully by his medical associates? Because the unique individual who was Patch Adams was insightful enough to look well beyond the finite concept of traditional medicine as a means by which to treat illness; rather, his wholehearted contention was that people can help themselves become well if their mental outlook was more favorable. The writer discusses how it became Adams’ mission as a doctor to touch each patient at a personal level in order to stimulate healing from within, effectively restoring humanity to the medical profession. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Medical Records Decentralization Literature Review

    5 pages in length. This paper is a review of literature on the topic of decentralization of medical records. Due to the difficulty in accessing health care records when there are different clinics in the same building, many health care facilities have adopted new methods of organizing and recording patient medical records that are more easily accessible.

  • Male Health and Understanding Through Biomedical, Psychological, and Sociological Disciplines

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses how sociology, psychology and biomedicine play a role in understanding the impact of coronary heart disease (CHD) and suicide upon the male gender. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Literature Review and Proposed Study Outline on Middle Aged Women and the Impact of Exercise

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the effects of exercise in middle aged women. The paper includes a short literature review and possible outline for a proposed study. Studies investigating the effects of exercise in middle aged women have been positive in their findings. Research has ranged from studying aerobic or non-aerobic exercise in regards to lipid concentrations as well as those which study weight training in regards to overall body fat and body weight among other factors. It would seem that in all cases, middle aged women have shown improvements in regards to overall health from exercise in addition to reducing their risk for heart disease by reducing lipid concentrations, cholesterol levels and blood pressure among other variables. While some studies involves thousands of subjects over many years, most studies involve a relatively small number of subjects, randomly assigned to controlled short-term exercise programs after which the results are compared from pre- and post-measurements. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Applications of Orthopedic Sports Medicine

    12 pages in length. The field of orthopedic sports medicine has become a uniquely specialized occupation due to the intricate and often repetitive damage that occurs from sports-related injuries. Once having been incorporated as a part of regular medicine, the need was highly warranted for a separate entity as a means by which to deal with the special problems inherent to orthopedic sports medicine. It is not unusual to find lay people and those with sports injuries themselves becoming involved as both trainers and support personnel, proving to be particularly effective when working toward a degree in Health and Physical Education. The writer discusses orthopedic sports medicine as it relates to academic and practical application. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Medical Records Decentralization Literature Review

    5 pages in length. This paper is a review of literature on the topic of decentralization of medical records. Due to the difficulty in accessing health care records when there are different clinics in the same building, many health care facilities have adopted new methods of organizing and recording patient medical records that are more easily accessible.

  • Are Physicians' Professionalism Sacrificing Humanity?

    6 pages in length. One would automatically surmise that those who enter into the medical field as a doctor would understand the inherent connection between mind and body health. Patch Adams did, yet his approach to the practice of medicine was anything but conventional. Adams refused to sacrifice his humanity for the profession he had come to respect and enjoy, partly because he believed he had a great deal of healing to offer, as well as the fact that he saw a significant amount of non-medicinal oversight within the business of mental and physical restoration. Why was Adams’ desire to inspire happiness and frivolity looked upon so disdainfully by his medical associates? Because the unique individual who was Patch Adams was insightful enough to look well beyond the finite concept of traditional medicine as a means by which to treat illness; rather, his wholehearted contention was that people can help themselves become well if their mental outlook was more favorable. The writer discusses how it became Adams’ mission as a doctor to touch each patient at a personal level in order to stimulate healing from within, effectively restoring humanity to the medical profession. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Lidocaine Lubrication Possibilities in Endotracheal Intubation

    A 5 page overview of the endotrachael intubation and the possible benefits of lidocaine lubrication. Suggests a path of study to determine these benefits and points out that even problems such as sore throats which are considered trivial by health care providers can impact patient recovery and well-being. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The History and Mission of Tripler Army Medical Center

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the history and services at the Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii. The Tripler Army Medical Center, located for over fifty years on Moanalua Ridge in Honolulu, Hawaii, is not only known for its picturesque location and distinctive pink coral buildings but it is also known for its expansive coverage of over 3 million square miles and a patient base of over 750,000. The military medical presence in Hawaii was initiated in the late 1800s which grew with the U.S. presence in the Pacific especially during the Philippines conflict, the Second World War, the Korean War and the conflict in Vietnam. Since that time, Tripler has consolidated with the other medical facilities in the Pacific and is the focal point for military medical health care in addition to be the center for innovative research, medical education, humanitarian efforts and community programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Literature Review on 'Runner's High' Research

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the issues of “runner’s high”. A literature review involving “runner’s high” reveals that several areas of research have been associated with this phenomenon. During intense exercise, endorphins, originally known as endogenous morphine, are released into the blood stream resulting in a feeling of euphoria and peace for those who experience it. The release rate varies in individuals but it is generally found that it occurs at around 76% of the maximum heart rate. While increased endorphin levels have been associated with several positive side effects, many negative side effects have also been found especially in female athletes. High endorphin levels inhibit the release of a hormone needed for menstruation, luteinizing hormone (LH), resulting in menstrual complications or amenorrhea. In addition to possible side effects, researchers have also stipulated that running and exercising can be addictive. Endorphin release is also associated with alcoholism, smoking and over-eating, all considered to be addictive. However, many athletes feel that addiction to running or other forms of exercise can be considered a positive addiction as exercise can lead to a reduction in cholesterol levels and better cardiovascular health overall. While this may be true in most cases, exercise has also been found to be addictive to the level where some people eventually experience deterioration in their professional and personal lives and need counselling, psychotherapy and antidepressants in order to overcome their addiction. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Applications of Orthopedic Sports Medicine

    12 pages in length. The field of orthopedic sports medicine has become a uniquely specialized occupation due to the intricate and often repetitive damage that occurs from sports-related injuries. Once having been incorporated as a part of regular medicine, the need was highly warranted for a separate entity as a means by which to deal with the special problems inherent to orthopedic sports medicine. It is not unusual to find lay people and those with sports injuries themselves becoming involved as both trainers and support personnel, proving to be particularly effective when working toward a degree in Health and Physical Education. The writer discusses orthopedic sports medicine as it relates to academic and practical application. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Budget Proposal for a Fictitious Town

    In 8 pages, the author explains how to propose and justify a budget for a fictional urban community. No sources cited.


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