Research Papers on History U.S.

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Research Papers on History U.S.

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • A History of Special Education in the US

    An 8 page research paper that relates the history of special education. The structure of this history of special education first looks at the field earliest beginnings, which addresses how early special education innovators developed this field. However, the reality of history is also that there was resistance to the very idea of special education for severely mentally handicapped children and this is also addressed before moving on to the recent history of special education in the US and conclusions. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • History of WMDs in Iraq

    This 6 page paper examines the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq possessed prior to the U.S. invasion of that country. Furthermore, this paper provides analysis as to the reasons for the U.S. invasion as well as the history of prior wars between the U.S. and Iraq. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Relations between the U.S. and the Islamic Republic of Iran

    This 8 page paper describes the history of U.S.-Iran international relations and why Iran has come to distrust the United States. It considers the 1953 U.S. backed coup that overthrew the legally elected Mossadegh government; the Islamic Revolution; and the U.S. backing of Saddam Hussein. It also considers reasons why Iran is developing nuclear power. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Viewing US History Differently

    A 5 page summary and analyzes of a history text by Dinnerstein, Nichols, and Reimers, Natives and Strangers (1979) which is probably one of the first efforts at inclusion and acknowledgment of diversity in regards to US history. The writer argues that to a large degree, the authors achieved their goal, as this text offers a survey of American history that stresses the contributions of minorities and also the perspective of minorities toward the events that led to the founding of the United States. No additional sources cited.

  • US Influence on the History of the Panama Canal

    This 7-page paper focuses on the history of the Panama Canal and the influence of the U.S. government in making this project happen. Other topics for discussion include whether or not the U.S. could be considered imperialistic in its efforts to build a Canal though this country. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Post 1950 West and Marijuana

    An 11 page discussion of the history of marijuana usage in countries like Great Britain, Canada, and the U.S. since the mid part of the twentieth century. The author reviews some of the critical laws regarding marijuana usage, inclusive of the 2002 decision by Great Britain to lessen the criminal penalties for possession of marijuana and to in effect look the other way, to conclude that while countries like Great Britain and Canada are slowly preparing for the leap toward legalization, the U.S. is holding back and looking at the edge. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Relationship Between Mexico and the United States

    A 5 page research paper on the historical conflicts and solutions between the U.S. and Mexico. The writer focuses on the Spanish American War, Mexican War, other incursions by the U.S., and upon the political and social issues behind that history. Historical review leads to an answer to the question of why the two nations never formed a union. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nicaragua and Democracy Transitioning

    A 16 page research paper that argues that the US intervention in Nicaragua, rather then aiding the consolidation of democracy, in the long-term, actually prolonged such consolidation. The writer looks at the history of US intervention and the consequences for Nicaragua. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Marijuana Propaganda verses Fact

    This 9 page paper explores the history and legality of marijuana as it exists in the twenty-first century. Admittedly, the anti marijuana stance that has existed for most of our history is attributable to considerably misunderstanding and a propaganda campaign by the US government yet the relative plusses and minuses of marijuana are still being weighed out. Bibliography lists 9 sources. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • A History of American Organized Crime

    A 15 page research paper that offers a history of organized crime in the US. The writer follows this history from Prohibition to the current day, concentrating on the career of Lucky Luciano, and arguing that the influence of the Mafia has declined in recent years, as Asian and Latin American gangs have gained ascendancy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • American Historical Contributions of Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin

    A 7 page discussion of the historical contributions of these three men. While it is easy to look at history as dry fact, when we consider these facts on an individual basis, history comes to life. A review of the contributions and personal characteristics of each of these men allows us to make a connection between America’s past and the present. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Southern and South African: Power of Christian Music

    A 12 page research paper that offers an overview of the influence and history of Southern Christian music in the US, and its role in the Civil Rights Movement, and the influence and history of Christian Music in South African, looking at its role in the anti-apartheid movement. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Vietnam Oral Narratives

    A 5 page research paper that summarizes and analyzes five oral histories concerning personal experience during the Vietnam War. These histories are taken from The Vietnam War Remembered from All Sides edited by C.G. Appy (2004). Accounts profiled are by a former Viet Cong guerilla fighter, a former US official, the wife of a war protester, and Senator John McCain. No additional sources cited.

  • Government Involvement in Health

    A 4 page paper that discusses the history of health care insurance in the U.S. beginning with private agreements in the 1920s. How the government interceded is reported, such as giving Blue Cross tax exempt status and allowing firms to offer benefits as incentives. The history continues through Medicare and Medicaid. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Southern and South African: Power of Christian Music

    A 12 page research paper that offers an overview of the influence and history of Southern Christian music in the US, and its role in the Civil Rights Movement, and the influence and history of Christian Music in South African, looking at its role in the anti-apartheid movement. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Special Education/Literature Review

    A 15 page research paper that discusses special education, its history in the US. This examination of issues pertaining to special education offers a broad overview of this topic via a review of relevant literature. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Guayaki Sustainable Rainforest Products

    This 28 page paper examines the California company Guayaki Sustainable Rainforest Products, the major supplier of the beverage yerba mate in the US and Canada, a beverage that is able to compete with coffee and tea as well as energy drinks. The paper looks at the company background, history and business model, assesses current and future competitors, identifies potential future markets and then performs a SWOT analysis discussing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the company faces. The paper entered a conclusion and considers the potential international job opportunities with the company. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • From the Invention of the Automobile to the Kent State Massacre

    This 8 page paper addresses fifteen specific questions in American history starting with the invention of the automobile and its impacts on American society and ranging to the US expansion into Cambodia and the Kent State Massacre. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Historical and Economic Effects of Lean Manufacturing

    A 5 page paper discussing lean manufacturing. “Lean manufacturing” is the current incarnation of the concept of Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing, an outgrowth of and partner to Total Quality Management (TQM). The evolution of the two concepts within the current business environment has led to the new terminology, and the concept of lean manufacturing reflects the changes. The purpose here is to review lean manufacturing’s history and to assess how it affects the US economy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History of Cloning

    A 5 page paper discussing the history of cloning and the untimely death of Millie, the first cow to be cloned in the US. Cloning has reached the point at which protocol is set and there is no anticipated reason that researchers could not produce a human clone. We have reached the brink of ethics, however, and it is yet unclear whether science should proceed. This debate forms the core of discussion surrounding cloning today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Trade Patterns of the United States

    This 5 page paper looks at trading patterns. U.S. trading partners are discussed. Specific information about NAFTA, and the trade history between China and the United States, is also relayed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • U.S. Civil War Partisan Influence and Guerrilla Warfare

    A 17 page paper which examines the history of guerrilla warfare and assesses the dramatic impact it had on the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865), along with a consideration of some of its most effective practitioners (William Clarke Quantrill, ‘Bloody Bill’ Campbell, John Singleton Mosby, and J.J. Dickison). Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • The Oil Spill During the Week of June 6, 2010

    A 3 page research paper that reports on the events reported in the news for the week of June 6, 2010 pertaining to the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig, which resulted in the worst oil spill in US history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Motorola's Quest to Regain Market Share in China

    A 6 page paper discussing Motorola's history in China and its loss of wireless handset market share in the early 2000s. The paper recommends that the company focus on long-term profitability, in the form of working to increase market share now and then preserving the market share it is able to gain. In no event should the company allow competitive pressures to force it to market with an inferior product as it did in the US with the low-end Razr. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Basque Tradition

    5 pages. This paper is an interesting study of the Basque people and the music, dancing, and clothing that they wear in their cultural dances. For hundreds of years the music and dance of their culture has been passed down through the generations and it still entertains yet tells us about the history of this beautiful culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Special Education/Literature Review

    A 15 page research paper that discusses special education, its history in the US. This examination of issues pertaining to special education offers a broad overview of this topic via a review of relevant literature. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Iran and its’ Nuclear Power Program

    This 5 page paper gives a general overview of the nuclear program in Iran. The paper starts by looking at the history and the development of the program, including the help from the US under the Atoms for Peace program. The paper considers the development and difficulties faced by the program and bring the events up to date to the position in 2007. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • England's Crime and Crime and Punishment from 1800 to 1850

    This 16 page paper considers hat does criminal law history before 1850 tells us about the processes of change in the law and legal institutions. The paper looks at the period 1800 – 1850 and examines four areas of law and the justice system; capital and corporal punishment including the “Bloody Code”; imprisonment and transportation to Australia; juvenile and women Offenders and the fringes of criminality including vagrants, drunkards and prostitutes. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • An Examination of the Credit Card Industry in the United States

    This 10 page paper examines US credit card industry in 2010, looking first at the development and history of the industry, in considering the economic and political influences and undertaking a Porters 5 forces analysis of potential future developments will impact on the industry. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Ohio's Oberlin College and Its History

    This 5 page paper examines the long history of Oberlin College in Ohio. Early founders to the modern trend examined as well as Oberlin's contribution to the early educational efforts in the US. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • American History Q and A

    A 12 page paper which presents questions and answers to US history. The questions address such figures as Booker T. Washington and Woodrow Wilson and discusses events such as bimetallism and nuclear research. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Historical and Economic Effects of Lean Manufacturing

    A 5 page paper discussing lean manufacturing. “Lean manufacturing” is the current incarnation of the concept of Just-in-Time (JIT) manufacturing, an outgrowth of and partner to Total Quality Management (TQM). The evolution of the two concepts within the current business environment has led to the new terminology, and the concept of lean manufacturing reflects the changes. The purpose here is to review lean manufacturing’s history and to assess how it affects the US economy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Aspects of U.S. History - Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement

    This 6-page paper focuses on two facets of U.S. history -- first, how Brown vs. Board of Education helped spark desegregation and ultimately the Civil Rights Movement; and second, how the Vietnam War escalated under the leadership of Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.

  • U.S. Political Parties: History and Roles

    A 12 page overview of the political party as it exists, and has existed in the U.S. The author emphasizes the change that has occurred over our history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Civil War Naval History

    A 7 page book review that discusses Divided Water, The Naval History of the Civil War (1996) by Ivan Musicant. This historian traces how the US Navy grew from a "drowsy, moth-eaten organization on the fringes of the technological revolution," to, by war's end, being a "maritime ironclad power briefly unmatched by any navy in the world" (Musicant 432). The writer relates this to naval virtues of honor, courage and commitment. No additional sources cited.

  • Injury and Safety Impacts of Bicycle Helmet Laws

    A 6 page reviews of the history and impact of laws mandating the use of helmets for bicyclists. Bicycle helmet laws are quite controversial not only within the U.S. but also in other areas of the world (especially in Australia, Canada, Finland, Iceland, and New Zealand) where they have been implemented. Many debate the quest of just how effective they are in improving safety and reducing injuries. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Saudi Arabia and Apple Computers

    Apple and Saudi Arabia: Time To Move: A five-page analysis of how a U.S. company, in this case Apple Computer, Inc., should go about entering a new market in a foreign country, i.e., Saudi Arabia. Included are economic, cultural and political climate in Saudi Arabia and the history and financial condition of Apple Computer. Cites four sources.

  • Post Monroe Doctrine Relations Between Cuba and the United States

    A 6 page research paper on how the history of these two nations has intertwined with the U.S. frequently playing a vital role in the Cuban government. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • USPS

    A 5 page paper on the internal workings of the mail system in the U.S. Included is a brief overview and history of the Postal Service along with economic and financial data. Bibliography included.

  • Confirmation of the Existence of ESP

    A 4 page paper describing three personal-knowledge experiences of the writer with ESP-related experiences, followed by some of the history of Joseph Banks Rhine's Parapsychology Laboratory opened at Duke University in the 1930s for the purpose of empirically investigating the existence of ESP and psychokinesis. The paper states that nearly all of us have had some sort of unexplainable extrasensory experience, and works to the conclusion that ESP does in fact exist. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Globalization and its Disadvantages

    The thesis that globalization is not good for underdeveloped countries is supported in this 15 page analysis. Central America is the focus of the paper, which includes a brief history of each of its seven countries. U.S. involvement in the region is emphasized. The paper concludes that the presence of multinationals in Central America is not the best thing for its people. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • A Book Review of Modern Middle East History

    A 6 page book review of A History of the Modern Middle East by William Cleveland (1994). This is a complex and scholarly work, designed to present Middle Eastern history to both students and general readers who have not previously studied this subject. The Middle East plays a prominent role in the daily news. In many cases, commentators and policymakers appear mystified by Middle Eastern attitudes and, particularly, by their stance towards the West and the US. Cleveland's history not only explains past events, but also places them within cultural and geographic context that aids the reader in seeing how the region evolved to its present state. No additional sources cited.

  • 'Dumping' and Exports of German Steel

    A 5 page research paper that examines German exports of steel products to the US, which has been a greatly contested area of trade between these two countries. The US Commerce Department has accused Germany of "dumping" steel products onto the US market. However, while many view this as an unfair trade practice, a subsequent ruling against penalties indicates the complexity of this issue. An examination of US/German steel trade shows that this area of foreign trade has been on shaky ground for some time. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History of American Currency

    A 5 page paper discussing the development of the current US system of currency and legal tender. In Colonial days, the formal currency was that of Britain and was based on silver. The shortage of silver combined with the need to trade with the native Americans who preferred wampum resulted in wampum being the currency of choice for decades until a New Jersey factory became so efficient in its production that it became hyperinflated. The paper discusses the influences of greenbacks and the role filled by the 1848 California gold rush in directing the US away from bimetallism and toward a gold standard, which eventually was abandoned in the 1930s. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. Government Actions from 1861 through 1900

    A 7 page paper discussing noble and brutal acts of the government during the period of 1861 through 1900. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • History and Contemporary Message of the U.S. Constitution's 4th Amendment

    An 8 page paper that provides an overview of the history and current application of the 4th Amendment. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Randy Albeda and Chris Tilly's Glass Ceilings and Bottomless Pits Women's Work, Women's Poverty

    A 7 page review of the book by Randy Albeda and Chris Tilly. is an expose’ on the numerous societal factors which are facing women today. It is a look into poverty as many of us have never seen poverty, a look at the blatant and sometimes shocking facts of being a poor woman in the United States, the facts of that ever present “bottomless pit”. It is also a look, however, a the so-called “glass ceiling” which confronts professional women in the workplace. This paper contends that while the two scenarios are definitely different, they are inherently related to the same societal factors of the patriarchal dominated society which has been in place for the history of mankind. No additional sources are listed.

  • History of Educational Psychology

    This 12 page paper provides an overview of the history of educational psychology, with an assessment of the major points in history and a reflection on major contributors, including Piaget, Vygotsky and Gardner. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Issues Related to Management of Ecosystems

    A 15 page paper that reports, explains and/or discusses five issues based on specific readings. The first section explores the concept that indigenous peoples have a natural harmonious relationship with the environment. Events with the Cree, the Yuracare and other Indian groups are used as examples. The second topic has to do with ecosystem management. The third section compares the positions of Pinchot and Muir and suggests what each would think about the spotted owl issue. Next is a report of the history of community forestry in the U.S. Finally, the writer discusses Chase's opinion about humans playing God, using the Yellowstone National Park as the example. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Airbus Case Study

    This 24 page paper is written in two parts. The first part is a case study looking at the Airbus Company, which is an EADS company. The case study looks at the history of the company, its products including be A380, the structure of the company and it is facilities, the competition it faces from Boeing, the management and leadership. The second part of the paper answer questions regarding some of the challenges faced by Airbus including the pressure for innovation, the accusations of insider trading in 2006, the dual CEO structure, the policy of compensating for currency changes as well is other influencing factors such as US government influences on Boeing and the potential of new entrants into the aircraft manufacturing business. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • How Should Tesco Develop their United Kingdom and United States Markets?

    This 98 page paper is a project to looks at the way in which Tesco, the successful UK supermarket, which has been struggling in the US, can develop an aligned strategy for both the UK and the US market. The paper provides an extensive literature review, looking at relevant theories which may be applied, including concepts of competitive advantage, the application of the marketing mix, theories of international marketing and issues concerning the creation and maintenance of loyalty. Following the outlining of a methodology advocating a case study approach and outlining the way primary research will take place the firm is then examined. The case study starts by looking at the way the company competes in the UK and then at the operations in the US where it trades under the name Fresh and Easy. With this background primary research is simulate to assess what customers in both countries want and need. The results are analyzed and used to design suitable strategies. The bibliography cites 72 sources.

  • Community and Corrections Nursing

    A 7 page paper discussing how the correctional facility nurse can have effect in the local community. The US penal system guarantees appropriate health care to prison inmates. US Supreme Court decisions have determined that withholding any medical treatment where there is urgent need constitutes "cruel and unusual punishment," which of course is not allowed by the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution or by the American character. Providing nursing service within the prison community offers distinct challenges, but it also offers opportunities that otherwise might never be available to health care providers. Prisons often hold individuals that public health professionals have difficulty locating; extending public health screening to the correctional setting can have direct benefit both within the prison and in the local community when individual inmates are released. Includes an outline. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • America Combating Terrorism

    A 7 page discussion of the role the U.S. plays in combating terrorism on a global scale. Notes the atrocities of the September 11, 2001 terrorist destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and the simultaneous plane attack on the Pentagon itself and contends that acts of terrorism, whether they occur within the U.S. or outside, must be addressed not only through maintaining our integrity through military means, but also through a thorough understanding of the factors which lead to terrorism and a consequent redress in the manner in which the U.S. conducts its business and political affairs and relates to other political and ideological factions of the world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • High Tech Industry and Failure of the Free Market

    An 8 page paper discussing the superficial "failure" of the free market concerning activity relative to US technological industries. The free market system has not "failed" those industries, but rather has been prevented from operating within them. The state of the US supercomputer industry provides an example of how protectionist trade policies have stifled competition and served to keep prices within the US artificially high. That we need new industrial policy concerning high-tech is certain. Also certain is that any such new policy needs to allow high-tech industries to operate under market forces. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Volkswagen Beetle of Germany

    A 12 page research paper which examines the history of the Third Reich's 'people's car'-the most popular car in automotive history-its legend and the reality, and how the new 'Bug' compares with the old. Although originally the brainchild of Hitler, the Volkswagen Beetle has taken on a new identity of its own. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • European Union Principles of Proportionality and Subsidiarity

    This 20 page paper considers the roles of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality within the EU. A brief history is considered to put the discussion into context, and the meanings of their principles, the ways in which they are applied and enforced are considered, with some case histories quoted. The conclusion argues that they act as balances foe each other within European Government, which enables its role to be more effective and efficient. The bibliography cites 16 Sources.

  • The Rise And Fall of the Great Powers Economic Change And Military Conflict From 1500 to 2000 by Paul Kennedy

    6 pages in length. From Paul Kennedy's assertions in "The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict From 1500 to 2000," one can readily gather that the author's primary thesis revolves around the issue of imperialism. The writer discusses the persuasiveness of the author's thesis; the types of arguments and evidence used to support the thesis; the factors used to help shape his historical interpretation and that of world history; and how the author's interpretation of history might have been different had he emphasized other factors. No additional sources cited.

  • Grand Canyon's Geological History

    A 6 page paper discussing the stratification and geological history of this haven for geologists. The allure for geologists is that the canyon itself is geologically very young, but that the formations through which it is cut are very old. This gives insight to the geological record that otherwise would not be possible. The paper discusses the stratification and geological history of the canyon. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Impressionism/Music & Art

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the relationship between impressionist music and painting. Art and music have always developed in parallel with one another throughout the course of history (Impressionism). The impressionism of the late nineteenth century, which originated in France, exemplifies this principle as impressionist music and art are closely related. This examination of impressionism in music demonstrates the close relationship that the development of this genre of music history had with painting of the same era. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Cultural Understanding and the Reflections of Photography

    An 8 page discussion of the value of still photography and film in cultural research. The author contends that cultural history, a subcategory of both anthropology and history, is indeed replete with examples of the value of these mediums in preserving culture in a visual format. It is emphasized that this value is not exclusive to the use of photography as a documentary tool by the researcher but that instead it encapsulates the use of film produced by the culture itself. Asserts that both documentary and fictional film can be of tremendous research value.

  • Unique U.S. Southern State of Louisiana

    This 4 page paper examines the history of Louisiana and looks at its place in Southern history. What is different about Louisiana is discussed as well as what is the same. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Portugal Economics and Providing Healthcare

    This 5 page paper provides a brief history of this country and relates how this history has impacted current day healthcare. The country’s attempts to provide free healthcare has been structured around long lasting economic troubles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Procopius/The Secret History

    A 6 page book review that examines Procopius’ The Secret History.The writer argues that examination of this text shows that Procopius felt that the most pressing problem of his generation was the tyrannical and amoral nature of its ruling class. In other words, Procopius’ Secret History offers a far different picture of early Byzantium than one gained by simply considering its artistic accomplishments, which characterize it as a “golden age.” Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Protests Against Black History Month

    A 3 page paper that summarizes and analyzes three essays that protest the institution of Black History Month. In general, these authors argue that black history should be taught throughout the year, rather than in just one month. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Websites on Black History and Information Verification

    A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares sites on black history. An Internet site entitled "History Notes" lists numerous articles by Runoko Rashidi. Two of these articles were selected for comparison with other Internet sites for verification of information and to discern if contradictions exist between the articles selected and other Internet sources. The two articles chosen were "Ancient Africa and Early Rome" and "The Moors in Europe." Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Male Historians and the Challenges of Women's History

    This 4 page paper considers the issue of a feminist approach to history. Joan Kelly-Gadol's essay Did Women Have a Renaissance, published in Becoming Visible: Women in European History, directly relates to the question of the emerging approach of female historians. Female historians, after reflecting on the traditional narratives of male dominated societies, have recognized that women essentially had no voice in the past. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • United Church Of Canada And Christology

    A 15 page paper that begins with a history of the United Church of Canada, how and when it came to be formed. A brief history of the Anglican Church of Canada is also provided. The paper discusses the beliefs of these two churches with an emphasis on the United Church of Canada. The writer briefly explains what Christology is and the United Church of Canada's demonstration of Christology. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • The California Gold Rush & the coming of the Civil War

    A 5 page book review of The California Gold Rush and the Coming of the Civil War by Leonard L. Richards. In the preface to his history text, Richards explains his purpose in writing this fascinating text, which relates California gold rush history to the sociopolitical factors that brought on the American Civil War. No additional sources cited.

  • American Appeal of Blues Music

    This 6-page paper focuses on blues music, its history (and how it has depicted American history) and its never-ending appeal. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Sports Marketing and Consumer Behavior

    8 pages. This sports marketing project includes a description of the behavior and history of marketing to sports enthusiasts, suggestions for the application of these findings and a summary or overview of the history. The company that is analyzed is that of Hillerich & Bradsby, makers of the world-famous Louisville Slugger bat. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Haunting and its History

    7 pages. This paper examines the history of amusement park haunted houses, as well as those that become popular during the Halloween season. A history of Halloween is given which will help to explain why people enjoy being scared out of their minds and even pay to do so. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Literal Interpretation of the Old Testament

    A 4 page research paper that presents some objections to the concept that the Bible is literally true, as dictated directly to the Hebrews by God. The writer argues that even a brief examination of the history of the Bible demonstrates the illogic of believing the Old Testament as literally true. Furthermore -- even if one believed that the original Hebrew scripture was divinely inspired -- this history also demonstrates the multiple translations that scripture has undergone. The implications are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Hebrew History and Yahweh

    Yahweh : A 5 page paper. The name Yahweh is not used in all Christian Bibles, nonetheless, the term has a history that dates back to the Old Testament. This paper discuses the use of the term in one Christian Bible and the need for the term Yahweh in Hebrew history. The writer also discusses the use of the terms 'jealous God' and 'angry God.' Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Impressionism/Music & Art

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the relationship between impressionist music and painting. Art and music have always developed in parallel with one another throughout the course of history (Impressionism). The impressionism of the late nineteenth century, which originated in France, exemplifies this principle as impressionist music and art are closely related. This examination of impressionism in music demonstrates the close relationship that the development of this genre of music history had with painting of the same era. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The Straight Path by John Esposito

    A 5 page book review of John Esposito's The Straight Path, which the writer describes as an easily readable, comprehensive historical introduction to the study of Islam that provides the student with a thorough grounding in Muslim theology, politics and law. By discussing Islamic history within a cultural context, Esposito provides insight into why the Muslim world developed as it did. By offering a means to understand Islamic history, Esposito also aids his readers in understanding the Islamic world of the present. No additional sources cited.

  • Theological Foundations Pastoral Care

    A 20 page paper that includes several sections. It begins with an introduction to the topics. Other sections are: pastoral practice and pastoral theology; History of pastoral care; History of pastoral theology; why pastoral theology is important; and personal reflections. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • 1960s' Countercultures

    This 11 page paper explores counter culture in the 1960s with a focus on how various disciplines treat the time period. History, art history and music are three areas discussed in depth. The mainstream culture is also looked at. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Louisiana Purchase

    A 3 page paper which examines the history and legacy of the Louisiana Purchase which is considered to be one of the most important land deals in the history of the nation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Cooperative Learning, History, and Reading

    A 5 page paper discussing learning the subject of history by incorporating content reading and cooperative learning into the curriculum. By combining the various methods and approaches to learning, the student can expect to gain much more valuable information out of history, a subject often confined to lectures. The content area reading method is discussed and defined, as is the method of cooperative learning. Bibliography lists 6sources.

  • Tiger Economies and Their Lessons

    This 5 page paper looks at the role of government intervention in the U.S. economy by using the tiger economies as examples. Singapore and Taiwan are highlighted. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Real World and Adam Smith's Economic Philosophy

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of Smith’s theories as it concerns the free market economy. The United States is the focus of this paper that looks at the actual economy and the changes it has been through. The U.S. economy is discussed in terms of how well it has conformed to Adam Smith’s ideology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Common Sense and Artificial Intelligence

    In 7 pages, the author discusses why common sense in among the greatest challenge faced by the artificial intelligence field and how the understanding of intelligence helps us with human communication. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Overview of the United States Virgin Islands

    In 5 pages, the author discusses the US Virgin Islands of which the main islands are St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Judicial Matters and Politics in the United States and Mexico

    An 8 page comparison of the two countries in terms of the party system, electoral system, and the judiciary. Other information touched on includes the executive branches of government, recent changes in Mexico, and apathy in the U.S. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Global Power Rise of the U.S.

    A 5 page overview of the rise of the U.S. to international power. The paper begins with the ideals of the forefathers, leading to the inventions rising out of the Industrial Revolution and continuing through World War II (a-bomb), telecommunications, computer technology, military technology and the space program. The paper includes a discussion of some of the problems that have emerged as a result of democratization of communist and socialist states and how the United States is working to assist those countries in the move to the global market. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of the Whiskey Rebellion

    An 8 page research paper that gives an overall view of the Whiskey Rebellion that occurred in the counties of Pennsylvania and Virginia that are west of the Allegheny Mountains in 1794. The rebellion developed due to opposition to a federal excise tax on spirits that was enacted in 1791 according to a plan devised by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton wherein the states would assume their own debts. Washington eventually called out the militia and the rebels dispersed; however, the incident illustrated the power of the new federal government and the US presidency. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Eliot Asinov's '1919'

    America's Loss of Innocence.' Book offers evidence that key events such as the passing of the Valstead Act, the Black Sox scandal, and the U.S. decision not to join the league of nations contributed to this nation's 'loss of innocence.' 6 pages in length, Bibliography lists 5 supporting sources.

  • California and At Will Employment

    A 14 page essay on the legal doctrine which states that employers can dismiss employees for any reason at any time, and, conversely, that employees can quit for any reason and at any time. This paper examines exceptions which have been made and at the current rash of ‘‘wrongful discharge'' lawsuits which are slowly changing this doctrine as it applies in the U.S. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Brazil and Toys 'R' Us

    16 page presentation on how to open up Toys 'R' Us in Brazil. Great for those studying international business related topics & issues. Lengthy appendices and comprehensive bibliography listed 9 sources.

  • Issues Surrounding the Tobacco Trade

    A 5 page essay exploring the issues surrounding the exporting of tobacco and tobacco products. Is this a policy the United States Government should continue to support in view of its opposition to the use of tobacco within the nation? As one of the top cash products within the country and with hundreds of thousands of people dependent on the industry, the question as to the U.S. government's role in supporting its export is a complex one. The writer discusses the issues in terms of economics and ethics. No bibliography.

  • Enlightenment Modernity and Black Politics

    This 5 page report discusses the parallels between the origins and evolution of Black politics and the Enlightenment's project of modernity. The shift from 'modernity' to 'post-modernity' has been duplicated in the process that resulted in the development of modern politics for the African American community in the United States. Parallels between the emergence of Black politics in the U.S. and the entire process of 'modern' thinking actually can be compared to the development of the 'Enlightenment' of earlier centuries and its focus on 'modernity.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Global Economy and the United States

    A 5 page essay discussing different aspects of the world economy, in general, and the U.S. economy, in particular. The asset-price inflation bubble is discussed with examples of the two primary dangers associated with it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Status of the American Economy

    A 5 page paper on the state of global economics. The writers discusses where the U.S. stands in the world of economics and the likelihood of it being able to maintain it's rank as the global economic leader. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • An Examination of the Economy In Depth

    The economy is examined in this 12 page paper which includes a number of charts and focuses on several indicators. Variables such as the unemployment rate, the GDP, and the CPI are examined. Speculation as to the future of the U.S. economy is also explored. Bibliography lists 12 sources. Eco

  • South Africa and Doing Business

    3 pages of research discussing obstacles faced by foreign (U.S.) businesses wishing to operate in South Africa since apartheid. Focus is on Goodyear. 1 source listed in bibliography.

  • Kenyan Woman

    6 pages worth of compiled research and information on the social role of women in Kenya, their high fertility rates, culture, and tradition. Insight is given into the socio-health related problems that exist and what is (or is not) being done to solve them. An interview with a woman from Kenya (who now lives in the U.S.) is cited. Bibliography lists 6 relevant sources.

  • Mainland Puerto Rican Migration

    A 10 page paper focusing on this topic. The writer looks at the impact on the US of Puerto Rican migration, and examines how this ethnic group has assimilated into the culture. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Space Between Us by Ruthellen Josselson

    This 5 page research paper provides a critical analysis to consider the importance of the sociology text, The Space Between Us, by Ruthellen Josselson. No additional sources cited.

  • Texas Senate Bill 42 and School District Programs of Drug Testing

    This 6 page report discusses a number of issues associated with drug-testing in the high school setting. Critics claim that the process is a violation of the Constitution’s fourth amendment although in 1995 the U.S. Supreme Court upheld an Oregon decision in support of a school district’s drug-testing program. Specifically addressed are the issues that have been going on in Texas for over a decade, as well as legislation proposed by Texas State Senator Florence Shapiro. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Mutiny on the Amistad by Howard Jones

    A 5 page analysis of Howard Jones' account of the Amistad case, in which black captives seized control of a slave ship in the early 1800s and tried to return to Africa. The writer argues that Jones demonstrates how the repercussions of the Amistad case went far beyond its immediate effect on the defendants, but rather affected the course of the American abolitionist movement, foreign relations with Spain, and the perspective that those involved toward the legal system of the US. No additional sources cited.

  • Mexico, United States, and International Fashion Marketing

    A 5 page research paper that examines the relations between Mexico and the US as they apply to the clothing and fashion industry. Many clothing and fashion manufacturers are taking advantage of the labor market in Mexico, sending down textiles that have been precut and are ready to sew, receiving back finished goods. In negotiating the terms of these agreements, both parties are prepared to get the very best deal that can maximize savings and still preserve quality. Details are crucial and have to be worked out across language and culture barriers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Turning Lost Customers into Gold by Joan K. Cannie

    : An 8 page analysis of Cannie's book on how to 'mine' the lost riches represented by customers who defect to a competitor. Cannie asserts that most US companies are unaware of how many of their customers go elsewhere over the course of a year. Additionally, she argues that most firms are also unaware of what these defections generally cost in the way of lost sales and reduced annual revenue. Cannie's premise is that these losses are significant and her arguments are most persuasive. No additional sources cited.

  • Kurds and U.S. Styles of Negotiation

    A 5 page paper comparing and contrasting the negotiating styles of the US and the Kurds as they fight to attain autonomy for their country. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 1972 to 1991 Relations Between the Soviet Union and the United States

    A 9 page paper covering the years 1972-1991 in US-Soviet relations. Paper is divided into 3 parts: 1972-1979; 1980-1985; 1985-1991. Bibliography lists12 sources.

  • Women's Rights and the U.S. Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment

    A 7 page paper discussing the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The writer discusses the context of this amendment in current times as it relates to equality, women's rights, relevant social programs, etc; It is ultimately concluded that although the 14th amendment is the first step towards social reform, and equal rights for all citizens, it will be a long time before those discriminated against -- women, homosexuals, blacks, and other minorities -- are truly considered equal. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Jury System's Significance

    Beginning with an appropriate overview of why the U.S. Founding Fathers saw the need for a jury system, this well-prepared 8 page essay argues that the jury still remains an ultimate symbol of true American Democracy. Recent Supreme Court decisions as well as the linkage between jury service and other rights of political participation are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Call to Action by Bill Clinton in His 1997 State of the Union Address

    A 3 page paper summarizing U.S. President Bill Clinton's 1997 state of the union address. The writer discusses Clinton's 'call to action' and his aspirations for the United States over the four years that would follow. No bibliography.

  • Controversy Over US Social Security

    A 6 page paper discussing the U.S. Social Security administration and presented as a 'policy report' being presented for use by a 'congressional policy maker.' Background, political ideology, developments and challenges, as well as recommendations for the future of Social Security are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Texas Citizens and the Services Provided by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison's Office

    This 15 page report review the function of a U.S. Senator's office, its purpose, function, and structure. In specific, the report looks at Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and her role in service to both the people of Texas and the rest of the citizens of the U.S.A. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • DuPont and the Formation of Teams

    A 13 page paper discussing employee empowerment and increased productivity at DuPont. In continuous operation since its founding in 1802, DuPont has a history of being able to adapt for the times. In recent years, DuPont's ability to implement work teams in accordance to the principles of Total Quality Management has been hampered by union resistance. Company management needs to keep DuPont as efficient as possible and employees see value in being able to take an active role in making their jobs both easier and more productive, but the union maintains that the company is seeking to gain additional work from employees with no increase in pay. The paper provides DuPont history and recommends involving union representatives in team discussions to alleviate union resistance. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The Roaring 2000s by Harry S. Dent Jr.

    This 11 page report discusses “The Roaring 2000s: Building the Wealth and Lifestyle You Deserve in the greatest Boom in History.” Author Harry S. Dent, Jr., has been called “America’s favorite optimist.” Dent presents in extremely broad strokes how readers can capitalize on the boom times ahead. In the introduction of the book, Dent explains the purpose of his latest work being: "To help you understand the fundamental trends that can be reliably projected into the future to allow you to build the wealth and lifestyle you desire in the greatest boom in history." This report examines a number of his ideas and predictions and looks at them in terms of economic analysis and theory. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Historical Achievements of Man and Edward Gibbon

    5 pages in length. "History is little more than a register of crimes, follies and misfortunes of man" This famous quote from Edward Gibbons provides meaningful insight to what humanity's historical significance truly represents. When taken in its realistic context, one can readily support the validity of such a claim, inasmuch as the history books are chock full of war, strife, bungled peace efforts, political embarrassments, along with a whole host of other less-than-attractive accomplishments. That Gibbons sought to bring to light the reality of mankind's historical legacy concurs with his ability to see beyond the facade of dubious achievements. The writer compares this quote with real-life events. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Therapy and Dental Phobias

    A 7 page discussion of the reasons behind dental phobias and the methodologies for treatment of those phobias. Outlines the sometimes gruesome history of dentistry and the reputation which it has incurred as a result of that history. Discusses early experiences at the dentist office which result in phobias of future visits. Emphasizes that phobias are not a reason to ignore needed dental procedure. Concludes that ignoring the problem is not a guarantee that it will disappear nor is it a guarantee that a relatively easy-to-treat condition will not progress into a potentially life threatening condition, or at the least a very serious condition, if left untreated. Dental phobias are not an excuse for avoiding the dentist office. Instead, they are a reason to seek out appropriate counseling. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The European Miracle by E.L. Jones

    A 6 page book review of E.L. Jones' The European Miracle. In this text, Jones endeavors to answer the following question, which is "How to account for the ascendancy...of the First World" (Kellas 330). In his search for answers, Jones looks at European history and geography and contrasts and compares its development with the history of Asia, which he pictures as taking a different socio/economic path. Jones characterizes the Ottoman empire as "intellectual backward" and speaks of India's "total lack of political inspiration," pointing out the social structure in India "impaired political stability and the resulting instability impaired development (Kellas 330). As this suggests, in answer to the questions that the text poses, Jones presents a multitude of elements as contributing to the miracle of European development. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • How Eighteenth Century London Society Was Shaped by the Role of Women in 'The Rambler,' 'Evelina' and 'Moll Flanders'

    14 pages in length. There has rarely been a time in the history of mankind that women have not had to struggle in order to assert their worth as a gender. From the time when males first declared patriarchal authority over their female counterparts, women have fought – in various ways and with various results – to be treated both equitably and respectfully. Literature has long reflected this perpetual struggle between the genders, most often taking the side that support patriarchal control; however, a slow but steady change began occurring in eighteenth century London society that helped nurture a growing metamorphosis, which included Samuel Johnson 'Rambler' (Misella), Daniel Defoe's 'Moll Flanders' and Frances Burney's 'Evelina: Or, the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World.' Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Analyzing 'The History Man' by Malcolm Bradbury

    This is a 10 page paper analyzing Malcolm Bradbury’s “The History Man”. “The History Man” (1975) by Malcolm Bradbury was considered by many an introduction to a new genre called “the campus novel”. The novel explored the academic and personal life of the main character, Howard Kirk, and his colleagues and students as the charismatic teacher taught his sociological perspectives on life and developed a certain scoundrel reputation as a manipulative and exploitive instructor in the satire fun-filled novel. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • An Overview of the History and Future Trends of Advertising

    A 48 page overview of advertising. Merchants and manufacturers have been advertising their products and services literally for hundreds of years. Though advertising never has been as intense as it is in today’s hypercompetitive environment, it nonetheless has been instrumental in the success (and failure) of many, many businesses over the years. The purpose here is to review advertising’s history and how it has changed over the years, and to glimpse into the future for what forms it likely will take in coming years. The paper discusses advertising’s history; the 4 Ps; semiotics; the fallout of Calvin Klein’s 1995 campaign; international advertising; and advertising as art. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • A Cancer Constellation Overview

    This 4 page paper takes a look at the constellation of Cancer. While some astrological references are made, the paper focuses on astronomy. The history of constellation naming and other historical references regarding Cancer are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Computer Hacking History

    3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief history of computer hacking from the 1960s forward. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The California Gold Rush and the California Government: A PowerPoint Presentation

    This 10 page document includes 3 pages of speaker notes and an 18 slide PowerPoint presentation with graphics on the history of the California gold rush and its impacts on the development of the government. Bibliography lists 5 sources. Please request that MHGoldRushPPT.ppt be sent in your order.

  • Barack Obama's Speech On March 18, 2008: Race

    3 pages in length. Titling his speech "A More Perfect Union," President-elect Barack Obama inspired listeners with the ideals of a nation that is written in constitutional purpose but as of today has yet to be realized. The primary focus of Obama's speech was to revisit this major discrepancy of American culture by way of illustrating how history has set a harmful precedent that must now be restructured to incorporate race as an all-encompassing and nurturing concept. No bibliography.

  • Cake Culture and History

    A 6 page paper which examines the history and culture of cakes, with an examination of decorating and ingredients as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • California's Settlement

    This 5 page paper discusses the settlement of California from Native American peoples through to the influx of anglo-Americans. Issues of federalism discussed from the books: Power and Politics in California, and California; An Interpretive History. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Electoral College

    This 5 page paper reports the history of the Electoral College, when it was established, why, its purpose, legal foundations for it, how it works, how Electors are selected, number of Electors, election quirks with the Electoral College, how Electors vote, elections deferred to Congress, who administers the Elector College and how it has evolved. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence Development

    This 5 page paper discusses the development of artificial intelligence and its impact. This paper examines the history of artificial intelligence as well as lastest developments. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Islamic Banking and Finance

    This 12 page paper looks at Islamic banking and finance. This 12 page paper looks at the history and development of Islamic banking and finance, the characteristics of the Islamic banking, the different types of products that are available as well as the regulation of the industry in the UAE and the challenges and potential within the industry. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • An Engineering Problem

    This 20 page paper looks at this specific engineering problem. A history of the problem is included. Various companies providing solutions are discussed as well as the specific resolutions. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Falasha Liturgy and Indian Cassette Industry, Reflection on these Issues

    A 6 page essay that summarizes and reflects on the 1980 article "''Historical Ethnomusicology': Reconstructing Falasha Liturgical History" by Kay Kaufman Shelemay and Peter Manuel's 1991 article "The Cassette Industry and Popular Music in North India." No additional sources are cited.

  • History of Slavery in the US

    A 3 page paper which examines the history of slavery in the United States from Pre-Revolutionary to the Civil War. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Behaviorism's History and Development

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history and development of behaviorism. This paper answers some central questions, including: How did Pavlov’s work influence Watson’s behaviorism? How do the studies of little Albert and Peter support Watson’s ideas on emotion? and How did hull’s behaviorism differ from the views of Watson and Tolman? Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Performance of HMOs

    A 10 page paper tracing the history of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and reviewing their performance over the years. HMOs' performance exceeded expectations during the decade of the 1990s, evidenced by total spending being a full $1 trillion less than expected 1993 – 2000. The health care industry has changed once again, however, and HMOs find themselves drowning in the rising costs they are unable this time to contain. Though they performed well in the past, it does appear that the time has come for another approach to delivering health care to individuals. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Culture and History According to Robert Darnton

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of Darnton's views on history and culture. Robert Darnton, in The Great Cat Massacre, applies Clifford Geertz assertion regarding culture to a study of the past. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • An Oral History of One Woman Presented as an Historical Interview

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the life of one woman. “Thelma” is an 86 year old woman who has experienced life through some of the most tumultuous periods in American history. Thelma’s husband, “Donald,” a corn farmer from Etlan, Missouri, died in 1982, after 50 years of marriage.

  • American Political Leadership and Thomas Paine

    A 3 page paper which examines Thomas Paine and indicates why he would have made a very good political leader in the United States’ history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History/Education & Educational Psychology

    A 5 page research paper that offers an overview of the historical foundations of education, psychology and how they combine in educational psychology. The writer gives a brief sketch of the men and concepts that makeup this history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Cocaine and its History

    A 6 page discussion of the early history of cocaine. The author traces cocaine from the coca plant utilized by the traditional peoples of the Andes through the late nineteenth century and the invention of Coca Cola and various other products that commonly contained the drug. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Researching Family History

    A 5 page paper describing the family history of an American family of Irish and British heritage. The living Conners know that their paternal grandfather's grandfather, Michael O'Connor, arrived in New York from Ireland some time shortly after the end of the Civil War; they know that the root of their mother's side of the family already was in Tennessee before the land came to be known as Tennessee. The family is as firmly rooted in East Tennessee as are the Great Smoky Mountains that lend their shadow to the valley where the Conner family grew and developed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • "X-Men" - Relationship To the Study Of History

    6 pages in length. With the not-so-subtle reference to Nazi Germany and the omnipotent power of Hitler, the 2003 release of X-Men illustrates how the study of history is one that perpetually itself; inasmuch as the focus of attention is upon General William Stryker's myopic objective to eradicate the entire mutant population out of a perceived fear, the film serves to mirror the detrimental influence a single individual can have with regard to manipulating the minds of an otherwise civilized society. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Erikson and Vygotsky Theories on Life History

    8 pages in length. Understanding the developmental path each individual takes throughout life requires the realization of how so many elements play an integral role in this overall growth. The extent to which developmental theories help to put this into perspective is both grand and far-reaching; that Erikson and Vygotsky represent two of the most well received of all theories speaks to the manner by which the following life history incorporates the tenets of social cognition and specific stages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Medieval Italian History and Literature

    A 15 page research paper that offers brief (generally 1 page) synopses of essays that deal with Italian medieval society. Then the writer offers a more extended analysis of parts of Patricia Skinner's 2001 text Women in Medieval Italian Society; a brief essay on Dante's Inferno and Otto of Freising's Deeds of Frederick Barbarossa. The underlying theme to the entire paper is how these sources contribute to the study of history. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History and Introduction of the Early Catholic Church

    A 10 page research paper that offers an overview of early Catholic Church history. Topics covered include the New Testament, Apostolic Fathers, growth and expansion of the Christianity, heresies, and others. All topics are examined briefly. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Examining Two Aspects of Islamic History

    A 3 page research paper that briefly looks at 2 aspects of Muslim history. The first section addresses the differences between the Islamic and Christian concept of God, and the second addresses how Muslim expansion changed after its first six centuries. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Philip Sugden's 'The Complete History of Jack the Ripper'

    A 3 page paper which provides a summary and review of "The Complete History of Jack the Ripper" by Philip Sugden. No additional sources cited.

  • History of Yoga and its Trends

    This 13-page, turabian-style paper deals with yoga, the trends, its uses and its history. Also included are discussions about the six main types of yoga. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Concise History of the Catholic Church by Thomas Bokenkotter

    An 11 page research paper that offers a comprehensive book review of Thomas Bokenkotter's A Concise History of the Catholic Church. Examination of this text shows it to be theologically insightful while maintaining historical objectivity. The writer gives an overview of each of its five sections, particularly focusing on the new chapter in the 2004 edition. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Internet History and General Information

    This 5-page paper provides an overview of the history of the Internet, as well as dial-up, satellite, cable modem and DSL Internet connections. Also included are discussions about Internet 2.

  • A New York City Subway System Social History

    This 6 page paper examines the social history of the subway. A great deal of anecdotes regarding the system is relayed. Specific information on size and condition is included as well. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of Incarceration

    This 12-page paper examines the concept of incarceration, what it is used for, the history and its effectiveness. Also discussed in this paper are alternatives to incarceration. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Hoover Dam

    This 4 page paper examines the construction and history of the Hoover Dam and also addressed environmental concerns. Many facts and figures are relayed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century History, Europe, and the Norton Simon Museum

    A 5 page paper which examines art in the Norton Simon Museum and discusses it relevancy to 18th and 19th century history as it relates to Europe. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Blues Music History

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of the blues. Attention is paid to origins of this important music style Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 3 Canadian History Articles Analyzed

    This 5 page paper takes a look at three articles submitted by a student. The articles that confront Canadian History during the 1700s are evaluated individually. Much about the fur trade and economy is discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • U.S. History and the Definitive Component of Race

    This 3 page paper examines slavery and views race as integral to the practice. White slavery is touched on as well. Racism is discussed as something that is unique to American history. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • World History Effects of Three Forms of Nationalism

    A 6 page paper which examines how nationalism influenced 19th and 20th century world history, also considering the various factors in each and what they share in common. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Modern Asia, A History

    Asia This 3 page paper is a brief outline of Asian modern history on nationalism, globalisation, colonialism, modernism and the formation of nationalism, separatism and globalisation's impact on the states and nations. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Cake Culture and History

    A 6 page paper which examines the history and culture of cakes, with an examination of decorating and ingredients as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Short History of World War I by Jame Stokebury

    This 3 page paper provides a summary and analysis of, "A Short History of World War I". This paper highlights the strengths of this book as well as the major conclusions of the author. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • The Reconstruction Period of American History from 1865 until 1877

    A 5 page paper that discusses specific aspects of this era in American History. The topics discussed are: Lincoln's plans, Johnson's plans, Congress's plans, the Military Reconstruction Act, why some believe Congressional Reconstruction was too radical and others believe not radical enough, the successes and failures, and the lessons we can learn for today's world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The History of Wine in Germany

    This 4 page paper discusses the history of German wines, the introduction of technoloy, its standing in the marketplace, types of German wines, and future for German wines. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Women's History Museum Design

    A 4 page research paper that discusses the task of designing a museum, drawing on the experience of visiting museums in the Washington, DC area. The writer details what would constitute her "ideal" museum, which in this case is a museum devoted to women's history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History of the Middle East

    An 8 page research paper that discusses various aspects of Middle Eastern history. Topics covered include the coinage of the term "Middle East," and the rise and fall of the Ottoman and Safavid Empires. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The History of African Americans From the Civil War Reconstruction, through the Progressive Age, and the First World War

    3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief overview of these three periods as they relate to African-American history. No bibliography.

  • Historical Development of the Irish Language

    This 11-page paper details the Irish language, focusing on its history and development from the Celt tongue. Also discussed in this paper are the use of Irish language as it pertains to education, poltics, religious teachings and so on. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Voice Over Internet Protocol History

    A 6 page paper reviewing the history of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). From its beginnings as an old and expensive technology that no one could find a good use for, VoIP now is poised to overtake POTS (plain old telephone service) in the future. If the future unfolds as the creator of the Skype VoIP service envisions, then existing telephone companies will find themselves with the need to discover new sources of revenue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Questions on the History of China

    This 5-page paper attempts to answer various questions about Chinese history, including feudal societies, literary scholars (Du Fu, to name one) and the purpose of the emperors. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History and Overview of Condoms

    A 10 page paper which provides a look at the history of condoms and also provides a general overview of their use. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Brief Nursing History

    2.5 pages in length. The writer provides a brief history of nursing and the theorists who helped shape the industry. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Social History and Collective Memory

    A paper which considers the psychological concept of collective memory with particular reference to its importance in the study of social history. Bibliography lists 5 sources

  • Early Hunters, Gatherers, and Infectious Diseases

    5 pages in length. European history marks a significant point at which infectious disease from domesticated animals truly began to spread. It has been argued that European resistance was quite considerable, directly attributed to a better life style and proximity to a more healthful approach. The writer discusses infectious diseases as they relate to animal domestication. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ancient Rome and Law

    This 10 Page paper considers the history and the status of law within Ancient Rome. The paper considers in greater detail the legal status of the citizens and the civil right of suing another citizen in a Roman court. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Operations and Uses of Cellular Phones

    This 15-page-paper considers cellular phones, their history and their operation, including digital CDMA. Additionally health aspects and security concerns are also discussed. As are their variety of uses and the suspected health hazards and the security issues surrounding this form of communication. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Merger of CIT and Newcourt Credit and Subsequent Management

    A 3 page paper discussing CIT’s acquisition of Newcourt Credit, emphasizing the current management styles at both organizations. CIT is more reserved and methodical in its operations, while Newcourt has a history of seeking innovation in finance. The company acts as the financing arm of Dell Computer and Yamaha Motors, but in a way that the customer never sees. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Stock Options

    Understanding stock options: 15 pages in length. Goes into great detail in discussing the definition of stock options, history of stock options, employee stock grants and controversies in the field. Bibliography lists 8 sources. JGAstock.doc

  • Colonization's Development and its Legacy

    A 10 page research paper that examines the topic of colonialism, in general, and focuses on the British Empire, in particular. The writer discusses the extent of the British Empire, some of the forces, which caused European imperialism, and some of the lasting effects of this era. The writer specifically focuses on the history and effect of a British presence in Ireland. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Global Economy and Comparative Advantage's Relevance

    An 8 page paper discussing how, as the global economy continues to emerge, comparative advantage theory slips further into the recesses of history and further away from any applicability in the global market. One reality of today's business climate is that competition is seen only as increasing. Being centered in geographic locations offering supporting infrastructure for specific industries aids organizations in more effectively competing within their industries, but it reduces the relevancy of the concept of comparative advantage as it has existed in the past. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Battered Men and Their Unspoken Suffering

    A 9-page paper that explores the problem of males who are battered by their female partners in abusive relationships. Included are current statistics, case histories, a discussion of the factors that cause females to become abusive and the unique obstacles that males face in such a relationship. Free outline included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Case Study of Exponential Smoothing

    5 pages in length. The use of exponential smoothing as a forecast tool can be beneficial in determining the future demand for services or goods based on past history. Exponential smoothing uses a weighted average of past values to make an informed forecast. This paper explains in detail how and why exponential smoothing is used.

  • Contemporary Symbolic Logic History

    This 6 page paper explores the history of logic, with a focus on Aristotle. Applications for use of logical principles are fully explored. The paper looks at the use of logic from Ancient times through the postmodern era. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Learning Theories of Burrhus Frederic Skinner

    5 pages in length. When one hears the phrase "operant conditioning," the first name that typically comes to mind is Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Considered one of the ten leading educators in American history, B.F. Skinner set a significant precedence with regard to human behavior and the learning process. The writer discusses various components of Skinner's learning theories. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Parent's Rights and Home Schooling

    This 10-page-paper presents an in-depth look at the home schooling movement in America. it opens with a discussion about the history of home schooling and the reasons parents choose to do it. Throughout the paper the legal and moral aspects of home schooling are examined and the conclusion outlines the ideal educational setting for children. Bibliography lists eight sources.

  • Workplace and Gender Stereotypes

    A 15 page paper that discusses gender stereotypes in the workplace and examines how these stereotypes affect female workers. Included is a brief summary of the history of females in the workplace as well as a short discussion on the origins of gender stereotypes. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Spain and Ivory

    This 6 page paper traces the history of use of Ivory in Spain. The way in which it is used as well as trading practices are considered. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • A History of Jews in America

    8 pages. One from person was chosen from each of the following time periods in American Jewish history: 1654-1820, 1880-1924, and 1924-1945. They are Rebecca Gratz (1781-1869), Lillian Wald (1867-1940), Molly Picon (1898-1992). The author discusses how these individuals exemplify the key issues facing the Jews in the United States during said time periods. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of Nortel Networks

    This 6 page paper discusses Nortel Networks, a giant in telephony, data, wireless and wireline solutions for the Internet. Topics discussed include: a critique of Nortel's Web site, their involvement with the Internet, their innovations, including what they call the four pillars of high performance Internet services. Also discussed: the long history of the company, acquisitions, partnerships, and overview of fiscal data for the last three years, and activities in which they are involved. Bibliography lists 10 sources. 1 table is included.

  • Mortgage and Savings' Interest Rates

    This 10 page paper looks at interest rates on mortgages and savings. A short history of the banking industry is included in this paper that contemplates why banks charge so much for loans. High interest rates on credit cards are discussed. Charts including various interest rates are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Mi Caballo, Mi Perro Y Mi Rifle by Jose Ruben Romero

    3 pages in length. Jose Ruben Romero's "Mi Caballo, Mi Perro Y Mi Rifle" delves into the lurid history of Western European conquest over the Mexican Indians. Clearly portrayed throughout the pages of Romero's historical account is the white man's opinion that if one was not a of European descent, one was not worthy of living. The writer discusses how this obvious cultural hatred harbored by the white race was focused toward the Indians for the unprovoked manner in which they attempted to preserve their indigenous land. No additional sources cited.

  • El Gesticulador Y Otras Obras De Teatro by Rodolfo Usigli

    3 pages in length. The obvious importance of Rodolfo Usigli's "El Gesticulador Y Otras Obras De Teatro" is the author's quest to reconstruct Mexican history as it has been documented throughout the past. In assessing the particular importance of Usigli's motivation behind re-writing the revolutionary past is its seemingly unrelated association to contemporary society. The writer discusses how post-colonialism was a reaction to and a critique of the colonial dichotomy, inasmuch as there existed a defiant urge to do away with the overwhelming oppression of involuntary change. No additional sources cited.

  • Fashion of Ancient Greece, Symmetria and Simplicity

    A 10 page paper that explores the history of ancient Greek fashion and the social significance it entailed. The evolution as well as the modification of the Greek chiton and himation are traced from the Minoan and Mycenaean Ages through the Hellenistic Period. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Motorola Corporation Financial Analysis

    7 pages. Provides a complete financial analysis as well as a brief history of the company and explanation of each ratio and summary of the findings. This is a paper that can be applied to present any company as all steps of the analysis are fully explained. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Historical Impacts of the Disease Malaria

    A 5 page overview of this ancient disease. The impacts of malaria have been widespread over history. Spread by the bites of Anopheles mosquitoes, malaria is particularly prevalent in the tropics. Its symptoms range from mild to severe and can include chills, fever, headaches, and sweating. More serious impacts target the kidneys, liver, brain, and blood. The disease can even be fatal. The author explores the relationship between malaria and sickle cell anemia. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Informal and Formal Group Dispute Resolution

    6 pages in length. The concept of conflict resolution takes into consideration the history of cross-cultural psychology in that it assesses culture as an indispensable component in the understanding of human behavior. Because there exist myriad contrarieties in the manner in which people behave from culture to culture, such perspectives as relativism and absolutism are integral in their own application. The writer discusses formal and informal conflict resolution as it relates to Australian Aboriginals and European settlers. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Computer Failures and Disaster Recovery

    This 15 page paper discusses the changing role and perception of disaster recovery plans when information technology fails. The paper considers the history of disaster recovery and the various options available to organisations or individuals who wish to make this type of strategic plan. The bibliographic cites 9 sources.

  • History and Uses of Sugar Cane

    This 5 page paper looks at the history of the sugar cane and its domestication in the colonies in America after 1640. Also considered is the rise of the use of sugar in its use in popular foods and drinks such as Coca-Cola. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Spanish Colonies and Trade

    This 5page paper considers the colonial history of Spain and Latin America during the period of change from the Habsburg’s to the Bourbons, and into the period of Free Trade. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Overview of Honolulu Annotated Bibliography

    This 9 page paper is an annotated bibliography of sources giving information regarding Honolulu and the surrounding area. Sources are drawn from books, journals, magazines and Internet sites covering such things as geography, history, society, politics and culture. The paper lists 22 sources.

  • Art Bulletin Article 'The Romanesque Revival, Mural Painting, and Protestant Patronage in America' by Kathleen Curran

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the article in Art Bulletin by Kathleen Curran and considers the implications of the author's content, the types of sources integrated into the work, and the conclusions drawn by the author. This paper focuses on the specific elements of this single article but also considers the broader context of the relative to the subject of art history. No additional sources cited.

  • Connection Between Global Travel and the History of Flight

    This 14 page paper provides an overview of aviation history, with a focus on technology and engine development. New trends in world travel are also discussed in light of technological change. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Rights of Citizens in Ancient Rome

    In 5 pages, the author discusses Ancient Roman History with respect to citizenship rights, what citizenship meant with respect to rights and duties, and how, why, and where citizenship rights were extended to others 509 B. C. – 89 B. C. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Confucius' The Analects

    A 6 page research paper on the history, value and significance of Confucius' Analects, a multi-volume, 2,500 year old collection of his sayings put into writing after his death by his followers. Confucius had something to say about every aspect of human life within the confines of his society, truths that today, even with all the societal changes that have ocurred over the centuries, remain truths applicable still to human life that Confucius worked so fervently to improve. Bibliography lists 6+ sources.

  • Myths and Society

    A 7 page, argumentative essay in which the writer attempts to prove that myths have no worthwhile value in contemporary society. It is asserted that myths are so factually incorrect that they serve only to distort history and to confuse contemporary readers. Using examples from various cultures and periods, emphasis is placed upon the fact that myths are greatly-exaggerated and can ever be taken at face value. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Mass Destruction Aftermath of Hiroshima

    A 10 page overview of the history and impacts of the destruction of Hiroshima in 1945. This paper demonstrates the physical destruction that occured and the lasting implications of this kind of action. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Corporate Compliance and Minimizing Waste

    This 20 page paper asserts that waste minimization is the most effective form of compliance for any corporation. The necessity for compliance, based on public health and environmental reasons, are explored. Also included is the history of industrial practices and the environmental movement as well as an explanation of how waste lowers the quality of life. Detailed methods of effecting minimization, along with easy to understand examples and the inclusion of the 'waste management hierarchy', is a focal point of the paper. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Coffee Industry

    A 5 page essay on the world-famous aromatic brew from the coffee bean which includes an analysis of the fluctuating coffee prices of 1997 and the history behind the beverage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Necessity of Labor Unions Assessed

    A 10 page paper that provides an overview of the history of labor unions and then considers their roles in the current system. This writer demonstrates that they are no longer necessary constructs of business for a number of reasons. Bibliography included.

  • Europeans' Destruction of the Taino Indians

    An 8 page research paper on The Taino Indians-- a tribe that belonged to the Arawak culture of South America's tropical region. The writer describes the culture, philosophy, rituals & traditions of this group. A history of the Taino Indians under European conquest is presented and it is concluded that they were among the first tribes to be robbed of their culture by invading empires. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • European Clashes and the Xhosa Culture

    The Xhosa speaking nation in South Africa is second only to the Zulus in numbers. This 11 page report describes their location, society, history, culture, tradition, family life, etc.; The writer also covers historical tensions occurring between the Xhosa people and Europeans who came to the Cape. It is argued that the Xhosas' own lack of political unity, belief in mysticism, etc.;-- prevented them from being able to defend themselves successfully against the Europeans when conflict arose. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Financial Crises and Panic

    A 10 page paper discussing both the book 'Mania, Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises' by Charles Poor Kindleberger and commenting on its applicability to current times. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Perfecting the EU

    A 10 page research analysis on the European Union; specifically which factors influence a country to join or decide not to join the Union. Included are the history of the union, its political and economic attributes, and which factors have been hailed and which have caused problems for countries before and after joining the organization. Bibliography cites eight sources.

  • Erie Canal's History

    A 6 page paper discussing this major inland waterway and its influence in American history. The paper covers why it was built, the many roadblocks to its completion, its importance economically, socially, and politically, and how it is used today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • James Wilson's The Earth Shall Weep A History of Native America

    A 5 page review of the 1999 book 'The Earth Shall Weep: A History of Native America' by James Wilson. Relates the various trial and tribulations delineated by Wilson which the Native Americans have been forced to endure since the point of contact with non-Native Americans. No additional sources are listed.

  • Pilgrim Separatists and William Bradford

    A 5 page paper discussing the background of those who sailed over to the 'New World' on the Mayflower. After a discussion of the difference between Separatists (Pilgrims) and Puritans, the paper analyzes Bradford's role in the history of the Plymouth Colony. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Wireless Communication's History

    This 5 page paper presents an overview of wireless communication from Marconi to the Internet. Spanning a century, the paper explains how the new technology evolved. Safety is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Anti Semitism Throughout U.S. History

    A 5 page discussion of the depths that anti-Semitism sometimes flow in our own country. While acknowledging this hatred and bias that has been constructed against Jews, the author of this paper denounces the growing tendency to indict the Roosevelt administration as anti-Semitic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History, Etiology, and Treatment of Antibiotic Resistance

    A 9 page discussion of antibiotic resistance, diagnosis, and treatment. Correlations have been reported by numerous researchers regarding increased antibiotic resistance in microbial populations with high usage of antibiotic drugs. Unfortunately, however, recent evidence demonstrates that even the reduction of this utilization is not an effective means of preventing antibiotic resistance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Three Events in the History of Higher Education

    A 4 page research paper that discusses the history of higher education in relation to three events. This examination will briefly examine these three events and discuss how they influenced higher education's development. In general, the progression that these three events dramatize a gradual evolution toward offering higher education to an increasing diverse, more numerous segment of the population of a particular era. These three events are the origin of universities in the medieval period; the opening of higher education to women and the implementation of the G.I. Bill after World War II. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History Of Educational Psychology - Emergence Of Cognitive Psychology

    A 3 page outline of a future paper that provides a brief introduction and then, continues as an outline with headings and subheadings and sometimes includes full sentences and that leads up to the emergency of cognitive pyshcology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Central Banking in England

    AThis 38 page paper considers how central banks developed and their original purpose. The general history and development is examined through the use of a case study which examines the creation of the Bank of England. The original purpose of central banks were as bankers to the government, with a principle task of funding wars. The responsibilities such as printing legal tender, monetary stability and lender of last resort all emerge following the success as a funding source for war. An initial benefit of a central bank was also the creation of a credit economy, allowing economic growth to take place at an unprecedented rate. The looks at the development of the Bank of England and tools used such as the Gold Standard and then applies the lessons to more recent central bank developments such as the creation and success of the Bundesbank, looking for commonalities that may be indicators of success. This is then applied to the current position of the European Central Bank, (ECB) in order to assess how successful the ECB will be in the future. The bibliography cites 59 sources.

  • A History of Transportation in Iowa and Its Impact on Iowans

    This 4 page paper examines the development of transportation in this state. Rail transportation in addtion to the devleopment of the Interstate are aspects included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ten of History’s Greatest Mathematicians

    This 7 page paper outlines the accomplishments of Isaac Newton, Leonard Euler, Euclid, Archimedes, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Pierre de Fermat, Rene Descartes, Leonard 'Bigollo' Pisano (Fibonacci), and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • “A History of Mathematics: From Mesopotamia to Modernity”

    A 3 page overview of the book by Richard Hodgkin. This paper emphasizes Hodgkin’s message that mathematics have been a critical element in much of world development. No additional sources are listed.

  • World History, Religions, Psychology

    This 5 page paper responds to three disparate issues. The first discusses some of the issues that should be included in a new World Civilizations textbook, the second reports the origins of five major world religions and the last, comments on whether psychology is the only way to truly understand ourselves. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Baseball History: The 1919 White Sox Fix

    This 3 page paper focuses on the infamous 1919 incident where the White Sox threw the game and eight players were banned from the sport. This scandal involves a variety of stakeholders, inclusive of the players, the fans, the team owners, the gamblers, and the coaches. Stakeholders, their roles, and how they are aligned with the integrity of the game are issues discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Western Tradition of Psychology

    This 4 page paper traces the western tradition of this discipline. The contributions of notable philosophers like Aristotle, Thomas Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz are discussed alongside those of Freud. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Recording Ban and Other Issues in Music History

    This 3 page paper examines the 1942 ban and other issues that plague the industry. Problems concerning radio stations and recording companies are explored. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Short History of Franco-Flemish and Venetian Schools of Art and Music

    In five pages this paper examines these important Western schools of art and music, which flourished from approximately 1125 to 1575, and how the Franco-Flemish school influence the Venetian school. Seven sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Religion in the History of Early America

    This 6 page paper traces the influence religion had on the evolution of American society. Bibliography lists 1 source

  • Medical History: Smallpox

    A 3 page paper which discusses the importance and significance of Edward Jenner's An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolæ Vaccinæ which was written in 1798. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • US Slavery History

    5 pages in length. A discussion of the beginnings of slavery in the South and how it impacted the economics, as well as the nature of the institution. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Science And Religion: History's Ultimate Test

    13 pages in length. Science and religion - perhaps in another place and time - would never have the occasion to infiltrate each other's unique worlds, inasmuch as no matter how hard people attempt to bring them together as complementary forces, they are - and have long been - destined to remain at opposite ends of the spectrum. Annotated bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Should The Bible Be Used To Teach History

    An 8 page paper. The question of the Bible's veracity must be addressed before this question can be answered. The greatest part of this essay addresses the accuracy of the Bible in terms of historical events; archaeological evidence is reported. The writer then comments on the title question. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The History of the Internet

    This 3 page paper provides a brief history of the Internet. Specific individuals are named. The Internet and WWW are differentiated. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A History of Transportation in Iowa and Its Impact on Iowans

    This 4 page paper examines the development of transportation in this state. Rail transportation in addtion to the devleopment of the Interstate are aspects included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nuclear Medicine and Its Uses

    This 14 page paper provides an overview of nuclear medicine and considers the different ways it has developed in recent years. This paper reflects on the changes that are occuring in this field. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • A History of Foreign Language Curricula in American Schools

    This 11 page paper traces the history of foreign language in American schools. The paper looks at the decades of the twentieth century to see the course that foreign language curricula would take primarily in high school but also in elementary school and in higher education. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Birth of a Nation/Cinematic History

    A 3 page research paper that discusses The Birth of a Nation (1915, directed by D.W. Griffith for Epoch; screenplay by D.W. Griffith, Frank E. Woods and Thomas Dixon), which is a landmark film in cinematic history as it was the first important feature-length film, which had a tremendous impact on the nascent industry, as it changed the demographic makeup of film audiences (The Birth of a Nation, 1995). Up to this time, films were generally considered to be a working-class entertainment, but Birth of a Nation opened cinema to a much wider audience, one that had previously preferred only the legitimate theatre (The Birth of a Nation, 1995). Nevertheless, considering Birth of a Nation is also problematic due to this film’s overt racism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Professional Development and Understanding South Korea

    This 3 page paper emphasizes that instructors who have firsthand experience in South Korea can impart a greater understanding in their professional development classes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Lebensborn and Eugenics Programs of Nazi Germany

    A 20 page research paper providing an overview of the laws pertaining to eugenics and the Lebensborn program of Nazi Germany. The writer centers on the program and the support mechanisms put into place to underscore the development of the Nazi master race in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Bibliography lists 12 sources.


    This 3-page paper analyzes the case study entitled "The Rise of Finland's Nokia."

  • History and Ecology of the Chimpanzee

    5 pages in length. When one considers the chimpanzee, the first thing that comes to mind for many is the effort put forth by wildlife observer Jane Goodall. The extent to which Goodall studied wild chimpanzees has provided both the scientific and lay communities with a significantly better understanding of their ecology, as well as a clearer picture of their historical evolution as a species. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • S and P 500 Price to Earnings' Ratio History

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the S&P 500 over the decades and explores trends. Price to earnings ratio and earnings yield are explained. Two charts are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History Of Leadership Theories

    A 10 page paper. The first part of the paper discusses the Great Man theory, trait theories, role theory, managerial grid, Lewin and Likert. The second part of the paper explains situational leadership theory, transformational leadership and leader-member exchange theory. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Overview of the The Silk Industry : Brief History, Modern Day Markets, Trade and Production

    This is a 7 page paper discussing the silk industry. Originating in Ancient China, the Chinese silk industry alone still maintains an annual global market of over $2 billion. While China still remains the largest exporter of raw silk and Japan is its largest consumer, silk is still one of the most popular natural fibers in demand in Europe and North America. The introduction of synthetic fibers and the more affordable sand-washed silk within the last decade however have driven the cost of silk down almost 50% on international markets. This has led to recent production center closures in Japan and the Republic of Korea which has caused a devastating effect on the millions of silk farmers in the countries of China, India and Brazil. The International Trade Commission and the International Silk Association are currently working together to continue the silk industry because it is comparatively an environmentally friendly product in addition to its employment of millions of people in developing countries. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Wine and Cooking History

    A 17 page paper which examines the history of wine and cooking with wine. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • History of Women in Aviation

    In five pages this paper examines the participation and contributions of women in aviation from an historical perspective and includes the effects of war on women’s roles, individual female aviation pioneers, public perceptions, and social impacts. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • History and Trade School Problems

    8 pages. This is a literature review regarding the issue of trade schools vs. schools of higher education. For the most part there is an ongoing argument that trade schools are not as socially responsible nor as distinguished as schools of higher education. This paper shows why that statement is in most cases a false one; trade schools can be and in many cases are advantageous over schools of higher education. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Triage and its Medical and Military History

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the history of triage in medicine and its use in the military and civilian health care. Triage, a medical term to mean a sorting or classification of patients based on their levels of medical urgency was first developed as a military term and used in wartime. The French used “triage” to decide who would be taken from the battlefields to be treated and who would be left behind. Soon afterward, from World War II until present day, triage was not only used in Army field hospitals but is also now used in emergency departments to classify the large number of patients who enter each day. Nurses have been involved in the triage process from the beginning and recently the nursing associations have broadened the original three level triage classifications of emergent, urgent and non-urgent, to one of a four level priority system in the United States and one of five level priorities in Australia, Canada and Great Britain. Regardless of the number of levels, triage has become an important and efficient system to evaluate a patient’s urgency as well as analyze the effectiveness of the health care given in emergency departments. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sixteenth Chapter of James L. McClain's A Modern History Japan

    A 5 page paper which summarizes chapter 16 of “A Modern History: Japan” by James L. McClain. No additional sources cited.

  • Analysis and History of the Dow Jones Industrial Average

    8 pages. Starting with the most famous market crash of 1929, this paper discusses other major market crashes through the year 2000. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is tracked for the last few years in order to determine the cause of these major swings and what it is that is preventing a strong recovery. This is an excellent overview of the Dow Jones and gives the student an effective basis on which to proceed with further research regarding market crises and possible recovery scenarios. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • History and Future of TCP/IP

    A 3 page paper tracing TCP/IP’s origins and assessing its likely future. Other technologies such as Ethernet and ATM have too many technical barriers that TCP/IP does not. In determining TCP/IP’s future, it appears that the connected world is moving more toward IP communications. The interim points between should be able to provide a rather seamless transition. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Ancient History and Interactions Across Cultures

    An 8 page paper which examines some of the cross-cultural interactions in the pre-classical, the classical, and the post-classical periods. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Gardens of Versailles Art History Examination

    A 10 page paper which examines how the fountains, sculptures and gardens that surround the famed French palace of Versailles reinforces the notion that kings are god-like and exert authority over their subjects as a father does over his children. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Post Second World War and Global History

    7 pages in length. The changes that have occurred since the end of World War II have been both grand and far-reaching; from a global standpoint, myriad events have taken place to completely alter the direction in which the world has progressed. Choosing but a handful of these incidents is weighty indeed, however, it can readily be argued that two issues served to transform the world in significant ways: The Cuban Missile Crisis and technology/globalization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Thailand's Cultural Diversity and its History

    This 5 page paper consider how the cultural diversity in Thailand originated with the tribal kingdoms and different ethnicities. The writer then consider how this has proven to be of bandit to Thailand in today’s global economy where cultural diversity is common. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Chinese Legalism and Confucianism

    This 6 page paper considers these different schools of thought, looking at what they were, how they differed and how this impacted on the political and social situation in China during the Qin and Han periods. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Statistics on Prostate Cancer in the United States

    (15pp) According to the National Prostate Cancer Coalition, it is estimated that over six million men currently have some form of prostate cancer in the United States. This year 317,000 cases will be diagnosed and 41,000 men will die from prostate cancer in the U.S. The past ten years have made a remarkable decade in terms of our under- standing of the prostate. This of course has been driven by the tremendous number and severity of prostate medical problems. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • David Hume's 'Miraculous' Philosophy

    A 4 page paper which focuses on Hume’s disbelief in miracles. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nonfiction and Fiction's Portrayal of History

    This 5 page paper discusses the work of James Welch in his novel, The Heartsong of Charging Elk and the documentary with Paul Stekler called, Killing Custer. The use of various literary vehicles are explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Post 1945 History of Africa

    This is a 5 page paper and timeline discussing the history of Africa from 1945 to present day. A timeline from 1945 to present day Africa shows a great deal of change which has occurred within the last fifty years throughout the continent. Since 1945, African countries have gained independence from their colonial countries, established democracies and are heavily involved in international trade and commerce. However throughout this time period, Africa has also been fraught with civil wars, drought, famine, poverty and increasingly poor health. Culturally, although the African countries gained their independence from their colonial countries, the influence of the French, British, Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish and Italian cultures are still felt across Africa and acknowledged. Today, African leaders are working with international agencies and corporations to increase their trade and economic status, establish new health and debt relief plans and improve international relations in addition to addressing the national and international exploitation of their people and natural resources. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • FRB's History

    This 10 page paper takes a look at the much discussed FRB headed by Alan Greenspan. Its origin and reason for existence are explored along with opinions on how it has fared. Opinions from both sides are discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • A History of the US' Federal Reserve System

    This 5-page paper discusses what 20th century events led to formation of the Federal Reserve System. Also discussed is the struggles that Americans had when it came to monetary supply control and the idea of a "central banking" system. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Race Concept and its History

    14 pages in length. Drawing upon the work of David Goldberg's "Racist Culture: Philosophy and the Politics of Meaning," one can readily argue that idea of race has always combined references to what is seen as natural (fixed) and social construct, suggesting that very divergent discourses have been implemented over time as a means by which to account for human diversity within the colonial context of European and non-European differences. Furthermore, the notion of race is not inherent to biology, but rather it is a social and cultural classification that has been erroneously attributed to biological implication. The writer discusses the concept of race from the Puritan colonization to present-day criminal justice system. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • History and Linguistics of the Jamaican Creole Language

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the Jamaican Creole language. The Jamaican Creole language, also known as Western Caribbean English, has been a unique language since the beginning of the 19th century although is it still only officially linguistically classified along with Creole and Pidgin languages as “language isolate, unclassified” with the International Linguistics Center in Dallas, Texas. Because of its unique elements which differentiate it from Standard English in the areas of linguistic phonology, morphology, semantics and pragmatics, linguists believe that it should not be considered a “dialect” but should be reclassified as a “nation-language”. Not only spoken in Jamaica, Jamaican Creole is also spoken in Columbia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama. Jamaican is also influencing cultures and societies around the globe as large communities of West Indians who reside in countries such as Canada and the United States not only bring their language to the culture but also elements of their music, mannerism and lifestyle which are being adopted by neighboring communities. The Jamaican language is considered an excellent example of the many languages which are participating in the “Latinization” of the English language and are important in the linguistic study of the evolution of language. Includes an outline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Life and Works of Emma Lazarus

    A 5 page essay on the poetry of Emma Lazarus (1849-1887) who is the most prominent Jewish American poet of the nineteenth century. Through her eloquent poetry and other literary work, she endeavored to express what it meant to be outside the mainstream of American society, to give a voice to the thousands of immigrants who were trying to integrate themselves into American society during the nineteenth century. The writer discusses 3 of Lazarus' poems. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Secret History by Donna Tartt and Henry's Suicide

    This 5 page paper examins whether or not Henry's suicide was a noble gesture, or not. This paper excerpts from the text as support for the thesis. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • History and 'The Iliad' by Homer

    A 7 page analytical essay that examines Homer's Iliad in terms of how the details of the poem reflect the culture and beliefs of Homer's era. The writer argues that the works of Homer, regardless of whether or not Homer actually existed or if his account of the Trojan War is historical accurate, definitely reflect the cultural concepts, beliefs, and worldview of the time in which these epic poems were composed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Jewish History and Spain's 'Golden Age'

    7 pages in length. Major changes occurred in the 11th century when the Umayyads steadily lost power as the Berbers rose in influence after capturing Cordoba in 1013 CE; the passing decades served as their barometer of progressing power. Cultural and commercial prominence became their focus as capitals and other cities were transformed into Meccas for the two very important elements. As these significant changes were taking place, one more addition would serve to establish an entire population as being both welcomed and honored: the Jews. Indeed, these individuals did not come empty-handed into their newfound environment; rather, they brought with them such important endowments as financial aptitude, politics, economic advisory, as well as a vast amount of humanities-related knowledge in the form of literature, academia and science. The blending of art, linguistics, philosophy, science and medicine rounded out a society that was heretofore underdeveloped in many of these areas. As such, the influence of so many learned Jews soon saw intellectuals and doctors alike holding some of the most important social/legal/political positions in the land. No bibliography.

  • History and 'The Iliad' by Homer

    A 7 page analytical essay that examines Homer's Iliad in terms of how the details of the poem reflect the culture and beliefs of Homer's era. The writer argues that the works of Homer, regardless of whether or not Homer actually existed or if his account of the Trojan War is historical accurate, definitely reflect the cultural concepts, beliefs, and worldview of the time in which these epic poems were composed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • “A History of Mathematics: From Mesopotamia to Modernity”

    A 3 page overview of the book by Richard Hodgkin. This paper emphasizes Hodgkin’s message that mathematics have been a critical element in much of world development. No additional sources are listed.


    This 3-page paper analyzes the case study entitled "The Rise of Finland's Nokia."

  • British Airways and Organizational v. Self Interest

    This 15 page paper considers how poor organisational culture can lead to individual preferring to act in their own self interests and not that of their employer. This is illustrated with an in-depth case study. British Airways has a record of poor employee relations and a history of numbers industrial disputes. The case study shows how a low trust culture developed more then twenty year ago, and how subsequent changes have failed to redress this situation. The paper argues that this, when combined with increased emphasis on individualism, and the bias use of emotional labour where it is only the façade that matters, employees have become insular and the preference for self interest is the result of a culture with poor management, a low trust. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Monster Networking Case Study

    A 15 page paper. is the best known job search e-business in the world. In 2003, the company launched Monster Networking, a work-related social networking site. This essay begins with an overview of the history of, its sale to TMP, its growth and competitors and the issues surrounding the Monster Networking site and its disappointing results. The problem is identified and discussed, alternative solutions are analyzed and discussed and a recommendation is made. This is based on a Harvard case study. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. Forced Sterilization and the 7th Edition of Sociology by John J. Macionis

    (5pp) A less than reputable part of US sexual history of forced sterilization , in examined in the light of John J. Macionis classroom Text, Sociology, seventh edition, 1999. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Do Western Ukrainians Have A Different Sense Of National Identity In Comparison To Eastern Ukrainians? A Research Proposal

    This 13 page paper is a research proposal to study the perception of national identity in Western Ukraine in the context of the current difficulties in the country. The paper has the aim of determining if the majority of the present days Western Ukrainians do not see themselves as one nation with Eastern Ukrainians due to differences in the perception of 'national' identities that have been formed. The paper presents an introduction, hypothesis, literature review looking at the history of the county and its impact on national identity as well as concepts concerning the way national identity is formed. The paper also presents a methodology including primary research. The bibliography cites 60 sources.

  • Evaluating the Impacts of a Vegetarian Diet Proposal

    A 20 page proposal to evaluate the effects of a vegetarian diet on health and quality of life. A specific emphasis is placed on evaluating the effects of the vegetarian diet in terms of disease prevention. Provides a review of the literature and presents the hypothesis that vegetarians are likely to enjoy an improved quality of life, a lesser propensity for obesity and such diseases as cardiovascular disorders, osteoporosis, cancer, and diabetes. Suggests experimental methodology for testing this hypothesis and supports the contention that this performance can be judged through a comparison of cholesterol levels, body mass index (BMI), and medical history in regard to diseases, and blood sugars of vegetarians verses non vegetarians. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Myanmar and Function of SMEs

    An 8 page proposal for research into barriers that currently exist for economic development in Myanmar, specifically those affecting development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). One author has described conditions in Myanmar in 2005 as a "darker shade of bleak" as the military maintains tight control of the government and Myanmar's people. SME operation providing jobs could mark the beginning of economic changes similar to China's history with its capitalist experiment that proved to be so successful. The primary key appears to be general education and vocational training, however. Research into the barriers that currently exist for SMEs could lead to more definitive identification of needs. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Cancer Patients and Cessation of Smoking Cessation

    A 9 page proposal for research into this topic. This study promises to be of even more importance than those of the past for special emphasis on head and neck cancer patients. The problem is that these cancers are most common in men between 40 and 60 with a history of smoking. While smoking rates throughout the country appear to be remaining steady around 25 percent, incidence of these cancers appear to be increasing. All of the patients are post-operative and so have the support of the controlled environment of the hospital during the worst period of withdrawal. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Hotel Industry and Issues of Sexual Harassment

    This is a 7 page paper discussing the sexual harassment issues in industries today. Current laws and history are introduced and specific examples of harassment and special issues relating to the hotel and restaurant hospitality industry are discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History of U.S. Sexual Harassment Legislation

    This 8 page paper provides a comprehensive history and background of the sexual harassment laws in the United States. The essay begins by reporting how and when the term sexual harassment was coined and the fact that the issue is not a new one. At least one author has traced serious incidents of sexual harassment to the 1800s. A chronology of the most important acts and laws regarding sexual harassment is included, beginning with the 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act that also created the EEOC. The legal definition of sexual harassment is included along with the evolution of the concept over the years. The two specific types of sexual harassment are explained. An overview of two specific cases, Ford Motor Company and Lutheran Medical Center in New York is included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • American Hotel Industry Changes

    A 21 page research paper that is divided into two distinct parts: Part 1 discusses a history of American Labor Law and Part 2 discusses the Changes in the Labor Market. An overview of the major labor laws that would be applicable to the hotel and hospitality industry is provided beginning with the Fair Labor Standards Act and going through the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The most often filed complaints in the hotel industry are those related to sex discrimination and sexual harassment. There have also been legal problems with the child labor laws. The second part includes, among other topics, the median ages in specific job categories, current employment and expected changes by 2008, changing labor market, and how to hire and retain good employees in the hotel industry. Significant amount of data included. 4 tables included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Sadism And Masochism: A World In The Dark

    6 pages in length. The term sets jaws on edge and causes people to avert their eyes away from the person who has the audacity to give voice to such an unconventional activity. It is considered so integral to fringe society that few people want to admit knowing many details for fear they will be labeled as being abnormal. The entire topic of sex, after all, is still taboo for a considerable portion of society, with people conversing about it in very finite social boundaries. When the discussion changes direction to incorporate sadism and masochism, however, the involuntary reaction many people have illustrates the extent to which sexual subcultures are not readily socially acceptable. Unconventionality notwithstanding, the S&M community represents a sexual subculture whereby the giving and receiving of pain is the primary focus, a concept that is both rich in history and quite prevalent in contemporary society. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Banned Books In California: K-12

    5 pages in length. Contemporaries and classics alike, such titles as Grapes of Wrath (unflattering to the state), The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (use of the word 'nigger'), Catcher in the Rye (perceived inappropriateness of violence, sexual content, occultism and vulgarity), The Chocolate War, The Color Purple (issues pertaining to race relations, God, human sexuality and African history), Cujo (sexual content and profanity), It's Okay if You Don't Love Me (allegedly depicts sex as the primary objective for people) and Silas Marner (American Library Association, 2007) illustrate how the value of broad-scoped literary exposure and inherent constitutional rights in California's K-12 are disregarded by short-sighted censors. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Pharmacists and the Issue of Prescriptive Authority

    A 9 page overview of the issues surrounding the needs, justifications, and objections to allowing pharmacists to write prescriptions for medication and to intervene in medication regimes when they determine that regime may be dangerous or ineffective. Emphasizes that prescriptive authority for pharmacists has been perceived by physicians as an infringement into an area in which doctors have previously held an almost uncontested monopoly. Presents the argument that pharmacists may be more capable of monitoring and prescribing drugs than are doctors themselves. Outlines the legislative history of prescriptive authority in several states which have already enacted the authority and the limitations on that authority. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Review of Homer's 'The Iliad'

    A 6 page book review that summarizes and analyzes aspects of this classic epic poem. The Iliad, by the ancient Greek poet Homer, is one of the greatest poetic epics in history. This poem has held readers in thrall for millennia as there is it is a grand tale of heroic adventure. As time has past, its allure has increased due to the fact that Homer's storytelling prowess opens a window for the modern reader that reveals another time, an ancient era, with its mores, customs, traditions, beliefs and lifestyle illustrated in the lives of the Greek and Trojan heroes. In accomplishing this, the Iliad reveals a pagan world whose orientation is quite different from the Western world known to the reader. Thematic content is also discussed. No additional sources cited.

  • Arguing in Support of Marijuana Legalization

    8 pages in length. Although the writer of this essay does not necessarily endorse the use of marijuana, (s)he agrees with the argument that it is politically-incorrect to outlaw it in the United States. Very good points are made from the history of marijuana's existence in the country as well as the similar case of alcohol prohibition during the 1920's. The writer feels that the FDA should regulate the drug so that smokers do not risk using pot that is sneakily mixed with other substances. Medical evidence of marijuana's comparatively mild effects is presented and the report concludes that the negative impacts of marijuana's ban are far worse than those that would prevail if it were allowed to be sold openly and legally. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Feminism of the Sixties and Nursing

    A 5 page examination of the manner in which nursing changed at the impetus of the feminist movement of the 1960s. Previously relegated to primarily a subservient role in the health care environment and restricted solely to the hospital or doctor’s office, nurses took their lead from the feminist movement to remold their view of themselves as competent professionals. No longer simply puppets of those who had previously held the power and prestige in health care, nurses banded together to make a difference both in the political aspects of healthcare and in nursing theory. Consequently, this time in nursing history was one of the most productive in terms of the degree to which nurses would add to healthcare practice.

  • History of the Komodo Dragon

    A 5 page paper which examines the history and existence of the komodo dragon. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • German Elections of 1932 and 1933

    This is a 9 page paper discussing the campaigns of Hitler and the Nazi party in regards to the party holding the majority in the 1932 and 1933 elections. Were the Germans aware of his eventual intentions? Adolph Hitler (1889-1945) was the Nazi party leader in Germany from 1919-1945, eventually becoming Chancellor from 1933-1945. The history of the events which happened under the Hitler regime before and during World War II in regards to his occupation and declaration of war on the countries in Europe and his mass murder of the Jews among others have become well known and have horrified many around the globe. One of the most common questions in regards to Hitler’s rise to fame is “how did free and fair democratic elections lead to the extraordinarily anti-democratic Nazi Party winning control of the Weimar Republic” and did the Germans voting for Hitler realize his future plans for war and mass murder during the time of the elections? (King, Rosen, Tanner & Wagner, 2002). In retrospect it seems unbelievable that the Nazi Party could have gained power in a democratic regime, however based on the momentum of the popularity of the Nazi Party from 1919 to 1930, and the dire economic conditions of Germany at the time, it is quite possible that the Germans who voted for Hitler and the Nazi Party were doing so more for the future of the economy and strength of Germany without realizing the extent to which Hitler would push the limits of his own power and that of the Nazi Party. While some may argue that his intentions were well documented in his book “Mein Kampf” published in 1925, the book was not popular nor well read until after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and Hitler’s final push in the 1932 and 1933 elections centered on unity, economic stability, employment, business opportunities, expansion of the military in addition to the promotion of nationalism; factors more so prominent in the minds of the Germans during the Depression. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • All About Eve and the Introduction by Marilyn Monroe.

    (6 pp.)It has been suggested that the 1950 movie "All About Eve," should be reclaimed and included in the history of feminist film theory. The writer will discuss that and the "talking" i ntroduction of Marilyn Monroe in this film, and her own applicability within feminist theory discussions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 17th and 18th Century America and White Slaves

    An 8 page consideration of an often overlooked component of American history. While it is impossible to assign a precise number to the percentage of slaves that were white, suffice it to say that this number was significant and that these slaves served in the same capacity as blacks. As a consequence, they began to identify more with blacks in some instances than the did with whites. As white slaves interchanged both culture and genes with blacks, the previously strictly separate ideas of Caucasian verses African began to somewhat blur. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Global Communication's Developmental History

    (5 pp) The history of international communication is as varied as the development of the nations themselves. The speed of development of all communications is linked to the economic progress of that nation. Where once the stories or the information seemed related to the community, then the state, and the nation, now, that same information can be transmitted with electronic speed to almost any where in the world. Yet are we all getting the same news? This discussion will examine the possibility and subsequent history that will put a different slant on the "spin" of international communications. Bibliography lists 3 sources)

  • Microsoft and Applicability of Antitrust Laws

    A 9 page paper discussing the theory and history of antitrust laws and monopoly designation, and the reasons that theory and reality rarely meet on common ground. The Justice Department has found Microsoft to practice predatory pricing based on the fact that it gives away its products for free; Microsoft's competitors want the government to force Microsoft to compete on price, as they do. The paper looks at Standard Oil, Ford Motor Company in the 1920s and RCA. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Historical Indian Epic Mahabharata

    This 5 page report discusses “Mahabharata,” the largest epic in the history of mankind. It describes events that took place in ancient bhaarata around 5000 BCE. The main event was the appearance of Lord Krishna - the 8th avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu. The Mahabharata serves as both sacred text and a portal through which the modern world may consider the ancient realms of India. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Medicaid Programs in Alabama and New Jersey

    A 5 page paper which discusses the budget and economic concerns of the Medicaid program as it applies to New Jersey and Alabama. The budget for Medicaid is in serious trouble, as is evidenced by the amount of individuals who are benefiting from the program. In illustrating this reality, there are descriptions which detail information regarding limits set on income and eligibility for Medicaid, and illustrations which detail the number of people who are uninsured in New Jersey and Alabama. A brief description of the Medicaid program, in relationship to history and present day involvement, are also discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Reviewing Feminism's Evolutionary Nature

    A 4 page review of the multifaceted nature of feminism. This diversity is emphasized by a number of writers, one of the more notable of which is Estelle Freedman. Freedman's "No Turning Back: The History of Feminism and the Future of Women" is complimented by an exploration of a number of other authors and viewpoints. Rosemarie Tong's "Multicultural and Global Feminism", Pat Mainardi's "The Politics of Housework" and Barbara Ehrenreich's "The Road to Equality" each add considerable insight into the diversity of feminism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 1995 Novel Blindness by Jose Saramago

    (5 pp) When the Swedish academy released the Award of Literature in 1998 to Jose Saramgo, they did so with the commendation, 'who with parables sustained by imagination, compassion and irony continually enables us once again to apprehend an elusory reality.' Blindness: a novel continues that tradition, and it is indeed a serious teaching tale that will take your breath away,and once you have returned to the real world will stay with your for a very long time.

  • Self-Perception and Learning

    (5 pp) When we first begin to make the effort of learning, or deciding who we are, or who we want to be, we usually have to take into account how others perceive us. Naturally the first who do that are our parents. We have that problem presented in the readings that we have been given: Amy Tann's "Two Kinds," and Danzy Senna's "The Mulatto Millennium." These two works will be used as a basis for the "learning of self."

  • Christianity Challenges, Mandates, and Dualism

    (6 pp). "Dualism" and "cultural mandates" are the new buzz-words in theology. This discussion will examine their meaning in current society as well as God's instruction to "cultivate the garden." Thesis question: If we are created as unique individuals in the holy image of God, can we take the initiative to apply the spirit of the law, rather than the words of the law, to our lives and to the lives of those around us? Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • How Mass Media Can Impact Teenage Girls.

    (7 pp) Almost all of us are affected by mass media in one form or other: films, television, radio, music and music videos, magazines and other print media, and now, the internet. We delude our selves, when we say that, we are not influenced by media: it comes in with the oxygen and leaves with the Co2. Yet of all those under the "spell" of the media, it appears that adolescent girls are the most vulnerable. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Imagination, Emotion, Intuition, and Values of Romanticism

    (5 pp) "One of the problems of definition is that the Romantics were liberals and conservatives, revolutionaries and reactionaries. Some were preoccupied with God, others were atheistic, to the core. Some, began their lives as devout Catholics, lived as ardent revolutionaries, and died as staunch conservatives. " However, there are some generalities, that the author will discuss, which will give us a rough outline, of that historical period, usually thought of, from 1750 to 1850. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Boston Museum of Fine Arts' Oceania

    ( 5 pp.) The challenge presented to us in this discussion is twofold: first to be an "art critic" from the period when the art was first exhibited, assuming that it had just been completed by the artist; the second is to take a negative stance to the work that I have just seen. The theories that correspondingly present themselves from this type of construction is to realize that any type of artwork may be perceived differently from the time it is first made until later perceptions in its history. Obviously the work has not changed, but the attitudes towards if may have. The second idea is that in order to talk about something in a negative way, I will in fact have to know something about it first in a positive way. 4 visuals

  • Contributions of Martin Luther King Jr.

    (5 pp) Faith Ringgold (1998) a folk artist and author, tells in her children's book, My Dream of Martin Luther King "This time we had come to mourn Martin Luther King's death by trading in bags containing our prejudice, hate, ignorance, violence, and fear for the slain hero's dream. We emptied the bags onto a great pile, and as the last bag was dumped, the pile exploded into a fire so bright that it lit up the whole world. There,emblazoned across the sky, were the words: EVERY GOOD THING STARTS WITH A DREAM." This book, supposedly for ages four through eight, simply states one of King's greatest contributions: the ability to dream or envision how things should be. Dr. King's life continues to teach us that with courage, vision and determination, every one of us has the power to help change the course of our nation and the world. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Yahoo! and the Internet Resume of Co Founder Jimmy X. Yang

    (7 pp) On the bottom of his internet resume Jimmy X. Yang, co-founder of Yahoo! lists, 'Personality: Hard working and highly motivated.' Receiving a PHd from the University of Minnesota in mathematics in January 2000, might give us that idea as well. The curiosity of course, is what motivates Yang's success; those personal and business elements are examined in this paper. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Aristophanes' and Cervantes' Uses of Satire

    Often, when the political and, or, social climate is in a state of flux, it is the artists that will presuppose change through the auspices of their work. In history the ‘art’ was sometimes a matter of challenging the status quo without being obvious for reasons of safety and continued freedom. At this point, many literary artists will resort to the power of their pens and will portray the dissenting opinion within the context of humor, most particularly satire. This 5 page paper posits that satire is used in both Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Aristophenes’ Lysistrata as a means of focusing on the ineptitude of the current social order. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Political Role of American Mass Media

    A 6 page assertion that the media has had, and currently has, a tremendous impact on political function in America. This paper contends that technololgy itself can be identified as the root cause of media irresponsibility. While we tend to view the impact of the media as having occurred only in contemporary times, however, in reality it was at play in our earlier history as well. The author outlines the media role in newsmaking, interpretation, socialization, persuasion, agenda setting, and framing as to how they impact political function. Bibliography lists 10 sources. PPmdiaP3.rtf

  • The History of California Native Americans Prior to 1900

    (5 pp) From documented information, according to McWilliams (1979) it is estimated that there were about 130,000 Indians in California. If that figure is close to accurate that would have meant that California had about 16% of Native America n peoples in the United States with about 5% of the land mass of the nation. Their history after the "periods of invasion" runs from bad to worse. Bibliography lists 3 sources

  • World Politics

    (7 pp) Contemplating the nature of world politics exposes us to the problems of reflecting upon politics at a global level. It examines the ways in which we seek to interpret, explain and understand world politics, the systems, institutions and processes that are said to govern world politics and the beliefs and values that are held to be important in world politics. It considers the main theoretical perspectives on world politics and follows this with an assessment of key issues in world politics. Looking at the strengths and weaknesses of liberal internationalism also fits in this area. Bibliography lists 8 sources. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Music of Jamaica

    (6 pp.) According to an internet site labeled "fantasy tours," Jamaica is "eternal summer." So it only makes sense that it would have "hot music." But we also learn, "the island" "has rugged mountain ranges, with Blue Mountain Peak, the highest point, soaring 7,402 feet. It has miles of white beaches, bordered by the blue Caribbean. It has 120 rivers flowing from the mountains to the coast. And it has great central plains, fertile agricultural lands, towering cliffs, magnificent waterfalls, and dense tropical forests." What that tells us is our "hot music," still has a lot of varied cultural influences. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • SCD and Athletics

    (10pp) Sudden deaths in athletes are usually caused by previously unsuspected cardiovascular disease. Such an event often assumes a high public profile because of the generally held perception that trained athletes are one of the healthiest segments of our society. The death of a well-known elite athlete often emphasizes this visibility. Athletic field catastrophes strike to the core of our sensibilities and often galvanize us. They also inevitably raise a number of practical and ethical issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Types of Serial Killers

    ( 5pp includes outline) The National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, US, according to Mitchell (1996), divides serial murder into two types: "spree" and "classic". Spree serial murder satisfies the criteria of geographical separation, but rarely is there a "cooling off" period. The motive is usually financial and/or thrill-seeking. Classic serial murder satisfies both criteria: a predatory/stalking method is typically employed, and crime-scene evidence often suggests a sexual/sadistic motive. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Panama and Issues of Economic Development

    This 10 page paper discusses the past and projected economic development issues which concern the country of Panama. Those areas of discussion include: The Uniqueness of Panama; After the U.S. Military Intervention; The Return of the Canal; Economic Potential; and Fuuture Issues and Concerns. As the information base of the country and its citizens expand, there will still be conflicts, but time has shown that these issues, which often seem insurmountable and tempt a country or its government to ignore them , do have the possibility of negotiation, particularly where the health and welfare of a proud historic people is involved. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Tensions on the Island of Puerto Rico

    ( 5 pp) The mild tropical climate of Puerto Rico cloaks some of the tensions that are building on this island nation. Puerto Rico remained under Spanish rule until 1898, when , as a result of the Spanish-American War, the island was ceded to the United States in 1917. Puerto Rico remains a U.S. territory with an internal self-government and has been under a commonwealth form of government since 1952. Its citizens have no voting rights, and it and does not have any voting representative in the Congress of the United States. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Types of Serial Killers

    ( 5pp includes outline) The National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, US, according to Mitchell (1996), divides serial murder into two types: "spree" and "classic". Spree serial murder satisfies the criteria of geographical separation, but rarely is there a "cooling off" period. The motive is usually financial and/or thrill-seeking. Classic serial murder satisfies both criteria: a predatory/stalking method is typically employed, and crime-scene evidence often suggests a sexual/sadistic motive. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • U.S. and Immigrants from Haiti

    This 5 page report discusses the experiences of Haitians that have immigrated to the United States. The struggles faced by immigrants has always been one requiring a great deal of personal determination in the midst of hardship, whether it was the Irish and Italians at the start of the 20th century or the Central Americans and Haitians in the last decades of the century. However, Haitians have also had to deal with more bigotry and racial discrimination than any of the fair-skinned immigrants of Europe. In addition, they have had to endure political controversy threatening their ability of remaining in the U.S. In many ways, they have had to deal with far greater problems than virtually any other immigrant population. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History of the Philippines from Various Perspectives

    A 5 page research paper that offers two opposing perspective to the acquisition of the Philippines by the US. The writer argues that the official version of this acquisition emphasizes the altruistic characteristics of US colonial rule, but fails to mention the hidden agenda of the US Senate to gain imperial status by acquiring US colonies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ronald Takaki's Reflections on A Different Mirror A History of Multicultural America

    A 10 page paper discussing concepts of the 19th century raised by the book by Ronald Takaki. Jews, Blacks, Irish Catholics, Hispanics, Orientals and Native Americans have all been marginalized in US history, and the paper concludes that materialism, rather than race or ethnicity, has been the determining factor in the ability of these groups to succeed despite the discrimination levied toward them. Takaki in many instances is shallow and fails to think through his pontifications, but there is no debate possible in his charge that all of these groups were ill-treated. The paradox is that even though they were the ones ill-treated, it was the rest of us who bore the greater cost. They have always been assured within themselves of their own worth and did not depend on our ability to recognize that worth. In the process, it was the Euro-centered ones who missed out. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Literary Analysis of Existentialism

    A 12 page overview of the literary classification of existentialism. Parallels the major components of this style with the existentialism approach in psychology, an approach which delves into our innermost characteristics to bring us to a comfortable relationship both internally and with those around us. Analyzes “The Innocents Abroad” by Mark Twain, “Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage” by Alfred Lansing, and “Cold Mountain” by Charles Frazier to identify existentialist components and provides a further comparison of the style to the Greek tragedy “The Odyssey” as a reiteration of the common elements which have been at play throughout history, not just in the nineteenth century. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • 'The History Book' and School Textbooks on History

    This 4 page paper considers how “The History Book” may present a different picture of history compared to the history which is usually found in school history books. The approach is then applied to modern events such as the Iraq war. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • What Defines Americanness in American Literature

    A 4 page essay that discusses works by Chopin, Emerson, Twain, James and Irving in regards to what qualities or characteristics make American literature "American." The writer argues that in the early days of the United States as a free and independent nation, its culture was still largely derivitive of European cultures, particularly that of England. However, throughout the nineteenth century, U.S. writers successfully established a body of literature that was distinctly American, owing little to outside sources and signifying that the US possesses a literary tradition that reflects the experience of a unique people, their history and orientation toward life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ronald Takaki's Reflections on A Different Mirror A History of Multicultural America

    A 10 page paper discussing concepts of the 19th century raised by the book by Ronald Takaki. Jews, Blacks, Irish Catholics, Hispanics, Orientals and Native Americans have all been marginalized in US history, and the paper concludes that materialism, rather than race or ethnicity, has been the determining factor in the ability of these groups to succeed despite the discrimination levied toward them. Takaki in many instances is shallow and fails to think through his pontifications, but there is no debate possible in his charge that all of these groups were ill-treated. The paradox is that even though they were the ones ill-treated, it was the rest of us who bore the greater cost. They have always been assured within themselves of their own worth and did not depend on our ability to recognize that worth. In the process, it was the Euro-centered ones who missed out. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History of Colonial Order Construction

    A 10 page contention that the same construction of the colonial order which has determined much of our history also controls many aspects of our contemporary world. This contention is presented with the backdrop of the historical interaction which occurred between colonizers and the colonized to emphasize that the same scenario is unfolding today even in countries like the United States as our tendency for the world view of “us” verses “them” determines our relations with one another. With such recent incidents as the Rodney King beating, a beating forever etched into our minds by the modern technological marvel of the video camera, the construction of the colonial order has progressed forward from the pages of history and into our contemporary social consciousness. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Disco Music and History

    A 3 page paper which examines whether disco music was a result of history or rather influenced history. No sources cited.

  • History of U.S. Army Aviation

    This is a 5 page paper giving an overview of the history of U.S. Army Aviation. In 1861, during the American Civil War, hydrogen filled balloon were used by Union and Confederate forces to direct artillery fire. These balloons were considered to be the origins of U.S. Army Aviation. Over the course of history the U.S. Army Aviation acquired their first Wright brothers’ fixed wing aircraft in 1909 of which they had over 11,000 during World War I. As Army Aviation and the Air Force began to operate separately, Army Aviation began to develop more aircraft which could support their ground forces. In the 1940s, Grasshoppers and Sentinels were used in North Africa in World War II. The Korean conflict brought the first helicopters into Army Aviation. The helicopters evolved the most rapidly and were highly effective in rough terrain, were eventually armed which resulted in the highly sophisticated gun ship helicopters of today such as the AH-64 Apache, the UH-60 Black Hawk, the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior, and the RAH-66 Comanche. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • American Foreign Policy and International Law

    A 5 page paper assessing the question, “should the US place more or less faith in international law?” The paper concludes that the US needs to acknowledge, support and work for greater influence of international law, yet retain the ability and willingness to work outside of it if conditions warrant. Terrorists, religious fundamentalists and nuclear bomb-waving groups give no credence to international law or anything else that holds no direct value for furthering narrow ideologies. The US needs to develop international leadership influence and place less faith in international law. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Relationship Between the Value of the US Dollar and the Price of Gold

    This 8 page paper investigates the relationship between the value of the US dollar and the price of gold. The underlying hypothesis is that there is a direct inverse relationship between the performance of the US dollar and the price of gold with the US dollar as the independent variable and the price of gold responding directly to the movements in the value of the dollar. Data is collected over a period of two years and analyzed in order to ascertain if there is such a relationship and the extent of that relationship. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Hope Concept

    An 8 page paper examining the definition of hope and the affect it can have on our lives. Life is to be led joyfully, and hope is the undergirding quality that allows us to find purpose in everything in which we will look for it. Hope contributes to the determination to keep striving and not give up when it seems life has nothing good to offer us, and hope blesses us with a peace that regardless of how bad things seem (or are) at the time, conditions will improve. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Indonesia Rice Shipments by the United States

    A 16 page paper exploring all aspects of establishing that section of a supply chain that moves rice out of the United States and into Indonesia. Indonesia has not been a willing recipient of US rice since 2003 and periodically imposes bans on all imports of US-produced rice. Indonesia achieved self-sufficiency in rice in 1984 and seeks to retain and strengthen that position; its rejection of US rice is an effort to protect internal producers. US rice still can enter Indonesia as humanitarian aid, however, and rice is transported the same way regardless of the political complications surrounding its movement. The paper discusses both logistics and marketing topics, focusing on how the chosen shipper, Maersk Sealand, can most efficiently move rice from several US ports to the port of Surabaya, Indonesia. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • The Importance of Women's History

    A 5 page research paper that examines why women's history should be studied; how history is gendered in traditional historical approaches; and why women's history is important to feminists, and also some interesting facts about women's history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 'The History Book' and School Textbooks on History

    This 4 page paper considers how “The History Book” may present a different picture of history compared to the history which is usually found in school history books. The approach is then applied to modern events such as the Iraq war. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's HIstory Writing

    A 3 page paper that begins by commenting on the changes in writing history, specifically, the change to the Annales school and Braudel's total history schema. The essay then discusses Ladurie's Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error. The writer discusses how Ladurie uses the total history approach as well as the scientific approach supported by von Ranke. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • London's Early History

    A 5 page overview of some of the formative periods of London’s history. In short, the history of London occurred in leaps and bounds but it also included many years of slow, gradual change. Over her history London progressed from a people whose subsistence was meager and relationships with the rest of the world were essentially non-existent, to a people whose city serves as one of the foremost cultural, economic, and political capitals of the world. This rise included influence from a diversity of peoples ranging from the Romans, to the Saxons, to the Vikings, and to the Normans.

  • Graphic Arts and its History

    This 28 page report discusses graphic art in terms of its development, its history, and where it will go in the future. In considering the future of graphic arts, it can be remarkably instructive to look at its history and how it has governed its developed. Both the history and potential future of graphic art are looked at in the report. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • The Heritage Crusade And The Spoils Of History by David Lowenthal

    5 pages in length. David Lowenthal's primary objective in "The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History" is to illustrate the inherent separation, as well as the inextricable cohesion, of heritage, history and contemporary society. The author strives to enlighten his readers to the inadequacies of conventional thought pertaining to heritage, noting that while heritage is, indeed, interwoven with history, it is also reinvented throughout modern-day society by way of new icons, such as Disney World and other pertinent symbols of the twentieth century. No additional sources cited.

  • Connection Between Biography and History

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the correlation between history and biography, as demonstrated in a comparison between aggregate and individuals perspectives. This paper considers elements like cultural relativism as it applies to an understanding of collective history, experiential history and biography. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History of Chinese Art

    10 pages in length. Chinese art history is both vast and comprehensive, spanning centuries and encompassing myriad formats. When one examines Chinese culture as it relates to art history, one can readily surmise that artistic endeavor is not merely superficial filler, but rather an integral component to the overall existence of Asian heritage. The writer discusses calligraphy and feng shui as they relate to Chinese art history. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Cyber Intrusions and the US Military

    A 4 page consideration of the threat cyber intrusions pose to the US military. Bibliography lists 6 sources.


    This 5-page paper answers case study questions about a cultural situation between U.S. company H-G and Uganda.

  • Historical Theories of Auguste Comte and Karl Marx

    A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares the theories that Marx and Comte developed regarding history. The writer argues that these theories were radically different because each looked at a different aspect of human development across history. Marx's theories concerning history dealt with the economic connection between society and the means of production. Comte's theories, on the other hand, dealt more with the way in which a society perceives reality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History's Origin According to Ernst Breisach

    This 2 page paper provides an overview of the central perspectives of Ernst Breisach in his Historiography: Ancient, Medieval & Modern as they relate to the origins of history. This paper demonstrates the link between the perspectives of the earliest known historians, Herodotus and Thucydides, also known as the father and grandfather of history, and the modern views of the process through which history is conveyed. No additional sources cited.

  • Impact of Illegal Immigration on the U.S. Economy

    This 6 page paper discusses the impact illegal immigration has had on the U.S. economy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Islamic Militarism Since 600 A.D.

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the history of Islamic militarism. One hears a great deal, in this age of Islamic terrorism, about how the Muslim instigators of indiscriminant violence are not true "Muslims." However, an overview of Islamic militarism shows that, as with Christianity, violence and aggression are integral to Islamic history and that this history very much pertains to the current situation. The writer first discusses Islamic militarism, beginning in 600 A.D. and continuing to the Crusades and then relates this militaristic tradition to Islamic belief and current terrorism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Why the U.S. Invasion of Iraq is Wrong

    This 3 page paper is an argumentative essay that says the U.S. invasion of Iraq is illegal and immoral. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 6 Articles on Technology

    This 6 page paper examines six separate articles about technology and tells us what we can learn from each one.

  • 6 Cases and Technology

    This 6 page paper examines six separate cases about technology and tells us what we can learn from each one.

  • Cultural Basis of Education, Pedagogy and Educational Psychology

    This 5 page paper considers the cultural basis for education, pedagogy and educational psychology in the U.S., England and elsewhere. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Major Pedagogical and Educational Psychology Theories

    This 4 page paper discusses some of the teaching and educational psychological theories in the U.S., U.K. and elsewhere. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Vision, Mission and Values of the U.S. Army Transportation Corps

    This 4 page paper discusses the U.S. Transportation Corps, its mission, vision and values. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Issues with Regard to Gifted Students in the U.S.

    This 9 page paper discusses some of the issues, concerns and practices that affect gifted students in the U.S. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Evolution of Social Welfare Policy in the United States

    This 3 page paper discusses the evolution of social welfare policy in the U.S. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Inadequacies in U.S. Antiterrorism Provisions Prior to 9-11

    A 4 page paper emphasizing that 9-11 was the result of inadequate antiterrorism provisions in the U.S. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Politics and Bananas

    This 6-page paper attempts to tie the banana trade wars together with political maneuvering, even to the point where it has helped elect presidents of the U.S. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Poverty and the Typification of Poverty in the U.S.

    This 3 page paper discusses poverty and the typification of poverty as a social problem in the U.S. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Containment in US History

    A 5 page paper which examines the US foreign policy of containment from the late 1940s onward. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • American Slang, Changes in Language and Changes in Attitudes

    This 3 page paper explores the way language evolves and changes in the U.S. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's HIstory Writing

    A 3 page paper that begins by commenting on the changes in writing history, specifically, the change to the Annales school and Braudel's total history schema. The essay then discusses Ladurie's Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error. The writer discusses how Ladurie uses the total history approach as well as the scientific approach supported by von Ranke. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Sequoyah and His Invention of Cherokee Syllabary

    A 3 page consideration of how this notable Native American leader affected US Indian Policy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Intelligence Gathering by U.S. Agencies during World War II and Beyond

    This 10 page paper examines the evolution of U.S. intelligence gather operations during and after World War II. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Internet Tax Resources

    This 5-page paper focuses on three tax websites that can be used as resources for research on U.S. tax codes and the law surrounding them.

  • David Lurie in In the Beginning by Potok

    A 5 page paper discussing the effects that life's events carried in shaping the ultimate personality of the main character of Potok's "In the Beginning." David Lurie, much as did his creator, did not follow the path prescribed for him either by his family or by the tradition of his faith. He became an individual far different than either he or his family would have believed would be his destiny, had he followed more standard rules and those unspoken ones set forth for him. David holds lessons for us in the advantages and disadvantages of not conforming, whether through personal conviction or through the influence of circumstance. David shows us that life is not always "mapped out," even when it appears to be. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • International Business Issues and Contracts in the Marketplace

    A 19 page paper discussing cultural, political, ethical and currency issues in international business. Economic forecasters only altered their estimates of the growth of the US economy after it refused to expand at the expected annual rate of between two and three percent in the mid-1990s. Overall growth has been much greater than that, but expansion of the domestic market for manufactured goods is much lower than the overall rate of growth. It still is the world's emerging markets that offer the greatest hope for the mid-range future. Those emerging markets offer so much promise that it is worthwhile for US multinationals to overcome cultural, linguistic and political differences while managing for currency risks, but it is still imperative to set contracts with those factors in mind. Bibliography lists 31 sources.

  • History of Mexico and Mesoamerican History's Role

    A 5 page paper which examines how Mesoamerican history is an important element in understanding Mexican history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Are Accounting Reforms And Legislation Are The Only Means By Which The Accounting Profession Will be Able To Regain Public Trust And Re-Establish Its’ Credibility?

    This 8 page paper considers the issues in terms of trust and credibility in the accounting profession. The writer argues that historically public trust has been regained as loop holes and standards have been bettered. Using the example of Enron and comparing US and UK accounting and auditing standards the case is made for increasing levels of regulations to overcome the fears and difficulties associated with the causes of mistrust. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Healthcare Administration Leadership

    A 3 page essay that justifies pursuing a doctorate degree in healthcare administration. Doctorate education in healthcare administration is formulated to aid in the creation of highly motivated, advanced healthcare leaders, who can effectively address the challenges of today's healthcare system, as well as shape effective public policy for the needs of the future (Doctor in HA). The challenges facing the U.S. healthcare system, as well as the healthcare systems in all Western, industrialized societies, are formidable. Effective leadership in healthcare administration is a crucial factor in meeting these challenges. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Consumer Shifts and Cola Manufacturers

    A 5 page paper discussing cola manufacturers' focus on bottled water as a product they can move along the product life cycle curve as dark, sugary colas continue to decline. Some marketers in the past have believed that consumers will buy anything they choose to place before us; astute marketers have come to understand that such is not the case. Consumers do need time to accept a new product, however, such as was the case with bottled water. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • A Firearms' Trafficking Overview

    This 5 page paper looks at the sale of illegal firearms in the U.S. and internationally as well. Laws designed to curb illegal gun sales are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Illegal Immigration and U.S. Economy

    A 4 page paper discussing the impact of illegal immigration on the U. S. economy. The number of illegal immigrants in the U.S., the costs associated with them, and other multi-layered impacts. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Wall is Not the Answer to Illegal Immigration

    A 6 page research paper/essay that argues that building a wall across the border between US and Mexico is an ineffective solution to illegal immigration. The writer provides arguments to support this position and discusses the reasons substantiating this stance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Pharmaceutical Industry, Prices, Returns, and Generic Drugs Competition

    This 14 page paper examines the way in which prices of branded drugs, and the related profit they create for the pharmaceutical companies, is impacted when patents expire and the branded drugs have to compete with generic products. The paper considers how the law of supply and demand manifests in this market where an increase in supply does result in a reduction of prices and to what extent this occurs. The paper also looks at the US Hatch-Waxman Act which was introduced to decrease the barriers of entry for the generic drugs whilst the patent periods were extended. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Learning Lessons in Billy Budd and Antigone

    A 3 page essay that argues that the main theme in both Sophocles' Antigone and Herman Melville's Billy Budd is a warning that the society that ignores humanitarian issues does so at its own peril. These narratives warn us that the society that puts punitive justice ahead of all else may be enacting a certain kind of justice, but it does so at the expense of its own soul. In a country that is prosecuting children to the full extent of the law, it is a lesson that should be noticed. No additional sources cited.

  • Argument: Illegal Immigration Has a Negative Effect on the U.S. Economy

    This 8 page paper examines the proposition that illegal immigration has a negative effect on the U.S. economy. It argues that while this population segment has a negative effect in some areas, particularly California, overall the illegal immigrant population has a small positive effect on the economy as a whole. The idea was to argue that illegal immigration’s effect is negative but the evidence does not support that conclusion. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • English Language Learning and Lau v. Nichols

    This 9 page paper begins with an chronological outline of the laws addressing English language learners, both before and after the Lau case. The writer then provides a comprehensive overview of the Lau v Nichols case beginning with initial complaint filed on behalf of 12 Chinese-American students in San Francisco, a case that asked only that the school district teach the children English, and the final outcome from the U.S. Supreme Court. Actual excerpts of the different written decisions are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • US Protestant Church Theology

    A 5 page research paper that examines the nature, ministry, ordinances, origin and organization of the Protestant church in the US. This overview also speculates on the future of the church and the coming final days. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • John Cage/His Impact on Music

    An 11 page research paper that discusses the career and contributions of composer John Cage, whose impact on electronic and experimental music has been substantial. Particularly during the 1940s, his experimental works pointed contemporary art music in new directions, while also exerting a significant influence on a variety of "avant-garde composers," both in the US and abroad (Machlis 632). Examination of Cage's music shows a consistent move toward more extreme experimentation, while also developing his own musical style and vocabulary. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Cuban Refugees and U.S. Policy on Immigration

    This 8 page paper examines Cuban immigration in the United States, with a focus on the Elian Gonzalez case. Pertinent information about the case is provided and discussed in light of U.S. immigration policy. Statistics are provided. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • South America and United States Drug Trafficking

    This 5 page paper discusses the drug trafficking between the US and South America and cites examples, evidence and data which show that the war on drugs is not winnable. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nigeria, the Unites States and ATC Systems

    A 5 page research paper that examines and compares the air traffic control systems of the US and Nigeria, in that Nigeria is part of the overall problem of insufficient ATC systems for African airspace. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • United Kingdom and United States Government Processes

    A 10 page paper, including tutorial comments, that compares and contrasts the U.K. governmental process with the U.S. governmental process. The focus is on policymaking and includes comments on the citizens of both countries becoming disillusions with their governmental process. Influences on the political process for both countries are discussed. The essay ends with comments about which country's system would result in better policymaking. Material used for the essay was provided by the student. No bibliography.

  • Bilateral Trade between United Kingdom and United States

    This 4 page paper looks at the level and type of trade which takes place between the US and UK. The main risks of trading and then considered along with the way in which risks may be mitigated, including use of hedging. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Questions on Fiscal and Monetary Policy Answered

    This 5 page paper answers four questions. Firstly, the paper looks at the three main tools that the Federal Reserve may use to control the money supply in the US. The second question is the shortest, and shows how the reserve balance on T-accounts is calculated. The third question outlines the variables that impact on the demand for money, and the last question looks at expansionary monetary and fiscal policies, what they are and how they operates and then uses the IS-LM model to illustrate the effects. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • How do Changes in an Economy Impact on Businesses?

    The 7 page paper examines the way two firms; McDonalds and Nike, reacted to the economic conditions in two developed counties; The US and the UK. The paper looks at the economy of each company and then considers the performance of the firm in terms of the way the demand was impacted and the overall changes in firm performance. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • US Economy 200 - 2003

    This 6 page paper is written in 3 parts. The first part examines the performance of the US economy between the years of 2000 and 2003, looking at annual figures for the GDP, real GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, interest rates and M1 growth. The second part of the paper discusses the patterns seen in the economy during this period and the impact of monetary policy. The last part of the paper looks at aggregate supply and demand during the same period. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Should A Company Undertake Loss Management If They Have Insurance?

    This 14 page paper discusses the statement "As an organisation we pay a lot of money on insurance. There is therefore no need for us to invest time and resources in other methods of loss management." The paper discusses this looking at what losses insurance can cover, alternatives to insurance, the need for a cost benefit analysis, responsibility and the influence of asymmetrical information and moral hazard. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Lowell System

    A 5 page research paper that reports on the Lowell System and its significance to early industrialization in the US. The Lowell System refers to a “method of factory management” that developed in regards to the operation of the United States’ first textile mills, which were built in Waltham and Lowell, Massachusetts in the early part of the nineteenth century (Foner and Garraty, 1991). Specifically, the Lowell System refers to the practice of recruiting and employing young women from local farms as the mill’s employees. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • International Athletic Shoe Company Establishment

    A 5 page paper establishing a new company to manufacture and market athletic shoes in the US, Canada, Singapore and South Korea. The initial budget is $350 million, allocated among five primary activities. Includes a five forces analysis of the industry. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Accounting Questions

    This 5 page paper answers questions concerning the way account takes place. The first looks at a case study to examine the way the practices fit in with the hierarchy of accounting qualities. The paper then considers the way in which accounting standards are set within the US and discusses whether the standards should be the same for all types of organization.

  • Banking Policy Adjustment

    A 6 page paper answering 5 questions addressing how a German bank might adapt to changes in US policies and the economy. Questions include how the bank should manage new SEC rules of corporate governance and other matters that reduce the bank’s corporate lending opportunities. The paper encourages the bank to increase revenues in other areas during this time while simultaneously reducing costs. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Economic Growth And Inflation

    A 4 page paper. The writer responds to this question: Should a country's economic growth rate be higher than its inflation rate? The essay discusses ideal growth rates, reports growth rates and inflation rates in the U.S. for 2006 and 2007 and discusses the growth and inflation rates in Vietnam. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Bank Problems in the Credit Crunch; Poor Performing Loans

    In 2009 the banks are suffering as a result of the credit crunch. The cause is not only the result of events within the house market; there are also defaults on small businesses and personal loans. This 6 page paper considers how and why the banks are now suffering these defaults, looking at issues such as the way bank became less risk adverse, the management of risk assessment, asymmetrical information and the role of governments and central banks. The paper focuses ion the US and the UK. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Criminal Law Considered in 4 Questions

    5 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses racketeering and money laundering, four components of the U.S. criminal justice system, community-oriented policing and constitutional protection of prisoner rights. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Wireless Industry Overview and ATandT

    This 15-page paper offers an analysis of the wireless industry and the part AT&T Wireless plays in it. Topics discussed include an overview of the U.S. economy, an overview of the wireless industry from the perspective of Porter's Five Forces and an analysis of AT&T Wireless, its background and competitive strategy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Modelo’s Beer Market

    This 6 page paper examines the Mexican beer brewer; Modelo and answers questions sector by the student. Questions included examination of the trends in the global beer market, how and why Modelo successful in entering the US market through strategic alliances, consideration of the next potential market, the challenges of the organization are likely to face the future and a discussion concerning whether or not the organization should undertake diversification. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • The American Market for Cable Based Telephone Service

    This 5 page paper examines the US cable telephony market, looking at the size, major competitors, existing patterns and trends, forecasts and major influences. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • The Influence of Unemployment on the US Economy

    This 9 page paper looks at the unemployment rates in the US between 2007 and 2012, considering how this has impacted on the economy and looking at how the employment levels are likely to impact on the economy in the future. Different issues are considered in the assessment, including the presence of sticky wages and the presence of structural as well as cyclic unemployment. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Interracial Relationships

    A 7 page paper that begins with the data regarding interracial marriages in the U.S. The major focus of this essay is white men with black women but it also includes information about the converse. The essay reports comments from other authors about the acceptance of interracial relationships. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Constitutional Rights v. Internet Privacy

    A 9 page paper that examines the issues of privacy and freedom of information on the Internet as well as the crimes that have been bred by this privacy and freedom. Discussed are the types of crimes that occur in cyberspace, the attempts the U.S. government has made to deter these crimes, and the opposition these attempts have raised from civil liberty organizations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Iranian and Guatemalan Revolutions

    This 5 page paper discusses the revolutions in Iran in 1953 and the revolt in Guatemala the following year. It also discusses U.S. involvement in both actions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Letter to a Senator Involving Iraq War

    This 3 page paper is a letter to a US senator regarding the reasons for the war in Iraq. This opinion letter suggests that the senator reconsider the reasons for entrance in the war.

  • ADHD and ADD and School Compulsory Medication

    A 14 page research paper that explores the use of psychoactive drug use in the US with schoolchildren. The first half of the paper offers a legal analysis and the second half an ethical analysis. The writer concludes from a review of available research that while these drugs are crucial for some children (1 to 2 percent of the childhood population), they are dramatically over-prescribed and used as a "quick fix" to enforce compliance with unrealistic behavioral expectations for young children. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Canada's Great Depression

    This 4 page paper looks at the Great Depression as it affected Canada in the 1930s. Social policies are discussed. Causes are touched on. Some information about the U.S. is relayed in this paper that relies on scholarly sources.

  • The Development and Value of Alternate Education

    This 118 page paper is a comprehensive literature review looking at the development and value of alternative education, with an emphasis on the US. The paper looks at a range of theories regarding the way education is delivered, including teaching styles, curriculum design and learning styles. The development of different educational institutions and the provision of learning for different students is also discussed, along with the results and benefits that have been realized. The bibliography cites 187 sources.

  • Medical Coders

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the field of medical coders. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), health information technicians who specialize in assigning codes to patients' medical records for insurance purposes are known by a variety of terms, such as "health information coders, medical record coders, coder/abstractors or coding specialists" (BLS, 2008). This essay offers a brief overview of the medical coding profession: that is, what they do, the education required, associated certification processes, licensure, etc. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Timothy McVeigh's Execution and Its Social and Legal Repercussions

    A 10 page paper exploring the numerous legal and social ramifications inherent in the recent execution of Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh. McVeigh, convicted and sentenced to death for his role in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City and the consequent deaths of 168 people, was the first federal execution in thirty-eight years. The execution has reopened the argument as to the validity of a federal death penalty law under the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Exporting to China

    This 11 page paper considers China as an export destination for household electronics to be exported from a country such as the US. The paper uses vacuum cleaners as an example. The macro environmental conditions are discussed, including the economy and distribution issues, influences on demand are considered, including social changes, import controls are discussed and the paper ends with the potential influences that could result from changes made by the exporting country's central bank. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Military Supply Chain Management

    A 4 page paper discussing general supply chain needs for the U.S. Army. Though the principles of supply chain management are the same for both corporate and military models, there are significant differences that directly affect supply chain management. Military supply chain management requires the addition of these other needs and influencers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A History of Blacks in America From the Oppression of Slavery to the Civil Rights' Movement

    An 8 page review of African American rights from pre-Civil war years to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Identifies the causes of the Civil War and its relation to black emancipation. Discusses changes in U.S. law and policy and the actions of individuals like Andrew Johnson, Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. Dubois, Frederick Douglass, John F.Kennedy, Lyndon B, Johnson, and Martin Luther King Junior in regard to instituting social change. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Is The Japanese Manufacturing System Appropriate In The U.S.

    A 4 page paper. Manufacturing in the U.S. has been declining for years in volume and quality. This essay comments on possible reasons for that situation. The essay also compares some of the aspects of the manufacturing system of Japanese and American companies and ends with a conclusion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • World War II Battle of Iwo Jima

    In five pages this paper examines this famous Second World War battle of February to March 1945 and includes the events that led up to it, the importance of controlling the island, and the combat conditions confronting the U.S. Marines. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • Fantasy Literature and Science Fiction

    This 3 page paper considers the idea that fantasy appeals to that part of our minds that doesn't believe in fate, but insists that everything that happens to us must have a reason, and whether or not that statement makes sense. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Segregation History Since the 1980s

    This 7 page paper deals with the trends in segregation and desegregation during the period of 1980-2000. The paper utilizes recent data from a twenty year study by the University of Albany as well as current information from the US Census Bureau. Conclusions drawn from the data are supported with examples, quotes, all cited. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ernesto Che Guevara's Leadership Characteristics

    A 10 page paper discussing the management style and motivations of the medical doctor that was so important in the development and continuation of Marxist influences in Latin America. A committed opponent of capitalism and the US, Guevara exhibited many of the same characteristics that can be found in the leadership of Southwest Airline’s Herb Kelleher, another charismatic leader. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Medical Law

    This 9 page paper looks at two scenarios regarding potential negligence or malpractice in a healthcare situation. The first considers the issue of informed consent and whether an unexpected event can be seen as negligence on the part of a doctor, looking at healthcare Law in the US. The second part of the paper considers a scenario in Australia, where an elderly and infirm residents slips and falls while in the care of a radiographer. In both instances the potential liabilities are discussed. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • The Major Problems of the U.S. Health Care System

    This 10 page paper discusses three of the major problems of U.S. health care: the uninsured; the soaring costs; and the fact that decisions about health matters are sometimes taken out of doctors' hands, compromising care. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Major Problems Facing the U.S. Health Care System

    This 10 page paper discusses three of the major problems of U.S. health care: the uninsured; the soaring costs; and the fact that decisions about health matters are sometimes taken out of doctors' hands, compromising care. It also discusses the findings that a person's social status determines their level of care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Medical Economy of the United States and the Impact of HMOs

    A 7 page paper which examines HMOs and their impact on the US medical economy by considering the nature of HMOs, how they pay doctors, problems created by moral hazard and adverse selection, issues related to their effects, treatment and overall changes. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Case of Larson

    This 3 page paper looks at a case study of a firm operating in Germany and the US to assess potential future approaches to business in difficult economic climates and assesses production and pricing decision ands considers entering new markets. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • The Golf Industry in 2005 and Porters Five Forces Framework

    This 8 page paper is written in 3 parts. The first part of the paper looks at Porters Five Forces model, the importance of different factors and how the models can be used. The second part of the paper applies the model to the US golfing industry, based on a case study provided by the student. The third part of the paper looks at the way in which the strengths and weaknesses of the industry is likely to change in the future. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Proposal to Market to McBride Financial Services

    This 4 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. McBride Financial Services wants to market its mortgage services to four states in the US. The writer considers the potential target market and mediums of communication, using these considerations to present a potential marketing plan. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

    A 6 page paper that begins with the legal definition of sexual harassment and the two types defined by the U.S. Supreme Court. The paper discusses what conduct can be viewed as harassment, the impact of this conduct, and what the victim and employer should do. The writer provides comments directed at human resource managers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Romantic Era Poetry and the Conflict of Man versus Nature

    An insightful, 6 page essay on how the poems of Blake, Wordsworth & Keats represented a renewed hope for civilization. The writer argues that each of these poets spoke of how the world could be cured of its problems if man would only work in harmony with nature. Wordsworth's 'The World is Too Much With Us' and Blake's 'London' are among the poems used in this analysis. No Bibliography.

  • How We Grow Into Who We Are

    This 5 page paper uses three of Bruce Dawe’s poems as a springboard for a discussion of how we choose our relationships and what they tell us about ourselves. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The World is Too Much with Us/William Wordsworth

    A 3 page explication of William Wordsworth's poem "The World is Too Much With Us," which focuses on Wordsworth's use of imagery and metaphor. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Romantic Era Poetry and the Conflict of Man versus Nature

    An insightful, 6 page essay on how the poems of Blake, Wordsworth & Keats represented a renewed hope for civilization. The writer argues that each of these poets spoke of how the world could be cured of its problems if man would only work in harmony with nature. Wordsworth's 'The World is Too Much With Us' and Blake's 'London' are among the poems used in this analysis. No Bibliography.

  • Healthcare Administration Leadership

    A 3 page essay that justifies pursuing a doctorate degree in healthcare administration. Doctorate education in healthcare administration is formulated to aid in the creation of highly motivated, advanced healthcare leaders, who can effectively address the challenges of today's healthcare system, as well as shape effective public policy for the needs of the future (Doctor in HA). The challenges facing the U.S. healthcare system, as well as the healthcare systems in all Western, industrialized societies, are formidable. Effective leadership in healthcare administration is a crucial factor in meeting these challenges. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Blake and Wordsworth

    A 6 page essay that offers 2 3-page essays: one on William Blake’s “Chimney Sweep” poems and one on William Wordsworth’s “The World is Too Much With Us Late and Soon.” The writer in each case uses the poems to discuss each poet’s poetic philosophy and style. No additional sources cited.

  • Toyota Motor Manufacturing Case Study

    This 4 page paper answers questions set by the student regarding difficulties in the production line at Toyota in the US, including an explanation of the andon system and an assessment of why the problems arose.

  • Strategic Human Resource Management at Standard Chartered Bank

    This 20 page case study is written in three sections. Using a case study supplied by the student the first part compares the human resource management approaches of the Standard Chartered Bank to determine is the company us using strategic human resource management (SHRM). In the second section arguments are supplied to support the ongoing use of talent management strategies in an environment where costs need to be cut. The finak section discusses the importance of measurement to assess the success, or failure, of strategic HRM and suggests some measures suitable for the case study.

  • Proposal for Outreach Education in a Community Needs Assessment

    A 3 page proposal for conducting a needs assessment of community outreach education efforts targeting health care issues. Designs a study incorporating qualitative input from independent focus groups and representatives from various governmental and private agencies regarding the effectiveness of existing outreach programs and specific community needs. Anticipates that coupling this qualitative input with quantitative information retrieved from the U.S. Census Bureau will aid the design of stand-alone, financially independent, outreach education programs within a three year time frame.

  • Marketing Case Study - Amber Inns in 2005

    This 14 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Amber Inns and Suites are a hotel chain in the US, having faced several years of losses the firm is starting to recover. The paper looks at the hotel industry in 2005, the positioning of the firm, the financial performance and the way marketing has taken place and then builds on the past with some new marketing ideas and present a budget based on previous years and the adjustments that are needed to meet the new marketing plan needs. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Problems at Koito

    This 4 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student and answers a set of questions regarding the reasons why certain investors may be interested, the practice of greenmailing and the differences in supplier relations ships between the US and Japan. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Should Aboca Enter the US Market?

    This 6 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Aboca have the opportunity to enter the US market, the paper assesses whether or not this would be the right decision, looking at other opportunities that are available and practical issues such as the differences in the market and financing. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Economic Planning for Larson

    This 4 page paper looks at how a firm may consider future plans in terms of prices and managing the markets with reference to economic data. The case is provided by the student is a firm that manufactures and sell batteries in the US and Germany with advise given on pricing, promotion and markets based on economic data and theory. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • The Influences and Marketing of Nordstrom

    This 5 page paper looks at a case study on the US retailer Nordstrom supplied by the student and answers questions on the impact of political, legal, regulatory, technological, social, competitive and economic influences on the firm and their marketing and considers how the firm may set up and market itself in a new country. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Modelo’s Beer Market

    This 6 page paper examines the Mexican beer brewer; Modelo and answers questions sector by the student. Questions included examination of the trends in the global beer market, how and why Modelo successful in entering the US market through strategic alliances, consideration of the next potential market, the challenges of the organization are likely to face the future and a discussion concerning whether or not the organization should undertake diversification. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Marketing Tobacco Products; The Ethical Issues

    This 4 page paper considers a case study supplied by the student. The case looks at the marketing of tobacco products by US companies to developing countries and considers whether this may be as ethical taking into consideration a range of outcomes including social and economic. The paper also discusses whether it would be right to prevent tobacco companies from marketing despite selling a legal product. The bibliography cites one source.

  • Crisis Communication in the Workplace

    10 pages. This paper identifies issues related to crisis communication in the workplace. The case study is focused on a soft drink manufacturer that found several cases of tampering with its product. How the company handled this emergency and what actions were taken and not taken show us a lot about whether a company cares more about the customer or their own bottom line. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Strategic Recommendations for PPQ

    This 4 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student, looking at a fictitious US company in the automotive industry which wishes to increase its market share, sales and profitability significantly over the next four years. The paper looks at the way in which this can be achieved in the strategies that should be utilized, including international expansion. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • The Position and Strategy of JetBlue Following the Valentines Day Debacle

    This 6 page paper looks at JetBlue in 2008. The positions of the firm, as well as conditions of the US airline industry, are considered. The paper then looks at the strategy of the firm and the way it changed before discussing whether or not the new strategy was likely to succeed. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Proposals on Health Care Reform

    A 5 page research paper that examines the health care crisis in the US by looking at current proposals for health care reform that have been made by the Democratic candidates for the presidency, President Bush, and others. The writer then examines briefly why health care reform efforts are difficult to legislate. Annotated bibliography lists 4 sources and also includes a brief outline for a longer paper on this topic.

  • Public Health Advertising v. Direct to Consumer Advertising

    A 9 page research paper that contrasts and compares US direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs with the European approach, which emphasizes public health education because the advertising of name brand drugs in the EU is prohibited. The writer concludes that these two forms of advertising are converging and that this evolution offers a positive benefit to public health. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Aging Nursing Population/Healthcare

    A 7 page research paper that examines this issue. A predominant demographic trend in the U.S. is toward a progressively older population, as Americans live longer lives. Connie Barden, president of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), points out that nurses are getting older along with the rest of the country (An interview, 2003). The aging nursing population has a tremendous impact on the current nursing shortage, as more and more nurses near retirement age. Furthermore, it is logical to presume that older nurses may find the stress caused by understaffing to be more problematic. This examination of this topic addresses literature and what it reveals about the extent of the problem, as well as proposed solutions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Individual Rights Usurped by the U.S. Supreme Court

    A 5 page paper that argues the following: over the years, individual rights have been denied by the Supreme Court. In the criminal justice system, this has lead to the relaxing of laws to the extent that our Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights have been seriously infringed upon. All rights to personal freedoms in the workplace have been taken away by the Supreme Court, and women's rights to abortion have been substantially reduced. The remaining issue for many of us is the Supreme Court's decision on First Amendment rights in regards to imposed decency on the Internet. This decision is expected within the next month. We can only hope it is not their desire to usurp further rights from United States citizenry. The affect on global Internet business is inestimable. Bibliography lists 4 sources. Copies of sources included.

  • The War in Iraq and Economic Ramifications

    A 4 page paper discussing the economic effects of the Iraqi war. War nearly always provides an economic boost, even if only temporarily. The war in Iraq lifted the American economy to an extent, but the benefits of the gains will not be lasting ones as the federal government seeks funds sufficient for rebuilding the country. The cost of reconstruction equates in the US to less opportunity for economic growth, for billions of dollars are being dedicated to Iraq to assist in its rebuilding from the most recent war. Though the beginning of the war increased American economic fortunes, that general effect is being negated by the staggering costs of reconstruction and conversion to a coalition government in Iraq. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Guilt and Grief in The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

    A 4 page essay that discusses Alice Sebold's novel The Lovely Bones, which begins with the protagonist, a fourteen-year-old girl named Susie, stating that she was murdered on December 6, 1973 (Sebold 5). Each of the principle characters in the narrative react to Susie's death in their own particular way. With the omniscience of death, Susie describes this with crystal clarity from her perspective in heaven. Using this narrative device, Sebold is able to delineate the various ways that people react to grief, loss and the guilt that comes from remaining alive when someone dear to us has died. The writer discusses how each character reacts to Susie's death.

  • Social Change is Not Reflected by Statutory Law

    Brown v. Board of Education passed into law in 1954, Miranda v. Arizona in 1966, and the Warren court has been out of existence for decades. New laws passed in the U.S. include all kinds of dictatorial aspects including the issue of Homeland Security where the Privacy Act has usurped all rights to an individual’s privacy. This is similar to reasoning behind the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which requires public corporations to keep an electronic copy of every type of correspondence ever passing in or out of a company (including email and post it notes) so that a companies records are complete in case the company investigated by the Federal government. As this shows, statutory controls have gotten out of hand, not the least of which includes an ancient criminal justice system. 4 works cited. jvStatut.rtf

  • The Health Care System in the United States and Access by Black Americans

    This 17 page paper reports the health status of African-Americans in the U.S. Statistics about the incidence of specific diseases and mortality rates among Black Americans as compared to White Americans are reported. The essay includes a discussion of the barriers to quality health care services. For instance, Black women are more likely to die of colon, rectal and breast cancer and Black men are more than twice as likely to die of prostrate cancer. The writer then turns to report the racial and ethnic composition of physicians as well as that of medical students. The discussion includes a few suggestions for correcting this inequity in quality health care. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 27 sources.

  • Aging and High Blood Pressure

    (10 pp) Hypertension, one of the most common medical problems, affects 60 million people in the US. Recent studies show that only 57% of patients known to be hypertensive are controlled. Hypertension is a risk factor for a multitude of potentially life-threatening illnesses. Called the "silent killer," hypertension is usually asymptomatic. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Industry Implications of the Merger Between Sprint and MCI WorldCom

    A 10 page paper discussing implications of the merger for both the national and international telecommunications industry. Announced October 5, 1999, the combination of MCI WorldCom’s global presence and Sprint’s strength in wireless technology promises enhanced growth for both sides, particularly in wireless communication and Internet access, which is expected to provide the greatest growth in telecommunications well into the next century. Both companies will need to provide sound evidence to the FCC in order to gain approval, for the merger of the two companies reduces the number of large long distance carriers in the US from three to only two. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Gatsby & The American Dream

    A 4 page essay that discusses this classic novel. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby overtly concerns the story of a man trying to win back his wartime lover and recreate his idolized version of their affair. However, beneath this romantic plot, there runs a much deeper and more serious theme, which addresses the decay of the American Dream that Fitzgerald witnessed in the years following World War I, which is when the US experienced a period of extreme opulence and sudden wealth. Fitzgerald portrays the American Dream as having been tarnished by the rampant materialism of American culture and its social and moral values. While his theme is evident throughout the novel, it is particularly evident in Fitzgerald’s characterization of Gatsby, Daisy, and Nick, with each character underscoring a different but related point. No additional sources cited.

  • Visionary Work Principia Mathematica by Isaac Newton

    A 10 page paper in which the writer discusses Isaac Newton’s masterwork Principia Mathematica (1687). Newton’s participation in the scientific revolution and catalytic role in the Age of Enlightenment are also examined. Principia Mathematica is shown to have relevance today in physics and mechanics. Newton’s initial foray into alchemy and it’s overtones for us today are also considered. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • America as a Growing World Power

    In this 7 page research paper, the writer explores the factors that contributed to making the United States a world leader/power between the end Civil War and the beginning of World War I. The primary aspect ofthis success has always been the promotion and fostering of democracy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Army Personnel Management Policy Differences Between Civilian and Active Members

    A 10 page paper discussing how contractual members of the armed forces are managed differently than are civilian personnel. From most outward appearances, civilian personnel management bears very little difference from that of any other large US employer; contractual members of the armed forces are managed in very different ways, but for very good reasons. It is discipline and respect that comprise the two prime characteristics of daily military operation, but they also are primary in times of crisis. Contractual members of the armed forces may look with either envy or disdain at the “nicer” treatment civilian personnel receive, but as General Colin Powell illustrates, their commanding officers are charged with teaching them there is a reason for everything that happens. They could be in combat; the civilians never will be. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • American Airline Industry Fortunes and Yield Management Impact

    A 9 page paper on the positive financial effects that yield management pricing has had on the major airlines of the U.S., exhibited by a $2.5 billion industry-wide profit after posting losses of over $13 billion over the previous four years combined. With the major airlines' increased financial health, they are better able to compete not only with each other, but against the newer, smaller airlines that would like to create a secondary market in areas not well-served by the major carriers. The major airlines, however, are using all their new-found financial might to drive the smaller ones out of their markets and then follow with increased fares when the threat of competition is gone. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Answering 4 Operations Management Questioins

    This 15 page paper responds to four questions that address how certain environmental events or conditions would affect operations management in corporations. The first question discuses the effects of an increase or decrease in tariffs. The beef industry and the higher tariff in Japan is used as an example. Second, what effect would more stringent air and water quality laws have on operations. The Kodak company's problems with the EPA are explained in this discussion. The next issue has to do with the expectation for greater employee empowerment in the workplace. FedEx is the example used in this discussion. Finally, what would be the effect on operations management if there was an outbreak of a serious disease. For this question, the essay first comments on the SARS epidemic and the effects on two companies in Asia. Ebola is used as an example, also. The anthrax attack and the change in operations with the U.S. postal service is also discussed. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Conflict Management, Negotiation, and Cultural Differences

    A 14 page paper. As businesses continue to expand globally, the ability to negotiate and resolve conflict in different cultures successfully becomes essential to success. This essay discusses how culture affects conflict management and business negotiations. The four approaches to researching this topic are outlined as are different ways of understanding culture and how those approaches can interfere with communication and conflict management. Specific examples of how company managers in other cultures approach conflict management are provided. For example, U.S. managers often approach conflict as competition while many Asian managers either try to avoid conflict or try to compromise. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Teen Pregnancy and Case Management Protocol

    According to the website for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, based on the 1996 U.S. Census, the vital statistic for teen pregnancy for the state of Oregon is a 90 in 1,000 chance that a girl between the age of 15 and 19 will become pregnant (Fact Sheet). The national average for this age group is 97 in 1,000. This is only one reason why this population was chosen for this study in case management. Note that focus is also placed on general concepts of case management. Bibliography lists 8 sources. jvCaseMg.rtf

  • Comparative Analysis of US and Japan Structuring of Youth Sports

    A 5 page essay comparing the structure of youth sports in Japan to the structure of youth sports in the United States, concentrating primarily on the schooling period that equates to middle- and early secondary school in the United States. Japanese students operate on a modified year-round school schedule and the school days are much longer than those of the U.S. In addition, more than half of the students of middle school age also attend private tutoring classes five and six nights each week, and three hours of homework daily from the public school is common. Japanese students have little time for sports activities of any kind, and the structures between the two countries are very different. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Review of the 3Com Corporation

    This 5 page report discusses 3Com corporation ('computer, communication, and compatibility') and its spin-off of the Palm Pilot Division, as well as its impending relationship with Microsoft. The 3Com Corporation was determined to establish itself as much more than the “Palm company.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Management Perspectives of the United States,Japan, and Germany

    A 19 page paper evaluating the thought that US businesses make more business decisions based on short-term performance than do businesses in Germany or Japan. Companies in other parts of the world seem not to be quite so quick to act on the basis of short-term results, but rather to build for the long term. Germany’s BMW and Japan’s Mitsubishi provide distinct counterpoints to the system that has developed in the United States. There are indications, however, that such attention to longevity is changing in today’s business environment. The paper describes some of those changes and points to the influence of long-standing cultural traditions that continue to provide direction in both Germany and Japan. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Organizations and Currency Risk Management

    A 10 page paper discussing the external and internal need for managing the currency risk that organizations increasingly deal with as globalization continues to increase. The trend brings with it the need to equalize business results based on widely varying changes in world currencies. In recent years, the dollar has been strong relative to other major currencies of the world, and while good for the US economy, a dollar greatly stronger than other major world currencies creates a bevy of problems for multinational organizations. Because currency values are never static but can be depended on to regularly change in exchange value, organizations must devise measures that minimize the effects of that currency exchange rate movement. The paper provides several corporate examples, including Caterpillar, Merck, Honeywell and Dow Chemical. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Definition and Discussion of Executive Coaching

    A 15 page paper defining executive coaching and discussing its immense rise in popularity over the past decade. Executive coaching is expanding rapidly, continuing to find greater numbers of areas in which it can be useful. As much as business has changed over the past several years, the executive coach can be a valuable asset to the executive hoping to advance or retain a current position, and taking part in leading his company to greater profitability. A blend of management and psychology, executive coaching is growing at a rate of 40 percent annually. The globalization of business is a fact of life that will not change, and the face of US business may be in the process of reinventing itself again. Not only is executive coaching growing rapidly in the present, it is likely to continue to do so for years to come. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Aviation Inspection, Maintenance, and Human Factors

    A 10 page contention that aviation maintenance and inspection, like any activity which involves humans, is subject to the limitations of human performance, performance which often as not is replete with errors. Errors, in fact, occur on an everyday basis in aviation. Some errors are minor but others can have disastrous consequences. Errors may be either direct or indirect but they can be minimized by the same analyses as that which is applicable to other human factor-sensitive fields as well. We often look to psychology, rather than solely to aviation, to help us identify the means to improvement in human error. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • High Nursing Turnover Rate

    A 5 page research paper that discusses nursing retention rates. A consistent challenge for nurse managers today is to control staff nurse turnover rates, which average as high as 21 percent in some areas (Kleinman, 2004). According to the American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE), in 2002, the national average turnover rates for nurses working in the US was 21.3 percent (Kleinman, 2004). This high rate is not only costly to hospitals, but seriously impairs the quality of patient care that these institutions can offer. This examination of this problem does so within the context of a hypothetical case scenario. First of all, however, background information on this issue is presented in order to identity the parameters of this problem, provide analysis and present a rationale for its solution. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Enhancing Cultural Competency

    A 3 page research paper that addresses the topic of cultural competency in nursing. Census statistics indicate that the population of the US is annually becoming more culturally diverse. This fact poses a challenge to healthcare professionals as providing care that is culturally congruent with the patient can significantly affect the likelihood of positive patient outcomes. As this suggests cultural competency constitutes a significant nursing area of interest. This literature review examines specifically the role of nurses in enhancing their opportunities for strengthening cultural competency. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Continuing Evolution of Advanced Practice Nursing

    A 10 page paper discussing the continuing evolution of advanced practice nursing and the resistance it receives from physician groups. Nurse practitioners and other advanced practice nurses have filled significant roles in US health care for years. They have legal rights and the technical expertise to take on much of the burden of providing direct health care services, generally under the supervision of an MD. This advanced practice niche is a hybrid position arising from increasing pressures on the still-evolving health care American health care system; it is a position respected in the profession and welcomed by patients. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Nursing Shortage

    A 5 page research paper that addresses the nursing shortage. All aspects of the current U.S. shortage of registered nurses (RNs) have been thoroughly documented. The present shortage began in 1998 and by 2001, roughly 126,000 hospital nursing positions were left unfilled (Auerbach, Buerhaus and Staiger, 2007). In 2006, the shortage entered its ninth year, which make this the longest-running shortage in the past fifty years (Auerbach, Buerhaus and Staiger, 2007). Examination of current literature suggests several pertinent factors concerning the nature of this shortage that differentiates it greatly from those of the past. This information is summarized and then discussed in terms of its public policy implications. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Role of the Nurse Anesthetist

    A 15 page paper discussing systems theory, nursing system theory and the place where the CRNA fits into the US health care system. The Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) fills a vital role in the larger health care system, one that will continue to increase in relevance as the first of the baby boomers now are entering retirement age. As is the case in any advanced-practice field of nursing, the issue of physician supervision continues to be a point of issue. It is less so for the CRNA, which most states allow to practice independently. The purpose here is to assess the role of the CRNA in the health care system of the United States. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • U.S. Foreign Educated Nurse Licensing

    This 23 page paper discusses the licensing process for foreign-educated nurses in America. The essay begins with an introduction that reports the nursing shortage, the practice of importing foreign-trained nurses in developed countries and the ratio of nurses to population in several countries. The next section reports the licensing process for nurses who are trained in the U.S., which is followed by the process for licensing foreign-trained nurses, including the CGFNS program and the NCLEX examination. The contents and process of the exams are discussed. The author then discusses other challenges for the foreign-educated nurse, such as the sometimes vastly different communication process. The last section is recommendations to help foreign-educated nurses become more successful. The writer also discusses negative impact importing nurses has on global health and the need to resolve the real problem. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Political Power, Supernatural Rituals and Anthropology

    This is a 4 page paper discussing supernatural rituals and political power, misunderstanding and civilization, and individualism within American culture. Three central ideas within modern day anthropology are discussed, namely: the political functions of supernatural rituals; the misunderstanding of civilization; and, the core values of American culture in relation to the unequal distribution of wealth and the public education system. Supernatural rituals have a political function which can be twofold: those who are influential within the religious structure in society carry that power beyond the ritual itself; and, politically, those who wish the support of a large population within society can align themselves with a religious group. Misunderstanding and illusions for truth are part of the realizations of a young daughter in Barbara Kingsolver’s novel “The Poisonwood Bible” but these ideas are applied to anyone’s idea of his or her own civilization which becomes wholly dependent and built on one society but is inapplicable to another. Finally, the idea of “individualism” within the United States has become so profound that those who are wealthy within the U.S. (including the government itself) have done little for those who are less fortunate. This is well reflected in the high poverty rates in the country and the public school system which is unable to meet the basic needs of its citizens. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Flat Panel Computer Monitors Advantages and Disadvantages

    This is a 6 page paper on the advantages and disadvantages of flat-panel monitors. Flat-panel monitors (for desktops) and flat-panel displays (for laptops) have taken off in the personal computer market because of their many advantages over traditional monitors. In addition to their obvious sleek designs and space saving abilities, flat-panel monitors have been found to offer users more viewer space with panels viewable up to 170 degrees and the ability to swivel 360 degrees in most models. Flat-panel monitors are also lighter, more maneuverable, use less energy, have lower electromagnetic emissions, and have lower heat output. Units can be purchased from as low as $350 US which makes the market available to users who have less expense for their systems and they can also be used as television monitors as well. While most flat-panel monitors require more video memory on computers, which will add to the overall expense of the system, all critics who have tested, and have now purchased flat-panel monitors, believe that their surge in the market will continue as they offer users superior quality and performance in addition to their improved energy and emissions ratings. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Carol S. Pearson's 'Innocent' Archetype Characteristics' Example

    This is a 4 page paper with an example of an individual with the dominant traits of Carol S. Pearson’s “Innocent” archetype. Carol S. Pearson’s text “Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World” (1991) discusses the parallels of human psychiatric development with three stages of a hero’s journey: “preparation, journey, return” in that “we first develop the Ego, then encounter the Soul, and finally give birth to a unique sense of Self”. The stages for this transformation of the soul each have a series of developmental archetypes through which individuals journey or mature. Stage 1 includes the archetypes to strengthen the ego and include: “The Innocent” who is a hero of trust and optimism; “The Orphan” one of compassion; “The Caregiver” of social responsibility; and, “The Warrior” of strategy, discipline and boundaries. There are additional archetypes which relate to the awakening of the Soul and the eventual transforming of Self as well but in some cases individuals can exhibit dominant traits of one particular archetype. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Culture, Demographics and Socioeconomics of the Black American Family

    This is a 6 page paper discussing the demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of African American families. Studies of demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of African American families and communities have shown that overall, African Americans report lower incomes, lower education, higher unemployment and poverty rates, and higher mortality and suicide rates than most White communities in the United States. All of these factors have improved over the last decade and unemployment was reported at an all time low in the last U.S. Census. Despite these adversities however, a large percentage of African American families have succeeded in their educational and professional careers. It is believed that this “resilience” is enhanced by several cultural support characteristics which exist within the African American families and their communities. Most African Americans have reported that their most difficult challenges are based on racism and oppressive factors rather than factors which relate to their family or socio-economic status. Racism, oppression, and segregation are also believed to be some of the primary differences in the mortality and suicide rates in the African American population from the white population. In social science studies and in relation to agencies which wish to establish social support groups to help African American families, all of the cultural, socio-economic, and demographic differences must be taken into account. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Dr. Sandra M. Finch's Dental Practice and Customers Role, Satisfaction, and Retention

    This is a 5 page paper discussing various suggestions and opportunities for customer satisfaction and retention in a dental practice. Assessment of the information available on the web site of Dr. Sandra Finch, D.M.D (, provides the reader with a good outline of the services available in her dental practice in White Rock, British Columbia. The web page gives background, education and training information about Dr. Finch herself under “Meet the Doctor” as well as other customer services areas such as “About the Practice”, “New Patient Information”, “Cosmetic Dentistry”, “Testimonials” and an email contact address under “Contact Us”. The importance of the customer/patient is emphasized throughout the web site and the invitation is also extended to welcome new patients. However, in order to retain her current patients and attract new patients, various customer relations procedures could be introduced which would provide a unique edge over the competition. These practices could include increased advertising through other areas of the media, public speeches to local social groups, customer satisfaction surveys, setting up a referral network, larger access through the web page, guaranteed appointment times and extended hours among other suggestions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Modernist Approaches in 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' by T.S. Eliot

    This is a 5 page paper discussing effective aspects of modernism used by T.S. Eliot in his poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”. T.S. Eliot (1888-1965) uses modernist writing methods to go beyond reality and realism within his poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”. One of his methods used is that of “objective correlative” in which strings of elements are connected throughout the poem in order to transmit the mixed emotions of the narrator; in this case ones of hope and hopelessness for the ongoing passing of time. Time within the poem is not measured in the traditional realistic elements of hours, days or weeks but instead by the thinness of his hair, the thinness of his arms and his life measured out by “coffee spoons”. While the narrator slips us through different dimensions of time, he also does so in regards to space when he refers to the realistic daily aspects of his life and then contemplates the universe and the endless questions which accompany it. Overall, while Eliot’s poem clearly takes place in a modern lonely city, the time and space components contemplated by the narrator take the reader beyond reality and leaves readers emotionally unsettled; emotions shared by the narrator. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Harassment in the Workplace and Legal Issues

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the legal issues of harassment within the work environment. Despite the well established legislative acts which exist in the United States and other countries which prohibit harassment within the work place, there are still many instances which still exist. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces Title VII of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits harassment based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits harassment based on age and the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits harassment based on a disability. In addition to the enforcement of these regulations in the work place, the EEOC also provides guidelines to employers as how to prevent and correct harassment by establishing written procedures, educating their managers and employees as to the policies and reporting procedures and immediate attention to any complaints registered among other measures. Despite these regulations and guidelines, corporations are still charged with many cases of harassment each year resulting in great monetary and reputation losses. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Hurricanes of the North Atlantic Climate and Society by James B. Elsner and A. Birol Kara

    This is a 5 page book review of James B. Elsner and A. Birol Kara’s text “Hurricanes of the North Atlantic: Climate and Society” (1999). James B. Elsner and A. Birol Kara’s text “Hurricanes of the North Atlantic: Climate and Society” (1999) is considered an extensive scientific text authored by two well established researchers in their areas of expertise. The book written by a professor of meteorology and geography at Florida State University and a contractor for the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory of NASA uses historical and scientific studies to assess the hurricane activity and consequences in the North Atlantic while providing the reader with prediction models, historical data sets, statistics and the “societal vulnerability to hurricanes”. Overall, Book News (1999) considers it “of likely interest to meteorologists, climatologists, and economists, as well as decision makers in government and industry”. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Superhero Films, Comics, and Cartoons and Their American Significance During the Second World War and the Cold War

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the emergence and significance of the superhero comics, cartoons and films in the United States in World War II and the Cold War. Within the United States, superhero cartoons, comics and films shifted dramatically in both themes and popularity in World War II and again during the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Suddenly, when it became obvious that the United States was becoming involved in the Pacific and Atlantic conflicts in World War II, superheroes who bestowed patriotic American virtues were used as propaganda in the war against the Japanese and the Nazis. Superheroes such as Superman and Captain America appeared on the battlefields with equally heroic super soldiers. The comics and cartoons supporting the American war effort were reinforced within the daily newspapers, cartoons, comics and films. After the war, comics which highlighted horrific and terrifying crime images were quickly shut down by the U.S. Senate Committee interested in maintaining American virtues and not corrupting American youth. During the 1950s and the 1960s, the Cold War and the threat of nuclear war increased and superheroes took on superpowers which allowed them to combat the “Red Threat” but remained out of the war zones due to the unpopular conflict in Vietnam. Regardless of the era, superheroes depicted in cartoons, comics and films have tried to reinforce the traditional American virtues and have remained increasingly popular using this format and have also remained important and significant on their influence and impact on the American public. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Common Ground, A Turbulent Decade in the Lives of Three American Families by J. Anthony Lukas

    (5pp) Common Ground: covering a great deal more than its subtitle suggests, is a huge non-fiction study of Boston in the 1970's, when it was under the pressure of court-ordered busing to achieve school desegregation. The three families J. Anthony Lukas focuses on include only a handful of the hundreds of people in a multilayered account of the moral fabric of a city and the vastly different social universes of its neighborhoods. Eventually the turmoil surrounding the desegregation efforts is seen in the context of history, not just national history, or that of Boston, but the history of the little villages cities are made up of, and in many cases even the histories of individuals.

  • Critiquing the Vietnam War Through Film

    9 pages in length. Hollywood creates films for more than just the entertainment factor. Writers and directors team up as a means by which to offer personal insight to the given subject through a well-received and popular medium. Opinion of and criticism for the Vietnam War is one of the most widely held of all Hollywood foci when it comes to presenting critique of wartime activities, with such films as Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, Oliver Stone's Born on the Fourth of July and Platoon, Michael Cimino's The Deer Hunter, Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket and John Wayne's The Green Berets reflecting but a handful of movies offering viewers critical comment from the production perspective. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Different Investor Reactions to Acquisition Announcements

    This 3 page paper is the summary of a research article published in 2008 examining the potential influences that impact on the different investor actions following the announcement of mergers or acquisitions between banks. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Overview of the NFL's Dallas Cowboys

    This 7 page report discusses the history if one of the best known and most flamboyant of all teams in the history of the National Football League -- The Dallas Cowboys. The team has been described as one of the great American sports dynasties and yet it has had to deal with countless criticisms for having such a distinction. They have been called the “Yankees of football,” “America’s team,” and always with a bit of tongue-in-cheek “God’s team.” Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Scientific Management Theories, Motivation, and Theories

    This is a 5 page paper discussing various aspects of management including scientific management theories, the Hawthorne Experiments and other areas including an example of a social structure found within a work setting. Over the course of history, work, mainly manufactured work, has been studied in terms of the various elements required needed for the production of an item and the time it would take workers to complete this task. In addition, with the introduction of certain industrial technologies over time, manufacturing and the management of manufacturing systems and teams have been altered to accommodate new trends and technologies. Management, within an historical perspective, had little to do direct contact within the employees which was generally left to the foremen. However, Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 19th century began to think in terms of “scientific management” in which production management became important to improving the overall production of any manufacturing area. While scientific management looked mainly to efficiency in production, the Hawthorne experiments in the 1920s found that work places are very much social systems and workers reacted accordingly. Lastly, employee motivation need to be established by owners and managers in order to initiate recruitment for firms and retain employees once recruited. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Mathematics One on One Tutorial and Peer Alternatives

    A 7 page overview of the importance of the one on one tutorial approach in improving a student's academic performance. The author emphasizes that the tutorial environment has a long history of success and is becoming a more and more important feature of twenty-first century education. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Operant Conditioning, B.F. Skinner, and Criminal Behavior

    A 5 page review of Skinner's theories and their application to criminology. This work has applications in many arenas. These include such diverse facets of our lives as learning and distinguishing right from wrong. Although Skinner has had many critics over the years, much of this criticism revolved a misunderstanding of the man and his theories. His work is, in fact, supported by many that both preceded and followed him in history and has many applications in criminal psychology in particular. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • UK Marketing Demand and Organic Dairy Farming

    In this 40 page paper the UK organic dairy sector is examined. The development of the sector may be seen as a response for both environmental and consumer concerns. This market was once one that was buoyant providing a premium for organic farmers. However, the supply has now exceeds the demand. The result is that farmers in this sector need to adapt and change in order to retain the market and develop it so that they can survive as organic farmers. The current situation is that of a crossroads, depending on how the market develops and the way the dairy farmers influence that development will determine the future of the organic dairy farming and its’ produce. This paper argues that the farmers need to change the culture of producing and marketing organic dairy produce, looking at ways of developing the value chain, to add value and increase the demand for the product overall as well as reducing the level that is satisfied by the import market. Beginning with consideration of the dairy market and organic dairy farming in the UK, the history of the development of milk marketing is outlined to show how the current culture of lack of marketing or value adding exercises has developed. The paper then looks at the different influences that may impact on this, how value may be added and the different actions that both farmers and retail can and are taking to stimulate demand for organic products and a whole and also for that demand to be satisfied locally. The bibliography cites 29 sources.

  • An 18 Year Old Male's Sexual History

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the sexual history of an eighteen year old boy. In the United States, by the time a teenage boy has reached the age of eighteen, he has had over a decade of sexual education. At about the age of 8 or 10, research has shown that boys and girls are aware of sexual intercourse and the other sexual options used such as anal or oral sex among others. In addition, at around this age, boys become aware of the sexual development and interest of others in their peer group. On average, teenage boys start being sexually active at the age of 13 or 14 after which they begin experimenting with the different options available in which they can obtain higher degrees of satisfaction from sex. By the time most teenagers reach grade twelve, they have had over six different sexual partners. Teenage boys also report having sex for pleasure and not necessarily intimacy; explore more sexual options; have more liberal sexual attitudes; and, are not as concerned as girls about protected sex despite their knowledge of the importance of protected sex. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Colonial Age and Wilderness Literature

    A 5 page paper which examines some colonial recordings and poetry, discussing the concept of wilderness in colonial times. The paper examines John Smith’s “General History of Virginia,” William Bradford’s “Of Plymouth Plantation,” and three of Anne Bradstreet’s poems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and Cyber Crime

    This 5 page paper begins with comments from two FBI Cyber Agents about their typical day. Although all law enforcement agencies know cyber crime is the fastest-growing crime in the history of the country, officials do not know exactly how extensive it is because only about 5 percent of the crimes committed are ever reported. The writer discusses the difficulties obtaining statistical data. The writer provides examples of specific crimes and how the FBI, working with other agencies, was involved in solving them. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Performance Enhancement Drugs and the 'Payoff' in Sudden Death

    A 6 page paper that explores the problems resulting from the use of performance and endurance enhancing drugs in athletic training programs as well as the use of drugs such as cocaine and marijuana to build mental confidence before athletic events and to ease the competitive edge following these events. Discussion includes the dangers of anabolic steroid use along with a brief history of its introduction to the athletic arena. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The History of Marijuana; Legal Status and Usage

    This 5 page paper looks at the history and use of marijuana, also known as cannabis. The paper starts with the ancient world an its’ use for ritual purposes as well as food and cloth and traces the its position to the modern day and the laws which prohibit it allow its use. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Understanding Terrorism Based Upon The Terrorist Act of 9/11

    20 pages in length. The reality of suicide attack - and indeed terrorism itself - is not even a remotely new concept within the timeline of man's existence; in fact, the extent to which social, political, economic and religious discord has precipitated at least some sort of violence and/or intimidation throughout history speaks to the notion that humanity is both unsettled in mind and unevolved in spirit when it comes to the failed objective to coexist even now in the twenty-first century. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act and Physician Assisted Suicide

    In six pages this paper examines the history, passage, and specifics of Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act, the controversial physician-assisted suicide issue and what states’ positions are on it, and the contributions of Michigan Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • 'The Odyssey' of Homer and the Hebrew Bible Compared

    A 5 page comparison of the first chapter of the Hebrew Bible and Homer's epic poem, 'The Odyssey.' Throughout history, from the time of the earliest civilizations, there have been literary compositions that attempted to explain life and the consequences of human action as it might relate to divine will. Each culture has addressed the relationship to the divine its own fashion. Homer expressed this for the ancient Greeks and unknown Hebrew scholars recorded the oral traditions of the Jewish tribes. No additional sources cited.

  • Dr. Jack Kevorkian's Role in Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

    A 12 page paper defining euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. Provides a history of the issues and includes an examination of the legal, ethical, religious, and medical facets. Relates the specifics of court cases revolving around Karen Ann Quinlin and Dr. Jack Kevorkian and provides a brief biographical outline of Dr. Kevorkian. Bibliography lists twelve sources.

  • Peter Horne's Women in Law Enforcement

    A 7 page overview of the book by author Peter Horne. This paper covers the highlights of the book, focusing on the history of women in law enforcement in the United States. Starting with their debut into law enforcement in the nineteenth century and proceeding through contemporary times, the author outlines the major accomplishment made even in the face of sometimes overwhelming obstacles. No additional sources are listed.

  • Cases and History of Antitrust Law

    This 7 page paper discusses Antitrust Law from several perspectives. History of Antitrust Law is discussed as is regulatory authorities, current legislation and historic cases. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Singapore History since WWII

    This 5 page paper evaluates the political history of Singapore. Many facts are included. Freedom of expression is discussed as a problem in this lucrative nation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Tartt's The Secret History and the 'Fatal Flaw' Concept

    A five page paper which considers the concept of the 'fatal flaw' in Tartt's "The Secret History" and the way that their fascination with the darker side of the picturesque affects the lives of Richard and the others. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Ancient Rome and Law

    This 10 Page paper considers the history and the status of law within Ancient Rome. The paper considers in greater detail the legal status of the citizens and the civil right of suing another citizen in a Roman court. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Corrections, Policing, and Women

    In 7 pages the author discusses women in law enforcement and corrections, while paying particular attention to the history of women in the field, cases of women fighting to be in corrections, the name of the first women getting into law enforcement, problems encountered by women while in training and on the force. Women that have entered this field have encountered similar problems across the nation. It has been a widespread occurrence. Free outline included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Ancient Greek Women and the Effects of Medicine, Law, and Architecture

    A 12 page investigation into the lives of ancient Greek women as they were impacted by architecture, law and medicine. Exactly how these factors interacted to shape a woman’s life, however, is largely a matter of conjecture. Because most of Greek history was dominated by male authors, we must turn to other aspects of Greek culture to glean hints as to how a woman interacted in this male-dominated world. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • International Law and Nuclear Weapons

    This 36-page paper covers the issue of nuclear weapons and whether they ae prohibited by international law. The paper discusses the history of nuclear weapons, the use of treaties in terms of legal control and the 1996 ruling of the IJC World Court on the legality of nuclear weapons. Bibliography lists 36 sources.

  • Number 0 and its History

    A 5 page review of the history of the manner in which the number zero came into common mathematical usage. Traces its development to Mesopotamia and through the various other regions of the world. Distinguishes between the mathematical concept and the philosophy of nothingness. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History and Impact of the 1967 President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice

    This paper examines the 1967 President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, the history of the commission and the impact of its recommendations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • English Law

    This 10 page paper considers the different sources of English law. The writer outlines the history and development of common law, statute law and the law of equity and how they form the current structure of English law. Relevant cases and statutes are cited. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Overview of Honolulu Annotated Bibliography

    This 9 page paper is an annotated bibliography of sources giving information regarding Honolulu and the surrounding area. Sources are drawn from books, journals, magazines and Internet sites covering such things as geography, history, society, politics and culture. The paper lists 22 sources.

  • Comparing the United States and France

    This 16 page paper examines the social and cultural anthropology of France and compares it to that of the United States. Various aspects are explored including geography, religion, ethnicity, and history. Similarities and differences are highlighted. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Mt. Saint Helens

    This 12 page paper discusses the geography and geologic information regarding Mount Saint Helen's Volcano. Furthermore, an in-depth history of the volcano is given as well as the effects of its most recent eruption in 1980. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The California Gold Rush and the California Government: A PowerPoint Presentation

    This 10 page document includes 3 pages of speaker notes and an 18 slide PowerPoint presentation with graphics on the history of the California gold rush and its impacts on the development of the government. Bibliography lists 5 sources. Please request that MHGoldRushPPT.ppt be sent in your order.

  • Outline for "History of the Prospective Payment System"

    A 1 page outline of a separate PowerPoint® presentation providing the history of the prospective payment system. Created by legislation in 1983, the PPS has been characterized as being "revolutionary" and serving to dramatically reduce the rate of increase in health care costs. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Educational Effects of Single Parenthood

    This 10 page paper provides a hypothetical case study of a mother raising a daughter in 1980s Camden, New Jersey. The daughter's history is traced through the educational system from birth through college. The case is evaluated sociologically and several environmental factors are determined to have been detrimental to the educational success of the child. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Xerox's Transformation

    A 5 page paper that provides a brief history of Xerox and emphasizes the transformation of Xerox Corp. under Anne Mulcahy. The writer also mentions Alan Mulally, CEO of Ford, and the challenges both these CEOs faced and how they handled those challenges. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Tommy Riley (Thalassophobia Case Study)

    This 4 page case study concerns a client with a fear of the ocean. A concise history is provided. No bibliography.

  • GM Powertrain Harvard Case Study

    A 5 page paper. This case study is set in 1997 when a new plant manager is faced with numerous issues. The subtitles include: brief history of company, competitive and business environments, problems in the case, options and recommendation. Bibliography lists 1 sources.

  • Mood Disorder: Case Study

    5 pages in length. Yolanda's dual diagnosis of major depressive disorder and drug abuse places her in Axis I: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent with 1) at least two major depressive episodes, 2) no episodic history of mania/mixed/hypomania, and 3) symptoms not due to another disorder. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Project Management Problems; A Case Study

    This 14 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student. The CAA do not have a history of successful project management. In a case supplied by the student and external companies brought in and a range of issues arise when they seek to implement a project. This paper looks at the problems which arise, and considers them from a project management perspective, including areas which may have been lacking including definitions and documentation and the holistic approach to project management by the organization. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • An Examination of Aborigine Oppression in Doctor Worreddy's Prescription for Enduring the Ending of the World

    This 3 page paper discusses this complex and insightful telling of the oppression of the Aborigines in Australia. This story illustrates the ways in which the whites oppressed the blacks and how the culture and history of the Aborigines was devestated as a result. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Maya Angelou/Phenomenal Woman

    A 4 page essay that offers an explication and analysis of this poem. Throughout the course of human history, men haven been primarily admired for their accomplishments, but the focus of admiration for women has been on whether or not their appearance fit with what a particular society considered beautiful. In her poem "Phenomenal Woman," Maya Angelou challenges this pervasive cultural feature and asserts that she is extraordinary and immensely attractive, without fitting within any of society's preconceived notions of how female beauty and attractiveness should be defined and conceptualized. No additional sources cited.

  • Time Perceptions in Poetry

    A 4 page explication of four poems dealing with the passage of time: "Sonnet 18"/Shakespare, "Sonnet 75"/Spencer, "The Soote Season"/Howard, and "My Galley"/Wyatt, the Elder. The writer argues that human beings are the only creatures aware of their morality and that this has influenced artistic expression since the dawn of history. This examination of four sixteenth and seventeenth century poets demonstrates that while the topic is universal, the artistic slant of individuals can vary considerably, as the tone of these poems ranges from the morose to the hopeful. No additional sources cited.

  • Maya Angelou/Phenomenal Woman

    A 4 page essay that offers an explication and analysis of this poem. Throughout the course of human history, men haven been primarily admired for their accomplishments, but the focus of admiration for women has been on whether or not their appearance fit with what a particular society considered beautiful. In her poem "Phenomenal Woman," Maya Angelou challenges this pervasive cultural feature and asserts that she is extraordinary and immensely attractive, without fitting within any of society's preconceived notions of how female beauty and attractiveness should be defined and conceptualized. No additional sources cited.

  • Assessment and Plan for Team 83

    This 21 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. A firm operates in a competitive environment selling generic household electrical goods. Using the history of the firm the paper presents an assessment of past performance and a proposed strategy for the firms future. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Knowledge Theme in 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton and Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe

    A 5 page research paper that examines the use of the theme of knowledge in Christopher Marlowe's late sixteenth century play, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, and John Milton's mid-seventeenth century epic poem, Paradise Lost,. The writer argues that each author addresses the issue of predestination and free will in determining the relationship of knowledge to God's will. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Pledge of Allegiance and the U.S. Supreme Court

    A 5 page argumentative essay that examines the Supreme Court case in which a California doctor is challenge the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance. The writer presents the facts of the case and its history and argues that the Court should uphold the Pledge as it is now written. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Japanese Organized Crime Syndicates, the Yakuza

    A 25 page in depth paper on the Yakuza (Japanese Organized Crime Syndicates). The writer details the history, organization, activities of the Yakuza in Japan and abroad and also talks about Yakuza's linkage to other organized crime groups. Provided, are in depth discussions of past and recent Yakuza bosses, Yakuza activity in the international drug trade, sexual slavery, financial sabotage, corporate manipulation, loansharking, etc. Report is based on information obtained from Yakuza: Past & Present. Primary source cited in Bibliography.

  • NHL History

    This 10 page report discusses the history of the National Hockey League. The National Hockey League was created 1917 in Montreal following suspension of operations by the National Hockey Association of Canada Limited (NHA). Information relating to the development of the League, its rules and standards, as well as the role it has played in the development of hockey are noted throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Corruption and Police

    A 6-page essay that traces the history of the American police department and the corruption that has hindered it from its early beginnings. A look at early police involvement with politics is included, as well as a look at the corruption that resulted from the association of the department with organized crime during America’s prohibition era. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Contemporary History, the Jews, and Zionism

    A 7 page paper on the Zionist movement and its underlying belief that the Jewish people must return to Eretz Yisrael. The writer discusses Zionism's spread throughout modern history as a political movement, as well as its value in academic and non-academic circles today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Unmanned Space Travel and its History

    A 9 page paper that provides a history of unmanned space flight that has lead up to the Mars Pathfinder mission and the interrelationship of all of those missions to the eventual human habitation of another planets, namely, Mars. The quest for Mars was begun 40 years ago, and all of the space exploration to date, manned or unmanned, including discoveries about earth and the universe, have been made toward this purpose. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Early 20th Century Historical Contributions of the Average Female

    An 8 page paper looking at the way women's contributions to our culture have fundamentally altered American history in the early part of this century. The paper contends that even if women's political contributions are ignored, changing social attitudes - changed by women, from within -- toward such issues as consumerism, contraception, and working outside the home transformed our culture. Bibliography lists five sources.

  • A General History of World War II

    5 pages in length. The largest and most costly war in history, World War II did much to bring together nations that had up until then been bitter enemies. The writer briefly chronicles the prewar climate, what actually set off the fighting, as well as the aftermath that followed.

  • National League of Nursing and the American Nurses Association

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the differing roles of the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the National League of Nursing (NLN), two of the many professional nursing organizations that are active in the US. The ANA works for the improvement of health standards and the availability health care services and fosters high professional standards for nursing, as well as promoting the professional development of nurses and the advancement of their economic and general welfare. The NLN is primarily concerned with nursing education and has as its principal goal to promote quality nursing education, which it facilitates by providing an accreditation service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Aging Nursing Population/Healthcare

    A 7 page research paper that examines this issue. A predominant demographic trend in the U.S. is toward a progressively older population, as Americans live longer lives. Connie Barden, president of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), points out that nurses are getting older along with the rest of the country (An interview, 2003). The aging nursing population has a tremendous impact on the current nursing shortage, as more and more nurses near retirement age. Furthermore, it is logical to presume that older nurses may find the stress caused by understaffing to be more problematic. This examination of this topic addresses literature and what it reveals about the extent of the problem, as well as proposed solutions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nurture Wins in the Nature versus Nurture Debate

    A 3 page research paper/essay that examines the nature v. nurture debate and argues in favor of nurture. The "nature versus nurture" debate has been going on now for over a century, as it began in the nineteenth century when a cousin of Charles Darwin, Francis Galton, came up with the idea of "improving" the human race through "selective breeding" (Hogenboom 1402). Since that time the pendulum has swung back and forth with either "nature" (that is, the influence of inherited traits) or "nurture" (the influence of the environment) being predominant among scholars. However, considering the latest research, the indications are that nurture is more important than nature in making us who and what we are. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Social Effects of Hip Hop

    A 6 page paper discussing positive aspects of hip-hop’s influence on society. At present, at least the “clean” versions of much of today’s rap is beneficial to society in that it diminishes the effects of racial prejudice, as predicted by Lewin’s theory. It has the ability to overturn the typical power pattern common in the US in all other areas of life in that rappers overwhelmingly are African-American, being followed by legions of white teens. They are followed by black teens as well; the surprising factor is that millions of whites fall so easily into the step called by the music industry in general and hip-hop specifically. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Financial Service Industry and IT

    A 5 page paper providing a general overview of the effects of the growth of IT in financial matters, primarily using the evolution of the stock broker’s duties as IT has grown in ubiquity and functionality. The US currently spends more than 4.5% of GDP on IT, and finance departments are being affected. Whether the ultimate effects will be positive or negative remain to be seen, however. Some observers see the growing sophistication of IT as bringing about the demise of finance departments, others look at the same patterns and see how they will strengthen finance departments’ positions within their organizations. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • GE's Growing Global Presence and How It Evolved

    A 10 page paper discussing the world's most admired company (Fortune, 1998 and 1999), where it came from and how it has attained its position in the world. As did much of American manufacturing in the 1970s and 1980s, GE had its share of difficulties. It was accused of being a behemoth beyond its reason to exist, uncaring and unresponsive to customer needs. GE traversed the waters of downsizing as did all other large US businesses, but rather than focus on the negative aspects, it chose to plan for the future and seek out new directions. The ultimate key to GE's success in the international market is that it is never complacent about its many innovations. It does not allow itself to believe it has "arrived," but rather continually seeks new opportunities for continued growth while continuing its tradition of social responsibility and aim of contributing to the good of mankind, as well as to that of the bottom line. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Competition Between UPS, FedEx, and USPS

    An 11 page paper discussing whether competition from private-sector delivery services such as Federal Express and UPS adversely affects the ability of the US Postal Service to maximize profits. Priority Mail and Express Mail are add-on services of the USPS, but the primary business of private-sector delivery services such as Federal Express and UPS. Certainly the USPS would carry much greater volumes of pieces applicable to the category if private-sector services did not exist, but it is doubtful that competition in the category has been highly significant in preventing the USPS from maximizing profit. Prohibited by law from carrying any profit at all, the USPS perhaps could reduce rates for other services or at least hold them steady without its private-sector competition, but it still would not be allowed to post any significant and ongoing profits from operations. The paper includes one chart and one table. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Individual and Societal Effects of Organized Crime

    A 9 page paper discussing how both organized crime and society have changed since its early-20th century origins in the US. The Great Depression gained far more attention than did flamboyant criminals, as has been the case with the rapid rise of organized crime in Eastern Europe since the fall of communism. Violence formerly was limited to that between organization members, but today's spills over into a broader area. Ultimately, it is political corruption that provides the environment in which organized crime can thrive. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Direct Price Controls Imposed by the United States Government

    This 5 page report discusses three specific forms of price controls imposed by the U.S. government. The creation of a system of price controls is designed to influence the market place, not through market forces but through artificially-established regulations. The three examples presented in this paper are: rent controls; natural gas; and, physician reimbursement practices. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Globalizing Businesses and Market Entry Strategies

    A 10 page paper discussing five of the several ways that organizations can become international enterprises: export, startup, acquisition, joint ventures and franchising, and briefly examines the choice of approach made by Nortel when it expanded into the US from Canada two decades ago. The route chosen by Nortel was that of startup, but there were fewer choices workable then. There is no question that businesses today have far greater choices in how they will enter new international markets. Direct startup is viable only for the largest of companies now, but joint venturing has been used successfully by organizations of all sizes. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Kindleberger on the World Economy

    A 5 page research paper which looks at the theories of renowned economist Charles P. Kindleberger in his book World Economic Primacy: 1500 to 1990. Kindleberger postulates that nations go through life cycles that are roughly similar to those of a single individual. First there is youth, then maturity, and then eventually there is aging; however, the life cycle of a nation ends in quiescence rather then death. As evidence of this, the writer examines world health as an economic indicator and concludes that this does tend to verify Kindleberger's hypothesis that the U.S. is in decline. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • America's System of Justice and Women

    A 16 page research paper. The topic of women and the US Justice System is indeed a broad one, containing several aspects that cannot be ignored by any discussion of both the role of and the effects on women. It is necessary to look at women on each side of the judicial bench—how those in judging positions perform their duties and the contributions they make, and how those embroiled in legal issues common to women are faring today compared to past times. Also important is the fair and unbiased evaluation of the effects and the realized results of laws specific to women, such as sex discrimination of women and reforms of rape laws that have been in place in several jurisdictions for several years, while are still under discussion in others. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Business Applicability and Common Morality

    6 pages in length. The concepts of right and wrong seem so simple on the surface. Webster's defines morality as adherence to a standard of "right human conduct." Superficially, that definition would be easy for the "simple" to understand. When the focus is narrowed, however, it seems that the concept of morality grays in its boundaries. Morality is not only the black and white that the "simple" so seemingly effortlessly can see, with that clear line of demarcation between it and immorality. Focus is increasingly narrowed in our harried lives of today, but all of us are charged with keeping vigilance on the level of standard we will tolerate. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 1990s' American Economy

    A variety of economic indicators are reviewed in this 5 page overview that looks at the years between 1990 and 1998. A look at the past explains how the nineties economy came to be and, more importantly, how the various indicators are used to assess its health. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Gun Control and Organized Crime in America

    In 10 pages, the author discusses the subject of gun control in organized crime. Organized crime is a serious problem today. This type of crime not only involves drugs, and money laundering, it involves guns and gunrunning. Not only should drug trafficking be done away with, so should guns, for drugs and weapons walk hand in hand. They are a problem. They cause violence and, in many instances death. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Impact of Free Trade

    A 3 page essay looking impartially at both sides of the free trade issue. The paper defines free trade and presents some of the arguments both for and against it. No additional sources cited.

  • Inmate Luxuries and U.S. Prison System Problems

    In this 7 page paper, the writer argues that contemporary American prisons are made to be too comfortable and too accommodating. Prisoners are being entertained rather than being reformed. The hypocrisy of programs such as arts & crafts, music television, occasional live shows, and leisure sports are criticized. The 'prisoner's rights' movement is regarded as scaring too many jail systems into providing these amenities and a strong conclusion urges for a more reform-orientated change. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Comparison of Voters in Canada and the United States

    A 6 page paper discussing the drop in voter turnout over the past 30 years and offering some insights into factors that may contribute to voter apathy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Various Foreign Influences on the US Federal Reserve System

    This 11 page report discusses the Federal Reserve System of the United States and the foreign influence placed upon it. Ultimately, the actions taken by the Federal Reserve affect everything from corporate stock prices to the cost of a quart of milk. With such a significant influence on economic affairs, one must wonder what influences the Federal Reserve itself. Does it have a relationship with its counterparts in other nations? Does it have an impact on what happens around the world? And, perhaps of greatest interest and importance, what impact do foreign interests have on it? Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • US Constitution and its Origins

    This 15 page overview explores the origins of the Constitution. Included are references to John Locke and Baron de Montesquieu who supported the theory of civic humanism. Also discussed is the applicability of earlier documents such as the Magna Carter and the Mayflower Compact. A discussion of constitutional amendments and how concepts have changed over time is also included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Privatization and the Logistics Management of the United States Military

    A 10 page paper that provides an overview of logistics management and considers the application for the management and outsourcing of military construction, maintenance and equipment. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Should the US Adopt a Universal Healthcare System?

    This 5 page paper is an argumentative paper on the topic of whether or not the United States should adopt universal healthcare system similar to those found in countries such as Canada, New Zealand and the UK. The paper looks at the arguments for and against the adoption of universal healthcare system including issues such as cost and quality of care, and finishes with a conclusion in favor of universal healthcare. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Comparing Healthcare in Zambia with Healthcare in United States

    This 14 page paper looks at the universal healthcare system in Zambia, considering its main characteristics, underlying philosophies as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the system along with the challenges it faces. This system is then compared with the healthcare system of the United States, with both systems discussed in the context of the social and economic environment within their relative countries. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Foreign Policy and Iran

    A 5 page research paper that discusses the background and the issues pertaining to Iran pursuing a nuclear program. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Comparing the Economic Depressions Between the US and Japan

    This 9-page paper compares the similarities between the Great Depression in the United States in the 1930s, and the depression Japan currently experiences. Topics under discussion include fiscal policy, monetary policy, consumer spending and bank failures. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The U.S. Army Transportation System

    This 4 page paper discusses transportation in the Army’s supply chain; how it’s used and how it can be improved. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Oregon's Death with Dignity Act and the American Government

    4 pages in length. The writer discusses the Oregon Death With Dignity Act as it relates to 1997 Supreme Court allowing each state to decide for itself. Statistical data also provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Inmate Luxuries and U.S. Prison System Problems

    In this 7 page paper, the writer argues that contemporary American prisons are made to be too comfortable and too accommodating. Prisoners are being entertained rather than being reformed. The hypocrisy of programs such as arts & crafts, music television, occasional live shows, and leisure sports are criticized. The 'prisoner's rights' movement is regarded as scaring too many jail systems into providing these amenities and a strong conclusion urges for a more reform-orientated change. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The U.S. Air Force and Advanced Practice Nursing

    An 18 page paper discussing federal and state laws regarding advanced nursing practice. At present, licensing is a state function, and requirements as well as privileges can widely vary between states. As a national organization, the USAF and other military services may literally be caught in the middle between states’ and federal regulation. The purpose here is to determine whether the USAF advanced nurse practitioners are “functioning beyond their scope of practice as independent licensed practitioners.” Bibliography lists 10 sources.


    This 5-page paper provides a description of logistics for the Army and suggestions as to improvement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Security and Maritime Transportation on the West Coast of the United States

    In five pages this paper examines the present maritime transportation and port security issue situation currently affecting the West Coast of the United States in an overview that includes recommended strategies to address these security challenges. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Privatization and the Logistics Management of the United States Military

    A 10 page paper that provides an overview of logistics management and considers the application for the management and outsourcing of military construction, maintenance and equipment. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Stigler and Hiebert's The Teaching Gap

    This 12 page paper provides a synopsis of parts of the book, The Teaching Gap by Stigler and Hiebert. A math lesson in each country is outlined, including data regarding the percentage of time, each spent on certain types of activities. The Japanese lesson included far more deductive reasoning. The writer then discusses Stigler and Hiebert's recommendations to initiate the lesson study approach used in Japan and how that might work. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • U.S. Public Places and a Smoking Ban

    A 5 page paper which argues in favor of banning smoking in all public places throughout the fifty states, citing public health hazards. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 5-page paper provides a description of logistics for the Army and suggestions as to improvement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Unemployment in the US

    This 8 page paper looks at the problem of unemployment in the United States. The paper first established the problem looking at the level of unemployment in general and specific terms and then considers the way that fiscal policies could be used to tackle the unemployment problems. The bibliography cites 6 sources. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • First Amendment & Tort Law, UK & US

    A 5 page research paper that discusses 2 questions. The first question is What effect might the American and English rules (pertaining to tort law) have on the willingness of people to assert their rights through litigation? and the second question is How does the First Amendment right to petition for redress of grievances bear on the choice between the American and English rules? Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Portugal, the United States, and Business Law

    This 8 page paper considers the way in which business law in both of these countries is similar and also how it differs, including the cultural influences. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Client Therapy and Alcohol Abuse of 3 Generations

    This is a 7 page study of multi-generation alcohol abuse in relation to a client case study. The client in this case study is affected by many stress agents which have been consistent throughout her 28 years of life. The single female client still lives at home with her family in a conservative religious household which has been dominated by her overbearing father who is a second generation alcoholic within his own history. The father smokes excessively with little consideration to others in the household. The client who is affected by second hand smoke nevertheless smokes marijuana herself and in a sense is the third generation of substance abuse. The family home remains cluttered and although they are aware of their daughter’s problems handling the home environment and her stress levels, they are not likely to change their situation. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Cinematic Style, Influence, and Impact of Francis Ford Coppola

    This is a 5 page paper discussing Francis Ford Coppola: his life, influences and impact on the film industry. Francis Ford Coppola has attained a great place in the history of American film makers as one of the most innovative, dedicated and most of all independent directors of the second half of the 20th century. Inspired originally by directors such as Orson Welles and Jean-Luc Godard, Coppola and his colleagues from the late 1960s and early 1970s have managed to create a unique and committed independent film generation. The Italian operatic lighting and music throughout the film “The Godfather” and the painstakingly realistic “Apocalypse Now” have escalated Coppola higher than his original intention to “launch something independent and something American that was really related to cinema”. In the creation of his own studio, Zoetrope, Coppola has launched careers of other directors and writers with independent vision within his own and the subsequent generation. Rather than follow in the well structured footsteps of many of those who preceded him, Coppola’s vision is more that of the “concept of the auteur” where he is a creator of his work rather than one who just films the work. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • All About Eve and the Introduction by Marilyn Monroe.

    (6 pp.)It has been suggested that the 1950 movie "All About Eve," should be reclaimed and included in the history of feminist film theory. The writer will discuss that and the "talking" i ntroduction of Marilyn Monroe in this film, and her own applicability within feminist theory discussions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Commonwealth Caribbean Jurisprudence, Natural Justice, and Fairness

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the concept of fairness and natural justice in regards to the jurisprudence of the Commonwealth Caribbean. The concept of fairness adds to the law of natural justice especially in its application of the jurisprudence of the Commonwealth Caribbean. The Commonwealth Caribbean, comprised of over 15 island and mainland nations in the Caribbean, has a system of law based primarily on that of the United Kingdom and on each nation’s colonial history. Some nations have components of the colonial Dutch and French systems as well because of historical ties. Regardless of the nation however, the Commonwealth Caribbean was considered one of the areas of the world in which basic laws of human rights, natural justice and natural law, were not being followed in regards to fairness, justice and equality within the judicial system. Prisoners unable to afford representation were not always provided with legal aid and were therefore not offered fair trials, decisions or appeals. With an international push for fairness in judicial systems, organizations were formed providing representation for criminals in the Commonwealth Caribbean in the mid-1990s and more recently constitutional amendments have been included providing for legal aid representation in all cases. Several amendments have been enforced within the judicial system as well to follow constitutional law to provide fair and just representation in regards to decisions pertaining to court justices and despite the power of the Chief Justice within the judicial system, he must also follow the concept of fairness in his application of justice within the judicial system itself. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The Netherlands and the Law's Role in the Development of Social Attitudes Regarding Euthanasia and Gay Rights

    This is a 9 page paper discussing how the homosexual right laws and euthanasia laws in The Netherlands reflect society’s attitudes. Two basic perspectives are considered in regards to the role of the law in society. One is that the role of the law is to reflect society’s attitudes and throughout the process of social change through history, so too will the law reflect these changes. On the other hand, some governments or countries believe that the role of the law is to force or control social change. In the latter case, the law may or may not change through the process of social change. In today’s society, laws generally reflect society’s attitudes and social change as can be seen in the constantly changing, amending, updating and reversal of many of the laws which used to be enforced. These transitions in the law as a reflection of social change can be seen in some of the recent changes in laws pertaining to homosexual partnerships and euthanasia in The Netherlands. Changes in the law reflect societal attitudes to the extent where countries which have changed their laws to suit society’s changing attitudes are seen as more open and accepting of societal changes than those which do not. There are also some countries in which the law remains a controlling force for social change as seen in the one child policy in China. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Social Change and the Law

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the role of law in society. Two basic perspectives are considered in regards to the role of the law in society. One is that the role of the law is to reflect society’s attitudes and throughout the process of social change through history, so too will the law reflect these changes. On the other hand, some governments or countries believe that the role of the law is to force or control social change. In the latter case, the law may or may not change through the process of social change. In today’s society, laws generally reflect society’s attitudes and social change as can be seen in the constantly changing, amending, updating and reversal of many of the laws which used to be enforced. These transitions in the law as a reflection of social change can be seen in some of the recent changes in laws pertaining to homosexual partnerships and euthanasia in some countries. Changes in the law reflect societal attitudes to the extent where countries which have changed their laws to suit society’s changing attitudes are seen as more open and accepting of societal changes than those which do not. There are also some countries in which the law remains a controlling force for social change as seen in the one child policy in China. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Differential Treatment of Women Laborers in Canada

    This is a 12 page paper discussing wage and labor differentials for women in Canada. Within Canada today, women in the labor force generally make 70 to 80 cents for every dollar men make. This “wage gap” has actually decreased greatly over the years but still has a long way to go for total equity in the work place despite positive legislation in the 1970s and 1980s. Historically, women within Canada have been “crowded” into certain female-dominated professions such as clerical positions, nursing, teaching, domestic work, social work and sales and services. While clerical work once was comparable with male blue-collar jobs in regards to pay, the increase in unionization in many blue-collar trades left most of the female-dominated positions as those which were lower paid. As women shifted away from clerical positions and proceeded to attain degrees in higher education, the wage gap began to decrease but then women encountered the “glass ceiling” in which women held a disproportionate number of positions in the lowest quartile in large corporations. Today, women still have lower average salaries than men despite the gain in higher education. One of the reasons found within studies by Statistics Canada and others is that women who choose to have and raise children lose experience during their absence; experience men continue to gain which in turn leads to more promotions. Another reason believed for the continue wage gap is discrimination which still exists within employers, co-workers and the general population somewhat who still categorize some professions as “female” (such as teaching) and some as “male” (such as the trades) and in essence this restricts female workers from opportunities within the blue collar and higher executive markets. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Women with a Victimization History and Drug Abuse Treatment Management

    4 pages in length. The writer discusses potential research strategies, impact of victimization and the 20 most important points to the treatment process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Waldo E. Martin Jr's Brown v. Board of Education A Brief History with Documents

    A 2 1/2 page paper which reports on Waldo E. Martin Jr.’s “Brown v. Board of Education A Brief History with Documents.” No additional sources cited.

  • Henry James's 19th Century Critique of John S. Sargent's 'Lady with the Rose' Painting

    A 7 page paper which examines a chapter from American author and art critic Henry James’s 1893 volume, “Picture and Text,” in which he discusses the young Symbolist painter’s work and his critique of this early painting. Also considered is the context of this criticism to consider whether it was defending or attacking the object/artist and its intended audience in order to gain an art historical perspective. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy Portrayed in Libra by Don DeLillo

    7 pages in length. DeLillo, who represents the real in a way "many postmodernists argue is impossible" (Hutchinson 117), brings to the table an entirely unique interpretation of postmodernism; while his approach to the events surrounding the Kennedy assassination can be readily correlated with conventional postmodern thought, it nonetheless extends beyond such conventionality to the point where staunch postmodernists must stretch their own understanding of the concept to reach DeLillo's central theme. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Economic, Political, and Social History of West Africa and the Impacts of Slavery and the Slave Trade

    This 8 page paper discusses the impact on the African continent from the four centuries of slave trade and what the implications for the future may be. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Emilio Zamora, Cynthia Orozco and Rodolfo Rocha's Mexican Americans in Texas History

    A 5 page paper which summarizes the text, identifies the authors’ purpose, theme of the book, considers its sources, and provides relevant information about each author. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • London's Development History

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the development of London through the time of the Romans, Saxons, Vikings and Normans. From the first established settlement north of the Thames River by the Romans in AD 43, the building of the bridge and the naming of Londinium, London developed substantially over the next 1200 years through the Romans, Saxons, Vikings and Normans. While it can be said that the Romans first established trade and the development in London, the Saxons and the Normans were largely responsible for the model of the city as it now stands today in regards to architecture, commerce, politics and civil liberties. Although the arrival of the Vikings caused a certain amount of turmoil, it did cause England to eventually unite under King Alfred of Wessex and establish London as the capital of Britain. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Reasons for the Failure of Marriages

    3 pages in length. There exist myriad reasons why marriages fail. In spite of all good intentions, there are times when two people are just not meant to be together. Granted, these reasons may be as seemingly insignificant as poor bathroom habits or annoying snoring to spousal abuse or adultery. When two people are brought together and expected to meld their individual lives to such a point that they coexist harmoniously, even the best conceived plans do not always pan out. The writer discusses how domestic abuse, history of divorce and unplanned pregnancy represent just three reasons why marriages fail. No bibliography.

  • Feminist Approach to Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko

    5 pages in length. Leslie Marmon Silko's "Ceremony" addresses a long-standing issue that has existed between Native American men and women: the open and equal pursuit of identity. That patriarchy has been the controlling social force for centuries has effectively placed the female gender in the shadows of acceptance, while the male gender has successfully progressed in all possible areas: politics, education and economics. For women, these areas have long histories of restraint through design of the woman’s role; the effects of such designs have been so well entrenched that they have automatically applied to virtually every other area of public life. No additional sources cited.

  • David Tyack and Elisabeth Hansot's 'Learning Together'

    A 5 page paper which reviews the book 'Learning Together: A History of Coeducation in American Schools' by David Tyack and Elisabeth Hansot. No additional sources cited.

  • 'The Iron' Heel' of Jack London

    (4 pp). A narrator, seven centuries down the road tells us of a "manuscript" he has found. "(In it there are not ) errors of fact, but errors of interpretation." Looking back across the seven centuries that have lapsed since Avis Everhard completed her manuscript, events, and the influence of events, that were confused and veiled to her, are clear to us. She lacked perspective. She was too close to the events she writes about. Nay, she was merged in the events she has described." Through the work of Avis, we get two different versions of the story / history of a massive labor revolution in an unknown country.

  • Plea of Insanity

    This 5 page paper examines the bare bones of a case in light of the "insanity plea." History of the development of this plea is given as well as court law sited. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Past History of NEA

    This 9 page paper examines the past history of the NEA; controversial issues which have surrounded federal funding of the arts, including First Amendment issues and censorship; and makes suggestions for some calm resolution. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • UPS' 1997 Labor Strike and Management Lessons Learned

    An 8 page discussion of the management considerations which were inherent in the 1997 Teamsters labor strike against one of the US’s most successful and recognizable corporations. This paper outlines the situation leading up to the strike and breaks this situation down into appropriate management considerations. Bibliography lists 10 sources. PPupsLb.rtf

  • UPS' 1997 Labor Strike and Management Lessons Learned

    An 8 page discussion of the management considerations which were inherent in the 1997 Teamsters labor strike against one of the US’s most successful and recognizable corporations. This paper outlines the situation leading up to the strike and breaks this situation down into appropriate management considerations. Bibliography lists 10 sources. PPupsLb.rtf

  • Transformational Leadership Example of U.S. Hockey Coach Herb Brooks

    This 4 page report discusses Herb Brooks, who was the coach of the U.S. Olympics hockey team and the “architect” of the “miracle on ice” at the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, New York. That miracle was the triumph of a relatively inexperienced (at least in terms of the “big leagues”) group of college hockey players who took on the mighty hockey team of the Soviet Union . . . and won. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Studying the Terroist Groups the Red Army Fraction/Baader Meinhof Group, the Dashmesh Regiment, the Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba, the North Korean Communist Group, and the Action Directe

    This is a 30 page paper studying five terrorist groups: their history, ideology, acts of terrorism and current status. The study of five terrorist groups, the Action Directe (AD), the North Korean Communist Group, the Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba (IJT), the Dashmesh Regiment, and the Red Army Fraction (RAF) shows the extent extremists will go to further their causes in both the domestic and international arena. The Action Directe (AD) in France and the Red Army Fraction (RAF) in Germany were mostly active in the 1970s and 1980s when many of their leading members were imprisoned. Although not directly linked with any recent terrorist actions, the members of the AD and RAF are still actively associated with radical or political groups today. The North Korean Communist Group is considered one of the most viable terrorist threats of today as they are large, well-funded, still torture political prisoners and are believed to still manufacture nuclear, chemical and biological weaponry contrary to international agreements. The Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba (IJT) as the student based affiliated of the political party Jamiat-i-Islami (JI) in Pakistan wish for the education of Islamic youth and for the formation of an Islamic state free of all Western deviant and capitalist influences and continue violent protests to promote this ideal. The recent war on terrorism against the Taliban in Afghanistan has led the IJT to believe that the increase in martyrs for their cause will only increase their recruitment for their group. Finally, the Dashmesh Regiment or 10th Regiment in Pakistan and India wish for a separate Sikh state called Khalistan which is currently on land in India. They have formed alliances with other national and international terrorist groups with the intent of getting their cause well known and have been responsible for several international acts of terrorism. Although their group was diminished when the Indian forces captured many of their leaders, international Sikh supported organizations have been formed in their place to continue their cause. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Algebra and How It Has Evolved

    5 pages in length. In this paper the history of Algebra is presented and the role that it plays in mathematics today. There is also discussion on some of the mathematicians who played a key role in the advancement of Algebra as well as examples of applications in which Algebra is used. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 'The End of History?' by Francis Fukuyama

    A 17 page paper that presents an outline and explanation of Fukuyama's thesis about the end of history and the last man. The essay "The End of History?" published in 1989 and the book, The End of History and the Last Man, published in 1992 are still being discussed and analyzed in today's literature. Fukuyama's works created a great deal of furor and criticism in some circles and were applauded in other circles. This paper reports the interpretations of these two works by numerous scholars and also presents the criticisms levied against the thesis by other scholars. The thesis is that liberal democracy has won as the preferred system; this was evidenced by the end of the Cold War and this constitutes the end of history. One question asked by a number of authors is whether Fukuyama means this is the end of history or the end of historical thinking? The thesis is much more complex than this statement would imply and the complexities are discussed and reflected upon. The writer includes their own reflections. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • 'The End of History?' by Francis Fukuyama

    A 17 page paper that presents an outline and explanation of Fukuyama's thesis about the end of history and the last man. The essay "The End of History?" published in 1989 and the book, The End of History and the Last Man, published in 1992 are still being discussed and analyzed in today's literature. Fukuyama's works created a great deal of furor and criticism in some circles and were applauded in other circles. This paper reports the interpretations of these two works by numerous scholars and also presents the criticisms levied against the thesis by other scholars. The thesis is that liberal democracy has won as the preferred system; this was evidenced by the end of the Cold War and this constitutes the end of history. One question asked by a number of authors is whether Fukuyama means this is the end of history or the end of historical thinking? The thesis is much more complex than this statement would imply and the complexities are discussed and reflected upon. The writer includes their own reflections. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Late Twentieth Century History and Politics of Chile

    A 20 page overview of Chilean politics, and the role of the U.S. in those politics, in the years spanning the election of Allende and the end of the Pinochet regime. The author contends that the U.S. exerted considerable manipulation in Chile and the result was the overthrow of Allende and the rise of Pinochet to the Chilean presidency. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Michael Powell's film 'Peeping Tom'

    An 8 page paper which examines the film "Peeping Tom" as it relates to the castigation of the audience. The paper illustrates how the creators of the film offer up the film through a method of approach which allows us to objectify the events we see transpire before us. Through this method of approach the audience becomes guilty of voyeurism. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • U.S. and EU Marijuana Law

    A 10 page research paper that contrasts and compares marijuana laws in the EU to those in the US for the purposes of discerning the effects of decriminalization of this drug. The writer discusses the myths v. the fact of marijuana use; effects of decriminalization where it has occurred and the resistance of the US government to decriminalization, which is exemplified by its objections to medical marijuana use. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Cyberterrorism Danger

    In the wake of the 9-11 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, the U.S. government has stepped up efforts to protect its citizens. Among those efforts is protection of computer networks that control power grids, water and the utilities. This paper examines what, exactly, is being done and how cyberterrorism is defined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Defending Nuclear Power Facilities

    A 5 page paper essay arguing in favor of nuclear power generation in the US. The bottom line is that as the world’s leading consumer of fossil fuels and electrical power, the US ethically, morally, environmentally and economically should be pursuing only nuclear and hydro power generation at the present time and for the foreseeable future. The benefits of nuclear power generation are too numerous and too clear to reject out of hand. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • and Internet Jurisdiction

    A 5 page paper discussing's international operations and legal problems that the company potentially could become entangled with as Internet law continues to change. Amazon operates 9 sites (US, UK, China, etc.) and likely is bound by the laws of the country in which those sites are located. Jurisdiction changes have been occurring since an Australian court decided in 2002 that the site of injury imposed by a US site owner was Australia. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Changing Face of Terrorism

    A 6 page discussion of the changes that have occurred since 9-11 in the U.S. and Spain in regard to terrorism. The contention is presented that the most eminent threat of terrorism that we are facing in the U.S. results more from our own counterterrorism activities than it does from the terrorists themselves. In Spain, however, terrorism seems to have intensified in regard to the threat of both biological weapons and bombs and other more traditional weapons of destruction. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Foreign Financial Aid and the United States

    This 5 page paper examines how the U.S. is affected by funding the Israelis against what the U.S. calls terrorism. Current legislation is discussed in relation to this issue as is interest groups, bureaucratic agencies, etc. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Training Considerations for Preparing Dealers to Sell An Italian Brand of Short Wave Radio

    A 5 page paper evaluating alternatives available to Radio Palermo, an Italian manufacturer of short-wave amateur radios that is well accepted in Europe but has poor sales in the US. The company and its US dealers are at an impasse, with Radio Palermo insisting that dealers train their sales people better and dealers retorting that they are unwilling to give Radio Palermo any more attention than their other 150 vendors. The paper recommends developing a training program for dealers and their salespeople. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The U.S. Invasion of Iraq is Justified by the U.N. Security Council Resolutions 660, 678 and 1441

    This 10 page paper argues that the U.S. invasion of Iraq can be justified by interpreting Security Council Resolutions 660, 678 and 1441 in light of the Vienna Convention, which sees them as treaties. Once Iraq was in non-compliance with the resolution it had breached a “treaty,” enabling the U.S. to suspend that treaty and take military action. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • US Foreign Policy and Bangladesh

    A 5 page paper discussing US interest in Bangladesh and describing present foreign policy to that country. Bangladesh is a developing nation less open to US interests than many other secular nations, but still “negatively neutral.” Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Questions on Information Technology Acquisitions

    This 4 page paper looks at different aspects of Information technology acquisitions. In five parts the paper considers the alignment of company and IT strategy, the value of The U.S. General Services Administration (GAS) contracts for IT purchases within US federal agencies, reducing ongoing IT acquisition costs, methods of evaluating acquisitions and the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing IT functions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.


    This 5-page paper discusses aspects of U.S. trade with China including imports and exports and how much U.S. debt China holds. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Consequences of the Conflict in Darfur

    With the world focused on the latest Iraqi War and its consequences, it takes little time to focus on a smaller conflict with potentially greater consequences. Discussed are the issues of deterrence, global hatred toward the U.S., U.S. policy, Canadian aid and other real and potential consequences. 7 works cited. jvDarfur.rtf

  • Licensing Registered Nurses

    A 3 page paper that explains the requirements and criteria for being licenses as a registered nurse in the U.S. The governmental agencies involved in regulation are identified and the steps for licensure are outlined. The writer also comments on the steps for a foreign-educated nurse receiving a license to practice in the U.S. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Roberto Rossellini's Film Europa, Europa and Its Psychological Impact

    5 pages. The impact of the film Europa Europa was based on the psychology of survival. When we are cornered and face imminent death, the human psyche will respond in ways heretofore unknown to us; we will do whatever it takes to survive because an inner psychological need takes over. The survival instinct, as evidenced by this film, can cause us to do things we never would have believed we would do. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Literature and Life

    A 3 page paper which examines Arnold Weinstein’s thesis, in his book “A Scream Goes Through the House: What Literature Teaches Us About Life,” which indicates that literature provides us information regarding human conditions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Literature and Life

    A 3 page paper which examines Arnold Weinstein’s thesis, in his book “A Scream Goes Through the House: What Literature Teaches Us About Life,” which indicates that literature provides us information regarding human conditions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Divisions Between Human Epistemology and Divine Epistemology

    This 7 page paper disagree's with the assertion that we cannot understand God and He cannot understand us. This paper asserts that born-again Christians can indeed understand God through the Bible and that He can understand us because He is omnipotnent. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • International Accounting Convergence; IFRS and US GAAP

    This 6 page paper examines the potential of international accounting standards considering the advantages and disadvantages of harmonisation and the specific challenges and barriers that exist preventing the US from adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The paper start of a general overview of the implications for harmonisation and then considers the specific difficulties the US would face moving from a rules-based system to a principles-based system. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • 3 Questions on International Tax Issues

    This 3 page paper answers three questions on international tax, looking at tax consideration of a US company with a subsidiary in Ireland, the benefits of being incorporated in Bermuda, taxations of the US company in Turkey and the impact of exchange rates of a contract on calculating tax. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Employee Development in the U.S. Army

    A 7 page paper discussing salient points regarding employee development and retention using training as a tool. The paper discusses the reasons for pursuing employee development and retention and offers a training plan using an approach similar to that already in use by the 84th U.S. Army Reserve Readiness Training Command, and it shadows the approach of both online and on-ground universities, as well as corporate training programs. LMS-centered applications are well developed and lend themselves well to employee development training within the U.S. Army. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Taxation of Corporate Income

    A 3 page paper discussing the relative merits of corporate income taxation, both in its current form in the US and as it would be were the US to adopt a value-added tax (VAT) approach. The VAT is not compatible with other tax structures, and depending on the output of the specific organization, it ultimately rests with those least able to pay it when the corporation raises prices to pay its taxes. This is true regardless of tax structure, and it is a point that legislators must bear in mind when searching for additional funds for pubic services. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Trends and Influences on the Pharmaceutical Industry

    This 4 page paper looks at the influence of external trends and forces on the pharmaceutical company; in particular their impact on Pfizer. The influences considered are the increasing life expectancy level within the US, the trend of acquisition and merger within the pharmaceutical industry and the condition of the US economy. Each trend or force is identified and the impact on Pfizer discussed. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

    A 5 page research paper on Carson's revolutionary book, which launched the US environmentalist movement. Carson warned about the negative effects of indiscriminate use of man-made chemicals, such as DDT. Her work not only launched the environmentalist movement in the US, but it also changed the perspective of a generation in the way it regards humanity's place in the natural environment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Democracy and Latin America

    A comprehensive, 17 page examination of socio-political trends in Latin America leading to Democracy. The writer looks at how the continent has finally begun to develop a positive image of the U.S., the significance of NAFTA as a partnership between the U.S. & Mexico, The Miami Summit of the Americas, and much more. The positive influences of several key Latin-American politicians and leaders are examined as well. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.

  • US Business and Work Groups

    An 8 page research paper which examines how this management technique is changing the way the U.S. does business. This concept blurs the lines between management and employees, empowers employees, and involves them in the success and productivity of the company. Many U.S. companies regard it as their best means for keeping a competitive edge. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Evolution of Work Groups

    A 12 page research paper which examines how work groups are changing the way that American business is conducted. This concept has been accepted as the U.S. industry's best hope for keeping a competitive edge in today's marketplace. The writer examines how this concept is being implemented by some U.S. companies and how current research points the ways in which the concept continues to evolve. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Establishment Clause, the 1st Amendment, and School Prayer

    A 6 page paper on the double edged sword of religious liberty in the First Amendment to the Constitution and the prohibition of establishment of religion as it relates to the controversy over mandated prayer or "moments of silence" in the classroom. Social, political, theological, & U.S. Supreme Court arguments are examined and the writer ultimately concludes that the State must not be allowed to coerce us into acknowledging any religion -- Banning school prayer will ultimately serve a greater good and contribute to the provision of true Democratic justice in America. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Toys 'R' Us' Marketing Techniques

    A 12 page research paper examining the recent fortunes of Toys R Us, the largest retailer of toys for kids of all ages, but mostly for the shorter ones. Considered 'unstoppable' throughout the 1980's, mass merchandisers, particularly Wal-Mart, stopped them very effectively in the early 1990's by using low-priced toys to attract more customers to their stores. Toys R Us has taken a hard look at their no-frills warehouse appearance and has decided to change it in hopes of making their stores fun places to be: if customers spend more time there, they'll spend more money, too. Nine references cited.

  • Theme of Identity in the Literature of Sharon Olds and Sylvia Plath

    A five page look at Sylvia Plath’s poem “Mirror” and Sharon Olds’ “The Death of Marilyn Monroe,” in terms of both poets’ observations on the nature of identity as opposed to appearance. Plath argues that as many times as we return to the mirror to see our reflection there, it is not ourselves we are seeing -- we are merely seeing something similar to what others see. Olds continues this argument by asserting that if others feel they know us by our outward appearance, they are wrong, because the outer shell is not us.

  • The Intellectually Lazy United States

    A 5 page research paper that argues that the US, as a society, is intellectually lazy and socially irresponsible. The writer argues that as a country we don't value learning and backs this up with facts and figures, with an emphasis on the failure of US students academically. The writer feels that this is due to the parents‹not the educational system. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Eye on the Future Business People in Calgary and the Bow Valley, 1870-1900 by Henry C. Klassen

    A 6 page review of Eye on the Future: Business People in Calgary and the Bow Valley, 1870-1900 by Henry C. Klassen (University of Calgary Press, 2002). This text consists of a detailed, comprehensive and highly accurate account of the business history of the Alberta region of Canada, with particular emphasis on the development of the town of Calgary. Klassen's history covers the early stages of industrialization through the beginnings of consumerism from a business history perspective. The scholarship behind Klassen's book is so extensive that, as this examination demonstrates, it can be viewed as coming close to being an anthropological study of the varied factors that come together to create a city and shape the course of history for a region. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • History Plays of William Shakespeare

    An 8 page research paper that discusses Shakespeare's ten history plays constitute a substantial portion of his canon. The main body of these plays cover the years 1398 to 1485, with two additional plays, King John and Henry VIII, forming, respectively, a prologue and an epilogue to this period (Sen Gupta 55). These eight plays offer a survey of English history that begins in the last years of the reign of Richard II and end with the death of Richard III. The following survey of Shakespeare's history plays looks at where they fit in the Shakespeare's conception of English history and their historical accuracy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Second World War and Its Chronological History

    An 8 page paper which examines the chronological history of WWII. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History of Western Civilization

    A 14 page paper which discusses 5 different aspects of the history of Western civilization. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Post September 11 Immigration Laws of the United States

    A 6 page paper summarizing the basic points of US immigration laws in the post-9/11 environment. Immigration requirements already were difficult for many before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Since then, they have become quite stringent. Bibliography lists 5 sources. A companion PowerPoint presentation is available.

  • The 54th Massachusetts

    This 12 page paper describes a research proposal for a project, the subject of which is the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, one of the earliest of the black regiments recruited during the U.S. Civil War. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Military Risk Management

    A 9 page paper that includes parts of a research project. The abstract, introduction, table of contents and references are included. The topic is U.S. Marine Corps Safety. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • HMO Effectiveness Speaker Notes

    A 5 page summary of a Power Point presentation and speaker notes assessing measurement of quality of care for Aetna U.S. Healthcare in 2002 plus a one-page handout summarizing the presentation. The presentation discusses member access to services and member satisfaction, and how management can increase the measures of each. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Discrimination Presentation

    This 4 page paper looks at a case provided by the student and considers a case where there is a claim of racial and gender discrimination. The paper, which is made up of four PowerPoint slides and speaker notes looks at the concept of gender and racial discrimination why it is outlawed and at a potential solution. The paper is written with reference to US law. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Preschool Children Vision Screening II

    A 4 page paper discussing the benefits of screening children for physical vision defects from birth through early elementary years. The paper accompanies a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, which provides recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force urging vision screenings for children under the age of 5. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Wal-Mart in 2007

    A 6 page paper discussing a case dated late 2007. A time of economic contraction is an excellent time for learning, applying lessons and building for the future and the better days ahead. Recommendation for Wal-Mart is that it focuses on the US market and seeks to learn all it can about changing economic conditions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Data Coding and Measurement Analysis

    A 7 page paper discussing a report of an assessment of hate crime incidence in the US. "Hate Crime Reported by Victims and Police" (Harlow, 2005) is the report of the statistical analysis of data collected through both quantitative and qualitative methods. It has limitations, but it does provide insight into the degree to which social issues provide motivation for crime. The purpose here is to assess several points of the article and the data and methods from which it developed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Cyberterrorism

    A 3 page research paper that describes three cyber attacks what occurred between nations, which concludes with the analysis that the US response to the attack on the State Department's East Asia Bureau in 2006 constituted the best defense. Bibliography lists 3 sources

  • Cyber Security and Government System Protection

    This 10 page paper looks at cyber security and why the U.S. government's systems are vulnerable. Suggestions are provided. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Constitutional Rights v. Internet Privacy

    A 9 page paper that examines the issues of privacy and freedom of information on the Internet as well as the crimes that have been bred by this privacy and freedom. Discussed are the types of crimes that occur in cyberspace, the attempts the U.S. government has made to deter these crimes, and the opposition these attempts have raised from civil liberty organizations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Should a Nurse Assist in the Suicide of a Suffering Patient

    This 4 page paper looks at the issues of assisted suicide by a nurse in the US. Using the fictitious case of a terminal cancer sufferer the issues is discussed by looking at the relevance of the Patient Bill Of Rights, as well as ethical, legal and business perspectives. The paper ends by considering potential actions of a nurse’s manager if the nurse considered taking part in an assisted suicide. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Reefer Madness: Marijuana Use in the 1950s

    A 5 page overview of the impact illegal marijuana use had in the U.S. in the 1950s. This paper details the government's crusade against the drug and weighs out the many misperceptions that were perpetuated. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Richard Peck's 1985 Novel Remembering the Good Times

    (5 pages) This 1985 young adult novel by Richard Peck, could serve as a springboard for all types of discussion and class activity. Thematically the problem of death, particularly that of suicide is not openly addressed. Perhaps, death is our greatest fear, but this can also be an opportunity to examine those things that are frightening to us, and learn to put them into perspective. Teaching that growth can come out of fear is valuable for all ages.

  • Taiwan and United States' Corporate Law

    This 6 page paper compares and contrasts corporate law in each nation. Both U.S. and Taiwanese business structures are outlined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Apocalyptic Representation Supporting Authoritarianism in Science Fiction Movies

    This 5 page paper discusses U.S. science fiction films and how they use apocalyptic representation to present authoritarian arugument in support of authoritarianism. This paper uses many specific film examples. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Life's Complexities and Tort Law

    A 9 page paper defining tort law as a civil wrong resulting from an act or omission which has caused damage to other persons or property. The author contends that the law has to accommodate all the untidy complexities of life, and there are circumstances where considerations of practical justice impel us to reject a general imposition of liability for foreseeable damage. Numerous examples are provided which clarify tort liability. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Analysis of Abortion Law Evolution

    This 10 page research paper chronicles the evolution of U.S. abortion legislation by examining landmark Supreme Court case law decisions. Specifically discussed are historic cases including Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), Roe v. Wade (1973), Harris v. McRae (1980), and Akron v. Akron Center For Reproductive Health, Inc. (1983). Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Foreign Policy Impact of Cuba's Geography

    This 4 page paper examines the geography of Cuba and its proximity to the U.S. Reasons for its policies are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Hub and Spokes and Airline Scheduling Overview

    This 21-page paper focuses on how airlines might schedule their flights based on geography, demand and population. The discussion centers on U.S. air carriers. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • English Law and Theory of Team Production

    This 14 page paper examines to what extent Team Production Theory can be seen to offer an accurate account of English company law. Comparison is made with US law where this model has been developed and seen as applicable in the ongoing development of corporate governance. The paper explains what is meant by Team Production Theory and then applies this model to English law. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Trademarks, Licensing, and International Law

    This 17 page paper considers the way in which international law impacts on the way that trademarks are protected or used and hw this may impact on licensing globally. The writer cites many cases and looks at several areas including the EU and the US. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Questions on International Law Answered

    This 9 page law paper is written in three parts. The first considers a case provided regarding shipping and CIF contracts, the second considers tax law and residency requirements for the US and the third looks at why the EU is more than just a trading block. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Charlie Wilson and the Parable of Unintended Consequences

    This 3 page paper discusses the fable at the end of the film “Charlie Wilson’s War,” and what it means in the context of the film and with regard to the U.S. in the 21st century. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Thin Blue Line

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the film The Thin Blue Line, which is a compelling and significant documentary directed by Errol Morris (Miramax Films, 1988). It tells the story of Randall Adams, who in 1976 was arrested and tried for a murder that he did not commit. This film uncovered evidence that eventually led to Adams' release. In providing this insightful look into how the U.S. judicial system can go awry, the film also demonstrates the awful consequences that can result from the arbitrary labeling of conduct. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Filmmaker Vittorio de Sica's The Bicycle Thief

    This 16 page paper is an in-depth examination of Vittorio de Sica’s Italian neorealist film Ladri di biciclette (1948), based on the novel by Luigi Bartolini. This is also known as The Bicycle Thief in the US and the Bicycle Thieves in the UK. The film is examined in terms of its’ cinematic detail, looking at the general approach to the film with the style and values of neo-realism, followed by the more specific detail of the films scenes, including filming techniques, the use of cameras, locations actors and the framing of social issues within the film. The bibliography 4 sources.

  • Sci-Fi Films: Radiation Monsters and Homestick Aliens

    This 8 page paper compares two classic science fiction films, “Them!” and “E.T. The Extraterrestrial” and what they tell us about the times in which they were made. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Analysis About U.S. Involvement in the Vietnam War and the Creation of Myths

    This 5 page research paper examines how films created myths concerning the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Specifically discussed are films such as Apocalypse Now (1979) and Full Metal Jacket (1987), and the myths they created and exposed for audiences. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Drafting of the U.S. Constitution and the Position of the Anti Federalists

    This 3 page paper talks about the anti-Federalist position at the time the U.S. Constitution was being drafted. The other point of view is duly noted in the discussion. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Future of Mars Exploration

    A 7 page discussion of the Mars exploration program. Emphasizes the reasons behind our obsession with Mars exploration and traces the revised plans for that exploration which have been fabricated since the loss of two U.S. spacecraft in 1999. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Drug Trafficking and the Impact of the United States

    This 10 page paper examines the facts brought to light during the past several decades of US impact on drug trafficking in Mexico. The government of the United Criminal organizations of all kinds increasingly layer illegal profits through investments in legitimate businesses. Unilateral, bilateral and multilateral forms of pressure, intervention and collaboration are proliferating between states in the name of suffocating the ever swelling drug economy. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • U.S. Immigration and the Green Card

    A 5 page paper that argues the fact that recent attempts by the U.S. government to stem the wave of illegal immigration have proved to be futile and that the time has come to take a different approach to this growing problem. This paper focuses on the fact that the American nation was built on the concept of immigration and stresses the fact that employers who import and exploit illegal workers should absorb the full impact of government measures taken to rectify this situation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • US Companies and the Effects of NAFTA

    This 5 page paper takes a look at NAFTA and its impact on U.S. firms. The future ramifications of the treaty on businesses is noted as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • US Presidency and How It Has Evolved

    A 6 page research paper that examines the evolution of the US presidency to its present state of power. The writer argues that, despite this development, the checks and balances of the Constitution still work and the evolution of the presidency has been, for the most part, a positive adaptation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • U.S. Naval Operation Earnest Will and Hostile Intent

    A 5-page paper that examines the 1987 U.S. naval military operation coded Operation Earnest Will, an operation designed to assist Kuwaiti oil tankers across the war-torn Persian Gulf under the protection of the American flag. Discussed are the United States' security interests in the Persian Gulf, the reasons it was felt these interests were put at risk by Kuwaiti difficulties in the area, and the accomplishments and shortcomings of Operation Earnest Will. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Taiwan and United States' Corporate Law

    This 6 page paper compares and contrasts corporate law in each nation. Both U.S. and Taiwanese business structures are outlined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Eleven Government Questions Answered

    An 11 page research paper that takes the form of 11 questions pertaining to governance and specifically the US government. Questions begin on a simple level—'What is human nature?'—and progress to more complex issues such as the function of the political party system. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Who Stole Feminism? by Christina H. Sommers

    An 8 page summation of Christina Hoff Sommers' book, 'Who Stole Feminism?' which proposes that in the US, the feminist movement is dominated by a group of women who are intent on creating an image of American society as a 'male hegemony.' The writer offers a chapter by chapter summation. No additional sources cited.

  • Arguing in Favor of Lifting the Cuba Embargo

    This 30 page thesis paper provides an overview of the problem related to the U.S. embargo against Cuba. Historic information is provided along with the political background that surrounds this issue. Both sides of the issue are confronted but the paper supports lifting the ban due to philosophical reasons. Other reasons are explored, including the fact that the Cuban people have had to do without adequate food and medical supplies as a result. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • UK Corporate Mergers and Their Implications

    This 5 page report discusses merger and takeover activity in the United Kingdom. While the processes and attitudes regarding takeovers differ in the UK from the typical “M&A” attitude in the United States, mergers are flourishing every bit as much there as the have in the U.S. Most corporate legal advisers predict mergers and acquisitions, in the UK, will remain “buoyant” in 1999, particularly in the energy industry. This report examines the overall process, the shareholder viewpoint, the managers of the companies involved, as well as impact on the larger economy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Commercial Aviation and Global Positioning Systems

    This 10 page report discusses the 24-satellite Global Positioning System became fully operational in 1995 and was developed by the U.S. military to help the armed forces determine their exact locations anywhere on the planet. Each satellite transmits a regular electronic pulse, which is used by GPS devices to figure the user's latitude, longitude and elevation within 110 yards. Throughout the 1990s, GPS has served a variety of purposes and had become an essential factor in virtually all aspects of global navigation. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • U.S. Military Base Location

    An 8 page analysis discussing the political and economic factors influencing the decision on where to locate U.S. overseas military bases and forces. Included are strategic significance, political climate, job creation both in the host country and in America, and direct economic benefits to the host country. Works cited lists five sources.

  • Commercial Restraint and the Constitution

    This 5 page report discusses a hypothetical situation in which a state denies the sale of beer sold in bottles and requires that it only be sold in aluminum cans. What are the Constitutional issues such a process would bring about? Obviously, when a state enacts a law that effectively prohibits the distribution of a legal substance due to its packaging, certainly legal action is likely to be presented. An overview of some of those issues and their relation to the U.S. Constitution are presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Affirmative Action Changes

    After 30 years several states are dismantling the Affirmative Action program. This 5 page paper considers the issue. How far did it get us? Did it truly bring equality to the workforce or just bring lip service to the concept? This paper discusses the pros and cons of Affirmative Action and the groups it was supposed to help. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Medical Economy of the United States and the Impact of HMOs

    A 7 page paper which examines HMOs and their impact on the US medical economy by considering the nature of HMOs, how they pay doctors, problems created by moral hazard and adverse selection, issues related to their effects, treatment and overall changes. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Imperfection Valued in Utopia by Sir Thomas More

    A 3 page look at the geopolitical beliefs expounded in Utopia and how such societies have traditionally failed throughout the course of history. The writer argues that rather than strive for the unattainable, we should learn to appreciate the value of imperfection. No other sources cited.

  • 1998 Plans Available at Weight Watchers

    A 5 page paper discussing the program and the different types of plans available for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Included is a brief history of the company. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Voice Over Internet Protocol History

    A 6 page paper reviewing the history of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). From its beginnings as an old and expensive technology that no one could find a good use for, VoIP now is poised to overtake POTS (plain old telephone service) in the future. If the future unfolds as the creator of the Skype VoIP service envisions, then existing telephone companies will find themselves with the need to discover new sources of revenue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Complex Problems Solved Through Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

    A 12-page essay that presents a general overview of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the protocol suite that revolutionized computer networking and made high volume traffic between different operating platforms a possibility and a reality. Included is a brief history of the birth of the Internet and the conditions and events that led to the development of the standardized TCP/IP protocol set. Also included is an in-depth discussion of the various tasks performed both at the TCP layer and at the IP layer. Bibliography lists 14 sources. LCTCP-IP.doc

  • Political Issue of Second Hand Tobacco Smoke

    This 5 page paper supports the thesis that ETS is a political, and not a health, issue. The history of the smoking wars is included. Medical evidence pointing to the ambiguity of the topic is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources .

  • Project Life Cycle and Software

    This 4 page paper talks about the relationship between the project life cycle and product life cycle. These interrelated concepts are discussed as they impact the real world. A brief history of the life cycle approach is included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Cell Phone Technology

    This 6 page paper discusses how cell phones work. It also touches briefly on their history, and the system that is now used most frequently. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Tattoos in American Culture

    This 4 page paper argues that tattoos, although they still have a negative connotation, actually have a rich history in American culture going back to the founding of the nation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Boston Tea Party

    A 7 page paper answering 5 questions about this event in American history. The covert destruction of 45 tons – 90,000 pounds – of British tea in Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773 did not directly lead to the American Revolution, but it certainly became a contributing factor in perspective if not in economic consequence. In many respects it bears similarity to some of the sentiments rising up in America again today. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Stifling Talk Radio/First Amendment Issues

    A 5 pages research paper/essay that, first of all, discusses the importance of the First Amendment, and then relates the history of the Fairness Doctrine, relating this to an Amendment proposed by Sen. Dick Durbin that was designed to stifle conservative talk radio. The writer argues against this. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Great Depression and the 2009 Economic Recession

    A 3 page comparison of these two times in history. This paper compares the relative impacts to families and psychological state of mind. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Dostoevsky's "The Grand Inquisitor" - Analysis of Jesus' And The Grand Inquisitor's Goals

    5 pages in length. As has been throughout the history of mankind, two opposing forces have long sought to establish a basis upon which people are meant to approach religion: one by coercion, the other by choice. This ongoing struggle is precisely the point of Dostoevsky's (2006) "The Grand Inquisitor." No additional sources cited.

  • The Octopus by Frank Norris

    A 6 page analysis of this turn-of-the-century novel. The writer argues that the early-twentieth century novelist Frank Norris created a work of literature‹a work of art‹that also reflected the actual history of the state of California. Reflective of the school of naturalistic writing that was predominant at that time, Norris was intent on presenting a human story that was reflective the influence of the Californian environment, yet showing these influences within a context that touched on the relevant issues of the twentieth century. No additional sources cited.

  • Computer Evolution from Mainframe to Distributed Systems

    A 10 page paper providing a brief history of computers, beginning in 1944 when IBM's first mainframe was born of collaboration with Harvard University. That machine was fully electromechanical and though capable of computations, can be considered as less powerful than any pocket calculator today. The paper discusses the early portable computers and the first commercially successful personal computers, ending in a discussion of distributed systems including the debate surrounding fat clients vs thin clients, and the still-viable concept of the network computer designed to be for Internet use rather than providing all the capabilities of the PC. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Should Anabolic Steroids Be Used in the Military?

    While this 14 page paper concludes that steroids should not be used, a history of use of steroids in the military is explored along with a look at its usage in society in general. The detrimental effects of anabolic steroids are relayed. This paper includes an Annotated Bibliography with 10 sources.

  • Egyptian Religion and Ancient Hebrew Religion Compared

    This 3 page paper discusses the ancient Hebrew and Egyptian Religions. This paper references Stearns' "Documents in World History, Volume I, Great Traditions From Ancient Times to 1500". Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Long Island's Transportation History

    This 8 page paper provides a history of transportation on Long Island, New York with a focus on trains, automobiles and boats. The Long Island Rail Road is discussed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • 2nd Amendment 'Right to Bear Arms' of the US Constitution

    A 15 page argumentative essay in support of the Second Amendment right to bear arms. The paper explores the history behind the Constitutional Amendment, gun legislation, new legal and historian interpretations of the Amendment, and public opinions on the issue--leading to the final conclusion in support of the Second Amendment. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Earth: History And Comparison With Other Planets

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses earth's geological history and briefly compares it with the other solar planets. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Mood Disorder: Case Study

    5 pages in length. Yolanda's dual diagnosis of major depressive disorder and drug abuse places her in Axis I: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent with 1) at least two major depressive episodes, 2) no episodic history of mania/mixed/hypomania, and 3) symptoms not due to another disorder. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Maya Angelou/Phenomenal Woman

    A 4 page essay that offers an explication and analysis of this poem. Throughout the course of human history, men haven been primarily admired for their accomplishments, but the focus of admiration for women has been on whether or not their appearance fit with what a particular society considered beautiful. In her poem "Phenomenal Woman," Maya Angelou challenges this pervasive cultural feature and asserts that she is extraordinary and immensely attractive, without fitting within any of society's preconceived notions of how female beauty and attractiveness should be defined and conceptualized. No additional sources cited.

  • Massage Therapy

    This 5 page paper discusses some aspects of massage therapy, including its history, and how traditional massages differ from those given in America. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • National Health Service and Complementary Medicine

    This 5 page paper discusses how complementary medicine fits into the National Health Service in the UK. This paper explores the benefits of complementary medicine as well as the history of the NHS. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The History of Medicine in the Nineteenth Century

    This 5 page paper examines the history of medicine during the nineteenth century. Holistic medicine, the advent of vaccines, and new inventions are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • English Law

    This 10 page paper considers the different sources of English law. The writer outlines the history and development of common law, statute law and the law of equity and how they form the current structure of English law. Relevant cases and statutes are cited. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Language History Study

    A 4 page paper contemplating two questions: (1) the limited value of studying written evidence for language change and (2) the concept of language family and the methods of establishing language ancestry. The paper uses Aitchison’s “Language Change : Progress or Decay?” and McWhorter’s “The Power of Babel: A Natural History of Language” as its base. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • IBM Proposal for a Knowledge Management Program

    This 44 page paper examines IBM. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of the company, its history and operations in order to identify potential areas of improvement within the knowledge management of the firm. The paper starts with a proposal for the study and then undertakes the study which puts forward the idea of a knowledge database to be used by the after sales engineers. A work breakdown and schedule is also provided. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • New Zealand and Australia's Indigenous Peoples and Political Rights

    A 5 page overview of the history and current state of affairs for these two regions. The contention is presented that neither in the democratic model of Australia or in the “New Right” New Zealand is the political power of the indigenous peoples anywhere near being an equivalent to that enjoyed by the dominant culture. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History of Minimum Wage, Supreme Court to Rule on ACA

    A 3 page research paper that covers two topics. The first half of the paper presents the history of the federally mandated minimum wage, and the second half discusses the Supreme Court's announcement that it will rule on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act's required mandate for all Americans to purchase health insurance. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Takeover Panel

    This 20 page paper looks at The Takeover Panel in the United Kingdom. The paper starts with the history and background of The Takeover Panel, looks at the membership with different committees and the role of the executive, discusses the authority of The Takeover Panel as well as its aims and objectives, outlines some cases that have been dealt with by the panel and compares the UK takeover panel with its equivalent in Sweden. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • A Nike Inc. Corporation Overview

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the corporation. Its history is explored and how it will fare in the struggling economy is discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Evolution Of Gospel Music In America

    A 7 page paper that presents the history and evolution of gospel music beginning with music created by slaves. The name of this music also changed from anthem to spiritual to gospel over the years. The essay comments on the separation of white gospel music and black gospel music and identifies some of the pioneers in this field as well as more contemporary performers as gospel transitioned to mainstream. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)

    In 12 pages this comprehensive overview on gas arc metal welding (also known as MIG welding) includes definitions of the process, history, equipment, procedures, advantages and disadvantages, problems and solutions, helpful hints, recent developments, and the future of GMAW is also considered with an examination of the merits of tandem GMAW. Six sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Argument by David M. Halperin 'There Has Only Been 100 Years of Homosexuality' Assessed

    A 10 page paper which critically assesses David M. Halperin’s argument, “There has only been 100 years of homosexuality” by discussing the theory and history of sexuality which informs Halperin’s theory, and drawing appropriate conclusions. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Assessing Traits

    A 4 page paper that includes an outline in the page count. The paper begins with the thesis statement: Personality, interest, and attitude measures can be helpful in different settings. The essay goes on to explain the history of personality measures through the Big 5. It describes the Strong Interest Inventory and measures of attitudes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Robotics Surgery

    This 5 page paper discusses robotics surgery. Specifically, this paper addresses the history of robotics in surgery, economic matters, advantages and disadvantages, and more. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Comparing the Real Story of Pocahontas to the Disney Cartoon Interpretation

    This 6 page report discusses the legend of Pocahontas (real name “Matoaka”) and compares the Disney animated movie version of it and her actual story. Was Pocahontas a brave young women who defied her father to save the life of the foreigner chief John Smith? Or is the story simply a myth, given new credence by the Disney Corporation that serves only to strengthen white Americans’ simplistic perception of good Indians and bad Indians? How has history been modified to make it more palatable as “entertainment”? Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. and Polygamy

    A four-page research paper on the modern phenomenon of polygamy in the United States and its attraction for women. Included are its history and popularity, as well as the reasons many women give for choosing the lifestyle and what benefits they gain from it. Bibliography lists five sources.

  • The Conceptual View of Poverty and its Impacts

    This 4 page paper looks at the history of poverty in the United States and how its definition has changed over time. A historical perspective is taken. Changes in the welfare program are duly noted. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • What Makes a Public School Public

    This 5 page paper begins with a very brief overview of the history of education in America. The essay discusses what makes a public school public and some of the many differences in the country. The proportion of federal, state, and local funding is reported. Accountability is also discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Arab Impact of the Prophet Muhammad

    This 7 page paper discusses the Prophet Muhammed and his impact on the Arab world. Furthermore, this paper discusses his history and how he has become so well regarded as the prophet of Islam. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Evolution Of Women - Feminism

    This 11 page paper presents a history of women's rights/feminist movements, including a report about where the term 'feminism' came from. The writer reports on the different types of feminism, including religious feminism. The paper also comments on the men's groups that emerged from feminism. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Holocaust and Its Sociopolitical Causes

    This 6 page report provides a geopolitical analysis of pre-WWII Germany and the factors that led to the Holocaust. What were the factors that led to the mass consciousness bent on the annihilation of the Jewish people and Hitler's rise to power? Only the most brief overview of one of the most horrendous events in history can be contained in 6 pages.

  • Practice of Psychology

    A 3 page research paper that discusses psychology. Psychology has been defined as "the study of human behavior." However, even a brief examination of the science and practice of psychology demonstrates that this social science discipline encompasses a broad expanse of territory and that the practice of psychology is continually evolving as it changes to meet the needs of contemporary society, both now and in the future. An overview of psychology's history that this factor is particularly true in terms of psychology's purposes and goals. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • American Population Impact of Immigration

    This 7 page paper discusses the history of immigration in the United States and the effect this has had on the population. Specifically, this paper examines the effect of immigration on natural resources as well as examining the rate of population growth. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Adolf Hitler by John Toland

    A 6 page paper discussing the book, 'Adolf Hitler,' by John Toland. This book gives the reader a unique look into many aspects of Hitler and his life, that were previously unknown. They are fascinating facts which help to illustrate that, while he was one of the most horrid men in history, he was still a human being. The book is filled with interviews and various bits of information that most people know nothing about. A truly fascinating book. No additional sources cited.

  • Chicago History and Organized Crime

    A 6 page research paper which looks specifically at the Prohibition era and how Chicago was ruled by gangsters, bootleggers, and corrupt politicians at that time. This era ended when mobster Al Capone was finally arrested for tax evasion by 'Untouchable' leader Elliott Ness. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • WWW History

    This paper provides an overview of the development of the internet and the world wide web, providing a great deal of technical information in 9 pages. In addition to the evolution of this widely used phenomenon, current application in terms of business, entertainment and education are noted as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Credit Cards and Their History

    This 4 page report discusses the history and development of credit cards. The use of retail store cards and oil company cards was wide-spread by the 1950s. The development of bank issued cards took off in the 1960s led, of course, by Bank of America and BankAmericard. Since that time, credit cards have become an integral part of daily life for the American consumer and are more than likely to remain as such. Competition is fierce among issuers to get their cards and its unique benefits or offers in the wallets of as many Americans as is possible. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Tokugawa's Fall

    A 5 page researching the reasons for the fall of the Tokugawa Bakufu. The Tokugawa brought two centuries of peace to Japan and then became obsolete. The demands of other nations and the demands within the country led to the 15th Tokugawa Shogun turning the power back to the Emperor. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History of China, the Introduction of Buddhism and its Impact

    This 8 page paper provides a basic overview of the introduction and adoption of Buddhism in China. No bibliography.

  • History, Government, and Bureaucracy of Contemporary South Africa

    This 12 page paper looks at how modern South Africa came into being. The writer assesses what the country's primary challenges were . . . and still are. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Resources on the Internet and its Applications

    This 10 page report discusses a broad range of reference information that relates to the Internet and its various applications. Numerous citations are include with brief pieces of information written to provide a more comprehensive, yet condensed, overview of the Internet. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • Mexican Americans' Culture and History

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of some of the historical points relative to the culture and identification of Mexican Americans and asserts that while recent immigration concerns have sparked controversies over the largess of Mexican American communities, Mexican Americans have been a significant segment of the American culture since they first settled regions of the West in the 16th century. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Overview of GTE

    This 10 page report discusses GTE, one of the world's largest telecommunications companies. In the United States, GTE provides local service in 28 states and wireless service in 17 states; nationwide long-distance and internetworking services ranging from dial-up Internet access for residential and small-business consumers to Web-based applications. Outside the United States, the company serves more than 7 million telecommunications customers. Current merger issues with Bell Atlantic are also discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History of Judaism in China

    This 15 page report discusses the history of the Jews in China. Approximately 1,000 years ago, of Jewish traders from the Middle East who settled in the Sung dynasty's imperial capital of Kaifeng along the Yellow River in east central China. They openly prayed in Hebrew, observed Jewish dietary laws, circumcised their newborn sons and built a synagogue facing Jerusalem in which to worship. They lived in peace for centuries, eventually establishing a Jewish society and culture that has been estimated to range in numbers between 5,000 to 9,000 people. In the 1930s and 1940’s, there were an estimated 30,000-40,000 Jews in China. Most of whom left after the end of World War II or during the Cultural Revolution. Bibliography lists 7 sources. This paper is an extension of BWchina.rtf.

  • Dell Computer's Corporate History

    5 pages in length. The year 1984 marked the beginning for the country's largest direct seller of personal computers. Michael Dell first began constructing his company from his dorm room at the University of Texas-Austin, often taking drastic measures -- such as hiding his computers in the bathtub -- to make sure that no one suspected his sideline. The business that emanated from this dorm room eventually became known as Dell Computer Corporation in May of 1984. The writer chronicles the growth and development of Dell Computer Corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • American History and the Place of Anne Hutchinson

    A 10 page paper discussing the troublesome maverick of the religious community of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Anne Hutchinson (1591-1643) was outspoken and opinionated at a time when such attitudes were unseemly (if not outright scandalous) and when women were paid little more respect than were children. She was excommunicated from the church and banished from the colony, but she never relinquished her convictions or determination. Recognized early on as America’s first female preacher, it has been only in relatively recent years that she also has been recognized as a champion not only of women’s rights, but of human rights as well. Bibliography lists 10 sources in 19 footnotes.

  • Spain's Economic History

    This 8 page report discusses the economy of Spain in terms of: historical precedent; relationship with its European neighbors; its movement toward European integration; problems it faced becoming a part of the European Union; and, its current economic and diplomatic status with Europe. The report also provides a brief comparison of the economies of Spain and Germany that illustrates both Spain’s relationship to Germany and how far the nation has come in the past several decades of determination. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Dictionary History

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the "invention" of dictionaries, their evolution over time, and their role in the development of human communication. Bibliography lists four sources.

  • The Early Music Revival A History by Harry Haskell

    6 pages in length. The writer offers a general review of Harry Haskell's book, which is the first comprehensive historical study of its kind chronicling the early music revival, tracing its origins to the eighteenth century. No additional sources cited.

  • The History of Judaism in China

    This 10 page report discusses the history of the Jews in China. Approximately 1,000 years ago, of Jewish traders from the Middle East who settled in the Sung dynasty's imperial capital of Kaifeng along the Yellow River in east central China. They openly prayed in Hebrew, observed Jewish dietary laws, circumcised their newborn sons and built a synagogue facing Jerusalem in which to worship. They lived in peace for centuries, eventually establishing a Jewish society and culture that has been estimated to range in numbers between 5,000 to 9,000 people. In the 1930s and 1940’s, there were an estimated 30,000-40,000 Jews in China. Most of whom left after the end of World War II or during the Cultural Revolution. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Golf's History and Evolution

    This 5 page report discusses the larger history of golf – how it evolved and what it has become. It has been fairly well established that golf was actually devised by the Scots in the 14th or 15th century. Since then, golf has evolved into a measured world by which a person can be judged by their awareness of proper etiquette, attitude, and dress, as well as how they hit the ball. Throughout the centuries, certain attitudes and rules transcend nationality and reasons for golf to create golf’s own unique world of beliefs, standards, and ideals. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • What if the Mayflower Had Landed in Jamestown instead of Plymouth?

    A 4 page paper that speculates how the issue of slavery might have been different had the Puritan influence been over the plantations of the south. Included is a comparison of the type of people who colonized Jamestown and the type who colonized New England. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History and Structure of the WTO

    A 10 page research paper tracing the origins of the WTO from it's GATT beginnings and including critical views of the organization's strengths, weaknesses and direction. The paper examines the structure of the WTO, briefly including decision/appeal procedures and how the WTO could affect the sovereignty of member nations. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Lebensborn and Eugenics Programs of Nazi Germany

    A 20 page research paper providing an overview of the laws pertaining to eugenics and the Lebensborn program of Nazi Germany. The writer centers on the program and the support mechanisms put into place to underscore the development of the Nazi master race in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Prejudice, Assimilation and Tolerance

    A 5 page paper that provides an overview of the arguments of Montaigne, Condorcet and Herzl on the problems of prejudice against different races and religions, and evaluates their perspectives in terms of the call for assimilation and tolerance. 4 sources cited.

  • Theme Parks and Their History

    This 7 page paper explores the evolution of theme parks from Disneyland to Universal Studios' Jurassic Park. Specifically discussed are the economic benefits provided by theme parks, the ever-growing number of theme parks throughout the United States, and the changes theme parks have undergone over the years. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Linda Gordon's Single Mothers and the History of Welfare - Pitied But Not Entitled

    A 15 page review of Linda Gordon's book in which the writer analyzes how reformers view poor single mothers and welfare. Three of its chapters are about the views of the white women's social welfare network, the black women's social welfare network (excluded from the white women's groups mostly by raw segregation), and the white male social insurance reformer network. Gordon argues that contemporary welfare programs for single mothers were shaped by the ideas and the decisions that went into state aid programs created between 1910 and 1920, programs that were variously called mothers' pensions, widows' pensions and mothers' aid. Various sociopolitical points and arguments presented by Gordon are analytically presented. No other sources cited.

  • US Lutheran Church and its History

    A 6 page paper that explores the changes that the Lutheran Church has undergone since its introduction to America beginning in the 1600s. Discussed are the divisions and reunification that the Lutheran Church in America has experienced during the twentieth century and the differences that still remain between the traditional Lutheran Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Holy Qur'an History

    5 pages in length. A deeply religious man who loathed his society's decadence, Muhammad found that meditation was successful at easing his distress. From the time when he saw the vision in the Cave of Mt. Hira, the prophet continued his duty as God's messenger for another twenty-three years; all his prolific teachings are found in the Qur'an. The writer discusses the historical impact of the Qur'an. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Holy Grail's History

    A 7 page paper discussing the sources from which the theme of the Holy Grail was gathered, and how the theme has changed over time. Sources discussed include the Mabinogion, Chrétien de Troyes, Robert de Boron, the Perlesvaus, the Queste del Saint Graal, and Thomas Malory. Bibliography lists six sources.

  • History and the Impact of Physical Geography

    This 4 page paper briefly explores the effect of physical geography on the early American colonies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Europeas an Outgrowth of Its Geographical Features

    This 4 page paper discusses the way in which geography impacted the development of Europe. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Inclusion and Exclusion in Donna Tartt's The Secret History

    This 5 page paper discusses the issue of inclusion and exclusion. Also explored is the idea of the imposter, and an argumentative paper is written which supports the idea of Bunny being the outsider, rather than Richard. Thesis supported by statements in the text. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Contemporary Nursing's History

    This 5 page report briefly discusses the development and history of modern nursing in the Western world. “Modern” nursing, just as other aspects of modern medicine, began to come into its own in the mid- to late-19th century in the Western world. Between war, scientific advancement, and the onslaught of the Industrial Age, humans were becoming aware of certain physical truths regarding their physical bodies, good health, and what constituted beneficial care and treatment. It has continued to advance along with technology and human knowledge. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History and Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment

    A 5 page paper which examines the history of the death penalty and then discusses the pros and cons of the issue. Bibliography lists sources.

  • Historians Phillips and Woodson and Slave History Recording

    This 5 page paper compares and contrasts these two historians. Their personal lives are looked at to try to decipher just why their views are so vastly different. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • US History and the West's Role

    This 3 page report briefly discusses the importance of the role played by the West in the development and consciousness of the United States. Bibliography lists only one source.

  • US Women's Suffrage and its History

    This is a 3 page paper discussing the history of the women’s suffrage movement in the United States. The women’s suffrage movement within the United States began in earnest in 1848. Reflecting the sentiments of women around the world, organizers of a national convention that year began the process to fight for the right to vote (suffrage) and enfranchisement (the end of slavery) for women. The suffrage movement had two organizations, the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) headed by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the American Women Suffrage Association (AWSA) organized by Lucy Stone and others. The two organizations merged in 1890 which was also the year which also saw women’s rights to vote gradually being accepted across many of the Western states. After a long struggle and witnessing the enfranchisement of women occurring in many other countries, the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution giving women the right to vote was finally passed in 1920. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Karaite Sect's History

    A 7 page paper which examines the history and development of the Karaite sect. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The History of Rock Music in Mexico

    This 7 page paper chronicles the underground beginnings of rock and roll in Mexico to the rise in popularity of Mexican Rock and Roll to the point that its influences became international. Loads of quotes from texts. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Flute History and Use

    A 4 page paper discussing changes in the flute since the 14th century. The flute as it is known today owes many of its characteristics and qualities to the changes designed and implemented by Theobald Boehm (1794-1881) in the early 19th century. A woodwind most often used as a soprano voice in orchestras, marching bands and ensemble groups, the flute remains one of the most popular of all the musical instruments commonly in use today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • KKK's History

    A 7 page paper that examines the history of the development of the Ku Klux Klan. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The History of Fortune Cookies

    A 4 page paper which examines the history of the fortune cookie. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Florida's Election Primary of 2002

    A 6 page discussion of the multitude of problems which repeated themselves once again in the September 2002 primary elections in South Florida. This paper outlines those problems and suggests that the solution lies in better communication within the extremely diverse community and better state oversight of the election process. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nineteenth and Twentieth Century History of American Public Education

    This 6 page paper discusses some of the major movements in public education beginning in about 1850. Some topics discussed include the common school crusade and Horace Mann's and Elwood Cubberly's parts in that movement, the attempt of the NEA to change the administrative structure from local to centralized. The reforms of the 1950s and 1960s and what caused them are discussed along with comments from authors like Ravitch. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • A History of Law Enforcement in the US

    This 15 page paper discusses the development of the police force in the United States. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Freedom Rides and African American History

    A 6 page paper which discusses the history of the African American through the Freedom Rides. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • A History of The Council of Florence

    A 10 page paper which discusses the history of the Council of Florence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • “American History X": Sociological Analysis

    A 4 page paper which analyzes the film “American History X” from a sociological perspective. No sources cited.

  • Yakuza, Triad, and Mafia History

    A 3 page paper which presents the history of the organized crime groups of the Mafia, Triad, and Yakuza. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ishmael Reed's Flight to Canada and History

    A 9 page examination of history in Ishmael Reed’s “Flight to Canada.” Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The History of Pilates

    A 3 page paper on the history and creation of Pilates. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Prostitution in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

    A 5 page paper on the history of prostitution as it involves medieval and early modern Europe. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Tango of Argentina's History and Development

    An 18 page paper which examines the history and development of Argentine Tango. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Alzheimer's Disease History Overview

    This 4 page paper discusses the history of the discovery of the disease, and background information about it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Anti Semitism History in the United States

    A 4 page research paper that explores the topic of anti-Semitism in the US and elsewhere prior to World War II and how this might have shaped public policy concerning Jewish immigration quotas, which, of course, facilitated Nazi extermination policies. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries' English Feasting History

    An 18 page paper which examines the history of feasting in England from the 15th to the 17th centuries. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • How Women Have Been Depicted in Advertising Copy

    A 13 page paper which examines the history of how women have been portrayed in magazines. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Major Changes in World History, 1900-1990

    This 4 page paper examines three major changes that occurred in world history from 1900 through 1990. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • United Kingdom and Developments in its Mass Media History

    A 5 page paper which examines the history of significant developments in mass media within the UK. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of Memoral Park in Houston, Texas

    This 5 page paper discusses the various amenities and attractions, history and location of Houston's Memorial Park in Texas. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Japanese Historical Meiji Period

    This 5 page paper discusses the Meiji Period in Japanese history as viewed by a primary Eurocentric source. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Historical Overview of Radio

    A 5 page paper which provides a research on the history of radio. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ancient History's Contemporary Social Influence

    A 5 page paper which examines how ancient history in Egypt, China, Greece, and India have influenced our societies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History of the Civil Rights Movement in America

    This 7 page paper examines the general history of civil rights in the United States, ranging from the mid-1800's through the modern-day civil rights movement that occured in the late 1950's. This paper highlights such topics as the Reconstruction era, the KKK, the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, the GI Bill, the modern civil rights movement, and more. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Jazz Music and its History

    A 4 page paper which examines the history of Jazz music. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • An Analysis and History of The Congress of Racial Equality

    A 10 page paper which examines the history of CORE (The Congress of Racial Equality) and analyzes the organization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Rama from a Legend and Historical Perspective

    This 3 page paper discusses the legend and the history of Ramayana as depicted by historians and by R.K. Narayan. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Colonial History of America Until 1877 and Women

    A 6 page paper which specifically examines how the calls for equality, liberty and freedom conflicted with the reality of women’s lives, considers if they made greater gains in either political or social life, and concludes with an assessment of how women’s roles evolved over this period in American history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Aloe's History and Use

    A 10 page paper which presents an examination of the history and the uses of the aloe plant. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • U.S. History, Labor, and Equality Questions

    This 5 page paper answers four questions posed by a student regarding labor and the treatment of women and minorities in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Topics include free agriculture labor, the impact of industrialization, and the impact of the World Wars. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Lies My Teacher Told Me by Loewen and A People's History of the US by Zinn

    A paper which looks at two critiques of the way in which American history has been deliberately misrepresented by successive governments, and the resultant mythology which has been constructed by historians and presented as factual evidence.

  • Significant Events in American History between the late 1950s and 2002

    A 5 page paper that outlines and briefly discusses some of the major events of the last 45 years in the United States and their impact on American life. Some of those events include the 2000 presidential election, the attack on America, Vietnam, Dr. King and the Civil Rights movement, the assassination of President Kennedy, Watergate, StarWars and many more. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A US Prison Reform History

    This paper examines the history of both prisons and prison reform in the United States. The paper also discusses the effectiveness of incarceration as a tool for detering criminals, and examines what critics have said about prisons through the ages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History of American Currency

    A 5 page paper discussing the development of the current US system of currency and legal tender. In Colonial days, the formal currency was that of Britain and was based on silver. The shortage of silver combined with the need to trade with the native Americans who preferred wampum resulted in wampum being the currency of choice for decades until a New Jersey factory became so efficient in its production that it became hyperinflated. The paper discusses the influences of greenbacks and the role filled by the 1848 California gold rush in directing the US away from bimetallism and toward a gold standard, which eventually was abandoned in the 1930s. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • US Civil War and Weapons

    In 7 pages, the author discusses the history of weapons used in the American Civil War. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • U.S. Government Actions from 1861 through 1900

    A 7 page paper discussing noble and brutal acts of the government during the period of 1861 through 1900. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • History and Contemporary Message of the U.S. Constitution's 4th Amendment

    An 8 page paper that provides an overview of the history and current application of the 4th Amendment. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • U.S. Presidential History

    An 8 page paper that outlines the two-centuries-old history of the office of the Presidency of the United States and examines the massive changes this office has undergone throughout that time. Discussed are the nature of the changes that marked the Presidency, particularly across the last half of the twentieth century, and the American public's overall loss of trust in faith in its governmental leadership that resulted from these changes. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • U.S. History and the Impact of Roy Cohn

    This 3 page paper presents a biographical account of this attorney who became famous during the 1950's. Cohn's role in the McCarthy era is noted as well as one event that led to his ultimate disbarment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Honduras Overview

    A 3 page description of the history, geography, political structure, population and culture of the Honduras. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Patient Case Study

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of a patient history, diagnosis and potential treatment options. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • History of Cosmetic Surgery

    A 4 page paper which examines the history of cosmetic surgery. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Roman Catapults

    A 5 page paper which looks at the history of the Roman Catapults. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • History and Theology in the Black Church

    This 4 page paper discusses the history and theology of the black church. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Lanza/Elevator Music

    A 5 page book review on Joseph Lanza's history of Muzak and easy listening mood music. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • African History: The Bible and Africa

    A 10 page paper which examines the history of Africa through the Bible. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • What Herodotus' The Histories Teaches Us About Government

    This 5 page paper examines The Histories. Monarchy, oligarchy and democracy are discussed. No additional sources cited.

  • What Can History Teach Us About Terrorism?

    This 7 page paper looks to history for understanding of terrorism as it exists in today’s world. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • American History

    A 10 page paper which covers many topics in American History. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • History of Latin Literature

    A 5 page paper which examines the history of Latin literature. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • This 10-page paper analyzes intercity passenger rail transportation and the history of the railroads. There are 7 sources cited.

  • Socrates, Rationalism, Behaviorism and Psychology

    A 7 page research paper that examines the history of psychology, with special focus on Socrates, rationalism and behaviorism. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Milestones in Cognitiivism

    4 page paper that traces eh history and reports the milestones in this school of psychology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Relationship Between Music and Magic

    This 5 page paper traces a brief history of magic, and some of the music magicians use in their acts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 10-page paper discusses racism in the White House throughout the history of the Presidency. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The History of Algebra

    This 3 page paper is a brief overview of the history of algebra. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of Prolog Programming Language

    A 10 page paper which provides an overview of the history and uses of this versatile programming language. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Fontana, California and Davis's City of Quartz

    This 3-page book examines Davis' City of Quartz, and discusses the history of and comparison with the various parts of the city of Fontana.

  • The History of Basketball

    A 5 page paper on the history of basketball. Bibliography lists 7 sources.


    This 10-page paper discusses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), some history, current usage and predictions. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • A Short History of Cigarette Advertising

    This 3 page paper traces the history of advertising in this area from the 1930s to the present. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Remote Sensing

    This 7 page paper defines what remote sensing is, traces its history briefly, and explores some of its uses and what it might become in the future.

  • Aloe's History and Use

    A 10 page paper which presents an examination of the history and the uses of the aloe plant. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Alzheimer's Disease History Overview

    This 4 page paper discusses the history of the discovery of the disease, and background information about it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • American Landscaping

    An 8 page paper which examines the history of American landscaping. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Puerto Rico as Fernando Pico Knows It

    This 6 page paper summarizes Fernando Pico’s book “History of Puerto Rico: A Panorama of its People.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ethiopia: History, Politics and Challenges

    This 6 page paper discusses Ethiopia's history, it politics and political parties and some of the challenges it faces. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. History and the Impact of Roy Cohn

    This 3 page paper presents a biographical account of this attorney who became famous during the 1950's. Cohn's role in the McCarthy era is noted as well as one event that led to his ultimate disbarment. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. Presidential History

    An 8 page paper that outlines the two-centuries-old history of the office of the Presidency of the United States and examines the massive changes this office has undergone throughout that time. Discussed are the nature of the changes that marked the Presidency, particularly across the last half of the twentieth century, and the American public's overall loss of trust in faith in its governmental leadership that resulted from these changes. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Anti Semitism and Adolf Hitler

    A 5 page paper which examines Hitler’s anti-Semitism as seen in John Lukacs’ “The Hitler of History,” and the films “The Pianist” and “Schindler’s List.” No additional sources cited.

  • Feminist Movement's 'Second Wave'

    This 8 page paper discusses the history and origins of the feminist movement. Also discussed is the use of feminist rhetoric. The book Persuasion and Social Movements is used to explore the application by the women's rights movement of social rhetoric. Examples are given. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Middle East Economic Development

    This 20 page paper discusses the history of the region, the economies of several of the nations, and what they have to do to develop those economies quickly, if in fact that's possible.

  • Muscular Dystrophy and the Uses of Gene Therapy

    This 15 page paper examines the disease as well as a potential cure. Some history in respect to gene therapy is noted. The uses of gene therapy are discussed. Scientific studies are relayed. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • The Central Elements of Chaos Theory

    This 8 page report discusses the fact that, at its core, chaos theory and its direct relationship to physics, since it is the science of physics which determined that all movement can be defined as being determined, random, or chaotic. The concepts as well as the history of how those concepts were reached are presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Structural Inequality And Diversity

    This 25 page paper is comprised of two parts. The major portion discusses the history of structural inequality, how systems of oppression and inequality are created and perpetuated, the systemic nature of inequality, and the value of diversity. The second and shorter part of the paper discusses structural inequality and communication skills. In this section, the writer focuses on the education system. Numerous examples are provided throughout the paper as are statistical data when available. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • The English Language

    This 3 page paper examines English as a language that is used widely today. A political history is provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Landscape Architecture and Italian Designs for Pavement

    5 pages. The use of Italian pavement designs in landscape architecture is becoming increasingly popular. Topics within this paper include the origin of the paving patterns throughout history, the cost and installation techniques of using pavement stone and the usefulness of this decorative approach in landscape architecture today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Food Safety

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of food safety. There is a focus on salmonella and appropriate governmental controls. Some history is included. While the paper focuses on food safety in America, other countries are referenced. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Supply Chain Management at Carrefour

    A 12 page paper examining the supply chain of the world's second-largest retailer and the largest retailer in Europe. The paper discusses the company's history; its Aldata supply chain management software; JIT; Carrefour's shared service centers; global supply chain management; RFID; and Future Supply Chain 2016. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Review of "Delivering the Goods - The Art of Managing Your Supply Chain" by Damon Schechter and Gordon Sander

    This 6 page paper gives an overview of Damon Schechter and Gordon Sander's book "Delivering the Goods - The Art of Managing Your Supply Chain". This book, which is heavily based on military logistics presents a range of lessons which can be learned from the history of supply chain management and the useful tri-level view for the analysis of logistics and supply chain management. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Benjamin Rader/American Sports

    This 8 page paper examines Benjamin Rader's book American Sports. The book delves into history of sport in the United States. The paper focuses on the rise of sport as equated with the rise of cities. No additional sources cited.

  • History of Aging

    A 3 page research paper that briefly explores t he history of aging, discussing the age considered to be "old," as well as such factors as retirement trends. The writer also discusses the increase in the older population how this might impact the plans of a student planning to teach sociology at the community college level. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • King Philip II of Spain

    This 3 page paper discusses King Philip II of Spain and whether he was really as he is portrayed in the history books. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • What is Bluetooth Technology

    This 2.5-paper focuses on Bluetooth technology, a radio frequency based communications standard and technology that is being hailed as a great cost saver (as it replace cable connection lines). The paper discusses the history of Bluetooth, as well as the interesting name. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Smart House

    In fourteen pages this paper examines the concept of the ‘smart house’ in an informational overview that includes its history, various components, pros and cons, progress, and also discusses some famous smart houses such as Bill Gates’ compound in Seattle, Washington. Eleven sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • A Brief History of Wireless Networking

    This 5 page paper gives an outline of the history of wireless networking, starting with the developments of Marconi, and the first wireless network at the University of Hawaii up to the development and use of 802.11g. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Evolutionary History of the Tuatara

    An evolutionary history of the tuatara consists of six pages and focuses on the reasons for its particular evolutionary progression. Seven sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • US Same Sex Marriage History

    This 3 page paper discusses the history of gay marriages in the United States and the liklihood of legalizing same sexed marriages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Free Speech and J.S. Mill

    5 pages in length. In response to the article entitled "New Battles in Old War Over Freedom of Speech," John Stuart Mill would attest to the fact that mankind is bound to the limits provided by the masses. Mill fit into the general history of political, economic and social thought by applying his interpretation of society and the utilitarian philosophies by which it should abide. The concept of utilitarianism speaks well to the stance on free speech Mill supported. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Overview of Trade Unions and Their Functions

    A 5 page overview of the function of trade unions. Utilizing the history of the European Trade Union as an example, the contention is presented that trade union purpose, policies, and government is intimately tied to the occupations represented.

  • Social Issues and Robots

    This 6 page paper begins with an brief introduction to robots, the definition and criteria to be named a robot. The writer then provides a brief history of robots and robotics, beginning with the first mechanical bird invented in 350 BC. The next section discusses the positive social impact robots and robotics are having followed by the potentially harmful effects. The paper ends with comments about the future of robotic technology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Law Enforcement and Cyber Crime

    This 5 page paper begins with comments from two FBI Cyber Agents about their typical day. Although all law enforcement agencies know cyber crime is the fastest-growing crime in the history of the country, officials do not know exactly how extensive it is because only about 5 percent of the crimes committed are ever reported. The writer discusses the difficulties obtaining statistical data. The writer provides examples of specific crimes and how the FBI, working with other agencies, was involved in solving them. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Dr. Faustus and Dr. Jekyll

    A 4 page paper which examines the descent of Dr. Faustus and Dr. Jekyll in Marlowe’s The Tragical History of Dr. Faust and Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. No additional sources cited.

  • History of the 'Dragon Lady' U2 Military Aircraft

    A 5 page discussion of the U-2 aircraft. The author details the aircraft’s history, specifications (including dimensions and weight), and details of its reconnaissance abilities. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Issues in Chinese Medicine and Medicinal Nutrition

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the history and philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and describes the common elements it shares with Chinese medicinal nutrition. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Sramana Tradition & Hinduism

    A 9 page research paper that examines Sramana traditions. Sramana traditions refer to an ideology of world renunciation that grew out of Hindu beliefs in the early history of India. This examination of Sramana traditions not only describes these traditions, but also investigates them within the context of their relationship to Hinduism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Civil Engineering Overview

    This 9 page paper provides an overview of civil engineering, inclusive of its history. The past, present and future are examined, and there is attention paid to the influence of CAD on the development of this important field. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Conservation and Whales

    A 12 page paper describing the plight of the whales at the hands of humans. The writer describes the history of whaling, why it is important to conserve whales, and other human threats to whales. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Social Security System and Its Impacts

    A 3 page review of the history of the Social Security System. The author emphasizes that while the system has proven invaluable to some of the less fortunate of our society, it has proven to be a chain and ball for those that continue to struggle to make the ends meet.

  • Biomedical Research Ethics

    A 6 page paper that explores the ethics of biomedical research, focusing on the key element of voluntary informed consent. Discussed are recent adverse events that have occurred in gene therapy research and the amendments and additions to federal regulations resulting from these events. Also included is a brief discussion of the history of the guidelines and regulations that safeguard human subject volunteers in medical and scientific research. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Importance of Black History Month for African American Youth

    A 5 page paper which illustrates why Black History Month is important for the African Americna youth to learn and celebrate. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Economic Equity and Efficiency of Treatment as They Relate to Acid Rain

    This 10-page paper discusses the acid rain problem in Canada, and attempts to apply economic theories of equity and efficiency to the problem. Also analyzed are Canadian policies, history of acid rain, and suggested improvements to current policy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Houdon's George Washington Statue

    This 5 page paper discusses the George Washington Statue, which resides in Virginia, which was crafted by the famed French sculptor Houdon. This paper examines the detail and history of the statue, as well as exploring the life of Houdon. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Southwestern Cuisine

    This 5 page paper explores the cuisine of the American southwest, including a brief history, why the cuisine developed, and a recipe. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Successful Women's Soccer in the US

    13 pages in length. The twenty-first century has witnessed myriad changes to the sport of soccer, not the least of which has been the addition of women's teams. Amidst the struggle and strife rose a special strength that helped propel soccer to the heights it has reached in contemporary global athletics; with the entire world rallying around this original form of football, the World Cup has taken on an entirely new look by adding women to its long and illustrious history. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Soccer and Baseball in Latin America

    A 17 page paper which examines the history and importance of soccer and baseball in Latin America. The paper also focuses on how important soccer is in Brazil and how important baseball is in Central America. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Computers in Classrooms

    This 5 page paper offers general comments about computers and related technology in classrooms K - college/university. Following a brief overview of the history of computers in educational settings, the writer discusses one successful program, steps to take to integrate computer technology into the curriculum, the need for better training of teachers and the value of using computer technology for students. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Impact Of Economic Change On The Capital Markets With Reference To Bull And Bears

    This 7 page paper investigates stock market indices such as the Dow Jones and the way history is littered with instances of volatility in the capital markets. The author discusses what impact economic change has on the capital markets with reference to Bull and Bears, and considers whether they continue to provide good investment opportunities. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • September 11 2001 An Annotated Bibliography of Conspiracy Theories

    This 4 page paper consists of an annotated bibliography of ten sources that explore conspiracy theories surrounding this fateful day in history. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • The Benefits of the Silk Route and Potential Influences on Chinas' Stability

    This 6 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the Silk Road, considering how it was used and the way that it facilitated the exchange of ideas and beliefs as well as goods. The second part of the paper looks at some of the reasons which may have contributed to the reasons behind China's long and stable political history. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Louisvill Slugger Baseball Bats Manufacturers Hillerich and Bradsby

    10 pages in length. The writer discusses Hillerich & Bradsby, manufacturers of the Louisville Slugger baseball bats, by addressing company history, product marketing, mission statement and goals, employment analyses, product analyses, market position and annual financial statements. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Historical Aspects of Russia, Austria, and France Between 1815 and 1919

    A five page paper which looks at some elements of the history of Austria, France and Russia between 1815 and 1919, with particular reference to state terrorism as a means of controlling dissent.

  • Behaviorism's History and Development

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history and development of behaviorism. This paper answers some central questions, including: How did Pavlov’s work influence Watson’s behaviorism? How do the studies of little Albert and Peter support Watson’s ideas on emotion? and How did hull’s behaviorism differ from the views of Watson and Tolman? Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act and Physician Assisted Suicide

    In six pages this paper examines the history, passage, and specifics of Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act, the controversial physician-assisted suicide issue and what states’ positions are on it, and the contributions of Michigan Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Six sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • Overview of Developmental Psychology

    A 5 page research paper that offers a brief history of developmental psychology, an overview of the areas of emphasis today, including infancy development and development of adolescence, and a new and different approach to studying development. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Historical Origin and Development of Jiu jitsu

    This five-page-paper explores the history and development of the martial arts form of Jiu-jitsu. How it began and the many changes it has gone through over the years and in different cultures are outlined. Bibliography lists four sources.

  • Brazilian Samba Music

    A 3 page essay on Brazilian Samba. The writer describes the music, concentrating on its evolution and history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. Federalism and the Rights of States

    A 7 page discussion of the history of federalism in the United States. The author emphasizes the role state rights have played in this country since its inception. This role characterizes the difference in the concept of dual federalism verses cooperative federalism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • World Wide Web and its History

    A 7 page paper tracing the history of the world wide web, how it started, why, and how it has evolved to its present state, as well as the future outlook for the web. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Erie Canal's History

    A 6 page paper discussing this major inland waterway and its influence in American history. The paper covers why it was built, the many roadblocks to its completion, its importance economically, socially, and politically, and how it is used today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Culture of Costa Rica

    A 6 page research paper that examines the culture of Costa Rica by looking the topics of religion, education, economics, family, class structure, language, history, natural resources and geography. In so doing, this survey of culture shows the complexity of this Latin American society. Biography lists 8 sources.

  • NY's Transportation Growth

    This 10 page paper examines the history of New York State--with special attention to NYC--as it respects its geography and advent of transportation systems. The trains, subway and roadways are discussed.

  • The History of Cinematic Comedy

    This 5 page paper explores the history of film comedy by examining two films produced prior to 1980 and another produced prior to 1960. Other film examples are also mentioned and discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Horror Genre and Death Line by Gary Sherman, The Wicker Man by Robin Hardy, and The Innocents by Jack Clayton

    This 19 page paper explores the way in which Jack Claytons The Innocents (1961), Robin Hardy’s The Wicker man (1973) and Gary Sherman’s Death Line (1972)have stretched and developed the British horror genre. The paper starts by looking at what is meant by genre and genre theory and defined the horror as a genre. A brief history of British horror films is then given before the content and context of the three films is discussed to assess the way they challenged and changed the way horror films were made. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Cinematography in “Hero”

    A 6 page research paper that discusses the elements of cinematography in “Hero,” directed by Zhang Yimou, 2002, which is an epic film and its $30 million production budget makes it one of the most expensive films in the history of China’s film industry (Heilman). The film’s narrative is similar to any one of numerous films that are set in an ancient era and involves numerous scenes of action-packed sword play. Rather than the narrative, it is the cinematography that makes this movie extraordinary, as there is scene after scene of breathtaking beauty. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The ‘Bright’ Promise of Communism Contrasted with the ‘Darkness’ of the Great Depression in the Films The Grapes of Wrath and Bound for Glory

    In seven pages this paper treats these films from 1940 and 1976 as if they were historical documents from the Depression era and analyzes how these respective films interpret this period in American history. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • An Analysis of the Films, Bowling for Columbine and, The Decay of Fiction

    A 6 page paper examining two films and a museum’s film exhibit. Taken together, “The Decay of Fiction,” “Bowling for Columbine” and the Guggenheim Museum’s film installation reflect a broad history of film while remaining based in the present. The two films and the Guggenheim installation discussed here illustrate film’s capacity to instruct and edify while it concurrently instills emotional bases supporting the film’s purpose. All of these artists have used that ability to its greatest potential. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Coen Brothers' Film O Brother, Where Art Thou?

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? This paper outlines the function of the cinematography in Coen brother's film, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, which helps to create the tone of the film, determines elements that support the development of the central characters, underscores the narrative parallels and contrasts among the central characters in the film and identifies certain patterns that are common to films that depict specific periods in history. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Battleship Potemkin and Birth of a Nation

    A 4 page research paper that examines American director D. W. Griffith's 1915 film Birth of a Nation and Russian director Sergei Eisenstein's 1924 film The Battleship Potemkin, which depict crucial periods during their respective nations' histories. The writer argues that these films rationalize the social and political status quo in each of the director's countries at the time the films were produced. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Perceptual Losses Between the Page and Big Screen

    An 8 page paper that argues the point that the historical written word loses much of the personal perception it evokes in individual readers when it is converted to the film medium due to the influence of the personal perception of the cinematographer. The history and evolution of historical cinematography from the earliest days of the film industry to present are discussed, including a brief description of the progressive documentary format that emerged in the 1990s. Bibliography lists 6 sources. LCFilm.doc

  • Overview of Portuguese Americans

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses history, customs, beliefs and cultural assimilation as they relate to Portuguese-Americans. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Silent to Talkies Cinematic Transition from Metropolis to The Gold Diggers of 1933

    A 5 page research paper that examines the transitional period between silent film and "talkies." Metropolis (1926) and Gold Diggers of 1933 are two films that stand on either side of pivotal moment in cinematic history. The writer discusses what was lost and gained with the addition of sound. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Economic History of Kazakhstan

    An 8 page paper on this republic of the former Soviet Union. Its ecomonic history and the subsequent problems that have developed are examined. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Family and History of the American South

    A 3 page essay on southern family life. The writer discusses the relevance of family history in the way many southerners perceive themselves today. Race relations, culture, and other historical factors all contribute to the importance of family in this region of the Untied States. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Social Process Theory and the Film American History X

    A 6 page research paper that combines a film review of American History X (1998) with an analysis of the film in terms of social process theory as an explanation of juvenile delinquency. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Writing and its History

    A 10 page paper which gives an historical overview of the history of writing, beginning with the hieroglyphics and progressing to present day. Discusses such achievements as Gutenberg's printing press and the creation of punctuation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Development and History of Artificial Intelligence

    A 10 page paper discussing the history and development of artificial intelligence to the current time and an analysis of IBM's Deep Blue chess-playing computer. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • 911 Emergency Response Systems

    A 6 page paper describing the history and progression of 911 emergency response systems and their application today. The author attempts to show the factors that impact the effectiveness of using 911 emergency response systems and addresses a number of complaints about its effectiveness. FREE Outline included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The History Of American Gospel Music

    This 5 page paper discusses the history of gospel music in America, from its pre-Civil War beginning to its breakthrough in the mid-1900s to its current popular status. It pays special attention to the influence of gospel music and its performers, particularly Thomas Dorsey and Mahalia Jackson, on the changes in the African American condition. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Harlem's Musical Renaissance Reflected in Josephine Baker and Diana Ross

    A 7 page paper that compares Josephine Baker and Diana Ross and the contribution that each has made to the advancement of African American music. Included is a discussion of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s and the effect this era had on black entertainment. Also included is a brief history of the changes that have shaped African American music from the time of the Harlem Renaissance to the present. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Centralization, Decentralization, and Theories of Public Administration

    This 9 page paper describes the centralization and decentralization issues within public administration; includes a treatise on the history, the benefits, and management trends. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Middle Ages' Falconry

    This 7 page paper focuses on the history of this art, particularly with respect to the part it played in terms of social class. Much of the paper focuses on falconry as it was practiced during the middle ages. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Performance of the Baroque Cello

    A 22 page research paper that examines both the Baroque cello (differences between the Baroque and modern instruments, its history and development) and the nature of Baroque performance (the various requirements for playing Baroque cello, practical performance tips). Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Knowledge Theme in 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton and Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe

    A 5 page research paper that examines the use of the theme of knowledge in Christopher Marlowe's late sixteenth century play, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, and John Milton's mid-seventeenth century epic poem, Paradise Lost,. The writer argues that each author addresses the issue of predestination and free will in determining the relationship of knowledge to God's will. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • An Overview of Apocalyptic Literature

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of the theories that predict the end times, focusing on how religion uses it to control its people. How the elite used the theories to control the social order during the high middle ages is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Inner Childhood Issues and Group Therapy

    A 5 page paper that examines the psychological and sociological treatments of group therapy and psychodrama and explains the benefits this type of treatment offers individuals who suffer from problems stemming from inner childhood issues or trauma. Included is a brief history of the group therapy treatment process as it was developed and defined by Dr. Jacob Moreno in the early twentieth century. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 'The Crowd' by Ray Bradbury

    A 5 page paper that presents a critical analysis and discussion of the major theme and primary idea presented in Ray Bradbury's 1943 short story The Crowd. This discussion includes a brief history of Bradbury's writing career and examines how the writer's life experiences and observations are reflected in The Crowd as well as in the majority of his works. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • European Union's United Rise

    A 5 page paper that argues the point that the efforts of the European Union stand to build a strong and united economic force in the globalized world despite Europe's long history of discord and war. Discussed are projected reasons for failure presented by those believing in Europhobia, or the fears of the old world, as well as projected reasons for success held by those trusting in Europhoria, or the hopes of a new world. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Perceptual Losses Between the Page and Big Screen

    An 8 page paper that argues the point that the historical written word loses much of the personal perception it evokes in individual readers when it is converted to the film medium due to the influence of the personal perception of the cinematographer. The history and evolution of historical cinematography from the earliest days of the film industry to present are discussed, including a brief description of the progressive documentary format that emerged in the 1990s. Bibliography lists 6 sources. LCFilm.doc

  • A Frito Lay Industry Analysis

    15 pages in length. The Frito-Lay Company, a division of PepsiCo, Inc., has become the leading supplier of the nation's snack foods. This interesting company has seen vigorous growth throughout it's history, but has not been without its industry slumps, either. This paper presents an in-depth look at the industry background and sales trends for Frito-Lay. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Corporate Downsizing and its Impact

    10 pages in length. Describes the effects upon the corporation as well as the people when a company chooses to downsize. A history of downsizing is included, as well as the effects felt by those employees who were not downsized but remain with the company. An interesting look at this all-too-common occurrence. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Overview of Portuguese Americans

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses history, customs, beliefs and cultural assimilation as they relate to Portuguese-Americans. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Issues of Race in Cuba

    This 5 page paper looks at Cuba's history, with a focus on its formation shortly after independence. Several issues are discussed. The race issue is illuminated. Most of the positions draws on information from a book by Aline Helg. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Renaissance Diversity

    This 5 page paper considers the argument that the renaissance period should be subdivided into two separate periods due to the differences between the early and later time in this era. Evidence is used to argue this case including evidence from the arts and science as well as social history. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Comparing 'Oroonoko' and 'Persian Letters'

    A 5 page analysis of the Persian Letters by Montesquieu, published in 1721, and Oroonoko: or The Royal Slave, a true history by Aphra Behn, published in 1688. These are two early examples of the art of writing a novel. They both take the stance that their subject material actually existed, and they both build a structure around the perspective of the imagined cultural 'other' as the basic context of each work. No additional sources cited.

  • The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes

    A 5 page analysis of Fuentes' historical novel that covers the history of Mexico from the time of the Mexican Revolution till roughly the mid-twentieth century. A powerful novel, the stream of consciousness writing that juxtaposes scenes from Artemio Cruz's younger days with those in the present as he lays dying are sometimes confusing, but‹nevertheless‹revealing as to how Mexico's past influenced the course of its twentieth century development. No additional sources cited.

  • The Business Strategy of America Online

    A 5-page paper that analyzes the corporate structure and strategy of America Online, the world’s largest and most successful Internet service provider. Included is a brief history of the company’s origins, along with the ideals envisioned for the company by Steve Case, founder and CEO. Examined are the marketing strategies and corporate restructures America Online has initiated throughout the 1990s in order to keep up with a rapidly expanding and fiercely competitive market. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • AIDS and HIV and Their Effects on Human Biology

    A 10 page paper discussing the history of the disease, the immune system and the mechanisms by which HIV is believed to cause disease. The mysteries of HIV/AIDS remain, but researchers have discovered enough of its peculiarities that its associated 'fear factor' has been reduced somewhat, at least in that segment of the population that is neither HIV-positive nor active sufferers of AIDS. Continued research into prevention, particularly the promise provided by emerging vaccines, coupled with the availability of drugs for treatment brings hope to those who formerly would have had none. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Federal Express and the United Parcel Service

    This 11 page report discusses the two leaders in the package delivery industry and the numerous competitive, economic, and technological issues with which they have dealt in the past 25 years. Company history is covered along with six specific questions relating to the competition between the two and how the two have responded to one another’s innovations. No secondary sources.

  • Meteors and the Defense of the Earth

    This 6 page report discusses the options available to the governments of Earth if a meteor on a collision course was cited. Earth’s atmosphere is literally besieged with as much as 50,000 tons of interplanetary rubble annually. There is a scientific consensus agrees that cosmic impacts have played a major role in Earth history and that they continue to pose a significant threat today. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Employment Situations in California and in America as a Whole

    A 5 page paper discussing movement in unemployment rates and the economic health of the California economy during the summer of 2002. The fallout of the technology sector, particularly in high-tech, Internet-related companies, set investors on their collective ear. Few expected such a correction in market value of these companies, and the losses incurred in returns has been more than only disheartening for organizations and investors alike. The stock market continues its slide, reducing businesses' market capitalization and therefore the amount of capital available to them. Many have laid off workers; many more have placed freezes on hiring. The economic outlook for California as for the rest of the country remains mixed and depressed, yet optimistic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • U.S. Health System

    This 3 page paper begins by identifying one hopes the main functions of the health system is and how that system is failing in the United States. Experts say the system is broken. Limited statistical data are reported in terms of medical errors and the uninsured. The writer also reports and discusses the mission statement from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Taiwan and the US/Comparing Domestic Violence

    A 3 page research paper that describes domestic violence law in Taiwan and effect of current reform legislation on this issue in Maryland. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Communication and U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Mexico

    An 8 page overview of how poor intercultural communication during the Woodrow Wilson Presidency negatively shaped foreign policy towards Mexico. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Workers' Compensation and America's Federal Law

    An 8 page discussion of various federal laws which impact working compensation. Included in the discussion is a brief overview of the Coal Miners Compensation Laws (Black Lung Benefits Act), the Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act, and the Disabilities Act of 1990. The primary emphasis of this paper, however, is on the Worker’s Compensation Act. The author emphasizes that while some of these laws receive a considerable degree of criticism, they are a necessary and appreciated part of the American work place. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Portugal, the United States, and Business Law

    This 8 page paper considers the way in which business law in both of these countries is similar and also how it differs, including the cultural influences. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Citizenship Understanding and Naturalization Laws

    This 12 page paper discusses the naturalization laws of various countries and how those laws reveal the value which is placed upon citizenship. This paper shows that different countries have different naturalization requirements, and therefore each highlights their own ideas about what a citizen should offer to society. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • US Army Burn Center - The Case for Electronic Health Records

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of electronic health records. The Burn Center at Brooke Army Medical Center is used as a case study. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Richard Wilbur's Poem 'Love Calls Us to the Things of This World'

    An Explanation of the Poem by Richard Wilbur A 3 page discussion of Wilbur’s poem. The author of this paper provides a detailed discussion of the poet’s choice of words and discusses how this choice serves as a contrast between the spiritual and the earthly aspects of human existence. No additional sources are listed.

  • Richard Wilbur's Poem 'Love Calls Us to the Things of This World'

    An Explanation of the Poem by Richard Wilbur A 3 page discussion of Wilbur’s poem. The author of this paper provides a detailed discussion of the poet’s choice of words and discusses how this choice serves as a contrast between the spiritual and the earthly aspects of human existence. No additional sources are listed.

  • History and Structure of the WTO

    A 10 page research paper tracing the origins of the WTO from it's GATT beginnings and including critical views of the organization's strengths, weaknesses and direction. The paper examines the structure of the WTO, briefly including decision/appeal procedures and how the WTO could affect the sovereignty of member nations. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • History, Development, and Geography's Influence

    This is a 5 page paper discussing geography’s influence on history. Geography has a great impact on history, development, and social, cultural, religious and political affiliations. Historically, regions with geographical advantageous positions, such as those with access to navigable waterways have led other areas in regards to exploration, market economy and development. Geographically, Britain provides an excellent example of the advantages of a land with fertile soil, navigable waterways and a long coastline with natural harbors. This led England to exploration and navigation which in turn led them to other lands which they could develop. Other regions with water access also gained a great deal in trade and exploration. New lands which were developed were also those which were easily accessible, had irritable soil, and navigable waterways. Lands which did not have these geographically preferred features were largely neglected unless they were geophysically blessed with natural resources such as oil or gold. Today geography still plays an essential influence on the historical affiliations of many peoples who despite political, religious or international alliances are still mostly affected with their geographical locale. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Chancellors A History Of The Leaders Of The British Exchequer, 1886-1947 by Roy Jenkins

    12 pages in length. Roy Jenkins' purpose for penning The Chancellors: A History of the Leaders of the British Exchequer, 1886-1947 was not so much to chronicle the political contributions of each of the nineteen men who held office during this particular period; rather, the author chose a more personal approach as a means by which to portray the psychological and political components of each protagonist. Unlike similar accounts on the subject, Jenkins employs a significant sense of humor, not-so-subtle irony and rather unflattering perspective of what he calls a disparate lot of British Chancellors who had no more in common with one another than somewhat more than average ability and substantially more than average ambition. Indeed, The Chancellors' essays do not represent the typical and stuffy account of history's British moneymen. No additional sources cited.

  • An Examination of Automatic External Defibrilalator

    (10pp) Sudden coronary arrest strikes about 350,000 people a year in the U.S., killing 95 percent of them. The definitive treatment is defibrillation — a controlled electric shock to the chest that can restore the heart’s normal rhythm. The chance of survival for cardiac arrest victims drops at a rate of 10 percent for each minute they don’t receive help. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Mass Media and Entertainment

    This is a 5 page paper discussing mass media for pleasure and entertainment with examples from British history. Mass media in relation to today’s society has a great many formats in which to give the public information, promotion of new merchandise, news, entertainment and various forms of pleasure in the world of television, journalism, films, computer games and the internet to name a few. Traditionally, media was thought to be a source of viable information to the masses yet history shows that media was also used as much for the pleasure and entertainment of the masses as it was to provide information about current, world or political events. In today’s newspapers, although seemingly filled with violent news, they are also filled with “feel good” stories, entertainment sections, film and literary reviews as well as the classic comic, jumble and crossword features. In the Victorian era, the mass media were the providers of scandals and serial novels highly popular in that time. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Perspective Comparisons of Western Civilization A Brief History by Marvin Perry and Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

    5 pages in length. Humankind's history has been filled with advancements; indeed, one can readily argue that since the very first time man realized he had the ability to formulate specific answers to problematic questions, he has been furthering the human race without so much as a reprieve. This unwavering progress has been recorded and taught in every classroom of every school all over the world. It would never occur to anyone who has spent his or her entire life believing such teachings that there could be something incredibly wrong with the manner by which humanity has furthered its own species. This is precisely the point of Daniel Quinn's Ishmael, which effectively characterizes the origins of civilization as nothing short of disastrous for both the planet and other species alike. When compared with the likes of Marvin Perry's Western Civilization: A Brief History, it becomes quite clear how mankind demonstrated the damaging characteristics of individualism from the beginning. No additional sources cited.

  • Tokugawa Period of Japanese History

    An 11 page paper which examines to what extent the Tokugawa Period in Japanese history was a history of rapid and extensive urbanization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Contribution to American History and Jewish American History by Henry Kissinger

    A 5 page paper which examines the life and contributions of Henry Kissinger to Jewish American history and American history in general. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Traditions, Culture and History of Burma

    This is a 5 page paper discussing Burmese history, culture, and traditions. Burma (Myanmar) is a country rich in culture, religion, history and traditional festivals and beliefs. Over 89 percent of the population is Buddhist and this provides a great deal of traditional structure and family values to the way of life in the country. Most of the population belongs to the agricultural sector which further retains the traditional rituals of the small communities. The political situation in Burma however is turbulent as a militant government has controlled the country for several decades which has led to a great deal of rioting, controversy and violation of human rights. Because of the political situation and record in Myanmar, some countries have imposed trade sanctions against the country which impacts the economy considerably. Despite the poor conditions however, the cultural and religious basis of Burma and the Burmese remains intact and a significant and central aspect of lives of the people. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Color Photography History

    (9pp) Ever since the advent of the daguerreotype and the calotype in 1839, photographers began to search for a way to reproduce their subject matter in color. Indeed, color photographs became available practically as soon as photography itself. But these early attempts at color photography were nothing more than hand tinted black & white photographs of the area. Color theory was still relatively primitive at this time, and the photographic materials available were blind to almost half of the visible spectrum Almost a hundred years would pass, before the necessary film is available to the public. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview on the History of Dental Fillings

    An 8 page discussion of the history of dental fillings. Traces the filling from ancient times to present exploring the various types of materials which were used. Explains that the choice of filling is related to performance but also to availability and cost. Notes that the evolutionary path of fillings is tied as well to the evolutionary paths of other dentistry aspects such as drill evolution and the development of molding techniques and materials. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Spain's Economic History

    This 8 page report discusses the economy of Spain in terms of: historical precedent; relationship with its European neighbors; its movement toward European integration; problems it faced becoming a part of the European Union; and, its current economic and diplomatic status with Europe. The report also provides a brief comparison of the economies of Spain and Germany that illustrates both Spain’s relationship to Germany and how far the nation has come in the past several decades of determination. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Dell Computer's Corporate History

    5 pages in length. The year 1984 marked the beginning for the country's largest direct seller of personal computers. Michael Dell first began constructing his company from his dorm room at the University of Texas-Austin, often taking drastic measures -- such as hiding his computers in the bathtub -- to make sure that no one suspected his sideline. The business that emanated from this dorm room eventually became known as Dell Computer Corporation in May of 1984. The writer chronicles the growth and development of Dell Computer Corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Resources on the Internet and its Applications

    This 10 page report discusses a broad range of reference information that relates to the Internet and its various applications. Numerous citations are include with brief pieces of information written to provide a more comprehensive, yet condensed, overview of the Internet. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • History of Typography and Design

    This 6 page paper considers the history of topography, as well as its modern applications. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Parallel Computing and its Evolution

    An 11 page paper discussing the evolution of parallel computing. The path of the quest for workable parallel computing configurations is littered with far more failures than successes. Despite the failures of the past, the concept of parallel computing remains one worth pursuing and in fact represents the next logical step in the evolution of computing in general. The paper begins with Gene Amdahl in 1955, progresses through the trial and error of the 1960s and 1970s, and relays many of the successes and strides of the 1980s and 1990s. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • What if the Mayflower Had Landed in Jamestown instead of Plymouth?

    A 4 page paper that speculates how the issue of slavery might have been different had the Puritan influence been over the plantations of the south. Included is a comparison of the type of people who colonized Jamestown and the type who colonized New England. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Linda Gordon's Single Mothers and the History of Welfare - Pitied But Not Entitled

    A 15 page review of Linda Gordon's book in which the writer analyzes how reformers view poor single mothers and welfare. Three of its chapters are about the views of the white women's social welfare network, the black women's social welfare network (excluded from the white women's groups mostly by raw segregation), and the white male social insurance reformer network. Gordon argues that contemporary welfare programs for single mothers were shaped by the ideas and the decisions that went into state aid programs created between 1910 and 1920, programs that were variously called mothers' pensions, widows' pensions and mothers' aid. Various sociopolitical points and arguments presented by Gordon are analytically presented. No other sources cited.

  • Mexican Americans' Culture and History

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of some of the historical points relative to the culture and identification of Mexican Americans and asserts that while recent immigration concerns have sparked controversies over the largess of Mexican American communities, Mexican Americans have been a significant segment of the American culture since they first settled regions of the West in the 16th century. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Overview of GTE

    This 10 page report discusses GTE, one of the world's largest telecommunications companies. In the United States, GTE provides local service in 28 states and wireless service in 17 states; nationwide long-distance and internetworking services ranging from dial-up Internet access for residential and small-business consumers to Web-based applications. Outside the United States, the company serves more than 7 million telecommunications customers. Current merger issues with Bell Atlantic are also discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Theme Parks and Their History

    This 7 page paper explores the evolution of theme parks from Disneyland to Universal Studios' Jurassic Park. Specifically discussed are the economic benefits provided by theme parks, the ever-growing number of theme parks throughout the United States, and the changes theme parks have undergone over the years. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Tokugawa's Fall

    A 5 page researching the reasons for the fall of the Tokugawa Bakufu. The Tokugawa brought two centuries of peace to Japan and then became obsolete. The demands of other nations and the demands within the country led to the 15th Tokugawa Shogun turning the power back to the Emperor. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Should The Bible Be Used To Teach History

    An 8 page paper. The question of the Bible's veracity must be addressed before this question can be answered. The greatest part of this essay addresses the accuracy of the Bible in terms of historical events; archaeological evidence is reported. The writer then comments on the title question. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Historical and Theological View of Urban Renewal in Lupton's "Renewing the City"

    This is a 7 page paper that provides an overview of Lupton's "Renewing the City." The correlations between the biblical book of Nehemiah and contemporary urban planning methods is explored. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Art History Questions

    A 4 page research paper in which the writer addresses four specific art topics, which includes ancient Egyptian art; Picasso's "Gernica"; the importance of music in the writer's life; and the writer's personal position on the importance and value of art. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Social History and Sexuality

    A 6 page paper discussing the use of the study of sex and scandal in defining a society or culture of the past. The study of attitudes toward sex and scandal in any society can help inform social definition, but it also needs to be undertaken with some caveats. Using the study of sex and scandal to help further define any society of the past is a valid pursuit. However, those choosing that route must make allowances for the social and linguistic customs and patterns in which events not only occurred, but also in which they were recorded. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Holy Qur'an History

    5 pages in length. A deeply religious man who loathed his society's decadence, Muhammad found that meditation was successful at easing his distress. From the time when he saw the vision in the Cave of Mt. Hira, the prophet continued his duty as God's messenger for another twenty-three years; all his prolific teachings are found in the Qur'an. The writer discusses the historical impact of the Qur'an. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Cultural Understanding and the Reflections of Photography

    An 8 page discussion of the value of still photography and film in cultural research. The author contends that cultural history, a subcategory of both anthropology and history, is indeed replete with examples of the value of these mediums in preserving culture in a visual format. It is emphasized that this value is not exclusive to the use of photography as a documentary tool by the researcher but that instead it encapsulates the use of film produced by the culture itself. Asserts that both documentary and fictional film can be of tremendous research value.

  • A History of Nationalism in Russia

    A 4 page research paper that examines the topic of Russian nationalism from an historical point of view. The writer argues that by examining the history of Russian nationalism, it is possible to gain insight into the continuing role that Russian nationalism has played throughout Russian history and particularly in regards to how it contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History of California and the San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Mission

    In 11 pages, the author discusses the history of the mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa and how it helped to shape California's history. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Multimedia and Communications' History

    This 20 page paper provides an overview of the history of communications leading up to and including multimedia. Various aspects are discussed inclusive of the history of video and audio communications and the way in which computer technology has affected the lives of ordinary individuals. The transitions over time are explored and a historical perspective is provided. Finally, the paper takes a look at how the media as a form of communications has affected the world. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Failure of Afghanistan's Humanitarian Aid

    A 10 page overview of the history of humanitarian aid in Afghanistan. This paper contends that while there are indeed people living in sub-human conditions and even starving to death in some instances, very little of our aid gets through to the needy and what does is often received with suspicion and hatred. The reasons for our failure can be attributed to the history of the interworkings between this country and the countries which are trying to assist it. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • History of Europe

    A 9 page paper which addresses there specific topics in European history. The paper examines why Britain's attempts to colonize America were unsuccessful, John Locke contribute to the development of a progressive theory of history, and the similarities and differences between British and French colonization. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Haunting and its History

    7 pages. This paper examines the history of amusement park haunted houses, as well as those that become popular during the Halloween season. A history of Halloween is given which will help to explain why people enjoy being scared out of their minds and even pay to do so. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Russian History's Inconsistencies and Dichotomies

    This 5 page paper looks at the history of Russia with a focus on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The attitudes that created dichotomies and the nation's inconsistent policies are explored. The history of this nation is tied in to the state of affairs today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History, Brands, and Product Life Cycles

    This 4 page paper considers why a brand with a long history, or the perception of a long history may not be as successful as a more up to date brand. The paper considers the role of the product or brand lifecycle and the impact historical association may have on a brand and the need for brand renewal. Examples are cited to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Pivotal Historical Point of the 1789 French Revolution

    A 5 page research paper that argues the position that the French Revolution of 1789 was a pivotal point in history. In other words, everything that had occurred in recent world history led up to and influenced the coming of the French Revolution and then the Revolution influenced everything that came afterward. Examination of this topic shows that there is a great deal of validity to the position that the French Revolution was the most significant historical event of this era. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History Texts' Depiction of Native Americans

    This 8 page paper evaluates a variety of American history books and focuses on how Indians are portrayed. Many texts ar mentioned. It is noted that there is still scant information on Native Americans in all history books in a variety of decades. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • History and Testing Measures of Intelligence Theory

    This 5 page paper outlines major points in the history of intelligence theory and testing. These types of theories began with Pythagoras and have a long history that includes Plato, Aristotle, Philo, Galton, Binet, Terman, Weschler, Gardner and others. What each contributed is discussed. The measures of intelligence began with Galton but it is the Stanford-Binet and the Weschler scales that are most well-known. The essay briefly explains what the Mental Status exam measures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History and Implications of Medicare's Managed Care

    A 5 page paper discussing the history of Medicare managed care, economic implications and outlook for the future. The paper focuses on the history of the Medicare managed care, which saw its greatest growth throughout the decade of the 1990s. Medicare managed care has as much difficulty as other types of HMOs, however, and many are ceasing operations. This leaves seniors in a pool of uncertainty as increasing numbers of physicians turn away Medicare patients. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • American Popular Foods History

    This 6 page paper delves into the history of food in general, but explores American favorites like soda, the hamburger and French fries. A brief food time line to denote the history of all foods is included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The History of Accounting and its Career Benefits

    This 6-page paper examines the history of the accounting profession and explains why someone might choose accounting as a career based on its history. The essay discusses accounting in ancient times, as well as the first chartered accountant group and double-entry bookkeeping. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Early Literature and Poetry of China and Japan and Women

    A 12 page research paper. Japanese and Chinese literature, both poetry and prose, have extensive roots that reach far into their histories. This is especially true of China, which is the only country in the world with a literature, written in one language, which goes back 3,000 consecutive years. Throughout their long histories, these cultures have influenced each other. The following examination of Chinese and Japanese literature looks specifically at the significance of female writers in these traditions. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Sneakers and Their History

    This 5 page paper discusses the history of tennis shoes. This paper examines specifically the history of walking shoes from the 1900's to the 1940's. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • West Misperceptions of the History of East Asia

    A 5 page research paper that argues that the traditional orientation of Western historians toward East Asian history is deceptive and inadequate. The writer then argues that thesis of Edward Said in Orientalism can be applied to the Far East and examples are drawn from Chinese history to support this argument. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Life's Service and Disservice According to Friedrich Nietzsche

    This 6 page paper talks about Nietzsche's essay entitled History in the Service and Disservice of Life. The ideas are related to modern philosophy. The concepts are further compared with Greek philosophy. Concepts regarding history and its importance are discussed in general. No additional sources cited.

  • Male Historians and the Challenges of Women's History

    This 4 page paper considers the issue of a feminist approach to history. Joan Kelly-Gadol's essay Did Women Have a Renaissance, published in Becoming Visible: Women in European History, directly relates to the question of the emerging approach of female historians. Female historians, after reflecting on the traditional narratives of male dominated societies, have recognized that women essentially had no voice in the past. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Websites on Black History and Information Verification

    A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares sites on black history. An Internet site entitled "History Notes" lists numerous articles by Runoko Rashidi. Two of these articles were selected for comparison with other Internet sites for verification of information and to discern if contradictions exist between the articles selected and other Internet sources. The two articles chosen were "Ancient Africa and Early Rome" and "The Moors in Europe." Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Unique U.S. Southern State of Louisiana

    This 4 page paper examines the history of Louisiana and looks at its place in Southern history. What is different about Louisiana is discussed as well as what is the same. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The History of Traditional Mexican Cuisine

    A 7 page research paper that examines the history of Mexican food and specifically, the history of several traditional dishes, such as enchiladas, tacos, and salsa. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • UK Immigration History

    A paper which looks at the history of immigration to the UK, the history of London and its development as a multicultural city, and at Iraqi migration patterns, past and present, to the UK.

  • Wedding Dress History

    A 7 page paper which examines the history of the wedding dress. The focus is predominantly on the history of the Western wedding dress. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A History of the Tabernacle and Catholic Pulpit

    A 22 page research paper that consists of 18 full pages of text and 4 pages of annotated bibliography. The writer offers an overview of the history of Catholic architecture, focusing on the evolution of church construction, but also touching on the history of the pulpit. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • 'Fur Trade History as an Aspect of Native History' by Arthur J. Ray Summarized and Critiqued

    This is a 3 page paper discussing Arthur J. Ray’s article “Fur Trade History as an Aspect of Native History”. Arthur J. Ray’s article “Fur Trade History as an Aspect of Native History”, presents the reader with an alternative perspective in regards to the fur trade and the relationship between the Natives and the Europeans in early Canadian history. While Ray does not deny the Europeans exploited the Natives throughout history, he nevertheless presents an argument which suggests the possibility that the Natives were not “unintelligent” in their trading methods and indeed controlled a great deal of the competition and the quality of the merchandise traded through the Hudson’s Bay Company. Ray presents good examples and documentation from the 18th century which provides good evidence for his argument, however economically it is clear that despite the important roles the Natives played in the onset of the process, the Europeans nevertheless overcome the influence of the Natives negating most of the argument proposed by Ray. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Analyzing On the Use and Abuse of History for Life by Friedrich Nietzsche

    A 5 page paper analyzing Neitzsche’s view of the study of history. Neitzsche indicates that there is value in being able to be “unhistorical,” that is, being able to forget portions of history that do nothing to add value to the present, but he also states that the “super-historical” is the preferred state. This is the perspective that calls on art and religion to inform conclusions about past events and their applicability to the present time. It is one that considers more than only one narrow view of any point or time in history. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Western History and the Divine Nature of God

    A 5 page research paper that examines the history of philosophy concerning the nature of God. Throughout the course of Western history, philosophers and theologians have sought to answer questions pertaining to the nature and existence of God. "What is the nature of God and how is he related to the universe? Is God a person, like man, but more ideal? …Can the human mind know God," these and other questions have plagued humanity from earliest history (Frost 100). This examination surveys concepts of God from Plato to Aquinas, showing how the conceptualization of the divine progressed during the millennia.

  • New England in the Seventeenth Century and Environmental History

    A 6 page research paper that examines chapter 3 from a text concerning American environmental history. In the text Major Problems in American Environmental History, editor Carolyn Merchant assembles an eclectic yet revealing collection of documents and essays that offer a form of "snap shot" of a specific period in American history in relation to environmental issues. Chapter 3 of this text focuses on the New England forest in the seventeenth century. Examination of this chapter demonstrates the basic conflict not only between how the Native Americans perceived the natural world, but also between how different groups of Europeans perceived it. These documents indicate that how the natural world is perceived and conceptualized within the boundaries of the human imagination is crucial to human interaction with the natural world. Bibliography lists 12 sources taken from this 1 text.

  • Overview of Suicide

    This is a 8 page paper which discusses that various theories, types, and rates of suicides found in the U.S. today. Introduced by Durkheim, researchers still use his types of suicide (altruistic, egoistic, and anomic) to try and explain suicide and sociological factors which occur. In addition, more recent factors such as race and alcohol abuse are discussed along with the recent introduction of a suicide prevention program by the U.S. government. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Historical Connections Between Puritanism and Calvinism

    An 8 page discussion of the history of the Puritans. The author contends that this history is considerably more extensive than that that unfolded in the “New World”. Indeed, the Puritans are integrally connected to Scotland and a man known as John Calvin. Puritans were followers of Calvin’s radical new approach to religion. The reverberations of that approach would reach far beyond Scotland and into the Americas as well as the rest of the world. Not only would it shape the actions of the Puritans themselves, it would determine the way they would interact with others throughout history. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Pythagorean Theorem and its History

    5 pages. An interesting research paper on the background of the Pythagorean Theorem that is used in algebra and geometry. Details the history of the theorem. This is actually a fascinating history and one that is not often discussed in the classroom. The Pythagorean Theorem was founded by a cult that actually worshipped numbers and felt that everything in the Universe was number-related. A very interesting history for a well-known math theory to say the least! Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Railroads of Guatemala and Their Economic History

    16 pages in length. The economic history of Guatemala's railroads has been one of significant upheaval with regard to its status, structure and overall existence. It has, indeed, been a long and winding road for Guatemala's railway system in that it has experienced quite a metamorphosis within the past several years. Attempting to rebuild a part of its history that has been sorely neglected, Guatemalan officials have put forth a considerable effort to re-establish their railroads as a means by which to bolster an otherwise sagging tourist economy. The writer discusses the economic history of Guatemala's railroads. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Math Through the Ages, A Gentle History

    A 4 page book review. William Berlinghoff and Fernando Gouvea offer a fascinating and insightful view of the history of mathematics in their text Math Through the Ages: A Gentle History For Teachers and Others. The authors' intention in this work is to give their readers "a general feel for the lay of the land perhaps to help you become familiar with the significant landmarks" (Berlinghoff and Gouvea 5). In short, this is an overview of math history, a "brief survey" of what is in a gigantic topic (Berlinghoff and Gouvea 5). However, the appeal of this book goes deeper than this, as the authors often offer insight into the topic that helps to explain historical details, helping the reader see how math concepts developed and evolved. No additional sources cited.

  • Railroads of Guatemala and Their Economic History

    16 pages in length. The economic history of Guatemala's railroads has been one of significant upheaval with regard to its status, structure and overall existence. It has, indeed, been a long and winding road for Guatemala's railway system in that it has experienced quite a metamorphosis within the past several years. Attempting to rebuild a part of its history that has been sorely neglected, Guatemalan officials have put forth a considerable effort to re-establish their railroads as a means by which to bolster an otherwise sagging tourist economy. The writer discusses the economic history of Guatemala's railroads. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • G.B. Nash, C. Crabtree, and R.E. Dunn's History on Trial Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past

    This is a 6 page paper discussing the book “History on Trial: Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past” (1997). The publication of “History on Trial: Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past” which describes the heated controversy surrounding the formation of the National History Standards in the mid-1990s, has in itself several controversial issues which makes it a useful tool in discussion forums in the social sciences. The authors of the text, Gary B. Nash, Charlotte Crabtree and Ross E. Dunn were involved in the selection of the committee working on the standards and have provided a background look at the events which took place during the development of the standards. Different issues discussed were the fact that while several historians approved of the constant updating and reinterpretation of historical events in the past and the inclusion of addition of multicultural issues while others believe that history as it has traditionally been taught should not be altered to any extent. The authors provide criticism of their own critics but their close proximity to the situation also provides additional limitations to the work which is provided to the reader as highly subjective in its context. Overall however, it is in a sense a historical document in its own right which like any other event from history is open for discussion or controversy and widely resembles many of the points outlined by the authors. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ethics and the Old Testament

    A 4 page paper discussing the Ten Commandments, Sabbath years, the year of Jubilee and the Proverbs 31 woman. The Bible is filled with lessons in how people ought to act. The Ten Commandments provides the framework; other text passages expand on and give examples of the basic tenets of the Ten Commandments. Taken together and in context, all of these passages contain lessons for life today, speaking to us in terms of how we conduct business. No sources listed.

  • Great Britain, Pearl Harbor, and Prior Knowledge of the Japanese Attack

    This 20 page paper examines the role of Britain in regards to Pearl Harbor, and explores the idea that they had intelligence which informed them about Pearl Harbor before it happened, and that they did not warn the U.S. This paper presents the evidence against Britain as well as their motivations. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Improving Corporate Governance and Supervision in New Zealand

    This 8 page paper considers corporate governance in New Zealand looks at the way it is being addressed in countries such as the UK and the US following the credit crisis of 2008/9 and assesses if any of these approaches may be beneficial for New Zealand. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Peace Legacy Left by US Secretary of State Warren Christopher

    A ten page paper that outlines Warren Christopher's four-year tenure as U.S. Secretary of State and the lasting effect of his actions as Secretary. Emphasis is placed on the Dayton peace accords and Christopher's role in negotiating peace and ending the war in Bosnia. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • U.S. Citizenship Obligations

    This paper examines citizenship as it pertains to legal residents and aliens. The paper defines citizenship, discusses the requirements of becoming a U.S. citizen, and discusses some of the challenges that interfere with being an active citizen. Also under discussion is the impact that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States has had on citizen participation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Outsourcing Trend Reversal

    This 3 page paper looks at the problem of outsourcing in the US and considers how the trend of losing jobs to developing countries may be reversed. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Future Trends in Employee Motivation and Compensation within the Military

    A 6 page paper discussing compensation models, reward systems and planning for contingency needs in the military. There is no question that both the US and its military have entered a new era that no one wanted. As is the case in compensation and reward systems in the private sector, the military will need to assess the future long before it arrives, and plan for it well. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Health Care - United States vs Canada

    An 8 page paper. Compares health care in both countries, reports data regarding costs and comments on access and goals of each program. The problems reported with each system are reported and discussed. A recommendation is made for the health care system in the U.S. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Benefits of the Miranda Rule of 1966

    This 5 page report discusses the merits of the 1966 Miranda Rule. Miranda v. Arizona (384 U.S. 436) was a landmark Supreme Court case that dramatically affected police investigations, particularly in the definition and scope of the terms 'detention' and 'custody,' as well as protection against self-incrimination. Recent criticisms of Miranda fail to take into account the great good it has accomplished over the past three decades. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • United States Economy and Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policy

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the Federal Reserve Bank as well as the role of fiscal policy on the U.S. economy. Examples are provided and terms are defined. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Mutual Funds

    This 5 page paper looks at mutual funds, their regulation, structure and development and market size comparing the UK with the US and Canada. The paper cites 7 sources.

  • U.S. Legal Questions on Estates, Wills, and Contract Law Answered

    This 5 page paper gives a series of short answers to questions about US law, including contract law and that of wills and estates. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Macroeconomic Issues

    This 5 page paper is written in two parts. The first part assesses the US budget in 2012 determining whether it is contractionary or expansionary, looking at how it has changed. The second part of the paper is an 8 slide PowerPoint presentation explaining the different between macroeconomics and microeconomics. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • An Esperanto Inc. Export Analysis

    This 7-page paper bases an export analysis of U.S.-based Esperanto, Inc. and its goal to export unusual gifts for sale in Canada. Issues touched on in this report include export policies and goals, long-term objectives, external conditions, timelines and a risk analysis for the venture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Potomac River and Chesapeake River Basin Cleanup

    This 4 page hypothetical essay looks at the issue and provides discussion around sevaral stakeholder responsilities including the U.S. government (according to the World Bank), companies like Omega Protein, and support of nonprofits. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Who Should Pay For The Infrastructure

    A 5 page paper. The question is whether or not the government should pay for the infrastructure. The paper reports the condition of the infrastructure in the U.S. and how much it would cost to bring it up to standards. The writer reports and comments on the debate of who should pay for improvements as the population grows and also reports what some states have done to address the problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Doing Business in Russia

    An 8 page paper discussing the business climate and culture in Russia. The bottom line as it exists today is that Russia still is full of promise as in the past, and positive changes are occurring. Business people from other cultures – particularly the US – should be cognizant and respectful of Russia's love for formality and tradition, but they also should be aware that both the Russian people and government also seek positive change in business and opportunity while retaining Russia's unique culture. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Alternative Energy Sources: What is Best for America?

    In six pages this paper examines five alternative energy sources, their similarities and differences, and considers which of these sources would be best for the U.S. economy. Four sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • The Right to Privacy: A Constitutional Provision?

    An 8 page discussion of the controversy surrounding the question of whether or not the U.S. Constitution provides for the right to privacy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • U.S. Grand Strategy Models

    A 6 page paper. Two models for the grand strategy are explained: selective engagement and primacy. The essay includes comments in terms of how these strategies meet the criteria for a grand strategy as issued by the U.S. Army College. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Department Of Homeland Security

    An 8 page paper. This paper provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The paper discusses the purpose of the Department, its goals and its budget. The paper also comments on fiscal regionalism, globalization, cutback and surplus management, foreign trade zones and funding to other governments, such as state governments. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • 18th and 19th Century 'Great Awakenings' in America

    A 12 page research paper that examines the differences and similarities between the First Great Awakening for US religious observance, which occurred in the eighteenth century, and the Second Great Awakening, which occurred a century later. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Answering Cold War Questions

    A 5 page research paper that examines 4 questions pertaining to the Cold War. The questions cover issues that produced the war; where "hot" wars broke out and areas of the world in which the US and the USSR competed for loyalty; key events that affected the relations between the superpowers; and reforms instituted by Gorbachev and other causes of the end of the Cold War. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Issues in Coastal Resource Management

    This 7-page paper examines issues pertaining to coastal resource management in the U.S. Topics include government and non-governmental efforts, as well as the management of land, agriculture, vegetation and water as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Cost of Executive Pay

    This 7 page paper considers the level of executive pay in the US and the UK and assesses whether or not the higher levels seen here, compared to countries such as Germany and Japan have a social and economic damaging impact. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Philosophy and Imagination in William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    An 8 page paper comparing and contrasting the styles and philosophies of these two early nineteenth-century poets. The paper uses as examples Wordsworth's 'Ode on the Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood' and Coleridge's 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner' , and concludes that whereas Wordsworth's poetry is philosophy in verse, Coleridge gives us images we can see and feel. Bibliography lists six sources.

  • All Year Education in the U.S. and its Controversy

    A 7 page paper describing year-round schools in the U.S. The writer describes what year-round schools are, studies on their effectiveness, and recommends that they be adopted. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Bowling for Columbine

    A 4 page analysis of Michael Moore's 2003 documentary Bowling for Columbine addresses the gun culture in the US. The writer examines the rhetorical arguments and strategies used by Moore, as well as the director's main purpose. The writer argues that Moore's central premise is that the country's gun culture is unwarranted and that this culture is behind the perpetration of atrocities such as Columbine. His point is that an armed nation is unnecessary and dangerous. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Trademarks, Licensing, and International Law

    This 17 page paper considers the way in which international law impacts on the way that trademarks are protected or used and hw this may impact on licensing globally. The writer cites many cases and looks at several areas including the EU and the US. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Article Analysis/Urinary Incontinence Study

    A 3 page article critique that summarizes and analyzes a study on urinary incontinence among nursing home residents in the Southeastern US. No additional sources cited.

  • Investment Capital Issues

    A 4 page paper answering several venture capital questions. One discusses an entrepreneur's (Heather Evans) quest for locating venture capital; another asks for comparison of standard venture capital advice and requirements between the US and companies in SE Asia. The paper also discusses entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and other related topics. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Vietnam, America’s Lost War

    In five pages this paper examines how the United States became involved in Vietnam, how U.S. policymakers failed to understand Vietnam, considers the overall costs of the war, and the parallels that exist between the conflicts in Vietnam and Iraq. Five sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • Exporting U.S. Wines to China

    This 10 page paper explores the feasibility of exporting wines from the U.S. to China, and argues that despite some potential difficulties in such technicalities as labeling and distribution, the market potential, plus the growing Chinese consumption of wine, makes the project attractive. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Research Methods; Why Does the United States Have Fewer Students Taking Advanced Examinations Compared England and Wales, France and Germany

    This 10 page paper is the third chapter for a project looking at the different performance of students in the US compared to others countries in terms of the level of advanced examination that are taken. This paper is the research methodology paper, recapping on the purpose of the study and this aims and then outlining the research models, approached and methodology that will be utilised as well as the required resources and the brief findings of the pilot study. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Discussion of the U.S. Civil War Reconstruction and Recommendations

    This 7-page paper focuses on the U.S. Civil War and its Reconstruction, and offers recommendations and potential legislation for how things could have been different. Also discussed are reasons for the War itself and where Reconstruction went wrong. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Segregation History Since the 1980s

    This 7 page paper deals with the trends in segregation and desegregation during the period of 1980-2000. The paper utilizes recent data from a twenty year study by the University of Albany as well as current information from the US Census Bureau. Conclusions drawn from the data are supported with examples, quotes, all cited. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Post September 11 Immigration Laws of the United States

    A 6 page paper summarizing the basic points of US immigration laws in the post-9/11 environment. Immigration requirements already were difficult for many before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Since then, they have become quite stringent. Bibliography lists 5 sources. A companion PowerPoint presentation is available.

  • Distribution Channels of the U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam

    A 4 page paper discussing the current distribution channels of the U.S. Naval Hospital on Guam and suggesting ways that the hospital can extend those existing channels to increase service and perhaps reduce operating costs. Current distribution of services certainly is adequate, but as Deming (1986) noted, improvement is always possible. The hospital has opportunity to enhance current distribution in the absence of crisis motivation to further enhance the service it currently provides. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Pricing at the U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam

    A 4 page paper discussing pricing and using a Naval hospital as the target organization. The U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam has the freedom to establish prices for any goods or services not covered by Medicare, but it has no freedom at all when establishing prices for goods and services for which Medicare could be asked to pay. This is a fact of health care in evolution. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Risks Associated with the Funding of Foreign Trade with Companies in Bangladesh

    This 4 page paper examines the different types of risk that may face a US firm considering financing foreign trade with Bangladesh. Issues such as the legal system, regulatory framework and problems such as corruption all discussed. Potential strategies which may help to reduce risk identified and examined. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Vital Signs/Multi-Ethnic Groups in US

    A 3 page research paper that discusses a student's question. According to an online medical dictionary (www.medical-, the term "vital signs" is defined as "Basic indicators of body function, usually meaning heartbeats per minute, breaths per minute, blood pressure, body temperature, and weight." In answer to the student's research question: "Do vital signs and general measurements vary between ethnic groups in the US?", the answer depends on which vital sign or measurement that is being discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Cold War: Causes, Treaties, and Ongoing Tensions

    This 6 page paper traces the root causes of the Cold War all the way back to the Russian Civil War and discusses how the tensions between the US and Russia magnified during the middle war years and World War II. Incidents such as the Cuban Missile Crisis almost resulted in full-out war. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Defense Transformation's Affect on Force Mgmt

    A 7 page paper that discusses the transformation that US military forces are currently undergoing. This paper focuses, specifically, on how the transformation process is affecting force management. Various aspects of force management are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Strategic Human Resource Management at Standard Chartered Bank

    This 20 page case study is written in three sections. Using a case study supplied by the student the first part compares the human resource management approaches of the Standard Chartered Bank to determine is the company us using strategic human resource management (SHRM). In the second section arguments are supplied to support the ongoing use of talent management strategies in an environment where costs need to be cut. The finak section discusses the importance of measurement to assess the success, or failure, of strategic HRM and suggests some measures suitable for the case study.

  • Depiction of Events by Television News Broadcasts

    This 8 page paper explores the question of whether we see events accurately or only what TV news broadcasters want us to see; it argues that television news reflects only partial reality; and it gives reasons for this state of affairs. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Gap Inc Position and Potential Strategy

    This 22 page paper examines the US firm The Gap Inc., looking at the situation of the firm, assessing the internal and external influences, the financial performance and the competitive position. A TOWS analysis is then used to assess potential strategies that could be used, the different options are discussed and a recommendation is made. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • An American Literature Study

    This 4 page paper provides a study in American Literature by analyzing the work of William Bradford with that of Cotton Mather. This paper highlights their similarities, differences, the culture and history of the times, etc. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Literature and Violence

    A 4 page essay that analyzes three literary works in regards to their use of violence. Throughout the history of Western literature, violence has been frequently used as an integral element of narrative. While unpleasant, often horrific, violence is nevertheless a commonality of human experience and often constitutes the defining element of individual lives. This factor is clearly evident in ancient literature as well as contemporary, as demonstrated in this examination of Sophocles' Oedipus the King, Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried, and Anne Tyler's Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature of the Medieval Period

    This 21 page paper addresses several different topics. The authors discussed are St. Paul (Romans and Galatians); Augustine (Confessions); Gospel of Mark; Boethius (Consolation); and Gregory of Tours (History of the Franks). The essay discusses: the education of each author; who may have rewritten their original document; defining evil; authors' perceptions of a heavenly kingdom; the authors' use of belief; why each of the authors considered himself a Roman; conflict. While most of the five authors are discussed under each topic heading, not all are. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Stuik’s “A Concise History of Mathematics”

    This 4 page paper is a review of the book ‘A Concise History of Mathematics’ by Dirk J. Struik. The paper reviews the content and the style of the book which was first published in 1948 and traced the development of mathematical theory form prehistory to the first half of the twentieth century. The bibliography cites 2 source.


    This 10-page paper provides a brief history of mathematics, as well as some famous mathematicians. Also discusses mathematics applications today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Irish Folklore in the Poetry of William Butler Yeats

    A 10 page emphasis that Yeats' work is important not just from an entertainment perspective but also from the perspective that it preserved a critical chapter in Irish history. Many of his poems capture the spirit of Ireland, the richness of the folklore and the old wives tales as well as the soul of the quest for Irish independence. The author of the paper uses "Come Gather Round Me, Parnellites" and "Sailing to Byzantium" to illustrate this point. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Overview of Apocalyptic Literature

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of the theories that predict the end times, focusing on how religion uses it to control its people. How the elite used the theories to control the social order during the high middle ages is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. Democracy and Worldviews

    Since the start of the most recent Gulf War, the countries of the world have placed the United States under close scrutiny. Once self-proclaimed as one of the foremost democratic countries of the world, recent events in political history have led some to believe that the American democratic process no longer represents the kind of legitimate democracy that American defends in their war against those opposed to democratic principles. This 5 page paper provides an overview of the issue presented and relates it to the current literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • MRSA Infection

    A 24 page literature review that examines the problem of MRSA infection. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has been generally considered in the past to be a hospital-acquired (HA) pathogen; however, community-associated (CA) MRSA infections are increasing. The effects of these S. aureus infections can range from the inconvenient to the devastating. History, epidemiology, treatment and prevention are discussed. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • “Apology” and “The Passion of Christ”

    A 4 page paper which examines the connections, as they involve literature and not history, between Plato’s “Apology” and Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of Christ.” Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Category Management

    A 20 page paper providing chapters 1 and 2 of an MBA thesis discussing category management from the retailer's perspective and hypothesizing that its use leads to greater customer satisfaction. Chapter 1 is the introduction and provides background on category management, its uses, history and development. Chapter 2 is the literature review for the project. Bibliography lists 31 sources.

  • Perspective on Slavery

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of some basic questions regarding the literature of slavery, including: 1. What is/was one of the most enduring themes in African American literature? 2. Why did early African American anti-slavery advocates study the history of human slavery? and 3. Define fully the term social death. These questions are answered relative to works of African American literature. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Classroom Management and Behavioral Conditioning

    10 pages in length. Just as people learn lessons pertaining to history or math, they also learn how to behave based upon the manner by which they are trained. Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner introduced the world to an approach to conditioning behavior response without the need for negative reinforcement; rather, the application of positive reception proved a much more viable approach toward getting the wanted behavior. As such, employing the concept within the classroom provides for a much more effective management outcome. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Merger of CIT and Newcourt Credit and Subsequent Management

    A 3 page paper discussing CIT’s acquisition of Newcourt Credit, emphasizing the current management styles at both organizations. CIT is more reserved and methodical in its operations, while Newcourt has a history of seeking innovation in finance. The company acts as the financing arm of Dell Computer and Yamaha Motors, but in a way that the customer never sees. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Historical Overview of the New York City Public Transportation System

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of New York City public transportation, which primarily covers its long history. The paper begins in the early 1800s and goes through to the present. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Sports Origin and Theories

    This 5 page paper provides an analysis of theories in respect to the history of sports. Class based theories are compared with theories which focus on practical issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Mathabane/Kaffir Boy

    A 5 page book review that discusses this autobiography as a primary historical source that relates information about the apartheid era of South African history. No additional sources cited.

  • General Psychology Questions

    21 pages in length. The writer briefly answers 20 general questions about psychology, its history, popular theorists and how they are pertinent to contemporary practice. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • 'Father of Psychology' Wilhelm Wundt

    A 4 page research paper that examines the life and work of Wilhelm Wundt. The history of psychology begins with this topic being studied as sub-topics under the fields of both philosophy and physiology (Oakley, 1995). It became a field in its own right primarily through the work of Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) who is frequently referred to as the "Father of Experimental Psychology" or simply as the "Founder of Modern Psychology." The writer briefly examines his life and accomplishments. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Benjamin Rader/American Sports

    This 8 page paper examines Benjamin Rader's book American Sports. The book delves into history of sport in the United States. The paper focuses on the rise of sport as equated with the rise of cities. No additional sources cited.

  • 20th Century U.S. Welfare Capitalism and Personnel Management

    This 14 page paper looks at the history of personnel management as it evolved between 1900 and 1940. Welfare capitalism during that time period is also discussed and concepts are interrelated. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Business Impact of TQM

    This paper examines the concept of Total Quality Management, some of its history, and its impact on businesses. The paper examines two sides of TQM, the supporters and detractors. Bibligraphy lists 10 sources.

  • Australia and Tennis

    This 15 page paper looks at the sport and the characters who play it and watch it. Demographics are considered in this paper that looks at ethnicity, gender and class as it relates to tennis. The history of the popularity of tennis in Australia is discussed. Statistics are provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Preceptorship in Nursing

    A 9 page research paper that examines nursing preceptorship. The paper begins with a brief history of nursing education and then moves on to define nursing preceptorship and to explore its role in nurse retention, the nurturing of critical thinking skills and other areas of nursing practice. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Total Quality Management and Customer Service

    This 42-page paper discusses how the concept of customer service and satisfaction can be tied to the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM). The paper discusses the history and reasons for TQM, why it's so important to customer service and how these two match up. Also presented are case studies of how TQM has benefited customer satisfaction. Bibilography lists 15 sources.

  • A Total Quality Management Overview

    An 8 page paper written as an internal report on TQM as a possible route for a company to take to increase quality while reducing costs. The paper provides an overview of TQM; its history and development; the Baldrige Award; and underlying management philosophy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Lou Gehrig's Disease

    8 pages in length. Lou Gehrig's disease -– also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – is named as such because of the man who was unlucky enough to be the first one diagnosed with the fatal neurological disease. One of baseball's most beloved players, Gehrig's progressively weakened condition forced him to step back from the plate for good on July 4, 1939 but not before he delivered what is still to this day one of history's most poignant moments in sports. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Important Developments in Nursing

    This 3 page paper looks at two developments in the history of nursing that are important. The two events discussed are the work of Florence Nightingale and the development of evidence based nursing followed by discussion of the work of Dorothy Johnson who developed the Behavior System Model of Nursing. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Professional Nursing and Theory

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the current status of nursing theory, related to the contextual view of the history of nursing theory. This paper relates the fact that in the the curative model, nurses provide assessments, act as integral members of healthcare teams, provide direct and indirect patient care, and address central issues for patients, including patient advocacy. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Nursing Honor Society Sigma Theta Tau International

    A 5 page paper describing Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. (STTI), the Honor Society for Nursing. Described by one author as the nurses’ equivalent to Phi Beta Kappa, STTI is an exclusive organization that holds to exacting qualifications and criteria. The paper includes information on the organization’s history, services it provides for members and how membership benefits individual nurses. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Topics in Community Health Nursing

    A 6 page research paper that discusses the history and parameters of community health nursing practice. Topics covered include school nurses, occupational nursing and the expanding horizons of CHN. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Implementing Patient to Nurse Ratios in the Healthcare Environment

    This 4 page paper looks at the development of the patient to nurse ratio requirements in California. The history of their adoption into legislation is discussed, including the failed attempts and opposition by the hospital industry. The paper then identifies the ratios that have been set and discusses some of the atrocities concerning the implementation. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • ANA as a Political Action Committee

    This 5 page paper focuses in on the political action committee (PAC) affiliated of the ANA. The ANA's support of health care for the elderly is at the crux of this paper as well as the history of such issues affecting the aging population. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Examination Of Alcohol And Sports

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses the history and impact of the relationship between sports and alcohol. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Sport of Horse Show Jumping Overview

    A 3 page research paper that offers a brief overview of the sport of horse show jumping. The writer discusses the nature of the sport, its history and predicts increased popularity in its future. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Successful Women's Soccer in the US

    13 pages in length. The twenty-first century has witnessed myriad changes to the sport of soccer, not the least of which has been the addition of women's teams. Amidst the struggle and strife rose a special strength that helped propel soccer to the heights it has reached in contemporary global athletics; with the entire world rallying around this original form of football, the World Cup has taken on an entirely new look by adding women to its long and illustrious history. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Relationship Between Physicians and Advanced Practice Nurses

    This 8-page paper covers the relationship between advanced practice nurses (also known as nurse practitioners) and physicians. The relationship between these two has always been difficult. The paper examines the history of this relationship, why it has been so difficult and what some hospitals are doing to solve the problem. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nurse Retention and Teams Effects

    This 8 page paper presents a case history of one trauma center that decreased their turnover rate from 58 percent to 15 percent and have a list of nurses who want to work at the center. This essay reports the process this center used to develop empowered teams that led to such remarkable success. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cognitive View of Psychology

    A 3 page research paper that looks briefly at the history of cognitive psychology and the factors that differentiate it form other braches of psychology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Clinical Psychology and Scientific Practice

    This 9 page paper discusses the history of clinical psychology, its origins and the reciprocal relationship between science and clinical practice. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Psychological Contribution of Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams

    This 5 page paper looks at Freudian psychology and dream interpretation both together and independently. The history of dream interpretation is discussed as well as Freud's contributions to psychology. The paper concludes that Sigmund Freud's contribution in terms of dream psychology is significant. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Jung's Analytical Psychology Journal Article Critiqued

    4 pages in length. Petteri Pietikainen's article from the October 2000 issue of the Journal of Contemporary History entitled "The 'Volk' and its Unconscious: Jung, Hauer and the 'German Revolution" discusses Jung's (1936) analytical psychology by delving into the concepts of human perception and the unconscious. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Developmental Psychology

    A 5 page research paper that offers a brief history of developmental psychology, an overview of the areas of emphasis today, including infancy development and development of adolescence, and a new and different approach to studying development. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Humanistic Psychology

    This 3 page paper considers the history of humanistic psychology with respects to the influences on it, its founders, its nature and concepts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Roper, Logan and Tierney Model of Nursing

    A 4 page paper discussing the history and utility of the Roper, Logan and Tierney model (12 activities of daily living), followed by a short discussion of the four metaparadigms of nursing: nursing, health, environment and person. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Origins of Mental Illnesses

    A 4 page paper that traces the origins and history of abnormal psychology since the earliest times B.C. Only the highlights can be reported. The paper also discusses four theoretical models: sociocultural, biological/medical, and psychosocial. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • United States' and the European Union's 'Banana Dispute'

    This 9 page paper examines the trade dispute between the European Union and the Untied States regarding the preferential treatment that some African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) nations gained by being able to export bananas to the EU free of any duty. The paper traces the dispute and then analyses the motivation of the players and the impact that the resolutions which have been agreed may have on the ACP nations. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • History and Traps

    (3 pp) Author, James Baldwin claims that, 'James Joyce is right about history being a nightmare—but it may be the history from which no one can awaken. People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.' Malcolm X and Elie Wiesel are used as examples as well as the writer's personal history. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Cancer and Homes with Unacceptable Radon Gas Levels

    This is a 7 page paper discussing indoor radon exposure as a leading cause of lung cancer. In the U.S., it is estimated that 1 out of every 15 homes has an “unacceptable” level of radon gas (higher than 4 pCi/l). Within the last 15 years, radon has been found to be the second leading cause of lung cancer within the U.S. claiming over 14,000 deaths each year. While studies are still being conducting in several countries and populations, it seems that radon is linked primarily with causing lung cancer and has not been linked with any other types of cancer at this point. This is primarily due to the fact that alpha radiation released by the radon progeny atoms which adhere to the lungs has little capacity to travel distances and therefore concentrates its damage to the lungs. While certain aspects of reducing radon exposure are still being debated, such as what can be considered “safe” levels, most scientists and state and federal health agencies agree that there is little doubt that radon is one of the leading causes of lung cancer and humans receive their radon exposure from indoor environments such as homes, school and work environments where the radon levels are considerably higher than outdoors. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Individual Savings Accounts in the U.S. Economy

    This 5 page report discusses the savings habits of Americans. The national saving rate is the sum of public saving by governments and private saving by individuals and businesses. The savings rate has plummeted in recent years from an average of 7-8 percent of GDP in the 1960s and 1970s, to under 4 percent in the 1980s, and to just 0.6 percent last year in the early 1990s. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • PBS and Marketing Efforts

    An 8 page paper discussing PBS' courtship of corporate sponsors and individual contributors. Public broadcasting is not unique to the US; several European countries and Australia also support similar services but the US version is the only one not totally supported by the government. The paper discusses aspects of PBS' marketing and why sponsorship is attractive to corporate entities. It provides a means by which they can claim corporate social responsibility while simultaneously reaching the typical viewer who is older, female, with above-average income and education, and rarely watches commercial channels. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Africa's Cinematic History

    A 12 page overview of African cinema. This paper notes that African cinema is the product of a number of factors, one of the most important of these being colonial influence. Africa has, in fact, been a land of triple heritage, a heritage which balances between African, French, and British values and there are still perceptible differences in cinematic preferences generations after the end of colonialism. It can be contended in fact that African film culture has been acutely inhibited by postcolonial social and economic condition. At the same time, however, contemporary African cinema is making its way into our modern world. The evolution of this cinema, although it maintains a distinctive African flavor, parallels that which is occurring in European countries and the U.S.

  • Global Data Security

    A 12 page paper that begins with a report of electronic security breaches, followed by a discussion of the global security market and trends within that market. The essay then introduces a global security company and outlines a business unit structure and a geography matrix map, which is limited, and discusses how the company can gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Using health/medical data and information, the writer discusses concerns in the global security industry with comments about the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The writer then makes a recommendation for the global security company in terms of greater global expansion. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Divine Ruler and Ancient Egypt's Ptolemaic Dynasty

    This 5 page paper discusses the role of the "divine ruler" of this later period of Egyptian history (320-30BC.) The concept of kingship is a key to understanding the development of Egyptian civilization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Interpersonal and Sexual Relationship Commitment

    This 20 page paper explores the topics of commitment in interpersonal and commitment in sexual relationships beginning with an introduction to the concept of commitment – what is it, what does it mean in today's world, and the conclusions of two studies looking into commitment between dating couples. The writer then discuses the ethics of commitment and sexual ethics, a very hot topic in today's world, most of which focuses on the relationship of homosexual couples; next, is a discussion of the theology of commitment. The writer asserts that God wants us to make commitments, first to Him and then to others in our lives but where does commitment fit in this disposable world. The last section addresses pastoral care and counseling, premarital, marital, and divorce. Here, the different types of families are identified along with the ways in which some pastors face the challenge of these diverse families, including the lesbian or gay couple. An approach that has been remarkably successful in reducing the number of divorces is explained in this section. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Peapod Case Study

    This 4 page paper examines the case of a supermarket in the US using e-commerce to sell groceries. The paper answers three questions. The first considers why the supermarket has been so successful in its’ internet shopping venture. The second part of the paper looks at the challenges the company may face in the future. The last part of the paper discusses whether the same model would be useful if the company wanted to start up in the UAE and/or GCC. The paper focuses on the supply chain issues.

  • JetBlue Case Study

    This 42 page paper examines the airline JetBlue in the context of the US airline industry. After an introduction the paper discusses the condition of the airline industry, the profitability of the industry and uses a pest analysis to examine the macro environment. The strategies of JetBlue are then examined at firm, business and operational levels and compared to strategies of competitors. With an understanding of the industry and the firm the writer goes on to suggest potential future strategies. Each of the suggested strategies is analysed and recommendations made for viable future strategies and how they may be implemented. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Issues of Privacy Associated with Web Browsers

    (10pp) When you are surfing the web you may think you are anonymous, but there are various ways that information about you or your activities can be collected without your knowledge or consent. Because of the great wealth of information that the World Wide Web provides, many of us use it on a day-to-day basis. However, like many other things we do every day, using the Web's resources is not without risks. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Domestic and Global Security Management

    A 15 page paper that presents a study proposal. The paper includes: a statement of the problem, the significance of the problem, purpose of the study, literature review, research questions and methodology. The problem is that security classes are not included in all organizational leadership programs and this kind of class should be included because managers at all levels are being asked to be responsible for security. The literature review presented provides the justification for including such a course. September 11, 2001, combined with hundreds of terrorist attacks across the world have taught us that certain fanatics will stop at nothing to kill and destroy. Companies and organizations face threats today that are new and more complex. Examples of how some companies responded in terms of security upgrades are included. Bibliography lists 25 sources.

  • China and Environmental Sustainability

    A 10 page paper discussing two environmental problems in China (the Three Gorges Dam and air pollution) and measures that the government has or may take to mitigate the environmental effects. In contrast is the experience of Singapore, which adopted stringent environmental regulations when its economic growth led to environmental degradation. Though geographical constraint is not an issue in China overall, the citizenry could be taught to view their immediate surroundings as the only "environment" that counts as the government imposes stricter, more encompassing regulation on environmental effect of business. This is not likely to occur on an official level any time soon; it is more likely that China, as the U.S. before it, will incur grave environmental costs before moving to effectively abating the environmental effect of its economic activity. Accompanying PowerPoint® presentation available. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Family Impact of Divorce

    A 10 page research paper. What effect does divorce have on the children? This question has resulted in a long and heated debate and there are studies to support almost any position someone wants to take. This paper discusses the question and reports the research in America and elsewhere. The paper takes the form of a research proposal and includes an introduction with problem statement; literature review, including data; summary and conclusions. The incidence of divorce for the U.S. and a few other countries are included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Preschool Vision Screening Justification

    A 4 page paper containing the text of a 13-slide PowerPoint presentation. Vision screening is not currently practiced in public schools. There is evidence that treatment of amblyopia becomes more difficult with age and that the most effective ages for treatment occur during preschool years. Clearly, it is not possible to treat something that has not been identified. Amblyopia leads to both near- and far-sightedness (myopia and hyperopia), which in turn can create a number of learning problems for children as they enter school. The presentation provides recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force urging vision screenings for children under the age of 5. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Caribou Coffee

    This 35 page paper examines the second largest coffee house company in the US, follower to Starbucks. The company has had a difficult few years; the paper undertakes an in-depth analysis looking at the company its mission and values as well as its products. An environmental analysis is conducted used in order to formulate and proposes a strategy to help the company move forward. Goals and implementation plans are presented along with a financial forecast for the plan. The paper includes a 6 slide PowerPoint presentation. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Mappings, Feminism and Cultural Geographies of Encounters by Susan S. Friedman

    An 8 page book review that examines Mappings, Feminism and Cultural Geographies of Encounters by Susan S. Friedman. The writer argues that this powerful text moves feminist theory away from paralyzing debates concerning perceived dichotomies of identity, them vs. us, white vs. other, etc. and towards a broader geopolitical, social landscape. The vision that Friedman offers of the future of feminist theory goes beyond identity politics, as she guides the reader toward greater understanding of how identities are both negotiated and transformed. Drawing from the gamut of popular culture, Friedman relates to books, movies, poetry and the mass media, as she address theoretical issues that are pivotal to post-modern feminism. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • International Law and Biological Warfare

    A 17 page paper discussing the legal and environmental aspects of biological warfare. As our scientific knowledge increased, so did the threat of biological warfare. The use of biological weapons seems to be less of a threat now, for our scientific knowledge has continued to increase to lead us to a place that we can glimpse into areas we can recognize as unknown. A specific and binding UN treaty exists to which 144 nations have signed and agreed, but there remains no legal enforceability. The 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention remains under continual review. Bibliography lists 20 sources in 28 footnotes (in Bluebook [legal] style).

  • Using Drugs and Juvenile Delinquency

    4 pages in length. Lowry et al's (1999) article entitled School Violence, Substance Use, and Availability of Illegal Drugs On School Property Among US High School Students seeks to uncover what – if any – correlation exists between the presence of drug use and the incidence of criminal activity on America's high school campuses. Utilizing nearly eleven thousand high school students, this study examined the availability and use of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana and other illegal drugs as potential inciters of school violence, which was described as any of the following: weapon-carrying, physical fighting, having property stolen or damaged, being threatened or injured or absenteeism due to feeling unsafe. No additional sources cited.

  • Crystal Meth: Effects On Teens And Adults

    6 pages in length. Crystal methamphetamine has had a long and illustrious presence throughout the last half of the twentieth century; for a drug typically prescribed for addressing attention deficit disorders and obesity, crystal meth has been used illegally on the streets to a much greater degree for the artificial high it provides. Known under an abundance of slang terms - not the least of which includes speed, meth, ice, crystal, chalk, crank, tweak, uppers, black beauties, glass, bikers coffee, methlies quick, poor man's cocaine, chicken feed, shabu, stove top, trash, go-fast, yaba, and yellow bam - crystal meth has served to perpetuate the nation's addiction problem along with cocaine and according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is ranked the second most commonly used drug behind alcohol and marijuana. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Farewell Address of George Washington

    A 3 page overview of the concerns George Washington had for the ongoing welfare of the U.S., concerns detailed in his 1796 "Farewell Address". The threats of the political party and European allegiances were a particular worry for Washington. No additional sources are listed.

  • A Field Manual Delineating the Needs Presented by Counterinsurgency

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the most important lessons offered in this important publication. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • United Kingdom Early Childhood Education Politics and Policy

    A 5 page paper illustrating why workers in early childhood education in the UK need to be informed of political and policy matters. The UK’s approach to early childhood education was as fragmented and variable as that in the US until the Labour government implemented changes beginning in 1997. Today, all 4-year-olds have access to free daycare that includes academic instruction in preparation for compulsory school attendance beginning at age 5. There are concerns that very young children receive instruction for which they are not yet ready, a fact that workers need to remain aware of and avoid. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Negron-Muntaner/Barbie's Hair

    A 3 page paper that discusses this essay. A doll seems like an unlikely candidate for controversy. Yet, yet Frances Negron-Muntaner, in her essay "Barbie's Hair," describes how controversy immediately arose when the Mattel Toy Company released a Puerto Rican version of their famous Barbie doll in 1997. Communities, both in Puerto Rico and the mainland US, associated the doll with cultural connotations that involved "Puerto Rican identity" (Negron-Muntaner 39). The author of this provocative essay makes a number of pertinent points about this version of Barbie within the context of popular culture, however, two of the most intriguing points made in the essay are the significance that was attached to the meaning of the doll's hair and how this related to Puerto Rican identity and also how the doll represented a political position in terms of Puerto Rico's place on the world stage. No additional sources cited.

  • Affordability of Health Insurance Letter to U.S. Senator Bill Frist

    A 4 page letter to Senator Bill Frist, M.D., describing a citizen’s view of his inability to purchase health care insurance. A large and growing percentage of the American people are unable to afford any health care insurance of any kind, yet do not qualify for social assistance programs. While those who can afford insurance can buy it and those who live in poverty have full access to public health care programs, many of those of us who cannot afford either health care or health care insurance earn just enough that we also do not qualify for public assistance of any kind. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Compare and Contrast: The US and Great Britain

    This 5 page paper compares and contrasts the United States and Great Britain, using the book Countries and Concepts: Politics, Geography, Culture by Michael Roskin as its primary reference. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Small Business Venture and Receiving Government Assistance

    A 7 page paper. The question was: What types of government programs or other assistance is available to start-up businesses? The writer discusses some of the many programs and the vast amount of information available for small business entrepreneurs through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Some of the programs discusses are the more than 75 Online courses that can be accessed. Some of the hundreds of publications available, such as the Startup Guide, the Small Business Management Series (SBA) Publications and the Success Series along with workbooks available for many of these courses. The essay also provides an overview of the SBA loan guaranty program. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Constitutional Rights, Early Arrest Phase, and Mandatory DNA Testing

    A 4 page contention that the collection of DNA during the earliest phases of an arrest is unacceptable. While DNA evidence is highly regarded as a phenomenal tool in the address of crime, to enact laws which allow the collection of DNA from an individual at this early of a stage in an arrest is a horrendous assault on our rights as U.S. citizens! Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • American Canoe Association v. Murphy Farms

    A 5 page paper discussing points of American Canoe Association v. Murphy Farms, No. 02-1501, 326 F.3d 505; 2003 U.S. App. LEXIS 7158; 56 ERC (BNA) 1545; 33 ELR 20175, 4thCir, (2003) as they relate to the Clean Water Act and to commercial swine production. The American Canoe Association, Professional Paddlesports Association and Conservation Council of North Carolina brought suit against Murphy Farms and D.M. Farms of Rose Hill, both commercial pork producers in North Carolina. Plaintiffs' complaint was that the hog farms had polluted surrounding bodies of water in violation of the Clean Water Act. The courts have agreed with plaintiffs on several points. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Living Within the US Poverty Standard

    A 13 page paper presenting and discussing an experiment in which a family of six limited its total food budget to that specified by the 2006 U.S. poverty-level food budget. Most of the paper discusses the family’s experience during the week and its normal approach to its food budget. The family lives in a rural area and so has garden-produced vegetables and fresh eggs from its chickens, advantages not available to inner-city families striving to achieve adequate diets at current poverty standards. A table contains the family’s menu and total food costs for the week. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Islamic World, the West, and the Relevance of Medieval History

    7 pages in length. It is a harsh reality that has reinvented itself over and over again during some of the most difficult times of global conflict. While at times it serves to unite people under the umbrella of solidarity, it also fuels aggression and hatred toward those who do not uphold the same tenets. This demon of such tremendous proportion seeks to unify but ultimately divides, which reflects the way in which religious fundamentalism of medieval times has perpetuated throughout the centuries to once again raise its ugly head where contemporary relations between the West and the Islam world are concerned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • U.S. Ethnic Relations' History

    This is a 3 page paper which discusses the history of multiculturalism in the United States. The bibliography has 3 sources.

  • UN's History and its Role

    This 4 page paper examines the role of the UN today as well as to relay some of its history. A discussion on its relevance is included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • History and Contemporary Issues of African Americans

    This 5 page paper discussed the types of discrimination and segregation faced by African-Americans in the United States. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Truth and History

    This 6 page paper considers the question of truth with regard to one historical incident, the Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire of 1911. It also discusses ways in which an examination of this incident is relevant to our understanding of the present, and whether it illuminates any contemporary incident. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Early American History Law Contradictions

    This is a 10 page paper which discuss the Revolutionary War and the contradictions of the ideals that the war was fought for and the real affects of the war on African Americans and Native American Indians. The bibliography has 12 sources.

  • A Sport Scandals History

    This 10 page paper details sports scandals involving gambling throughout the years. Baseball, in addition to the NCAA, NBA, and NFL are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Accurate History Model of the Historical Materialism Developed by Karl Marx

    This 6 page paper examines The Communist Manifesto and argues that historical materialism could be a reality. There is evidence to show that the model has only been partially realized but that the future may see it fully materialize. No additional sources cited.

  • Modernity and History

    A 5 page essay/research paper that looks at modernity. The writer addresses the question of when modernity began (which is debatable), why it began and how, but also discusses whether this was a good or bad development. The writer argues in favor of modernity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • American History Themes of Imperialism and War

    This 4 page paper discusses the topics of imperialism, the two world wars, and Vietnam, and how they can be connected using two specific references, Liberty, Equality and Power and Having Our Say. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • History Of Child Rearing Practices

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of child-rearing practices beginning in the 1800s. The 20th century was called the century of the child by the National Congress of Mothers in 1899. The writer reports the focus during that century was not on the child. The essay comments on changes in society and beliefs about children and childhood. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Great Depression History Firsthand by Dennis Nishi Summary and Review of Dennis Nishi's “The Great Depression (History Firsthand)”

    A 3 page paper which provides a general overview and review of this historical textbook aimed at students grades 6 through 12. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • "Colored People": The History of the Term

    This 3 page paper considers the various terms applied to African Americans over the years, whether or not the term "colored people" is derogatory, and whether the NAACP should consider changing its name. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Federal Reserve: Its History and a Prediction on What It Will Do

    This 3 page paper examines the history of the FRB and what it might do in the future. Interest rates are the focus of attention. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Medieval Culture and its History

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the skills needed for nurses to be effective in the modern healthcare enviornment. In particular, this paper integrates a view of leadership skills and their role in shaping the focus for nurses, particularly in the hospital setting. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Spy Satellites and Their History

    A 7 page informational overview which examines when and why they were created, what they looked at, how they were launched, orbit life expectancy from the beginning until the present. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • African American Education Throughout History

    In this 4 page paper, the writer encapsulates the struggle for education for black children between Colonial America and the 1930s. Major persons, dates and events are presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History and the Philosophies of Karl Marx

    Karl Marx's theories are discussed. Attention is paid to the labor theory of value and economic determinism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 1066 The Year of the Conquest by David Howarth

    A 5 page paper that examines which historical figures the author likes and why. No additional sources are used.

  • History, Etiology, and Treatment of Antibiotic Resistance

    A 9 page discussion of antibiotic resistance, diagnosis, and treatment. Correlations have been reported by numerous researchers regarding increased antibiotic resistance in microbial populations with high usage of antibiotic drugs. Unfortunately, however, recent evidence demonstrates that even the reduction of this utilization is not an effective means of preventing antibiotic resistance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Islam, A History

    A 4 page overview of the origin of Islam among the Arab peoples. This paper comments of the linguistic connection of these peoples and of the early role of Mohammed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Defining Prostitution

    An 16 page review of the many faces of prostitution. This article defines the phenomena and frames it in a sociological context. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • U.S. Voting Rights

    This is a 5 page paper that discusses the history of voting rights in the United States with particular focus on the progress of civil rights and voting rights during the 1960s. The bibliography has 6 sources.

  • The History of Turkish Higher Education

    A 6 page overview of the many changes that have occurred in Turkish tertiary education. This paper traces these changes from the mid twentieth century to the present and explains the various factors that have contributed to the move from centralization to decentralization and back again. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Labor History and Its Problems

    A 3 page essay that, first of all, summarizes an essay by labor historian Elizabeth Faue, which criticizes the orientation of traditional labor historians. Then, the writer summarizes two additional essays that support Faue's contentions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History of the Modem

    This is a 5 page paper which explains the history and development of modems. The bibliography has 5 sources.

  • Psychology and its Historical Evolution

    This 7 page paper begins with brief comments about psychology in ancient times and events prior to 1800. The major discussion is on events since the 19th century. This essay is very much like a timeline in narrative form. The writer provides dates and persons who introduced different ideas and theories. Most of the major contributors to the field of psychology are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Buddhism History Examined

    This 3 page paper provides a short history of buddhism. How it had emerged and the transitions it made are included. Various countries are named and some information about the practice is relayed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • English Hooliganism and its History

    A 10 page paper which examines why hooliganism is regarded as distinctly English, considers the social landscape that produces and perpetuates it, and explores the role of the media in the development of its perception. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Early Europe, Scientific Theory Development, and Counterfactual History

    An 11 page exploration of the way society repressed scientific fact in Europe, between 1000 A.D and 1800 A.D. The toll this repression took was a delay in the development of muchmore advanced knowledge. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Bellini, Durer, and Ribera and an Art History Examination

    A 3 page paper which examines three artists (Jusepe de Ribera, Albrecht Durer, Giovanni Bellini) from three different time periods (Baroque, Early Renaissance, Classical Renaissance). Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Overview on the History of Dental Fillings

    An 8 page discussion of the history of dental fillings. Traces the filling from ancient times to present exploring the various types of materials which were used. Explains that the choice of filling is related to performance but also to availability and cost. Notes that the evolutionary path of fillings is tied as well to the evolutionary paths of other dentistry aspects such as drill evolution and the development of molding techniques and materials. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The History of Modern Music

    This 5 page paper is an informative journey through music from 1920 until the modern day. There is brief coverage of all the decades since the 1920's with examples of the contemporary styles of the day, including music by Stravinsky, Jazz, Modern, Blues, Rock and Roll, RAP and Punk. The bibliography cited 4 sources

  • Guillotine History

    This 5 page paper presents a description and overview of this item once used as the primary means of execution. Its origin, which was in revolutionary France, is the focus of the paper. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History of Typography and Design

    This 6 page paper considers the history of topography, as well as its modern applications. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Rap Music's Culture and History

    This 10 page paper starts with the consideration of RAP music as a development in the late 1980’s in the Bronx related to the post-civil rights era. The evolution of RAP is then discussed including the way in which it is market and the collaboration of RAP with ‘metal’ music. The relationship with violence is also considered. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • History of the Arpanet

    5 pages in length. Reviews the history of the Arpanet from its beginnings, the problems it has faced and the innovation it has wrought as a forerunner to the Internet. The myth surrounding the Arpanet is that it was devised as a means to survive a nuclear war. While this is certainly interesting, the truth is that the Arpanet was commissioned by the Department of Defense in 1969. The true purpose of the Arpanet was to save money by linking the computers of scientists and researchers. The writer explains in this well-written paper details regarding the Arpanet. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Course of African Americans Through the History of the United States

    7 pages in length. Examines major contributions made by African Americans, leaders and heroes in the African American community and the immigration treatments received by the African Americans including how they came to the United States, their treatment and major events experienced by this group. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Parallel Computing and its Evolution

    An 11 page paper discussing the evolution of parallel computing. The path of the quest for workable parallel computing configurations is littered with far more failures than successes. Despite the failures of the past, the concept of parallel computing remains one worth pursuing and in fact represents the next logical step in the evolution of computing in general. The paper begins with Gene Amdahl in 1955, progresses through the trial and error of the 1960s and 1970s, and relays many of the successes and strides of the 1980s and 1990s. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Mongols And Ming China : Customs And History by Henry Serruys

    7 pages in length. Henry Serruys' account of the Hung-Wu period (1386-1398) in "The Mongols and Ming China : Customs and History" draws upon the author's literary talents, as well as the sordid historical events that revolve around China's Mongols during this period. This detailed analysis provides the reader with a scope of knowledge both vast and explicit, with the book's aim being that of a comprehensive critical overview of how China's Mongols managed to rule for the better part of a century. Indeed, the sources upon which Serruys draw are instrumental in his ability to portray this era as one of China's most powerful. Clearly, the method by which the author assembles the work, as well as his complementary writing style, brings forth the underlying reasons that such a forceful period existed in China's past and what its people have learned from such events, which represent the book's larger issues. No additional sources cited.

  • US Slavery History

    5 pages in length. A discussion of the beginnings of slavery in the South and how it impacted the economics, as well as the nature of the institution. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 1010 to 70 AD History of the Israelites

    (3 pp) The attitudes imposed upon "the Chosen" people of Israel have been disruptive from their earliest beginnings. Fortunately there have also been some unifying factors along the way. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Egypt's Early History from 3100 until 1200 B.C.

    (3 pp). Archaeological evidence suggests that, Egypt was inhabited by hunters over 250,000 years ago when the region was a green grassland. The Paleolithic period around 25,000BC brought climatic changes, which turned Egypt into a desert. Desertification of Egypt was halted by rains, which allowed communities of cultivators to settle in Middle Egypt and the Nile Delta. Throughout most of its pre-dynastic history Egypt encompassed a multiplicity of settlements, which gradually became small tribal kingdoms. These kingdoms evolved into two loosely confederated states: one encompassed the Nile valley up to the Delta (with the Naqada dominating) with Hierakonpolis as capital, represented by the deities Seth and White Crown; the other encompassed the Delta, with Buto as its capital and represented by the deities Horus and Red Crown. The two kingdoms vied for power over all the land of Egypt. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The American Museum of Natural History and its Rose Center Exhibits

    (6pp). The Rose Center's permanent exhibits, detailing the size, scope and growth of the universe as well as the earth's place within it, were unveiled in February (2000) inside the new structure of steel and glass. The seven-story orb appears to hover next to the museum, and at night glows with a soft blue light. The center replaces the old Hayden Planetarium, a New York City landmark that introduced millions of city kids to the night sky between 1935 and 1997. Kids of all ages are still thrilled with the spectrum of choices: design and exhibits are spectacular.

  • Japan and U.S. Second World War Occupation

    (6 pp) This discussion is prompted by class questions concerning early Japanese religion and history to the United States Occupation Period of World War II.

  • Website on the History of Antique Telephones

    (5 pp) This discussion explores a website concerning antique telephones. Yet the material that is presented at the site (, tells more of a story, and the memories that first telephones bring back to us. Creative visual included of lineman on bicycle.

  • Shaping History Through Cinematic Narratives

    (5 pp) This tutorial uses five films to examine the use of narrative in history: Kurosawa's Rashomon, Lang's Kriemheld's Revenge, Pudovkin's The End of St. Petersburg, Pontecorvo's The Battle of Algiers, and the Bunuel and Dali work, Un Chien Adalou.

  • Brief History of Vietnam

    6 pages in length. Vietnam has long struggled against the unwanted influence of various nationals; without adequate ability to defend themselves, the Vietnamese have grappled to uphold their very cultural importance, as well as defend their right as an independent people. This long and arduous process served to develop traditions and establish historical benchmarks that have identified Vietnam as a defiant cultural and political entity. No bibliography.

  • The Urban Evolution of Paris

    A 14 page paper which examines how the city was transformed from Medieval Paris to the trademark infrastructure of a contemporary urban center by Baron Georges Haussmann. Specifically considered are the city’s urban evolution, what infrastructural strategies needed to be considered, and also its cross-cultural influence during the French Concession period and beyond. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • A Civil War History of Devil's Den Action

    8 pages. The Union dispositions in Devil's Den including Ward's Brigade and Smith's Battery are explained fully in this paper as well as the breakdown of coordination as Hood attacked during the advance of Law's and Robertson's Brigades. Bennings arrival and the final outcome are included. The final section of the paper discusses the nine principles of war. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Wine and Cooking History

    A 17 page paper which examines the history of wine and cooking with wine. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • History, Human Nature, and Psychology

    This is a 5 page paper discussing psychology and human nature over history. The development of psychology and the study of human nature evolved over two thousand years of philosophical theory. During the period of enlightenment scientific thought was beginning to be examined toward the field of the human mind in what was later termed the field of psychology. David Hume in the 1700s and his studies into human nature as a combination of sentimentalism and intellectualism were later revisited and refined by James and Wendt in the 1800s and discussed in relation to human will and conscious thought over actions by Dewey in the 1900s. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Overview and History of the Penitentiary at Alcatraz

    This 11 page paper provides an overview of this historic institution. Details on how it was constructed and how secure it had been are included . Information on attempts to break out of this high security prison are also included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • London's Finance and Trade History

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the developmental of London as an international center for trade and finance. Since the invasions of the Romans until the international commerce market which stands today, London has long been considered the center of international trade and finance. The strategic location on the Thames River and the early establishment of the wool industry in Britain, allowed for London to become a major trade centre in Northern Europe with trade alliances with the Dutch, Germans, Danish and Italians initially. The period of colonization and the trade of the raw commodities from the colonies further increased London’s hold on the manufactured goods coming out of England, shipping, and the redistribution of products throughout the world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Definition and Role of European Feudalism

    This is a 6 page paper discussing the development and purpose of feudalism in Europe from the 9th to 13th centuries. Originating out of the chaos which resulted from the breakdown of the Roman institutional system, the feudal system consisted of lords and kings which controlled fiefs across Europe. Through the development of the agricultural revolution and the expansion of textiles and export goods, the lords and kings became more established and the Orders of Knighthood developed during this time. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia by Samuel Johnson and Obsession

    This 5 page paper argues that this book, which is usually seen as a story about the choices of life, may be more accurately interpreted as illustrating the obsession of the main characters. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • The History and Operations of Alcoholic Anonymous

    A 15 page paper. Alcoholic Anonymous is a fellowship that operates differently than another kind of organization. It is truly democratic with only the steps, traditions and concepts to guide it. There are no laws, by-laws or governing persons. This paper offers a brief overview of the beginnings of this fellowship, reports the traditions that guide it, the dedication to service and corporate poverty and how it functions. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • History and Ecology of the Chimpanzee

    5 pages in length. When one considers the chimpanzee, the first thing that comes to mind for many is the effort put forth by wildlife observer Jane Goodall. The extent to which Goodall studied wild chimpanzees has provided both the scientific and lay communities with a significantly better understanding of their ecology, as well as a clearer picture of their historical evolution as a species. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Writings and the Impact of History

    This 5 page paper discusses the relationship between the violent era in Columbia's history and the novels of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Novels examined and cited are One Hundred Years of Solitude and No One Writes the Colonel. Bibliography lists 3 sources

  • America's Latino Gang History

    This is a 6 page paper discussing the history of and the issues involved with the formation and development of Latino/Hispanic gangs in the United States. The increasing Hispanic population in the country has also seen an increase in the membership in Latino gangs. Violence surrounding these gangs is high and usually involves racial discrimination and conflict issues. Recently, Latino gangs have affiliated with their communities and other inter-racial gangs to help develop a solution to overcome discrimination and violence issues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Jane Tompkins' Indians Textualism, Morality, and the Problem of History

    This essay by Jane Tompkins is analyzed for thesis and the arguements that she utilizes in proving her main theme. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Analyzing a History of Yugoslavia from 1918 until 1991

    This is an 8 page paper analyzing the history of Yugoslavia and its divisions of nation states and provinces within the years 1918 to 1991. After World War I, Yugoslavia was formed and over the course of the next 70 years underwent radical changes in its national borders. Up until the socialist republic in 1946, historical and national alliances had been divided only to be reunited again by the socialists. However, the nations did not get independence or international recognition until the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Early Labor History in Three Strikes by Howard Zinn, Dana Frank, and Robin Kelley

    A 5 page analysis of the circumstances and meanings presented in the book by Howard Zinn, Dana Frank, and Robin Kelley. Broken into three major sections, each authored by either Zinn, Frank, or Kelley, this book details the bloody Colorado Coal Strike of 1913-1914, the Detroit Woolworth's Strike of 1937, and the New York Musicians Strike of 1936-1937. Although only the Detroit Woolworth Strike was won, these labor strikes will forever memorialize internal labor movement relations of the early half of the twentieth century. The author of this paper contends that the progress made in these strikes are directly applicable to the contemporary working environment as well. No additional sources are listed.

  • Islamic History in Spain

    This essay examines the period of time in Spain during which the land was under Islam rule. The paper examines the impact that the Muslims had on Spanish architecture, art and music. Bibliograpy lists 4 sources.

  • Gunpowder's Invention and Historical Impact

    This is a 10 page paper which discusses the history of gunpowder and the impact it had on society and continues to today with the great increase in the ownership of guns and weaponry. Constitutional issues and the power of the modern day NRA are considered when discussing gun control. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History and Impact of the Cold War

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the events that led up to the Cold War. Major causes and issues are included and the overall effect of the war is discussed. The gradual build up of forces on both the capitalist Western side and the communist Eastern side are included. The paper focuses on the major countries involved. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Agriculture's Development History

    This 8 page paper discusses the development of agriculture by primitive man. The areas of the New World and the Fertile Crescent are compared and contrasted in their development of farming. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • A Police Corruption History Including Issues and Solution Possibilities

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the history and the issues involved in police corruption on a national and global scale. Specific examples are used and possible solutions are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Displays Featured in Washington D.C.'s Museum of Natural History

    A 5 page paper which discusses the displays of Asia, Africa, and South American in the Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Social History and Sexuality

    A 6 page paper discussing the use of the study of sex and scandal in defining a society or culture of the past. The study of attitudes toward sex and scandal in any society can help inform social definition, but it also needs to be undertaken with some caveats. Using the study of sex and scandal to help further define any society of the past is a valid pursuit. However, those choosing that route must make allowances for the social and linguistic customs and patterns in which events not only occurred, but also in which they were recorded. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History of U.S. Aviation and Terrorism

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of air disasters that were either tied to terrorism or possibly linked to terrorism. While of course the events of September 11, 2001 are relayed, other events such as the downing of Flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland are included. The Flight 800 disaster that occurred near Long Island, New York is discussed in depth. Information about reaction by society and how these things affect the economy are also included along with data on what the FAA is doing about it all. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Adult Literacy Since the 17th Century

    5 pages. This paper describes the major events that have occurred in adult education literacy from the seventeenth century up until the present time in the United States. Historically there are a number of factors involved in these events including race, class and gender which have served to impact the access of this aspect of education. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Capital Punishment and Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish The Birth of the Prison

    A 6 page paper which provides a general overview and illustration of Michel Foucault's "Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison." Bibliography lists 1 additional source.

  • Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century British History and Authors

    A 5 page paper which discusses how the authors, as well as poets, of Britain during the 17th and 18th century not only reflected the time periods but also influenced them. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Web Design and Internet Technology

    This 6 page paper considers two aspects of new technology. The first part of the paper considers development and spread of the Internet. The second part of the paper considers web design, why it is important and how it has developed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • German History and the Contributions of Helmut Kohl

    This 10 page paper looks at Kohl's contributions and legacy, but really centers on other leaders such as Brandt and Adenauer. Kohl's rule is evaluated in light of policies implemented by his predecessors. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Education and its History

    This 13 page paper deals with the philosophies of education of several experts in the field, namely Barbara Thayer-Bacon, and Joe Kincheloe. Works cited include Philosophy Applied to Education, and Contextualizing Teaching. Constructivist and indivdualistic views are discussed as well as philosophies that impacted the modern development of the educational processes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • S and P 500 Price to Earnings' Ratio History

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the S&P 500 over the decades and explores trends. Price to earnings ratio and earnings yield are explained. Two charts are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History and Societal Effects of Opium

    8 pages in length. Opium was the drug of choice during eighteenth- and nineteenth-century America. Popularized for its mood-altering capability, opium was first consumed in crude form and then later transformed into various recreational and medicinal strains. From the juice of the opium plant's poppy came laudanum and paragoric, two alcoholic extracts; black drop or Quaker's opium; and a preparation for smoking, of which the Chinese immigrants were particularly fond. However, crude opium was the most popularized form centuries ago, inasmuch as approximately ten percent of its composition is that of alkaloid morphine, its most powerful mood-altering ingredient. The writer discusses the history of opium usage, as well as contemporary efforts to curb opiate popularity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • School Violence and its History

    This seven-page-paper presents a discussion the history of school violence and the reasons for increased school violence in recent decades. Bibliography lists five sources.

  • Generations The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069 by William Strauss and Neil Howe

    5 pages in length. The writer discusses what the Thirteenth Generation is, how it differs from the Baby Boomers and what might be in store for them in the twenty-first century. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Department Store and its History

    A 6 page discussion of the advent of the department store in consumer culture. Making their advent in the mid 1800s these stores would change the way stores marketed goods and the way consumers shopped for them. This paper discusses store geography, design, and labor considerations, particularly in regard to women. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Freedom Bound A History of the Civil Rights Movement by Robert Weisbrot

    This 3 page report is an overview of Weisbrot's chronicle of the major events of America's civil rights movement. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • History of Russia in a Combination of 4 Papers

    This 22- page paper is comprised of four shorter papers dealing with Russia. The first is a 17-page paper that traces the history of Russia from ancient rulers, through the Romanov dynasty, the Decembrist revolution, the revolution of 1905 and the Revolution of 1917. It discusses the Communist period, and the post-Communist period, and touches on economic problems today as well as ethnic conflicts. Bibliography lists 6 sources. The second paper, which is incorporated into the whole, is a 3-page essay describing some of Russia's cultural icons. Bibliography lists 1 source. The third paper, which is incorporated into the whole, is a 3-page essay describing Russian and Soviet geography. Bibliography lists 2 sources. The fourth paper, which is incorporated into the whole, is a 2-page essay describing Russian demographics. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Birth of a Nation/Cinematic History

    A 3 page research paper that discusses The Birth of a Nation (1915, directed by D.W. Griffith for Epoch; screenplay by D.W. Griffith, Frank E. Woods and Thomas Dixon), which is a landmark film in cinematic history as it was the first important feature-length film, which had a tremendous impact on the nascent industry, as it changed the demographic makeup of film audiences (The Birth of a Nation, 1995). Up to this time, films were generally considered to be a working-class entertainment, but Birth of a Nation opened cinema to a much wider audience, one that had previously preferred only the legitimate theatre (The Birth of a Nation, 1995). Nevertheless, considering Birth of a Nation is also problematic due to this film’s overt racism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Predator Film and Fantasy Rewriting of History

    A 2.5 page critique of this 1987 action-adventure film. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Civil Rights Movement and the Role of African American Women

    A 5 page paper that discusses the behind-the-scene roles that black women played in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and how these roles supplied the support and strength to carry this movement forward. Also discussed is the triple burden of oppression that these women have labored under, a burden consisting of not only racial prejudice, but gender and class prejudice as well. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Cocaine's Chemistry and its Impact

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the history, chemistry and effects of cocaine and its usage in Western society. Originating in 1860 in Western society, cocaine has been used extensively as a recreational drug. Synthetic cocaine is now produced because of the increased effort in the restrictions of obtaining drug from its natural source. Recently researchers have found that the dopamine hypothesis can account for the psychological effects of the drug while the physiological effects include tachycardia, hypertension and renal failure. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Mexican Film/Maria Candelaria

    A 7 page research paper/essay that discusses Emilio Fernandez’s Maria Candelaria (1943) and how this film relates to the task of addressing the legacy of colonialism within the context of Mexican history. Mexico, as Andrea Noble points out, is fundamentally a “mestizo entity,” that is, it is the product of “the colonial encounter between Indians, Spaniards (and Africans)” (Noble 81). As such, the Mexican culture struggles to understand its fundamental nature and to express the cultural dichotomies held within this paradigm. One of the ways in which this task has been expressed is through cinema. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ecosystems of the Coral Reefs

    10 pages in length. Hundreds of millions of years of oceanic history teeters on the verge of permanent extinction. Because of the detrimental effects of pollution, overfishing, tourism and drastic environmental changes, the world's coral reefs are fighting for their very existence. That coral reefs are an ecosystem all unto themselves, their rapid decline does not only influence their survival, but also that of myriad other species as well. Significant efforts are being made as a means by which to salvage what is left and perhaps repair what has already been damaged. The writer discusses ecosystems as they relate to coral reefs. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Monster Networking Case Study

    A 15 page paper. is the best known job search e-business in the world. In 2003, the company launched Monster Networking, a work-related social networking site. This essay begins with an overview of the history of, its sale to TMP, its growth and competitors and the issues surrounding the Monster Networking site and its disappointing results. The problem is identified and discussed, alternative solutions are analyzed and discussed and a recommendation is made. This is based on a Harvard case study. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Armenia, Genocide & Meaning

    A 30 page research paper that discusses genocide, focusing primarily on the details of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and Peter Balakian's book on this subject, The Burning Tigris (2003). Balakian's analysis of the Armenian Genocide addresses several pertinent themes that are applicable to the overall topic of genocide. Therefore, this examination of the Armenian Genocide, concentrating on the history and analysis offered by Balakian, also extends his points, where applicable, to the topic of genocide in general. It attempts to discern the pattern of genocide and how this has been replicated in other genocidal campaigns, as well as the fundamental causes behind genocide and tragedy, which relate the discussion to the causes of human aggression and violence. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • The Holocaust and Genocide of Armenians

    5 pages in length. Comparing and contrasting the Armenian genocide and the holocaust, what immediately comes to mind is the lack of attention the former received, while the latter has become a household word. Indeed, the staggering numbers of people in both murderous episodes warrant equal attention; however, it appears the historical value of the Armenian genocide has not been as pertinent in the minds of people as that of the holocaust. The Jews have, perhaps, been one of the most persecuted of all peoples throughout history. Their pursuits to survive as both a people and a religion have been paved with pits and valleys from the time they began the struggle to reclaim what has been lost to political and social strife. Yet the Armenians have been no less affected by similar survival efforts, forced to often find their own strategies of endurance much the same as the Jews. The writer compares and contrasts the Armenian genocide with the holocaust. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Second U.S. President John Adams

    This 10 page paper consists of two parts. The first is the nomination of John Adams for the Leader of the Century Award. This section discusses some of Adams' remarkable history and the leadership qualities for which he is being nominated. The last part of this section ranks ten attributes of leadership as they pertain to Adams with examples demonstrating each characteristic. The second section of this paper is an essay about Adams that includes further examples of his leadership, some of his attributes that were no included in the nomination document and why, and what the writer might have done differently with the XYZ event. Both sections identify Adams' leadership styles and how these were demonstrated. Adams has been called the unsung hero and the forgotten hero in the founding of this nation. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Society, Power, Gender and Sexuality

    22 pages in length. Termed the battle of the sexes, struggles between the male and female gender have existed since the time of man. Neanderthal populations were segregated by gender no differently than contemporary society is today, with the only appreciable distinction between the two eras being that of a chink in the patriarchal armor that occurred during the twentieth century. Indeed, the issues pertaining to the history of sexuality are grand and far-reaching, having been hashed and rehashed for centuries, only to encompass a new and growing crop of issues such content as homosexuality and gender oppression. Bibliography lists 27 sources.

  • Mary Aswell Doll's Curriculum Philosophies in Like Letters in Running Water

    A 4 page review of the contentions presented by this author in “Like Letters in Running Water: A Mythopoetics of Curriculum” regarding the curriculum value of fiction. This paper contends that Doll is correct in identifying fiction as a conduit to student understanding of historical circumstances and relationships. Analyzes this contention using primarily the writings of feminist author Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Concludes that while a student might recoil if only given historical detail as it is presented in the common curriculum, when provided these same messages in a fictional format they are able to forge a connection between history and reality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Genesis/An Overview

    A 3 page research paper/essay that offers a brief overview of the Book of Genesis, which is the first book of the Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah. This is an ancient document that relates a considerable amount of Jewish history. The writer argues that there are themes that bind it together. One of these themes is the entrance of evil into the world via the repercussions of human actions. However, countering evil is the possibility of redemption, as men such as Noah and Abraham each submit themselves to the will of God and thereby earn reward of God's favor. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Concept of Spirituality

    A 20 page research paper that investigates the topic of spirituality. The philosophical perspective of postmodernism has left people feeling adrift and rudderless in a world that has no meaning or purpose. In answer to this situation, many people, including scholars, have turned to the topic of spirituality and religion as a means for charting a new and purposeful course into the future. Examining this sociological trend reveals that it has evolved organically out of Western culture's history and also relates to specific features that are characteristic of human religious expression as a whole, that is, encompassing Eastern religious orientations. This examination attempts to find common threads between the thrust of Western spirituality, which is primarily Christian spirituality, and how this aspect of religiosity relates to theology, mysticism and fits within the legacy of postmodernism. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Christian Worship Music and Theology

    A 4 page paper which examines the role of music in the theological history of Christian worship. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Poetry, Art, and Music Creativity

    A 9 page research paper that investigates the topic of artistic creativity. The standard cultural myth about creativity is that "Only artists have creativity and creativity is rare" (Epstein, 1996, p. 41). Creativity is part of human existence. Rather than being rare, creativity seems innate to human experience as every human culture, throughout history, has devised its own art, music and storytelling traditions, either oral or written. Empirical research verifies what insightful people appear to have realized throughout the ages, which is that creativity is the result of education and work, learning and building on the creations of others, and then filtering that knowledge through the prism of personal experience and individuality. In short, this discussion proposes that creativity is a distinct cognitive process that is common to all endeavors, which includes music, art and poetry. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The 1999 Anatolian Fault Catastrophe

    A 4 page paper examining the August 1999 disaster in Turkey. History of the Anatolian fault summarized. Social, economic and political ramifications also noted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 3 Reviews on Religious Books

    An 18 page paper that consists of three separate 6 page book reviews. The first review refers to L. Russ Bush's The Advancement, which offers a Christian apologetic that defends the biblical account of creation against the position of Darwinian naturalism. The second book review addresses Norman Geisler and Ron Brooks' text When Skeptics Ask, which offers an apologetic that is useful to all Christians in defending their faith, as the objections that unbelievers raise regarding Christian dogma are frequently quite perceptive and cut to the heart of Christianity's basic principles. The final book review examines L. Russ Bush and Tom J. Nettles' Baptists and the Bible, which offers a comprehensive history of the Baptist church and its attitudes toward the doctrine of inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible. In each case, the writer summarizes every chapter in each book. No additional sources cited.

  • Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, Reservation Blues

    A 14 page essay that discusses James W. Johnson's The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man and in Sherman Alexie's Reservation Blues, which are novels in which these authors address issues of race and identity as these subjects pertain to the identities of the main characters and also to the nature of racism, which is interwoven within the warp and weave of current American culture and within its history. In each novel, the authors relate these issues to music and musical expression by exploring the theme that music is both indicative of personal identity, but also an expression of culture, and, therefore, a possible means for bridging the chasms that exist between races. No additional sources cited.

  • John Philip Sousa, Jean Sibelius, and Nationalistic Music

    A 4 page research paper that discusses nationalistic music and specifically Sibelius and Sousa. In expressing his own personal view of life, the artist necessarily also expresses the "hopes and dreams" of a cultural heritage. In the nineteenth century, political conditions encouraged the growth of nationalism and this occurred to such a degree that it became a driving force within the context of the Romantic movement in music history. National tensions, "the pride of conquering nations" set against the "struggle for freedom" of the subjected countries, game rise to emotions that their most perfect expression in music. Two composers that are associated with nationalism are Jean Sibelius, who personifies his homeland of Finland, and John Philip Sousa, whose rousing marches personify American nationalism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ford Motor Company CEO Alex Trotman and His Management Skills

    A 5 page paper evaluating the leadership and management abilities of Ford Motor Company's CEO. Ford has always been a solid performer but never spectacular until Trotman's programs took firm hold. The 1997 profits of $6.9 billion not only is the highest in Ford's history, it also is the highest of any automaker ever. Trotman absolutely is proactive, as evidenced by the bold steps he has led Ford in making in his time there. Of course, Ford was successful before Trotman assumed his role of CEO, but much of the spectacular performance of recent times can be attributed directly to his leadership and his efficient and systematic direction of Ford's current direction. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Themes Present in the Writings of Tomas Rivera

    5 pages in length. The multitude of literary works by Tomas Rivera is indicative of the prolific writer's inherent ability to pursue some of life's most complex of concepts. Characteristically reminiscent of the author's desire to expose the myriad inadequacies of social responsibility, Rivera's work is instrumental in placing humanity's struggles into the mainstream of everyone's consciousness. Such compositions as the famous 'And The Earth Did Not Devour Him,' along with shorter poetic works 'Alone,' 'Awakening,' 'Do Not Forget Me,' 'Finally Life Began' and 'My Life,' Rivera appeals to the innermost recesses of the reader's soul. The writer discusses how the author has a long history of reaching out and inviting his audience to experience with him the sometimes intense and often expansive sense of being that is clearly portrayed within his works. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Serbs and Kosovo Crisis in Yugoslavia

    An 8 page paper discussing the ongoing crisis between the Serbs and Kosovo. Some analysts attribute the reasons for today's war to the events of the 'Field of Blackbirds' battle of 1389, but that portion of history only colors the current crisis without fully explaining it. The Kosovars refused international attempts at peace in order to preserve principle, even though they understood they were greatly outnumbered by the Serbs and ill-equipped to resist them. As Milosevic's resolve only appears to have been strengthened following his indictment, there remains no end in sight. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Discussion of Data Warehousing

    A 5 page research paper that focuses on Data Warehousing. It begins with an introduction and brief history of communications/technology then defines the current usage of data warehousing. In lists 3 factors that can be used to evaluate a warehousing system and gives areas of focus for utilization of the system. Nine benefits of data warehousing are delineated and followed by a brief look at the advantages over current systems. The paper ends by looking to the future and the possibility of a Virtual Warehouse System. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Kashmir and Discord Between Pakistan and India

    7 pages in length. As the discord between and among India, Pakistan and Kashmir continues, it can readily be argued that Kashmiri officials have grown tiresome of the perpetual battle. Much of the ongoing concern is focused squarely upon the nuclear bomb tests that have taken place between the ever-feuding India and Pakistan; indeed, the world held its breath when India conducted several nuclear bomb tests last year. Not to be outdone, Pakistan retaliated by detonating its own nuclear bomb test just a few days later. As a result of this blatant show of force between two nations that have a long history of discord, national leaders all across the globe imposed sanctions to clearly state their opposition to such terrorist acts. However, Kashmir has forever been powerless to assert its desires. The writer discusses the discord between and among India, Pakistan and Kashmir. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Automotive Manufacturing and Computer Technology

    A 6 page research paper discussing the historical impact of computer technology on automobile manufacturing. The paper gives a brief history of manufacturing technology within the automobile industry, then presents the process of the introduction of computer technology and finally discusses the overall present impact computer technology has on automobile manufacturing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Wild Steps of Heaven by Victor Villasenor

    A 5 page evaluation of the book, “Wild Steps of Heaven,” by Victor Villasenor. In this incredible tale of one family we see the many sides to any given family or culture. It is an incredible look into the history of a culture as well as the people of Hispanic origin. The story is full of all the qualities that make a truly great mythical story, yet the intricate details are real and potent, not fantasy and vague. Villasenor has done a superb job in describing many of the details of his family’s heritage. No additional sources cited.

  • Garrett and A Criminal-Addict's Story

    A 7 page analysis of the life story of a career criminal and heroin addict, Manual Torres. In and out of prison throughout his life, Torres finally turns his life around through a rehabilitation program in the California penal system that provided him with educational opportunities and encouragement. Co-authors Richard P. Rettig and Gerald R. Garrett, give an added dimension to Manny's life history by relating it to current thinking regarding theories on criminal behavior. Extensively researched, these chapters give perspective on Manny's story and place it within the wider framework of criminal justice theory. No additional sources cited.

  • The Enormous Radio by John Cheever

    5 pages in length. 'The Enormous Radio' by John Cheever is indicative of the prolific writer's inherent ability to pursue even the simplest of concepts. Not unlike his myriad other works, which appeal to the innermost recesses of the reader's soul, the author has a long history of reaching out and inviting his audience to experience with him the sometimes intense and often expansive sense of being that is clearly portrayed within his works. Indeed, the Enormous Radio is no exception. The writer discusses criticisms, character analysis and symbolism in relation to Cheever's novel. No additional sources cited.

  • History's First Feminist Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz

    5 pages in length. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz has been called history's first feminist, a title that she would likely appreciate and take considerable pride in if she were alive in today's world. The woman who entered a convent as a means by which to further her quest for self-education found out that society was not too accepting of women who went against the grain of conformity; in fact, not only was she condemned for her struggles as a woman who sought out more than the social limitations availed to her, but she also had to face ridicule because of her sexual orientation. The female Mexican cultural symbol second only to the Virgin of Guadalupe, was, in fact, of the lesbian persuasion. The writer discusses how de la Cruz was determined to overcome the obstacles that stood in the way of her waiting education. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Hunting Cooperation and Gray Wolves

    15 pages in length. No other animal like the gray wolf can evoke such awe and terror at the same time. History is full of accounts of this magnificent animal stalking and ultimately taking down its prey with such ferocity and intent that scores of fabrications and misrepresentations have wrongly infused themselves into the patchwork of society. In fact, the gray wolf is no more sinister a predator than the lion, bobcat or owl; their primary focus in life is survival, which compels them to hunt for their existence. The writer offers a detailed account of how gray wolves cooperate in hunting. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Wildlife and the Impact of Urbanization

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the history, context, management and philosophies behind the problem of urbanization and its impact on wildlife. Urbanization has resulted in a large negative impact on wildlife in addition in regards to the flora and fauna communities. Within the last 300 years in the U.S., deforestation for urban or agricultural use has fragmented wildlife populations through urban sprawl, linear land use (such as roads and power lands) small and large agricultural land plots in addition to the introduction of exotic plants and animals which have an impact on native plants and animals. Agricultural use and urbanization in addition to being the demise of some species also causes the shift in native plants and animals in certain areas; shifts which tend to allow for the proliferation of some species often at the expense of others. Preservation and conservation efforts within the U.S. are primarily the result of the ethics and philosophies as promoted by Aldo Leopold who called for ecological considerations in regards to any urban planning. Preservation methods today focus mainly on restraining urban sprawl through the promotion of inner city renewal, the purchase of undeveloped land for preservation, promotion of mass transit through railways and fewer roads, and set growth boundaries around urban areas. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Was Thomas Edison a Genius or Simply Seeking the Limelight?

    10 pages. There are those who feel that Thomas Edison was clearly a thinking man but certainly no genius. When asked to further explain, they would tell us that Edison enjoyed being in the limelight and achieving monetary success, as would most of us. There are also those who believe that Thomas Edison was a remarkable genius, and that nobody but another genius would be able to replicate the designs he devised. The interesting thesis of this paper is to point out that while Edison was possibly a genius, the fact is that almost anyone can learn to think the way Edison thought and to be as productive an inventor as the man who is best known for inventing the incandescent light bulb. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. Nursing Shortage

    A 4 page research paper that summarizes and discusses the nursing shortage in America. The current U.S. nursing shortage began in 1998 and resulted from a combination of social and economic factors, which included the “little growth in RN (registered nurse) wages, demographic changes in the RN workforce that decreased the supply of working RNs and a stressful hospital workplace environment” (Buerhaus, et al, 2007, p. 853). Currently, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services predicted that by 2010, there the nursing shortage will have reach the level of 29 percent, which translates to more than 800,000 nurses (Chandra and Willis, 2005). This examination of literature briefly summarizes this situation and the negative impact that it has on the American healthcare system. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Captivity of Women in A True History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson and The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper

    This is a 6 page paper on a comparison of Cooper’s “The Last of the Mohicans” and Rowlandson’s “A True History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” in regards to strength, sexuality and purity. James Fenimore Cooper’s “The Last of the Mohicans” and Mary Rowlandson’s “A True History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” both tell stories of female captives during the Indian colonial wars in the Eastern U.S. In Cooper’s work of fiction, he tells the story of Cora Munro and how she provides the strength needed to allow her pure sister to survive their captivity. Cora is of mixed blood but still finds the idea of marrying Magua the Huron “morally repugnant”. Cooper was also criticized after the publication of the work in his insinuation of doubting the purity of the colonists. Rowlandson’s true account of her own captivity stressed that she found her strength to survive her ordeal through the purity of the Psalms of the Puritan religion. Rowlandson’s strength came from her religion whereas Cora’s came from within herself and her use of her powerful sexuality: the colonist ideals remain intact however as Rowlandson survived and the impure Cora dies. These ideals of the importance of pure blood lines are still seen today in the rapes which are reported during wartime in Joanne Barkan’s article on the Serbian rape camps of Yugoslavia which were meant to bring impurity to the blood lines of the Muslims. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Review of of Beloved by Toni Morrison

    A 5 page paper which discusses how Toni Morrison's "Beloved" presents us with the ghost of Beloved as a symbol of individual history and the collective history of a people. Bibliography lists 1 additional source.

  • Achievement of Faith in Easing Conflict

    Easing Conflict is Achieved Through Faith: This 12-page essay explores how we can find peace during times of conflict and personal struggle. Using the Holy Scriptures, many of God’s promises and teachings are quoted, then examined in-depth. According to the Bible the Lord never gives us more than we can handle, and He will always prove an avid listener if we simply just talk to Him. Bibliography lists 1 source. SNConfli.doc

  • The Legalization of Gambling: Its Social Impact and the Reasons for Its Continuation Paper Outline

    This is a 3 page outline discussing the points needed for a paper on the legalization of gambling and its social impact. However, the outline concludes with the continuation of legal gambling opposed to possibilities of banning it. An outline involving the legalization of gambling and its social impact includes various elements: the history of gambling on a worldwide scale; the history of gambling in the United States; and the impact of the legalization of gambling on a psychological, sociological and economic scale among other factors. The negative impact of legalized gambling has been found to be mainly socioeconomic in that people who become addicted gamblers often end up not only ruining their own lives financially and socially but also the lives of those around them. From a psychological perspective as well, gambling addiction must be treated similar to other addictions and therefore requires financial assistance to administer recovery programs. The positive impact of gambling is largely economic in nature by providing communities and state governments which much needed funding and employment opportunities in addition to the fact that many people enjoy gambling as a leisure activity. Despite the negative aspects related to gambling however, most researchers seem to conclude that banning gambling would not only be ineffective in stopping compulsive gamblers who may increase their risk by continuing to gamble but that banning gambling will take away some of the fundamental rights expected within the U.S.; freedom of decision-making and individual responsibility. Individuals currently have the freedom to decide whether or not to take part in the leisure activity of gambling or not; if this freedom were to be taken away it would negatively affect the nation’s moral health.

  • Oil Production Questions

    This 5 page paper answers 4 questions set by the student concerning the way in which oil production takes place within the US. The first question discusses the way in which production process for Marathon oil may be accelerated. The second question looks at the direct relationship that exists between the prices of crude oil and the price of gasoline at the pumps. The third question considers the way in which an oil company may try to keep prices at the pump the same and retain profits if the price of crude oil increases. The last section considers the impact of a potential long-term and on deep-sea oil drilling, and looks at the way in which US oil companies may be to remain competitive if this occurs. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • The Changing Nature of Health Care in the U.S.

    A 7 page paper discussing the state of several aspects of the US health care system and nurses’ roles within both the current system and that which continues to emerge. One of the primary qualities of US health care today is that it is in flux. It has been changing dramatically since the advent of managed care; continued budgetary pressures and the ongoing shortage of nurses dictate that further changes are made in the future. Nursing itself is changing as well, as those who have made nursing their life profession approach retirement age themselves. Those new to health care now face higher career demands than those who went before them. The new generation of nurses will need to be even more adaptable to change and more conversant with technology as it continues to change the face of health care. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Comparing Management at United, Delta, and American Airlines

    A 9 page paper discussing the management similarities of the three airlines. American, Delta and United Airlines are all commercial passenger air carriers. Beyond that, they have only a few similarities. All are old commercial carriers that were facing bankruptcy together until the US Postal Service approved air travel for the US Mail in 1925. There, they reached a point of divergence that continues today. It would seem that, because of the emphasis on employee ownership, United would be the 'best' to work for, at least as long as the pilots remain happy with their contract. The management style is appealing because it takes the employees into consideration perhaps more than the others do Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Post September 11th American Economy

    A 6 page overview of the contemporary state of the U.S. economy. Analyzes the effect of the destruction of the World Trade Center, the partial destruction of the Pentagon, and the consequent perception of a continued terrorism on the economy. Asserts that while the economy was at a low even before the attacks, it has suffered significantly as a direct result of those attacks. Includes data which backs up those assertions. Suggests that appropriate means are being taken to stabilize the economy and that the U.S. government, business, and individuals alike play an important role in that stabilization. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Employers' Tool for Healthcare Outcomes Management

    An 11 page paper discussing the increasing rates of obesity in the US – indeed in all developed nations – and the health problems that are expected to increase as a result. Diabetes already is epidemic in the US, and obesity contributes to several of the leading causes of disease and death in the country. Lean organizations need to gain full contribution from every employee, an accomplishment not possible when employees are ill but present, or even absent from work. Solutions such as those presented in the paper can make life-changing differences for those individuals who choose to exercise them. A real-world workplace promotion can provide immense benefit for employees as well as for the organization, and involving employees early in the planning process ensures that the resulting program is relevant to employees, their lives and families. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Management, Organizational Structure, and National Culture

    A 14 page paper. The essay begins by defining national culture and corporate culture and how national culture influences business culture. The writer then explains the different factors that influence the national culture, such as language, class stratification, emphasis on group or individual. Hofstede's four dimensions of culture are described and used as the benchmark for determining the national culture in the U.K. and the U.S. The writer uses two companies to illustrate the relationships between and among national culture, organizational culture and management styles. The companies used are Dyson Appliance from the UK and Apple Computer from the US. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Conflict Resolution & Iran

    A 10 page research paper that argues that there are alternatives to military intervention in regards to US policy towards Iran. The Bush administration has been very vocal in recent months about the dangers involved with Iran--one of the countries named by President Bush as being part of an "axis of evil--developing nuclear weapons. Iran asserts dogmatically that its uranium enrichment program is purely for peacetime use and is needed for the country's proposed power plants. Is the US headed toward an other military conflict, or can this situation be handled through diplomatic means, specifically through implementation of conflict resolution principles? This examination of this issue argues that conflict resolution offers a viable alternative to military intervention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Iceland and Health Care Delivery

    A 6 page paper comparing the health care systems of Iceland and the United States, where Icelandic medical students generally go to complete their residency requirements. Both systems are facing intense economic pressures, but Iceland’s national system does not prevent any citizen from gaining access to health care as is the case in the US. The health care system of Iceland holds a lesson from which the systems of all developed nations could benefit well. It would be desirable for those completing their residencies in the US to serve as ambassadors of a health care system that can have economic pressures and still be caring and committed to the ideals undergirding it. The paper also relates the mission of Saint Leo University to Iceland’s national health care system. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Opposition to Illegal Immigration Arguments

    A 4 page paper opposing illegal immigration. Arguing against illegal immigration is difficult because the very stance raises the ire of well-meaning liberals and offends the sensibilities of many who are far more conservative. Further, those of us who are not of 100 percent Native American heritage are products of immigration ourselves. These difficulties do nothing to alter the facts of illegal immigration, however. Citizens and structures are not prepared for such high numbers of individuals, and the effect is that our judicial system, labor markets and social support systems are overwhelmed. The US needs to establish and enforce immigration control measures, welcoming most but maintaining control of when they arrive and how they survive once they are across the border. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • U.S. Health Care System

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the American system. According to an online dictionary,, a "health care system" is defined as a "Complex of facilities, organizations, and trained personnel engaged in providing health care within a geographical area." If one considers only this extremely broad definition of a "health care system," then, yes, the manner in which health care is delivered in the U.S. is a "system." However, there are scholars who express an evaluation of the way that health care delivery functions in the US that is so negative that one can also easily make the argument that the delivery of health care in America is too dysfunctional to be considered to be a "system," as the term "system" implies organization and comprehensive service. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Debate on Euthanasia Legalization

    A 37 page paper that discusses legalizing euthanasia. This is a heated debate that has raged for at least two decades. The writer provides a general introduction to the topic of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, definitions of the different categories of euthanasia, claims of opponents and supporters of legalizing euthanasia, activities within the U.S., including Oregon's Death With Dignity law and the effects of the law, activities outside the U.S., including the experiences in the Netherlands, different aspects of the argument, such as he ethical and sociological aspects of the question, and a summary and conclusion. The writer argues in favor of legalizing euthanasia. Data are included. Includes Table of Contents. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Eco Mining Company Case Study

    This 10 page paper looks at a fictions case supplied by the student concerning issues of hedging and currency exchange risk. EMC is an Australian mining company, the paper answers 6 questions, looking at the different ways hedging may take place and their associated advantages and disadvantages, identifying the different exchange rate risk faced by the Australian company trading and borrowing US dollars, a discussion on why many Australian mining companies suffered in the 1980's due to the high level of borrowing in US dollars and use of forward contracts, the different way economic changes may be hedged and the reasons why a firm in this scenario may choose not to undertake a hedging strategy. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • 1920s' Sexual Revolution in America

    A 12 page contention that the 1920s did indeed spawn a sexual revolution. The industrialization which would overtake the U.S. in this time period would impact us in some very astounding ways. One of these ways was the advent of the sexual revolution, a revolution in which the mores and social behavior of the newly-named “flapper” would usurp those of the traditional American housewife. The flapper would come to epitomize the liberation of American women from the rigidly-defined patriarchal system which had kept them and their female ancestors bound practically since the beginning of mankind’s reign on earth. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Hedge Funds

    This 6 page paper examines hedging funds and the insurance market. The first part of the paper discusses the role and problems associated with hedge funds, the second part of the paper considers the general problems wit the regulation of the insurance markets in the US. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Comparing Management at United, Delta, and American Airlines

    A 9 page paper discussing the management similarities of the three airlines. American, Delta and United Airlines are all commercial passenger air carriers. Beyond that, they have only a few similarities. All are old commercial carriers that were facing bankruptcy together until the US Postal Service approved air travel for the US Mail in 1925. There, they reached a point of divergence that continues today. It would seem that, because of the emphasis on employee ownership, United would be the 'best' to work for, at least as long as the pilots remain happy with their contract. The management style is appealing because it takes the employees into consideration perhaps more than the others do Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of the Foreign Exchange Rate Model

    A 2 page paper describing the exchange rate model. The exchange rate model is that which equates the currency of one nation to that of another. Movement in that ratio is the determinant of whether the currency of any given country is weakening or strengthening, which most basically depends on the relative perceived strength of the economies of the two countries in comparison to each other while also considering the state of the global economy. When the dollar is said to be strengthening against the yen, then more yen are required to equate to one dollar, raising US import prices in Japan and decreasing Japanese import prices in the US. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • International Business and the Importance of Training and Development

    An 8 page paper discussing training options and problems in several countries, and some of the considerations that need to be made in assessing that training. It should be judged in a value-based system that takes into account cultural differences. Not to say that there ever should be different levels of performance accepted because of cultural differences, but assessment needs to allow for differing cultural views—Southeast Asian countries may think us strange yet understand what we see as standard practice on the basis of long-standing relationships, while the countries of the emerging market of Africa simply see us as strange. Goals will necessarily require more time in those areas as both sides reach understanding about the basic beliefs and assumptions of the other. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Problems of Water Pollution and Possible Solutions

    A 9 page paper on the problems facing the world, and particularly the U.S., in regards to water pollution. The paper concentrates on streams, surface and ground water pollution and the most likely polluters of those waters. The solutions addressed include cooperative efforts, educational efforts, technology and changes in the law. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Los Angeles Air Pollution and Healthy People 2010

    A 6 page paper integrating Healthy People 2010 Objective 8-1 (Reduce the proportion of persons exposed to air that does not meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's health-based standards for harmful air pollutants) and Watson's Theory of Human Caring to address the effects of air pollution in Los Angeles. Nurses operating within Watson's theory and addressing air quality can seek to educate the elderly and parents of young children about the dangers of high-pollution days and how they can mitigate their health risks as others continue to work to improve local air quality. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Technology as a Societal Addiction

    An 8 page discussion of the benefits and potential pitfalls of technology. Technology is indeed a catalyst for societal changes. It makes life better but it also comes replete with societal, psychological and environmental costs. Despite these costs, our addiction to technology seems to only take a stronger and stronger hold on us as time progresses.

  • Astronomy and Astrology

    A 7 page historical survey of the bond of Astrology and Astronomy and how as the result of the scientific method that bond was broken. And how both are still influencing us today. Lists four sources in bibliography.

  • A Comparative Analysis Of Saudi Arabia And US Banks Before And After The 2008 Crisis

    This 22 page paper looks at the banks and banking system of the US and Saudi Arabia, to examine the similarities and the differences. The paper starts by looking at the banking environment inn general including issues such as bank management, supervision, and social and economic condition. The paper then goes on to assess the assets and liabilities in the banking sector before and after June 2008, looking at the similarities and differences. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Macro Economic Influences on New Car Sales 2002 - 2006

    This 4 page paper discusses the performance of the new car industry in the US and the level of sales between 2002 and 2006 considering the different macro economic factors that may have influenced the level of sales. The paper includes two graphs, one comparing new car sales with the growth on the GDP and one comparing the sales with unemployment rates. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Exporting Computers to Kenya

    This 7-page paper discusses how a U.S. company would go about exporting computers to Kenya. Information included includes the economy, the potential market, political structure, taxes and licenses required and methods of promotion. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Cablevision and The Cable TV Industry

    This 10 page paper considers the current position of the cable television industry in the US, the structure, competitors and general characteristics, including a look at Porters' Five Forces Model. The second half of the paper then examines the company Cablevision, its position and performance against the industry environment. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Business Sole Proprietorship

    A 5 page paper discussing the burgeoning trend toward one-person businesses in the US. The trend began in earnest when highly-paid middle managers found themselves unemployed during the height of downsizing, and has continued throughout the 1990s. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship structure for tax purposes; the freedom and restrictions that the structure gives the entrepreneur; SBA's opinion of what constitutes sufficient capitalization; and the importance of having a written business plan, even if the entrepreneur has no plan of seeking outside funding. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Schools Should Have Comprehensive Sex Education Programs

    An 8 page research paper that examines the growing trend in the U.S. toward abstinence-only sex education. The writer argues that these programs are ineffective and bad public policy that actually endangers adolescents rather then coping with the problems of teen pregnancy and the rate of STDs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Adolescent Literacy Rates

    A 4 page paper. that reports statistical data from different sources regarding the literacy (reading and writing) skills of adolescents. The writer also comments on a report from Canada regarding literacy rates and identifies where the U.S. falls in terms of national literacy rates across the world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • U.S. Steel Industry and Legacy Costs

    This 3-page paper focuses on legacy costs and how they are impacting the U.S. steel industry. Issues include why the steel industry has been in such trouble over these costs.

  • The Health Insurance Crisis

    This 5 page paper discusses the health insurance care crisis in the U.S., what causes it, and what it means for the future of health care. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ethical Issues in Mental Health Care Practice

    A 7 page research paper that addresses 2 ethical issues for mental health care practice. Mental health counselors in the US follow the code of ethics layout by the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA). This comprehensive code covers numerous areas of ethical concern, two of which are the issues of obtaining informed consent and patient confidentiality. These are two areas that are integral to either counseling or research endeavors and therefore should be of prime consideration for practitioners. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Analysis of US Antiwar Organizations and American Peace Movements from September 11 2001 until March 20, 2003

    An 18 page paper which examines how traditional American pacifist groups and new U.S. pacifist coalitions have responded to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and President George W. Bush’s war against Iraq, comparing their components, statements of conscience, and methods of protests. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • The Importance of 9-11

    A 6 page contention that 9-11 should be considered the most important event of the last century. This contention is justified on the basis of the societal changes that have occurred since the September 11, 2001 terrorist destruction of the New York World Trade Center and the subsequent attack on the U.S. Pentagon itself. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Evolution of Rap Music in France

    An 8 page research paper that discusses the evolution and status of rap music in France and compares this to rap music in the US. The writer particularly focuses on the reaction of the legal system in both countries to offensive rap lyrics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Automotive Robotics Venture

    A 6 page paper providing pro forma statements and a marketing focus for a company offering generic robotic applications to the auto maker industry in the US. When a single unskilled worker costs upwards of $100,000 annually, the cost of robotic applications is not so daunting. Generic applications that can be customized to the needs of an individual manufacturing site further increase the overall economic benefit, and it will be that point on which Applied Auto Robotics focuses in marketing its products to the entire industry, beginning with Ford and GM. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Medical Ethical Dilemma - Stem Cell Research

    This 7 page paper begins with an explanation of what a stem cell is and why it is so valuable. The writer reports some of the diseases stem cells can cure and/or prevent and discusses the progress in stem cell research. This is followed by a discussion of the ethical dilemma with this type of research and concludes with the need for the U.S. to remain competitive. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Canada's Global Views on Foreign Policy

    This 16 page paper argues that Canada's changing policy is not supported by the state of its military forces. Its rhetoric is global in nature, while its reality is still relative isolationism. Much of the problem is attributable to a public, and a a government, that does not want to spend the necessary dollars to build up its armed forces. U.S./Canadian relations are discussed. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Obesity/Hispanic Women in Tillman County, OK

    A 10 page research paper that examines obesity and focuses on how this problem is affecting the Hispanic population of Oklahoma and specifically Hispanic women of Tillman County. Cultural and gender factors associated with obesity are explored and discussed in terms of this population, and as well as in regards to the State of Oklahoma and the US as a whole. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Agricultural Subsidies and Economic Factors

    This 5-page paper examines the economic theory of supply and demand, and focuses on how this theory has been re-vamped because of agricultural price supports from the U.S. government. The essay also touches on the impact of such price supports on consumers, as well as the impact of the FAIR act (passed in 1996) on produce and farmers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cesar Chavez and Bella Abzug

    This essay examines speeches by Bella Abzug, prominent feminist and one of the first women elected to the U.S. Congress, and Cesar Chavez, who championed the rights of immigrant migrants and Hispanics throughout the United States. The paper compares the two speeches, while providing background on both the creation of the United Farm Workers of America and the feminism movement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Consideration of the Brazil for Investment by a Biomedical Technology Firm from the United States

    This 6 page paper considers present a potential destination for US biomedical technology firm, considering the different conditions within the Brazilian macro environment, such as economic conditions, protection for intellectual property and demand for biomedical services. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • America's Waste Management Services

    This 6 page paper looks at the waste management industry in the US, defining it and then looking at the major companies in the industry; Waste Management Inc., Allied Waste Industries and Republic Services their sales, profits and strategies.

  • Toxic Waste in America

    A 4 page paper. The issue of e-waste is becoming more and more difficult as new electronics are developed and sold and old ones are put in storage or just disposed of in a landfill. This essay reports statistical data for e-waste in the U.S., including recycling rates. It discusses e-waste in Asia. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • IAS 39 Problems

    This 3 page paper looks at the potential impact of IAS 39 on European companies with reference to the use of hedging as a tool to limit risk. The paper argues this could cause many of the problems that FAS 133 created in the US. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Managing Diversity

    A 5 page paper discussing 4 points of diversity management: changing definition of diversity; changing US population; bringing groups together; and recommendations for diversity management. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Pension Funds of Coca Cola and PepsiCo in 2009 and the Impact of IFRS on Reporting of Pension Funds

    This 6 page paper looks at the differences in accounting for pension funds between US GAAP and IRFS. The differences are identified and discussed. The paper then assesses the pension funds of two companies; Coca Cola and PepsiCo, and the state of their pension funds, comparing and contrasting the position of the two funds and the level of underfunding present. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Child & Adolescent Obesity/U.S.

    A 6 page research paper/ argumentative essay that examines the topic of childhood and adolescent obesity in the U.S. The writer examines the parameters of the problem, defines it, discusses epidemiological factors and argues that more research should be conducted in order to discern what interventions work and which do not work in preventing and alleviating this serious public health problem. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Guerrilla Tactics and the Vietnam War

    An 8 page paper discussing the guerilla warfare tactics used during the Vietnam war and how they differed from those used in other wars. Also examines the effects of those tactics on U.S. troops. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Economic Policies of the UK and their Failure to Prevent a Double Dip Recession in 2012

    This 12 page paper considers the economic position of the UK in 2012 and the entrance into the double dip recession and assesses whether or not the government polices may have been responsible or contributed to the second recession. The paper examines the polices put into place, the international influences and examines the economic impact of the policies and the way polices were prioritized. The policies are also considered in the context of other countries, with particular attention to the US. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Multicultural Educational Tool of Drama

    A 12 page paper that begins with data regarding the proportion of ethnic and racial minorities in the U.S., the definitions of culture, and the need for multicultural education. Attitudes begin very early in life. The writer then discusses how drama can be used to lead to awareness and understanding of other cultures. Lesson plan is included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Conflicts and Causes in Cote D'Ivoire and Sudan's Darfur Region

    An 8 page overview of the underlying causes of these two conflicts. Speculations are presented as to why U.S. students could be largely unaware of these conflicts even in the presence of significant media coverage and observations made as to the long term implications of the conflicts.

  • EPA and Envirofacts Data Warehouse

    This 5 page paper examines the US Environmental Protection (EPA) website and the envirofacts data warehouse. The paper looks at what it does, how it is achieved and the motivations for creating the system. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Plan for a New Restaurant

    This 19 page paper is a plan assessing the potential to open a Peruvian themed restaurant in San Rafael. The paper examines the marketplace for the restaurant industry in the US in 2011, as well as the specific conditions in California. The general trends in the market, including consumer tastes, and the competitive environment is assessed. The paper then gives a general overview of the proposed business; including the way that it will deliver an authentic Peruvian style dining experience. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Post 2000 Effects of Foreign Rates of Exchange on Foreign Direct Investment

    A 3 page proposal for researching this topic. Capital movement across international borders often is dictated by changes in exchange rates, and capital movement into the US has the ability to directly affect the trade deficit, unemployment, general economic factors and the overall economy. The proposed research will seek to define the extent to which foreign exchange rates affect international investors’ willingness to place capital within the United States. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Public Health/Then & Now

    A 4 page research paper that encompasses 2 topics. The first topic is on Lillian Wald and Mary Brewster and how they introduced public health nursing in the U.S. during the early twentieth century (roughly 2 pages). The second topic addresses the Public Health Association of New York City, offering an overview (roughly 2 pages). Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • ERP Risks

    This 3 page paper looks at the risks which may be faced when a US company acquire a Scottish company and plan to install an ERP system. The paper looks briefly at a range of different risks. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Toys 'R Us Financial Analysis

    This 4-page paper examines financial information from Toys 'R Us to determine the company's financial health. Ratios mentioned include EPS, Current Ratio and others.

  • Current Perspectives/Math and Science Education

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the fact that the position of the United States in relation to other countries and math and science education has been a cause for concern for the last decades. This examination of literature looks at current perspectives on trends in US education, with a focus on math and science education and how this impacts the country as a whole. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Quality of Drinking Water

    A 6 page research paper which examines the problem of whether or not U.S. drinking water is safe. The writer first defines the problem, and then looks at what is being done at the state and national level to keep the public informed as to the quality of their drinking water, and what possible solutions might be implemented to help control water quality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Crime and Hate

    A 9 page argumentative essay pertaining to 'hate crimes' and whether or not enhanced criminal penalties should exist for those who commit them. Used as a constant reference is the relevant Supreme Court Case of R.A.V. vs. St. Paul and various tenets of the First Amendment. The writer concludes that free speech must be protected at virtually any cost in the U.S. even if it means that hate speech and 'hate crimes' will continue to cost lives.

  • Practice of Psychology

    A 3 page research paper that discusses psychology. Psychology has been defined as "the study of human behavior." However, even a brief examination of the science and practice of psychology demonstrates that this social science discipline encompasses a broad expanse of territory and that the practice of psychology is continually evolving as it changes to meet the needs of contemporary society, both now and in the future. An overview of psychology's history that this factor is particularly true in terms of psychology's purposes and goals. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nursing and the Impact of 1996's Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

    A 5 page paper discussing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. The paper provides a brief history of the law and discusses the data security aspect that went into effect in 2005, but the focus of the paper is how it can be expected to affect nursing and nursing duties. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Psychology and Philosophy

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of the value of learning history to psychology. Plato's advocation of reason is also explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Homosexuality and Latin American Gender Roles

    This 8 page paper discusses the societal views toward gender roles and homosexuality in the history of Latin America. Specific examples given. Quotes cited from texts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Behaviorist Psychology v. Humanistic Psychology

    A 7 page research paper that contrasts and compares the humanistic and behavioral approaches to psychology. The writer summarizes each school of thought, relating a brief history of each perspective, and then discusses their relative merits, showing that the mechanistic approach of behavioral psychology incorporates weaknesses into this approach. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Developmental Psychology Overview

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the history of developmental psychology with attention to Piaget, Freud and Erikson. Each of the theorists' basic views is discussed as it concerns development. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Criminal Profiling and Other Issues

    A 19 page paper that discusses numerous issues related to the topic. Some of those issues are: antisocial personality, criminal and non-criminal psychopathy, compulsive behavior, addictions, history of forensic evaluation, methods of criminal profiling, types of forensic evaluations, characteristics of serial predators and more. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Multicultural Psychology

    This 4 page paper examines this branch of psychology. Its history is included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

    A 10 page research paper that offers an overview of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. The paper defines the disorder; describes its history and incidence statistics; research; implications/impacts on health; psychological and social implications; treatment; and the role of nurses and nurse practitioners in management, concluding with a section that addresses the feeling of the NP on the topic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Alcohol on the College Campus

    A 10 page paper discussing the psychology, motivation, and results of alcohol abuse in college students. Reasons such as anxiety, peer pressure, and family history of alcohol abuse figure most prominently in the factors motivating college-age drinking. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Forensics

    A 9 page overview of forensics. The author defines forensics and illustrates its history. Examples from criminal investigations are emphasized along with forensic psychology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Adolescent Counseling and William Glasser's Theories

    A paper which consider how the theories of William Glasser are used in counseling adolescents, how these theories were developed, and the various influences both inside and outside psychology which impacted on Glasser’s work. A brief overview of the history of the relevant psychoanalytical models is included, in order to provide a background to Glasser’s own model. Bibliography lists 17 sources

  • Behavior Modification & Stopping Procrastination

    A 10 page research paper on behavior modification. This examination of behavior modification examines the history of this branch of psychology, describing the ideas that are intrinsic to understanding the principles that form the foundation of this body of psychological knowledge. This discussion of sources also describes the work of B.F. Skinner, including his text Walden Two, as Skinner is the psychologist who was instrumental in popularizing the field of behaviorism. Finally, the writer looks at how behavior modification can be used in overcome a personal behavioral problem, such as procrastination. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Advertising's Power

    This 5 page paper details the psychology behind the sucess of advertising. A brief history of American advertising is included. Early brands such as Coca-Cola, Ivory Soap, and Wrigley's are examined, as well as the psychology behind the Tommy Hillfinger brands. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Family Therapy Problem and Solution Focuses

    A 4 page research paper that contrasts and compares solution- and problem-focused therapy for at-risk families. The writer discusses these therapies within the overall context of the history of psychology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Informal and Formal Group Dispute Resolution

    6 pages in length. The concept of conflict resolution takes into consideration the history of cross-cultural psychology in that it assesses culture as an indispensable component in the understanding of human behavior. Because there exist myriad contrarieties in the manner in which people behave from culture to culture, such perspectives as relativism and absolutism are integral in their own application. The writer discusses formal and informal conflict resolution as it relates to Australian Aboriginals and European settlers. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Mainstream Society, Underground Music, and African American Culture

    In five pages this paper examines the concept of underground music as it relates to African American culture and urban history with go-go music and soul among the topics of discussion. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • Guqin Music and the Chinese Zither Instrument

    A 12 page research paper on this ancient and subtle Chinese instrument. The writer includes an overview of Chinese music as well as details on the construction, playing techniques, and music of the Ch?in which shows the history and significance of this remarkable instrument. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Stress Reduction and Music Therapy

    A 6 page paper discussing how music helps reduce stress. Introduction describes some of the history, as well as common facts, relating to music and its therapeutic ability. A review of current research is offered in order to evaluate which type of stress is most benefited by music therapy. Research involves the elderly, the young, and individuals suffering from stress as a result of pain. Ideas are provided which address the question of why music therapy works. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Music as a Reflection of Society

    This 6 page paper takes a look at the history of music from the 1960s through the present day. The paper argues that popular music reflects society. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Evolution Of Gospel Music In America

    A 7 page paper that presents the history and evolution of gospel music beginning with music created by slaves. The name of this music also changed from anthem to spiritual to gospel over the years. The essay comments on the separation of white gospel music and black gospel music and identifies some of the pioneers in this field as well as more contemporary performers as gospel transitioned to mainstream. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Music Industry Survival and Development

    This 21 page paper provides an abstract, a table of contents and then a look at the history of the music industry and where it is headed. Sections include ideas about the specifics of the music business, inclusive of legal issues. Genres as well as the changes in popularity from decade to decade are issues discussed in this paper that also looks at the social problems caused by music. Violence, sex and other problematic aspects are part of the analysis. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Leisure Music

    This 7-page paper focuses on house/dance music, its history, its current status, some information about demographics, and its evolution. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A Short History of Reggae Music

    This 3 page paper looks at the history and the meaning of Reggae. The paper includes many facts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Contemporary Classroom Invention of Music and Montessori

    An 8 page discussion of the value of music in academic achievement. This paper provides a brief overview of Montessori history and notes the observations of a teacher who has informally implemented the methods. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Brazilian Samba Music

    A 3 page essay on Brazilian Samba. The writer describes the music, concentrating on its evolution and history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Biological, Psychological, and Social Obstacles to Understanding Transsexuality

    In five pages this paper examines transsexuality within biological, psychological, and social contexts with references to Joyce Meyerowitz’s How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States and George Chauncey’s Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Makings of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940, with the theme of misunderstanding transsexualism also addressed within the context of Sigmund Freud’s essay, ‘Sexual Aberrations.’ There are no additional sources listed in the bibliography.

  • Masturbation

    A 6 page paper which examines various aspects of masturbation. The paper examines history, social, religious and other perspectives concerning masturbation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Argument by David M. Halperin 'There Has Only Been 100 Years of Homosexuality' Assessed

    A 10 page paper which critically assesses David M. Halperin’s argument, “There has only been 100 years of homosexuality” by discussing the theory and history of sexuality which informs Halperin’s theory, and drawing appropriate conclusions. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Tulving/Episodic Memory

    A 3 page article review that summarizes the main points of “Episodic Memory: from mind to brain” by Endel Tulving (2002), published in the Annual Review of Psychology, which presents a thorough discussion of this neurocognitive system that includes the history of this concept; what is known today; criticism of the concept; its biological reality and the current state functional neuroimaging in regards to memory. In so doing, Tulving proves his hypothesis, which is that “episodic memory is a true, even if as yet generally unappreciated, marvel of nature” (Tulving, 2002, p. 1). No additional sources cited.

  • The Real Reason for Sexual Restriction in Society Today

    This 6 page paper examines sexual practices and ideas in today's society. Various cultures and practices through history are considered. A sociological explanation for the status quo is revealed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Creative Cultural Expression and Rap Music

    This 6 page paper considers the culture and development of RAP music as a valid genre of expression and creativity. The writer considers the history of the music, how it became popular, its reputation and how this may indicate who it will grow in the future. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Musical Representations of Various Eras

    A 6 page research paper that consists of 2 separate 3-page papers. The first paper discusses how Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom fits within the context of the history of Broadway music. Bibliography lists 3 sources. The second 3-page investigation briefly looks at 3 different works and relates them to the era's in which they were composed and how the composer expressed emotion. These are Beethoven's Fifth Symphony (classical); Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet (romantic) and Schoenberg's Five pieces for Orchestra (contemporary). Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Meaning of Grace Slick's Song White Rabbit

    This 5 page paper offers a glimpse into the history of Jefferson Airplane singer and 1960s psychedelic icon Grace Slick, while exploring the impact and meaning of one of her greatest hits, “White Rabbit.” Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Reconstruction Period of American History from 1865 until 1877

    A 5 page paper that discusses specific aspects of this era in American History. The topics discussed are: Lincoln's plans, Johnson's plans, Congress's plans, the Military Reconstruction Act, why some believe Congressional Reconstruction was too radical and others believe not radical enough, the successes and failures, and the lessons we can learn for today's world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Persuasiveness of Socrates in Plato's Apology

    This 5 page paper discusses the trial and defense put forward by Socrates, recorded by Plato. The paper argues that Socrates was highly persuasive and put forward attractive arguments, but it was unlikely he would have been found innocent given the background of his teachings and the recent history in Athens at the time of his trial. The writer discusses the background to the trial and looks at the approach taken by Socrates when he defends himself. The bibliography cites one source.

  • A New York City Subway System Social History

    This 6 page paper examines the social history of the subway. A great deal of anecdotes regarding the system is relayed. Specific information on size and condition is included as well. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Historical and Contemporary Religious Responses to Science and Technology

    This 10 page report discusses the fact that throughout history, technological advancement and human knowledge has served as a threat to religious predominance in society. Beginning with the radical Copernicus, who taught that the earth revolved around the sun, Europeans began to reject medieval scientific thought. They developed an unheard of conception of a universe based on natural laws, not on a personal God. New science and old religion were destined to fall into conflict and that conflict has prevailed for centuries. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, and Coke Soft Drinks Compared

    This 5 page paper compares and contrasts ingredients and amount of carbonation in each drink. Some history of each soft drink is provided. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Problem of Beach Erosion

    4 pages on Beach Erosion; its recent history, progression, costs etc;. Goes into detail about reasons for the erosive process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History and Financial Performance of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.

    This 6 page paper examines this once proud company, looking at the history and the recent financial performance including a ratio analysis, before coming to the conclusion that this would be a very risky investment. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • The Bible And The Koran - Christianity And Islam

    A 15 page paper that begins by explaining what sacred texts are, what scripture is and the importance of these. The paper discusses the Bible and Christianity and the Koran and Islam, reporting the origins of the books, their function, their importance, with comments about translations and interpretations. The writer also explains the four approaches to the Bible that have occurred through history. The writer also comments on the controversies regarding the interpretation of the Koran. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Educational And Instructional Technology

    This 11 page paper is divided into two parts. Part 1 discuses the history of technology in education and instruction and the purpose of technology. Part 2 reports a few studies that reveal enhanced learning when today's technology is incorporated into the lesson design. In some cases, specific applications or Web sites are identified. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Background and Analysis of the UNIX OS

    This 10-page paper provides a background and analysis of the UNIX Computer Operating System. Topics discussed include the history of the system and its importance to computing today, as well as shells, kernels, the file system, process management, memory management and input/output functions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Tribal Scars

    In this 3-page paper, Sembene Ousman's Tribal Scars or The Voltaique is reviewed in terms of why it is important to the men to find the history of tribal scars. There are no sources.

  • PC's History and Impact

    7 pages. Personal computers have come a long way since the seventies, the eighties, and even within the last five years. Because technology is changing at such a rapid pace we have seen personal computers impact our lives in many different ways. Socially, economically and industry-wise the personal computer and its history are described in this well-written and concise paper. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Four Issues Regarding the History of Australia

    A 14 page paper. Four issues in Australian history are discussed: the changes in the roles and lives of women; some of the notable persons in the 20th century; why there was a surge in home ownership in the 1950s and the reasons for the moral panic concerning adolescents in the 1950s. bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Theater History

    This 10 page paper discusses the history of the theater. Specifically, the play "Oedipus The King" is used to illustrate the humble beginings of the theater. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Musical Differences Between Classical and Romantic Eras

    An 8 page research paper that examines the differences between the Classical era in music history (i.e. Haydn, Beethoven, etc.) and the Romantic era (i.e. Schumann, Brahms, etc.). Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • IMF's History and Performance

    This 25 page paper looks at the development and history of the IMF, its' aims and goals, and how they may be criticized as needing reform. The writer then goes on to illustrate this argument for reform by looking as specific countries including the UK, South Korea, Indonesia, Russia and Argentina. The bibliography cites 20 sources.

  • Global History and the Significance of Political Ideology

    This 5 page paper looks at social change, economics, ideology and environment and concludes that political ideology has had the most significant impact on world history. Each subject is discussed and examples are provided. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Arabs, Israelis, And Kissinger A Secret History Of American Diplomacy In The Middle East by Edward R.F. Sheehan

    5 pages in length. Henry Kissinger once said that to implement an effective foreign policy, it must be drafted through calculations of power and the national interest. Examining Edward R. F. Sheehan's "The Arabs, Israelis, And Kissinger : A Secret History of American Diplomacy in the Middle East," one can readily surmise that while Kissinger may have lived up to his own political doctrine, the manner by which it was manifested included the elements of secrecy and deal making unbeknownst to the American people until agreements were well underway. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A View of Alternative History or What Might Have Happened if Adolf Hitler's Invasion of Great Britain Had Been Successful

    This 5 page paper takes an alternative approach to history and considers what may have occurred had Hitler and the Nazi's been successful in invading Great Britain. The writer considers the German policies of the time and evidence from other countries in order to reach some conclusions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • A Political History of Cuba

    An 8 page paper discussing Cuba's oppressive political history. The Cuban people are hard working and strive to maintain optimism. The fact is, however, they have suffered centuries of political and economic oppression. Cuba presents perhaps the finest example of the consequences of inept government based on unworkable ideology rather than on the realities of life. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • US and New Jersey's Capital Punishment History

    A 10 page discussion of the history of the death penalty in the United States. Emphasizing the experiences in New Jersey and providing corresponding information for several other key states, the author of this paper concentrates on the key legal events and the controversy surrounding capital punishment. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Questions on Art History

    7 pages. This is a series of four questions concerning such topics as the difference between modern and contemporary art, narrative perspectives on collecting art, and why art museums are resistant to art history.

  • Literature Review on US History and Unionism

    This paper examines the literature available about unionism and the United States. In addition, the paper offers brief topics about unions including history of American unions, trends that unions face today, and how management and unions are trying to get along. Bibliography lists 20+ sources.

  • Political Institutions Shaped by the History of Western Europe

    This 6 page paper looks at European history and how it has affected Europe as it is known today. An emphasis is placed on politics. Communism is discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Capitalism and Europe in the 20th Century

    8 pages in length. There exist several reasons why the history of European twentieth century can be summed up as the triumph of capitalism, including two world wars, Fascism, Nazism, Stalinist Totalitarianism and the Depression. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Information for Those New to Teaching

    A 5 page paper presenting general comments about being a new history teacher. Tips regarding the kinds of strategies a new teacher needs are included as is an example that focuses on the Revolutionary War. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History and Future Promises of Space Exploration

    An 8 page overview of the timeless attraction of space and how that attraction has translated into space exploration programs. This paper traces the history of space exploration and contend that this exploration has the potential to result in more than just satisfying academic curiosity. Space exploration, in fact, directly benefits mankind in a number of ways. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Judith Walkowitz's City of Dreadful Delight and Gender History

    Gender History in Walkowitz’s “City of Dreadful Delight”: This 9-page essay examines Judith Walkowitz’s theories relevant to gender issues and female sexuality in the Victorian Era. Her treatise on the fluctuations pertaining to class and gender in late 1800’s London both informs about the past while still reverberating/ reflecting modernity. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNGenhis.doc

  • Wig and its History

    This 5 page paper delves into the history of the wig from Ancient times through modernity, and looks at a variety of aspects. A focal point is when Louis XIII re-ignited a trend for males to wear wigs. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Number e's History and Use

    This 5 page paper introduces the topic with a modern day look at compound interest, then delves into the history of the number e. Both early and modern uses are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Harpsichord History

    A 6 page research paper that offers a brief history of the harpsichord, its development and the principal schools that characterized the production of the instrument during its heyday. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Electronic Music History

    A 6 page research paper that gives an overview of the history of electronic music. The writer discusses the contributions of various composers, as well as giving a brief description of the electronic technological advancement that pertained to music. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • History and Evolution of Hare Krishna

    10 pages in length. There exist a great many philosophies by which people live their lives that help maintain order and a sense of direction that otherwise would merely drift in subconscious thought. One particular philosophy that has not set well with mainstream society is that of Hare Krishna, which partakes of the spiritual side of life by eschewing that which is overtly materialistic and shallow. The writer discusses the history, legal problems and ultimate maturation process of the Hare Krishna movement. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Internet2 History

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of the history of Internet2, including its development, implementation and the future ambitions. This paper considers the basics of Internet2, the underlying reasons for its development and the implications. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • World Cup History

    7 pages in length. Heralded as the world's most popular sport for the past one hundred and twenty-five years, the game of soccer has a most memorable history. From its early yet tenuous beginnings in 1904 to the first World Cup Tournament to its strong presence in the twenty-first century, soccer has demonstrated a staying power unequaled to nearly every other sport. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Apartheid's History

    6 pages. This paper gives an overview of the history of Apartheid, especially in the context of two specific books. White Supremacy by George Fredrickson and Ethnic Power Mobilized by Heribert Adam are the two books which are analyzed and commented on in this historical look at Apartheid. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Drug Abuse Historical Overview

    A 5 page research paper that, first of all, gives a brief historical examination of the history of drug abuse, and then addresses the questions of whether or not there is a universal need to have altered states of consciousness. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Internet Medieval History Websites Compared

    A 6 page research paper that examines and critiques three internet sites that deal with medieval history. The writer evaluates each site according to graphics, usability and the quality of information. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • U.S. History from 1960 to the Present Time

    (11 pp) This tutorial exercise examines history and policies of blacks, women and Indians within a thirty year time span. The presidencies of Reagan and Johnson are examine, as are some generalities concerning domestic and foreign policy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A History of Jews in America

    8 pages. One from person was chosen from each of the following time periods in American Jewish history: 1654-1820, 1880-1924, and 1924-1945. They are Rebecca Gratz (1781-1869), Lillian Wald (1867-1940), Molly Picon (1898-1992). The author discusses how these individuals exemplify the key issues facing the Jews in the United States during said time periods. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Historical Origin and Development of Jiu jitsu

    This five-page-paper explores the history and development of the martial arts form of Jiu-jitsu. How it began and the many changes it has gone through over the years and in different cultures are outlined. Bibliography lists four sources.

  • Rights of Citizens in Ancient Rome

    In 5 pages, the author discusses Ancient Roman History with respect to citizenship rights, what citizenship meant with respect to rights and duties, and how, why, and where citizenship rights were extended to others 509 B. C. – 89 B. C. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Connection Between Global Travel and the History of Flight

    This 14 page paper provides an overview of aviation history, with a focus on technology and engine development. New trends in world travel are also discussed in light of technological change. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Long Island's Transportation History

    This 8 page paper provides a history of transportation on Long Island, New York with a focus on trains, automobiles and boats. The Long Island Rail Road is discussed. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Contemporary Symbolic Logic History

    This 6 page paper explores the history of logic, with a focus on Aristotle. Applications for use of logical principles are fully explored. The paper looks at the use of logic from Ancient times through the postmodern era. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Literary History of Texas' Independence Movement

    A 5 page paper which considers how the history of Texas independence is chronicled in Jesus F. de la Teja’s 1991 book, 'A Revolution Remembered: The Memoirs and Selected Correspondence of Juan N. Seguin' by examining how five people were motivated to act and the reasons for their actions and how five military figures were able to control others through intimidation, force, etc. 1 source is cited in the bibliography.

  • History and Uses of Sugar Cane

    This 5 page paper looks at the history of the sugar cane and its domestication in the colonies in America after 1640. Also considered is the rise of the use of sugar in its use in popular foods and drinks such as Coca-Cola. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • European History and Religion from the Sixteenth Century to Today

    This 6 page paper provides three sections with timelines of significant events in European history as it relates to religion. A summary section is also included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Historical Functions of Museums

    This 10 page paper delves into museums and how they are to be considered in light of new technology. The function of museums throughout history, and throughout the world, are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Irish Tensions

    A 5 page paper which examines Ireland’s tumultuous history and considers the political, economic and social struggles including the potato famine, religious unrest, rebellion and independence movements and the role of women. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Colonial and Post Colonial History of Bali

    An 8 page essay that draws heavily on J. Stephen Lansing's anthropological study of Bali entitled "The Balinese" and outlines the history of this island culture during its colonial and post-colonial eras. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • U.S. History's Watershed Event, the Civil War

    4 pages in length. In describing the social, economic and political impacts, along with the results of war upon American psyche, one must grant a considerably broad overview of the primary issues associated with such a significant turning point in American history. Slavery, freedom and race relations reflect three of the most important aspects of why the Civil War can be looked upon as a watershed event for America, inasmuch as an entire classification of people finally earned the right to live like human beings. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Standardized Testing and its History

    This 11 page paper discusses the history of standardized testing and it's impact on education. This paper examines standardized testing from its inception through the 1970's. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Historical High-Points in Nursing History

    A 5 page research paper that offer five historical developments in nursing history. The writer discusses the contributions of Florence Nightingale, Agnes Hunt, Clara Barton, Hildegard Peplau and Virginia Henderson. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Seeing History Through Hill's, Hobsbawm's, Thompson's, and Marx's Eyes

    This 10 page paper looks at Marxist ideas and technique as well as how other theorists view history. Each theorist is discussed in his own right, but all are compared and contrasted to one another's thinking. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History of Turkey and Kuwait's Rates of Exchange

    This 10 page paper discusses the exchange rate history of Turkey and Kuwait and compares/contrasts them. Suggestions and theories are proposed based on the available data to account for the disparity between them. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • World War II A Chronological History

    This 10 page paper provides a history from beginning to end of the Second World War. Causes of the war are discussed and how the war ends is also noted. Major events are highlighted such as the Holocaust and the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima. A timeline is included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • World War I A Chronological History

    This 8 page paper provides a history from beginning to end of the First World War. Causes of the war are discussed and how the war ends is also noted. Major battles are highlighted. A timeline is included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Que Vivan Los Tamales Food and the Making of Mexican Identity by Jeffery M. Pilcher

    5 pages in length. Countries are often associated with the food they eat and produce as a means by which to confirm their individuality. Determining this identity is one way to establish a sense of pride and independence from all other nations in that food offers an historical representation that effectively categorizes all countries. Mexico is one of the most identifiable of those that borrows part of its existence from the native foods, that being primarily corn. The writer discusses how Jeffery M. Pilcher's "Que Vivan Los Tamales : Food And The Making Of Mexican Identity" delves deeply into the important role the singular crop played in Mexican history, as well as how the region was responsible for establishing Mexicans as "people of corn." Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 1916 Battle of Verdun II

    8 pages in length. The 1916 battle of Verdun is considered one of the most influential events to ultimately shape France's self-image as a country. Fought throughout the bitterest of winters, the soggy rains of spring and fall, and the infernal heat of summer, the battle cost the lives of some four-hundred thousand French fighters. So horridly etched upon history is the massacre, that just the mention of it triggers memories that the French vow will never be relived again. The writer offers an overview of the events leading up to the battle, as well as the tactics that were applied during fighting. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Life and Writings of James Fenimore Cooper

    6 pages in length. James Fenimore Cooper, the prolific author who has penned some of the most memorable literary works in American history, did not originally intend to be a writer; rather, the fact that he found his inherent ability to write was discovered quite by accident. His literary career began at the late age of thirty years old, in spite of the fact that he harbored an intense interest in reading just about everything that came his way. As time went on, Cooper focused more heartily upon his craft, as well as American issues, which served to thrust him into the literary world. The writer discusses Cooper's life and work. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Medieval Literature and Portrayal of Political Issues

    A 7 page paper which examines how two Medieval works offer us an examination of the political structure of the time period. Though the works do not directly discuss politics, they get a great deal of information across to the reader through such political examinations as gender, social class, and the issue of power. The stories examined are "Guigemar" by Marie de France and "Erec and Enide" by Chretien de Troyes. No additional sources cited.

  • Theodore Roosevelt A Life by Nathan Miller

    This 10 page report discusses “Theodore Roosevelt: A Life” published in 1993. The book covers both the political accomplishments as well as numerous aspects of his personal life. As a result, a reader is able to gain a much greater sense and appreciation of just who Theodore Roosevelt actually was, apart from his role as a historical figure. Had he not become a politician, Miller suggests he would have still been remembered and honored for his accomplishments in the fields of conservation, history, writing, and social reform. Miller’s book shows him as a remarkably multi-faceted man with a great enthusiasm for the adventure of life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Contemporary Technology and Its Influence

    10 pages in length. New technology has taught society to appreciate and rethink old skills, technologies and values. The ways in which this observation is true can fill volumes; however, one only needs to be familiar with but a few examples in order to understand the role technology has played in recent history. Inasmuch as technological diversification has allowed humanity to pursue goals and dreams once thought to be an impossibility, there seem to be fewer and fewer limits placed upon what mankind can ultimately accomplish. This may have its obvious advantageous aspects, yet there also exists a paradox of modern communication, in that society is becoming more isolated as it becomes more technologically advanced. The writer discusses the influence of modern technology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • A Euro Disney Marketing Flop

    This 5 page report discusses an unmitigated marketing nightmare – the opening of Euro Disney in April 1992! Before the Euro Disney theme park venture got underway, Disney executives had plenty of evidence that foretold disaster--including the failure of other French theme parks. But instead of trusting their own research department, developers believed the Disney name would overcome history. Within two years opening (1992), Euro Disney was losing approximately $9.5 million. The opening of Euro Disney has forever won a place in the list of true marketing flops. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Chemical Structure of Water

    A 6 page description of water. The author details the chemical structure of water and how this structure determines its behavior in response to temperature and in response to other substances. A brief history on temperature measurement with specifics of the distinction between the Fahrenheit scale, the Celsius scale, and the Kelvin scale is provided as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Climate and Political Culture of Norway

    A 5 page paper discussing the conviction of the people of Norway. The government is obliged to act as it is instructed by the people, which is all that has kept it outside the European Union until now. Governmental leaders have wanted it, but the working people of the nation have not. Norway remains independent of the EU, and boasts one of the most robust economies of the region. The Norwegian people have been unshakable for 50 years, and they have a history of self-reliance and a brand of obstinacy that has contributed to their long-term survival. It is unlikely that the voters will change their minds unless they can see sound reason for doing so. While Norway leads Europe in both economic indicators and social values, that change is not likely to occur. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Humankind Roles of Trees and Astronomy

    4 pages in length. Astronomy is an ancient science almost as old as the universe itself. From the beginning of time man has studied the stars, imagining pictures in the sky and relying on the fact that they will always be there to guide and direct. We all know the importance of the North Star in discerning direction. Trees have been used in the same way. Navigational tools in themselves, trees are known to have been read in order to help plot a course when maps were not an option. This interesting paper compares and contrasts astronomy and trees and the roles they play in the history of man. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Ohio Canals A Pictorial Survey Of The Ohio Canals Using The Drawings And Paintings Of The Late Frank Wilcox

    5 pages in length. Frank Wilcox's "The Ohio Canals: A Pictorial Survey of the Ohio Canals Using the Drawings and Paintings of the Late Frank Wilcox" is a splendid means by which to capture all the beauty, history and controversy that has existed since Ohio's one thousand miles of canals were completed in 1847. Through Wilcox's drawings and paintings, the reader is offered an insightful look into what many may not have before experienced. The writer discusses that it is by way of the keen eye that Wilcox possessed that readers are able to gain a significant respect and admiration for the canals that have been responsible for providing a system of economical transportation. No additional sources cited.

  • Cannibals and Kings by Marvin Harris

    A 5 page analysis that examines Cannibals and Kings: the Origins of Cultures by Marvin Harris. The writer demonstrates that Harris offers some intriguing ideas relative to the way that early man developed in response to environmental forces. Harris' book covers a wide-ranging variety of topics. In so doing, he often presents a perspective on history that is non-traditional. Nevertheless, Harris provides some very persuasive arguments that leave the reader with much to consider relative to the technologically oriented path of Western society. No additional sources cited.

  • White Privilege and 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' by Martin Luther King Jr.

    5 pages in length. For nearly as long as man has existed, racism has been driving a wedge between blacks and whites. Attempting to point out precisely how the white race has dominated throughout history, Martin Luther King, Jr. took time to address a criticism directed toward marches that were held in Birmingham, Alabama. To King, taking such time to do so was typically not achieved, however, seeing as he was in the Birmingham Jail with little else to do, he saw to it to utilize his time quite constructively. The writer discusses how within the literary boundaries of 'Letter From The Birmingham Jail,' King effectively -- and very diplomatically, indeed -- spoke of many racial ills that perpetually kept the black and white races apart, characterizing much of this separation being the result of white privilege. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

    5 pages in length. Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game is indicative of the prolific writer's inherent ability to pursue even the most complex of concepts. The author has a long history of reaching out and inviting his audience to experience with him the sometimes intense and often expansive sense of being that is clearly portrayed within his works, and Ender's Game is no exception. The three distinctive personalities representing Card's futuristic composition all signify the primary components of humanity's less attractive side: power, control and indifference. Befitting the very essence of the author's compelling fortitude, Ender, Peter and Valentine exemplify the fact that Card was striving for a very contrasting abstract among his characters, supplying each one with a different set of values and objectives. The writer discusses how the same goal was ultimately shared by the trio; however, it was the manner by which each one went about achieving it that set them apart. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Examination of American Liberalism

    25 pages in length. The origins and basics of traditional American liberalism gave direct rise to the ideals and concepts of individual political freedom and its intimate connection with economic freedom. However, this rebirth also led to a suffocating individualism that ultimately overshadowed the very reason liberalism had been embraced in the first place. The spirit of liberalism holds at its heart the development of individual freedom. The writer discusses that as the concepts of freedom change throughout history, so too do the concepts of liberalism. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • U.S. Social Fabric Up to 1840

    5 pages in length. Considered to be the rumblings of a significant turning point in the history of mankind, the period leading up to 1840 reflected a social fabric that was beginning to unravel. Native Americans, African Americans, women and the working class were growing increasingly intolerant of the few social and political elitists dictating to the vast majority what their lives were to represent. Minorities did not hold much power within society, inasmuch as there was an unyielding sense of control that loomed over the aspects of freedom, equality and individuality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Ethical Relativism

    10 pages in length. In order to establish whether or not ethical relativism truly exists within the confines of society, it is critical to understand the concepts behind both ethical relativism and ethical objectivism. These philosophical ideals are what make us the morally minded creatures we strive to be, although their principles are often overlooked or misconstrued. To delve into the concept of ethical relativism is to examine the wide and varying societal rules that bind one to one’s cultural existence. There is no universally accepted mode of ethical behavior; what is acceptable for Americans may be deemed inappropriate for another society halfway around the world. Cannibalism may be a perfectly moral and ethical way of life for some ancient tribes, but it is far from that in a more civilized society. Therefore, there is no singular set of ethical disciplines that are adhered to by all sectors. The writer discusses the existence of ethical relativism. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • U.S. and Indochinese Immigrants

    This 5 page report discusses the immigration of Indochinese to the United States. When the war finally ended in Vietnam, a ten-year outflow of refugees was created, resulting in the displacement of over 1.6 million people from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos - nations that had once been formally known as "French Indochina." Various aspects of their lives as immigrants, what brought them to the U.S. and where most live are briefly discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Consumer Culture and British Fashion Magazine Influence

    This is a 27 page paper discussing the influence of British fashion magazines on the British consumer society and their influences throughout history up and including the 1990s. The history of the fashion industry in relation to cultural influences, consumerism and the projected images of women and men in today’s society has led to a great deal of research in the fields of sociology, psychology and economics. While fashion magazines have changed their format a great deal in the past century as today their pages contain over one third in advertisements, their content has also changed a great deal. While researching the development of British fashion magazines within the last century, magazines such as Vogue, Elle and InStyle, initially showed that the focus of fashion magazines was women’s clothing and the models were portrayed as older elite women who replaced the dolls previously used. The influence of the fashion magazine on the female consumer at the beginning of the 20th century reflected the expectations of society in regards to conservative or opulent looks depending on the decade. Today, British fashion magazines tend to reflect the standards, or lack of standards, as now seen in the music and media industries. A recent study of focus groups’ opinions of images found in Vogue magazine found that most women and men feel that they can discern from the images presented in fashion magazines those images which are more “realistic” than others. In addition, it appears that in regards to consumer choice, fashion magazines are considered one of the less reliable sources available to consumers who prefer peer, family and local store recommendations over that of fashion magazines which appear as unreliable and unrealistic in regards to most situations and events. Nevertheless, the continued popularity of fashion magazines and their continued focus on the Western and/or American entertainment industries as a source for fashion is considered as a reflection of societal cues and consumer behavior. Bibliography lists 26 sources.

  • Overview of Semantic Networks

    This 12 page paper presents a detailed explanation of semantic networks; history, examples and uses are also included. Semantic networks are "brain- like." They allow new knowledge to be deduced. Their operative vocabulary includes the phrase node which equals the idea or concept being examined, and link which will be indicating the relationship of the concepts to each other. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Overview of Generation N"e"XT

    (10 pp). For the first time in history, most teenagers and young adults are more experienced in a computer based technology than the majority of their caregivers or parents. Rather than be frightened by this new skill employed by Generation N"e"XT, we should see it as a creative challenge to learn more about our young people and ourselves. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 1990s' Consumer Influence of Fashion Magazines

    This is a 27 page paper discussing the influence of fashion magazines throughout history on consumer society, culture and their status in the 1990s. The history of the fashion industry in relation to cultural influences, consumerism and the projected images of women and men in today’s society has led to a great deal of research in the fields of sociology, psychology and economics. While fashion magazines have changed their format a great deal in the past century as today their pages contain over one third in advertisements, their content has also changed a great deal. Initially the focus of fashion magazines was women’s clothing and the models were portrayed as older elite women who replaced the dolls previously used. Although women models replaced the dolls, there was no emphasis on the body of the woman. Men did not appear in advertisements and no close-ups were taken of the models. The influence of the fashion magazine on the female consumer at the beginning of the 20th century reflected the expectations of society in regards to conservative or opulent looks depending on the decade. Today, fashion magazines tend to reflect the standards, or lack of standards, as now seen in the music and media industries. Models within fashions magazines, both men and women, are seen as the disturbingly images that continuously reflect not necessarily the expectations of society but the unreal and artificial world of the media. Studies in focus groups have found that most women and men feel that they can discern from the images presented in fashion magazines those images which are more “realistic” than others. In addition, it appears that in regards to consumer choice, fashion magazines are considered one of the less reliable sources available to consumers who prefer peer, family and local store recommendations over that of fashion magazines which appear as unreliable and unrealistic in regards to most situations and events. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • The Miranda v Arizona Case, Due Process, and Miranda Rights

    (5 pp) A lot of us may only get crime information from television or movies, as we hear the television detective mumble something to the suspect, as he "cuffs 'em." What you are seeing and not hearing is the "Miranda rights." This discussion examines the definition, the history, and the importance of those rights. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Math Assessment, Authentic Assessment Programs, and Inconsistencies

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the interpretative and inconsistent nature of math assessment and possible authentic assessment programs. Several issues relate to the inconsistent and interpretative nature of math assessment within the educational curricula today. Firstly, on a national basis, studies reveal the range in attitudes in regards to importance math assessment has in the overall educational curriculum. While math assessment is often mentioned, its importance does not seem as highly weighted as other aspects of assessment of school performance. Secondly, within the school systems themselves, teachers in mathematics vary a great deal in their teaching practices which can affect assessment; perception of their students’ abilities based on social factors and past performance; perception of the importance of national and consistent assessment; and desired learning outcomes. There are many educational assessment tools which are available. However, assessment tools vary in regards to their expense, time, and curriculum considerations which can affect whether or not the tool can be usefully applied. One of the goals of the U.S. educational system is be “the first in the world in mathematics and science achievement” and some educational programs are trying to fulfill this goal by not only developing consistent national education and assessment programs but programs which are comparative on an international scale, such as that found within the International Baccalaureate Program (IB). Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • United States Navy and Its Weather Collection Data and Strategic Impact

    A 6 page discussion of the importance of data collection and statistical analyses in the U.S. Navy. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding weather patterns drives much of the Navy's data collection and analyses efforts. Being able to predict the weather can mean the difference between success or failure. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Pan Islamic Terrorism and Conflict Between Palestine and Israel

    A 4 page discussion of the association that exists between Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Pan-Islamic terrorism in the Middle East and beyond. The author reviews the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and notes the role of Western foreign policy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Analysis: “Six Characters” Author

    This 4 page paper discusses Pirandello’s play (“Six Characters in Search of an Author”) with the idea of speculating about the nature of the author (not Pirandello but the author of the play the characters inhabit); the relationships among the characters, and what the Six Characters tell us about writing (creating) in general. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Systematic Learning And Development

    A 14 page paper. This essay reports the amount spent on personnel development in the UK and U.S. in 2008. The essay discusses employee training and development programs in general and the concerns that are voiced about them. The essay then explains and discusses the systematic learning and development approach to training programs, including the steps involved in planning this kind of program. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • U.S. Army's Automated Recruiting System

    A 7 page paper discussing how the US Army’s automated recruiting system will look when fully implemented prior to 2006. The paper discusses hardware, software and implications for the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Comparison of Management Practices and Employment Culture Between Germany and the United States

    This 3 page paper examines the differences between management practices, corporate culture and the employment relationship in Germany and the US. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • U.S., Mexico, and Cultural Perspectives on Management

    A 3 page paper discussing the differences in expectations of managerial behavior. There are decided differences in cross-cultural expectations of business structure relative to the US and Mexico. A manager coming into either country experienced with his own culture will find conditions quite different, though worker motivations may be highly similar. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Comparing Various Programs of Project Management

    A 12 page paper. Project management is an important field in both the public and private sectors. This importance is evidenced by the fact that there are so many college/university programs specifically for project management. With an emphasis on the United Kingdom, more than 8 programs for masters degrees or certificates in project management are described. These include three in the U.S. and the rest either Online or in the UK. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • IAS 39 Problems

    This 3 page paper looks at the potential impact of IAS 39 on European companies with reference to the use of hedging as a tool to limit risk. The paper argues this could cause many of the problems that FAS 133 created in the US. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • United States' Defense Industry and Knowledge Management

    This 4 page paper examines the topic of knowledge management and how it is embraced by the U.S. defense industry. Problems inherent in terms of clandestine data are addressed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Issues in Coastal Resource Management

    This 7-page paper examines issues pertaining to coastal resource management in the U.S. Topics include government and non-governmental efforts, as well as the management of land, agriculture, vegetation and water as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Shortage of Nurses and Its Global Implications

    A 4 page paper discussing difficulties in recruiting, long hours and growing work-related stress. These are not unique to nursing, but likely nursing is the profession that finds these characteristics most problematic. The nursing shortage has been reality for a long while in both the US and the UK. Nurses in developing countries have taken note, and the ongoing shortages in the nursing profession now have taken on global proportions. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Management Theory and Microsoft, Inc.

    A 15 page paper providing an overview of Microsoft's evolution over the years, applying management theories such as those of contingency, leader member exchange, path-goal and other current theories. The success of Microsoft has not lay with its products so much as it has with its management and dogged determination not to quit. Microsoft products may have made us all groan over the past generation, but the company stands as the example of management theory put into astute practice. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Current Perspectives/Math and Science Education

    A 3 page research paper that discusses the fact that the position of the United States in relation to other countries and math and science education has been a cause for concern for the last decades. This examination of literature looks at current perspectives on trends in US education, with a focus on math and science education and how this impacts the country as a whole. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Family Assessment and Health Care

    A 5 page paper discussing the family as client and the increasing need for public health nursing to address families, rather than individuals. Families gain increasing attention in health care matters, though accessibility to health care still is grossly limited to many. Community- and advanced-practice nurses in many cases are filling the voids left by the path of evolution of health care in the US. We can expect this route to become only more common as former health care standards become increasingly elitist and out of the reach of the mainstream. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • An Overseas Market for One Sportswear Company

    This 7-page paper provides an overview of whether or not Columbia Sportswear should establish retail outlets in China (where it already has manufacturing plants) and if it should join with other companies to advise a lowering of Chinses textile imports into the U.S. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • In Depth Look at Columbia Sportswear

    This 17 page paper is an in-depth look at the Columbia Sportswear Company, a US firm selling outdoor wear, sportswear, footwear, accessories and equipment. The paper assessing the company from the 2004 annual accounts with an in-depth ratio analysis, identification of financial and strategic issues and an assessment of the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • 3 Major Airlines and Management

    A 9 page paper discussing the similarities and the management philosophies of American, United and Delta. All old, established companies, they are the three leaders of the US airline industry in terms of total revenues. Neither was profitable until the federal government authorized air mail by private carrier in 1925, and all three operate with only an uneasy peace with their pilots. The paper asks whether any of the three practices TQM, and concludes, based on the company-as-hostage stance of the pilots, that they do not. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Renaissance Culture: Donatello, Michelangelo and Shakesepare

    A 5 page paper which examines what art and literature tells us about Renaissance culture. The works examined are Donatello’s St. George and David, Michelangelo’s David, and Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part One. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • African American Teens and the Psychological Impact of Pregnancy

    An 8 page research paper. Births to adolescent mothers comprise 13 percent of all births in the US, yet adolescent mothers frequently receive inadequate prenatal care. Within this at-risk group, African American pregnant teens are particularly vulnerable. This paper offers a literature review that explores the motivations, cognitive development, and psychological state of pregnant African American teens. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Eyewitness Testimony Admissibility

    A 10 page research paper that discusses the reliability of eyewitness testimony. The writer offers a literature review of eyewitness and memory research that indicates that eyewitness testimony is not as reliable as it has been traditionally viewed in US jurisprudence. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Stroke Victims and Their Rights

    A 10 page research paper that addresses case management issues regarding stroke victims. The writer examines the scope of this problem (from a US perspective), offers a literature review, and discusses relevant ethical, social and economical considerations. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Aftermath of the Cold War

    A 5 page discussion of the primary ideologies which were at play during the Cold War years and how the aftermath of those years have shaped our current world environment. Uses the events which have unfolded in Afghanistan, and the current U.S. military action in Afghanistan, to underscore the contention that the Cold War was ineffective in ensuring long term peace. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Development and Value of Alternate Education

    This 118 page paper is a comprehensive literature review looking at the development and value of alternative education, with an emphasis on the US. The paper looks at a range of theories regarding the way education is delivered, including teaching styles, curriculum design and learning styles. The development of different educational institutions and the provision of learning for different students is also discussed, along with the results and benefits that have been realized. The bibliography cites 187 sources.

  • Post 911 US Tourism Industry

    A 6-page paper discussing the economic impact of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. tourism industry. Included are hotels, amusement parks, cruise lines and travel agencies. References list 7 sources.

  • Bibb Latane's Social Impact Theory

    A 5 page paper assessing Bibb Latane's 1981 social impact theory and what became of it. There are many theories from the past that resurface from time to time dressed in other terms and other names, and updated to meet current needs. This appears to be the case with social impact theory. Though it is not often discussed in current literature by the name that Latané gave it a quarter century ago, it nonetheless is still with us, particularly in business literature. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Cause and Aftermath of September 11, 2001

    This 15 page paper takes the form of a speech to discuss the causes of the attack on September 11, and the U.S. actions in its wake. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Medical Transport and the Impact of Economic Forecasts

    This 5 page paper looks at the economic forecasts for the US for 2010 onwards, including GDP growth, unemployment, inflation and oil prices and uses these forecasts to the impact on the medical transportation industry. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • U.S. and Japan Pro Sports

    A 5 page essay comparing the professional sports of Japan and the United States. Though almost every Japanese citizen follows their traditional sport of sumo wrestling, the growth of baseball in popularity and following in recent years has led even the Japanese to refer to it as the national sport. Nearly a mirror image of its American counterpart in administrative structure, it has allowed Japan to add another, unexpected, export: professional baseball players to U.S. teams. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Problems of Retaining Nurses

    A 5 page research paper that, first of all, examines the problem of the current nursing shortage and nurse retention, but then looks at The Nurse Recruitment Act of 2002 and evaluates how it may impact the US health care system and the nursing profession. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Practice Scope and Nursing Professionalism

    : A 3 page research paper that includes a 1 page introductory business letter to the nursing program manager who requested the research. This report pertains the topic of nursing professionalism and how this is influenced by the scope of practice. The topics covered pertain to nursing professionalism, as evidenced in activity of nursing professional organizations, both in Canada and the US; the Health Professions Act; registration and licensing; and continuing competence through lifelong learning, as evidenced in baccalaureate degree entry-to-practice. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Rehabilitation Setting and Collaborative Nursing

    A 16 page paper discussing the value of collaborative nursing in rehab. Culturally competent nurses – whether that competence is gained through ethnic group identification or learned through practical study and experience – can aid in achieving success in the rehab setting. Addiction is such a demanding form of mental illness that practitioners and patients alike need the greatest degree of ease possible. The paper discusses demographic changes occurring in the US and rehab needs specific to African-American and Hispanic populations. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Modern Nursing Evolution in the United States

    A 3 page research paper that takes a brief look at the evolution of modern American nursing, beginning with the Civil War and also focusing on the experience of US nurses in the Philippines during WWII. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pathology and Treatment of Liver Cancer

    A 5 page paper discussing the pathophysiology; diagnosis; nursing assessments and diagnoses; medical/surgical treatments; and nursing interventions in cases of hepatocellular carcinoma. Relatively rare in the United States, liver cancer is a leading cause of cancer in developing nations but is increasing in incidence in the US. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Child Developmental Psychology and Roots The Book and Miniseries

    A 5 page paper which compares Alex Haley's book, Roots (Chapters 1-42), with the 1977 miniseries to determine the major differences in terms of how each addressed child development, the difference in the socialization process between Kunta Kinte's tribe and that of Anglo-American children in the U.S., the classification of Kunta Kinte's society from an American cultural orientation, and the development of a child in Kinte's culture with the same aged Anglo child, from a specie perspective. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Women and Children as Products in the Sex Industry

    This 6 page paper examines the issues surrounding human trafficking. The problem is apparent not just in third world countries but even in countries like the US. The author suggests education is the key to addressing human trafficking. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Evolution of Rap Music in France

    An 8 page research paper that discusses the evolution and status of rap music in France and compares this to rap music in the US. The writer particularly focuses on the reaction of the legal system in both countries to offensive rap lyrics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Women and Children as Products in the Sex Industry

    This 7 page paper examines the issues surrounding human trafficking. The problem is apparent not just in third world countries but even in countries like the US. The author suggests education is the key to addressing human trafficking. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Los Angeles Air Pollution and Healthy People 2010

    A 6 page paper integrating Healthy People 2010 Objective 8-1 (Reduce the proportion of persons exposed to air that does not meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's health-based standards for harmful air pollutants) and Watson's Theory of Human Caring to address the effects of air pollution in Los Angeles. Nurses operating within Watson's theory and addressing air quality can seek to educate the elderly and parents of young children about the dangers of high-pollution days and how they can mitigate their health risks as others continue to work to improve local air quality. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Personal Privacy and Data Processing

    A 5 page research paper that addressing how the era of electronic information has brought privacy issues to the forefront of public concern. The writer analyzes several of the major US regulations and also privacy regulation in the EU. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Considering the Week in the Life of an American President

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of what a typical week in the life of a U.S. President is like. Some of President Bush's activities in 2001 are discussed. Several other contemporary presidents are referenced inclusive of Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Media and the Administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson

    In twenty two pages this paper considers the U.S. media’s attitudes about President Lyndon B. Johnson and his administration amidst LBJ’s claim that he was treated unfairly with the effects of the Vietnam War, most notably the Tet Offensive, and the Pueblo situation along with the President’s extreme sensitivity regarding coverage of the war are the primary focus. Three sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • U.S. Pizza Market Strategic Pricing

    This 7 page paper considers the pricing strategy that is seen in the US pizza market. The paper begins by considering elasticity, and how sensitivity to price changes is dealt with by the different competitors. Issues such as promotional and predatory pricing are considers as is life cycle and the role of costing as well as differentiation in pricing strategy. Three companies are used to illustrate the patterns, these are Dominoes, Pizza Hut and Little Creasers. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Japan's Outlook on World Politics

    This 5 page paper examines some of Japan's policies in order to evaluate the statement that Japan will continue the active, assertive and nationalist stance it takes now with regard to its defense policy, foreign economic policy and diplomatic stance regarding its history. The paper finds that the statement is largely untrue since Japan is changing – or considering changing – all three of these policies; however, the terms "active, assertive and nationalist" will still apply. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Immigration, Pros and Cons

    An 8 page research paper that discusses the pro and cons of the immigration debate, offering an overview of immigration policy that considers history, as well as the present. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Comparison Between Indira Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

    A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares the leadership skills of Martin Luther King and Indira Gandhi. The writer argues that an examination of the leadership skills and accomplishments of King and Gandhi demonstrates that, while there is much to applaud in Mrs. Gandhi's political career, history has judged King's leadership more positively than India's that of famous prime minister. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The History of the Financial Markets

    This 8 page paper looks at the history of the financial markets. Starting with Ancient Rome and the etairia the paper looks at the development of investments in shares, the emergence of stock brokers and the stock markets as well as the way bubbles have developed as a result of economic and investor influences. The paper focuses on the period up to and including the nineteenth century. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • The Bible And The Koran - Christianity And Islam

    A 15 page paper that begins by explaining what sacred texts are, what scripture is and the importance of these. The paper discusses the Bible and Christianity and the Koran and Islam, reporting the origins of the books, their function, their importance, with comments about translations and interpretations. The writer also explains the four approaches to the Bible that have occurred through history. The writer also comments on the controversies regarding the interpretation of the Koran. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Musical Differences Between the U.S. and India

    The music of different countries, in this case that of India and the United States, is comprised of different histories, cultures, faiths and education. While the music of these two countries might be completely different from one another, the fact remains that each country has music that represents these same agendas. Includes outline

  • Music History, Classical Era to the 20th Century

    A 4 page essay that offers a concise summation of music history from the classical period in the eighteenth century through the twentieth century. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Popular Music and Mariah Carey's Influence

    A 5 page research paper on the 1990s diva of popular music‹Mariah Carey. The writer explores Carey's history, her popularity, t he tendency of the press to focus on her personal life, and her general influence in popular music. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Music and Poems

    A 5 page research paper that offers lines from four poems and then describes the features of music that might be composed to express the poetry with each section of the paper representing a different era in music history. Eras included are the Baroque, the Classical, the Romantic and the Modern. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Origins of Blues Music

    A 10 page research paper which examines the origins of the blues and how this musical medium grew out of African-American culture as an expression of protest against the society which suppressed them. The writer covers such topics as the history of the blues, as well as spotlighting African-American artists whose works were instrumental in forming the blues as we know it today. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Sixteenth Century Keyboard Instruments

    A 9 page research paper that discusses the manner in which the clavichord, harpsichord and organ were used in sixteenth century music. Typically, when one thinks of the history of keyboard music, the era recalled is the Baroque and the career of J.S. Bach. While the three most significant keyboard instruments of the Baroque era were the clavichord, harpsichord and organ, these instruments' origins considerably predate the age of Bach and were also very important to music during the sixteenth century. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Mariachi Music of Mexico

    5 pages in length. Mariachi music is as much of Mexican heritage as is the overall cultural mystique that surrounds its haunting melodies. The various sones typically associated with this particular type of music is what separates – sometimes almost indistinguishably – the unique musical attributes that each son projects. Realizing the subtle differences between such sones as huasteco, jalisciense and jarocho provides the student with a significantly better understanding with regard to the history of Mexican music. No bibliography.

  • Debussy and Chopin

    A 5 page research paper that compares and contrasts the Romantic era with the Impressionist, but focuses primarily on contrasting Chopin with Debussy. The Romantic and Impressionist eras in music history are quite different in their repertoires. However, an examination of the music of Impressionism, and specifically, a comparison between the piano styles of Chopin and Debussy, illustrates the connections between the Romantics and the Impressionists and shows that there were features of Romanticism that the Impressionists adopted and then emphasized rather than abandoned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Listening and the Appreciation of Music

    A 12 page research paper that examines the art of music appreciation and what it takes to really listen to music. The writer argues that knowledge of how music is composed and musical history adds to the appreciation and enjoyment of the discerning listener. The three planes of listening as defined by Aaron Copland are discussed and the writer includes a brief survey of the basic period in musical development. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History of the Guitar

    In ten pages this paper offers a history of the guitar and how it has changed the face of music from classic to modern times. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Indian Music and the Tabla Drums

    This 6 page paper gives an in depth overview of the tabla drums used in traditional/classical Indian music. Basic strokes, history, and construction discussed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Falasha Liturgy and Indian Cassette Industry, Reflection on these Issues

    A 6 page essay that summarizes and reflects on the 1980 article "''Historical Ethnomusicology': Reconstructing Falasha Liturgical History" by Kay Kaufman Shelemay and Peter Manuel's 1991 article "The Cassette Industry and Popular Music in North India." No additional sources are cited.

  • The United Church Of Canada

    A 4 page paper that provides a brief history of how this church came into being as well as their liberal theology. The writer reports comments about worship services in relation to a more liberal theology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Chosen People and Judaism

    A 4 page research paper on the history and religious tradition of 'The Chosen People.' The writer describes the concept of 'the chosen people' in Judaism and its role in Judaism and Jewish theology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Connection Between Friday and Crusoe in Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

    A 6 page paper which first considers Crusoe’s early relationship with a Moorish boy named Xury, and how this parallels the subsequent relationship between Crusoe and Friday in an attempt to determine whether Friday follows Crusoe because he loves him, fears him, or a combination of both. Specifically considered are Crusoe’s rescue of Friday, their discussion of theology, Friday’s father, the duo’s journey to Europe, Friday’s death, and how this parallels Crusoe’s earlier relationship with Xury, and how both relate to events in world history such as Christianity, colonialism and slavery. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Preparation for Baptism and Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church

    A 16 page paper that begins by discussing sacramental theology with an emphasis on the Sacraments of Initiation. The Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation are explained separately, including origin, brief history, purpose, benefits, need, matter and form. The writer then turns to a discussion about why these Sacraments are beginnings and not ends in themselves. The last section offers an outlined list of topics to be discussed for two audiences - parents who are having their infants baptized and adults who are preparing for confirmation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • e-Learning Personnel Development

    A 7 page paper. Among the first technologies used were slides. The overhead projector provided a significant advance in training large groups. As computers became more common and the Internet became popular, they became predominant in training programs. This essay tracks the history of old and new technology used for employee training and includes possibilities for the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Connectionism Versus Motor Theory: Language Processing

    10 pages in length. Virtually no element of understanding human function goes without challenge; language processing is no exception. Pitted against each other for the struggle to attain superiority, connectionism and motor theory have come to represent the two primary aspects associated with speech perception. Simply defined as learning by doing (connectivism) and learning by being (classical or motor theory), history is filled with intellectuals who eagerly posited the values of both sides, many who provided their own labels to the same concepts. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Latin America's Liberation Theology

    A 15 page research paper that describes the history and development of Latin American liberation theology. Liberation theology is a term that was coined in 1973 by Gustavo Gutierrez, a Peruvian Roman Catholic priest (Berrman, 1987). This branch of theological thought refers to Latin American Catholics who subscribe to the idea that Christianity should be primarily concerned with focusing on liberating people from oppression and poverty. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Spirituality and Liberation Theology

    This 4 page paper looks at the life and times of Gutiérrez and how his ideas on spirituality mesh with his notions of liberation theology. Notions of class differentiation and the poor and what the Catholic church should do are discussed. The history of liberation theology is touched on. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Barbara Kingsolver's Pigs in Heaven

    5 pages. Best known for her best-selling book The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver has woven another intricate tale with sympathetic and realistic characters that have an interesting story to tell. Pigs in Heaven is a book steeped in the tradition of the Cherokee Nation, and emphasizes the importance of children maintaining a connection with their culture and the roots of their history. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Reshaping Everyday Life/Jack Larkin

    A 5 page paper offers a brief overview of Jack Larkin's history text The Reshaping of Everyday Life, 1790-1840 and then offers a 4 page detailed discussion of chapter 6, which is on music during this period. No additional sources cited.

  • Venice, Italy

    A 10 page research paper that discusses the history of Venice, Italy, and also its architecture, painting and music, focusing particularly on the sixteenth century. Then, the writer discusses the current crisis of Venice sinking and what is being done to preserve the city. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Comparison Between Robert Schumann and Franz Haydn

    An 8 page paper that compares Haydn's String Quartet Op. 76, No. 4, second movement and Robert Schumann's "Scenes from Childhood," No. 13, "The Poet Speaks." In doing so, the writer explores how theses works fit into music history, which composer took a classical approach, which took a romantic, and how these eras are defined. Biography lists 5 sources.

  • What Does Empiricism Teach About The Relationship Between Appearance And Reality?

    4 pages in length. The debate over empiricism and what value it may hold in relation to man's knowledge and understanding of the world around him evolved to quite a level of dispute among some of history's most outspoken theorists. During this period of enlightenment Locke, Hume, Berkeley and Descartes held the most vocal positions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • A Study of Anabaptist Reform

    A 12 page research paper that offers an examination of both primary and secondary sources offers an overview of Anabaptism, its background and history and then its theology. Through this discussion of sources, the focus will be on Anabaptist beliefs and why these beliefs resulted in brutal persecution of followers by both Protestant and Catholic authorities. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Knowledge and the Importance of Knowing the Past

    This 5 page report discusses the statement “Without knowledge of the past, we would have no knowledge at all.” In terms of both history and mathematics, as well as virtually all other human endeavors, what has gone before serves to illustrate and explain why subsequent decisions were made and actions were taken. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Do Madrasa Teach Terrorism

    This 6 page paper considers the history of the madrasas in Muslim education. The relationship between madrasa and modern day terrorism is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of Project Based Learning

    An 11 page research paper that explores project-based learning--what it is, its history, and examples of how it has been successful at all grade levels in promoting effective learning. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Sylvan Learning Systems

    A 5 page paper. Using a case study provided by the student along with other sources, the writer provides a history of Sylvan Learning Systems. The writer discusses the operating strategies used at different times by the company, which now belongs to Educate Inc. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Illegal Immigration in the Bahamas

    This 3 page paper examines illegal immigration in the Bahamas. Some history is included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Homosexual Persecution by the Nazis

    A six page paper which looks at the revisionist history work, The Pink Swastika, and other issues surrounding the relationship of the Nazi regime to homosexuality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Study Sample and an Application of Statistical Analysis

    This 4 page paper looks at an article supplied by the student that looks at the relationship between the adjustment of female prisoners and any history of sexual abuse. The paper uses statistical analysis to examine the sample of the study. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • A Review of the Edward Boykin Book Ghost Ship of the Confederacy

    A 5 page book review of Edward Boykin's Ghost Ship of the Confederacy (1957), which tells the amazing story of the Alabama and her extraordinary captain, Raphael Semmes. In doing so, Boykin profiles an area of Civil War history that is not generally known to the public, while creating a text of high adventure and expert naval strategy. No other sources cited.

  • Hawaii Natives, Loss of Identity and Politicsi

    This 7 page paper looks at economic problems and cultural issues in Hawaii. Much history is relayed in this paper that discusses the political problems in the state. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • What is Hinduism?

    A 9 page research paper that, first of all, addresses the question of "What is Hinduism?" with the writer offering history and description of this major world religion's major tenets and texts. Secondly, the writer address how "Hinduism" is an invented concept that was propagated by the British to explain Indian spirituality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Effect of Childhood Experience of Sex Abuse on Marriage

    A 12 page research paper/literature review that examines the effects of childhood sexual abuse on women within the context of marriage. This literature review investigates the findings of empirical research and what this body of information reveals about the precise effects of childhood abuse on the relationships of adult women, with a particular regard for how a history of child abuse has an effect on their marriages. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • A Review of Literature on ERP Systems

    This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of enterprise resource planning systems. History and best practices are covered. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The History of Mathematics

    This 6 page paper examines three books on the history of math. Some quotes are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Historical Reviews of Literature Featuring Native Americans, Black Women, and the Poor

    This 9 page paper discusses the various viewpoints of those who throughout history have had little voice: Native Americans, black women, and the poor. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Self Discovery and French Literature's Evolution

    This 7 page paper discusses the common theme of the search for self in throughout the history of French Literature. Examples given. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • A History of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict by Mark Tessler

    This 5 page report discusses Mark Tessler's 1994 book on the origins of the conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians. Tessler is intent on presenting the historical foundations of the conflict objectively but without being detached from it all. He recognizes and points out the very real injuries that have been suffered by both Palestinians and Israelis. He also makes comparisons of the ways in which Arab nationalism and Zionism have evolved alongside one another. Bibliography lists only the primary source.

  • History and Recommendations for Advanced Directives

    Considerations An 11 page overview of advanced directives in the medical arena. The author reviews the history of advanced directives utilizing such historic cases as the Karen Ann Quinlan case and the recent high profile case of Terri Schiavo to emphasize their importance. The provisions of the 1991 Patient Self Determination Act are explored and recommendations made regarding their implementation on both a personal and organizational level. Statistics are provided regarding the popularity of such directives. A copy of a generic durable power of attorney form is included as supplementary material. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Disputes and Western Civilization History

    A 3 page paper which examines whether the disputes of Western Civilization were fought because of conflicts over territory or ideas. The works cited are Margaret L. Mead’s “Western Civilization: A Social and Cultural History” and Jackson J. Spielvogel’s “Western Civilization: A Brief History.” No additional sources cited.

  • Westward Settlement and Environmental Effects

    This 4-page paper examines westward settlement during the 19th century and its impact on the environment. Issues covered include technologies that spurred settlement, ecological impacts resulting from westward moement, and the reaction of settlers to the changes in the land. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Colombia's History Since its Independence

    This 4 page paper discusses the developments which have come to Columbia since its independence, examines the causes of the civil wars, and analyzes the potential for the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Women's Rights Movement Pioneers

    A 14 page scholarly paper on the key leaders in the women rights movement. Highlighting the roles of Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Sarah and Angelina Grimke, the author notes the factors at play necessitating that these women step outside of society’s clearly defined societal expectations to effect change. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Various Employee Issues in the Workplace Workplace Considerations: Entitlements, The History of Rights, Education & Training, Community Support, and Whistle-Blowing

    This is a 5 page paper discussing some issues considered by employees within the workplace. In addition to the basic elements of an employee contract, employees should be aware of their employers’ support of their employees and to what extent this support covers. Employee entitlements for instance may be expected but can vary from organization to organization. While employees are aware of certain rights which exist within the workplace, they should also know whether or not these rights are indeed better or worse than the rights of those who preceded them. Many organizations support education and training for their employees but in almost all cases, the education should be job related for the employers make a considerable financial investment in their employees and wish to retain them. Employees should also be aware of any community-related support their organization has and to what extent that support also benefits the organization. Lastly, employees should be aware of whether or not their organization and state supports “whistleblowers” and in what instances whistle blowing would be considered a positive step. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Samuel Johnson's The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia

    A 4 page paper which examines Samuel Johnson’s “The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia” as it relates to the society of his time, as well as the timeless theme of searching for happiness. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Ibo History

    A 4 page paper which examines the history of the Nigerian Ibo (Igbo) people. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Upton Sinclair's The Jungle and the American Dream

    A 3 page paper which examines the historical realities in Upton Sinclair’s novel “The Jungle.” The paper then discusses whether or not the Jurgis family has lived the American Dream. No additional sources cited.

  • History Of Religious Orders and Monasticism

    A 7 page paper that begins by explaining the origin or the word monasticism and the types of lifestyles that may be adopted as a monk. The connection between monasticism and asceticism is explained. The writer then traces the history of the practice of monasticism before and after Christ and identifies the first Christian monastic orders that were founded. The differences between Eastern monastics and Western monastics are described. It was in the 6th century that the monastic way of life grew so much with the founding of the Franciscans and the Dominicans. The founding of more religious orders, including the Jesuits, was re-emphasized during the Reformation. The challenges to monasticism are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Christianity History and Significance of 'Church Order'

    6 pages in length. In order for Christianity to have held its religious endowment and authority for as long as it has, it was necessary to impart specific elements of Church order as a means by which to guide followers. To question religious strength is to cast a shadow of doubt upon the entire faith and its existence; as such, the Church recognized a great need for order and consistency to ensure unyielding dedication from its followers and, therefore, uncompromising devotion of its principles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History and Uses of TQM

    A 4 pageoverview of the evolution of this management style. The author notesthe key players in the development of TQM and emphasizes it has evolvedover time to emphasize the human element of the industrial elements ofour business world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nigerian Ibo or Igbo People History

    A 2 page paper which examines the history of the Nigerian Ibo (Igbo) people. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Hillary Rodham Clinton's Living History

    A 12 page paper which examines Hillary Rodham Clinton’s book “Living History” and then discusses it in relationship to leadership theories and practices. Bibliography lists 5 additional sources.

  • History or Etymology of Words Plus an Annotated Bibliography

    A 4 page paper which presents an annotated bibliography of 10 articles that deal with the etymological history of words. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Pacific Northwest Immigration of Blacks and History Lessons

    A 5 page discussion of the problems black immigrants to the Pacific Northwest have faced. The author asserts that the deep societal prejudice and the discrimination that resulted has had long term impacts for black immigrants and their descendants. A complimentary annotated bibliography is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History of Literature and Changing Character Gender Roles

    This 3 page paper discusses the changing roles of men and women as evidenced by literature. The Pelagasian Myth, Dante's Divine Comedy, and Milton's Paradise Lost, are all evidenced. Bibliography lists 0 sources.

  • History and Immigration of Blacks to the Pacific Northwest

    An 11 page discussion of the problems black immigrants to the Pacific Northwest have faced. The author asserts that the deep societal prejudice and the discrimination that resulted has had long term impacts for black immigrants and their descendants. A complimentary annotated bibliography is included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy History

    This 6 page paper examines this umbrella of cognitive theories. Various ideas from Beck, Ellis and others are duly noted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Anti Semitism Throughout U.S. History

    A 5 page discussion of the depths that anti-Semitism sometimes flow in our own country. While acknowledging this hatred and bias that has been constructed against Jews, the author of this paper denounces the growing tendency to indict the Roosevelt administration as anti-Semitic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. Voting Behavior

    A 5 page paper which examines the voting behavior of United States citizens from the 1950s till present day. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • LSD's History

    This 6 page paper gives an overview of LSD(acid) including the use and abuse of the drug over the years. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs and History

    A 4 page paper which examines and analyzes an excerpt from Harriet Jacobs’ “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” as they pertain to historical context. No additional sources cited.

  • A Dentistry History

    An 8 page overview of some of the major steps taken in dentistry. Starting in ancient times and continuing to the present, the author concentrates on the various approaches and materials that have been used in the production of fillings. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Post Second World War Business History of Japan

    A 7 page paper tracing the changes in Japanese business following World War II. Today, the keiretsu structure that allowed massive accumulation of nonperforming corporate debt has been dismantled, at least in that portion discouraging appropriate corporate governance. Economic consequences of past actions appear to be the limiting factor in Japan’s attempts to move past the effects of the bursting of its bubble economy and then the Asian currency crisis. Its foray into Western management styles discounted the value of its workers’ dedication to their companies. That dedication is grounded in centuries-old culture, however, and likely still exists beneath the layers of policy-imposed constraints. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Art History and Orientalism

    A 4 page research paper that examines the nineteenth century art trend of Orientalism, which the wrier defines and then discusses, referring to representative works of art. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Economic History Of The Pacific Northwest

    This 2.5 page paper reports some of the characteristics of the economy in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia since the 1930s. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Moral Attributes and History of Balzac's Colonel Chabert

    This 3-page paper discusses Balzac's Colonel Chabert, notes the story based on its times (post-Napoleonic France) and discusses whether virtue or evil survived the day. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Islamic History Questions

    A 6 page question/answer address of the volatility that has characterized the Middle East. The author addresses four specific questions: 1. List and explain three types of Islamic renewal or reform. 2. In what ways did the decline of the Ottoman Empire set the stage for increased American involvement in the Middle East? 3. What broad political strategy did the Eisenhower administration use to meet the challenges of Arab nationalism? 4. To what extent was the deterioration of US-Egyptian relations a result of a personal conflict between Lyndon Johnson and Nasser? Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Central Banking in England

    AThis 38 page paper considers how central banks developed and their original purpose. The general history and development is examined through the use of a case study which examines the creation of the Bank of England. The original purpose of central banks were as bankers to the government, with a principle task of funding wars. The responsibilities such as printing legal tender, monetary stability and lender of last resort all emerge following the success as a funding source for war. An initial benefit of a central bank was also the creation of a credit economy, allowing economic growth to take place at an unprecedented rate. The looks at the development of the Bank of England and tools used such as the Gold Standard and then applies the lessons to more recent central bank developments such as the creation and success of the Bundesbank, looking for commonalities that may be indicators of success. This is then applied to the current position of the European Central Bank, (ECB) in order to assess how successful the ECB will be in the future. The bibliography cites 59 sources.

  • The History of States vs. Federal Rights.

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of the tug of war between states rights and the rights of the federal government. The Federalist Papers are used in the analysis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Hera Temple and Early History of Greece

    This 4 page paper analyzes the architecture of the first Temple of Hera in Greece. Elements analyzed for style and lifestyle of the people, function, and symbolism. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • From the Light into the Darkness of Japanese History

    A 6 page paper which examines what may have happened from the Meiji to the early Showa periods (until 1930) that transformed Japan from liberal to conservative, considering such factors as group positions within society and government, continuity or discontinuity, that may have caused such a dramatic shift in ideology. Did these factors suddenly arise or did they predate this historical period? Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Text Analysis of 'Evil in Modern Thought An Alternative History of Philosophy' by Susan Neiman

    A 10 page paper which examines the various philosophical inquiries into evil as scrutinized by thinkers since the sixteenth-century Enlightenment. Specifically discussed are how the author goes about tackling this way subject, what is meant by “fire from heaven” in Chapter 1, and who it has in mind, the identity of the ‘architect’ being condemned in Chapter 2 and how philosophers deal with Him, ponders who the thinkers are that brought an ‘end to our illusions’ as referenced in Chapter 3, and contemplates the ‘prophets of homelessness’ described in Chapter 4. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Philosophy Through the Ages

    A 3 page research paper that offers a brief survey of how a variety of major philosophers have addressed the basic questions of philosophy. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • 120 Years of American History

    This 6 page paper discusses five specific issues and how they've changed American society since 1885.

  • History of the LGBT Movement

    A 5 page review of a few of the many accomplishments that this movement has enjoyed over the last thirty years. The author emphasizes members of this movement still encounter rigid resistance in many arms of American society. For some members of this movement this resistance is greater than for others. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Contemporary Actions and the Predeterminant of History

    A 4 page contention that our actions today are often determined by decisions that we made well back into the chapters of history. Indeed, even if we consider such gross aspects of our lives as our politics and our religions we see that this is indeed the case. One of the more interesting examples that supports this contention is the Renaissance. We are still feeling the reverberations of this historical period today, over six centuries since its advent. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • History of Rasselas by Samuel Johnson

    This 5 page paper examines this work and looks at it in light of Aristotle's ideas. The concept of happiness is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • 20th Century British Theatre History

    This 28 page paper examines the development of the theatre in England during the twentieth century. The paper considers the different styles seen, looking at realism, abstract, suggestive and interventionist theatre. This is considered in time order and also incluides elements such as the ay staging took place, lighting and general technology impacted on production. The paper then examines the way in which social constraints impacted on the way the theatre developed including the censorship laws and the reaction to those censorship laws. The final paper of the paper speculates the cycle is turning full circle with the rebuilding of the old Globe theatre in London. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Jason Meyer's Article 'No Idle Past: Uses Of History In The 1830 Indian Removal Debates'

    A 4 page review of the Fall 2000 article by Jason Meyers summarizing the political discord surrounding the Trail of Tears, the nineteenth century forced removal of the Cherokee people from their traditional land in the state of Georgia. No additional sources are listed.

  • Ecclesiology/Reformation & Great Awakening

    A 5 page research paper/essay that examines the ecclesiology of the Reformation and the Great Awakening. The advent of the Reformation radically changed the ecclesiastical orientation of much of the population of Europe, as Protestants left the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church due to their new vision of what the church should be and how it should function. The history of the Christian faith shows an evolution of thought pertaining to ecclesiology, and this is particularly evident during two historical periods, the Reformation and the Great Awakening. This examination of predominant thinking on this subject looks at the variant views of the church during each period and how these views pertained to perspective on pastoral care. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Dominican Republic and Asian Status

    This 10 page paper discusses the history of the Dominican Republic and its struggles with its neighbor Haiti, and how these incursions led the Dominican dictator Trujillo to invite first Spanish, and then Japanese, immigrants to settle on the island. It also discusses the fact that the conditions that the newcomers found were substantially different from those they had been promised, and that both the Japanese government and that of the Dominican Republic failed to given the newcomers the support they needed. Finally, it discusses the fact that most of the Japanese were repatriated or encouraged to settle in other Latin American countries; this included those that were born on the island. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Conflict Theory of Karl Marx and Views of Terrorism

    A 22 page paper that begins with a brief history of the evolution of terrorism, including the typologies of terrorism. Factors that have been linked to terrorism, such as poverty and lack of education are discussed. These two suggested causes, however, cannot be supported in more recent terrorist acts. Other causes cited in the literature are reported and discussed. The myths of terrorism, according to at least one author are reported. Marx's conflict theory is then explained and discussed as it might apply to terrorist acts in the past and in the present. The last section offers additional thoughts and a conclusion on the causes of terrorism. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Controversy and NEA

    This 10 page paper examines the past history of the NEA; controversial issues which have surrounded federal funding of the arts, including First Amendment issues clarified in 1998. Censorship outrage due to the work of Serrano and Maplethorpe is also discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Sexism in the TV Industry

    12 pages in length. Sexism in television is an industry ill that has run rampant ever since its mid-century inception. Even though it has purportedly quelled its ever-present sexist orientation, critics charge that this is hardly the case. Even in programs that proclaim to utilize women as respected and equal characters to their male counterparts, what has truly surfaced is nothing more than a clever ploy to make it appear as though television has finally put to bed the sexists perception it adopted at inception. The writer discusses how this veiled attempted to promote women from beneath the social oppression of the male ego has its roots in patriarchal control, in spite of the fact that women are more independent now than they have ever been before throughout history. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • The Holy Spirit According to Thomas R. Edgar and Jack Deere

    A 6 page essay that contrasts and compares 2 texts. Surprised by the Power of the Spirit by Jack Deere (1993) describes Dr. Deere's conversion to the charismatic perspective on the Holy Spirit and his support for miracles of the Holy Spirit existing in the present era. Thomas R. Edgar takes the opposite stance in his text Satisfied with the Promise of the Spirit (1996), as he argues against the charismatic viewpoint and in favor of the traditional cessationist position, which asserts that Pentecostalism was limited to the first century of Christian history. Both texts are examined before relating this issue's practical application to current ministry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Concept of Spirituality

    A 20 page research paper that investigates the topic of spirituality. The philosophical perspective of postmodernism has left people feeling adrift and rudderless in a world that has no meaning or purpose. In answer to this situation, many people, including scholars, have turned to the topic of spirituality and religion as a means for charting a new and purposeful course into the future. Examining this sociological trend reveals that it has evolved organically out of Western culture's history and also relates to specific features that are characteristic of human religious expression as a whole, that is, encompassing Eastern religious orientations. This examination attempts to find common threads between the thrust of Western spirituality, which is primarily Christian spirituality, and how this aspect of religiosity relates to theology, mysticism and fits within the legacy of postmodernism. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Cancer Patients and Cessation of Smoking Cessation

    A 9 page proposal for research into this topic. This study promises to be of even more importance than those of the past for special emphasis on head and neck cancer patients. The problem is that these cancers are most common in men between 40 and 60 with a history of smoking. While smoking rates throughout the country appear to be remaining steady around 25 percent, incidence of these cancers appear to be increasing. All of the patients are post-operative and so have the support of the controlled environment of the hospital during the worst period of withdrawal. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Jesus and Socrates

    A 4 page essay that contrasts and compares two articles that compares Jesus and Socrates. “Jesus and Socrates,” written by Bostick (1916), and “A Comparison of the Portrait of Jesus in the Gospels with the Portrait of Socrates in the Writing of Plato and Xenophon,” written by Bostick (1935), address the same topic and make similar assumptions about that topic. Each of these authors offers a comparison between Jesus and Socrates that serves to underscore the parallels in the lives of two men who changed the course of history with their philosophy and teachings. Nevertheless, while the points made in both of these articles are every similar, these articles are also quite different. This is primarily because of their level of scholarship and the individual writing style of each author. Based on these t two factors, another difference is that one can logically assume that each article was written with a different reading audience in mind. No additional sources cited.

  • Society, Power, Gender and Sexuality

    22 pages in length. Termed the battle of the sexes, struggles between the male and female gender have existed since the time of man. Neanderthal populations were segregated by gender no differently than contemporary society is today, with the only appreciable distinction between the two eras being that of a chink in the patriarchal armor that occurred during the twentieth century. Indeed, the issues pertaining to the history of sexuality are grand and far-reaching, having been hashed and rehashed for centuries, only to encompass a new and growing crop of issues such content as homosexuality and gender oppression. Bibliography lists 27 sources.

  • Comparing 3 paintings & painting/music

    A 6 page essay that discusses three paintings and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. “The Abduction of the Sabine Women” by Nicolas Poussin (1634), “The Death of General Wolfe” by Benjamin West (1770), and “The Raft of the Medusa” by Theodore Gericault” (1818) are each representative of a specific period in art history. Comparing the three works illustrates the way in which the Romantic era reconnected with the emotionality and vibrancy of the Baroque. However, it should be noted that Neoclassical works were not without emotion, as Beethoven’s striking Fifth Symphony exemplifies, rather it indicates that comparison between the periods illustrates that in the Neoclassical era, emotion was controlled within the confines of rationality. A bibliography is not offered.

  • World War I and the East African Conflict Between the British and the Germans

    The "WWI Bush Ghost" of German East Africa. (10 pp) This discussion will look at an amazing period of World War One history concerning the conflict between the Germans and the British in East Africa. (German East Africa encompassed all of present-day Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. Its 384,180 square miles exceeded the size of Germany and France combined. Its borders ranged from Kenya-Uganda and Lake Victoria in the north; to the Congo, Rhodesia and Lake Tanganyika in the west; to Nyasaland (with Lake Nyasa) and Portuguese Mozambique in the south. The Indian Ocean presented a natural border in the east.) Paul Von Lettow-Vorbeck was the consistent German player, with about 300 German officers and 11,000 black colonial troops, during this conflict, and we will see much of the information from his point of view, concerning this seldom reported period. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nicaragua State Analysis

    11 pages in length. Nicaragua, which borders the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, has long struggled to obtain its own significant notion of existence, a quest that has been fraught with revolution, political upheaval and economic turmoil. The concepts found in relation to Nicaragua's revolution are based upon the fundamental aspects of economics, politics and history; without these integral elements, such astute determinations with regard to humanity's struggles for democracy and socialism would not have been achieved. By addressing relevant issues from both the past and present, geopolitical historians are able to formulate impressions of Nicaragua's future that prove revolutionary. Analyzing the manner by which the state has overcome such overwhelming challenges leads the student to examine specific components of its composition, not the least of which include demographic considerations, economy, government and military. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • New Nursing Theory Formulation

    A 10 page paper constructing a new nursing theory. “Theory” is not merely some nebulous entity arising from ruminations far removed from nursing practice and patient outcome. Rather, it can be a tool for devising the optimal treatment plan for patients in a variety of areas. The one focused on here is the struggle against alcoholism. The patient used as example in this paper, Mr. Walker, is a 42-year-old man with a history of noncompliance recovering from alcohol hepatitis with jaundice. The relational statement providing a foundation for a new theory is that the greater number of variables contained in a system, the greater the chances that a patient can negotiate through them and maintain higher numbers of subsystems in equilibrium. Included in the discussion are the topics of the nature of theory; the central propositional statement and underlying assumptions; concepts on which to build the theory; and translating the new theory into practice. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Margaret Sanger

    3 pages in length. A true pioneer in the nursing field as well as a social reformer, Margaret Sanger upholds what some believe to be the dubious legacy of introducing birth control for the sole purpose of giving women a choice when it comes to their own bodies. Her nursing career was the catalyst for what ultimately became her life's work educating about and supplying birth control devices after watching with a heavy heart how not only patients but her own mother suffered under the physical and emotional toll of having many children; at a time in history when women were only just beginning to have a social voice, Sanger's contribution to nursing was both courageous and timely. She may have met with opposition every step of the way, but Sanger stood strong in her conviction so that women of today have a choice whether to birth babies or not. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Gambling and Organized Sports

    This 10 page paper provides a history of gambling in organized sports and evaluates the trend. Concepts like point shaving are defined and discussed. Various real life examples over time are relayed. Suggestions for resolving the problem are included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Singapore Management Style

    A 15 page paper assessing Singapore’s readiness for participative management. This paper reviews views of business in terms of Asian culture and Singapore’s unique position to determine whether participative management is appropriate in Singapore. It concludes that not only is it appropriate, it also is very much in practice. The paper discusses management theory, management history, Singapore’s great progress over the past 40 years and gives examples of two leading Singapore companies already using business models most conducive to participatory management. One (SembCorp) has even adopted the philosophies of GE’s Jack Welch. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • The Impact of Airport Security Measures on Management Operations

    7 pages in length. The extent to which the airport industry environment is different now than prior to September 11, 2001 illustrates the significant lengths to which the nation's security system has been augmented. This vast development in the wake of America's worst terrorist attack in history is, however, said to be just as inefficient and incapable of averting another 911 episode as what existed before the fateful day; that the airport industry has strategically bolstered itself has made all personnel more keenly aware of the potential for a repeat performance, yet the ultimate performance of these presidential instituted mandates and the Transportation Security Administration role continues to leave gapping holes in the overall objective toward national protection. On a smaller scale, however, advancement is being made in certain areas where tremendous sweeps are not expected to occur – such as onboard – where a smaller cluster of people is able to make a bigger, more immediately visible and overall impact. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Johnson and Kaplan's Relevance Lost The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting Reviewed

    This is a 10 page paper reviewing the book “Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting” by H. Thomas Johnson and Robert S. Kaplan first published in 1987 and has since been printed over nine times. The book is extremely relevant in its recognition of the importance of the development of the management accounting discipline over its course in history and the realization that the system must be drastically updated in order to be effective in today’s global competitive industries. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • "Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect" - Overview And Message

    3 pages in length. The game of golf is fraught with more opportunities to fail than virtually any other sport. Coupled with the fact it is considered an independent activity despite being played with others makes golf a particularly valuable vehicle for improving one's character, patience and positive outlook. Through the eyes, ears and thoughts of some of history's most celebrated golfers, Rotella (1994) illustrates how every single shot made - or missed - evokes myriad emotions that ultimately help them better their respective games, a reality one can readily equate with the learning curve inherent to life and the ongoing quest for personal development. No additional sources cited.

  • Following Watson's Example/Personal Philosophy of Nursing

    A 10 page research paper/essay that offers a guide for contrasting and comparing a student nurse's personal nursing philosophy to that of nursing theorist Jean Watson. The writer argues that each individual nurse brings personal perception to the act of interpreting Watson's theory. This interpretation is necessarily influenced by that nurse's personal history, knowledge level, and understanding. The purpose of this discussion of Watson's theory is to compare and contrast it with the personal nursing philosophy of a particular nursing student. The paradigms of person, environment, health and nursing are addressed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Literary Influence of the Romantic Period

    This is a 5 page paper which discusses the introduction of the Romantic Period in history and the influences literature of the day had in regards to its influence on society, music, drama and future literature. The revolutionary change in literature from rationalism in the 18th century to truth, self-identity, and humanitarianism in the 19th century had an enduring affect which still continues today. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Beowulf, Tempest, Don Quixote/Their Lasting Appeal

    A 7 page essay that examines 3 works of great literature. “Beowulf,” the Anglo-Saxon epic poem by an unknown poet; Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”; and “The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha” by Miguel de Cervantes illustrate the characteristics of a great work of literature that cause it to endure. Examination of these three great literary works demonstrates that each one continues to resonant with modern readers because they accurately reflect human nature. Additionally, each work demonstrates expert use of such features as characterization and plot construction. Also, each author’s use of language is lyrically beautiful and expertly executed. No additional sources cited.

  • Geishas

    A 7 page research paper that takes the form of a study. This study consists of a literature review to ascertain the legitimacy of the Western perception that geishas are prostitutes. This examination of literature is based on the hypothesis that this prevalent Western assumption pertaining to geishas is false. While sexuality is undoubtedly a part of the lives of these women, this private part of their lives in not a part of their role as geisha. This study explores what does constitute the appeal of the geisha, the history of the profession and why the West has this fundamental misconception about the geisha’s art. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A look at C.K. Barrett's The New Testament Background

    A 5 page book review of C.K. Barrett's The New Testament Background: Selected Documents (1956). For the theology student, the study of New Testament scriptures also involves consideration of the wealth of collected wisdom and experience that is recorded in ancient literature, as these works describe the "history and thought of the world in which the Church was born" (Barrett xvii). Theology students hear constant references to this compendium of knowledge from their professors without usually encountering these works first hand, as most students never read these works themselves. Considering these facts, C.K. Barrett concluded that theology students need a guide to ancient world literature that aids them in regards to New Testament studies. Consequently, Barrett compiled such a text, which cites a variety of ancient documents that--collectively--offer a comprehensive picture for the modern student of the ancient world. No additional sources cited.

  • Personality Development/Albert Einstein

    A 5 page research paper that examines Einstein's life and genius. Albert Einstein is "the icon of scientific genius," one of the "most recognizable faces in the history of mankind," and certainly the most influential scientists of the twentieth century (Khoon, 2007, p. 9). This examination of Einstein's life discusses his biography in terms of developmental psychology and the possible influences that may have shaped his genius for math and creative insight. The two personality development theories utilized for this purpose are those of Erik Erikson and Karen Horney. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ford Motor Company CEO Alex Trotman and His Management Skills

    A 5 page paper evaluating the leadership and management abilities of Ford Motor Company's CEO. Ford has always been a solid performer but never spectacular until Trotman's programs took firm hold. The 1997 profits of $6.9 billion not only is the highest in Ford's history, it also is the highest of any automaker ever. Trotman absolutely is proactive, as evidenced by the bold steps he has led Ford in making in his time there. Of course, Ford was successful before Trotman assumed his role of CEO, but much of the spectacular performance of recent times can be attributed directly to his leadership and his efficient and systematic direction of Ford's current direction. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • eCommerce History

    An 11 page paper tracing the history of ecommerce over the past century. After computers became necessary for business, it became desirable to use the electronic environment for more than only information storage. Data networking was the only missing link, and eventually telecommunications networks were sufficiently available to enable purchasing and payments in the electronic environment. Ecommerce was born, to be embraced by business and consumer segments at different rates. The purpose here is to trace the history of ecommerce and technology over the past century, and to make a conclusion as to whether the industrial age has ended. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Car Racing History and NASCAR Marketing

    A 14 page paper that provides the history of car racing beginning in the prohibition era. The first actual organized race was held in Daytona Beach in 1938, organized by Bill France who went on to establish the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. NASCAR was officially established in 1947 with the first race under the bylaws and rules being held in 1948. A lot has changed since those first races. Today, the NASCAR races take place across the country although Daytona Beach is still the headquarters for the organization. This essay traces the history and evolution of NASCAR and comments on the changing demographics of fans over the years. The second part of this essay focuses on marketing strategies used by NASCAR, including partnerships and sponsors. The essay concludes with comments regarding future trends in marketing strategies. Data regarding fans and sponsors are included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • An Overview Perspective of Quebec

    A 4 page overview of Quebec's natural resources, her history, her people, and the current move towards independence for Quebec. The author asserts that Quebec has managed to maintain her cultural and linguistic uniqueness throughout Canadian history and she can continue to do so as a productive, yet distinct, part of Canada. Bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Relevancy of the History of Civil Rights

    A 5 page research paper that sums up the state of racism in America during the Civil Rights movement and today. Presumably the United States is a pluralistic country made up many races and ethnic origins, wherein all citizens enjoy equal rights under the law. Conservative Republicans, arguing for the dismantling of Affirmative Action laws, argue that racism is a thing of the past and that such laws are not longer necessary or just. However, an examination of Black history and the history of the Civil Rights movement demonstrates the blatant, deeply-embedded institutionalized racism of the first-half of the twentieth century is still evident. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) During Recent History

    5 pages in length. Historical literary accounts of Latin America's quest for freedom delve deeply into the social and cultural foundation of discrimination and oppression during the nation's formative years, effectively illustrating the extent to which the Americas suffered gross indignities at the hands of those who were in control, with primary emphasis upon the oppressive nature of European colonization. Andrea & Overfield's The Human Record : Sources of Global History and Bulliet et al's Earth and Its Peoples : A Global History Since 1750 are instrumental in illustrating the detrimental impact of colonization, as well as concentrating upon the significant quest for independence that Latin America ultimately realized as a nation. No additional sources cited.

  • An Overview Perspective of Quebec

    A 4 page overview of Quebec's natural resources, her history, her people, and the current move towards independence for Quebec. The author asserts that Quebec has managed to maintain her cultural and linguistic uniqueness throughout Canadian history and she can continue to do so as a productive, yet distinct, part of Canada. Bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Arab Seafaring by George Hourani

    7 pages in length. The vastness of George Hourani's "Arab Seafaring" explores well beyond the standardized version of sea trade history and its eventual impact upon the world; rather, this particular historic rendering takes myriad other elements into account when describing one of the most important episodes in commerce. While the author does, indeed, address the fundamental aspects of sea trade history as it relates to the time before Christ, the Arabs, the Indian Ocean and ultimately to China and East Africa, one might readily argue that the much more interesting components of Hourani's account stem from his detailed descriptions of other heretofore undisclosed content, such as travel particulars, geographic interests, meteorology and highly illustrative visual images of the very vessels that made these seafaring journeys over and over again. Also integral to the overall comprehensiveness of Hourani's book is the impact of lighthouses, maritime handbooks and other invaluable guiding instruments, as well as that of piracy and everyday sea life upon the sailors. Unquestionably, Arab Seafaring is one of the most exhaustive accounts of its kind that paints a complete and detailed literary picture of what it meant to be involved with seafaring commerce during these centuries. No additional sources cited.

  • Psychology and the Effects of Dreams According to Sigmund Freud

    A 18 page research paper that examines the impact of the career of Sigmund Freud and his The Interpretation of Dreams on culture and psychology. There are certain events in history that can be perceived as pivotal, that is, after this event occurred, everything pertaining to a certain field changed as existing paradigms and concepts were irrevocably altered. Such an event occurred with the publication of Sigmund Freud's seminal work, The Interpretation of Dreams (first published in 1900). It is through this work that Freud's concepts began to infiltrate the intellectual climate of the dawning twentieth century. Examination of the impact of this work, as well as Freud's ideas in general, demonstrates that the publication of The Interpretation of Dreams constitutes a pivotal point in the history of psychology, after which everything changed to accommodate Freud's revolutionary concepts (Messer and McWilliams, 2003). Bibliography lists 15 sources.


    An 11 page research paper that includes a 1 page abstract. This paper offers a review of nursing literature that focuses on systems of nursing classification, with an emphasis on the classification system of nursing diagnoses known as NANDA. The history of this organization is summarizes, explaining how North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) reinvented itself as NANDA International (NANDA-I) to reflect its growing multi-national membership. The historical background on nursing classifications systems is also discussed, and this includes an overview of the two other principal forms of nursing classification, before offering a general overview of NANDA and NANDA’s history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Foreign Policy Articles

    A 7 page research paper that offers an analysis of literature, which addresses the nature of foreign policy formulation. First of all, it examines the work of Jean A. Garrison, whose conceptualization of the policymaking process provides a cohesive, insightful framework for understanding the decision-making process within the context of group dynamics. The utility of this framework is then discussed in reference to various case scenarios drawn from history and discussed in scholarly literature. Collectively, this indicates how scholarship facilitates understanding the origins and complexities of the governmental policies that serve to shape the contemporary world and its history. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Poor Treatment of the American History

    This 8 page history paper examines Native Americans and the negative way they were treated. The paper argues that the United States launched a campaign that would end in death and destruction for the Native Americans and they did this without a thought to their natural human rights. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Overview of Generic Pharmaceuticals

    A 4 page paper that reports a brief history of the generic pharmaceutical industry. Examples of generic companies are provided and the writer comments on the effect of the generic companies on the pharmaceutical industry. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • In Vitro Fertilization

    This 10 page paper provides different sections to relay the history of the procedure, how it is done and nursing examples related to the process. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Favelas Housing and the Political, Social, and Economic Situation in Brazil

    Favelas may be perceived as shanty towns, but in Brazil they are attractive permanent structure built by community and perceived by some as a model for self help. This 3 page paper consider how the development of these favelas by squatters reflect the political, social and economic history and conditions in brazil. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • The Use of Technology at Tesco

    This 6 page paper looks at the way that the UK supermarket chain Tesco uses technology and manages information and the way it has helped the company gain and retain its' dominant position. The paper considers the history of technology and information management within the firm and discusses the current use of the loyalty card as well as technology in inventory management including EDI and RFID. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • The Last Emperor Film by Bernardo Bertolucci

    Bertolucci’s, The Last Emperor – An Overview: This 6-page essay examines the 1987 Bernardo Bertolucci film, The Last Emperor. Part embellished fiction, in part fact this epic motion picture depicts the biography of Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Ling Dynasty and much of 20th Century China’s tumultuous history. Bibliography lists 3 sources. SNEmpero.doc

  • Northeast's Gray Wolf and Its Endangered Status

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of this endangered species and provides a discussion on reintroduction in the Northeast. A brief history of this animal as well as a description of its physical needs are included. Recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Globalization - Overview

    A 10 page paper that begins with a definition of globalization, which is followed by a history of globalization. The writer illustrates globalization as international trade has been practiced since at least a few centuries B.C. The rise in globalization in the last forty years is discussed as are the arguments for and against it. The writer reports the rise in FDI and the identifies the countries most globalized. The writer comments on how culture evolves with or without economic globalization. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Gold Commodity and Market

    This 8 page paper looks at the commodity of gold, examining the way gold is priced and the market performs. The paper starts with consideration of why gold is different to other commodities, the perceptions of gold, the history of gold pricing including the gold standard and Breton Woods agreement. The current performance of gold and the supply chain is also considered. The bibliography cites 17 sources.

  • Implementing Patient to Nurse Ratios in the Healthcare Environment

    This 4 page paper looks at the development of the patient to nurse ratio requirements in California. The history of their adoption into legislation is discussed, including the failed attempts and opposition by the hospital industry. The paper then identifies the ratios that have been set and discusses some of the atrocities concerning the implementation. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Islamic Banking

    This 12 page paper gives an in-depth overview of Islamic banking. The paper looks at the history and development of Islamic banking in recent times, the major characteristics of Islamic banking, gives a description of the different financial products and financial instruments which are utilised, considers the banking regulations, the strategic and competitive issues faced by Islamic banks and finishes with recommendations for an existing or new international Islamic bank. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism and Diversity

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of this brand of buddhism and explores how the organization--NSA which later would split to become two distinct entities--promotes diversity. Despite problems in the organization, the buddhist teachings would continue. A history of the organization is included. Diversity is defined. A proposal for the paper is also included. Bibliography lists15 sources.

  • Tobacco Industry

    This 10 page paper provides a history of the tobacco industry, noting there is evidence of the use of tobacco several centuries B.C. The discussion includes the importance of tobacco to economy of certain colonies/states as well as the importance of this industry to the economy and revenue to governments. In the last part of the paper, the writer argues against banning smoking and suggests the government has exploited the anti-smoking movement to its own gain while those who smoke have lost their civil rights. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Cosmetic Surgery Addiction

    In seven pages this paper examines why people in the twenty-first century are becoming increasingly addicted to cosmetic surgery in an overview that includes history, symptoms, treatment, and also discusses body dysmorphic disorder and its implications. Five sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Gross and Fink/Telecommunications

    A 12 page research paper that offers a comprehensive summation of a text by Lynne S. Gross and Edward Fink, Telecommunications: An Introduction to Electronic Media, which is a text that offers readers insight into the history of each major subcategory of telecommunications and thereby contributes greatly to the task of enlightening understanding about how the field is developing and where future trends may lead. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Photosynthesis

    A 5 page overview of photosynthesis. This paper provides a brief history of the early discoveries that were relevant to photosynthesis, an overview of the limiting factors affecting it, an outline of the light and dark processes, modern representations of photosynthesis, and a recap of the value of photosynthesis in nature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Wireless Communication

    This 4 page paper provides information on wireless technology. A history of the technology is provided in addtion to where it is going. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History of Yoga and its Trends

    This 13-page, turabian-style paper deals with yoga, the trends, its uses and its history. Also included are discussions about the six main types of yoga. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Journalism and the Internet

    This 6 page paper explores online journalism to decipher its place in the history of journalism. Where does net journalism fit in? What is its future? What is the difference between online journalism and print journalism? These questions are explored after providing a brief historical account of print journalism. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Case Study on Shell Oil Company's Sustainable Development

    This 6-page paper is a case history about sustainable development at Shell Oil Company. The paper discusses the challenges facing Shell in trying to incorporate sustainable development (especially in getting employees on the same page) and focuses on some solutions to these challenges.

  • The California Recycling Bill of 1989

    This paper examines California's Bill 939, which was passed in 1989. The bill mandated that by 2000, the entire state would diverte 50 percent of waste toward recycling. The paper discusses the history of the bill, how it has been implemented, and level of compliance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Ottoman Empire, the Armenians, and Genocide

    A 7 page research paper that examines what various historians say about the history of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. Many historians say that the events of 1915-16 constitute deliberate genocide, but Turkish historians assert that Armenian deaths were the consequence of justifiable defensive actions and are a result of war. The writer argues in favor of considering this genocide. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Slavery: From Ancient Times to the Modern Day

    This 6 page paper addresses questions about modern slavery but also looks at the history of slavery globally. Should the United States, a country that once held slaves but denounces slavery, tolerate slavery in other nations? This concept is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Changing American Ideology and the John F. Kennedy Assassination

    This 4 page paper reviews the factors that make Kennedy’s assassination more than a simple event and an actual tipping point in history. Events before and after the assassination are analyzed in regard to how Kennedy’s presidency and the subsequent assassination influenced our nation.

  • The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam by Ira Lapidus and The Community in Islamic History by Hamilton A.R Gibb

    This 4 page paper looks at The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam by Ira Lapidus and The Community in Islamic History by Hamilton A.R Gibb, comparing and contrasting the views of Islam and the relationship between religion, politics, and government in the classical or Pre-Modern Muslim world. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Islam vs. Christianity, a Comparison

    A 5 page research paper that compares and contrasts Christianity and Islam. The writer discusses the history of both faiths, finding numerous similarities and then discusses differences in outlook, focusing on the different interpretations that each faith give the Genesis story. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Conflict Between Israel and the Palestine

    This 5 page paper discusses the current (2002) infitada between Israel and Palestine. Territory for Terrorism policy is analyzed. A brief overview of the history of violence between the two peoples is given. Interviews with both Arabs and Jews included, quoted, and cited. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Conflict Between Israel and the Palestine and Policy Alternatives

    5 pages in length. Arabs and Jews carry a lot of hatred and hurt from a history of war and terrorism. Although efforts have been made to quell this perpetual discord, it will be extremely difficult for the bitter combatants to embrace the simple concept of forgive and forget; realizing this, other policy options must be considered. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Italian Food/Breads & Dessert

    A 3 page research paper that describes various Italian dishes and their history. The writer focuses on pasta, pizza, and 2 desserts. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Jesus Of History, Jesus Of Faith

    A 4 page paper. The stimuli for this paper are statements made by John Meier who said, among other things, that the real Jesus was "unknown and unknowable." The writer discusses the difficulties with defining the historical Jesus and comments on whether or not the epistemic gap between the Jesus of History and the Jesus of Faith can ever be bridged. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Trumpet History

    A 15 page research paper that examines the long evolution of the trumpet. Long used as a military signaling device, or as a symbol of high social status, an examination of the trumpet's history and evolution demonstrates that it is only in its modern incarnation that the trumpet fulfills its full potential as a musical instrument capable of great versatility. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Mental Illness from Ancient Times to the Present

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of mental illness and its history from ancient times to the present. There is an emphasis on the causation of mental illness but treatment issues are highlighted as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Issue of Mortality in Literature and in Life

    This 8 page paper examines the issue of mortality and explores three works of literature as part of the analysis. Genesis along with Gilgamesh and Pliny the Elder's Natural History are the works discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Spinal Tuberculosis Management and Prevention Literature Review

    This 15 page paper delves into the history of the disease, its manifestation and treatment options. Attention is paid to infection control throughout as information about the disease and quality patient care is relayed. The paper concludes that successful treatment is usually in the form of chemotherapy or surgery or a combination of both. Infection control is highlighted and noted as a priority for schools, prisons and hospitals. How infection control efforts, along with treatment options, impacts the patient psychologically is also addressed. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • The Secret History by Donna Tartt and Greek Themes

    This 6 page paper analyzes twelve different texts in reference to the use of Greek themes in Donna Tartt's book, The Secret History. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • North America and the Immigration of the Scots

    This 28 page paper discusses the history of the immigration of Scotts to the United States and Canada. Specifically, this paper explores the reasons for their immigration, as well as settlement patterns, hardships they endured, ports of entry and so forth. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Wealth and its History

    This 7 page paper examines the history of wealth, from capitalism to the Industrial Revolution to Adam Smith and more. This paper provides many examples of how wealth was originally created, and the circumstances which allowed for this opportunity. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Microphones and Their History

    This 3 page paper examines the history of microphones. Furthermore, this paper emphasizes how microphones relate to the music industry. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • History, Recreation, and Public Administration

    A 12 page research paper that addresses two topics. The first half of the paper is a brief history of policy in public administration from Woodrow Wilson's essay in 1887 to the 1990s. The second half of the paper is a "memo" to a county Board of Supervisors concerning formulating a plan to address the county's recreational needs for the next two decades. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 20th Century Race History

    This 6 page paper discusses the history of race in the twentieth century and included such major movements as slavery, segregation, desegregation, and the civil rights movement. Furthermore, many notable authors and their views on this topic are noted in this paper, such as Zinn, McBride, Mel King, and more. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Steven Shapin's A Social History of Truth and The Leviathan and the Air Pump

    This 10 page paper discusses, compares and contrasts Steven Shapin's two books, 'A Social History of Truth' and 'The Leviathan and the Air-Pump'. The major themes and thesis of each are outlined. Examples and quotes cited from texts with page numbers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History, Revolution, and Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto

    This 5 page report discusses The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Karl Marx’s declaration, in the most simplistic terms, was that all events are determined by economic forces. The Manifesto was much more than a “literary and philosophical work,” -- it was also a revolutionary document, a plan to battle and a call to arms, and a reflection of the history of humanity in the Western world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Slave Trade Economics and History

    15 pages. Explores the history and economics of both the North and the South before, during and after the Civil War. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • 1845 to 1865 History of U.S. Railroads

    A 15 page research paper that outlines the early history of America's railroads, focusing on the period from 1845 to 1865. The writer examines the social and economic forces that led to the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. Also examined are the ways in which railroads affected the country socially and economically. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Historical and Social Relevance of Silicon Valley

    This 11 page paper provides a history of Silicon Valley and also delves into how personal computers and the Internet are important to society. Many people are named in this historical look at computers, inclusive of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Frederick Terman. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Relationship Between Truth and History

    This 5 page paper examines two works of fiction: Coetzee's Disgrace and Churchill's Cloud Nine, and determines how fictional narrative works in relation do describing history and writing about truth. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A History of Children In Mental Health Facilities

    This 15 page paper is a comprehensive and exhaustive discourse on the development of the mental health care center in the United States, in particular the advent of treatment of children and adolescents. Examples are given from experts in the field of child psychiatry and history. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • History of the Italian Carnival During the Renaissance

    20 pages. This fascinating paper is a look at the history of the Carnival in Italy, especially in Florence, during the 14th and 15th centuries. People's lives changed from ordinary to the wild and mysterious during Carnival. People gained a sense of power during Carnival; how did the Carnival affect the ruling families of the time period? Many fascinating topics are covered in this account of the bizarre and riotous period of Carnival during the Renaissance period. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • A History and Sociological Overview of Prostitution

    A 7 page research paper that offers a brief history of prostitution, which is analyzed according to several sociological perspectives: functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The History of Wal-Mart

    When the first Wal-Mart opened in the early 1960s, the idea of discount shopping among rural America was almost unheard of, except for the five-and-dime stores. But with Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton's vision, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. today is a multi-billion dollar, international company. This paper examines Walton's philosophy, a little bit of history, and some glances into the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • World History Changed by 3 Important Battles

    This 13-page paper describes the three battles commonly termed as the turning points in history: The Battle of Tsushima, the Battle at Stalingrad and the Battle at Dien Bien Phu. The paper disucsses the impact these fights had on both the players and the world. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Balkans A Short History by Mark Mazower

    5 pages in length. Mazower works diligently to teach his readers to differentiate between the Balkans as a geographical entity and the Balkans as the epitome of violence amidst chaos. Author and professor of history at Princeton, Mazower illustrates the source of such strife as being two important points: 1) nationalism and 2) the perpetual imbalance between cultural and religious existence forced upon them by Eastern and Western Europe. No additional sources cited.

  • Cooperation History and Evolution

    This 6 page paper critically evaluates the statement that evolution is the history of co-operation. This is discussed from the perspective of evolutionary biology and looks at many types of organisms form soil bacterium through to bees and human life. The occurrence of cooperation and reasons for its’ occurrence and the way in which it is ensured, The paper also considers different types of cooperation before reaching a conclusion. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • 'Fifty Grand,' 'The Natural History of the Dead,' and 'Hills Like White Elephants' by Ernest Hemingway

    This 3 page paper discusses three of Hemingway's short stories: Hills like White Elephants, The Natural History of the Dead, and Fifty Grand. Each are analyzed for summary, characters, and themes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Television Sitcoms and Their History

    A 12 page overview of the history of the sitcom. The author traces the sitcom from the 1950s to the present, commenting on the social circumstances which both shaped it and were shaped by it. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • US Same Sex Marriage History

    This 3 page paper discusses the history of gay marriages in the United States and the liklihood of legalizing same sexed marriages. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • European Historical Signficance of Herder's Outlines of A Philosophy of the History of Man and Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France

    7 pages in length. The writer discusses the opposing perspectives of both writers and how each one influenced European history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A History of Temperament Theories

    This 10 page paper provides a historical report of theories about temperament. The history begins about 2,500 years ago when the four humors were proposed, a theory that was continued to be popular in the Middle Ages and even later. Philosophies and scientific advancements changed the theme somewhat but there continued to be four dimensions of temperament. Even Keirsey proposed four dimensions of temperament. It was in 1990 when five dimensions of temperament were proposed by McCrae and Costa, Jr. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A Case History of Angina

    A patient was recently admitted to the surgical ward due to a health breakdown, the result of angina. This patient’s admission and treatment are described below. Covered are: patient's history, social background, health problem (diagnosis), contributing factors, affects on family, preventative care for future occurence (programme of treatment). Bibliography lists 10 sources. jvMedhel.rtf

  • History of American Women

    An 8 page research paper that answers 4 questions concerning American women's history drawing from Sara M. Evans' Born For Liberty (1989). The topics covered include political and legal rights during the colonial era; women's participation in the Revolutionary War; the "cult of true womanhood"; and the contribution of the "mill girls" to industrialization. No additional sources cited.

  • Four Commencement Speakers from American History

    A 7 page exercise in selecting speakers for a fictional graduation. The author selects four key speakers from three different historical periods. The theme of the proposed graduation is individualism and spirit of community, the balance between the spiritual and material worlds, and race and ethnicity in American history. Thomas Jefferson, Henry David Thoreau, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Amy Tan are used to illustrate these themes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Affirmative Action's History

    This 7 page paper provides a history of affirmative action, along with a look at its future. Many events and court cases are discussed inclusive of Bakke and Hopwood. Affirmative action is discussed as it respects both a legal and ideological timeline, and in the end it is thought that affirmative action will fizzle, in part due to the fact that diversity is embraced by many institutions. As recent Supreme Court decisions suggest, race should be one of a number of factors, but discriminatory practices should never be tolerated. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History and the Role of the European Central Bank

    This 10 page paper looks at the history and development of the European Central Bank, ECB, and the role the bank now places, The papers includes the operations of the central bank and considers issues such as structure, decision making processes, accountability and independence. The bibliography cites 30 sources.

  • History of Traditional Costumes for Chinese Weddings

    This 8 page paper examines the history of traditional Chinese wedding attire. Furthermore, this paper explores the social and cultural significance of the traditional Chinese wedding outfits. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Analyzing A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters by Julian Barnes

    This 4 page paper presents an analysis of this unique and startling fictional account of the history of the world, illuminating its commentary on spirituality and human nature. Furthermore, this paper examines this work in light of other great works of literature, such as the book of Genesis, Augustine's "Confessions", Freud's "Civilization and its Discontents", and others. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Treatment Delivery Systems and Addiction Treatment History

    This 4 page paper looks at the history of substance abuse treatment. The problem is looked at from the nineteenth century on, but a significant change in the 1980s is highlighted. Government involvement in the treatment of addiction and other problems are discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Police Corruption Selective History

    This 15 page paper focuses on brutality and bribery as it looks at the long standing blue wall of silence. While the history of corruption is discussed, going back to Tammany Hall days, contemporary examples of problems in police departments are discussed in depth. Some studies are cited that look for causes of corruption. Solutions are discussed as well. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Rewriting History with William Shakespeare's 'Richard the Third'

    An 8 page paper which examines how Shakespeare’s Richard III rewrites history by portraying him as little more than a deformed and evil caricature despite his intelligence, cunning, and psychological astuteness. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • U.S. Employment Prospects in History Teaching

    This 5 page paper discusses the various options for a history education major. Examples are given. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A History of the Dictionary

    An 8 page research paper that offers a brief history of the dictionary. While the writer mentions early dictionary, the research concentrates on the compilation of the first English dictionaries, focusing specifically on the dictionaries written by Samuel Johnson and Noah Webster, which culminated in that magnificent Victorian project, the Oxford English Dictionary. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Computer Hacking History

    3 pages in length. The writer provides a brief history of computer hacking from the 1960s forward. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Economics as the Driving Force of History

    4 pages in length. That some historians claim history's driving force is economic in nature recognizes the unmistakable glare of man's constant quest for more, a notion that has not only maintained a perpetual separation of social class but also caused considerable suffering as a direct result. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A World Societies History

    This 6 page paper compares and contrasts the cultures and civilizations of: Africans, Pre-Columbians, Asian, Islamic peoples. Examples, features, history examined. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Mathematics' History and Critical Milestones

    This 5 page paper discusses three of the more critical milestones in mathematical history. Emphasis is placed on Pythagoras as it pertains to all of the disciplines. Quotes cited from texts. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • History, Literature, Knowledge, and Native Americans

    8 pages in length. The writer provides two smaller essays on 1) Native American stereotyping and 2) the difference between history and literature. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Overview of the Drug LSD

    7 pages in length. In this well-organized essay, the writer describes the nature of LSD, its history, use, properties, and banning. Particular emphasis is placed upon the 'LSD controversy' and some of the known side effects of drug usage. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Appalachia and Coal Mining

    An 8 page paper on past history of coal mining/strip-mining and damage done to the land. This piece discusses the entrance of people all over globe, and how that community is rallying to 'live at home' and 'fix the land.' The people and governments and coal mining companies are working together through re-education for new technologies and fixing the land to keep their home. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.

  • 911 Emergency Response Systems

    A 6 page paper describing the history and progression of 911 emergency response systems and their application today. The author attempts to show the factors that impact the effectiveness of using 911 emergency response systems and addresses a number of complaints about its effectiveness. FREE Outline included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Development and History of Artificial Intelligence

    A 10 page paper discussing the history and development of artificial intelligence to the current time and an analysis of IBM's Deep Blue chess-playing computer. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • File Transfer Protocol ZMODEM

    A 10 page examination of the file transfer protocol known as ZMODEM. Its history, application, and efficiency are discussed. A brief background is provided on it predecessors MODEM, XMODEM, and YMODEM. Bibliography includes six sources.

  • Technical Manual on the Paperclip

    A 4 page whimsical example of how to do a technical manual. Using the common paperclip as the technical object under study, the writer demonstrates through this example the various topics that a technical manual should cover. These include the history of the product, how to use the product, maintenance, and warnings/liabilities. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Overview of Serial Killers

    8 pages in length. Typically unassuming, intelligent and almost always the neighborhood nice guy, serial killers wear a convincing mask, never revealing what evil lurks within. Some of the most notorious mass-murderers in history -- Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson, Albert DeSalvo, David Berkowitz, the Silver Gunman -- have employed a mixed bag of tricks to entice and entrap myriad unsuspecting victims which they brutally tortured and raped to ultimately kill and often dismember. The writer discusses the motivation behind serial killers, as well as addresses how such crimes affect society. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • World Wide Web and its History

    A 7 page paper tracing the history of the world wide web, how it started, why, and how it has evolved to its present state, as well as the future outlook for the web. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Case Study Analysis of ValuJet Airlines

    This 8 page paper examines the history, market niche, and organizational structure of ValuJet Airlines-- a company best known for its low cost airfare and frequent problems / crashes ! Issues concerning service, management style, and fiscal outlook are analyzed to provide an in-depth overview of the company's strengths and weaknesses. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Spiritual and Metaphysical Personal Influences

    because of their history and family patterns, their desire to shape their personal beliefs around structured religion, or negative personal components, like loneliness, confusion or a lack of a sense of belonging. This 5 page paper reflects on the nature of the relationship between the spiritual and metaphysical and personal characteristics and behaviors. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Milky Way Explored

    5 pages in length. A comprehensive research paper-- explaining our galaxy (The "Milky Way") in great detail. The writer describes the history of man's early exploration via telescope, the distance and brightness of stars, attempts to assess The Milky Way's age, problems with matter, and the size/relevance relationship between our own solar system and others. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Unmanned Space Travel and its History

    A 9 page paper that provides a history of unmanned space flight that has lead up to the Mars Pathfinder mission and the interrelationship of all of those missions to the eventual human habitation of another planets, namely, Mars. The quest for Mars was begun 40 years ago, and all of the space exploration to date, manned or unmanned, including discoveries about earth and the universe, have been made toward this purpose. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Jose Maria Eca de Queiroz's Literary Views of Portuguese Society

    A 6 page paper primarily dealing with the social history of Portugal. It discusses how little Portugal changed between the thirteenth and nineteenth centuries, and touches on the work of realist writer Ea de Queiroz, who attempted to address Portugal's social backwardness. No sources.

  • Northern Ireland's Religious and Political Problems

    This 12 page paper considers the political and religious problems faced in Northern Ireland. The history that has lead to the current troubles is considered so the reader may put the present into context. The peace talks are also discussed. The bibliography cites 13 sources.

  • Woodrow Wilson by August Heckscher

    A 5 page analysis of the Heckscher biography of the 28th president. This book thoroughly examines both the private and public persona of this intelligent and complex man. Heckscher's clear and insightful prose paints a portrait of a man who undoubtedly qualifies as being one of the most remarkable individuals in this nation's history. No additional sources cited.

  • Overview of Spain

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the country including its history, its people, environmental issues, topography, government, language and economy. Its position in Europe is also addressed within the various sections. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Life and Contributions of B.F. Skinner

    In 5 pages the author discusses B. F. Skinner, giving a brief overview of his life history, describing the major scientific contributions to science, and describing the impact of his scientific contributions on humans in past and present as well as what might be its impact in the future. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Comparison of the Samurai in 1600 and in 1800

    A 5 page research paper on the differences between the original samurai and the “last” samurai, as well as the history that brought the change about. The writer studies the Tokugawa and Meiji periods, and some of the events leading to modern Japan. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Concepts of Taoism

    This 3 page report briefly discusses the ideas of Taoism and how it developed. The report points out some of its most fundamental concepts and notes how it has evolved throughout history. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Corrections, Policing, and Women

    In 7 pages the author discusses women in law enforcement and corrections, while paying particular attention to the history of women in the field, cases of women fighting to be in corrections, the name of the first women getting into law enforcement, problems encountered by women while in training and on the force. Women that have entered this field have encountered similar problems across the nation. It has been a widespread occurrence. Free outline included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • US Legislature and Transforming a Bill into Law

    This 10 page paper discusses the legislature in depth and concentrates on how a bill becomes a law. A brief history on how the branch of government was designed is included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Federal Supplemental Women, Infants, and Children Nutritional Program

    This 10 page research paper examines the federally-established program known as WIC (Women, Infants and Children). Specifically discussed is the agency's history, current available information on program eligibility and benefits, its goal and program objectives, standards and criteria, services, and some suggestions on how the WIC program could be more effective. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • 1990s and the Women, Infants, and Children Supplemental Food Program

    A 6 page paper discussing the Women's, Infants, and Children's supplemental food program. Beginning with its history, it describes how the program works, who is eligible, and discusses the various problems the government has had paying for it. Bibliography lists seven sources.

  • Recording Industry and the Long Playing Vinyl Disc

    An 8 page outline covering the technological history of the vinyl disc, prehistory influences, marketing influences, and advancements in the industry since the first vinyl discs. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Country Overview of Peru

    A 10 page research paper exploring the history, government, economy, education, health, and nutritional status of Peru. Great improvements have been made in the country since 1990, however, due to the fact that nearly half the population live in poverty Peru is a long way from being a nation with equal access to its benefits. Politically, it is also a long way from being a democracy since its president appoints so many members of the governmental structure. Bibliography is included.

  • Two Variants in Caribbean Race Relations by H. Hoetink

    A 5 page paper in which the writer provides an overview of Hoetink's book and relates the context of the book to Hoetink's obvious knowledge and understanding of sociological issues in the Caribbean. Issues concerning the region and the specific sociological implications of these issues within the context modern history are examined. No additional sources listed.

  • Samuel Walker In Defense of American Liberties

    5 pages in length. Samuel Walker's In Defense of American Liberties: A History of the ACLU demonstrates the strengths, weaknesses and changes implemented by the American Civil Liberties Union over the past century. Its in-depth and detailed, if not sometimes strong and emotional, depiction gives the reader a sense of reality with regard to how it was -- and still is -- to fight for one's inherent freedoms. The writer discusses Walker's interpretation of how the ACLU climbed up from the ranks to become the most respected civil liberties organization. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Crime and the Mens Rea Concept

    6 pages in length. A comprehensive discussion of Mens Rea, the legal principle upon which we base our requirement of intent for a finding of guilty. Covered in this report are the meaning, background, and a brief history of Mens Rea in law as well as a more in-depth analysis of Mens Rea as applied to insanity pleas, hate crimes, etc; Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Examination of the U.S. Constitution's 2nd and 4th Amendments

    These two amendments are looked at in light of several contemporary issues in this 8 page paper. The amendments are also discussed historically, inclusive of their origins and examples throughout the history of the nation. Recent examples that involve such issues are shown, including Ruby Ridge, Waco and the shooting of five people in Arkansas in March of 1998. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Concentration Camp Understanding and Night by Eli Wiesel

    The selected passage introduces the reader to the concentration camp, just as the experience it describes was Eli Wiesel's introduction. The imagery is extremely powerful. This 6 page paper examines the reference to the crematorium within this passage and elucidates on the history and meaning of crematoriums to assist in understanding the reading of the book, Night. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Transvaal Annexing by Great Britain

    A 10 page paper focusing on the reasons Britain annexed the Transvaal and the results of that annexation. A history is provided which demonstrates the reasons for the annexation. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Overview of the Teamsters Union

    A 6 page paper on the Teamsters union. The writer gives a brief history of the union, its recent declines, projected gains, and an outlook for the future. Bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • The Fragile Bridge

    A 6 page paper on this event in labor history as described by Steven Golin in his 1988 book. The writer describes the conditions which led to the unorganized strike by silk workers, who were subsequently supported by the IWW and intellectuals of the time. Full citation is provided for the book.

  • Unauthorized Migration to America

    A 10 page paper that discusses the causes and consequences of illegal immigration in the United States. Causes or reasons are supported by theory and statistical data regarding the billions of dollars illegal aliens cost this country are reported. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • 3 Articles Analyzed Pertaining to Twenty Fifth Egypt Dynasty Kush History Until Meroe Concentration

    This is a 7 page paper discussing three articles on Kush history from the 25th dynasty in Egypt until their concentration in Meroe. The history of the Kush of Nubia is recounted in three articles by Helen Chapin Metz, Claude Rilly and Noah Kippley-Ogman. The Kush were concentrated in Nubia until the expansion of their strength and influence eventually led to them conquering Egypt around 750 B.C. and ruled during the 25th dynasty until approximately 656 B.C. At this time, they were invaded by the Assyrians which led to their retreat to Napata and eventually Meroe. Once concentrated in Meroe, the Kush became a major trading force based on their central location and production and trade of their own iron. Eventually however, the Kush became weakened through the exploitation of their own resources which led to the loss of their farming industry and the end of the Roman empire which reduced trade along their route. Meroe was eventually conquered by the Axumite army A.D. 350 thus ending their independence. Metz, Rilly and Kippley-Ogman provide slightly different perspectives, details and areas of concentration in their articles which provide readers with an overall history of the Kush but are not necessarily consistent in the details of each era of the Kush. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Park and the People A History of Central Park by Roy Rosenzweig and Elizabeth Blackmar

    This is a 5 page paper reviewing Roy Rosenzweig and Elizabeth Blackmar’s book, “The Park and the People: A History of Central Park”. Roy Rosenzweig and Elizabeth Blackmar’s “The Park and the People: A History of Central Park” (1992, 1998) aptly chronicles the history of New York’s Central Park and the people who created it. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the book is the highlighting of those who created, designed, and controlled the park and how it was adopted by the elite and the working class citizens of New York through its growing concept of a ‘public park’. Despite the influences of the elite gentlemen and designers who were inspired by the great city parks of Europe, Central Park was quickly adopted by the working classes from those who labored during the construction of the park to those who were settlers in the area. The concept of “public park” and the query of “whose park is it anyway” continues to be of great importance in present day New York as does the importance of the people who play a role in the continued popularity of the park. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Sharon Kay Penman When Christ and His Saints Slept

    This is a 5 page book review of Sharon Kay Penman’s novel “When Christ and His Saints Slept”. Sharon Kay Penman’s novel “When Christ and His Saints Slept” (1995) tells the story of the struggle for the English crown upon the death of Henry I during the 12th century. The novel is considered excellent on many accounts by the critics. Firstly, the novel is accurate in its detail in revealing the political turmoil and its horrific effects on the citizens of Britain at the time. Secondly, by the in-depth characterizations used in the novel and in some cases the introduction of fictional characters in order to obtain this, Penman managed to find a way to humanize that era in history which had previously been untold in such a manner. By doing this Penman not only creates an intensely interesting novel of history but also hopes to inspire her readers to further their education in the history of the Middle Ages, an area she considers still dark and undiscovered in its previous depictions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The History and Mission of Tripler Army Medical Center

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the history and services at the Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii. The Tripler Army Medical Center, located for over fifty years on Moanalua Ridge in Honolulu, Hawaii, is not only known for its picturesque location and distinctive pink coral buildings but it is also known for its expansive coverage of over 3 million square miles and a patient base of over 750,000. The military medical presence in Hawaii was initiated in the late 1800s which grew with the U.S. presence in the Pacific especially during the Philippines conflict, the Second World War, the Korean War and the conflict in Vietnam. Since that time, Tripler has consolidated with the other medical facilities in the Pacific and is the focal point for military medical health care in addition to be the center for innovative research, medical education, humanitarian efforts and community programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History and Traps

    (3 pp) Author, James Baldwin claims that, 'James Joyce is right about history being a nightmare—but it may be the history from which no one can awaken. People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.' Malcolm X and Elie Wiesel are used as examples as well as the writer's personal history. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • How Pre History Shaped America

    A 5 page paper discussing the ways in which the first to arrive in America between 20,000 and 30,000 years ago have served to shape today’s American civilization and national culture. The paper discusses the resolve that they certainly must have had in leaving everything known for everything unknown, then using in the new places only those things available to them in the new environment. Asian cultures are enigmatic in their reverence for their ancestors, and it remains a fact that Westerners often dismiss. Ancestry does direct the paths of the future, however. Our pre-history, Renaissance and colonial ancestry well serves the world’s only “mongrel” country, one made up of many ancestral strains, all of which have proven to represent magnificent stock. The paper also includes a discussion of American reaction to Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Teaching Jr. and Sr. High School History Problems and Perspectives

    A 7 page paper which examines some of the problems and perspectives of teaching history in Junior highs and High schools. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Relationships Between Men and Women in Literature and Throughout History

    An 8 page research paper that examines how historical sources and literature have portrayed male/female relationships. The writer specifically examines this topic in regards to marriage in the nineteenth century. Literary sources discussed are A Doll's House, The Awakening and Jane Eyre. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Witches, Midwives, and Nurses A History of Women Healers by Ehrenreich and English

    5 pages in length. The topic of this book evokes a sense of patriarchal control and unmitigated ignorance with regard to the 'science' of medicine and how it has evolved during the past few hundred years. Women's contributions, disregarded and shunned until very recently, have historically been overshadowed by oppressive patriarchal perspectives; by chronicling the events that have occurred throughout the centuries in relation to women and the medical community, Ehrenreich and English help to illustrate just how despotic the entire male-based medical profession has been, particularly in light of the unpleasant legacy left by the witch hunts of old. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Pakistan's Miniature Painting

    This is an 8 page paper discussing the history, influences and contemporary issues in miniature painting in Pakistan and India. The art of miniature painting was first known to exist in Persia where it was imported from into India during the 1500s at the beginning of the Mughal dynasties. In the Mughal schools of artistry, the art of miniature painting was given a more intense and dynamic feel which differentiated it from the formal structures used by the Persians. The technique is very specific in its use of wasli paper, squirrel hair brushes and vivid water based paint applied in multiple layers to earn it a silky finish. When the Mughal dynasty was displaced, so too were many of the artists who then had to earn livings applying their craft to other objects such as walls and furniture. During the late 1800s, when Indian nationalism began to take place, a revival of the traditional arts led to the re-introduction of miniature painting into the educational system where artists could earn specialties in it. Today, the art of miniature painting is one of the more popular and traditional methods of art especially found in the graduates of the National College of Arts in Lahore, Pakistan, the only school in the world offering a specialty in miniature painting. Modern miniature artists apply traditional Mughal methods in their depictions of the contemporary world and the political and lifestyle issues in Pakistan. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA): its history and application in a health care setting. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) was first introduced in 1987 as a national award for quality in manufacturing in the United States. In 1998, the award was extended to include the health care and education industries. The award is not only meant to award industries for their current quality but to also provide support and guidance for future quality. Regardless of discipline, the award includes certain categories which must be met in regards to establishing and maintaining industry quality which include leadership, strategic planning, human resource development, information analysis, process quality, operational results and customer satisfaction. In physician offices as part of the health care system, a patient-centered focus also creates more of a concentration on patient satisfaction, staff education, and innovation in regards to constant communication with the rest of the health care community. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • TV's History, Development, and Cultural Contributions

    This 5 page report discusses television and its impact on American life. From its invention in 1922 to its debut at the New York World’s Fair of 1939 and on to the Ed Sullivan Show, Star Trek, and American Idol, it has evolved as the most powerful communications medium in existence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Reading Education History

    A 6 page paper. One writer developed a historical framework that illustrated four ages of reading pedagogy. These are used as the basis for the historical account of reading education. The writer also includes major theorists in the discussion, such as Noah Webster, John Dewey and Norm Chomsky. A history of reading education would not be complete without mentioning the decades old debate of phonics versus whole language. Finally, the essay considers the major trend in literacy and reading programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • A History of the Holocaust by Rita Steinhardt Botwinick

    This 7 page paper looks at this comprehensive book and answers ten questions posed by the author. The paper considers thoughtful questions on the Holocaust and relies on the book to a large extent for answers. No additional sources cited.

  • U.S. History and American Racism AMERICAN RACISM AND HISTORY

    This 7 page paper discusses the interconnectedness of sexism and racism, as depicted by the women's movements and civil rights. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • History of Israel and the Impact of the Exodus from Egypt

    This 7 page paper discusses the effects that the exodus from Egypt had on the Hebrews and the founding of the Jewish faith. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Southwest's Architectural History

    A 2 1/2 page paper which discusses some of the architectural history of the Southwest. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Black Boy by Richard Wright and History

    A 3 page paper which examines some of the key historical points made within Richard Wright’s novel “Black Boy.” No additional sources cited.

  • Romantic Era and History of Science

    A 5 page paper discussing the qualities of the period of 1770-1830 in scientific advancement. The age of enlightenment is associated with order and reason; progress and change belongs to the 19th century. A.L. DeJussieu (1748 – 1836), C.F. Mirbel (1776 – 1854) and K Sprengel (1766 – 1833) all quietly contributed to the advancement of science in general - and botany in particular – during this time that would prove to provide preparation for rapidly-occurring advances in the future. Growing knowledge of what was ultimately led to speculation of what could be. By the end of the Romantic Period in 1830, the focus shifted toward work that could effect change, rather than merely explain why things existed as they did. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • 1400 to 1700 Japanese Relations with the West

    This is a 5 page paper discussing Japanese foreign relations with the West between the years 1400 and 1700. The years from 1400 to 1700 in Japan covered three Japanese historical periods: the Muromachi Period (1333-1573); the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1573-1603); and, the Edo Period (1603-1867) which also included the great eras of the Shogun. While these centuries are generally not known for their great developments in international trade for Japan, there were certain instances in which Chinese and Western trade and influences and relations were introduced into Japan. During the mid 16th century, the Japanese greatly valued Portuguese weaponry which played a large factor in the ongoing warlord conflicts. By the late 16th century, foreign relations and trade had also been established with Britain, Spain and the Dutch who were as interested in the Japanese artisan goods as were the Japanese interested in goods imported from the Americas such as tobacco and sweet potatoes among other goods. Through the relations established with the English, Western shipbuilding and navigation tools were also of great value. During the mid-17th century however, shogun Iemitsu wanted to strengthen Japan by eliminating foreign influence which included further restrictions on Christianity, which had been introduced by the missionaries in the 1500s, a ban on travel outside of Japan, expulsion of foreign trade merchants and a ban on European literature among other restrictions thereby decreasing foreign trade and relations with the West. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • American History X Film and Portrayal of Group Norms

    A 5 page paper. Every group develops norms of behavior. Group norms are the behaviors that are expected of each member of the group. This essay discusses three group norms that were demonstrated in the group of friends in this film. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Machines and Their History

    A 14 page paper which examines the history and development of machines. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The Secret History by Donna Tartt, Alfred Hitchcock's Rope and Education

    A 6 page paper which examines the theme of education in Alfred Hitchcock’s film “Rope” and Donna Tartt’s novel “The Secret History.” Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.

  • The Role of Women and Minorities in the Labor Movement

    A 7 page paper which examines the role of women and minorities in the history of the labor movement. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Overview of the The Silk Industry : Brief History, Modern Day Markets, Trade and Production

    This is a 7 page paper discussing the silk industry. Originating in Ancient China, the Chinese silk industry alone still maintains an annual global market of over $2 billion. While China still remains the largest exporter of raw silk and Japan is its largest consumer, silk is still one of the most popular natural fibers in demand in Europe and North America. The introduction of synthetic fibers and the more affordable sand-washed silk within the last decade however have driven the cost of silk down almost 50% on international markets. This has led to recent production center closures in Japan and the Republic of Korea which has caused a devastating effect on the millions of silk farmers in the countries of China, India and Brazil. The International Trade Commission and the International Silk Association are currently working together to continue the silk industry because it is comparatively an environmentally friendly product in addition to its employment of millions of people in developing countries. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Superpave Project Short History

    This 4 page paper defines Superpave and delves into the Superpave project. How Superpave has revolutionized an industry and changed the state of roads around America is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime and History

    A 5 page paper which discusses some of the historical perspectives, regarding the Progressive Era, presented in E.L. Doctorow’s novel “Ragtime.” Bibliography lists 5 additional sources.

  • Abused Child and Historical Abuses of the Irish in The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe

    A 6 page paper which examines the film and novel, written by Patrick McCabe, “The Butcher Boy” as it uses the abused child as a metaphor for the abuse of the Irish in history. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Behaviorism

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of behaviorism, which is one of two primary schools of psychological theory that were defined by long-standing philosophical premises but fine-tuned in the 20th century in reaction to the Freudian constructs that had shaped much of the psychological research after the turn of the century. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Political and Social History of Greece

    A 3 page paper which examines various aspects of Greek history as it involves social and political rule. The paper examines monarchy, democracy, oligarchy, aristocracy, and tyranny. Source used was faxed from a textbook by the student and has no bibliographic information.

  • Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler

    This 4 page paper compares and contrasts the personalities and lives of Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolph Hitler. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Monica Sone's Nisei Daughter, Pauli Murray's Proud Shoes, and History

    A 5 page paper which compares and contrasts the historical aspects found in “Proud Shoes” by Pauli Murray and “Nisei Daughter” by Monica Sone. No additional sources cited.

  • Living History with Hillary Clinton

    A 5 page paper which examines Hillary Clinton’s book “Living History” as it relates to her leadership style and what a reader can gain from her work. Bibliography lists 1 additional source.

  • Business History and Management

    A 4 page paper discussing this question: “Does the ‘managerial revolution’ in leading industrial nations explain their competitiveness and growth performance?” The structure and function of the integrated managerial enterprise is credited in the view of many with giving rise to large firms and enabling them to achieve success, but others claim that this explanation is not sufficient outside of the rapid growth of big business in the later years of the 20th century. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • US Black Muslim History

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of how African Americans embraced Islam in the United States. While Farrakhan is mentioned the focus of this paper is on other factions. Some statistics are provided. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Western Civilization Historical Periods

    A 3 page paper which defines and examines Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment, and Scientific Revolution as they influenced the development of Western civilization. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Answers to Questions on Immigration History

    A 7 page paper which answers questions (asked by student requesting this essay) from Nancy Foner’s work “From Ellis Island to JFK.” No additional sources cited.

  • A History Of Holy Communion

    A 20 page paper that begins with a quotation from Justin Martyr. Worship in the early church illustrates how it was decided to administer the Eucharist on 'Sunday.' The history of the Eucharist from the 1st century. The writer comments on the theology of transubstantiation, a controversial topic and includes Scripture used by the Catholic Church as support for this belief. Different documents from the Holy See are reported illustrating the changes in the beliefs and practice of administering the Eucharist. Another issue discussed is the practice of the early church including infants and children in the Lord's Supper. Finally, the writer discusses Lay Eucharistic Ministers. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Professional Education Organizations

    A 15 page discussion of the importance of teachers' groups. The author emphasizes that these groups can be very diverse yet can play a tremendously important role in the shaping of policy and even law relating to education. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Calculus History

    Calculus provides methods to deal with varying quantities. O'Connor & Robertson (1996) state that it has been evolving since Zeno in 450 B.C.E, who was supposed to be the first to posit an equation based on the infinite. However, the first infinite equation is believed to have been introduced by Archimedes in 250 B.C.E., bringing with it leaps in logic from theorists like Barrow, Newton and Leibniz. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvHisClc.rtf

  • Philosophy and Metaphysics

    12 pages in length. The writer discusses in detail the contributions to metaphysics made by such philosophers as Aquinas, Plato, Hegel, Kant and Charles Taylor. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Cultural Diversity and the Dynamism of History by Sasaki Takeshi

    5 pages in length. The writer provides a brief analysis of Takeshi's article. No bibliography.

  • Marco Polo, Herodotus, and Their Histories

    A 5 page paper which examines the historical presentations offered in Herodotus’ “Histories” and Marco Polo’s “The Travels of Marco Polo.” No additional sources cited.

  • History and the Philosophy of Karl Marx

    This 5 page paper provides a discussion on historical materialism. Marx's theory is relayed and evaluated in the context of the real world. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Vietnam A History by Stanley Karnow

    A 4 page paper which examines Stanley Karnow’s work “Vietnam: A History.” No additional sources cited.

  • U.S. History, Quilting, and Quilts

    An 8 page paper which examines how quilting enhanced the role of women in nineteenth-century society, considers the significance of quilting bees and quilts as folk art. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Color Photography History

    (9pp) Ever since the advent of the daguerreotype and the calotype in 1839, photographers began to search for a way to reproduce their subject matter in color. Indeed, color photographs became available practically as soon as photography itself. But these early attempts at color photography were nothing more than hand tinted black & white photographs of the area. Color theory was still relatively primitive at this time, and the photographic materials available were blind to almost half of the visible spectrum Almost a hundred years would pass, before the necessary film is available to the public. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Color Photography and its History

    9 pages in length. Once the staple of photography, black and white images have all but given way to its color counterpart. Indeed, the lure of bright, rich color was, in and of itself, enough of a selling point to draw away from what had heretofore existed only in the finite world of black and white. The advent of color photography brought with it an entirely new perspective to the industry, which included more expansive manufacturing plants, increased consumer interest and a glimpse into a more realistic image. The writer discusses the history of color photography. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • A Consideration of the American Museum of Natural History

    (6 pp). The Rose Center's permanent exhibits, detailing the size, scope and growth of the universe as well as the earth's place within it, were unveiled in February (2000) inside the new structure of steel and glass. The seven-story orb appears to hover next to the museum, and at night it is illuminated, by a soft blue light. The center replaces the old Hayden Planetarium, a New York City landmark that introduced millions of city kids to the night sky between 1935 and 1997: kids are still thrilled - no matter what their ages. still and design and exhibits are spectacular.

  • Wireless Communication's History

    This 5 page paper presents an overview of wireless communication from Marconi to the Internet. Spanning a century, the paper explains how the new technology evolved. Safety is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Social Status of Women in the Ancient Societies of Greece, Rome, and Mesopotamia

    7 pages in length. Within the realm of life exists inherent elements to one's existence; paramount to man's existence is the concept of natural rights. Philosophers have long postulated what, exactly, these rights consist of within the massive scope of mortality, with some contending that natural rights are those that are without social infiltration, while others attest to the fact that natural rights are doled out only by social status. From century to the next, the issue of natural rights has evolved from overwhelming gender oppression to the recognition – in many parts of the world, at least – that women maintain just as important a place upon this earth as does her male counterpart. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • A History of Performance Art

    (10 pp.) Performance art is a confrontational art experience, whether one chooses to say that the art form begins in the sixteenth century with Comedia del Arte political street theater, or the recorded fistfight that broke out in the beginning of the twentieth century. Both forms were Italian, and both began with audience participation in the performance itself. Yet the form continues to make its own history today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Dominant Historical Discourse of Community and Self

    11 pages in length. The writer discusses how those in supposedly "minority" positions could be said to have used "dominant" discourse for their own purposes; the virtues and the problems involved in the American tendency to make the single "self" somehow representative for everybody else; and Lincoln's vision of community. Included in the discussion are views from Thomas Jefferson, Frederick Douglass, Cabeza de Vaca, Cherokee Memorials and the Federalist Papers. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Healthcare of African Americans After the Second World War

    A 5 page paper which discusses how Africa Americans experienced a great change in access to health care, and access to health care professions following WWII, when the federal government made an active assault on discrimination policies. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Progress as Defined by American History from 1867 until 1909

    (5 pp) In the last portion of the nineteenth century Americans progressed at an uneven gait. In the West, men took giant steps across the country as they explored and claimed land; often walking over others such as the Native Peoples in the process. These same men "brought their" women with them through incredible difficulties, but then saw no reason to give them any political allowances. Children were "owned" as much as women were. Racial differences, although somewhat equal on paper made little progress. In the East labor and management systems, political patronage, and social reform began to demand attention, and progressive attention.

  • An Examination of American History from 1865 until 1920

    (5 pp). This was an amazingly energetic time during this great chunk of history. Summaries of historic highlights, including Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, the Rise of Industrialization and Urbanization, and the impact of these times on marginalized peoples are discussed. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

    A 5 page book report on the renowned scientist’s consideration of the significance of time in the universe. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Graffiti's Development History

    This 5 page report discusses the existence of graffiti and the fact that graffiti is an expression of art, whether political, social, or aesthetic, it expresses something that its creator wants to express through the medium of paint and a bare surface that will be viewed by others. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Early Photography History

    (5 pp). In the early nineteenth century, the new "invention" photography seemed as though it could "capture" the whole world, some labeled it, the "mirror with a memory."This discussion will examine some of those early photographers and their experiments. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Basic Sauces and How They Are Used

    This 5 page paper focuses on the origin of the mother sauces and their uses. Sauces include Espagnole, Tomato, Hollandaise, Veloute, and Demi-glace. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Book II of the History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides

    A 5 page paper which offers biographical notes on the author, and analyzes why this work is important, with a critique of the material included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Traffic Signals and Their History

    In the history of rural America the growth of a town was often measured by the addition of traffic light. The distinction was even made whether your town merited a blinking light, or the genuine three-color article. Yet the traffic signal itself has its own unique history, current contributions, and future significant role, will be the basis of this 5 page discussion. Biblioography lists 4 sources.

  • The Error of Reconstruction by Kenneth Stampp and Revisionist History

    Can you remember some phrase about education, which goes something like, "the more you learn, the more you discover how much you do not know." Such is the case in "revisionist history." Basically "revisionism" works from the premise of new information, or the use of additional information. Kenneth Stampp is a historic revisionist concerning the Civil War and the Reconstruction Period. In this 6 page discussion, we will examine the "new" data that he brings to light in his 1967 (and still being published) text, The Error of Reconstruction.

  • History and Effects of Disease

    An 11 page overview of the impact of disease on world cultures. Correlates the impact on traditional cultures and the way those cultures dealt with that impact with advances in modern medicine. Emphasizes the impact of disease on the Americas and specifically on the Native American inhabitants of the Americas. Describes common European diseases which either directly or indirectly impacted the Americas and our contemporary, verses our traditional, understanding of those diseases and their treatment. Includes a one page Roman numeral outline. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Passenger Aviation

    This 5 page considers the development of passenger aiplanes from the beginning of the twentieth century until today. The writer looks are aircraft such as the Boeing 247, the Boeing 307 Stratoliner, DC-3, DC-6 and DC-6 as well as the Dash 80 and Concorde. Consideration is also given to the on board flight management system. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Collective Bargaining and its History

    This 5 page report explains that collective bargaining is when one group argues for its rights, needs, or demands from another group. It most often refers to the workplace and labor relations, negotiations between employers and employees (who are usually represented by a labor union) about terms and conditions of employment. A brief history of collective bargaining in the United States is presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Sauce Making and Stocks

    6 pages in length. Nature has not always been kind to humans with regard to food quality; ancient man often ate fetid morsels; as time progressed, the quality of meats did not necessarily improve. The British are some of history's favorite representations of how sauces were used as a means by which to cover up the taste of less-than-tasty meats. Then the French took things several steps further by perfecting the sauce making process and turning it into an art, with nineteenth century French chef, Antonin Crème credited with developing the technique into a system that boasted hundreds of sauces categorized into several major sauce groups. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • History of Egypt and the Early Egyptian Hyksos' Rise and Fall

    A 10 page overview of the entry of the Asiatic peoples known as the Hyksos into Egypt, their contributions to Egyptian history and technology, and their defeat at the hands of Kamose, his younger brother Ahmose, and their father Seqenenre, a Theban king. Emphasizes that while the Hyksos reign is often characterized as being one of hardship and cruelty, these peoples offered tremendous technological advancements to Egypt. These advancements, in part, included the horse and chariot, the introduction of copper and bronze, an improved version of the battle ax, and even the compound bow. Comments on Hyksos material culture and their similarities to ancient Egyptian/Mesopotamian cultures in general. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Fritz Lang's Films

    This 8 page report discusses the work of German-born film director Fritz Lang (1890-1976) and the challenges he faced and creative risks he took. His work also included the technological shift from silent to “talking” pictures and the move from the German to the Hollywood school of movie-making. In many ways, Lang’s work is emblematic of the shifts that take place throughout any successful moviemaker’s career. However, because of the times and the absolutely fundamental changes (no sound compared to sound) that took place during his career, the process is even all the more dramatic. Six Lang movies are considered in the report: The Spiders, Spies, Metropolis, Fury, Man Hunt, and Journey to the Lost City. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • History and Culture of the Cherokee

    An 8 page overview of the culture and history of this American Indian group. The author emphasizes that today the Cherokee, in many ways, are little different from mainstream While culture in the United States. They have, in fact, assimilated almost completely into that culture. At the time of contact with non-Natives, however, there were often substantial differences between Cherokee and White culture. These differences translated into rocky relationships between the Cherokee and the United States government, relationships which eventually resulted in the forced removal of most of the Cherokee from their homelands, the establishment of a government reservation for the people, and the separation of the nation into two distinctly different political units. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • The History and Evolution of Infection Control

    5 pages. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the new and more enlightened study of infection control in the face of bioterrorism. While new rules have been put into effect and are of a more serious nature than ever before, the fact is that OSHA has had infection control rules in place for many years. This paper will take a look at the past and present day ways to control infection. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Balkan Ghosts A Journey Through History by Robert D. Kaplan

    A 5 page book report on Kaplan’s 1993 book, based on his decade-long experiences in the region as a journalist. No additional sources are used.

  • Australian History and Blight

    This 10 page paper looks at the period of time when Aboriginal children were stolen and placed into mainstream white culture. The paper uses singer Archie Roach as the primary focus. Roach was a victim and had been taken from his family in 1958. The paper looks at events in historical context and argues that this event is one in a larger chasm of global racism. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Higher Education and an Affirmative Action Short History

    This 11 page paper provides an overview of affirmative action in higher education with a focus on landmark cases. Hopwood, Bakke and more recent Michigan cases are discussed. The paper takes the position that affirmative action is necessary. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • A History of the Magazine in America

    This 6 page paper outlines the remarkable development of the American periodical from the early 1700's thru the twentieth century. This paper tracks and gives example from historical documents about issues of circulation, photos, print and marketing practices. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Link Between Death Theme in His Poems and the Personal History of John Keats

    A 5 page paper which examines how Keats’ short life and deaths of those closest to him shaped his poetic works. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • The Culture, History and Artistry of Black America

    A 5 page paper which examines Paul Beatty’s “The White Boy Shuffle” as it involves a somewhat irreverent look at African American history and culture. The paper then compares his presentations with the outlooks provided by Addison Gayle’s “The Black Aesthetic” and Larry Neal’s essay “The Black Arts Movement.” No additional sources cited.

  • Apocalyptic Literature

    This 9 page paper compares and contrasts old and new apocalyptic literature. The bible is discussed along with Nostradamus . The New Age movement is highlighted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Real Analysis Conceptual History

    This 5 page paper delves into the concept of real analysis and looks at key people integral to the emergence of this mathematical field of study. Several mathematicians are named including Archimedes and Cauchy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • English Drama and its History

    A 5 page paper which examines the history of English drama up to 1600. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Chapter Four Outline of Vietnam A History by Stanley Karnow

    2 pages in length. Writer offers outline on the first several pages of Chapter 4. No additional sources cited.

  • US Public Education

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the history of public education in the United States. Since the 17th century, the Americans have been concerned with the support of public education in the United States. Many public schools which opened, the first reported in Boston in 1642, were still mainly for the education of those in the middle and upper classes as the lower classes were dependent upon the income brought in by their children. Through the support of advocates for the importance of public education, such Horace Mann and later, the Philadelphia Working Men’s Committee, the idea of public education funded by the state became more of a reality with stipulations which would allow for children to work and attend school at the same time. Many discriminatory aspects were still to be overcome however as the education of women, racial minorities and Catholics were highly restricted. Several innovators and centuries later, the development of public education was expanded to include women, African Americans and other minorities aided by laws of desegregation in the Fourteenth Amendment. Today, public education is still a controversial issue since the voucher system has been introduced to allow individuals to apply their public education taxes to tuition to private institutions which may provide more suitable and specific educational needs for those who do not wish to educate their children in the state and federal based curriculum. Regardless of the results of this latest controversial issue, public education will always remain an important part of the American society in their efforts to educate all Americans without fear of financial loss or discrimination. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Calculus' History

    This 6 page shows how calculus was derived from the studies in real analysis and lead to the development of calculus. The paper begins with the discoveries of Ancient Greece with thinkers such as Zeno of Elea and Archimedes and looks at many mathematicians such as Valerio, Cavalieri and Fermat finishing with Newton and Leibniz. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Chapters Two and Three of Vietnam A History by Stanley Karnov

    6 pages in length. The writer provides outlines for 1/3 of each chapter. No additional sources cited.

  • Abused Foster Children and Coping Strategies

    This 5 page paper examines a study that indicated foster children that have suffered from sexual or physical abuse use divergent coping strategies that are non productive and make successful placements more difficult due to the way they are more self reliant. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Information and Knowledge in the Age of Cyberspace

    6 pages in length. Knowledge and information have become synonymous in the cybernetic age, but not necessarily to the benefit of understanding. The power of this statement illustrates that while technology might improve man's progress in some areas, it also fails to do so in a holistic manner. The global community is bombarded with information from myriad sources unlike any other time in history, which would lead one to presume this generation to be more knowledgeable than their parents or grandparents. This is, indeed, a logical deduction to make considering this age group was quite literally brought up in the midst of the technological revolution. However, the barrage of information today's younger generation receives on a daily basis via the Internet, television, radio, newspapers and magazines serves more to clog the assimilation into understanding than to allow for it. In short, the information is dispensed but the receivers have not been adequately taught how to decipher and retain what is important. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Analysis of Al Qaeda's Strategy And Organization

    10 pages in length. The agenda typical of militant operations is that of complete anarchy; the fact that suicide missions are one of the most widely used tactics speaks to a mindset whereby no life is sacred, not even their own. The world-view of fundamentalists like Al Qaeda is unlike the rest of the civilized planet, with skewed perspectives, inflated self-importance and malicious agendas fueling the global mayhem. Al Qaeda's steadfast organization and extremist strategy resembles several who wreaked havoc throughout history with the same intent to isolate or abolition by way of fanaticism. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Conventional Theology and The Passion of the Christ Film by Mel Gibson

    A 7 page research paper that discusses the controversy surround the film The Passion of the Christ, produced and directed by Mel Gibson. This movie presents the last twelve hours of Jesus' life, that is, his suffering and crucifixion in a manner that demonizes Jewish authorities of the time. Particularly since all dialogue in the movie is spoken in either Latin or Aramaic (with English subtitles), the film has the "feel" of a documentary and it is likely that many viewers will regard it as an accurate dramatization of the gospel story of Christ's death. This paper compares Gibson's film to accounts of the crucifixion recorded in the Gospels. This comparison shows that Gibson added a great deal more violence than is actually portrayed in the Bible. The theological and racial implications of Gibson's film are then discussed in light of his personal history and background. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Middle Passage/Deslauriers

    A 3 page research paper that describes French director Guy Deslauriers’ 2000 film “The Middle Passage” endeavors to portray the horrors endured by Africans abducted from their homes and forcibly transported to the New World. The film is a “stylistic gamble” as it is “without dialogue, individualized characters or conventional narrative arc” (Harvey 26). In other words, the film attempts to offer a contemporary audience the illusion that they are looking directly at history and the atrocities perpetuated on captured Africans. The main question, therefore, in evaluating this film is whether or not this depiction is accurate. The writer discusses this question, drawing on the narrative of Olaudah Equiano. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Human Resource Management and Total Quality Management

    A 31 page paper. What is the relationship between total quality management (TQM) and human resource management (HRM)? That is the question this research paper addresses. First, a brief history of each TQM and HRM is presented. The writer then describes, outlines and discusses: the integration of TQM and HRM; implementing TQM in HR departments; why TQM fails; more tips of do's and don'ts when trying to implement TQM; conclusions. The paper includes discussion of a vast array of issues related to the main topic. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Postwar Settlement Consequences in War And Peace in The Middle East A Concise History by Avi Shlaim

    5 pages in length. According to Avi Shlaim's "War and Peace in the Middle East: A Concise History," ignorance of human rights and a tendency toward political oppression were the consequences of the post-war settlement of 1918-1922, clearly reflecting the consequential elements of imperialism for American policy in the Middle East. At the turn of the twentieth century, the United States was on the verge of becoming one of the world's most important imperial powers. The combination of public pressure, foreign policy elite and agricultural/industrial capitalism clearly signaled a massive global change of significant proportions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Original Adventure Story 'Sun Solders'

    (5 pp) This original adventure story has been created for children ages 5-8. It is written in a conversational tone, as one might present as part of a storytelling group. "Every day is new for all of us," hummed the Small One, darting from one side to another." I try new things every day. I tried a double somersault today—didn't work; so I will try it again tomorrow. Sometime you have to try something more than once before you get it right."

  • Holy Spirit Baptism

    A 5 page essay/research paper that discusses the meaning of baptism of the Holy Spirit in contemporary Christianity. Many Christians today promote the concept that "speaking in tongues" is proof-positive of "baptism of the Holy Spirit" (Williams 84). This brings up the questions as to whether or not those who have not spoken in tongues are without the Holy Spirit (Williams 84). There are dedicated Christians on both side of this debate. Basically, opinion on this issue falls into two camps. The Pentecostals or charismatic movement maintains that gifts of the Holy Spirit that the apostles experienced at Pentecost are still being experienced by Christians today. The opposite camp believes that the gifts of the Holy Spirit ended in the first century of Christian history. Both positions are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Recent Changes in Aviation Security

    This 14 page paper examines aviation security in a post-911 era. This paper, written more than five years after the terrorist attack, includes recent sources. The history of aviation security is addressed. An outline is included in addition to a Table of Contents. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Organizational Conduct and ELearning Effects

    A 12 page paper. -learning is the fastest growing segment in education in education history and it continues to grow. Adopting E-learning/training methods and decreasing or eliminating traditional classroom training models represents a significant change for any organization. Since the research continues to support the effectiveness of E-training, more companies are changing to this technology. This report provides examples of companies and their successes, including ROI, data regarding the growth of E-training, and a general overview of E-learning in the corporate world. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Impracticality of Direct Democracy

    This 3 page paper argues that direct democracy is impractical and looks at the concept historically. Ancient history is disused as well as how classic authors viewed the concept. Athenian democracy is compared to the representative democracy that exists today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Importance of AIDS Research

    This 8 page paper examines the history of AIDS and AIDS research. It is argued that more research needs to be done or more people will die. The concept of the AIDS vaccine is explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Adult Literacy and the New York City Public Library

    A 26 page paper that begins with a definition of literacy, the three types of literacy assessed and scoring processes. National and international literacy rates are then reported along with the negative effects of illiteracy. The paper then changes to report the history of the New York Public Library, which provides services in Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island, the Brooklyn Public Library and the Queens Borough Public Library. The adult literacy programs offered by each of these library systems is reported, the types of services, the characteristics of the literacy programs and the number of locations for these programs. The paper ends with a report of the New York City Adult Literacy Initiative. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Death in Hospice Verses Death in Death Row Incarceration

    This 6 page paper looks at death and dying by comparing the situation where a person is scheduled to die and waiting on death row to someone dying of cancer in a hospice. Social meanings are discussed. Some history on the death penalty is included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Why Capital Punishment is Necessary

    This 4 page paper supports capital punishment. The history of the capital punishment is touched on. This paper provides three good reasons to support the death penalty and offers rebuttal arguments. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Southwest Airlines Report Analysis of Investment, Valuation, and Capital Structure

    A 9 page paper discussing Southwest’s history, corporate culture, capital structure, management and financial results for the purpose of performing investment analysis. Still boasting that it has had 54 consecutive profitable quarters, Southwest would have lost money in 1Q2003 and 1Q2004 without its successful fuel-hedging activities. It still clings to the never-a-losing-quarter mantra, and it leads its industry in market capitalization. Southwest is among the most fiscally conservative of all the commercial passenger airlines, despite its active fuel-hedging activities. Hedging generally is not looked on as a conservative measure, but compared to the wild swings and increases in fuel costs, hedging is more conservative in today’s climate than is not hedging. The investor determined to own a transportation stock - and specifically an aviation stock – absolutely should consider Southwest Airlines. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Software Engineering and TQM

    A 12 page paper discussing software engineering in terms of Total Quality Management (TQM). The paper includes a brief history of TQM as well as discussion of the Deming, Juran and Crosby models, and then places software engineering within that framework. A primary feature of software engineering quality, then, is the service of assisting customers to identify all aspects of their requirements for any new product, particularly in those areas that they have not considered because they are not technically proficient in designing and producing new systems. Quality results from meeting customer expectations, which may be difficult to identify. Appropriate antidotes can be found in the Deming model of quality. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Mass Advertising and Consumerism

    10 pages in length. The presence of consumerism, brought on by the coupling of industrialization and modernity, is credited with the onset of mass advertising. Considered to be the rumblings of a significant turning point in the history of mankind, the Industrial Revolution reflected a social fabric that was beginning to unravel; given the fact that people were beginning to acquire mass quantities of commodities they had never before possessed created a contemporary attitude toward consumption. As such, the public began spending money, causing various industries to take notice of such disposable income and look for ways to tap into this economic excess. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Euthanasia and Ethics in Counseling

    15 pages in length. Few topics in the history of civilized man have been as controversial as the matter of euthanasia. Whether for or against, counselors readily recognize the ethical components on both sides of the issue and strive to guide their clients in the most humane direction possible. The decision of which way to counsel, however, is where the tremendous gray area exists, inasmuch as there are underlying circumstances that – when fleshed out by an intuitive counselor – can mean the difference between a client fulfilling the wish for euthanasia and deciding instead to live what life is left. With each state left to determine its own legal boundaries where euthanasia is concerned, counselors must equally weigh the lawful and ethical elements when faced with advising clients one way or another. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • UK's Talented and Gifted Education

    This 43 page research report addresses gifted education with an emphasis on the United Kingdom. The report begins with a brief history of gifted education (in the 1870s in New Jersey, USA) and includes the change in focus from intellectual cognitive ability to a broader perspective. Topics addressed in the report include: the definition of giftedness and how that has changed and why, underachievement, methods for identifying gifted children, including tests, teacher recommendations and checklists, identification by provision and identification by provision in practice, Freeman's Sports approach, comments on nature vs nurture, can giftedness be developed, characteristics of the gifted child, emotional/social development, implications for teachers, preparing teachers to work with the gifted, and comments about programs for the gifted. While most of the research is applicable to giftedness anywhere, there is an emphasis on the UK. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • Nokia in China

    This 50 page paper looks at the positioning of the Nokia brand in China and how successful Nokia’s marketing and strategy has been in the Chinese mobile or cellular telephone market. The paper is starts with an introduction which includes the aims of the research to identify the current position of Nokia in China and assess its’ level of success. The paper then undertakes an in-depth literature review looking at Nokia, its’ history and general developments and marketing strategies that have impacted on the way positioning has been developed. The literature review then considers China, the social economic and political influences and the way Nokia have developed operations in China and created their current marketing position. The paper then presents simulated primary research to assess the perception of the Nokia brand by consumers. This section includes the methodology and the presentation of the questionnaire and the results. The paper ends with a conclusion bringing together the primary research and the findings of the literature review. The bibliography cites 60 sources.

  • Handkerchief Significance in William Shakespeare's Othello

    A 4 page essay that discusses the significance of the handkerchief in Shakespeare's Othello. In the history of the theater, the argument can easily be made that there has never been a prop as instrumental to the substance of a play as Desdemona's handkerchief is to the action of Shakespeare's Othello. This prop becomes symbolic to Othello of Desdemona's supposed infidelity, which is precisely what Iago intends. Iago's manipulation of the handkerchief provides Othello's military mind with his supposed "proof" of Desdemona's betrayal and precipitates Othello's tragic subsequent actions. Examination of the play demonstrates the pivotal importance of this prop and how the action and the thematic substance hinge on this one image. No other sources cited.

  • Comparison of John Calvin and Martin Luther

    A 20 page research paper that compares the religious beliefs of Reformation thinkers Martin Luther and John Calvin. The Protestant Reformation engulfed the medieval world in the early sixteenth century, breaking apart the familiar paradigms and recasting both the religious and political map of Europe. It was, without a doubt, a decisive moment in the history of the Western church. Energies that flowed from the Reformation would eventually affect the character of the spread of Christianity. The writer argues that Calvin built upon the foundation laid down by Luther and expanded on many of his precepts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • McDonalds in China

    This 54 page paper examines the well known fast food chain McDonalds and considers how it is competing in China, the competitive advantages it is using and the way these fit in with McDonalds core international strategies and with the market in China were competition is seen in the form of other western fast food chains and increasing numbers of Chinese fast food chains. The paper starts with an introduction then presents an in-depth literature review looking at the history and existing strategies of McDonalds, the positions that McDonalds may choose to pursue and the strategies used in China. The paper then simulates primary research with consumers, including an in-depth methodology as well as a presentation and interpretation of the results. The final section of the paper pulls together the results of the literature review and the primary research in order to assess the use of different competitive advantages by McDonalds in China. The bibliography cites 60 sources.

  • Juvenile Crime and Programs of Shock Incarceration and Boot Camps

    8 pages in length. Re-training juvenile criminals to become positive, contributing members of society has always proven to be a challenge for officials in charge of rehabilitation. Myriad programs have been implemented throughout history to achieve this goal but according to those in the field, none have proven as effective as the boot camp and shock incarceration programs currently in use by a number of juvenile criminal justice systems. The writer discusses how boot camps and shock incarceration programs attempt to put the missing elements of a stable and productive person back into maladjusted youths. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • APN Leadership

    A 5 page paper. Advanced practice nursing has a long history dating back to the 1800s. It was not until the 1960s that this title was conferred, however. Today, APNs can specialize in any number of medical specialties. They are leaders wherever they are working. Their knowledge and skill give them influence over others. To further their leadership career, they would do well to obtain some specific leadership training. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Fossil Fuels and Future Energy Requirements

    6 pages in length. In the not-too-distant future -- with regard to history's timeline -- there will come a point when fossil fuels will have been depleted and humans will be forced to find alternative sources with which to power automobiles, household heating units and myriad other machinery that utilizes fuel. However, waiting until supplies are exhausted before establishing a workable alternative would place a major hardship upon future energy demands. For this reason, various options -- not only those that supply a form of fuel but also those that reduce and often eliminate pollution -- have been in the works for several years. The writer discusses the issue of future energy demands and potential fuel alternatives. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History of Vipassana Meditation

    An 8 page paper exploring the method and history of Vipassana meditation, and then comparing it to other forms of Buddhism-linked meditation techniques. Sensation-based Vipassana therefore leads the meditator to the place where sensations – such as negativity – can be dealt with right away, having been recognized for what they are. Thus the Vipassana practitioner "sees things as they are," rather than as they appear. Seeing things for what they are enables the individual to make an active choice of whether to accept or reject the thoughts and sensations that enter his mind, thereby giving the Vipassana meditator control over his own mind. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • APN Leadership

    A 5 page paper. Advanced practice nursing has a long history dating back to the 1800s. It was not until the 1960s that this title was conferred, however. Today, APNs can specialize in any number of medical specialties. They are leaders wherever they are working. Their knowledge and skill give them influence over others. To further their leadership career, they would do well to obtain some specific leadership training. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Microsoft Windows NT and UNIX

    15 pages in length. Battles have long been waged and lost throughout history, but there is nothing quite like the technological competition that is being pursued between Microsoft Windows NT and Unix systems. At the very beginning of the server war nearly two and a half years ago, Microsoft Corp. introduced Windows NT as a direct competitor of the ever-popular Unix system. Vendors that distributed Unix were amused by the so-called competition, labeling it too immature to ever establish itself in the same category. The writer discusses whether or not NT has proven itself as a viable competitor to Unix. Bibliography lists 10 sources.


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