Click on any of the research paper to read a brief synopsis of the paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.
Concept of Human Relations
8 pages in length. Human Relations practice is based upon an eclectic mixture of theories from different academic disciplines such as psychology, sociology and political science; while each discipline indicates divergent methods to the overall approach of human relations, they all share a common denominator of empowerment and reassurance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Science Education
This 5 page paper provides an overview of an article on science education goals and science classroom practices. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
'Hard Science' and Psychology
A 3 page essay that examines the question "Is psychology a hard science?" The writer first defines "hard science" as a term that refers to sciences in which facts and theories can be quantified, that is, measured, tested and proven. Then, the writer argues that psychology has aspects of hard science, but that this term does not describe the field as a whole. No bibliography is provided.
Teaching Elementary Science/Epistemological Framework
A 5 page research paper/essay that summarizes and analyzes a basic science textbook for the elementary grades, Earth Science Made Simple, A clear introduction to the science of our planet by E.F. Albin. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Jewish History and Spain's 'Golden Age'
7 pages in length. Major changes occurred in the 11th century when the Umayyads steadily lost power as the Berbers rose in influence after capturing Cordoba in 1013 CE; the passing decades served as their barometer of progressing power. Cultural and commercial prominence became their focus as capitals and other cities were transformed into Meccas for the two very important elements. As these significant changes were taking place, one more addition would serve to establish an entire population as being both welcomed and honored: the Jews. Indeed, these individuals did not come empty-handed into their newfound environment; rather, they brought with them such important endowments as financial aptitude, politics, economic advisory, as well as a vast amount of humanities-related knowledge in the form of literature, academia and science. The blending of art, linguistics, philosophy, science and medicine rounded out a society that was heretofore underdeveloped in many of these areas. As such, the influence of so many learned Jews soon saw intellectuals and doctors alike holding some of the most important social/legal/political positions in the land. No bibliography.
Elementary School Mathematics, Science, and the Internet
A 9 page literature review that addresses the use of the Internet in teaching math and science in the elementary classroom. Elementary school teachers today are confronted not only with the sometimes daunting task of instructing a diverse student population in the intricacies of science and mathematics, but they are also frequently required to incorporate new technology into their pedagogy as they do so, such as the Internet. This review of relevant literature on this topic examines several questions. First of all, it asks if use of the Internet helps or hinders the instruction of elementary student in regards to studying science and math, or is it simply one more item to be addressed in an overworked teacher's busy agenda? Assuming that the use of the Internet facilitates educational goals for elementary schoolchildren studying math and science, what are the best pedagogical practices in regards to Internet instruction? Bibliography lists 15 sources.
High School Science Teaching
A 7 page paper that represents a college student's ability to blend theory with practice. This essay begins by identifying two themes that emerged from both the literature and coursework - students have different learning styles and science curriculum and methods of teaching need to change. The essay discusses why science education needs to change with an emphasis on secondary schools. The paper identifies the courses the student enjoyed the most and relates that to the literature on the need for the active engagement of students with the curriculum and materials. Gardner's multiple intelligences theory is outlined with an example of a science teacher who used this framework. This is also related to theory and practice in teaching science. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Cyberpunk Lit: “Neuromancer”
This 4 page paper discusses the science fiction/cyberpunk novel “Neuromancer.” Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Forensic Science Admissions Essay Sample
This 4 page paper provides an overview of an admissions essay for a forensic science degree program.
Psychology Professionals and Ecological Awareness
A 4 page essay/research paper that addresses questions that illustrate the usefulness of psychology as an environmental science. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
A 3 page research paper that discusses the immense importance of Sir Isaac Newton to the development of modern science. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Mold Growth and Environmental Conditions
This 5 page paper is representative of a typical science fair report that might be submitted with a science fair project. It is written on a middle school level. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Science in Society
This 3 page paper evaluates an article about science education. The importance of science in society is emphasized. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Children and Science Education
A 4 page paper consisting of personal reflection on personal attitudes toward science and how they developed, followed by an assessment of personal learning style and ideas of how science should be taught to children. As warning not to operate under preconceptions, the paper includes mention of Dr. Ben Carson, largely ignored by his white teachers in the 1950s and 1960s but who has been the director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins since 1984. The paper praises the Montessori philosophy of "following the child." Bibliography lists 2 sources.
If Shakespeare Wrote Science Fiction, Ariel Would Use a Transporter
This 4 page paper discusses five short science fiction stories and what it is about each of them that classifies them as being in that genre. It also suggests ways in which Shakespeare could use science fiction techniques and themes to rewrite his play “The Tempest” as a screenplay for Spielberg to direct. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Science Fiction Shakespeare
This 4 page paper comprises a memo to Shakespeare suggesting he write a science fiction screenplay based on the character of Ariel in “The Tempest,” and then it discusses five stories and what makes them science fiction tales. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Practice of Psychology
A 3 page research paper that discusses psychology. Psychology has been defined as "the study of human behavior." However, even a brief examination of the science and practice of psychology demonstrates that this social science discipline encompasses a broad expanse of territory and that the practice of psychology is continually evolving as it changes to meet the needs of contemporary society, both now and in the future. An overview of psychology's history that this factor is particularly true in terms of psychology's purposes and goals. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
If Shakespeare Wrote Science Fiction, Ariel Would Use a Transporter
This 4 page paper discusses five short science fiction stories and what it is about each of them that classifies them as being in that genre. It also suggests ways in which Shakespeare could use science fiction techniques and themes to rewrite his play “The Tempest” as a screenplay for Spielberg to direct. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Is Psychology a Science
A 14 page paper that begins with a definition of science, then discusses whether or not psychology is a science. Other topics that are discussed are: how theories improve understanding of psychology, the APA standards for psychological research and the difference between quantitative and qualitative research, the rules for publishing research in psychology, current trends in the field, personal vision of psychology and how integration would strengthen the field. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Christian Theology and Evolution
A 7 page research paper that examines whether or not Christian theology can accommodate scientific theories about the evolution. The writer, citing the emerging science of chaos and complexity theory, argues that science and theology can be reconciled. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Is Psychology a Science
A 14 page paper that begins with a definition of science, then discusses whether or not psychology is a science. Other topics that are discussed are: how theories improve understanding of psychology, the APA standards for psychological research and the difference between quantitative and qualitative research, the rules for publishing research in psychology, current trends in the field, personal vision of psychology and how integration would strengthen the field. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Science and Public Relations
This paper looks at the valuable relationship that has been established between science and public relations, in contrast to traditional journalism. The paper posits that PR's crisp, clean approach has already aided and will continue to be the best format for science news in the future. Bibliography lists 3 sources. jvPRnsci.rtf
Current Perspectives/Math and Science Education
A 3 page research paper that discusses the fact that the position of the United States in relation to other countries and math and science education has been a cause for concern for the last decades. This examination of literature looks at current perspectives on trends in US education, with a focus on math and science education and how this impacts the country as a whole. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Practice of Psychology
A 3 page research paper that discusses psychology. Psychology has been defined as "the study of human behavior." However, even a brief examination of the science and practice of psychology demonstrates that this social science discipline encompasses a broad expanse of territory and that the practice of psychology is continually evolving as it changes to meet the needs of contemporary society, both now and in the future. An overview of psychology's history that this factor is particularly true in terms of psychology's purposes and goals. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Science According to the Poems of Walt Whitman and Edgar Allan Poe
A 4 page essay that compares and contrasts 2 poems by Poe and Whitman. Poe's "Sonnet--To Science" and Whitman's "When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer," address not only the same subject matter, but also they take an identical stand on the topic. While Poe's poem is the most overt in its message, Whitman also takes the stand that science, specifically astronomy, attempts to drain the beauty and mystery from life and turns the wondrous into the mundane. No additional sources cited.
Science According to the Poems of Walt Whitman and Edgar Allan Poe
A 4 page essay that compares and contrasts 2 poems by Poe and Whitman. Poe's "Sonnet--To Science" and Whitman's "When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer," address not only the same subject matter, but also they take an identical stand on the topic. While Poe's poem is the most overt in its message, Whitman also takes the stand that science, specifically astronomy, attempts to drain the beauty and mystery from life and turns the wondrous into the mundane. No additional sources cited.
Overview of Educational Research
This 11 page paper begins with a stimulus statement alleging research in social sciences, including education lack rigor. The essay discusses the criticisms levied against social science research and then discusses different qualitative methods that have been shown to be effective and valid. A table illustrates the criteria of good research and how that is translated into quantitative and qualitative approaches. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Science Achievement and Gender Differences Proposal
A 14 page paper that presents a proposal for a study to determine gender differences in science achievement in Hong Kong. The stereotype of males performing far better than girls in science has been perpetuated for all time. The literature, however, would suggest that this stereotype is a myth. This paper provides an introduction/literature review, research questions and hypotheses, method for the study, and a discussion of what the investigator would hope to accomplish through the study. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Current Perspectives/Math and Science Education
A 3 page research paper that discusses the fact that the position of the United States in relation to other countries and math and science education has been a cause for concern for the last decades. This examination of literature looks at current perspectives on trends in US education, with a focus on math and science education and how this impacts the country as a whole. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Why Psychology Is Considered A Science
6 pages in length. The evolution of psychology emerging as a science stemmed from the concept of behaviorism and what motivated conduct in certain situations. Was humanity merely bound by determinism without the ability to choose, or did he harbor free will with which to guide his own existence? These ponderings ultimately gave way to a more concrete concept termed cognitive science from which the basis of psychology inevitably developed. Bibliography lists xox sources.
Egypt and Mesopotamia: Geography
A 3 page paper which examines the geographical influence on the political and intellectual outlooks of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Political Pressure on Governmental Administrative Agencies
This 10 page report discusses the vast numbers of agencies that exist at all levels of government in the United States and the kind of impact political pressure and politicians can have on the overall performance of the agency. Regulatory and/or administrative agencies are historically thought to serve only policy-neutral objectives. However, the interaction between various agencies and the political entities with whom they deal is not as objective nor non-partisan as political theorists might hope would be the case in the “perfect” political world. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Representation Of National Identities In Media - A Case Study, News Coverage Of Turkey On The Doorstep Of European Union (EU).
This 50 page paper looks at the way in which national identities are created and represented in the mass media and applies this to the study of the Turkish national identity in the Turkish and the European media specifically looking at the Turkish goal of joining the European Union (EU). The paper outlines the goals and objectives and then considers the approaches to mass media that can be applied that concern the way it is created and the way it is consumed. Models used include science and the media, industry and the media, corporations and the media, globalisation, technology and the media and political economics. Consumption is considered with reference to reception theories. The paper then looks at the way Turkey is represented in the media internally and in the west, followed by primary research that uses content analysis to look at media articles. The bibliography cites 40 sources.
Italy and Fascism
A 14 page paper that explores the beginning of fascist power in Italy, with a strong focus on Benito Mussolini and his reign. The paper looks at the political environment leading to Mussolini's reign and his response to it. The paper explores the political and cultural view of the populace and other political parties, and the changes in Mussolini's viewpoint/action, and how his actions led to the fall of fascism in Italy and contributed to the fall of Nazism in Germany. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion by Zaller
An 8 page analysis of Zaller's book. The writer demonstrates that Zaller offers an extended argument on exactly how people form their political preferences as he seeks to show how news and political arguments 'diffuse through large populations' as well as 'how individuals evaluate this information in light of their political values and other predispositions.' No additional sources cited.
Late 19th Century and Impact of Political Machines
3 pages in length. The last half of the nineteenth century was a time of significant political growing pangs. As a means by which to address the concerns that had sprouted up throughout the previous decades, the country's officials decided to implement what was termed political machines: a well-oiled operation that, some feel, took advantage of immigrant labor workers and the rest of America. While these political machines were initially created in order for politicians to gain a more solid voter following, it also served to undermine the very integrity upon which America had been established. Indeed, the only people who stood to benefit from the outcome of political machines were the ones who held a significantly higher social status. The writer discusses political machines as they relate to the late nineteenth century. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
5 pages in length. Man's understanding of his world is based within a dual foundation of finite concepts and varying interpretation. Mathematics and science, for example, are instrumental in establishing knowledge as an objective reality that rejects any semblance of subjectivity; its empirical nature requires the line from A to B to reflect a straight and unbroken line of evidences that no matter how many times reenacted will produce the same outcome. Philosophy, on the other hand, was created from the very essence of subjective opinion and could no more function under the stringent guidelines of objectivity than could math or science be considered intuitive. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Interdisciplinary Unit on Earth Day
This is a 4 page paper that begins with a general introduction of the need for children to understand the dangers to the earth. The unit, which is appropriate for grades 2 and 3, begins with an explanation of how Earth Day originated and why. Activities for this unit are outlined under multiple headings to provide an interdisciplinary unit. The headings are: Reading/Literature/Writing/Science/Environmental Health and Science/Environmental Education/Math/Writing/Reading/Art/Music. The essay also includes a brief outline of which Pennsylvania standards are included in the activities. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
ANA as a Political Action Committee
This 5 page paper focuses in on the political action committee (PAC) affiliated of the ANA. The ANA's support of health care for the elderly is at the crux of this paper as well as the history of such issues affecting the aging population. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Politics and Nurses
This 5 page paper discusses the importance of nurses getting involved in the political process and discusses the reasons why this is important. Furthermore this paper offers many specific examples of ways in which nurses can involve themselves. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
An Examination of the Credit Card Industry in the United States
This 10 page paper examines US credit card industry in 2010, looking first at the development and history of the industry, in considering the economic and political influences and undertaking a Porters 5 forces analysis of potential future developments will impact on the industry. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Criminal Justice I
A 15 page paper in two parts. Part 1 discusses conflict vs consensus perspectives of the origin of criminal law and how the perspectives can affect social, legal and political policy. Part 2 lists 10 perceptions common in popular media (primarily television), followed by the reality of those impressions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Pakistan, India, China, and Growing Cotton Growing
This 7 page paper highlights how globalization and colonization have impacted the cotton industry, and specifically the countries of China, India and Pakistan. This paper highlights the economic and political ramifications of globalization on the cotton industry. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
United Kingdom and United States Government Processes
A 10 page paper, including tutorial comments, that compares and contrasts the U.K. governmental process with the U.S. governmental process. The focus is on policymaking and includes comments on the citizens of both countries becoming disillusions with their governmental process. Influences on the political process for both countries are discussed. The essay ends with comments about which country's system would result in better policymaking. Material used for the essay was provided by the student. No bibliography.
The Nature and Function of Humor
A 10 page research paper that analyzes the nature and function of humor, focusing specifically on "low brow" or working class humor. This examination of humor among working class people demonstrates that humor has been employed to deflect and soften the vicissitudes of economic, social, and political life, as well define and critique societal inequalities. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
British Airways and Iceland Air's E-Commerce Ventures
This 8 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the web sites for Iceland Air and British Airways and assesses them for cultural sensitivity and ease of navigation. The second part of the paper performs a PEST analysis, looking at the political, economic, social and technological influences on airlines with specific reference to their use of e-commerce and the internet. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez
A 6 page paper discussing the changes the four Mirabal sisters moved through on their journey from the children of a middle-class landowner in the 1930s Dominican Republic to full-blown political activists. One sister never did participate, though she was sympathetic to the rebel cause, but the other three gave their lives and became more powerful as martyrs than they were in life. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Favelas Housing and the Political, Social, and Economic Situation in Brazil
Favelas may be perceived as shanty towns, but in Brazil they are attractive permanent structure built by community and perceived by some as a model for self help. This 3 page paper consider how the development of these favelas by squatters reflect the political, social and economic history and conditions in brazil. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Comparison Between Indira Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares the leadership skills of Martin Luther King and Indira Gandhi. The writer argues that an examination of the leadership skills and accomplishments of King and Gandhi demonstrates that, while there is much to applaud in Mrs. Gandhi's political career, history has judged King's leadership more positively than India's that of famous prime minister. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
War and Propaganda
This 6 page paper discusses the idea of political propaganda by leaders of countries. Two leaders, Henry V, as depicted in Shakespeare's play, and the administration of George W. Bush are exampled. In particular, the possibiliby of war with Iraq and the ramifications of the propaganda being used. This is compared to the way in which Henry used propaganda in his bid for the French throne. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Decision Making and Global Expansion
This 6 page paper considers three potential destination for the expansion of a water filter company; Iran, Nigeria and Kenya. After outlining why the company wants to expand and the benefits the paper briefly compares the economic and political environment in each country and then looks more closely at Kenya as a potential destination. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Crime, Drugs, and California Legislation
3 pages in length. California – the indisputable leader when it comes to unprecedented resolution for myriad social and political problems – took a significant step toward combating the drug/crime relationship when it imposed its "three strikes" legislation, allowing the West Coast state to demonstrate its firm stance on the issue of illegal drugs. However, such unique legislation is not without its drawbacks. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Historians on Political Conflicts and Sexuality
This 5 page report discusses the viewpoints of several historians that sexuality and sexual practices are tied into the political conflicts of the era. Drawing from the works of Gail Bederman, Martha Hodes, and Anne McClintock, the writer discusses the societal changes brought about in the “typical” American male in the second half of the 19th century. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Workplace Prejudice and Transsexuals
14 pages. This paper focuses on the issues of transsexuals in the workplace. Discrimination, constitutional law, social and political aspects of the employment of transsexuals are all topics that are discussed in this extensive and interesting research paper. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Hawaii Natives, Loss of Identity and Politicsi
This 7 page paper looks at economic problems and cultural issues in Hawaii. Much history is relayed in this paper that discusses the political problems in the state. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Problem of High Staff Turnover Rates of Nurses in Primary Healthcare in Saudi Arabia
Primary healthcare in Saudi Arabia has been developed with a high degree of political commitment. However, the development is hindered by the high staff turnover in the nursing profession. This 22 page paper looks at the primary healthcare service from the perceptive of the nurses, identifies the potential causes of high employee turnover and applies them the community nursing in Saudi Arabia. The paper then assesses the cost of the turnover in terms of economic cost and quality and then makes recommendations to reduce the turnover rate. The bibliography cites 35 sources.
Christianity and War
A 6 page paper on the connection between Christianity and war — the proclivity to bring religious elements into the war game by such deadly leaders as Hitler, Stalin, etc. The writer posits that most of this can be blamed on misinterpretation of The Bible to meet the leaders' political desires, but that 'the masses' are those who are actually capable of peace. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Historians on Political Conflicts and Sexuality
This 5 page report discusses the viewpoints of several historians that sexuality and sexual practices are tied into the political conflicts of the era. Drawing from the works of Gail Bederman, Martha Hodes, and Anne McClintock, the writer discusses the societal changes brought about in the “typical” American male in the second half of the 19th century. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Bob Marley's Life, Music, and Contributions to Reggae
This 5 page paper examines Bob Marley's life. Two of his songs are compared and contrasted. Information contained in this paper include facts about his life, information about reggae music, his religion, his political agenda and so forth. The conspiracy theory concerning the idea that he was given the cancer is relayed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Political Culture and Music of Haiti
A 6 page research paper/essay that take the unusual form of presenting a hypothetical Haitian family over two generations. The writer pictures the family as reflecting their political and cultural orientation toward Haiti in regards to the choices of music made at their weddings. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
The Case of Rap Music and Adorno's Mass Culture Theories
This 5 page paper examines Adorno's theory of mass culture, with concepts such as the culture industry, standardization, pseudo individualization and the pacification of the masses with the creation of false needs leading to political apathy. This concept is applied to the development and presence of Rap music in modern society and argues that the theory is still valid, even where the music form is seen as differentiated. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Workplace Prejudice and Transsexuals
14 pages. This paper focuses on the issues of transsexuals in the workplace. Discrimination, constitutional law, social and political aspects of the employment of transsexuals are all topics that are discussed in this extensive and interesting research paper. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Does the World Trade Organization Hinder Economic Growth in Developing Countries?
This 3 page paper looks at how why the international political environment and the operation of the World Trade Organization A constraint rather than promote growth in developing nations. The paper considers how developing nations will often go through comparative advantage, and then discusses some of the ways in which World Trade Organization regulations, the general environment undermine and limit that growth. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
China and India Level of Trade
This 5 page paper looks at the level of trade between China and India and describes how the political and economic drivers of China and India affecting their trading relationship. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Event Management;' The Live Aid Concert
This 15 page paper looks at event management. The management of the original Live Aid concert is examined using Shone and Parry (2004) event planning model, the event is then considered using a SWOT analysis examining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as a PEST analysis which looks at the external influences, including political, economic, social and technological influences. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
The English Language
This 3 page paper examines English as a language that is used widely today. A political history is provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Long term Influences on the Airline Industry and the Position of Easyjet and Germanwings
This 16 page paper examines the potential future of the airline industry, looking at the political, economical, social and technological influences that may impact on airlines planning, Two no frills low cost airlines are then considered assessing the way that they are performing within this industry, and how looking at how they may deal with the future, the products that they sell and compares the firms financial performance between the years 2004 - 2008. The bibliography cites 25 sources.
Environmental Analysis of the Fast Food Industry in Australia with a Focus on the Asian Sector
This 6 page paper looks at the influences on the Asian fast food market in Australia, looking first at the macroenvironmental influences including political, economic, social and technological factors. The second part of the paper then looks at the industry environment giving a general market overview, consideration of the competitors and the channels of distribution as well as the customers. The paper ends with a brief section on the threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths faced by Asian fast food companies. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Analyzing Andrew Jackson's Case for the Removal of Indians in an 1930 Message to Congress
A 4 page review of one of President Andrew Jackson’s 1830 addresses to Congress concerning the Indian situation. The author of this paper contends that Jackson had a tendency to justify his actions and even to sugar coat them so that they appeared to be in the best interest not only of the white population which had elected him to office but also in the best interest of the people he was, in reality, dealing with so harshly. Such is the nature of political rhetoric! No additional sources are listed.
Exporting Computers to Kenya
This 7-page paper discusses how a U.S. company would go about exporting computers to Kenya. Information included includes the economy, the potential market, political structure, taxes and licenses required and methods of promotion. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam by Ira Lapidus and The Community in Islamic History by Hamilton A.R Gibb
This 4 page paper looks at The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam by Ira Lapidus and The Community in Islamic History by Hamilton A.R Gibb, comparing and contrasting the views of Islam and the relationship between religion, politics, and government in the classical or Pre-Modern Muslim world. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Foreign Direct Investment Strategies in Africa
This 16 page paper examines FDI in Africa and obstacles to success. Globalization is discussed as problematic in general terms but when more specifics are provided on FDI it is learned that the situation is not quite so clear cut. The future of FDI is seen as positive as it respects Africa. Various aspects of Africa are discussed inclusive of the physical and political environment. The economy is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
So How "Evil" is Fox News?
A 4 page paper discussing McPhail's theory and examining the supposed "political agenda" of Fox News, even as MSNBC host Chris Matthews expounded on his leg thrills at candidate Obama and claimed it was his job to get Obama elected. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Dr. Seuss Goes to War
A 4 page discussion of the political satire of Theodore Geisel, the cartoonist that would ultimately become better known as Dr. Seuss. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Free Speech and J.S. Mill
5 pages in length. In response to the article entitled "New Battles in Old War Over Freedom of Speech," John Stuart Mill would attest to the fact that mankind is bound to the limits provided by the masses. Mill fit into the general history of political, economic and social thought by applying his interpretation of society and the utilitarian philosophies by which it should abide. The concept of utilitarianism speaks well to the stance on free speech Mill supported. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Free Market, Private Property, and Freedom of the Press
A 9 page examination of the liberal concept of freedom of the press. The contention that liberals consider private property and free markets to be a precondition for freedom of the press is examined in relation to the philosophy of John Locke and the political concept of capitalism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Lifelong Education and Globalization
9 pages in length. The very essence of globalization is that of change, to relearn stable and familiar ways in order to make room for ever-growing progress. While this concept would appear to reflect beneficial movement for global societies, the relevance to lifelong learning actually represents advancement at the detrimental social, political and economic expense of myriad unsophisticated societies. As such, this dichotomy of progression has rendered globalization a much-contested concept. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Bear Gram and the Vermont Teddy Bear Co.
This 5 page paper examines Vermont Teddy Inc., founder of the Bear-Gram. The paper looks at the economic, political, legal, technological and socio-cultural influences and how the company had responded to these influences. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky Scandal, the Media, and Public Opinion
5 pages in length. The writer discusses the impact of media coverage on such political scandals as the Lewinsky/Clinton debacle by applying the theory of agenda setting, yellow journalism and briefly touching upon the Lawrence/Bennett article entitled "Rethinking Media Politics and Public Opinion: Public Reactions to the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal." Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Media Bias: Impact
4 pages in length. The long-reaching fingers of media bias have left no entity untouched and no industry unscathed; broad and powerful in their scope, these media tentacles have the capacity to influence with a combination of subliminal and outright blatant persuasion. From political campaigns to marketing campaigns, mass media have the ability to make or break elected officials and manufactured products alike based solely upon the particular bias such coverage warrants. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Political Power, Supernatural Rituals and Anthropology
This is a 4 page paper discussing supernatural rituals and political power, misunderstanding and civilization, and individualism within American culture. Three central ideas within modern day anthropology are discussed, namely: the political functions of supernatural rituals; the misunderstanding of civilization; and, the core values of American culture in relation to the unequal distribution of wealth and the public education system. Supernatural rituals have a political function which can be twofold: those who are influential within the religious structure in society carry that power beyond the ritual itself; and, politically, those who wish the support of a large population within society can align themselves with a religious group. Misunderstanding and illusions for truth are part of the realizations of a young daughter in Barbara Kingsolver’s novel “The Poisonwood Bible” but these ideas are applied to anyone’s idea of his or her own civilization which becomes wholly dependent and built on one society but is inapplicable to another. Finally, the idea of “individualism” within the United States has become so profound that those who are wealthy within the U.S. (including the government itself) have done little for those who are less fortunate. This is well reflected in the high poverty rates in the country and the public school system which is unable to meet the basic needs of its citizens.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Post Unification Germany Political Party Competition and Voting Behavior
5 pages in length. The voting behavior has most certainly been on the decline since the unification of Germany; as well, party competition has generated more apathy than interest, which speaks volumes about the significant disillusionment the Germans have felt toward its politicians and political parties in post-unification Germany. This
outright disdain, which ultimately infiltrates society and affects the outermost regions with its diversity, is well chronicled in both Gordon Smith's Developments in German Politics and Jurgen Winkler and Siegfried Schumann's "Radical Right-Wing Parties in Contemporary Germany" in Hans-Georg Betz' The New Politics of the Right : Neo-Populist Parties and Movements in Established Democracies. In determining what guides people to lose or gain interest in the overall political process, opinion
polls are frequently administered as a means by which to test the political climate. Their overall effectiveness, along with their tremendous influence, help to establish exactly where Germany has been in post-unification. No additional sources cited.
Biomedical Research Ethics
A 6 page paper that explores the ethics of biomedical research, focusing on the key element of voluntary informed consent. Discussed are recent adverse events that have occurred in gene therapy research and the amendments and additions to federal regulations resulting from these events. Also included is a brief discussion of the history of the guidelines and regulations that safeguard human subject volunteers in medical and scientific research. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Networks And The Science Of Interconnectivity
This 3 page paper outlines the way in which network and interconnectivity may be studied. The paper starts by looking at different forms of networks and the way that interconnectivity is seen. The influences on the way networks operate and the links with modern technology are also explored. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Computer Science's Shifting Paradigm
A 9 page paper discussing how the information age and particularly the Internet has changed the role of the salesperson and addressing whether sales is still a viable career choice, both now and in the future. Automation has changed the duties of the sales force, but it certainly has not diminished its importance to the company. Rather, it has augmented and elevated the role of the salesman to that more fitting "consultant," bringing to it an even greater degree if professionalism. Not only does sales remain a viable career in the electronics age, it offers even greater personal satisfaction than in the past. It is still a noble - and profitable - career choice. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Real Uses of Artificial Intelligence Versus Portrayals in Science Fiction
A 5 page discussion of the value of artificial intelligence to future generations. The author points out that sci-fi films like “Neuromancer”, “Matrix”, and “Blade Runner” prey on the fears of those who have a poor understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the computer technology around which artificial intelligence revolves. Instead of being a threat to mankind as films such as those noted above delight in portraying it, artificial intelligence holds the most promise of practically any of mankind’s technologies in terms of the benefits which it has the potential to yield. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Evolutionary and Creation Scientific Theories
A five page paper which looks at the creation scientists’ theories of the origins of the universe and life on earth, as delineated in the Christian Bible, and the way in which these relate to other theories such as the Big Bang, Darwin’s explanation of natural selection, and the evidence of fossil records.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Psychological, Biological, and Social Science Obstacles in Understanding Bisexuality
In six pages this paper addresses the past and present confusion that exists within scientific, psychiatric, and social literature which impacts the acceptances of bisexuality by society. Two sources are listed in the bibliography.
The 'Science' of Human Behavior According to B.F. Skinner
A 5 page analysis of the principles of behavioral psychology as discussed by B.F. Skinner, a pioneer in this field. The writer gives a summation of Skinner's theories relative to the dynamics of operant conditioning and operant behavior. No additional sources cited.
Psychology, Science, and Research Approaches
A 5 page discussion of the relationship of the scientific approach in the field of psychology. This paper contends that psychological research is characterized by two separate yet integrated approaches. These approaches are that of qualitative and quantitative investigation. In the place of statistical findings revealed with quantitative research, qualitative research illuminates and provides understanding. Each approach is an important component of the field of psychology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Psychology: Informal Practice To Bona Fide Science
3 pages in length. The field of psychology has not always been held in such high regard within the scientific environment, having had the task of proving its worth and validity as a legitimate discipline and not merely an ambiguous offshoot of philosophy. As the field began to expand and notable theorists established what are now standard principles, psychology ultimately earned its place within the scientific community alongside other closely controlled fields of study. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Psychology and its Meaning
This examines what the meaning of psychology is, and four different psychological approaches; psychoanalytical, behavioral, humanistic and cognitive. The paper also uses examples of each approach. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Psychology, Science, and Research Approaches
A 5 page discussion of the relationship of the scientific approach in the field of psychology. This paper contends that psychological research is characterized by two separate yet integrated approaches. These approaches are that of qualitative and quantitative investigation. In the place of statistical findings revealed with quantitative research, qualitative research illuminates and provides understanding. Each approach is an important component of the field of psychology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Journal Article Review on Teaching Fifth Graders Science
This 3 page paper presents a review of a journal article. The article reports a case study of four fifth-grade teachers. This review reports the type and purpose of study, an overview of the study, the conclusions of the authors and the relevance of the article for teachers. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Portrayals of Good Science Gone Bad in Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, H.G. Wells, and Mary Shelley
A 10 page overview of the factors which existed in the Victorian era to spawn such works as “The Island of Doctor Moreau” and “The Invisible Man”, “Frankenstein” and “Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde”. This paper describes the quest for understanding and scientific experimentation which captivated this era and speculates as to how this captivation extended to the literary world as well. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
A Cybernetics and Systems Science Overview
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the concepts, and explores the differences between first order and second order cybernetics. Family systems are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Science Fiction Cinema's Portrayal of Society's Fears and Hopes
A 5 page paper
which discusses the films “The Day the Earth Stood Still” and “Close Encounters of the
Third Kind” as they relate to the hopes and fears of the eras in which they were produced.
Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.
Cinematic Explanation of Sciences' Gender Gap
This 7 page paper examines the portrayal of strong women scientists in two films: Laura Dern as Ellie in Jurassic Park and Margaret Sheridan as Nikki in the 1950s classic, The Thing from another World and why, despite the popularity of such women in film, they do not hold comparable positions in the real world. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Fantasy Literature and Science Fiction
This 3 page paper considers the idea that fantasy appeals to that part of our minds that doesn't believe in fate, but insists that everything that happens to us must have a reason, and whether or not that statement makes sense. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Literature and the Element of Science
This 5 page paper discusses the scientific concepts presented by Daniel Quinn's protagonist, Ishmael. His unique perspective brings out the dire straits that mankind has put himself in, and offers solutions. Quotes cited from the text. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Revolutions in Science and Technology
A 7 page research paper that discusses advancements and innovations. This examination of scientific creative innovation begins with the medicine and the penicillin revolution, but then looks also at the examples of creative revolutions that have occurred in the contemporary era and concludes with observations bout the way in which scientific and technological creativity tends to overlap. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Dinosaur Behavior Determination
A 9 page paper outlining the methodology and tools used by paleontologist to gain an understanding of dinosaur behavior. Emphasizes computer modeling techniques. Bibliography lists five sources.
Studying the Terroist Groups the Red Army Fraction/Baader Meinhof Group, the Dashmesh Regiment, the Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba, the North Korean Communist Group, and the Action Directe
This is a 30 page paper studying five terrorist groups: their history, ideology, acts of terrorism and current status. The study of five terrorist groups, the Action Directe (AD), the North Korean Communist Group, the Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba (IJT), the Dashmesh Regiment, and the Red Army Fraction (RAF) shows the extent extremists will go to further their causes in both the domestic and international arena. The Action Directe (AD) in France and the Red Army Fraction (RAF) in Germany were mostly active in the 1970s and 1980s when many of their leading members were imprisoned. Although not directly linked with any recent terrorist actions, the members of the AD and RAF are still actively associated with radical or political groups today. The North Korean Communist Group is considered one of the most viable terrorist threats of today as they are large, well-funded, still torture political prisoners and are believed to still manufacture nuclear, chemical and biological weaponry contrary to international agreements. The Islamic Jamiat-i-Talaba (IJT) as the student based affiliated of the political party Jamiat-i-Islami (JI) in Pakistan wish for the education of Islamic youth and for the formation of an Islamic state free of all Western deviant and capitalist influences and continue violent protests to promote this ideal. The recent war on terrorism against the Taliban in Afghanistan has led the IJT to believe that the increase in martyrs for their cause will only increase their recruitment for their group. Finally, the Dashmesh Regiment or 10th Regiment in Pakistan and India wish for a separate Sikh state called Khalistan which is currently on land in India. They have formed alliances with other national and international terrorist groups with the intent of getting their cause well known and have been responsible for several international acts of terrorism. Although their group was diminished when the Indian forces captured many of their leaders, international Sikh supported organizations have been formed in their place to continue their cause.
Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Latino Political Patterns
This 5.5 page paper examines patterns in Latino
politics, moving from civil rights based issues to
more broad-based national concerns of cultural,
political and economic natures. In California
alone, Latino/Hispanic voting quadruped in the
last presidential election.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
History, Development, and Geography's Influence
This is a 5 page paper discussing geography’s influence on history. Geography has a great impact on history, development, and social, cultural, religious and political affiliations. Historically, regions with geographical advantageous positions, such as those with access to navigable waterways have led other areas in regards to exploration, market economy and development. Geographically, Britain provides an excellent example of the advantages of a land with fertile soil, navigable waterways and a long coastline with natural harbors. This led England to exploration and navigation which in turn led them to other lands which they could develop. Other regions with water access also gained a great deal in trade and exploration. New lands which were developed were also those which were easily accessible, had irritable soil, and navigable waterways. Lands which did not have these geographically preferred features were largely neglected unless they were geophysically blessed with natural resources such as oil or gold. Today geography still plays an essential influence on the historical affiliations of many peoples who despite political, religious or international alliances are still mostly affected with their geographical locale.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Chancellors A History Of The Leaders Of The British Exchequer, 1886-1947 by Roy Jenkins
12 pages in length. Roy Jenkins' purpose for penning The Chancellors: A History of the Leaders of the British Exchequer, 1886-1947 was not so much to chronicle the political contributions of each of the nineteen men who held office during this particular period; rather, the author chose a more personal approach as a means by which to portray the psychological and political components of each
protagonist. Unlike similar accounts on the subject, Jenkins employs a significant sense of humor, not-so-subtle irony and rather unflattering perspective of what he calls a disparate lot of British Chancellors who had no more in common with one another than somewhat more than average ability and substantially more than average ambition.
Indeed, The Chancellors' essays do not represent the typical and stuffy account of history's British moneymen. No additional sources cited.
German Films Verzweiflung and Angst Essen Seele Auf and Political Themes
10 pages in length. The writer discusses the themes of racial dissension in "Angst Essen Seele Auf" and sexism in "Verzweiflung." Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Examination of Cybervoting
5 pages in length. The technological revolution has brought about myriad social changes, not the least of which includes the concept of cybervoting. In its purest form, this alternative to physical ballot voting stands to revolutionize the entire democratic process; according to proponents, cybervoting will give back to the people what has long been gone from the political process. Additionally, the implementation of cybervoting will benefit individuals who might not otherwise make the effort to vote, inevitably increasing the ultimate turnout. That cybervoting stands to get more people involved with the
political process is reason enough to support its
acceptance; however, there are even more fundamental reasons why cybervoting is an idea whose time has arrived. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Political Ideology and Management Style
This 10 page paper evaluates a case study of a hotel and how it is managed. Various subjects such as equality, scientific management and capitalism are discussed in the context of the analysis. The case study exemplifies a tightly managed situation where there is a division by race, gender and so forth. Further, workers subsists on tips and live under tight control. Many theorists are noted inclusive of Marx, Durkheim and Weber. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
The Terrorism Act of 2001/Its Effects, A Research Proposal
This 3 page paper examines this bill that was passed into law in 2001. How this bill that had bipartisan support affected party lines. Did it serve to divide parties? Did it bring the Republicans and Democrats together? This is a research proposal divided into three portions. The first provides a general introduction to the topic and the second section explains sources to be used within the paper. The final section is an outline of the proposed paper.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Dalai Lama/The Universe in a Single Atom
A 10 page book review on The Universe in a Single Atom, The Convergence of Science and Spirituality by his Holiness the Dalai Lama is a text that is not, precisely, about Buddhism, which the religion practiced by this great religious leader. Nevertheless, this text offers insight into the ways in which Tibetan Buddhism perceives the issues listed below. This text describes the Dalai Lama's perspectives on science and he often contrasts the scientific view of the world with the Buddhist view. The result is a fascinating view of the contemporary world and the implications of the latest scientific advancements. No additional sources cited.
Politics and Bananas
This 6-page paper attempts to tie the banana trade wars together with political maneuvering, even to the point where it has helped elect presidents of the U.S. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Political Activism and Nursing
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the importance of political activism as facilitated by professional nursing organizations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Updated Student Manifesto
A 3 page essay in which the writer/tutor offers suggestions for writing a political manifesto for the current generation. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
This 9-page paper discusses the political landscape in Greece during the 2000 and 2004 general elections. Bibliography lists 9 sources
A Honduras Overview
A 3 page description of the history, geography, political structure, population and culture of the Honduras. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Political Film Comparision of the Nonfiction The Fog of War and Fiction Fahrenheit 911
A 7 page paper which examines the representation of the concepts political and government in these films. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Education, Politics, and Northern Ireland
This 4-page paper focuses on education in Northern Ireland as it pertains to political and religious divisions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Bonaparte and France
This 20 page paper considers Napoleon and his military career, his political aspirations and his psychological make up. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Ethiopia: History, Politics and Challenges
This 6 page paper discusses Ethiopia's history, it politics and political parties and some of the challenges it faces. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Political Comparison of Iraq and Mexico
The world is in a state of flux. Economies as diverse as Japan and Russia are in the middle of political and economic crisis and globalization has either made productivity soar or has been the death toll for different countries. This 6 page paper compares the current status of the economic, political and social development of Mexico and Iraq. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
US Political Party Weaknesses
An 8 page paper in which the writer considers factors that have weakened American political parties over the course of the last two decades. Ultimately, these factors have contributed to a determined decline in the American political party system. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Bahrain; Women’s Rights
The government of Bahrain has made a commitment to women and developing women’s rights. This 3 page paper looks at the progress and areas of achievement and considers the current political aspects of women rights in the country and considers areas where political moves to increase equality may be argued as still required. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Soviet Union's 1991 Collapse
The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 was undoubtedly one of the great transforming events of the twentieth century. The collapse of the Soviet Union was influenced less by world affairs than by the internal mechanisms of a military-political regime that had exceeded its economic and political limits. This 2 page essay examines a few of the contributing factors in the collapse of the former Soviet Union.
Modern Day South Africa
A 9 page paper that looks at the economic, political and social changes in the newly developing South Africa outside of the rule of apartheid. Since the first free election in that country in 1994, a number of changes have occured that are directly related to the new political order of the country and have pushed South Africa into the forefront of developing nations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Croatia's Political and Economic Changes
This 8 page report discusses the relationship between the political and the economic changes in Croatia over the past decade. A significant relationship between political and economic change is always present in any nation. However, when the nation is in a state of upheaval such as that faced by Croatia (and the rest of the Balkan states) for the past decade, it is particularly notable. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
U.S. Military Base Location
An 8 page analysis discussing the political and economic factors influencing the decision on where to locate U.S. overseas military bases and forces. Included are strategic significance, political climate, job creation both in the host country and in America, and direct economic benefits to the host country. Works cited lists five sources.
Political Reflections in 'The Inferno' and Divine Comedy of Dante
A 5 page overview of the primary structure and plot of this fourteenth century classic poem. Discusses the literary classification of the poem and the historical and political circumstances under which it was written. The author contends that while Dante’s work is influenced to some degree by the historical setting, it is not limited to a discourse on politics. “Inferno”, in particular, is considered the greatest medieval poem and holds many political as well as religious parallels. No additional sources are listed.
Political Reflections in 'The Inferno' and Divine Comedy of Dante
A 5 page overview of the primary structure and plot of this fourteenth century classic poem. Discusses the literary classification of the poem and the historical and political circumstances under which it was written. The author contends that while Dante’s work is influenced to some degree by the historical setting, it is not limited to a discourse on politics. “Inferno”, in particular, is considered the greatest medieval poem and holds many political as well as religious parallels. No additional sources are listed.
A Political History of Cuba
An 8 page paper discussing Cuba's oppressive political history. The Cuban people are hard working and strive to maintain optimism. The fact is, however, they have suffered centuries of political and economic oppression. Cuba presents perhaps the finest example of the consequences of inept government based on unworkable ideology rather than on the realities of life. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Environmental Protection Agency and Management Theory
An 8 page paper discussing the political and management climate at the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is a government agency that has overreaching authority over business operation and frequently has the final word on whether processes will be allowed. It is a political entity, however. Though it can and should use modern management techniques, its nature as a government agency keeps it grounded in classical theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Sustainable Development; The Influence of the United Nations
This 9 page paper looks at the contribution of the United Nations (UN) towards the development of the idea of ‘sustainable business practices’, evaluates the United Nations political influence and examines the different geographical and political agendas which have contributed towards the concept of sustainable development from this institution. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Robotics Science and Technology
4 pages in length. The science and technology of robotics involves the construction of mechanical devices that operate either automatically or via remote control. In this research paper, the writer examines robotics functions, industry, and more. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Proper Nutrition And Good Health: Culinary Cause And Effect
3 pages in length. More than one hundred years ago, just after the turn of the twentieth century, culinary science recognized the cause and effect of proper nutrition equating to good health. Although the extent of this knowledge may not have been as vast as it is today, that it was even a component of culinary in any way indicates a strong association between the art of cooking and the healthfulness it instills. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Consumption and Human Behavior
This 5 page paper considers the similarities and differences in human behaviour sciences and the studies of consumer behaviour. The paper then consider to what extent all human behaviour may be seen as consumerist. The bibliography cites 6 sources
EVE Online/Authority in an Online Community
An 8 page research paper that explores the virtual world of an online community, specifically the science fiction world of EVE Online. The writer focuses on the economy of this online community and how it functions. Bibliography lists 6 sources, with additional information drawn from an interview with an EVE player.
Forensic Science and DNA Testing
6 pages in length. Technological advancement has changed the very foundation upon which mankind lives; while some of this tremendous progress is questionable in nature, the vast majority has allowed for significantly more convenience, speed and result. DNA testing within forensic science is one of the most important examples of how technology has enabled law enforcement officials to identify criminals much more accurately and in much less time. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Biomedical to Biopsychosocial Medical Evolution
A 6 page contention that medicine has shifted dramatically over the past several decades from a discipline which concentrates solely the science of our anatomy and physiology to a discipline which recognizes not only the hard scientific facts of physiology but also the importance of psychological and sociological factors. Medicine has shifted from the Cartesian way of viewing illness, injury and disease as components of a machine-like body to one which views illness from not only a biological perspective but also a psychosociological perspective. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
History of Cloning
A 5 page paper discussing the history of cloning and the untimely death of Millie, the first cow to be cloned in the US. Cloning has reached the point at which protocol is set and there is no anticipated reason that researchers could not produce a human clone. We have reached the brink of ethics, however, and it is yet unclear whether science should proceed. This debate forms the core of discussion surrounding cloning today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Warfare Nanotechnology
This 7 page paper looks at the science of nanotechnology that can create innovative and powerful tools for warfare. Its use in communications, maintenance and other factors are discussed. Potential positive and negative effects of this type of technology are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Answers to five questions concering Photosynthesis and Other Topics
A 4 page research paper that offers brief answers to 5 science questions. Topics covered include photosynthesis (why it's vital to life); what other source of energy could life have used (hydrothermals); lipids; difference between organic and inorganic molecules and difference between dominant and recessive genes. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Life and Contributions of Sir Isaac Newton
This 11 page paper begins with a brief biography of Sir Isaac Newton. His major ideas, discoveries, inventions and works are identified. The Newton - Leibniz calculus controversy is discussed. Those who influenced Newton's works are identified. His legacy and impact in the fields of mathematics and science as well as the world's beliefs about the nature of the universe are discussed. The writer also comments on the role of the apple in Newton's thoughts about gravity. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Astrology as a 'Fringe Science'
This 3 page paper investigates whether or not astrology has a scientific basis. The discipline is explored. The scientific link for this "fringe science" is explained. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
An Artificial Intelligence Overview
This 10 page paper looks at theories as well as what scientists are doing in respect to AI. Science fiction is looked at as well, but the paper focuses on practical applications and future implications of artificial Intelligence. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Technology In Middle And High Schools
A 12 page paper. There is still controversy about the use of technology in math classes. This essay discuses and reports research regarding the use of technology in math and science classes in middle schools and high schools. The writer discusses barriers to using technology, including access and teacher preparation. The results some teachers have had with certain technology is also reported. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
The Central Elements of Chaos Theory
This 8 page report discusses the fact that, at its core, chaos theory and its direct relationship to physics, since it is the science of physics which determined that all movement can be defined as being determined, random, or chaotic. The concepts as well as the history of how those concepts were reached are presented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Computer Science and Graph Theory's Future
This 3 page paper defines and explores graph theory in mathematics. How it applies to computer science, and where it can take it in the future, is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Scientology and Its Impact on Actor Tom Cruise
A 6 page discussion of the so-called religion Scientology and its effect on actor Tom Cruise. This paper contends that in reality Scientology is nothing more than a lucrative cult, the premises of which verge more on science fiction than theology. Although Cruise is blessed with good looks, money, and tremendous professional success, his personal life has fallen apart in more than one area over time and much of the turmoil surrounding his failures can be linked with Scientology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Is Scientology a Religion or a Cult?
A 5 page denouncement of the so-called religion of Scientology. This paper exposes the basic premises of the cult as being based more on science-fiction than theology. Despite its high-profile membership which makes the sect appear glamorous and appealing a more objective investigation of its teachings reveal many discrepancies, shortcomings, and outright fallacies. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Reason Plus Spirituality Equals Enlightened Theology
A 5 page paper that examines the integration of the sciences of philosophical thinking and theological belief beginning with the Age of Enlightenment in the eighteenth century. The progression of this integration is traced across the nineteenth century and through the 1960s racial tensions of the twentieth century. Included are the philosophies of Jonathan Edwards, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William James, W.E.B. DuBois, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Is Knowledge True, or False, or Does It Reside Somewhere in the Middle?
A 6 page paper which examines the theory of knowledge and the true and false concepts which appear to be simple and concise opposites, mutually-exclusive, but in reality, much of what passes for knowledge is a ‘gray’ area which lies in-between. Specifically discussed are the difficulties of the attempts to draw a clear line between what is true and false in the fields of science, mathematics, economics and the arts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Reaction Paper to Taking the Good from the Bad by McArthur
This 3 page paper examines an article that critiques the way that science is taught. The article makes recommendations and the reaction to the paper is positive. No additional sources cited.
Internet-Based Activities
A 3 page research paper that describes and discusses 3 Internet-based activities designed to be used in a fourth-grade science class. The goal of the tasks is to teach the students about endangered species. The learning goals are scaffolded, each building on the other. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Science Studies and Varied Topics
This 3 page paper provides an overview of three different topics that can impact the study of science: plagairism, dynamic equlibrium, and carbonic acid/bicarbonate buffer system. There is one page provided on each of these topics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nationalism and Soccer
This is a 20 page paper discussing soccer as a national identity as portrayed by soccer fans in different countries in addition to national pride and political perspectives. Soccer, referred to as football on an international basis, has become one of the most prominent symbols of nationalism within recent years. Whether soccer teams are representing local clubs, national clubs or are competing on an international stage, fans of the clubs are strictly devoted to their teams and identify with them on a national level. Sack and Seljan (2000) write that “a sport such as soccer provides opportunities for thousands of spectators to collectively affirm their commitments to beliefs, values, and myths than underlie their cultural identity”. In addition to the collective of fans at a soccer match, the presence of national flags, symbols, clothing and colors further unite (or divide in some cases) people who previously were strangers in a common bond of fraternity and national identity. Because of this powerful collective feel, it is not surprising then that often soccer matches and tournaments are used as political forums as well. Politically, soccer matches can be used to unite populations under a single cause or divide nations which may have historical differences. Nevertheless, soccer is overall a positive uniting force in a world in which people may often become isolated in their work or home environments. Soccer is the world’s most popular sport and countries all over the world have used soccer as a way to unite, promote, and celebrate their nationalism.
Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Medieval Literature and Portrayal of Political Issues
A 7 page paper which examines how two
Medieval works offer us an examination of the political structure of the time period.
Though the works do not directly discuss politics, they get a great deal of information
across to the reader through such political examinations as gender, social class, and the
issue of power. The stories examined are "Guigemar" by Marie de France and "Erec and
Enide" by Chretien de Troyes. No additional sources cited.
Nassau William Senior's Political Economic Theories
This 12 page paper considers the theories of Nassau William Senior. His background is considered and his theories are put into the context of his contemporaries, and comparisons are drawn with the classical school. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Traditions, Culture and History of Burma
This is a 5 page paper discussing Burmese history, culture, and traditions. Burma (Myanmar) is a country rich in culture, religion, history and traditional festivals and beliefs. Over 89 percent of the population is Buddhist and this provides a great deal of traditional structure and family values to the way of life in the country. Most of the population belongs to the agricultural sector which further retains the traditional rituals of the small communities. The political situation in Burma however is turbulent as a militant government has controlled the country for several decades which has led to a great deal of rioting, controversy and violation of human rights. Because of the political situation and record in Myanmar, some countries have imposed trade sanctions against the country which impacts the economy considerably. Despite the poor conditions however, the cultural and religious basis of Burma and the Burmese remains intact and a significant and central aspect of lives of the people.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Satire and Irony in Political Literature
This 3 page paper examines Past and Present, The Communist Manifesto and Erewhon. Some quotes are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Political Institutions Shaped by the History of Western Europe
This 6 page paper looks at European history and how it has affected Europe as it is known today. An emphasis is placed on politics. Communism is discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Factors Leading To The Clinton Upset in 1992
A 40 page paper that provides an overview of the basic elements that impacted the Clinton candidacy in 1992 and provided a win for Clinton even in light of controversy, questions of ethics, and the presence of Ross Perot. Bibliography lists 35 sources.
Society Does Not Exist
7 pages in length. Merriam-Webster defines society as an enduring and cooperating social group whose members have developed organized patterns of relationships through interaction with one another. In light of such a description, one might readily argue the fact that contemporary society does not exist. Clearly, mankind has reached an apex of incompatibility, inasmuch as racial,
political, economic and social intolerance is at an all-time high. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Nationalism and Soccer
This is a 20 page paper discussing soccer as a national identity as portrayed by soccer fans in different countries in addition to national pride and political perspectives. Soccer, referred to as football on an international basis, has become one of the most prominent symbols of nationalism within recent years. Whether soccer teams are representing local clubs, national clubs or are competing on an international stage, fans of the clubs are strictly devoted to their teams and identify with them on a national level. Sack and Seljan (2000) write that “a sport such as soccer provides opportunities for thousands of spectators to collectively affirm their commitments to beliefs, values, and myths than underlie their cultural identity”. In addition to the collective of fans at a soccer match, the presence of national flags, symbols, clothing and colors further unite (or divide in some cases) people who previously were strangers in a common bond of fraternity and national identity. Because of this powerful collective feel, it is not surprising then that often soccer matches and tournaments are used as political forums as well. Politically, soccer matches can be used to unite populations under a single cause or divide nations which may have historical differences. Nevertheless, soccer is overall a positive uniting force in a world in which people may often become isolated in their work or home environments. Soccer is the world’s most popular sport and countries all over the world have used soccer as a way to unite, promote, and celebrate their nationalism.
Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Music Addressing Racial Prejudice and its Political Implications
This 7 page paper examines the implications of using music to "discuss" racial discrimination, with particular emphasis on the Billie Holiday song "Strange Fruit." Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Climate and Political Culture of Norway
A 5 page paper discussing the conviction of the people of Norway. The government is obliged to act as it is instructed by the people, which is all that has kept it outside the European Union until now. Governmental leaders have wanted it, but the working people of the nation have not. Norway remains independent of the EU, and boasts one of the most robust economies of the region. The Norwegian people have been unshakable for 50 years, and they have a history of self-reliance and a brand of obstinacy that has contributed to their long-term survival. It is unlikely that the voters will change their minds unless they can see sound reason for doing so. While Norway leads Europe in both economic indicators and social values, that change is not likely to occur. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Comparing the United Nations and The League of Nations in Political Approaches
The success of the United Nations is based on a conglomeration of many political ideologies and precepts. The unshakable liberalism of democratic values, in concert with the idealistic belief in cooperative security brought Woodrow Wilson to the fore of international politics and was the foundation for the League of Nations. The time was not right, there was too many domestic problems in the world for the League to have the power it needed to handle international conflicts. After World War II, with the change in outlook of domestic policy in the United States and in the Soviet Union, in combination with the neorealist philosophy based on balance of power, the time was right for the establishment of an organization based on cooperative security and the United Nations was founded. This 7 page paper examines the forces that brought the League of Nations into being, explores the reasons it was not able to maintain power and looks at the processes used to conceive the United Nations as the force it is today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Political Role of American Mass Media
A 6 page assertion that
the media has had, and currently has, a tremendous impact on political
function in America. This paper contends that technololgy itself can be
identified as the root cause of media irresponsibility. While we tend
to view the impact of the media as having occurred only in contemporary
times, however, in reality it was at play in our earlier history as
well. The author outlines the media role in newsmaking, interpretation,
socialization, persuasion, agenda setting, and framing as to how they
impact political function. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
U.S. Social Fabric Up to 1840
5 pages in length. Considered to be the rumblings of a significant turning point in the history of mankind, the period leading up to 1840 reflected a social fabric that was beginning to unravel. Native Americans, African Americans, women and the working class were growing increasingly intolerant of the few social and political elitists dictating to the vast majority what their lives were to
represent. Minorities did not hold much power within society, inasmuch as there was an unyielding sense of control that loomed over the aspects of freedom, equality and individuality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Democracy and Uganda
10 pages in length. Democracy is a political way of life that involves each and every person in all phases of decision-making and rule. Indeed, it is a most desired manner by which to run a country; however, democratic rule is not easy to come by. Nations have fought for the right to call themselves a democracy, while others have endured great hardships and constant battle without ever achieving its liberating results. The writer discusses how Uganda is one nation that has rallied back from severe oppression to be able to claim the democratic way of life as its own. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
The Nation of Tunisia
This 15 page report discusses the north Africa nation of Tunisia. Situated between Algeria and Libya, Tunisia is a surprising combination of social progressiveness, economic stability, and traditional culture. Once the location of one of the ancient world's most important city-states, Carthage, Tunisia has maintained a uniqueness and stability not found in the majority of African nations. Located between Algeria and Libya, the desert and coastal nation has a population of approximately 9 million people. Its progressive government has steadily improved Tunisia's economic and development status, leading it to a political and social stability virtually non-existent in Africa. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Achievements of Roger Wolcott Sperry
15 pages in length. Roger Wolcott Sperry's career spanned a good part of the twentieth century, during which time his contributions to the scientific community were instrumental in establishing a great deal of fresh and previously unfathomable concepts in relation to human brain function. Not only was he praised with the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on split-brain function, but more importantly were his contributions to mind-brain and humanist values, as well as ideas of free will and consciousness. Characteristically reminiscent of Sperry's desire to help an ailing planet, he was forever involved in issues that would someday help the human race begin to rectify the damage is has caused to the earth. Additionally, Sperry's social, political and religious impact was such that he touched each one with his personal quest to better the world as it existed during his life. The writer discusses Sperry's other important achievements over and above split-brain function. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Concepts of Negritude
5 pages in length. The social, cultural and political events that helped to shape the concept of Negritude for Leopold Sedar Senghor, Leon Damas and Aime Cesaire were vast and far-reaching when it came to sculpting their individual interpretations of the word. In short, the birth of Negritude was the birth of Black Consciousness and the Harlem Renaissance, which was hastened by the need for the African community to be recognized for its beneficial and inherent contributions. Spawning a significant literary movement in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s comprised of French-speaking African and Caribbean writers, Negritude opened up an entirely different view of blacks that had never before been considered. The writer discusses what Negritude represented to the individual writers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Red Storm Rising, The Hunt for Red October, and the Cold War
A 5 page review of the Cold War years. The author of this paper emphasizes that the intent of the Cold War was to stabilize world politics and to maintain peace. In reality, it could be contended that the real outcome of this political approach was anything but a peaceful and secure world order. Indeed, the Cold War itself was a kind of warfare. Even in recognition of the fact that no actual warfare between the two main players, the Soviet Union and the United States erupted during the Cold War years, it was a period of intense hostility. This hostility is no better imprinted on the American psyche than through literature and movies. Two books in particular have added to our understanding of the Cold War. These books, both by author Tom Clancy, are “The Hunt for Red October” and “Red Storm Rising”. Each offers significant insight to the tensions which existed between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War years. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nokia in China
This 50 page paper looks at the positioning of the Nokia brand in China and how successful Nokia’s marketing and strategy has been in the Chinese mobile or cellular telephone market. The paper is starts with an introduction which includes the aims of the research to identify the current position of Nokia in China and assess its’ level of success. The paper then undertakes an in-depth literature review looking at Nokia, its’ history and general developments and marketing strategies that have impacted on the way positioning has been developed. The literature review then considers China, the social economic and political influences and the way Nokia have developed operations in China and created their current marketing position. The paper then presents simulated primary research to assess the perception of the Nokia brand by consumers. This section includes the methodology and the presentation of the questionnaire and the results. The paper ends with a conclusion bringing together the primary research and the findings of the literature review. The bibliography cites 60 sources.
'Defenders of the Faith' and McCarthyism
4 pages in length. Looking back at the social and political debacle of McCarthyism makes one consider just how far the "defenders of the faith" should be allowed to go to protect America's system of government? When one examines what, if any, limits should be placed upon the methods and actions taken against those who are perceived not to "believe as we do," it is important to consider the current state of foreign affairs and the extent to which America has been force to defend its very existence. McCarthyism represented a perceived threat to what it means to be an American; the devastating impact of recent terrorist activities against this country illustrates, by comparison, a decidedly more tangible threat that calls for drastic measures of protection. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
1992 Elections in Israel
A 5 page paper discussing the various conditions that surrounded the 1992 Israeli elections. These elections occurred during a time when major changes had recently occurred in regards to world powers. Russian Communism had crumbled and the Cold War was essentially in the past. The political parties involved were the Labour Party and the Likuds. The leaders were, respectively, Rabin and Shamir. Rabin won by a slight margin. Election numbers are included herein. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Colonial Domination Independence of Latin America
3 pages in length. Postcolonial Latin America yearned for the ability to break out from the oppressive constraints of the dictatorship that precluded its people's opportunity for freedom. It can be argued that autocratic rule was part and parcel of Latin America's existence all the way up to the point of its self-independence that was finally realized by those who had been held down for so long. Instrumental to the overall conquest of independence was the coupling of social realities and intellectual developments, as well as issues surrounding the economic and political stability of Spain and Portugal. While many of the motivating factors for freedom were the result of external forces, there were also some internal elements that helped to assist the eventual move toward Latin American independence. The writer discusses Latin America's self-independence. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Biblical Study on Israel's Creation
A 6 page essay on the establishment of Israel. The writer states that the will of the nomadic Israelites was to settle in a rich valley and establish a settlement, and shows how the political cannot be separated from the religious in the story of Israelite settlement. To keep up their vision, they relied on prophets to guide them, but in the end, King David, a warrior, saw to the actualization of their dream, although they attribute his presence to the will of God. Biblical passages studied include passages from Samuel I and II. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Compleat Angler by Izaak Walton
A 5 page analysis of the seventeenth century classic that mixes philosophical musings on nature with advice on how to catch fish. In the mid-seventeenth century, author Izaak Walton witnessed the English civil war with a rising sense of horror. A firm Royalist, Walton reported that the 'malice and madness' was 'scarce credible, but I saw it' (4). To provide himself and his friends with a 'recreative distraction' during this period of awful public turmoil, Walton composed The Compleat Angler, which was first published in 1653 (8). 'Angling' is, of course, the art of fishing, and in detailing his considerable knowledge on this subject, Walton offered his readers a pastoral retreat from the political pressures of the day. No additional sources cited.
The Big Dig in Boston
A 5 page paper discussing the big-business logistics of the largest public works project ever. Boston's Central Artery, the elevated six-lane highway that runs through town, opened in 1959 and was a marvel that had been planned for growth. Designed to carry 75,000 vehicles daily, it is now one of the most congested highways in the nation carrying 190,000 vehicles each day. The budget for its replacement is $10.8 billion and is scheduled for completion in 2004. Though construction began in 1991, there was no overseeing IT plan implemented until 1996. The project has run more smoothly with the IT system in place, and political posturings connected with the project have largely ended. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
The 1999 Anatolian Fault Catastrophe
A 4 page paper examining the August 1999 disaster in Turkey. History of the Anatolian fault summarized. Social, economic and political ramifications also noted.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
2010 European Union
This 6 page report discusses the European Union and its possible future. There are, of course, numerous critics around the world who are convinced that the entire process has only one logical outcome – disaster. Initially, both corporate and political leaders feared the creation of a “fortress” Europe. However, many are now convinced that the move toward regional integration will reduce the costs and risks of doing business, as well as furthering positive social policies. What the EU will look like in the next decade is debatable. However, this report highlights the many potentially positive outcomes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Landscape's Symbolic Uses in Chinese Movies Red Sorghum, The Blue Kite, and Yellow Earth
This is a 5 page paper discussing the use of landscape as symbolism in three Chinese films. The Fifth Generation of directors who graduated in China in the 1980s combine vivid depictions of colour and landscapes to symbolize the political climate, oppression and vitality of the Chinese people throughout their films best represented by “Yellow Earth” directed by Chen Kiage, “The Blue Kite” directed by Tian Zhuanshuang, and “Red Sorghum” directed by Zhang Yimou.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Law of Greece
8 pages in length. Greek law evolved as a necessary means by which to regulate society's behavior. What had up until then been left up to the whims of each individual to handle on his own was now a product of fair and sensible legal procedure. It can be argued that there was, indeed, a great need for such a show of order in that there existed no modicum of conformity when it came to retribution. As Greek law continued to be established, it also became an integral component of other areas of life, branching out into political and social implications. The writer discusses Greek Law in relation to the Sumerians; Egyptians; Hebraics; Hellenics; the Classical, Roman and Christian periods; as well as Cicero, Augustine, Plato and Aristotle. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
A Review of Max Weber's Construction of Social Theory
Martin Albrow, in his book Max Weber’s Construction of Social Theory, argues that Max Weber provides a long-neglected foundation for sociology, and that the arguments of Weber can be utilized in understanding the sociological premises of a number of other theorists, including Kant and Nietzche. Further, Albrow relates the arguments of Weber to the assertion of the value of sociology as a science, and also defines the link between
the premises of social theory and the development of social philosophy, social psychology and the logical correlation between the two. This 4 page paper reflects the essential arguments in Albrow’s work and considers the implications for evaluating sociological, philosophical and psychological underpinnings. No additional sources cited.
Culture, Demographics and Socioeconomics of the Black American Family
This is a 6 page paper discussing the demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of African American families. Studies of demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of African American families and communities have shown that overall, African Americans report lower incomes, lower education, higher unemployment and poverty rates, and higher mortality and suicide rates than most White communities in the United States. All of these factors have improved over the last decade and unemployment was reported at an all time low in the last U.S. Census. Despite these adversities however, a large percentage of African American families have succeeded in their educational and professional careers. It is believed that this “resilience” is enhanced by several cultural support characteristics which exist within the African American families and their communities. Most African Americans have reported that their most difficult challenges are based on racism and oppressive factors rather than factors which relate to their family or socio-economic status. Racism, oppression, and segregation are also believed to be some of the primary differences in the mortality and suicide rates in the African American population from the white population. In social science studies and in relation to agencies which wish to establish social support groups to help African American families, all of the cultural, socio-economic, and demographic differences must be taken into account.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Cinematic Structure and Coding of the Film Gone with the Wind
This is an 11 page paper discussing the use of structure and code in film. Structuralism and semiotics and their use of codes and cues to define the underlying structures in society were first theories applied to the social sciences and then to the world of narrative literature. Marx and Freud further used semiotics to demonstrate how codes can be used effectively to psychologically affect those within society. Using this premise, during the early days of feature films semiotics were used to analyze the underlying structures of films. A good example of cinematic coding is used in the classic film “Gone with the Wind” made in 1939. The film uses coding on two different levels to define the structures within society. Firstly, the film uses references and themes relevant to the era of the Civil War depicted in the film. Secondly, and probably more importantly, the film uses coding to define the structure of society during the 1930s when the film was made. Specific contrasts of bad and good, black and white, pure and scandalous, affluence and poverty are portrayed using visual, narrative and auditory codes.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Contemporary Studies of Formative Sexual Experiences
This is a 15 page paper discussing formative sexual experiences. Formative sexual experiences are those which relate to initial sexual intercourse and in most social science investigations are based on heterosexual relations. Chapter 9: Formative Sexual Experiences in “The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States” by Laumann et al in 1994, reports the trends found in a national survey done in the United States. Generally, it was found by the investigators that there has been a steady decline in age over the past forty years in regards to first intercourse and this is consistent with other studies. Other results of the study found that men’s motive for their first sexual experience is largely that of sexual curiosity while women motivations are more emotionally based. Other results found that one in twenty women reported being forced for her first sexual intercourse and a substantial proportion of men and women reported preadolescent sexual conduct with adults. In relation to other studies conducted, Laumann’s results are consistent with those reported in the United States but some factors differ from studies conducted in other areas of the world such as New Zealand, Norway, and Thailand to name a few. While all studies reported that the age of initial sexual experience is declining, the long lasting effects on relationships are not always considered to be negative as reported in a New Zealand study and females and males differ in their sexual motivations in Nordic society. The differences in the studies are often based on the differences on the social norms and structures of each society and because of this Laumann’s report can only be taken in the context of American society in the early 1990s.
Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Math Assessment, Authentic Assessment Programs, and Inconsistencies
This is a 10 page paper discussing the interpretative and inconsistent nature of math assessment and possible authentic assessment programs. Several issues relate to the inconsistent and interpretative nature of math assessment within the educational curricula today. Firstly, on a national basis, studies reveal the range in attitudes in regards to importance math assessment has in the overall educational curriculum. While math assessment is often mentioned, its importance does not seem as highly weighted as other aspects of assessment of school performance. Secondly, within the school systems themselves, teachers in mathematics vary a great deal in their teaching practices which can affect assessment; perception of their students’ abilities based on social factors and past performance; perception of the importance of national and consistent assessment; and desired learning outcomes. There are many educational assessment tools which are available. However, assessment tools vary in regards to their expense, time, and curriculum considerations which can affect whether or not the tool can be usefully applied. One of the goals of the U.S. educational system is be “the first in the world in mathematics and science achievement” and some educational programs are trying to fulfill this goal by not only developing consistent national education and assessment programs but programs which are comparative on an international scale, such as that found within the International Baccalaureate Program (IB).
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Scientific and Classical Management
8 pages in length. Classical management carries with it myriad definitions, in particular the need to maintain an atmosphere that is restrained and simple, conforming to established taste of critical standards or adhering to traditional forms. Scientific management, on the other hand, represents the coupling of science and engineering as they relate to work practices as a means by which to augment management control and productivity. Its emergence took place in the forty-year span between 1880 and 1920, where it
was significantly dependent upon machinery in order for work to be appropriately subdivided into highly specialized, routine tasks. From a management point of view, the very foundation of the classical theory was to establish a universal method appropriate for all situations; indeed, it was a search for truth. It was as if the theorists were in search of an end all be all sort of application that would effectively address all questions as to how organizations worked and how managers should managed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
G.B. Nash, C. Crabtree, and R.E. Dunn's History on Trial Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past
This is a 6 page paper discussing the book “History on Trial: Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past” (1997). The publication of “History on Trial: Culture Wars and the Teaching of the Past” which describes the heated controversy surrounding the formation of the National History Standards in the mid-1990s, has in itself several controversial issues which makes it a useful tool in discussion forums in the social sciences. The authors of the text, Gary B. Nash, Charlotte Crabtree and Ross E. Dunn were involved in the selection of the committee working on the standards and have provided a background look at the events which took place during the development of the standards. Different issues discussed were the fact that while several historians approved of the constant updating and reinterpretation of historical events in the past and the inclusion of addition of multicultural issues while others believe that history as it has traditionally been taught should not be altered to any extent. The authors provide criticism of their own critics but their close proximity to the situation also provides additional limitations to the work which is provided to the reader as highly subjective in its context. Overall however, it is in a sense a historical document in its own right which like any other event from history is open for discussion or controversy and widely resembles many of the points outlined by the authors.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A Review of Research Evaluating Green Tea Extract
A 3 page critique of a research study conducted by
researchers at the Biological Sciences Laboratories of Kao Corp., Tochigi, Japan. This study reports a correlation with green tea consumption and
improved physical endurance. The author of this paper points out some important considerations in regard to experimental design and the
researcher's affiliation that make these findings less impressive. No additional sources are listed.
A Review of Max Weber's Construction of Social Theory
Martin Albrow, in his book Max Weber’s Construction of Social Theory, argues that Max Weber provides a long-neglected foundation for sociology, and that the arguments of Weber can be utilized in understanding the sociological premises of a number of other theorists, including Kant and Nietzche. Further, Albrow relates the arguments of Weber to the assertion of the value of sociology as a science, and also defines the link between
the premises of social theory and the development of social philosophy, social psychology and the logical correlation between the two. This 4 page paper reflects the essential arguments in Albrow’s work and considers the implications for evaluating sociological, philosophical and psychological underpinnings. No additional sources cited.
Artist, Scientist, and Engineer Leonardo da Vinci
This is a 7 page paper discussing the life, art and engineering designs of Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci is a well known artist who captured the elusive smile of the Mona Lisa and envisioned the Last Supper which many people now associate him with. However, Leonardo da Vinci was perhaps even more accomplished as an “artist-engineer” of the Italian scientific Renaissance which set him apart from the other artists of the time as well as a mathematician, philosopher, naturalist, astronomer, architect, and musician. While quite a lot is known about his works of art, not as much is known about his hundreds of scientific and engineering designs which were well ahead of his time and placed him considerably high in the development of the Italian Renaissance in the arts and sciences.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Friedrich Nietzsche and Nihilism
This is an 11 page paper discussing Nietzsche and the concept of nihilism within his work. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is probably best known for his works on nihilism; the belief that all values, truths and morals which have been constructed by man are baseless including those within the Bible. Nietzsche did not originally begin his work in the area in nihilism but throughout his own study and questioning of the theories of truth found in theology, the classics and philosophy which had always been readily accepted for centuries, he concluded that the eventual course of man would be that of nihilism. As man demands more answers through the field of science, many of the traditional theories and religious beliefs will be stripped away. At the same time, humans will begin to realize that they cannot meet the ideals of the invented truth and will not be able to transcend into that “higher world”. Despair follows and man must return to nature and a time of humanity where the invented concepts of “good” versus “evil” are no longer relevant. Beliefs are then based on the singular concepts of each person living each day. However, these ideas are contrary to societal beliefs and the basic structure of society and therefore society as we know it will be destroyed.
Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Human Cloning in the Future
(7 pp) The idea of human cloning either sounds
like something out of a bad science fiction movie,
is a boon to medical science or a travesty to
morality. As in the case of most exaggerations,
there is a shred of truth in all of them. Although
our proposed challenge is to project what might
happen, some of those projections will be examined
under a humorous light. Generally speaking we
learn best when we can laugh. Other projections
are as assigned. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) During Recent History
5 pages in length. Historical literary accounts of Latin America's quest for freedom delve deeply into the social and cultural foundation of discrimination and oppression during the nation's formative years, effectively illustrating the extent to which the Americas suffered gross indignities at the hands of those who were in control, with primary emphasis upon the oppressive nature of European colonization. Andrea & Overfield's The Human Record : Sources of Global History and Bulliet et al's Earth and Its Peoples : A Global History Since 1750 are instrumental in illustrating the detrimental impact of colonization, as well as concentrating upon the significant quest for independence that Latin America ultimately realized as a nation. No additional sources cited.
Comparative Analysis of Voting Democracies in Europe and the US
6 pages in length. The idea of democracy, as America's forefathers originally intended it to represent, was that of the ultimate evolution of human life. The concept, which was just a seed when it was established in the United States over two hundred years ago, allowed for people to make their own destinies -- to follow whatever dreams they harbored deep inside. Democracy unleashed a joining together of the people so that new economic and political ideas could be shared in a way they had not been before. Democracy truly has the ability to empower both the people and the
government, allowing people to no longer felt suppressed and unimportant in matters that affect their very lives. However, that is not the case in Europe where rumblings of a painful past are beginning to influence the present. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Society of Israel and Religious Tensions
9 pages in length. Israel has always been the victim of inner struggles and outward tensions. Whether the discord is within its own people or on account of hostilities with other nations, there has hardly been a time when
the Israelis have not been suffering with some kind of tension. These tensions have created much hardship for Israel, as they often lead to other economic, political and
psychological strife. Why is Israel so full of struggle and conflict? There are more than a few reasons why the Israelis are in a constant state of discord. The writer discusses tensions as they relate to Israel. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Logical Vietnam Argument Perspectives
4 pages in length. Opinions about why Vietnam occurred are as vast and varied as the number of soldiers killed in combat; that some are decidedly more apropos to the real reasons behind the war speak to the way in which certain accounts try to hide the truth behind a façade of political responsibility.
Three examples of different Vietnam perspectives include Patrick J. Hearden's book entitled The Tragedy of Vietnam, Larry L. King's article "Machismo In the White House" and "Why Are We in Vietnam" by Lyndon Johnson illustrate these diversities in such a way to make one think at least one of them is talking about a different war entirely. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Pakistan's Miniature Painting
This is an 8 page paper discussing the history, influences and contemporary issues in miniature painting in Pakistan and India. The art of miniature painting was first known to exist in Persia where it was imported from into India during the 1500s at the beginning of the Mughal dynasties. In the Mughal schools of artistry, the art of miniature painting was given a more intense and dynamic feel which differentiated it from the formal structures used by the Persians. The technique is very specific in its use of wasli paper, squirrel hair brushes and vivid water based paint applied in multiple layers to earn it a silky finish. When the Mughal dynasty was displaced, so too were many of the artists who then had to earn livings applying their craft to other objects such as walls and furniture. During the late 1800s, when Indian nationalism began to take place, a revival of the traditional arts led to the re-introduction of miniature painting into the educational system where artists could earn specialties in it. Today, the art of miniature painting is one of the more popular and traditional methods of art especially found in the graduates of the National College of Arts in Lahore, Pakistan, the only school in the world offering a specialty in miniature painting. Modern miniature artists apply traditional Mughal methods in their depictions of the contemporary world and the political and lifestyle issues in Pakistan.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Graffiti's Development History
This 5 page report
discusses the existence of graffiti and the fact that graffiti is
an expression of art, whether political, social, or aesthetic, it
expresses something that its creator wants to express through the
medium of paint and a bare surface that will be viewed by others.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Article Critique/Effects of Remembering/Nursing Home Residents
A 10 page critique of a study article by Cook (1998) entitled "Effects of Reminiscence on Life Satisfaction of Elderly Female Nursing Home Residents." The writer summarizes and analyzes each section of this study report and finds it overall to be a positive contribution to nursing science. No additional sources cited.
Theorist and Martha Rogers a Science of Unitary Human Beings Application
This 9 page paper provides an overview of the perspectives of nursing theorist Martha Rogers, with an emphasis on Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings. This paper outlines the background of the theorist, the theory, and the application for nursing practices, especially in regards to the way in which Rogers has influenced the development of holistic nursing. Bibliography lists 10 source.
Patient Outcome and Defining the Contribution of Nursing
An 11 page exploration of the relationship which exists between nursing contribution and patient outcome. The author of this paper asserts a more and more predominant theme in nursing is the nurse’s one-on-one interaction with the patient and the consideration of such factors as culture and even spiritualism in patient care delivery. While at one time nursing was a discipline which concentrated primarily on the science of human anatomy and physiology, nursing has evolved to a discipline which recognizes not only the hard scientific facts of physiology but also the importance of psychological and sociological factors. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Clinical Psychology and Scientific Practice
This 9 page paper discusses the history of clinical psychology, its origins and the reciprocal relationship between science and clinical practice. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Psychology and Friedrich Nietzsche
This 7 page paper considers the development of Nietzsche's premise that psychology is the queen of sciences. This paper considers Nietzsche's premise, and seeks support for this argument through distinctions made by other psychologists. This paper underscores the justification of Nietzsche's claims. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Psychology and the Ongoing Debate Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research Approaches
This 8 page paper examines the quantity/quality debate. The concept of social science is discussed but the paper focuses primarily on psychology. Examples are provided. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Accreditation in Nursing
A 9 page research paper that consists of 2 smaller papers. The first paper, 5 pages, has to do with the processes involved in nursing accreditation, which compares these processes, between two agencies, with the accreditation process as it applies to forensic science. The second 4 page essay discusses how a background of employment in the pharmaceutical industry aids the nursing student. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
State of Science, Nursing Ethics
A 22 page research paper that examines the state of the science of nursing ethics. This investigation endeavors to offer a broad, exploratory overview of how professional nursing is addressing the numerous ethical challenges that characterize modern healthcare systems. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
An Analysis on an Article About Caring and Science
A 3 page article analysis that examines "Science, technology, caring and the professions: are they compatible?" by nurses Hawthorne and Yurkovich (1995). These authors express their concern that caring has declined as a value among various professions. The writer summarizes the article and then critiques it, comparing it to two nursing theories that emphasize caring. Bibliography lists 3 sources, but one reference is incomplete.
Nursing's Philosophical Issues
This 9 page paper delves into ethical issues in medical science. Several aspects of nursing care are discussed inclusive of the DNR order and medication errors. Several ideologies are included and discussed as they relate to the field of nursing. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Science and Art of Nursing
A 4 page research paper that examines the debate over nursing as an art or a science. The writer argues that nursing is a combination of both, and offers references and a case study to support this argument. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
A 3 page paper that discusses Titchener’s contributions to the field of psychology and explains his concept of consciousness as compared to Freud’s and James’. The writer also comments on how psychology became a science. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Psychology as a Science?
This is a 6 page paper that evaluates the claim that psychology is not a science. It examines the 'duality theory' and the 'machine' theory in respect to their impact on this argument. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Theology and Psychology Integration
A 10 page research essay discussing the how and why psychology and theology, or religion, should be integrated. Beginning with some statements and citations about the integration of science and religion, or theology, and moving into specific examples of the integration of religion and psychology, the writer offers evidence from the literature to support the premise these two should be integrated. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Theoretical Foundations for Nursing, Various Issues
This 6 page research paper addresses a variety of issues in regards to the theoretical foundation of nursing. Topics covered include the definition of emancipatory knowledge and praxis, differentiating between science and philosophy, strategies for transformational leadership, among other issues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Psychological and Sociological Perspectives on Smoking
A 3 page consideration of this perplexing question. The author points out that, of all the social sciences, the disciplines of sociology and psychology are best suited to answer this question. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Sociology Q and A
This 5 page paper answers three questions posed by a student. Topics covered include the application of Freudian psychology to social science, functionalism, conflict theory and interactionism and the application of feminism to social theory. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Science and Art of Management
This 8 page paper explores management paradigms along with the debate of management being science or art. This paper concludes that it can and should be both. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Pain Management Choices and Patients Rights
This 5 page paper addresses issues surrounding pain management. Should a patient be allowed to die if medical science cannot properly manage his or her pain? The Dax Cowart case is referenced in the discussion. Other issues are addressed such as addiction to opiates and just how much influence a patient should have in his or her own medical care. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Patient Depression and Nursing
This 18 page paper considers the way in which a patient with depression in nursed. The paper is written with reference to a fictitious practice experience, considering the use of application of knowledge (both art and science) which is used by the nurse to nurse to assess, plan, and implement patient care. The paper considers the underling medical knowledge and how this is observed, the presence of influences such as stress and outlines a suitable nursing model that would be appropriate for the treatment of this patient. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Nursing Knowledge: Development And Utilization
12 pages in length. The philosophy of nursing is something much grander and more complex than most people realize; not only does it incorporate views, metaparadigm, paradigms and theories, but it also includes the consideration of nursing as a discipline and profession as well as an art and science. Indeed, the basis of nursing knowledge is founded within the synthesis of all these elements which - when taken as a unit instead of individually - serves to synergistically encapsulate the very nature of nursing philosophy. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Philosophy of Nursing and Future Plans
An 8 page research paper/essay that offers a guide to a student, using tutorial language, that provides a guide to writing a personal philosophy of nursing and then turns its focus to the crucial role that obtaining a Bachelor's degree in nursing science can play in a nursing career before closing with a discussion of author's short-term and long-term professional goals, which includes becoming a trauma nurse practitioner. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Profile of an Equitable Math/Science Classroom
A 3 page summary of an article by Joy Wallace entitled "Profile of an Equitable Mathematics and Science Classroom and Teacher." The writer summarizes and analyzes the various categories. No bibliography is offered.
Psychology as Science According to Wilhelm Wundt
This 10 page paper provides an overview of the life and works of Wilhelm Wundt as they defined the progression of psychology as a science. This paper integrates a view of Wundt's works, the viewpoints of psychologists and historians and the assessment of change that occurred during Wundt's greatest period of development as a psychologist in the later part of the 19th century. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Cross Membrane Transport and Molecular Mixtures in Joe Alper's Article 'Drug Delivery Breaching the Membrane'
A 5 page review of “Drug Delivery: Breaching the Membrane”, an article by Joe Alper published in the May 3, 2002 edition of “Science”. Alper’s (2002) research concentrates on the cell membrane and the manner in which cross-membrane transport occurs, specifically the manner in which membrane-bound protein transporters function to allow various nutrients and hormones across. Alper’s paper adds insight to both the structure and function of the cell membrane and its components and how each relates to the molecular structure of the body’s complex mixture of chemicals. No additional sources are listed.
Is Walking Beneficial for Human Health?
This 5 page paper examines the benefits of walking. The only source used is a 2008 issue of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Three articles are cited. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Abnormal Psychology: Amnesia
A 6 page research paper that, first of all, summarizes an obituary for H.M., a man who suffered from permanent amnesia due to an operation on his hippocampus in 1953. The article explains H.M.'s significance to science and the writer speculates on how his problems relate to the student's abnormal psychology course information. The second part describes parts of the textbook that relate to H.M. and the third section offers the writer's personal reflection on what she thought was most interesting. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
New Methods of Instruction for Teachers at all Levels
This 7 page reviews five different methods of instruction in the classroom that involves engaging students in reading, math and science, as well as those with behavoral and poorer performance levels in these areas. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
BSN Degree Problems
A 4 page research paper that discusses the problems encountered in pursing a BSN degree. Registered nurses (RNs) face specific challenges that concern their multiple roles and responsibilities due to the processes involved in transitioning from RN status and earning their Bachelor of Science degrees in nursing (BSN). Whatever the BSN candidate's nursing status, LPN or merely an undergraduate student, the transition toward BSN nursing can offer problems and challenges. Nursing literature on this topic indicates many common problems and concerns. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Mathematical Contributions of Albert Einstein
In 5 pages the author discusses Albert Einstein's contributions to the field of science and mathematics while explaining such theories as E=mc2. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Technology In Middle And High Schools
A 12 page paper. There is still controversy about the use of technology in math classes. This essay discuses and reports research regarding the use of technology in math and science classes in middle schools and high schools. The writer discusses barriers to using technology, including access and teacher preparation. The results some teachers have had with certain technology is also reported. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Intelligences and Intelligence
Charles Spearman (1904) defined and developed a unilinear testing approach to general intelligence (g), which is based on a positive correlation among varying subjects like math, earth sciences and vocabulary. Gardner (1983) proposed there were multiple intelligences (MI), or seven areas of intelligence.... These are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvIQmster.rtf
Women and Men in the Sciences: Is There Any Difference in Ability?
This 8-page paper argues the likelihood that Harvard president Larry Summers was right when he proclaimed that women weren't very good in the math, science and tech fields because of innate abilities. The paper also discusses, however, that women tend to be discriminated in these fields, as well, so it's hard to tell. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Shortcomings of Math and Science Textbooks
This 5 page paper outlines the problems with science and math textbooks and shows the movement with Project 2061 to reform the nation's textbooks. Specific examples of textbooks shortcoming, underlying issues of standardized testing reforms and more. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
How Literacy and Writing is Enhanced by Science
A 20 page research paper that offers a discussion and analysis of research findings, as well as suggestions to a student concerning how to prepare a proposal for a planned intervention study that will address the professional development needs of a group of first grade teachers on how to integrate reading and science instruction. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Science Instruction for Elementary School Research Proposal
An 8 page research proposal for a study pertaining to the length of time devoted to science instruction in the elementary grades. The proposed study would examine which class schedule was more effective--80 minute lessons every other day or 40 minute lessons every day. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Psychology and the Ongoing Debate Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research Approaches
This 8 page paper examines the quantity/quality debate. The concept of social science is discussed but the paper focuses primarily on psychology. Examples are provided. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Apocalyptic Representation Supporting Authoritarianism in Science Fiction Movies
This 5 page paper discusses U.S. science fiction films and how they use apocalyptic representation to present authoritarian arugument in support of authoritarianism. This paper uses many specific film examples. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Grades First through Fourth Content Area Writing and Reading Instruction
This 9 page paper emphasizes grades 1-4 but the concepts and strategies discussed may be used at any grade level. The focus is on strategies to teach reading and writing in content areas. General strategies that may be used in any content area and at any grade level are outlined and described. The paper also comments on teaching reading and writing in specific content areas: social studies, math, science and geography. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Sci-Fi Films: Radiation Monsters and Homestick Aliens
This 8 page paper compares two classic science fiction films, “Them!” and “E.T. The Extraterrestrial” and what they tell us about the times in which they were made. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Comparison of the Western World and the Renaissance
A 6 page paper discussing the Renaissance and its differences and similarities to contemporary society. The writer briefly examines science, culture, politics, philosophy, and other key aspects of the culture. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Life and Contributions of B.F. Skinner
In 5 pages the author discusses B. F. Skinner, giving a brief overview of his life history, describing the major scientific contributions to science, and describing the impact of his scientific contributions on humans in past and present as well as what might be its impact in the future. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Carol H. Weiss's Theoretical Contributions
This 10 page paper looks at this theorist’s contribution to program evaluation as well as at the broad scope of her work. Specific contributions to the social sciences are noted and criticisms about this theorist are included as well. The paper sums up with an evaluation and concluding notes on Weiss’s work. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Reviews of 3 Websites
5 pages in length. The writer reviews the validity of information found on three Web sites:;; and No bibliography.
Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee's Rama II
This 3 page paper explores the science fiction novel written by Arthur Charles Clarke and Gentry Lee. Characters are discussed in depth. No additional sources cited.
Detecting Oil Spills With Remote Sensing
5 pages in length. The Geographic Information System (GIS) is employed as a means by which to determine various environmental changes that would otherwise be quite difficult – if not impossible – to track, not the least of which is utilizing remote sensing for detecting oil spills, which is defined as "the science — and art — of identifying, observing, and measuring an object without coming into direct contact with it" (Remote Sensing & Natural Hazards). However, it has been discovered that coupling GIS with Global Positioning System (GPS) greatly enhanced the capacity to achieve more accurate oil spill mapping. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Scientific Revolution and the Connection Between Science and Religion
5 pages in length. The writer discusses how Copernicus and Galileo were condemned for asserting that anything could carry more weight than religious thought. That religion and science were at significant odds is certainly an understatement; it was only a matter of time before Copernicus' 1543 publication of On the Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs was stricken from public consumption due to society's fear and ignorance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Does PMS Actually Exist?
This 5 page paper explores PMS and the science behind this problem which affects so many women. This paper reveals that PMS is the result of physiological changes and indeed not just the "imaginings" of women. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Cross Membrane Transport and Molecular Mixtures in Joe Alper's Article 'Drug Delivery Breaching the Membrane'
A 5 page review of “Drug Delivery: Breaching the Membrane”, an article by Joe Alper published in the May 3, 2002 edition of “Science”. Alper’s (2002) research concentrates on the cell membrane and the manner in which cross-membrane transport occurs, specifically the manner in which membrane-bound protein transporters function to allow various nutrients and hormones across. Alper’s paper adds insight to both the structure and function of the cell membrane and its components and how each relates to the molecular structure of the body’s complex mixture of chemicals. No additional sources are listed.
Multi-Modal Biometrics in the Future of Forensic Science
This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of forensic science. The future function of multi-modal biometrics is explored. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Intelligences and Intelligence
Charles Spearman (1904) defined and developed a unilinear testing approach to general intelligence (g), which is based on a positive correlation among varying subjects like math, earth sciences and vocabulary. Gardner (1983) proposed there were multiple intelligences (MI), or seven areas of intelligence.... These are compared and contrasted. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvIQmster.rtf
Science And Religion: History's Ultimate Test
13 pages in length. Science and religion - perhaps in another place and time - would never have the occasion to infiltrate each other's unique worlds, inasmuch as no matter how hard people attempt to bring them together as complementary forces, they are - and have long been - destined to remain at opposite ends of the spectrum. Annotated bibliography lists 10 sources.
Universe Understanding, Technology and Science
This 5 page report discusses the idea that science does not yet have a full understanding of the universebut that technology will enable humanity to reach that understanding in the next few decades. The writer of this paper takes exception with such a statement and notes that as knowledge has increased and resulted in ever-advancing levels of technological capabilities, scientists have come to understand that earlier questions may have been too simplistic or too limited in the scope of what was being asked. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Historical and Contemporary Religious Responses to Science and Technology
This 10 page report discusses the fact that throughout history, technological advancement and human knowledge has served as a threat to religious predominance in society. Beginning with the radical Copernicus, who taught that the earth revolved around the sun, Europeans began to reject medieval scientific thought. They developed an unheard of conception of a universe based on natural laws, not on a personal God. New science and old religion were destined to fall into conflict and that conflict has prevailed for centuries. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Science and Technology in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
A 9 page paper on Aldous Huxley's 1932 futuristic novel. The paper discusses Huxley's view that science and technology should serve man, not the other way around, and society should never have to adapt itself to an ideology that does not serve its spiritual as well as its physical and social needs. No sources.
Comparing Potting Soil to Starter Soil (Science Fair Project)
This 3 page paper is a tutorial that may help a student create a science fair project. This one provides specific information on soil comparisons. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Changes in Education: The Field of Science and Social Change
This 3 page paper provides an overview of the social influences that have defined changes in science education in recent years. This paper considers cultural and community influences. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Fantasy and Science Fiction Mythology Uses
This 5 page paper discusses the differences between science fiction and fantasy genres. The use of mythological archetypes and their overall structure are analyzed in the films: Zardoz and The Forbidden Planet. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Predicting the Future Through Science Fiction
This 6 page paper examples how science fiction has played a predictor over the years of the future of mankind. As such, then,this paper makes predictions based on more recent movies, including Matrix, AI, and others. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
'Dark City Tech Noir Science Fiction' of Alex Proyas' Dark City and Ridley Scott's Blade Runner
A 5 page paper which examines how these films represent hybrids of the generic traditions of science fiction and film noir. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Technology's Effect on Society
This 8 page paper examines some of the effects of technology and science on society, and argues that although some sources express concern, man is not the "slave" of his machines. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Marketing Analysis of a Science Communication Journal
A 12 page paper that presents a marketing analysis for a journal within the science communication field. This journal is unique because it has a number of target audiences, because it is a scholarly e-journal, and because it presents information regarding real world environmentalism, a relatively new field and one that is becoming increasingly more popular. The marketing analysis includes several subtopics that include but are not limited to: targeting positioning; customer satisfaction; competition analysis; customers and the 4Ps. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Science and Art of Teaching
8 pages in length. The role of teacher encompasses myriad elements that are critical to the overall learning experience; if an instructor does not implement a hands-on, well-rounded and interactive approach to education, then his or her students are being cheated out of one of the most important encounters of their lives. Clearly, teachers hold a power that few others employ when it comes to molding young minds. When one examines this influential element, one can readily recognize the fact that teaching reflects the combined components of art and science. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Computer Phobia and Gender Differences
Fear of computers is deemed as the main reason women avoid the internet in this 6 page paper on gender differences. Statistics reveal that more men are using the internet as society encourages males to pursue the sciences, while discouraging females. Solutions to the problem are explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Case for Mars by Zubrin and Wagner
A 5 page paper that provides an overview of Zubrin & Wagner's book which examines the importance of Mars exploration. The writer demonstrates the applicability of their work in science and technology and demonstrates why it is important to the overall efficacy of the space program.
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton Evaluated Scientifically
A 10 page study that looks at the efficacy of Crichton's use of science. It is argued that, generally, his scientific principles are accurate, and delineates between those that are applicable and those that are not. The paper provides a report on the current discussion on cloning, DNA and Chaos Theory from both a scientific viewpoint and from the viewpoints represented by Henry Wu (corporate), Ian Malcolm (chaos theory), and Alan Grant (embodiment of social protector). Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Renaissance Diversity
This 5 page paper considers the argument that the renaissance period should be subdivided into two separate periods due to the differences between the early and later time in this era. Evidence is used to argue this case including evidence from the arts and science as well as social history. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Political Geography Defined
5 pages in length. Helping the world to better understand itself, Martin Ira Glassner's "Political Geography" clearly illustrates -- both verbally and graphically -- the essence of what it is to live on this planet. His in-depth personal, anecdotal and factual accounts offer extensive observation as to why things are the way they are in contemporary society, much of which helps to clear up common confusion people often harbor with political explanation. From the very first chapter, Glassner occupies the reader's foremost attention with insightful issues and logical application. The writer discusses the concept of political geography. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
BP and the Gulf of Mexico
This 5 page paper provides a brief overview of this oil spill. It then discusses leadership, actions of officials, any conflicts between corporate and government leadership, political issues and what Homeland Security learned. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Political Agendas of the Islamic Salvation Front
3 pages in length. Arguing how the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) is a political organization supported by Algeria's voting constituency, Remli contends that FIS cannot be classified as a terrorist group. FIS received votes from the vast majority (84%) of Algerians during both the 1990 and 1991, clearly illustrating how its acceptance by the people precludes the likelihood that FIS is a terrorist organization. Instead, Remli argues, the political nature of FIS is meant to "solve the crisis" that currently exists; with the likes of doctors and engineers comprising FIS, he contends that people from all walks of life have banded together as a means by which to fix this political problem. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Conflict, Balance, and the Tea Ceremony in Rikyu
This is a 5 page paper discussing Rikyu and the formal tea ceremony as important aspects of balance and conflict in the film “Rikyu”. In the 1990 film “Rikyu”, the importance of Rikyu and the traditional tea ceremony provide a reflection of the political balance and conflict going on in Japan during the leadership of Emperor Hideyoshi in the late 1500s. Rikyu was the respected tea master at that time and had formed a close alliance with the emperor. The emperor who enjoyed his power and wealth realized the importance of the tea ceremony in the life of Japan and proceeded to organize a large ten day tea festival. Throughout the development of the well orchestrated ceremonies, led by Rikyu, the emperor experienced conflict between the political forces around him, his need for tranquility, his alliance with Rikyu, his desire to invade Korea and the presence of other powerful political men present, such as Ieyasu. When Rikyu and Hideyoshi conflicted on the political aspects of Hideyoshi’s rule, such as the invasion of Korea, and Hideyoshi realized Rikyu’s growing influence in the country, he knew he had to remove Rikyu from the growing threat to his authority and through the ceremony insinuated that Rikyu must commit suicide; which he did to fulfill his commitment to the emperor and retain the balance in the country.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
German Philosophy: Family, Society and Government
This 24 page bundle includes a 20 page paper, 12 Powerpoint slides and complimentary slide notes. The content focuses on of Marx, Nietzsche, Hegel, Kant and Habermas. How each theorist contemplated family, society and government in the context of German political ideology is considered. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
The European Miracle by E.L. Jones
A 6 page book review of E.L. Jones' The European Miracle. In this text, Jones endeavors to answer the following question, which is "How to account for the ascendancy...of the First World" (Kellas 330). In his search for answers, Jones looks at European history and geography and contrasts and compares its development with the history of Asia, which he pictures as taking a different socio/economic path. Jones characterizes the Ottoman empire as "intellectual backward" and speaks of India's "total lack of political inspiration," pointing out the social structure in India "impaired political stability and the resulting instability impaired development (Kellas 330). As this suggests, in answer to the questions that the text poses, Jones presents a multitude of elements as contributing to the miracle of European development. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Early Childhood Education Politics and Policy
A 5 page paper illustrating why workers in early childhood education need to be informed of political and policy matters. Much is said about the potential effectiveness of non-government organizations (NGOs) in developing nations and the extent of their influence in shaping government policy and social perception in developing nations. NGOs exist in the United States as well, of course, and one of the most notable is The United Way. Currently it is embroiled in a political struggle seeking to preserve the federal Head Start program that has been in existence literally for decades. This is not an issue likely to disappear soon, and workers in early childhood education need to be aware both of the struggle and its implications. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Liberal Democracy of Japan
8 pages in length. Determining whether or not Japan can be described as a liberal democracy requires the assessment of a number of areas in order to ascertain the extent to which this might be true. Indeed, Japan has come a long way toward the notion of liberal democracy; however, it can be argued that this progression has only succeeded in reaching halfway to the ultimate goal, with a considerable length still to go. Looking at various entities -- including political institutions and practices, participation of the public in the political system and protest movements, effects of the media, effects of the bureaucracy and local government, dominance of the Liberal Democratic Party, as well as the 1993 election results -- one is bound to gain a clearer perspective upon the issue of Japan's move toward liberal democracy. The writer discusses to what extent Japan can be considered a liberal democracy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
European Union, Economic and Cultural Development
This 5 page paper considers the question: What does European federalism indicate about the relationship between culture, political development, and economic development? The question is based on the fact that culture plays a key role in political and economic development. The writer first addresses the issue of whether or not the EU can be considered a federation and then discusses the inclusion of culture in EU documents since the beginning but these statements suggest a shared culture unique to Europe. Turkey's push to join the EU is used as an example of how a vastly different culture could upset the EU. The writer also discusses the topic of culture and economic development, in general, concluding there is no distinct answer to the original question. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Slave Representation in Selected Political Speeches of Cicero and Mostellaria by Plautus Compared
5 pages in length. When one compares and contrasts the various slave representations in Plautus' 'Mosterllaria' and Cicero's 'Selected Political Speeches of Cicero,' there are a number of similarities in the overall treatment. It can be argued that slave representation, as interpreted by the reader, imparts a sense of reserved respect, coupled with considerable disregard and outright defiance. Amidst the stories as told by Plautus and Cicero, slaves could be both of tremendous wit and significant absence; it is with a discernable eye that readers can differentiate between each set of circumstances. The writer discusses the representation of slave treatment with regard to 'Mosterllaria' and 'Selected Political Speeches of Cicero' as a test of interpretation, along with deciphering the author's actual intent. No additional sources cited.
Skin of a Lion by Michael Ondaatje and Immigration Implications
A 6 page research paper on how Ondaatje's novel, In the Skin of a Lion, reflects the situation of immigrants and the political power structure in Canada earlier in the century. The writer argues that those at the top of society's power hierarchy during that period, from both a political and financial standpoint, were cavalier in their disregard for the welfare of this workforce, often requiring ultimate effort under unsafe conditions for limited pay, and that Ondaatje's novel reveals the life of the immigrant as it spotlights the complicated mixture of elements that characterized the conflict between majority and minority culture that are inherent to a population that is multi-ethnic in its composition. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Traits of a Political Trial
A 5 page paper that explores this question in light of racial and political currents in regards to four cases: Sacco-Vanzetti, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, The Scottsboro Brothers, and The Black Panthers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Soviet Union Dissolution
This 9 page report discusses the reasons behind the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. For years, economists, politicians, sociologists and other theorists have been explaining the collapse of the Soviet Union. Ranging from hypotheses embracing the triumph of the individual human spirit to the economic mismanagement of the Soviet political structure, a vast array of possibilities has been proffered. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Democracy and Latin America
A comprehensive, 17 page examination of socio-political trends in Latin America leading to Democracy. The writer looks at how the continent has finally begun to develop a positive image of the U.S., the significance of NAFTA as a partnership between the U.S. & Mexico, The Miami Summit of the Americas, and much more. The positive influences of several key Latin-American politicians and leaders are examined as well. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.
Political Structures of Inca and Maya
4 pages in length. The writer discusses similarities and differences between the Mayan and Inca political structure, as well as addresses the religious influences of the architectural layout and planning of Teotihuacan. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Relationship Between Mexico and the United States
A 5 page research paper on the historical conflicts and solutions between the U.S. and Mexico. The writer focuses on the Spanish American War, Mexican War, other incursions by the U.S., and upon the political and social issues behind that history. Historical review leads to an answer to the question of why the two nations never formed a union. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Martyred Chilean Singer Victor Jara
This 5 page report discusses the coup that occurred in Chile in the autumn of 1973. Victor Jara was a popular singer who was tortured and murdered along with thousands of other innocents. This paper gives an overview of the events leading to his death and the death of thousands of other artists, intellectuals and political dissidents. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Women's Studies and 'In Defence of Elitism' by William A. Henry
5 pages in length. The writer provides an argument for the following quote from William A. Henry's "In Defence Of Elitism": "Women's studies do not constitute an area of sufficient scholarly apparatus to be pursued on their own; they are tribal rather than integrationist and reject the melting-pot theory on which the rise of postwar American culture political, and economic power was based." No additional sources cited.
Nations and Nationalism by Ernest Gellner
A 7 page analysis. In his book Nations and Nationalism, author Ernest Gellner addresses the topic of how the political forms that are so intrinsic to the modern world came into being—how did the concept of a 'nation' develop? What caused certain people to define themselves in this manner? How does this concept influence the present and the future? These and more questions are addressed by this slim volume. No additional sources cited.
Nigeria's Rich and Poor Land
A 5 page paper that discusses the political and economical chaos that has surrounded the African country of Nigeria for the past century and left this oil-rich land in a situation of ruin. Highlighted is the serious lack of proper air traffic control over this country and the problem this presents to Nigeria's floundering economy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Indonesian Colonialism
This 11 page paper provides an analysis of the effects of colonialism on Indonesia. Historical information is provided and the current situation is explored. Both political and economic matters are considered. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Business and Change
A 12 page paper. Change is the only constant in business as well as in life. Nothing stays the same. Social, technological, political and economic forces demand organizations to change or go out of business. One of the most difficult challenges facing any company is how to overcome the natural resistance of employees when changes are made. This essay discusses change theory, including the reasons for resistance and techniques for overcoming resistance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
America and Spanish Immigrants
8 pages in length. The writer discusses several pertinent points in relation to Spanish immigration to American: point of origin, immigration, present population concentration, physical characteristics, psychological characteristics, natural skills and abilities, subsequent job recruitment, role and status definition in the family, socialization of young, how original language relates to present speech patterns, aesthetics, religion, traditions and customs, economics, political participation, nativism, level of assimilation and current trend of prejudice/discrimination. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
1960s' Political Power
This 9 page paper looks at the shift in political power, between parties, since the 1960's. The 1960's era is explored. Democratic and Republican presidential leadership is looked at through the entire twentieth century and reasons for shifts in power are explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Conducting Business Overseas
This 5 page business analysis provides an overview of the political and business climate in The Philippines as well as Indonesia. The countries are compared in terms of favorability for doing business. The unrest in Indonesia is explained. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Saudi Arabia and Apple Computers
Apple and Saudi Arabia: Time To Move: A five-page analysis of how a U.S. company, in this case Apple Computer, Inc., should go about entering a new market in a foreign country, i.e., Saudi Arabia. Included are economic, cultural and political climate in Saudi Arabia and the history and financial condition of Apple Computer. Cites four sources.
Envy by Soviet Novelist Yuri Olesha
A five page paper on this novel by Soviet novelist Yuri Olesha. The paper compares two of the characters, Babichev and Kavalerov, in terms of their political views and their significance to the human condition. Bibliography lists two sources.
Eleven Government Questions Answered
An 11 page research paper that takes the form of 11 questions pertaining to governance and specifically the US government. Questions begin on a simple level—'What is human nature?'—and progress to more complex issues such as the function of the political party system. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
American Literature and the Issue of Class
This 10 page thesis paper explores the proletarian movement in the thirties. The paper supports the idea that literature highlighting class differences spans the entire twentieth century. The works which are a primary focus is Sinclair's The Jungle and Odets's Waiting for Lefty. The concept of class is viewed in terms of how it is portrayed in American literature as well as its relationship with political ideology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Theories of Social Class and Social Stratification
This 5 page report discusses the development and attributes of social stratification and social classes. Humans most often choose to establish social class based on a matter of rising from a large base of homogeneity to a pinnacle of the elite or the unique. Ultimately, the stratification of social class (and power) results in an unequal distribution of political and economic power. Most “objective” of delineations are those based on income, occupation, and education. No secondary sources.
Global Peacekeeping Role of the US
This 5 page report discusses whether or not the United States should continue to operate in the role of world peacekeeper. The ramifications of such a course in terms of both the political and economical realms are discussed. From being international peacekeeper during the Cold War era to an overriding public attitude of isolationism, the sense of “obligation” on the part of the American public has shifted significantly in the past decade. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Overview of Finland
5 pages in length. The writer discusses the following issues pertaining to Finland: location, climate, physiography, natural resources, population, economy, as well as internal and external political relationships. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
America and Democracy
This 5 page paper supports the notion that democracy is still alive and well in America today. The view is supported through a discussion on Herbert Marcuse’s One Dimensional Man and Alexis De Tocqueville’s Democracy in America. The two works are compared and contrasted and discussed in light of today’s political climate. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Iran, the Shah, and the Ayatollah
An 8 page paper comparing the methods and views of Iran's last Shah and the Islamic cleric whose followers were instrumental in overthrowing the Shah in favor of establishing the Islamic Republic. The paper discusses political, economical and religious aspects of the nation under each leader, and concludes that in many ways, there were far more similarities between the leaders than there were differences. The differences that did exist were all-telling, however. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Civil Society and Democracy
This 2 page report discusses the question “Why is civil society important for democracy?” Aside from political ideology, civil society presents a framework by which democracy is also able to share collective material holdings and assets which, in turn, allows for a system of horizontal institutions that, ostensibly, does not allow for one group within the society a greater access to such institutions over another sector. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Bill by Steven Waldman
This 7 page paper is a review of Steven Waldman’s book The Bill : How Legislation Really Becomes Law : A Case Study of the National Service Bill. It is also an appraisal of how power is used at the top of the political arena in the United States. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Ideology Concept
this 5 page paper discusses the concept that ideology is the wellsprings of action. Three case studies are discussed, including political, social and technological ideals, and the common facets which they all share. The Bibliography cites 4 sources.
Kashmir Conflict Between India and Pakistan and India
This 8 page paper considers the political background to the current conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. The subject is considered from both a national and an international perspective, with the positions of The United States, The United Kingdom and China all included within the paper. The bibliography lists 6 sources.
Government from Cabinet to Prime Ministerial
This 7 page modern day government in the United Kingdom. The political system used to be based on collective decision making, with the Prime Minister being the head of the cabinet. The system has evolved with the cabinet loosing power to both the committees and more importantly to the Prime Minister. This paper discusses the way in which this has happened and the evidence. The MLA bibliography cites 7 sources.
American Middle Class and the Republican Political Party
This 3 page report discusses the rejuvenation of the Republican party as “heir” to middle class Americans. Government spending programs, social decay, and the fear of the expanding level of violence in American society has made many Americans reconsider their personal political allegiances. Information about Massachusetts is used to illustrate the point. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Two Party Political System in the United States
A 5 page review of the stability and instability of the United States’ two-party political system. Offers three factors as an explanations for the continuity of this system over time. these factors are economic, societal and issue-related. Draws heavily on the authors James L. Sundquist and Thomas Ferguson to explain these factors. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Terrorism and the Media
A 12 page research paper that explores how terrorists are successful at exploiting the link between the news media, public opinion, and presidential decision making. The writer discusses the sociological and political dimensions of reported violence in hostage, terrorist attacks, and bombings situations. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Comparison of Lawrence Thornton and Bernhard Schlink's Works on Memory's Role
A 6 page essay that contrasts and compares Bernhard Schlink's The Reader and Lawrence Thornton's Imagining Argentina. The writer argues that both authors address the function of memory and imagination in regards to the creation of political knowledge and moral responsibility. No additional sources cited.
Northern Ireland's Religious and Political Problems
This 12 page paper considers the political and religious problems faced in Northern Ireland. The history that has lead to the current troubles is considered so the reader may put the present into context. The peace talks are also discussed. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
The English Voyages of Exploration During the Reign of Elizabeth I
A 7 page overview of English exploration of the world during the late sixteenth century. Gives a brief description of political unrest in England during this time period. Emphasizes the voyages of Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Drake. Describes the difficulties early explorers and colonists faced in the 'New World.' Bibliography lists six sources.
2 Professorial Views on Women and the Issue of Rape
This 5 page report discusses the issue of rape in modern society from the perspective of two writers, both women and both university professors. Helene Shugart asserts that asserts that that patriarchy is the theory and rape is the practice. Renee Heberle questions whether there is a fundamental fragileness in male dominance that has been obscured by the construction of a political strategy designed to call attention to women’s suffering and therefore, further reinforces the attitudes of masculine-based domination. Both opinions are disturbing and thought provoking. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Fascism and Individualism
This 5 page report discusses the continuities between democratic and “counter-democratic” political codes and points out the fact that it is useful to rely on a multi-faceted comparison of fascism, communism, and socialism with those of liberal-democratic civil society. It is also extremely valuable to explore their relationships and commonalities in an analytical and objective fashion rather than politically reflexive response. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Nationalism, National Identity, and Political Culture
A 9 page research paper that examines the terms political culture, national identity, and nationalism. The writer offers definitions of these terms and then turns to specific examples in various countries to illustrate their interrelationships. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
The Garlic Ballads by Mo Yan
A 10 page research paper that analyzes the novel The Garlic Ballads by Chinese author Mo Yan. Written in the mid-1980s, the writer argues that the political themes within this realistic and gritty look at Chinese life are an accurate reflection of the widespread corruption that is characteristic of the Chinese government. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Arguing in Favor of Lifting the Cuba Embargo
This 30 page thesis paper provides an overview of the problem related to the U.S. embargo against Cuba. Historic information is provided along with the political background that surrounds this issue. Both sides of the issue are confronted but the paper supports lifting the ban due to philosophical reasons. Other reasons are explored, including the fact that the Cuban people have had to do without adequate food and medical supplies as a result. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
California's Evolution
This 10 page paper provides insights into changes that occurred in California since the middle of the nineteenth century. Cultural, political and economic variables are discussed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Humankind Roles of Trees and Astronomy
4 pages in length. Astronomy is an ancient science almost as old as the universe itself. From the beginning of time man has studied the stars, imagining pictures in the sky and relying on the fact that they will always be there to guide and direct. We all know the importance of the North Star in discerning direction. Trees have been used in the same way. Navigational tools in themselves, trees are known to have been read in order to help plot a course when maps were not an option. This interesting paper compares and contrasts astronomy and trees and the roles they play in the history of man. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Madeleine L'Engle's 'A Wrinkle in Time'
6 pages in length. Science fiction has never been quite the same for the elementary and secondary school students who read Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. Bringing together the concepts of good versus evil, courage, love's power and the coming of age, this endearing and enduring book has stood the test of time and proven itself worthy of being revisited again and again. The story, which chronicles the adventures of thirteen-year-old Meg Murry and her five-year-old brother Charles, possesses numerous fantasy elements which inspire the reader's imagination and encourage him to become intimately involved with the characters. The writer discusses characters, lessons and morals as they relate to A Wrinkle in Time. No additional sources used.
Syria's 'New' Politics
(5 pp) Syria and the United States have balanced
on a delicate political tightrope for years. In
October of 1991 the two began discussions in
Madrid, concerning the fate of peace between the
two countries, and indeed peace in the Arab world.
Within that same tenuous balance, is the fact
that Syria ,is known to house volatile terrorists,
that are a danger to United States citizens
anywhere in the world, as well as a danger to the
world, and her citizens. This discussion will
examine current politics after the death of Syria's
30 year ruler. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Prime Ministerial Government and Cabinet Transformation of the British Government During the Late 1990s
7 pages in length. The factors most important in the determination of how valid this form of government had come to be in the late 1990s have been characterized as being both visionary (Thatcher) and weak (Major). As well, some critics have contended that the concept of balance of power has been completely misconstrued, compelling the political alterations that ultimately took place; however, still others believe that a combination of personalities and political forces proved to undermine the existence of cabinet government. The writer discusses how British government has fared in the transition from cabinet to prime ministerial. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Spending and Political Campaigns
This 18 page report discusses the issues related to political campaign spending. The money issues do not apply only to the office of the President. It is endemic throughout the political system. Whether running for the House of Representatives, the Senate, a gubernatorial slot, even a state legislature seat – money always and decisively plays a key role. Regardless of the debate regarding campaign finance reform and campaign spending that has taken place and is still taking place in Washington and state capitols, the fact remains that there are hundreds, more likely thousands, of politicians who will spend whatever is necessary to win the election. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
International Business Issues and Contracts in the Marketplace
A 19 page paper discussing cultural, political, ethical and currency issues in international business. Economic forecasters only altered their estimates of the growth of the US economy after it refused to expand at the expected annual rate of between two and three percent in the mid-1990s. Overall growth has been much greater than that, but expansion of the domestic market for manufactured goods is much lower than the overall rate of growth. It still is the world's emerging markets that offer the greatest hope for the mid-range future. Those emerging markets offer so much promise that it is worthwhile for US multinationals to overcome cultural, linguistic and political differences while managing for currency risks, but it is still imperative to set contracts with those factors in mind. Bibliography lists 31 sources.
Former Soviet Union and Communications
This 15 page report discusses the economic, social and political factors that have caused the former members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) to have fallen so far behind in their own adaptation to the Information Age. Prior to the dissolution of the USSR, electronic communication, other than fragmented telephone service and state television, was virtually nonexistent. Economics and technology stood in the way, every bit as much as the political aspect of access to information. Although communications are improving in the former Soviet Union, it still is antiquated in comparison to most Western opinions and standards. However, as with most radical social changes, the change in communications must be viewed in the context of what has gone before. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
The Right Place at the Right Time for Al Gore
This 20 page paper explores Al Gore, Jr. and his political life. When Gore was nominated for the vice presidency in 1992, his father unabashedly told The New York Times that "we raised him for it." If this were not an election year, and we were to look at the life of Al Gore, Jr. We would say that his is truly an American success story. For the American body politic, he has been at the right place, at the right time. Gore has had a political lifetime "making it happen." Bibliography lists 13sources.
Terra Statuary Investment
A 5 page paper discussing the wisdom of investing in the company that at present holds great promise but no profits, and is located in a region of the world noted first for its pristine environment, but second for its bent toward political instability. Terra Statuary is located in the country of Terra Gloria, in Central America. The political environment is stable and favorable for development. The paper discusses the products and market, and also discusses exchange rates, inflation and interest rates. It ends with recommending that Terra Statuary is as sound an international investment as is probably possible to make. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
America Combating Terrorism
A 7 page discussion of the role the U.S. plays in combating terrorism on a global scale. Notes the atrocities of the September 11, 2001 terrorist destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and the simultaneous plane attack on the Pentagon itself and contends that acts of terrorism, whether they occur within the U.S. or outside, must be addressed not only through maintaining our integrity through military means, but also through a thorough understanding of the factors which lead to terrorism and a consequent redress in the manner in which the U.S. conducts its business and political affairs and relates to other political and ideological factions of the world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Is Maria Teresa Tula's Thinking Still Relevant?
A 5 page paper discussing the generalizability of resistance to political oppression in the New World and in the East. In Hear My Testimony, author Maria Teresa Tula provides an account of the struggle for human rights in her native El Salvador. The purpose here is to examine the historical origins of that struggle and to determine whether the work reflects world historical forces of the non western world. The paper concludes that though results in abuses of human rights take similar forms, the historical origin of extremism in the New World and in old civilizations of Asia are greatly different. The book does provide an account of women's involvement in political resistance, however, which is highly relevant to oppression resulting from any origin. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
An Overview of Child Development Issues
In 15 pages, the author discusses child development. Children are not just small people. They are developmentally different from adults. This is a major concept that all parents must learn. An infant will develop at his/her own rate within a certain time span. They create their own sense of identity. In fact, it is important for a child to have a sense of identity. Children need to be supplied with the tools for learning and proper development. Child growth and development is the result of human biology, anthropology, medicine, sociology, and psychology. It is not only one area of science or social science. The topic is broad and can be overwhelming if one does not keep in mind the simple concept of nurture verses nature. A child must be nurtured. He/she should not be abused or thrown away. A child is a human being after all, and as such has not only the right to develop but also the right to develop in a manner that is acceptable, normal, healthy, and good for the child. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Analyzing Suicide A Study in Sociology by Emile Durkheim
This is a 10 page paper discussing Emile Durkheim’s text “Suicide: A Study in Sociology”. Emile Durkheim’s text “Suicide: A Study in Sociology” (1897) was considered one of the first studies in the social sciences which used a purely scientific and methodological approach to study a social phenomenon. Suicide, for the large part, previously was considered an individual act focused upon mainly by psychologists. Durkheim however related the individual act of suicide to the cohesiveness or imbalance within society. According to Durkheim, during the age of industrialization throughout the 1800s, the incidence of suicides increased as a result of the demise of the traditional social institutions such as the church and social guilds which could not be replaced by the goals of wealth and the division of labor. Suicides were the result of an imbalance of two major social forces: social integration and moral regulation. Durkheim’s focus on the influence of social forces on the individual was highly controversial during his time as it undermined the concepts of “free will and individual moral agency”. Nevertheless, Durkheim managed to establish sociology and the social sciences as one of the major areas of study within France and his theories and methods are still considered significant in contemporary sociology, more than a century later.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Research Methods, Quantitative vs. Qualitative
This is a 20 page paper comparing and contrasting qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research methods are considerably different from those of quantitative research methods. Qualitative research methods are considered to be more dynamic, interactive and holistic in their approach than quantitative methods which are considered more deductive in their reasoning, objective in their observations, more defined and static in their collection, analysis and reporting. While qualitative methods provide for more narrative and detailed reports of certain phenomenon, quantitative methods allow for the study of larger populations and therefore can allow for more generalizations about a phenomenon. Whichever method is used for a particular study, researchers agree that the method should be appropriate for the subject being studied. Largely, quantitative methods are used in the physical sciences whereas studies in the social sciences lean toward qualitative methods or a combination of both research methods. Both methods are also supported by different aspects of quality, credibility, reliability and validity throughout their methodology.
Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Plan B/Political Issues & Emergency Contraception
A 6 page research paper that consists of a 1 page proposal for the research paper and then a 5 page paper that describes the political issues that characterize the debate over the use of Plan B, a form of emergency contraception. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Political Participation and the Internet
This 4 page paper provides information on this subject in addition to a proposal for further research. The topic is discussed and results reveal that the Internet does increases political participation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
GGC Countries and Impact of Sociopolitics and International Crises Dissertation Proposal
This 3 page paper is a research proposal to develop an understanding of the way in which crises impact socio-political environment inside and between GCC countries and who this may then impact outside of the GCC alliance. The paper outlines the research question, gives a brief methodology and then undertakes a short background literature review. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
A Case Study to Demonstrate Influences on the Delivery of Mental Healthcare
This 10 page paper uses the fictitious case of a mental health patient living in the community to illustrate the impact that political philosophies and statutory instruments have on the way care is provided for those suffering from mental illnesses. The paper is written with reference to policies and legislation in the UK. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Politics Use of Health Care Research Proposal
This 4 page paper provides a proposal, inclusive of an outline, to do a project related to health care and how it is used as a political football. Source recommendations are included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Limitations of Human Cloning and Stem Cell Research
This 10 page paper provides an overview on stem cell research and human cloning. It then presents the political and ethical arguments. The paper concludes with recommendations to limit the research but not completely ban it. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
The Influences and Marketing of Nordstrom
This 5 page paper looks at a case study on the US retailer Nordstrom supplied by the student and answers questions on the impact of political, legal, regulatory, technological, social, competitive and economic influences on the firm and their marketing and considers how the firm may set up and market itself in a new country. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Organizational Change and Leadership
This 16 page paper provides a hypothetical case study for analysis. When a section head must fire one of six employees, she vies for a safe political option, but not one that helps the organization. The case study is presented and analyzed after a review of the literature on the subject of management, leadership and change in organizations is conducted. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
'Over There, World War II,' and 'I Sing, Too, America' by Langston Hughes
An 8 page research paper/essay that analyzes two of Hughes poems, "I, too, Sing America" and "Over there, World War II." First, the writer gives a brief biography of the poet, then discusses critical opinion of his work, and then, critically analyzes these two poems. The writer demonstrates how the political content of these poems was aimed at both a black and white audience. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Patriarchal Societal Aspects of Great Britain
This 6 page paper argues that Britain is still a patriarchal society despite the apparent levels of equality. The paper considers the cultural, political, social and sexual attitudes and the supporting societal structures. The bibliography cites 190 sources.
'The Tables Turned' by William Wordsworth and Romanticism
A 2 page paper that defines Romanticism as expressed in William Wordsworth's 1798 poem The Tables Turned. Also briefly discussed is the influence Romanticism exerted on the political and religious thinking of the early nineteenth century. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
"Political, Philosophical, Religious, Cultural, Social, Literary and Artistic Value of 'Poem of The Cid"
4 pages in length. The philosophical, political, social, religious, cultural, literary and artistic values present in Poem of the Cid reflect the comprehensive nature medieval literature sought to project; that this tale is replete with detailed implications of each value speaks to the manner by which medieval literature served as a definitive – if not embellished – form of social statement. No additional sources cited.
The Aeneid: An Examination of Books 1, 4, and 6
In three pages this paper examines how negatively Aeneas’ abandonment of Dido reflects on his character and whether “The Aeneid” is a political poem or an example of propaganda. No other sources are listed in the bibliography.
Sexual Identity Politics
A 3 page paper which discusses how different groups and individuals have involved political claims in relationship to their sexual identity. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
'Over There, World War II,' and 'I Sing, Too, America' by Langston Hughes
An 8 page research paper/essay that analyzes two of Hughes poems, "I, too, Sing America" and "Over there, World War II." First, the writer gives a brief biography of the poet, then discusses critical opinion of his work, and then, critically analyzes these two poems. The writer demonstrates how the political content of these poems was aimed at both a black and white audience. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Issues of Reimbursement and Nurse Practitioners
A 7 page research paper exploring the issues surrounding nurse practitioners and why they are not more available to patients. Despite their advanced training and certification in different specialties, few HMOs offer their services as an alternative to physicians as primary care providers. The issues are both budgetary in their favor and political in their opposition, still, they do not replace doctors but they can and do provide excellent health care services. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Jean Renoir's Movies
An 18 page paper which examines the political and artistic differences between the pre-World War II films of the French auteur and his postwar films. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Assessment of Singapore and Mexico for Business Expansion
A 9 page paper assessing the political, social and legal systems of Singapore and Mexico. The two countries are as far apart in social and legal aspects as they are in geography. Both are business-friendly and welcome foreign business, but from different perspectives. Of the two, Singapore is much more selective. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Overview of South Korea
This well written 20 page paper is a comprehensive look at South Korea. The writer examines the country in depth including its’ people, the economic environment, political system, capital markets as well as the geography, natural resources. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
The Battleship Potemkin and Birth of a Nation
A 4 page research paper that examines American director D. W. Griffith's 1915 film Birth of a Nation and Russian director Sergei Eisenstein's 1924 film The Battleship Potemkin, which depict crucial periods during their respective nations' histories. The writer argues that these films rationalize the social and political status quo in each of the director's countries at the time the films were produced. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Political Theme in Zhang's Hero
A 9 page research paper that presents an overview of Hero (2002), directed by Zhang Yimou, which presents a strikingly beautiful martial arts film that has a political message of promoting individual sacrifice in order to achieve the collective good. However, the writer argues that this theme is undermined and overshadowed by the emphasis on the artistic aspects of the film. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filmmakers Bernardo Bertolucci and Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Directors Joseph L. Mankiewicz & Bernardo Bertolucci: This 16-page essay examines films by directors, Joseph Mankiewicz and Bernardo Bertolucci – “Julius Caesar” and “The Conformist” respectively. Contributions by both directors, their underlying motivation, the historical slant of their film versions, their interpretations, political views, and the like are all considered. Bibliography lists 17 sources. SNDirect.doc
Singapore History since WWII
This 5 page paper evaluates the political history of Singapore. Many facts are included. Freedom of expression is discussed as a problem in this lucrative nation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Irish Tensions
A 5 page paper which examines Ireland’s tumultuous history and considers the political, economic and social struggles including the potato famine, religious unrest, rebellion and independence movements and the role of women. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
U.S. History's Watershed Event, the Civil War
4 pages in length. In describing the social, economic and political impacts, along with the results of war upon American psyche, one must grant a considerably broad overview of the primary issues associated with such a significant turning point in American history. Slavery, freedom and race relations reflect three of the most important aspects of why the Civil War can be looked upon as a watershed event for America, inasmuch as an entire classification of people finally earned the right to live like human beings. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Pericles' Funeral Oration as Reported by Thucydides
A 3 page essay that proposes a hypothetical speech as it might have been given by a member of the Athenian leadership council in reaction to Pericles' funeral oration. The writer argues that due to the fact that Pericles largely devotes his speech to praising the virtues of the Athenian city, painting their culture as the epitome of freedom and individuality, it would have been political suicide for any Athenian leader to dispute this magnificent example of patriotic rhetoric. No additional sources cited.
Understanding Terrorism Based Upon The Terrorist Act of 9/11
20 pages in length. The reality of suicide attack - and indeed terrorism itself - is not even a remotely new concept within the timeline of man's existence; in fact, the extent to which social, political, economic and religious discord has precipitated at least some sort of violence and/or intimidation throughout history speaks to the notion that humanity is both unsettled in mind and unevolved in spirit when it comes to the failed objective to coexist even now in the twenty-first century. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
Ethics of Global Computer Laws
This 7 page report discusses international computer laws and their ethical impact. What are the problems that are being presented on an international basis due to the Internet and expanded information technology? Issues relating to privacy, decency, and political speech are of particular concern when they cross both international and cultural boundaries. A greater potential for technology-based international crime also exists. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Jean Luc Godard's Unconventional Cinematic Style
A 13 page paper which considers the unorthodox film-making style of controversial French director, Jean-Luc Godard, with emphasis on how his political views influenced and were expressed in his movies, how different they were from the typical Hollywood mainstream films, and the change in their critical acceptance then and now. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Overview of Egypt
This 5 page paper gives a detailed overview of Egypt in regard to its culture, geography, social environment, daily customs, economic and political envioronment, and import/export. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
History of American Women
An 8 page research paper that answers 4 questions concerning American women's history drawing from Sara M. Evans' Born For Liberty (1989). The topics covered include political and legal rights during the colonial era; women's participation in the Revolutionary War; the "cult of true womanhood"; and the contribution of the "mill girls" to industrialization. No additional sources cited.
Feminists Sylvia Plath and Cary Churchill and Their Literary Messages
An 8 page examination of Plath’s “The Bell Jar” and Churchill’s “Top Girl” and the underlying societal messages. The author of this paper contends that each of these women’s work is largely directed at the injustices of a patriarchal society. The manner in which these women deal with those injustices, however, vary considerably. Each utilizes their personal experiences to form the basis for political critique. While Plath does so from the individualist perspective, however, Churchill approaches said change from a societal standpoint. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
London's Early History
A 5 page overview of some of the formative periods of London’s history. In short, the history of London occurred in leaps and bounds but it also included many years of slow, gradual change. Over her history London progressed from a people whose subsistence was meager and relationships with the rest of the world were essentially non-existent, to a people whose city serves as one of the foremost cultural, economic, and political capitals of the world. This rise included influence from a diversity of peoples ranging from the Romans, to the Saxons, to the Vikings, and to the Normans.
The Arabs, Israelis, And Kissinger A Secret History Of American Diplomacy In The Middle East by Edward R.F. Sheehan
5 pages in length. Henry Kissinger once said that to implement an effective foreign policy, it must be drafted through calculations of power and the national interest. Examining Edward R. F. Sheehan's "The Arabs, Israelis, And Kissinger : A Secret History of American Diplomacy in the Middle East," one can readily surmise that while Kissinger may have lived up to his own political doctrine, the manner by which it was manifested included the elements of secrecy and deal making unbeknownst to the American people until agreements were well underway. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Brief History of Vietnam
6 pages in length. Vietnam has long struggled against the unwanted influence of various nationals; without adequate ability to defend themselves, the Vietnamese have grappled to uphold their very cultural importance, as well as defend their right as an independent people. This long and arduous process served to develop traditions and establish historical benchmarks that have identified Vietnam as a defiant cultural and political entity. No bibliography.
Chinese Legalism and Confucianism
This 6 page paper considers these different schools of thought, looking at what they were, how they differed and how this impacted on the political and social situation in China during the Qin and Han periods. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Change Reflected in Literature
A 3 page paper which examines how social, historical, political, and religious events from 1900 to 1940 are reflected in literature during the time. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Colonial History of America Until 1877 and Women
A 6 page paper which specifically examines how the calls for equality, liberty and freedom conflicted with the reality of women’s lives, considers if they made greater gains in either political or social life, and concludes with an assessment of how women’s roles evolved over this period in American history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Jason Meyer's Article 'No Idle Past: Uses Of History In The 1830 Indian Removal Debates'
A 4 page review of the Fall 2000 article by Jason Meyers summarizing the political discord surrounding the Trail of Tears, the nineteenth century forced removal of the Cherokee people from their traditional land in the state of Georgia. No additional sources are listed.
American Political Leadership and Thomas Paine
A 3 page paper which examines Thomas Paine and indicates why he would have made a very good political leader in the United States’ history. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
U.S. Political Parties: History and Roles
A 12 page overview of the political party as it exists, and has existed in the U.S. The author emphasizes the change that has occurred over our history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Early 20th Century Historical Contributions of the Average Female
An 8 page paper looking at the way women's contributions to our culture have fundamentally altered American history in the early part of this century. The paper contends that even if women's political contributions are ignored, changing social attitudes - changed by women, from within -- toward such issues as consumerism, contraception, and working outside the home transformed our culture. Bibliography lists five sources.
Contemporary History, the Jews, and Zionism
A 7 page paper on the Zionist movement and its underlying belief that the Jewish people must return to Eretz Yisrael. The writer discusses Zionism's spread throughout modern history as a political movement, as well as its value in academic and non-academic circles today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Cinema Industry of Great Britain
This 12 page paper examines the state of the British film industry and the different influences. The paper starts with a PEST analysis looking at the political, economic, social and technological influences in the film industry in the UK. The paper then looks at the determinants of demand, the strategies for a company entering this market and the potential need to use 'efficiency wages'. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Global History and the Significance of Political Ideology
This 5 page paper looks at social change, economics, ideology and environment and concludes that political ideology has had the most significant impact on world history. Each subject is discussed and examples are provided. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
External Factors and Effects on Management Decisions
This 5 page report discusses the ways in which external factors such as the economy, prices, socio-political atmosphere, competition, and much more, influence management decisions in business. Just as people do not operate independent of their peers, businesses and other organizations do not operate independently from the environment in which they exist. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Business Ethics and Corporate Management
This 10 page report discusses the fact that the high incidence of corporate fraud and scandal in the United States is indicative that ethical behavior is simply not being promoted enough in corporate America. “Corporate ethics” has become a catch phrase with enormous political and emotional, even economic clout. Corporate and management ethics encompasses an ever-widening array of issues, a number of which are discussed in the paper. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
U.S. Democracy and Worldviews
Since the start of the most recent Gulf War, the countries of the world have placed the United States under close scrutiny. Once self-proclaimed as one of the foremost democratic countries of the world, recent events in political history have led some to believe that the American democratic process no longer represents the kind of legitimate democracy that American defends in their war against those opposed to democratic principles. This 5 page paper provides an overview of the issue presented and relates it to the current literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
American Literature and the Issue of Class
This 10 page thesis paper explores the proletarian movement in the thirties. The paper supports the idea that literature highlighting class differences spans the entire twentieth century. The works which are a primary focus is Sinclair's The Jungle and Odets's Waiting for Lefty. The concept of class is viewed in terms of how it is portrayed in American literature as well as its relationship with political ideology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Outsourcing by American Firms; A Literature Review on the Political and Economic Issues
This 6 page paper is a literature review looking at the political and economic issues that arise where outsourcing takes place within the United States. The impact on companies and their employees as well as the theory of comparative advantage discussed. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Political Matters Literature Review
This 10 page paper is a literature review covering the meaning of public trust, political reputation and campaign promises, and the Republican victories in 1994. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Global Warming, Climate Change and War
A 12 page research paper, which includes a Table of Contents and an abstract, that presents a literature review and analysis, which examines fifteen current sources in order to discern how scholars and political commentators view the connections between climate change caused by global warming and war. Literature is summarized and then discussed before offering conclusions. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Healthcare Industry Financial Management
This 5 page essay discusses issues revolving around effective and meaningful financial management in the health care industry. The political system of the United States is fundamentally responsible for the development of policy and no area feels the politicized nature of policy-making more than health care. As a result, comprehensive and effective financial management is the key component of the modern health care delivery process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
First World War and its Aftermath
A 14 page overview of the social and political environment that resulted after World War I ended. This paper illustrates the relationships between European nations in the 1920s, contending that probably even less chance of global peace existed in post-war Europe than existed prior to the war. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Impediments to the Utilization of Nurse Wives
A 5 page research paper that explores the impediments to practice, historical and current, that affect the utilization of nurse-wives. The writer looks as social, cultural, political, legal and economic aspects of this situation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Mandatory Overtime for Nurses
A 10 page research paper that discusses the issue of mandatory overtime for nurses and its effects and ramifications. The writer discusses the background to this issue, as well as political, social, and economic aspects. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Successes and Failures in the Management of Diplomacy
A 7 page paper discussing reasons for diplomatic success and failure in today’s world, including the role of theory and systems thinking. Economic interconnectedness cannot be overlooked as one reason for diplomatic success in this era of crisis diplomacy. Rather than being a matter of greed or of “selling out” cultural or political ideological positions, one of the leading factors contributing to diplomatic success in today’s environment is the ability for all involved to take on a systems thinking approach to the problems at hand. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
National Identity and Ethnic Music
A 6 page research paper that explores the use of ethnic music by political ideologies in the construction of national identities. The writer also discusses the use of ethnic music to preserve the cultural identity of an ethnic minority within a larger diverse society. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Consequences of Morality in The Republic by Plato
5 pages. This discourse on Plato's republic focuses on the main theme of morality and its consequences, both for individual psychology and the political community. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Shared Governance and Collective Bargaining Issues in Nursing
3 pages in length. The fundamental reason for incorporating collective bargaining and shared governance within the nursing environment is so decision making becomes a more mutual outcome where nurses have greater contribution toward daily undertakings and management readily facilitates this input. Examining the political, legal, ethical and social issues of this relatively new concept exemplifies how a feasible, much-needed model of cooperation might still be fraught with difficulties when implemented. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Political Issues in Nursing
A 3 page research paper that briefly examines some of the political and economic issues facing nursing and healthcare and how nursing impacts these issues. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Political Processes and Healthcare Regulations
A 3 page research paper that deals with two topics. The first is how the political processes impacts nurses, which focuses on how nurses can become politically active and the second deals with the complexity of healthcare regulations. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
This 2.5-page paper analyzes political correctness in sports and why it is a bad influence in the sporting world. There are 3 sources cited.
The Relationship Between Sport And Politics
3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses, drugs, race and poverty as they relate to the political aspect of sport. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
The Problem of High Staff Turnover Rates of Nurses in Primary Healthcare in Saudi Arabia
Primary healthcare in Saudi Arabia has been developed with a high degree of political commitment. However, the development is hindered by the high staff turnover in the nursing profession. This 22 page paper looks at the primary healthcare service from the perceptive of the nurses, identifies the potential causes of high employee turnover and applies them the community nursing in Saudi Arabia. The paper then assesses the cost of the turnover in terms of economic cost and quality and then makes recommendations to reduce the turnover rate. The bibliography cites 35 sources.
Mass Media and Its Influence
A 5 page paper that examines the tremendous influence of the mass media as presented in The Interplay of Influence: News, Advertising, Politics, and the Mass Media by authors Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Karlyn Kohrs Campbell. Discussed are the three sections in which the book is divided, sections that detail the influence and role of the mass media in news presentation, advertising, and political campaigns respectively. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Social Change and Martin Luther King Jr.'s Arguments
This 5 page paper discusses the predictions that Martin Luther King, Jr. made about the fate of America based on events which were taking place at the time. His political observations/arguments are included from the book, "Where do We Go From Here" and "Why We Can't Wait". Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Beijing Olympics
This 6 page paper examines the 2008 Olympics. Political aspects of its location are the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Tan, Orwell and Baldwin: Language
A 4 page paper which examines “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, “Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell, and “If Black Language Isn’t a Language, The Tell Me, What Is?” by James Baldwin and then examines their discussions of language and identity, and language as political. No additional sources cited.
National Missile Defense Laser Options
This 12 page paper explores a variety of types of laser weapons. The Space-based Laser, the Space-based Laser with Relay Mirrors, Ground-based Laser (with Relay Mirrors) and the Airborne Laser (with Relay Mirrors) are each discussed. Practical and political ramifications are assessed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Winkie, Road & Corruption in Society
A 4 page essay that looks at 2 books. Cormac McCarthy in The Road and Clifford Chase in Winkie offer two very different commentaries on the corruption, narrow-mindedness and hubris that colors the present political and social atmosphere in the United States. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Hollywood Elite and Titanic Film by Director James Cameron
This 4 page paper looks at the political economy of New Hollywood. A Marxist interpretation is provided. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
The Manchurian Candidate Conspiracy
This paper explores Richard Condon's book and Frankenheimer's movie 'The Manchurian Candidate' in terms of conspiracy theory and McCarthyism of the era (1959-1960). There is a brief comparison of the two and a short biography of Condon. The book focuses on the psychological and political aspects of the story. Bibliography lists 4 sources. JVcondon.rtf
The Benefits of the Silk Route and Potential Influences on Chinas' Stability
This 6 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the Silk Road, considering how it was used and the way that it facilitated the exchange of ideas and beliefs as well as goods. The second part of the paper looks at some of the reasons which may have contributed to the reasons behind China's long and stable political history. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Analysis of Marketing Opportunities; The Car Market in Australia
This 16 page paper examines the macro environment in Australia to consider the suitability of launching a new luxury hybrid car. The paper outlines the product and then considers the economic, demographic, cultural, natural, technological and political influences from the theoretical and the practical perspective. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Capital Punishment: Morally Acceptable And Effective Crime Deterrent
12 pages in length. The debate over capital punishment is perhaps one of the most vehemently fought social, ethical and political disputes raging as strongly today as it has in decades past. The extent to which no definitive decision exists whereby capital punishment is deemed either right or wrong is both grand and far-reaching; that biblical advocacy and proven deterrence help to shift the benefit of this much contested action in the pro directions speaks to two issues that justify its usage. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
McDonald's in China; SWOT, PEST and Porters Five Forces Analysis
This 8 page paper examines McDonald's in China. The paper presents a SWOT analysis examining the strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats; a PEST analysis looking at the political, economic, social and technological influences; and finally a Porter's Five Forces analysis discussing the current competitors, the threat of new entrants, the power over buyers and suppliers and the power substitutes. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Causes and Results of Brazil's Military Rule from 1964 to 1985
This 10 page paper looks at reasons behind the seizure of political control on Brazil by the military in 1964. The reasons for this are numerous, including the role played by João Goulart in precipitating the actions taken by the military. These issues are discussed with reference to the economic and social conditions in Brazil immediately prior to the coup. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Outsourcing by American Firms; A Literature Review on the Political and Economic Issues
This 6 page paper is a literature review looking at the political and economic issues that arise where outsourcing takes place within the United States. The impact on companies and their employees as well as the theory of comparative advantage discussed. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
New Zealand and Australia's Indigenous Peoples and Political Rights
A 5 page overview of the history and current state of affairs for these two regions. The contention is presented that neither in the democratic model of Australia or in the “New Right” New Zealand is the political power of the indigenous peoples anywhere near being an equivalent to that enjoyed by the dominant culture. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Common Ground Stood on by Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X
A 4 page essay that contrasts the positions on political activism of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King by looking at Letter from the Birmingham Jail and Malcolm X's autobiography. The writer argue that by the end of his life, Malcolm X's attitude toward violence had changed and come much closer to that of Dr. King. No additional sources cited.
Plastic Surgery in Contemporary Society
This 5 page paper looks at the political and social implications of plastic surgery. Gender differences are noted as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
South African Politics
A 16 page research paper that offers an overview of South Africa. The writer briefly reviews the circumstances of apartheid, but then offers an overview of the current political situation in that country, which includes consideration of the key issues currently facing the new South Africa, such as HIV/AIDS and unemployment. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Queen Elizabeth I and Her Survival Tool of Religion
This 8 page report discusses the ways in which Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) used religion as her tool for engineering her survival and to safeguard her role as monarch. Under the leadership and the strong reign of Elizabeth, England increased its political power and made many cultural achievements. Elizabeth, even by modern standards, was a brilliant politician. Her manipulations were never without purpose or focus. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Political Issue of Second Hand Tobacco Smoke
This 5 page paper supports the thesis that ETS is a political, and not a health, issue. The history of the smoking wars is included. Medical evidence pointing to the ambiguity of the topic is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources .
1990s' Labor Unions
A 6 page research paper looking at some of the changes in and political activities of the labor movement. Included is the AFL-CIO's aggressive recruiting of new members, downsizing in their own management ranks and a move to an informality of organization historically unknown in labor unions. Unions are experiencing election victories of more than 70% when paid organizers are not used, compared to a win rate of less than 30% when they are. Another boost to the unions is the increasing numbers of members from white-collar professions.
The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov
An 8 page research paper that analyzes how Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" reflects the social and political situation in Russia at that time. The writer discusses how Chekhov foresaw the downfall of the aristocracy and the corresponding rise of the commercial/merchant class. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Politics, Religion, and Language of South America
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the South American continent with particular attention paid to language, religion and politics. The effect of culture on the political economy of the region is an important component of the paper. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Cultural Gatekeepers and Search Engine Politics
A 6 page paper which examines the political implications of Internet search engines shaping cultural perceptions by indexing and ranking information, and also considers what influences the inclusion and exclusion of Web page ‘hits.’ Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Funding Delays for First Responders on 9-11
This 8-page paper attempts to determine why first responders have not seen much of the billions of dollars in federal funds promised to them since the 9-11 terrorism attacks. The paper addresses the political nature of distribution of such funds, and how the lack of funds has provided a dire impact on city, county and state governments. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Canada's Consolidation and Sir Wilfred Laurier
A 5 page overview of the Canada statesman's political contributions toward consolidation of Canada. Opposing view is voiced. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
External Factors and Effects on Management Decisions
This 5 page report discusses the ways in which external factors such as the economy, prices, socio-political atmosphere, competition, and much more, influence management decisions in business. Just as people do not operate independent of their peers, businesses and other organizations do not operate independently from the environment in which they exist. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Discrimination in the Labor Market Economically Analyzed
This 2 page report discusses the significant approaches to the economic analysis of labor market discrimination as formulated by 1992 Nobel Prize winner Gary Becker. Applying economic analysis to socio-political behaviors, such as labor market discrimination, provides valuable insight into the larger issues of human interactions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Analysis of Relations between Indonesia and Australia
This 5 page research paper evaluates Australia's primary objectives and how it seeks to achieve them through their relations with Indonesia. Specifically discussed are Australia's political stands and how their relationship with Indonesia accomplishes these objectives. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Perfecting the EU
A 10 page research analysis on the European Union; specifically which factors influence a country to join or decide not to join the Union. Included are the history of the union, its political and economic attributes, and which factors have been hailed and which have caused problems for countries before and after joining the organization. Bibliography cites eight sources.
Successes and Failures of the 1992 to 1996 Budget Deficit
A 6 page paper that tracks the successes and failures of the budget deficit between 1992-1996, according to the economists and political figures. The paper proposes that evidence shows that although the federal deficit has been reduced significantly, individual states are floundering and may add to the deficit in the future. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
UMTS Political Pitfalls of Universal Mobile Telecommunications System or UMTS
This 11 page paper provides an overview of wireless technology and highlights UMTS. Several aspects are explored. The advent of wireless is also discussed. Political pitfalls are noted and the technology as embraced in both the developed and developing world are explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
European Clashes and the Xhosa Culture
The Xhosa speaking nation in South Africa is second only to the Zulus in numbers. This 11 page report describes their location, society, history, culture, tradition, family life, etc.; The writer also covers historical tensions occurring between the Xhosa people and Europeans who came to the Cape. It is argued that the Xhosas' own lack of political unity, belief in mysticism, etc.;-- prevented them from being able to defend themselves successfully against the Europeans when conflict arose. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Establishment Clause, the 1st Amendment, and School Prayer
A 6 page paper on the double edged sword of religious liberty in the First Amendment to the Constitution and the prohibition of establishment of religion as it relates to the controversy over mandated prayer or "moments of silence" in the classroom. Social, political, theological, & U.S. Supreme Court arguments are examined and the writer ultimately concludes that the State must not be allowed to coerce us into acknowledging any religion -- Banning school prayer will ultimately serve a greater good and contribute to the provision of true Democratic justice in America. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Political Parties and Interest Groups
A 9 page research paper arguing that the role of interest groups is essentially to complement that of political parties and not to compete with them. The writer includes a number of good analytical points and examines the varying capacities in which interest & pressure groups can become involved in the Democratic election process. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
'Easter 1916' and the Irish Nationalistic Sentiments of William Butler Yeats
A 3 page essay that analyzes the poem in terms of the political climate of the time as well as the literary trends of the day. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Controversy Over US Social Security
A 6 page paper discussing the U.S. Social Security administration and presented as a 'policy report' being presented for use by a 'congressional policy maker.' Background, political ideology, developments and challenges, as well as recommendations for the future of Social Security are discussed. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Islamic Modernism and its Development
9 pages in length. An insightful essay on Islamic Modernism as it began in the 19th century preceded by movements to improve the political and economic situations of the Muslim world. The belief and works of Sayyid Jamal al-Din-Al-Afghani, Shaykh Muhammad 'Abduh, and Sayyid Ahmad Khan are discussed in great detail as are the various sociopolitical conditions and factors that facilitated their philosophies and movements. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Overview of TVA
A 6 page paper on the TVA that explores the political forces behind its establishment, its mission statement, and how the TVA cultivates customers through community involvement. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Importance of Political Study
A 4 page paper that determines the significance of studying politics, while also looking at the impact of the two predominant political parties and democracy as a whole. Bibliography lists several sources.
Minorities, Communities, and Police
A 5 page paper on minority views of the police as an oppressive force, criminalizing those they are supposed to protect. The writer describes how even the most successful community policing programs sometimes fail to work in African-American neighborhoods where citizens are literally afraid of the police ! Some of the departmental and political reasons for law enforcement's failure to maintain positive relations with minority groups are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
A Book Review of 'Adolf Hitler, aA Study In Tyranny' by Allan Bullock
A 5 page discussion and review of Allan Bullock's biography of the person who would come to be known as the 20th century's most evil individual. The book examines Hitler's reign in terms of political theory and ideology -- outlining how he represented a definitive example genuine tyranny. No Bibliography or additional sources used.
Lillian Fowler et al's Samuel Adams Radical Puritan
A 5 page paper discussing the book 'Samuel Adams - Radical Puritan' by Lillian Fowler, William Fowler, William Fowler, Jr., and Oscar Handlin. The book covers the life and times, as well as the adventures of Samuel Adams, the American revolutionary and political leader. No additional sources cited.
Jury System's Significance
Beginning with an appropriate overview of why the U.S. Founding Fathers saw the need for a jury system, this well-prepared 8 page essay argues that the jury still remains an ultimate symbol of true American Democracy. Recent Supreme Court decisions as well as the linkage between jury service and other rights of political participation are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Theodore Roosevelt A Life by Nathan Miller
This 10 page report discusses “Theodore Roosevelt: A Life” published in 1993. The book covers both the political accomplishments as well as numerous aspects of his personal life. As a result, a reader is able to gain a much greater sense and appreciation of just who Theodore Roosevelt actually was, apart from his role as a historical figure. Had he not become a politician, Miller suggests he would have still been remembered and honored for his accomplishments in the fields of conservation, history, writing, and social reform. Miller’s book shows him as a remarkably multi-faceted man with a great enthusiasm for the adventure of life. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Trade Association Leadership Change Implementation
This 6 page report discusses a change in leadership at a financial institutions’ trade association. Research efforts found that dues-paying, member institutions maintained their affiliation with the association almost totally because of its representation in the legislative arena. As a result, the association leaders chose to expand that sector of the organization and promote it as a communication and operation tool that would better serve its members. The result was a unique combination of communication, marketing, regulatory, and political specialists. It was essential that the other employees in the organization, the members of the new department, as well as the association’s members fully understand the intent and capabilities of the new organizational structure. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Black and White Objectives During the US Reconstruction Era
3 pages in length. It was not always easy being a black cotton farmer in the Deep South, inasmuch as there were tremendous political, economic, social, and legal changes that occurred between the years of 1865 and 1877. These changes, including the Reconstruction, began around the time of the Civil War and only continued to escalate after it had ended. The writer discusses how there were quite a few conflicts that came out of -- as well as were solved by -- the war, but some of the most instrumental had to do with how blacks were treated by the whites. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
The Revolt of the Masses by Jose Ortega
10 pages in length. The loss of freedom and reason was a concept that greatly worried Spanish philosopher and social theorist Jose Ortega y Gasset. At the time of World War I, totalitarianism was taking a stronghold upon Europe, while the Great Depression proved to threaten the nature and destiny of the Western civilization. The Enlightenment had begun to show signs of wear, directly affecting the manner by which freedom and reason were slowly but surely being cast aside. It can be argued that with the weakening influence of World War I, reason and freedom stood little chance of escaping the impact of totalitarianism. It was Ortega's contention that through the means of such barbarism, those who were intellectually undisciplined and culturally unrefined would soon serve as the new ambassadors to European existence. Asserting that such masses would prove fatal to the Europe's cultural, economic and political progress, Ortega was mightily concerned with the fascist and communist implications of such a trend, which he clearly addressed in his book entitled 'The Revolt of the Masses.' Bibliography lists 3 sources.
An Examination of American Liberalism
25 pages in length. The origins and basics of traditional American liberalism gave direct rise to the ideals and concepts of individual political freedom and its intimate connection with economic freedom. However, this rebirth also led to a suffocating individualism that ultimately overshadowed the very reason liberalism had been embraced in the first place. The spirit of liberalism holds at its heart the development of individual freedom. The writer discusses that as the concepts of freedom change throughout history, so too do the concepts of liberalism. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Gun Control
In 7 pages, the author discusses gun control. The topic of gun control is not a new one. It has been the focus of the nation for years, and this focus is increasing. With the presidential primaries that have occurred as well as the general election in November, this topic has become more of a political one with the express views of the candidates being important to the citizenry. Some citizens are pro-gun control and others are anti-gun control. In the wake of all of the campaign information and the pro-gun vs. anti-gun proponents, however, one must understand that lives are continuing to be lost because of the lack of gun control in this nation. This is evidenced when picking up a magazine, journal, or newspaper today. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
The Federalist Papers as Supported by Alexander Hamilton
6 pages in length. Alexander Hamilton's argument in support of a unitary executive (the Federalist Papers) originated from his assertion that "energy" represents an essential element in the executive capacity, a component he clearly and staunchly contended was important to good government. To Hamilton, the term energy represented the most critical components of a strong and progressive government, one in which the inherent responsibilities are addressed in an impenetrable yet effective manner. Hamilton argued that decision, activity, secrecy and dispatch are fundamental components to a solid, energetic executive, indicative of what he viewed as the most important political characteristics. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Two Solitudes by Hugh MacLennan
5 pages in length. The establishment of polity is at the core of Huge MacLennan's 'Two Solitudes,' effectively implementing the means by which protagonists Anthanase and his son Paul confront social forces larger than themselves. From the old school and forever bound by his stalwart religious beliefs, Anthanase discovers rather late in life that things do not need to stay the same in order to gain opportunity; in fact, the manner by which he confronts social forces larger than him is to challenge the very system he had heretofore so passionately guarded. Paul, being of a completely separate generation, is influenced by his desire to achieve while trapped within two very divergent worlds. Inasmuch as he is a member of both sides if only by birthright, he confronts overwhelming social forces larger by aspiring to what he believes carries the most significance toward his ultimate political release. No additional sources cited.
Individual and Societal Effects of Organized Crime
A 9 page paper discussing how both organized crime and society have changed since its early-20th century origins in the US. The Great Depression gained far more attention than did flamboyant criminals, as has been the case with the rapid rise of organized crime in Eastern Europe since the fall of communism.
Violence formerly was limited to that between organization members, but today's spills over into a broader area. Ultimately, it is political corruption that provides the environment in which organized crime can thrive. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Development, Freedom, and Democracy
5 pages in length. The idea of democracy, as our forefathers originally intended it to represent, was that of the ultimate evolution of human life. The concept, which was just a seed when it was established in the United States over two hundred years ago, allowed for people to make their own destinies -- to follow whatever dreams they may have kept harbored deep inside for fear that they would never be able to make them a reality. Democracy unleashed a joining together of the people so that new economic and political ideas could be shared in a way they had not been before. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Historical Achievements of Man and Edward Gibbon
5 pages in length. "History is little more than a register of crimes, follies and misfortunes of man" This famous quote from Edward Gibbons provides meaningful insight to what humanity's historical significance truly represents. When taken in its realistic context, one can readily support the validity of such a claim, inasmuch as the history books are chock full of war, strife, bungled peace efforts, political embarrassments, along with a whole host of other less-than-attractive accomplishments. That Gibbons sought to bring to light the reality of mankind's historical legacy concurs with his ability to see beyond the facade of dubious achievements. The writer compares this quote with real-life events. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
El Indio by Gregorio Lopez Y Fuentes
3 pages in length. Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes' 1937 novel El Indio strives to represent many things at once: political mistreatment, ethnic intolerance and cultural ignorance. While on the surface the story appears as yet another narration with regard to Western European overtaking of Indian land, it is significantly much more than that. Indeed, there exists plenty of references – both obvious and subliminal – that effectively address what truly did occur between the colonists and the indigenous population; however, the writer discusses that through the author's insight, the reader gains a considerable amount of knowledge about what occurred during this clash of culture. No additional sources cited.
John Philip Sousa, Jean Sibelius, and Nationalistic Music
A 4 page research paper that discusses nationalistic music and specifically Sibelius and Sousa. In expressing his own personal view of life, the artist necessarily also expresses the "hopes and dreams" of a cultural heritage. In the nineteenth century, political conditions encouraged the growth of nationalism and this occurred to such a degree that it became a driving force within the context of the Romantic movement in music history. National tensions, "the pride of conquering nations" set against the "struggle for freedom" of the subjected countries, game rise to emotions that their most perfect expression in music. Two composers that are associated with nationalism are Jean Sibelius, who personifies his homeland of Finland, and John Philip Sousa, whose rousing marches personify American nationalism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Medieval Drama and Its Messages
A 14 page paper discussing the means that medieval guilds used to promote political and religious ideology using plays as the medium. There was only a single church, and it sought to provide plays to act out important events described in the Bible. Plays grew in scope and size and were obliged to move outdoors where laymen took over the production duties, those laymen generally were members of the various guilds operational in local areas. Guilds were dedicated to business among the merchants and high quality among the craftsmen, and their leaders came to be highly involved in local politics. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Master of Liberal Arts' Program Letter of Educational Intent
A 4 page letter of intent to be used for admission into a Master’s of Liberal Arts program. The student’s area of undergraduate study was economics; s/he now seeks to study Modern Political Theory; Issues in Contemporary Theology; Globalization and Identity; Americans and a Sense of Place; Religion in America; and The Catholic Vision within an economics context. Combining these areas of study on a foundation of economics has the power to provide valuable insight in this age of globalization. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility are not new concepts, but they are only now receiving systematic, concerted attention. All of the topics included here have value in that area of study. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Lessons Learned Post Desert Storm
5 pages in length. The extent to which current-day political situations hearken back to the memory of Desert Storm is both grand and far-reaching; to ignore the myriad lessons learned for enforced disarmament from the post-Desert Storm experience in Iraq is to be led blindly yet once again into a fatal web with a fearless, inhumane entity whose only objective is annihilation. The most important of many lessons to be learned for enforced disarmament from the post-Desert Storm experience in Iraq is that words are cheap. Stipulations of a peace agreement as a direct result of Desert Storm mandated Iraq to comply with specific requirements; when this did not happen as anticipated, it set a precedence with the manner by which Iraq has continued to dodge disarmament compliance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Motivations Behind the Banning of Books
An 8 page paper reviewing three types of motivations for banning books. It appears that books are banned in the 20th century according to one of three categories of reasons: social, political and sexual. Banned books discussed here to address each classification are Mark Twain’s "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," John Steinbeck’s "Grapes of Wrath" and Judy Blume’s "Then again Maybe I Won’t." The reasons given for the banning of any specific book are never good enough. Two of the purposes of books are to instruct and to promote communication between individuals. Each of the books discussed here is well able to serve those purposes, but in many cases have been prevented from serving in such a way. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Blue Sky Dream by David Beers
A 5 page analysis of the book Blue Sky Dream by David Beers. In this book, Beers offers his readers an unusual combination of personal memoir and commentary on the psychology behind the Cold War. This unusual perspective is half autobiography, half political commentary. Beers pictures his family as part of the 'Blue Sky Tribe.' This is the term that Beers uses to describe the specific lifestyle of his own family as part of the aerospace industry, and also the optimistic perspective of American culture in the decades following World War II. No additional sources cited.
Cognition and Solving Problems
The ability to assess a problem and
formulate solutions has been a subject within such varied disciplines as
mathematics, psychology, linguistics, neurobiology and computer science.
The fact remains that problem-solving is a complicated procedure that
merits study. This 10 page paper explores information processing and
memory in terms of problem solving. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Nicaragua State Analysis
11 pages in length. Nicaragua, which borders the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, has long struggled to obtain its own significant notion of existence, a quest that has been fraught with revolution, political upheaval and economic turmoil. The concepts found in relation to Nicaragua's revolution are based upon the fundamental aspects of economics, politics and history; without these integral elements, such astute determinations with regard to humanity's struggles for democracy and socialism would not have been achieved. By addressing relevant issues from both the past and present, geopolitical historians are able to formulate impressions of Nicaragua's future that prove revolutionary. Analyzing the manner by which the state has overcome such overwhelming challenges leads the student to examine specific components of its composition, not the least of which include demographic considerations, economy, government and military. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Nursing Shortage In The United States: Causes, Effects And Solutions
8 pages in length. The health care industry is fraught with struggles that keep people from obtaining the medical attention they need in a system where patients often pay the price for social and political agendas. One area in which this fall down of services is felt especially hard is with regard to nationwide nursing shortages that place patients in a highly vulnerable situation when they are admitted to a facility where one trained nurse must oversee three times the number of people than is safely or ethically acceptable. The variables that have constructed this national problems are such that it is becoming uncertain what type of care one will find from one hospital visit to the next. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Imogene King: Theory Of Goal Attainment
6 pages in length. An individual's physical and/or emotional recovery is not left to happenstance or the sole responsibility of nurse practitioners; rather, convalescence comes from the proactive efforts of both patient and caregiver, a synergistic interchange that thrives because of equal output. Imogene King fully appreciated the value of patient involvement with regard to healing process and shared this vision through her theory of goal attainment. The extent to which personal goal setting empowers the patient to reach individual milestones of progress is both grand and far-reaching; to remove or withhold this internal power because of political or economic issues only serves to delay the healing process when the patient loses the ability to proactively target specific recovery goals. The impact such a concept as King's has made upon the nursing profession illustrates how the industry as a whole believes patients oftentimes have a greater influence over their journey back to health than anyone else does; additionally, King's perspective was instrumental in facilitating theoretical approaches overall. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Chinese Buddhism Traveled the 'Silk Road'
20 pages in length. The legacy of the Silk Road is synonymous with Central Asia's overwhelming expansion of cultural, social, political and economic elements. That this particular stretch of throughway was established as a means by which to connect China with Europe and Western Asia illustrates the critical nature inherent to such a tremendous undertaking. Bringing such valuable commodities as precious metals and stones, glass, gold, ivory, jade, iron, furs, ceramics, bronze items and lacquer in addition to its namesake, this celebrated path brought what many contend to be the epitome of what came to represent China: the art and literature of Buddhism. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
The Patriot Act
A 10 page research paper that examines The Patriot Act. On March 9, 2006, the Patriot Act was renewed after a year of proposals, counterproposals, two extensions and extensive negotiations (Pike 1). Despite numerous compromises and revisions that are intended to safeguard the civil liberties of American citizens, the Patriot Act and its implementation continue to be a source of hot debate and contention. This raises numerous questions about the Patriot Act. Is it effective in regards to issues national security? Does it unnecessarily violate citizens' civil liberties? Is it being used as a convenient ruse that allows the federal government to suppress its political opponents? Or is the Act being used within an ethical, focused manner that targets only national security threats? This examination of literature on the Patriot Act attempts to answer these questions and present the facts pertaining to this controversial legislation. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Comparison of John Calvin and Martin Luther
A 20 page research paper that compares the religious beliefs of Reformation thinkers Martin Luther and John Calvin. The Protestant Reformation engulfed the medieval world in the early sixteenth century, breaking apart the familiar paradigms and recasting both the religious and political map of Europe. It was, without a doubt, a decisive moment in the history of the Western church. Energies that flowed from the Reformation would eventually affect the character of the spread of Christianity. The writer argues that Calvin built upon the foundation laid down by Luther and expanded on many of his precepts. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Mass Media and Entertainment
This is a 5 page paper discussing mass media for pleasure and entertainment with examples from British history. Mass media in relation to today’s society has a great many formats in which to give the public information, promotion of new merchandise, news, entertainment and various forms of pleasure in the world of television, journalism, films, computer games and the internet to name a few. Traditionally, media was thought to be a source of viable information to the masses yet history shows that media was also used as much for the pleasure and entertainment of the masses as it was to provide information about current, world or political events. In today’s newspapers, although seemingly filled with violent news, they are also filled with “feel good” stories, entertainment sections, film and literary reviews as well as the classic comic, jumble and crossword features. In the Victorian era, the mass media were the providers of scandals and serial novels highly popular in that time.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Political and Social History of Greece
A 3 page paper which examines various aspects of Greek history as it
involves social and political rule. The paper examines monarchy, democracy, oligarchy,
aristocracy, and tyranny. Source used was faxed from a textbook by the student and has
no bibliographic information.
Islamic History Questions
A 6 page question/answer address of the volatility that has characterized the Middle East. The author addresses four specific questions: 1. List and explain three types of Islamic renewal or reform. 2. In what ways did the decline of the Ottoman Empire set the
stage for increased American involvement in the Middle East? 3. What broad political strategy did the Eisenhower administration use to meet the
challenges of Arab nationalism? 4. To what extent was the deterioration of US-Egyptian relations a result of a personal conflict between Lyndon Johnson and Nasser? Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Not for Profit and Public Sector Management
This 5 page report discusses
how managers carry out their responsibilities in public and not for profit organizations
and what unique considerations must be made regarding the implementing processes in a
political environment. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Lyrical Left Wing Greenwich Village Community
This is a 9 page paper discussing the sexual politics within the lyric left from the Greenwich Village community. The New York Greenwich Village community in the late 19th and throughout the 20th century became the center for writers, journalists and artists all promoting ideas and lifestyle representing the political and sexual left including feminism, bohemianism, bisexuality, homosexuality and overall freedom of thought and action. Much of the writing which came from Greenwich was considered within the realm of the “lyric left” through the works of Jack Kerouac, Djuna Barnes, Sinclair Lewis, Willa Cather and especially Edna St. Vincent Millay among many others. Millay wrote a great many poems which not only revealed the bohemian and “radical sexual” conduct within the lifestyles of her and her colleagues but also commented on the fullest extent of feminism in which women can feel sexual desire and needs in addition to having control over their own lives and sexual fulfillment. At the same time, her poems also show the conflict which still existed between men and women and her own desire to overcome any restrictions carried over from the previous Victorian expectations.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Cinema and 'Race Films'
This is a 5 page paper discussing the film genre “race films”. In the 1920s emerged a new era of cinema known as the “race films” which were made by African Americans, starred African Americans in independent roles and were meant for African American audiences. This movement was meant as a rebuttal for the largely popular film “The Birth of a Nation” (1915) which glorified the Ku Klux Klan. The actors who starred in the race films were soon integrated into Hollywood films in the 1930s to 1950s but received largely supporting and stereotyped roles as mammies as seen in “Gone With the Wind”. The 1970s brought about another era of race films inspired by the civil rights movement and again a decade of films were released which were made, starred and intended for African Americans. The 1980s saw another era of supporting roles and black/white buddy movies for black actors until the most recent movement in black film making began in the late 1980s. Black directors such as Spike Lee showed the political and economic climate of the urban African American situation which resulted in another boom of race films. The genre had changed over the years however and in today’s cinema can be found a mixture of black/white buddy roles, stereotyped racial roles and movies depicting African American urban blight.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Plato's The Laws Summarized and Analyzed
This is a 10 page paper summarizing and analyzing Plato’s “The Laws” on a chapter by chapter basis. Philosopher and educator Plato (427-347 B.C.E.) wrote extensively in general philosophy which he believed was the basis for the theory of education and political thought. Plato was greatly influenced by the philosophies of Socrates and in addition was critical about Athenian public life “which he presented as dominated by the rhetorical and poetical uses of language in the formation of policies and attitudes”. “The Laws” (360 B.C.E.) was Plato’s last and most extensive work and it reaffirms many of his arguments from previous works in regards to the practical politics of running a Republic. The central speaker is an “Athenian stranger” who gives “advice on the constitution of a proposed new city”.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Beuys and Warhol, Two Different Artists
This is a 6 page paper comparing and contrasting the works and politics of the artists Joseph Beuys and Andy Warhol. Artists Joseph Beuys and Andy Warhol lived and worked basically at the same time from the 1920s to the 1980s. Beuys, who grew up fairly conservatively, served in the war and held an academic position, expressed a great deal of warmth and hope in his art works which was also reflected in his political and philosophical outlook on life. He believed that all humans were students of life and it was their obligation to use their creativity throughout their disciplines to integrate the ideals of all cultures. Throughout his lifetime he was the founder of several activist groups designed to allow for a more open-minded society. His convictions to freedom of education were often at his own expense as he sacrificed a great deal for his activism. Warhol was known as one of the most influential commercial and pop culture artists of his time. His outlook on life and the human race was somewhat more grim than Beuys’ however as he believed that modern culture should and does act like a machine. He stressed that he was superficial along with the rest of society and used his celebrity to further his career mostly in the art, film, music and television industries. He did however use some of his exhibitions to display some of what he considered to be disasters of the twentieth century but most of his activism was through his art and not through outward causes like Beuys.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Sharon Kay Penman When Christ and His Saints Slept
This is a 5 page book review of Sharon Kay Penman’s novel “When Christ and His Saints Slept”. Sharon Kay Penman’s novel “When Christ and His Saints Slept” (1995) tells the story of the struggle for the English crown upon the death of Henry I during the 12th century. The novel is considered excellent on many accounts by the critics. Firstly, the novel is accurate in its detail in revealing the political turmoil and its horrific effects on the citizens of Britain at the time. Secondly, by the in-depth characterizations used in the novel and in some cases the introduction of fictional characters in order to obtain this, Penman managed to find a way to humanize that era in history which had previously been untold in such a manner. By doing this Penman not only creates an intensely interesting novel of history but also hopes to inspire her readers to further their education in the history of the Middle Ages, an area she considers still dark and undiscovered in its previous depictions.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
William Shakespeare's King Lear and Theology
A 10 page research paper that examines the way that a theological perspective is
necessary for truly comprehending the social and political culture presented in
"Lear." Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Gene Therapy and Shaywitz and Ausiello's Back To The Future
Shaywitz and Ausiello, in their article,
Back To The Future, Medicine and Our Genes, argue that the emerging gene
sciences will reunite the patient, doctor and researcher in ways not seen
since the 19th and early 20th centuries. This 5 page paper proposes that, in
exploring the issues concerned with gene therapy, it seems as though the
judgment of Shaywitz and Ausiello is well within the ethical bounds of
religious and medical tenets. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Report on Cyber Crime
This 8 page report discusses the fact that the “consensual hallucination” (a
term coined by science-fiction writer William Gibson) of cyberspace must, of necessity,
include a “consensual” understanding that the realm of cyberspace is no less vulnerable to
the negative aspects of human nature such as deceit, fraud, and theft. In many ways, the
opportunity for criminal activity in cyberspace is heightened due to its very nature which
supports anonymity and a certain freedom of action that few people would ever act on in
their “real” lives. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Brazil's Democratization Process and the 'Rational Choice Model'
(8 pp) In her 1997 book, Eroding Military
Influence in Brazil: Politicians Against Soldiers,
Wendy Hunter examines the situation under the
auspices of the "rational choice model." Because
she claims that politicians are primarily
interested in their own political survival, the
rational choice model is an excellent measuring
device for the shift towards democracy within the
political structure of Brazil. Bibliography lists
one source.
Report on Cyber Crime
This 8 page report discusses the fact that the “consensual hallucination” (a
term coined by science-fiction writer William Gibson) of cyberspace must, of necessity,
include a “consensual” understanding that the realm of cyberspace is no less vulnerable to
the negative aspects of human nature such as deceit, fraud, and theft. In many ways, the
opportunity for criminal activity in cyberspace is heightened due to its very nature which
supports anonymity and a certain freedom of action that few people would ever act on in
their “real” lives. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Gene Therapy and Shaywitz and Ausiello's Back To The Future
Shaywitz and Ausiello, in their article,
Back To The Future, Medicine and Our Genes, argue that the emerging gene
sciences will reunite the patient, doctor and researcher in ways not seen
since the 19th and early 20th centuries. This 5 page paper proposes that, in
exploring the issues concerned with gene therapy, it seems as though the
judgment of Shaywitz and Ausiello is well within the ethical bounds of
religious and medical tenets. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Sixteenth Century Literature and Parody
The sixteenth century was the beginning of the
Renaissance, where the yoke of the Church was being thrown off and the
possibilities of science were balanced with a humanitarian outlook toward the
future. Under these conditions, it is easy to see why the writers of this era
would resort to parody in order to ask, "do we need to continue believing this
message?" This 6 page paper looks at a number of sixteenth century works in
terms of the use of parody. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's 'Paul Revere's Ride,' Its Inaccuracies, and the Real Paul Revere
A 5 page research paper that examines the true circumstances and contributions of
Paul Revere to the American Revolution. While pointing out that the details of
Longfellow's famous poem are inaccurate, the writer argues that Revere's life, in
general, was indicative of the political and cultural attitude of New Englanders during
that era and their overall reaction to the British occupation. Bibliography lists 4
Bolman and Deal's Theories as they relate to School Systems
This is a 10 page paper discussing the primary management practices within the school system in the context of Bolman and Deal’s four organizational frames. Bolman and Deal’s text “Reframing Organizations” (2003) deals with the concepts of frames within the workplace which employs the “usable knowledge” available from a management perspective and also addresses the failures within organizations “due to lack of imagination”. Organizations are broken into the four conceptual “frames” of structural, human resources, political and symbolic which account for the various aspects of planning, staffing, organizing, directing and controlling within any organization. The management functions within school systems can also work within these frames as they include all of the same vital components which must be managed and maintained as within corporations.
A study published by Souchet (2001) is used to show the management practices within the school system in regards to the role of a principal within a small urban setting in the Mid-Western United States. The school principal within the school setting is “also known as the middle manager and the site administrator” in organizational terms and is considered as the major managerial influence within the school as he or she must determine “whether the education is effective or ineffective, whether morale is high or low, whether the school climate is positive or negative; whether personnel are satisfied or dissatisfied; whether students achieve or don’t achieve; whether parents and the public are cooperative or uncooperative; and whether there is effective or ineffective management and leadership”.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's 'Paul Revere's Ride,' Its Inaccuracies, and the Real Paul Revere
A 5 page research paper that examines the true circumstances and contributions of
Paul Revere to the American Revolution. While pointing out that the details of
Longfellow's famous poem are inaccurate, the writer argues that Revere's life, in
general, was indicative of the political and cultural attitude of New Englanders during
that era and their overall reaction to the British occupation. Bibliography lists 4
Progress as Defined by American History from 1867 until 1909
(5 pp) In the last portion of the nineteenth
century Americans progressed at an uneven gait.
In the West, men took giant steps across the
country as they explored and claimed land;
often walking over others such as the Native
Peoples in the process. These same men "brought
their" women with them through incredible
difficulties, but then saw no reason to give them
any political allowances. Children were "owned"
as much as women were. Racial differences,
although somewhat equal on paper made little
progress. In the East labor and management
systems, political patronage, and social reform
began to demand attention, and progressive
United Colors of Benetton Ethic Uses of Death Row Criminals
A 6 page paper which
discusses the recent campaign of United Colors of Benetton which chose to use the slogan
'We on Death Row,' and implement the use of criminals on death row to promote their
products. The paper argues that such an advertising approach is very unethical and highly
offensive to the public for a variety of reasons. And, while Benetton claims they wish to
make a political statement about human rights and capital punishment, such a statement
could be made in other more appropriate ways. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Women's Rights According to Edmund Burke and Mary Wollenstonecraft
(6 pp.) This discussion will examine Mary
Wollenstonecraft's idea of individual self
development especially as it applies to women in
her essay the Vindication of the Rights of Man
and Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792), in
relationship to political thought as it is
expressed in Edmond Burke's Reflections on the
Revolution in France (1791).
Just My Soul Responding: Rhythm and Blues, Black Consciousness and Race Relations by Brian Ward
This 6 page report discusses
Brian Ward’s 1998 book that looks at forty years of Black music
in America and the ways in which its development paralleled that
of the political and civil rights movements of the times. Ward
makes the point that it was Rhythm and Blues that became the
first musical genre to successfully permeate white American
culture. As a cultural historian, Ward is able to eloquently
present a number of fascinating correlations between white
admiration for black music (and culture) and how it related to
and still relates to racial inequalities. Bibliography lists 2
A History of Performance Art
(10 pp.) Performance art is a confrontational art
experience, whether one chooses to say that the
art form begins in the sixteenth century with
Comedia del Arte political street theater, or the
recorded fistfight that broke out in the beginning
of the twentieth century. Both forms were
Italian, and both began with audience participation
in the performance itself. Yet the form continues
to make its own history today.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Aristophanes' and Cervantes' Uses of Satire
Often, when the political
and, or, social climate is in a state of flux, it is the artists that
will presuppose change through the auspices of their work. In history
the ‘art’ was sometimes a matter of challenging the status quo without
being obvious for reasons of safety and continued freedom. At this
point, many literary artists will resort to the power of their pens and
will portray the dissenting opinion within the context of humor, most
particularly satire. This 5 page paper posits that satire is used in
both Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Aristophenes’ Lysistrata as a means of
focusing on the ineptitude of the current social order. Bibliography
lists 4 sources.
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs
Harriet Jacobs wrote the
story of her life of enslavement, mistreatment, confinement and eventual
freedom shortly after the end of the Civil War. This 5 page paper
argues that Incidents in the Life of A Slave Girl was intended to be
read as a slave narrative and, as such to provide a historical
documentation of what the reality of slavery entailed - at least for a
young woman. It is also a political manifesto in that it argues that
the realities of slavery were not much different from the Northern
social norms of segregation. No additional sources are listed.
U.S. and Immigrants from Haiti
This 5 page report
discusses the experiences of Haitians that have immigrated to the
United States. The struggles faced by immigrants has always been
one requiring a great deal of personal determination in the midst
of hardship, whether it was the Irish and Italians at the start
of the 20th century or the Central Americans and Haitians in the
last decades of the century. However, Haitians have also had to
deal with more bigotry and racial discrimination than any of the
fair-skinned immigrants of Europe. In addition, they have had to
endure political controversy threatening their ability of
remaining in the U.S. In many ways, they have had to deal with
far greater problems than virtually any other immigrant
population. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Mexican Broadcast Media
(10pp) Tensions between civic-political and
socioeconomic-interest-based organizing have
created fertile terrain for state initiatives to
keep challengers from civil society off balance,
correspondingly this also puts a strain on media,
and non-bias reporting. Historically as well as
currently, the more sophisticated government
response has been to offer incentives to movements
to sacrifice their civic agendas in favor of their
social agendas. At the same time, each radical
reform movement was cut short by government
official repression, which in turn explains the
Costa Grande's parallel cycles of armed peasant
resistance from the Partido de los Pobres in the
1960s to today's Ejercito Popular Revolucionario.
Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Independence Day/Film Review
A 5 page film review of Independence Day (1996, directed by Roland Emmerich), which is a film made in the tradition of the grade B science fiction thriller, which is an exemplary film genre that never deserved the derogatory term "grade B" when one considers the pathos, drama, and ability of these adventures to draw in the audience and offer them a glimpse of another reality. In the 1950s and early 60s, Americans watched visions of flying saucers flicker across movie screens in darkened theaters and contemplated the vulnerable position of humanity in a tremendously huge and unknown universe. If known scientific facts did not quite jab with the film's action, no one cared because this was not the point. The point was to become emotionally caught up in the defense of the Earth, which is a cathartic and highly enjoyable experience, and this is what Independence Day offers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Behaviorism And Preschool
10 pages in length. Preschool is a time of many challenges for both student and teacher, inasmuch as this particular age group is just learning the tenets of social behavior outside the otherwise insulated aspect of family life. Utilizing the concept of behaviorism within the preschool setting provides the teacher - and parent - with the capacity to identify various behaviors and modify them in order to attain a better academic outcome. The extent to which behaviorism asserts that observable conduct represents the only true aspect of the science of psychology is both grand and far-reaching; that autistic preschoolers represent one population where behaviorism is particularly beneficial speaks to how this approach is both widespread and effective. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Genetic Engineering: Ethics
3 pages in length. The list of options was rather long as the couple sat in the waiting room filling out their paperwork. There for their first in vitro fertilization procedure, they were faced with a number of choices pertaining to the baby they would eventually create: sex - female; hair color - blond; eyes - green; height - 5'7"; body type - athletic; I.Q. - 125; aptitude - music and law. Testing for specific diseases had all but weeded out life-threatening syndromes and socially unacceptable conditions that guaranteed they would make a healthy baby - and if not then they would simply abort it - so all that was left for aspiring parents to think about was what psychological and physiological traits they wanted their perfect child to have. Is this merely the plot of a bestselling science fiction novel? Not anymore given the progress scientific advancement has rendered in the recent past. If genetic engineering continues down the path it currently follows, there will be grave consequences to pay for manipulating man's natural methods of reproduction. No bibliography.
President George W. Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' Act and Its Implementation
5 pages in length. Contemporary society has a significant challenge on its hands: to provide students with a strong enough education to meet the ever-growing standards imposed by society. As a means by which to address this tremendous need, President Bush instituted the No Child Left Behind Act, which calls for the implementation of solutions to what he deems as the ten most important concerns within the nation's school system: Achieving Excellence Through High Standards and Accountability; Improving Literacy by Putting Reading First; Improving Teacher Quality; Improving Math and Science Instruction; Moving Limited English Proficient Students to English Fluency; Promoting Parental Options and Innovative Programs; Encouraging Safe Schools for the 21st Century; Enhancing Education Through Technology; Providing Impact Aid; and Encouraging Freedom and Accountability. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Possible Barriers for MSN Pursuit by Registered Nurses
17 pages in length. Furthering one's education within the nursing field is advantageous to both the patient and the nurse; however, there are situations where attaining this higher education is fraught with perceived barriers. In the instance of registered nurses considering returning to school for a Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN), the perceived barriers include issues directly related to time, money and confidence. How these RNs attempt to overcome the perceived barriers inherently associated with attaining an MSN is paramount to the need for better-educated nurses throughout the industry. Several issues are raised when research seeks to find and address the perceived barriers of registered nurses considering returning to school for an MSN, not the least of which include the impact upon the severe nursing shortage, distance learning, decreased costs associated with higher education, as well as compressing the overall time required to attain the degree. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Major Psychological Theories
4 pages in length. The manner by which a human being's mind operates, why people behave in certain ways, how their thoughts and perceptions are generated, and what situations trigger changes in mental clarity or capacity is the core focus of psychology. The challenge of whether or not this branch of science is actually scientific at all has been a long-standing debate with those who contend there is too much interpretation applied for psychology to truly be considered empirical. However, some of the field's major theories have formed the foundation of man gaining a greater understanding of his mind, its power and vulnerabilities. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Positivism, Behaviorism and Gestalt Psychology
This 3 page paper provides an overview of two sections of questions on psychology. Part 1. What is logical positivism? How is legitimate science consistent with logical positivism? Explain your answer. What is radical behaviorism? What is cognitive psychology? How are radical behaviorism and cognitive psychology similar? How are they different? Part 2. How has the Gestalt view of mental organization in perception and thinking relate to the cognitive psychology paradigm? What is the difference between short-term and long-term memory? What did Donald Broadbent mean when he referenced attention filters, as related to encoding into short-term memory? Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Erik Erikson: Biography and Theory
20 pages in length. Erik Homberger Erikson, born near Frankfort, Germany in 1902, was the son of Danish parents whose collective aspirations amounted to a tremendous impact upon better understanding human behavior. The foundation of Erikson's prolific influence upon mankind's developmental activities began in an unconventional manner by virtue of art and language courses when one might readily expect him to be immersed within the bounty of science studies more indicative of his ultimate contributions. His distaste for conventional education compelled him to glean a more worldly instruction as only life experiences can provide; as such, he eschewed formal schooling and went to Europe. Erikson's intersection with psychology arrived when he began as an art instructor for American children whose parents traveled to obtain Freud's enlightenment in Vienna. From there he attended the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute, which led the way for his entrance into America and ultimate status as the first child analyst of Boston; a position at Harvard Medical School soon followed with others at Berkeley, Yale and the Menninger Foundation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Behaviorism And Preschool
10 pages in length. Preschool is a time of many challenges for both student and teacher, inasmuch as this particular age group is just learning the tenets of social behavior outside the otherwise insulated aspect of family life. Utilizing the concept of behaviorism within the preschool setting provides the teacher - and parent - with the capacity to identify various behaviors and modify them in order to attain a better academic outcome. The extent to which behaviorism asserts that observable conduct represents the only true aspect of the science of psychology is both grand and far-reaching; that autistic preschoolers represent one population where behaviorism is particularly beneficial speaks to how this approach is both widespread and effective. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Nursing Practice and Pain Management Research
A 10 page paper discussing putting research into nursing practice. There is much research done in the name of furthering practice technique and nursing values. Not all research is of the quality it should be, but even that which is still is difficult to incorporate into practice in many instances. Increasing projects in nursing research are using a qualitative approach, one that typically has been looked askance on by the medical community as not being "real" science because it relies on opinions and attitudes of research subjects rather than on physically measurable (i.e., quantitative) quantities and structures. This paper reviews a well done qualitative work, then applies its findings to pain management in nursing practice. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Psychology and the Importance of Facts
This 4 page paper argues that there are no real facts in social science. The field of psychology is utilized as the most prominent example.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Detrimental Effects of Coeducational Schools on Females
10 pages in length. The social benefits of coeducational schools may provide an important conduit for students who have only attended single-sex schools in the past, however, it has become more than apparent how this particular academic environment lends itself to scholastic shortcomings where female students are concerned. The extent to which girls are more inclined to pursue math and science courses in a single-sex environment is both grand and far-reaching; the pressure and intimidation inherent to performing as well as their male counterparts in the coeducational setting speaks to the reason why the female gender fails to thrive in these academic areas, illustrating how coeducational schools are not always the best choice. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
President George W. Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' Act and Its Implementation
5 pages in length. Contemporary society has a significant challenge on its hands: to provide students with a strong enough education to meet the ever-growing standards imposed by society. As a means by which to address this tremendous need, President Bush instituted the No Child Left Behind Act, which calls for the implementation of solutions to what he deems as the ten most important concerns within the nation's school system: Achieving Excellence Through High Standards and Accountability; Improving Literacy by Putting Reading First; Improving Teacher Quality; Improving Math and Science Instruction; Moving Limited English Proficient Students to English Fluency; Promoting Parental Options and Innovative Programs; Encouraging Safe Schools for the 21st Century; Enhancing Education Through Technology; Providing Impact Aid; and Encouraging Freedom and Accountability. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Environmental Scientific Principles and the Hunting Issue
5 pages in length. By the inherent rights of being human, man believes he has the privilege to impose dominion over the animal world. Nowhere is this more evident than with the sport of hunting. However, there are myriad implications with what many consider to be an innocent pastime; inasmuch as recreational hunters upset the natural progression of species and their predators, they place the delicate balance of nature in grave danger. In reviewing this article, it is clear to see that there is a definite injustice going on in the name of fun. The writer discusses how the principles of environmental science that apply to the issue of hunting reach significantly deeper into the fundamental framework than most people realize. No additional sources cited.
Keeping Art In Public Schools
11 pages in length. It has long been realized how the infusion of creativity serves to enhance the overall level of intelligence; as such, students who are in public schools with active arts programs stand to benefit from the synergistic alliance between creativity and intelligence, a coupling that is being threatened by budget cuts and teacher shortages. To attend public school without the advantage of including art is placing students in an environment without culture; clearly, maintaining a schedule of math, science and English does not fulfill the requirements of a well-rounded education. In short, the presence of art programs in public schools "raises SAT scores; improves reading, math, and spatial skills; increases overall academic performance; and builds self-esteem, self-discipline, creativity, community cohesion, and greater tolerance for difference" (Gee 9). As the author points out, the mixed nature of art helps to bridge the divide student populations have with accepting diversity in their lives. With so much being excised from today's public schools, taking away art programs does nothing short of jeopardize the broad-based knowledge that affords greater knowledge, better opportunities and a sense of accomplishment. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Ice Sculpture, Science, Theology, and Sensations
A 4 page overview of the processes we go through
to justify and vocalize beliefs. Centering around our observations and belief regarding an ice sculpture being used as an Easter Meal centerpiece,
this paper contrasts esoteric belief and scientific belief. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
How Exercise Delays Onset Of Dementia In Alzheimer's Patients: Literature Review
20 pages in length. The natural course of aging takes its toll on both the body and mind; as much significant progress medical technology has made, there are still some aspects of human existence it cannot stop or reverse. Multimodal exercise has long been a highly recommended component of the geriatric health protocol as a method by which to tone muscles, strengthen bones stronger and keep all the bodily systems in good function. Why is it, therefore, that exercise is only just recently being associated with the delay onset of dementia when it has such dramatically positive impact upon the rest of the physiological makeup? Second only to the skin, the human brain is the largest organ in the body that responds to stimuli no differently than others, however, it is also vastly complex when compared to the liver or heart; because medical science still has a very long way to go before the mind's holistic function and capacity is known, new realizations of the mind/body connection will continue to be made, not the least of which includes the growing association between physical activity and staving off dementia. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Romantic Era and History of Science
A 5 page paper discussing the qualities of the period of 1770-1830 in scientific advancement. The age of enlightenment is associated with order and reason; progress and change belongs to the 19th century. A.L. DeJussieu (1748 – 1836), C.F. Mirbel (1776 – 1854) and K Sprengel (1766 – 1833) all quietly contributed to the advancement of science in general - and botany in particular – during this time that would prove to provide preparation for rapidly-occurring advances in the future. Growing knowledge of what was ultimately led to speculation of what could be. By the end of the Romantic Period in 1830, the focus shifted toward work that could effect change, rather than merely explain why things existed as they did. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Witches, Midwives, and Nurses A History of Women Healers by Ehrenreich and English
5 pages in length. The topic of this book evokes a sense of patriarchal control and unmitigated ignorance with regard to the 'science' of medicine and how it has evolved during the past few hundred years. Women's contributions, disregarded and shunned until very recently, have historically been overshadowed by oppressive patriarchal perspectives; by chronicling the events that have occurred throughout the centuries in relation to women and the medical community, Ehrenreich and English help to illustrate just how despotic the entire male-based medical profession has been, particularly in light of the unpleasant legacy left by the witch hunts of old. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Independence Day/Film Review
A 5 page film review of Independence Day (1996, directed by Roland Emmerich), which is a film made in the tradition of the grade B science fiction thriller, which is an exemplary film genre that never deserved the derogatory term "grade B" when one considers the pathos, drama, and ability of these adventures to draw in the audience and offer them a glimpse of another reality. In the 1950s and early 60s, Americans watched visions of flying saucers flicker across movie screens in darkened theaters and contemplated the vulnerable position of humanity in a tremendously huge and unknown universe. If known scientific facts did not quite jab with the film's action, no one cared because this was not the point. The point was to become emotionally caught up in the defense of the Earth, which is a cathartic and highly enjoyable experience, and this is what Independence Day offers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Concepts and Theories of Geography
9 pages in length. Understanding the spatial components of planet Earth encompasses myriad fields of knowledge; centuries' worth of study has provided the twenty-first century scientific community with the extensive scope it possesses. One of the most important fields from which this knowledge was gleaned is that of geography, a particular science that addresses everything associated with the earth's surface. Working upon the fundamental basis developed by researchers hundreds of years ago, contemporary geographical analysts have the benefits of knowing the planet's how's and why's as it relates to the developed world. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Robert Louis Stevenson's Autobiographical Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
A 5 page essay that makes the point that on the surface, there is little to connect The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to the events that make up the life of its author Robert Louis Stevenson. Jekyll was English; Stevenson was born in Scotland. Jekyll was a scientist, a doctor; Stevenson a lawyer by education and a writer by profession, and, of course, the fundamental premise of the novel, which is that Jekyll transforms into Hyde, is in the realm of science fiction. However, if one looks below the surface and consider this work for what it says about Stevenson's Victorian mindset, autobiographical aspects begin to emerge. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
2 Education Articles Reviewed
A 14 page paper that reviews two articles in the field of education, one of which is quantitative and the other is qualitative. The essay begins with an explanation of quantitative research and qualitative research. Because one of the articles is a case study, this method is also explained. The first article is a study from the UK and addresses a problem of the lack of progress as students transfer to high school. It looks specifically at science performance at year 6 – 8. The second article is a case study of a multilevel interdisciplinary team teaching approach used at a large urban high school. Besides reporting the studies, the writer comments on the research styles of each investigator. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
2 Education Articles Reviewed
A 14 page paper that reviews two articles in the field of education, one of which is quantitative and the other is qualitative. The essay begins with an explanation of quantitative research and qualitative research. Because one of the articles is a case study, this method is also explained. The first article is a study from the UK and addresses a problem of the lack of progress as students transfer to high school. It looks specifically at science performance at year 6 – 8. The second article is a case study of a multilevel interdisciplinary team teaching approach used at a large urban high school. Besides reporting the studies, the writer comments on the research styles of each investigator. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
United Kingdom Early Childhood Education Politics and Policy
A 5 page paper illustrating why workers in early childhood education in the UK need to be informed of political and policy matters. The UK’s approach to early childhood education was as fragmented and variable as that in the US until the Labour government implemented changes beginning in 1997. Today, all 4-year-olds have access to free daycare that includes academic instruction in preparation for compulsory school attendance beginning at age 5. There are concerns that very young children receive instruction for which they are not yet ready, a fact that workers need to remain aware of and avoid. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Farewell Address of George Washington
A 3 page overview of the concerns George Washington had for the ongoing welfare of the U.S., concerns
detailed in his 1796 "Farewell Address". The threats of the political party and European allegiances were a particular worry for Washington. No additional sources are listed.
Reforming Campaign Finance
An 8 page paper. Campaign financing has been debated for more than a century. It is a highly controversial issue with strong advocates on each side of the argument. The writer reports some of the early laws regarding campaign financing. Hard and soft money are explained. The amounts raised by both national political parties in just one year are reported. Limits are then proposed and explained for campaign financing reform. Supporting information from the literature are provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
English Literature of the 17th Century
A five page paper which looks at a variety of seventeenth century English writers and the way in which they use satire, irony and caricature to effect social and political comment.
Bibliography lists 9 sources
Negron-Muntaner/Barbie's Hair
A 3 page paper that discusses this essay. A doll seems like an unlikely candidate for controversy. Yet, yet Frances Negron-Muntaner, in her essay "Barbie's Hair," describes how controversy immediately arose when the Mattel Toy Company released a Puerto Rican version of their famous Barbie doll in 1997. Communities, both in Puerto Rico and the mainland US, associated the doll with cultural connotations that involved "Puerto Rican identity" (Negron-Muntaner 39). The author of this provocative essay makes a number of pertinent points about this version of Barbie within the context of popular culture, however, two of the most intriguing points made in the essay are the significance that was attached to the meaning of the doll's hair and how this related to Puerto Rican identity and also how the doll represented a political position in terms of Puerto Rico's place on the world stage. No additional sources cited.
Transporting Hazardous Materials by Air
An 18 page paper discussing increasing regulation of air transport of hazardous materials, using primary lithium batteries and butane lighters as examples. Aviation authorities have moved to decrease risk in all areas, not only those appearing to be directly related to political pressures and the threat of terrorism. As hazardous materials are moved from one place to another and as manufacturing continues the trend of moving offshore, the movement of specific items becomes more frequent and therefore more open to accidents and transport-related problems. The current approach is to accept questionable items until it becomes apparent that these items should be transported by other means. The paper recommends that the government continue in this vein. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Anti Defamation League and the American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee
15 pages in length. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) stands up for myriad minority groups that find it difficult to defend their political existence amidst a wholly intolerant global society. From anti-Semitism to homophobia to Holocaust denial, the ADL's ongoing mission is to fortify the presence of these groups by infusing the younger, more impressionable members of society with a healthy dose of tolerance education. Similar to the ADL, the ADC's mission is to undo centuries' worth of bias toward people of all faiths, races and backgrounds; however, the grassroots civil rights organization's primary focus is upon Arab heritage in the United States. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
The Holocaust and Genocide of Armenians
5 pages in length. Comparing and contrasting the Armenian genocide and the holocaust, what immediately comes to mind is the lack of attention the former received, while the latter has become a household word. Indeed, the staggering numbers of people in both murderous episodes warrant equal attention; however, it appears the historical value of the Armenian genocide has not been as pertinent in the minds of people as that of the holocaust. The Jews have, perhaps, been one of the most persecuted of all peoples throughout history. Their pursuits to survive as both a people and a religion have been paved with pits and valleys from the time they began the struggle to reclaim what has been lost to political and social strife. Yet the Armenians have been no less affected by similar survival efforts, forced to often find their own strategies of endurance much the same as the Jews. The writer compares and contrasts the Armenian genocide with the holocaust. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
A Ghana Dissident Teacher 20 Years After Convention People's Party Membership
This 5 page report discusses the scenario in which an Asante-speaking high school teacher in Accra, Ghana, deals with the political concerns of students in the modern Accra classroom. Once Ghana's Constitution of 1951 introduced universal adult suffrage, public expectations and mood seemed to propel African Gold Coast politics and
manipulating popular culture became an important means of gauging and shaping popular opinion. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Why Same Sex Marriage Should be Legal in the New Millennium
This 9 page paper examines gay marriage and the various aspects of society it affects. Political, religious and social aspects are discussed. The paper includes several arguments in support of gay marriage.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Opposing Laws Against Gay Marriage
3 pages in length. Man is constantly reinventing itself as a species in order to maintain an ongoing and progressive status; if he were remain idle without benefit of continued growth and advancement as a collective of living beings, he would soon cease to exist. Whether social, political, economic, cultural or technological, progression is the driving force behind the positive nature of change. Why, therefore, is the notion of gay marriage considered so morally offensive that laws must be enacted to prevent it? If there is one thing that reflects man's capacity for progress and change, it is the tolerance to accept gay marriage as a viable alternative to heterosexual unions; to pass judgment by virtue of legal infiltration is for humanity to inequitably pick and choose which aspects of contemporary evolution are recognized based upon nothing more substantial than personal opinion. But perhaps even more importantly is how laws against gay marriage ultimately exist for no other reason than to deprive same-sex couples of equal rights and benefits. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Indonesia Rice Shipments by the United States
A 16 page paper exploring all aspects of establishing that section of a supply chain that moves rice out of the United States and into Indonesia. Indonesia has not been a willing recipient of US rice since 2003 and periodically imposes bans on all imports of US-produced rice. Indonesia achieved self-sufficiency in rice in 1984 and seeks to retain and strengthen that position; its rejection of US rice is an effort to protect internal producers. US rice still can enter Indonesia as humanitarian aid, however, and rice is transported the same way regardless of the political complications surrounding its movement. The paper discusses both logistics and marketing topics, focusing on how the chosen shipper, Maersk Sealand, can most efficiently move rice from several US ports to the port of Surabaya, Indonesia. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
The Significance of Social Networks for the Communities of China
12 pages in length. The role that social networks have played in China's transition from a centrally planned to a market economy speaks to the nation's ever-changing political, economic and social landscape. The concept of social networks, otherwise known as Guanxi, "is among the most important, talked about, and studied phenomena in China today [that] lies at the heart of China's social order, its economic structure, and its changing institutional landscape" (Description). While some contend that such tremendous change is responsible for modifying the fundamental basis of Chinese heritage, other believe that understanding the underlying motivation behind the vast and far-reaching implications of such significant change is instrumental to realizing how important social networks are with regard to contemporary China. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Problems and Solutions for the Air Pollution Issue
This 16 page paper addresses a variety of aspects of air pollution. Beginning with basic definitions, air pollution is clearly defined and various types of pollution are explored. Both indoor and outdoor pollution are discussed as significant problems. Causes are also addressed, including both human and natural varieties. The problems of cattle, lightening and volcanoes are noted as causes. Next, the exact effects of pollution are explained, inclusive of some documentation that poor air quality can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. The idea that air pollution is worse in the undeveloped world is highlighted and it is concluded that perhaps an economic or political solution will ultimately help to clean up the air. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
History and Culture of the Cherokee
An 8 page overview of the culture and history of this American Indian group. The author emphasizes that today the Cherokee, in many ways, are little different from mainstream While culture in the United States. They have, in fact, assimilated almost completely into that culture. At the time of contact with non-Natives, however, there were often substantial differences between Cherokee and White culture. These differences translated into rocky relationships between the Cherokee and the United States government, relationships which eventually resulted in the forced removal of most of the Cherokee from their homelands, the establishment of a government reservation for the people, and the separation of the nation into two distinctly different political units. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Postwar Settlement Consequences in War And Peace in The Middle East A Concise History by Avi Shlaim
5 pages in length. According to Avi Shlaim's "War and Peace in the Middle East: A Concise History," ignorance of human rights and a tendency toward political oppression were the consequences of the post-war settlement of 1918-1922, clearly reflecting the consequential elements of imperialism for American policy in the Middle East. At the turn of the twentieth century, the United States was on the verge of becoming one of the world's most important imperial powers. The combination of public pressure, foreign policy elite and agricultural/industrial capitalism clearly signaled a massive global change of significant proportions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
English Literature of the 17th Century
A five page paper which looks at a variety of seventeenth century English writers and the way in which they use satire, irony and caricature to effect social and political comment.
Bibliography lists 9 sources
Voltaire's Candide and Literature of the Enlightenment
A 4 page essay that discusses how Voltaire's Candide exemplifies the Enlightenment. Burns (1969) asserts that Voltaire "epitomized the eighteenth century period known as the Enlightenment in a manner similar to the way that "Luther epitomized the Reformation or Leonardo da Vinci did the Italian Renaissance" (Burns, 1969, p. 571). It was Voltaire who popularized the scientific and political theories of John Locke and Isaac Newton, as he promoted the Enlightenment perspective that the natural world can be understood via the use of reason. Voltaire's Candide (1759) is representative of his Enlightenment philosophy and shows the extent to which this philosophy differed radically from what came before it. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Global Joint Ventures and the Management of Risk
An 11 page paper discussing some of the conditions from which organizations involved in international joint ventures must protect themselves. Business has a more global focus now than at any time in the past. While that global presence contributes to the success of all segments of a specific organization, it also enhances the need for astute risk management. Aside from the normal fluctuations of the business cycle, international joint ventures also can be affected in their success through currency fluctuations, economic health of the host country and local political stability. Business entry into a new national market in the form of an international joint venture is in itself a measure of risk management, in that neither party bears the full weight of the risks associated with the new venture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Transporting Hazardous Materials by Air
An 18 page paper discussing increasing regulation of air transport of hazardous materials, using primary lithium batteries and butane lighters as examples. Aviation authorities have moved to decrease risk in all areas, not only those appearing to be directly related to political pressures and the threat of terrorism. As hazardous materials are moved from one place to another and as manufacturing continues the trend of moving offshore, the movement of specific items becomes more frequent and therefore more open to accidents and transport-related problems. The current approach is to accept questionable items until it becomes apparent that these items should be transported by other means. The paper recommends that the government continue in this vein. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Pros and Cons of Turkey's Tourism Industry
This 20 page paper examines the pros and cons of tourism in Turkey. The Turkish government has been actively pursuing the tourist trade since the 1980's. Economic flux, the need to develop an infrastructure which will include modern roads, hospitals and schools to support the growing population and to help ease its path towards membership of the European Community (EC), are all reasons for developing and encouraging tourism. Whether in search of sand, sea, sun, ancient culture, cruises and water sports, museums, temples, bazaars and, or, souvenir shops the visitor to Turkey will find anything the traveler desires. All this has been balanced by the political unrest and instances of terrorism. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Aftermath of the 1789 French Revolution
5 pages in length. In the aftermath of the French
Revolution of 1789, the problem of political and social authority was of central concern to European intellectuals. The author discusses this topic as it relates to Burke, Kant and Hegel. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Feminism of the Sixties and Nursing
A 5 page examination of the manner in which nursing changed at the impetus of the feminist movement of the 1960s. Previously relegated to primarily a subservient role in the health care environment and restricted solely to the hospital or doctor’s office, nurses took their lead from the feminist movement to remold their view of themselves as competent professionals. No longer simply puppets of those who had previously held the power and prestige in health care, nurses banded together to make a difference both in the political aspects of healthcare and in nursing theory. Consequently, this time in nursing history was one of the most productive in terms of the degree to which nurses would add to healthcare practice.
Aspects of Doctor Zhivago
5 pages in length. Assessing the extent to which the Russian Revolution impacted Pasha Antipov requires one to establish an inherent association between an idealist "whose rage for order overwhelms his moral values" (Doctor Zhivago) and a war that was directly due to the czarist regime collapse from the insurmountable pressure of World War I and a backward economic situation that proved impossible to overcome in the face of Germany's industrialization. Antipov's visionary approach to the social and political world around him was not meant to sustain the weight of revolution; because of the immense internal suffering he endured, he felt life was no longer worth the effort and committed suicide – a painful and final gesture on his part to illustrate just how much he could not tolerate his own failure. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
D.H. Lawrence/The Piano
A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses this poem and D.H. Lawrence. It is something of a quandary for modern readers as to how to evaluate the poetry and fiction of D.H. Lawrence. Praised in previous eras, he has been castigated by many critics, particularly feminist theorists, who view his work through the lens of current sensibilities towards political correctness. The following discussion, first of all, reviews briefly how Lawrence has been viewed before evaluating his poem "Piano", which was completed in 1918. This analysis argues that when viewed as a product of Lawrence's time, i.e., this poem conveys the reality of male emotional experience rather than the Victorian preconceptions of his era. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Religious Attitudes Represented in Hollywood Films
19 pages in length. The coming of age in the motion picture industry would have its inventors turning in their graves; their wildest dreams could never conjure up what has come to reflect reality in today's religiously-saturated medium of entertainment. Indeed, times have changed since what began back in the late eighteen hundreds as a basis for documentaries; even – and sometimes in spite of – criticism to the contrary, Hollywood movies have been extremely successful in incorporating the concept of religion on both a conscious and subliminal level as a means by which to generate and maintain attitudes toward religion with far-reaching effects on American social and political life. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
The Mirror by Andrei Tarkovsky
This 5 page report discusses the 1975 movie Zerkalo or "The Mirror" written and directed by Russian film director and writer, Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-86). Tarkovsky is generally thought of among film critics and historians as Russia's greatest film director next to Sergei Eisenstein. Not surprisingly, his artistry was heavily influenced by the political realities of his time and working in Moscow as were Eisenstein's. Tarkovsky's films can be described as "semi-dissident" because of their deep philosophical approach to relationship between human beings and their environment.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.