Research Papers on Technology

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Research Papers on Technology

Click on any of the term papers to read a brief synopsis of the research paper. The essay synopsis includes the number of pages and sources cited in the paper.

  • Technology

    A 3 page paper which examines technology regarding education and technology involving digital pursuits from a global perspective. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Technology In Middle And High Schools

    A 12 page paper. There is still controversy about the use of technology in math classes. This essay discuses and reports research regarding the use of technology in math and science classes in middle schools and high schools. The writer discusses barriers to using technology, including access and teacher preparation. The results some teachers have had with certain technology is also reported. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Multicultural Education And Technology

    A 10 page paper that includes these sections: abstract, stimulus statement and topic, teacher competence to teach multicultural education, what we know about technology and student achievement and technology in pre-service multicultural education classes, what we do not know and recommendations. There are many suppositions that make good sense about the value of technology when teaching multicultural lessons but there seems to be very little empirical evidence. Data are provided for studies where technology was used with ELL and disadvantaged students for math and writing. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Noble's Opposition to Technology

    This 10 page paper argues that technology is a way of life, but technology has changed the way people live, sometimes not for the better. David Noble's ideas about technology are examined. It is argued that technology is generally good, opposing Noble's arguments. Some quotes from Noble are provided. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Technology In Middle And High Schools

    A 12 page paper. There is still controversy about the use of technology in math classes. This essay discuses and reports research regarding the use of technology in math and science classes in middle schools and high schools. The writer discusses barriers to using technology, including access and teacher preparation. The results some teachers have had with certain technology is also reported. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Multicultural Education And Technology

    A 10 page paper that includes these sections: abstract, stimulus statement and topic, teacher competence to teach multicultural education, what we know about technology and student achievement and technology in pre-service multicultural education classes, what we do not know and recommendations. There are many suppositions that make good sense about the value of technology when teaching multicultural lessons but there seems to be very little empirical evidence. Data are provided for studies where technology was used with ELL and disadvantaged students for math and writing. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Commerce, IT, and Productivity

    This 11 page paper considers the ways in which technology, specifically information technology can improve productivity with a company. Examples illustrated by using a case study of a global company; Royal Dutch Shell, and examining the various ways in which information technology has facilitated increased productivity and efficiency. The bibliography cites 6 sources

  • Technology and Its Impact Upon Management and Production Operations

    10 pages. New technology has a great impact on production operations and management. The focus of this paper is on the Ford Motor Company and the impact of robotic technology. Topics include the difference in cost of human vs. robotic labor as well as how and why Ford was interested in this technology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Operations Management and Technology's Impact

    This 10 page paper addresses the questions: What impact has technology had on operations management? What is the significance of technology to operations managers? The writer begins with a brief overview of operations management, outlining the many diverse areas in which the operations manager is involved. The essay then goes on to discuss how technology impacts operations by using the example of supply chain management. Bibliography lists 8 sources. f

  • Making Management Decisions and IS Technology

    This 4 page paper provides an overview of the issue of the use of technology, with the case example of it's use for a PATH clinic that provides holistic services. For many organizations, the use of information systems technology in management decision-making is limited by the applicability for company operations. Management teams can only utilize information systems technology that corresponds with existing operational pieces, and decision-making is often limited by the software and hardware systems that are currently in use. This paper relates these to the specific case example. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Climate Change and Technology

    This 10 page paper looks at the potential for technology to be used to help with the international problem of climate change and global warming. The paper assessing the problem of climate change and outlines some of the potential causes and then looks at a range of ways technology, including biotechnology, can help alleviate some of the issues associated with climate change. The technologies considered include forms of carbon sequestration including ocean iron fertilization and alternatives fuel sources, including ethanol and solar energy. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Critical Response to the Film The Gods Must Be Crazy

    A 4 page film review that critically analyzes this picture, focusing on how it portrays technology. The writer argues that it can best be understood as a fable against technology. Examination of this film shows that the anti-technology theme is pervasive throughout the film. Considering this agenda, the film's portrayal of the "little people" of the Kalahari Desert has to be taken with a grain of salt, that is, with a healthy dose of skepticism. No additional sources cited.

  • The Right Stuff & Technology

    A 3 page film review that discusses how the 1983 film The Right Stuff portrays how Americans view technology. The film reports historical events accurately and creatively, but it also demonstrates, as did the book by Tom Wolfe, America's relationship with the concept of technology. While technology is presumably dry, scientific and rational, this film shows how it has been imbued with myth and romance by the American psyche, as it seems to constitute the "magic" of the modern age. No additional sources cited.

  • Technology In The Management Of Distribution Companies

    Technology has revolutionized the way in which distribution companies are able to operate. This 4 page paper looks at the way in which some aspects of technology are currently impacting on the distribution and logistics industry, considering the benefits and difficulties of a present, and considers how they may develop in the future. The technology discussed includes logistics software, satellite navigation systems and radio frequency identification (RFID). The bibliography cites to sources.

  • Information Technology Security, Web Services and Database Management Systems

    This 14 page paper is written in three parts. Each part of the paper looks at a different type of technology, outlining the purpose and the motivation for it's' existence, how it functions, how it is used by organizations, the market and the way it may evolve in the future. The technologies discussed include information technology security, focusing on cryptography, web services and database management systems. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Implementing New Technology; A Consideration Of Virtual Private Networks

    This 6 page paper considers the case of a medium-sized company which is considering implementing new technology. With offices in different parts the country the company is considering installing a virtual private network. The paper looks at the potential of the virtual private network, including its' background, the technology and the advantages and disadvantages of the technology. The bibliography cites eight sources. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Journalism and Audience Effects of New Technologies

    The way in which journalism takes place and the interpretation of the news by audiences has been impacted by technology. This 12 page paper examines the way both journalists and the audience have been impacted by the way technology is used and how new technologies influence the news and how it is gathered and presented. The bibliography cites 12 sources. TEjournNewtech.rtf

  • Teachers and Technology Training That is Effective

    This 5 page paper discusses effective technology training. The essay begins with general comments, including some essential components of any effective staff development program. The writer then relates six different programs that were highly successful in training teachers to use technology. The essay concludes with tips to improve technology training. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Educator Evaluation of Technology Needs

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of a technology needs assessment for educators. This paper outlines the reasons for technology in the classroom and then gives an actual example of a technology needs assessment survey for educators. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Educational And Instructional Technology

    This 11 page paper is divided into two parts. Part 1 discuses the history of technology in education and instruction and the purpose of technology. Part 2 reports a few studies that reveal enhanced learning when today's technology is incorporated into the lesson design. In some cases, specific applications or Web sites are identified. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Technology/Hospitality Industry

    A 4 page research paper that discusses the many uses of technology in today's hospitality industry. Technology has changed the way in which the hospitality industry operates. It has gone from pen-and-paper accounting to utilization of the latest computer and automated technology. The writer discusses property management systems and other innovations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Climate Change and Technology

    This 10 page paper looks at the potential for technology to be used to help with the international problem of climate change and global warming. The paper assessing the problem of climate change and outlines some of the potential causes and then looks at a range of ways technology, including biotechnology, can help alleviate some of the issues associated with climate change. The technologies considered include forms of carbon sequestration including ocean iron fertilization and alternatives fuel sources, including ethanol and solar energy. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • The Use of Technology at Tesco

    This 6 page paper looks at the way that the UK supermarket chain Tesco uses technology and manages information and the way it has helped the company gain and retain its' dominant position. The paper considers the history of technology and information management within the firm and discusses the current use of the loyalty card as well as technology in inventory management including EDI and RFID. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Technology at Shell

    This 5 page paper examines the use of different types of technology and information systems art Shell, the paper starts by looking at the technology in developing creative thinking at managerial level, the paper then moves on to look at information systems and technology used in the oil drilling aspects of the business. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Technology as a Societal Addiction

    An 8 page discussion of the benefits and potential pitfalls of technology. Technology is indeed a catalyst for societal changes. It makes life better but it also comes replete with societal, psychological and environmental costs. Despite these costs, our addiction to technology seems to only take a stronger and stronger hold on us as time progresses.

  • Computers in Classrooms

    This 5 page paper offers general comments about computers and related technology in classrooms K - college/university. Following a brief overview of the history of computers in educational settings, the writer discusses one successful program, steps to take to integrate computer technology into the curriculum, the need for better training of teachers and the value of using computer technology for students. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Technology and Batteries

    This 10 page report discusses the battery market and the fact that as technology has come to dominate virtually every aspect of modern life, one of the supporting industries of all types of that technology is simply the power source that keeps the technology operating -- batteries. This paper considers what that means in terms of batteries for consumer electronics and the interrelationships that exist between the manufacturers of both batteries and electronics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses Kodak and its move toward digital technology.

  • Contemporary Technology and Its Influence

    10 pages in length. New technology has taught society to appreciate and rethink old skills, technologies and values. The ways in which this observation is true can fill volumes; however, one only needs to be familiar with but a few examples in order to understand the role technology has played in recent history. Inasmuch as technological diversification has allowed humanity to pursue goals and dreams once thought to be an impossibility, there seem to be fewer and fewer limits placed upon what mankind can ultimately accomplish. This may have its obvious advantageous aspects, yet there also exists a paradox of modern communication, in that society is becoming more isolated as it becomes more technologically advanced. The writer discusses the influence of modern technology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Automotive Manufacturing and Computer Technology

    A 6 page research paper discussing the historical impact of computer technology on automobile manufacturing. The paper gives a brief history of manufacturing technology within the automobile industry, then presents the process of the introduction of computer technology and finally discusses the overall present impact computer technology has on automobile manufacturing. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 16-page paper focuses on the Broadway Cafe case study, along with information technology and information systems advise. Bibliography lists 9 sources.


    This 7-page paper examines socio-technology systems as introduced by the case study about Telebank Call Center. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Technological Connections and 'Cyberfeminism'

    Examining the new concept of cyberfeminism, this paper examines the connection between technology and a sense of female identity. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Films and the Issue of Privacy

    This 9 page paper discusses issues of privacy in film, and the impact technology has on the cinematic experience. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • The Effects and Impact of Technology on Standardized Test Scores: A Literature Review

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the effects of technology on standardized test scores. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 6 Articles on Technology

    This 6 page paper examines six separate articles about technology and tells us what we can learn from each one.

  • 6 Cases and Technology

    This 6 page paper examines six separate cases about technology and tells us what we can learn from each one.

  • Ground Transportation and Security

    This 3 page paper looks at changes in technology and how they have affected ground transportation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • National Football League and the Effects of Instant Replay Technology

    This 10 page paper examines the impact that the Instant Replay technology has had on the sport of professional football. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Personal Finance and the Impact of Technology and Computers

    This 6-page paper discusses specific examples of how technology has impacted personal finance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Internet Technology and Society

    This 8-page paper focuses on a pro/con essay as to whether Internet technology is more beneficial or dangerous to society.

  • Bluetooth Technology

    This 6 page paper discusses Bluetooth technology in detail, but at a layman's level. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Firms Tend to Under-Invest in the are of Information Technology

    This 3 page paper examines the reasons why some firms do not invest enough in the area of information technology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • High School and Career Counseling

    This 8 page paper outlines the critical need for moral and ethical career counselors in the high school. It offers case studies, sample research cases and offers solutions and ways for the career development specialist to implement new technology and methods in their schools. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • IBM Systems and Technology Marketing

    This 8 page paper examines the marketing approach of IBM Systems and Technology, part of IBM, in order to determine whiter or not they are a marketing orientated firm. The paper includes a discussion on the propose of marketing in a modern organization, a SWOT analysis of the marketing, consideration of the B2B model and the use of customer relationship management, the marketing mix and the general marketing strategy. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • The Pyramid Building of Ancient Egypt and the Beginnings of Engineering, Technology, and Cultural Dynamics

    This 11 page report discusses the enormous undertaking of building the pyramids and the incredible accuracy that was used in the construction of a tomb and monument to dead pharaohs. Every aspect of the ancient people’s life was consumed by the combination of worship and construction. The two were inextricably connected. Technology developed in support of the construction and the construction continually glorified the divine in ever-greater measures. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • School MIS Study Outline

    This 3 page paper is an outline for a study at a specific school. Sections include purposes of study, procedures, background information about the school. The paper also identifies the information technology systems in the school.

  • Amazon's Frontiers

    A 7 page paper assessing some of the areas that traveled through before becoming profitable. Preceding Amazon's arrival at profitability was a metamorphosis almost as complete as that which takes the caterpillar to the form of butterfly. Along the way the company developed a business model that serves it and its customers well. Three of the areas that Amazon has had to navigate are those of technology, the "chasm" of customer acceptance and its own evolution. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Why Passwords and Good Information Security Technologies Are Compromised by Users

    In three pages this paper discussed why in a corporate an/or business environment passwords and decent information technologies that are in place are still compromised by the people who use them and also considers how information security can be improved. Four sources are cited in the bibliography.

  • Robotics Science and Technology

    4 pages in length. The science and technology of robotics involves the construction of mechanical devices that operate either automatically or via remote control. In this research paper, the writer examines robotics functions, industry, and more. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Teaching Math - Effective Strategies

    This 3 page paper discusses effective strategies for teaching the diverse math classroom. Three strategies are included: technology, cooperative learning and peer assisted learning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Advanced Aircraft Design Materials

    This 4 page paper looks at the different materials used in advanced aircraft design focusing on composite materials including the materials used for stealth technology. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Development of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems

    This 14-page paper describes some of the problems inherent in developing automatic speech recognition systems. It discusses the technology (including N-grams, classes and decision trees); barriers; and the problem of accents. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Three Dimensional Television - Bringing the Technology to Market

    This 5 page paper considers some of the difficulties faced by management in trying to bring 3D TV to the market and the way that the challenges were overcome, including the need for changes in consumer attitudes and choices in technology. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Fashion Industry, Technology, and Inventory Control

    This 8 page paper examines the fashion industry and how changes in technology have changed it. The focus is on software and inventory tracking systems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • King Harald Bluetooth and the Stuff Named for Him

    This 3 page paper explores Bluetooth technology: what it is, how it works, and where in the world that name came from. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Friedman: “The World Is Flat” (Sort of). Or Maybe It’s Spiky.

    This 12 page paper discusses Thomas Friedman’s popular book “The World Is Flat” and in particular, considers his thinking with regard to faith and its intersection with technology. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Networks And The Science Of Interconnectivity

    This 3 page paper outlines the way in which network and interconnectivity may be studied. The paper starts by looking at different forms of networks and the way that interconnectivity is seen. The influences on the way networks operate and the links with modern technology are also explored. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • The Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Developing Smart Home Living

    This 16 page paper looks at the concept of the smart home, a home which utilizes technology and may be effectively increase independent living for the elderly and disabled. The paper examines the ethical, social, legal and professional considerations which will need to be taken into account with the design of smart homes and the way in which they are used. The bibliography cites 13 sources.


    This 7-page paper examines the impact of technology on customers (in this case, customer service) by examining the case of Volvo Cars Belgium. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Global Communication and Marketing; Disney

    Disney is a global media company; this 10 page paper looks at the strategy of Disney Corp., focusing on media and marketing issues. The paper looks at how the company has communicated in the past, the current strategy, the impact of technology and the actions and reaction of competitors. The paper ends with some future marketing strategy recommendation. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • Wireless Technology of the Future

    This 6 page paper takes a look at the future of wireless technology. Several examples are provided. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Warfare Nanotechnology

    This 7 page paper looks at the science of nanotechnology that can create innovative and powerful tools for warfare. Its use in communications, maintenance and other factors are discussed. Potential positive and negative effects of this type of technology are included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Consideration of the Brazil for Investment by a Biomedical Technology Firm from the United States

    This 6 page paper considers present a potential destination for US biomedical technology firm, considering the different conditions within the Brazilian macro environment, such as economic conditions, protection for intellectual property and demand for biomedical services. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Proposal for a New Security Model Using Integrated Circuit Card Embedded with User’s Biometrics

    This 16 page paper proposed a new security system using biometric data embedded in a card. Following an introduction a literature review looking at relevant areas of technology is undertaken and the results are sued to suggest a new security system that can be attached and work with other security measures, such as the metal detectors at the entrance at buildings. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Comparisons Between Biometrics and Electronic Access Security Systems

    This 20-page paper provides a comparison between biometric and electronic access control security systems. Discussions include types of systems that fit into each category as well as industries in which this type of technology might be seen. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Technology and the Criminal Justice System

    In six pages this paper examines the impact of technology on the criminal justice system an overview of biometric identification, fingerprinting, palm printing, DNA analysis, and intra-agency databases, their advantages and disadvantages, and also assesses the effects these technological advancements have had on the criminal justice system as well as its impact upon the constitutional rights of the accused. Seven sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Internal Auditing and Use of Technology

    A 7 page paper discussing several ways that technology has enhanced auditing’s ability to provide greater value to the organization. CAATTs greatly increase the auditing product’s usefulness and reliability, for many can identify and highlight trends far more quickly than can people. Continuous monitoring of the data included in the audit process allows for nearly real-time audit reports and can detect detrimental trends far earlier, giving management more time to deal with whatever is creating the trend, and before the trend can become an insurmountable problem. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Analysis of the Internet's Past, Present, and Future

    This 21-page paper is a thorough analysis of teh Internet, exploring the medium from its early days to the present, and even venturing some opinions about the future of the Internet. Topics under discussion include security issues, advertising and sales, privacy and technology. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Online Security

    This 7 page paper focuses on the the problem that occurred early in 2000 when several companies' web sites came to a halt due to hackers flooding their servers. Several issues concerning security are explored, including but not limited to the use of encryption technology and hacker insurance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Explaining Iran's Nuclear Position Using Structuralism

    In 2006 it was made clear by the Iranian government that they wanted to pursue nuclear technology. This 4 page paper considers how structuralism could be used to justify the nuclear position adopted by Iran. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • William Gibson's Johnny Mnemonic

    A 5 page research paper that examines cyberfiction via the example provided by William Gibson's "Johnny Mnemonic." The writer argues that an examination of this narrative demonstrates that cyberfiction writers, such as Gibson, are very aware of social issues and the implications of the rapidly increasing complexity of technology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Wireless Communication's History

    This 5 page paper presents an overview of wireless communication from Marconi to the Internet. Spanning a century, the paper explains how the new technology evolved. Safety is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Forensic Science and DNA Testing

    6 pages in length. Technological advancement has changed the very foundation upon which mankind lives; while some of this tremendous progress is questionable in nature, the vast majority has allowed for significantly more convenience, speed and result. DNA testing within forensic science is one of the most important examples of how technology has enabled law enforcement officials to identify criminals much more accurately and in much less time. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Future Possibilities of Foods That Are Genetically Engineered

    A 4 page consideration of the promise of genetic engineering. This paper describes the potential benefits of the technology in improving the production, nutrition, and marketability of four common food crops, corn, wheat,tomatoes, and avocados. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 10 Drivers for the Development of Manufacturing Industries in Small Economies

    This 3 page paper outlines 10 different drivers that will impact on the development of manufacturing industries in a small economy. Drivers considered include, income and disposable income, exchange rates, interest rates, liquidity in the credit markets, consumer confidence, employment levels, technology and supporting or complimentary industries. The bibliography cites 5 sources.


    This 9-page paper suggests steps and methods to technology project plans for a fictitious rehab center's web-based customer service design and Internet banner advertising. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The Potential for Robots in Schools

    This 14 page examines the potential use of robots and robotics in education, considering how the technology may be utilized, the benefits to the students, the teachers and the education industry as well as the challenges that are inherent with the use of robots. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Social Issues and Robots

    This 6 page paper begins with an brief introduction to robots, the definition and criteria to be named a robot. The writer then provides a brief history of robots and robotics, beginning with the first mechanical bird invented in 350 BC. The next section discusses the positive social impact robots and robotics are having followed by the potentially harmful effects. The paper ends with comments about the future of robotic technology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • EasyJet and Implementation of CRM Program

    This 10 page paper gives an in-depth evaluation and analysis of easyJet's rise to greatness among the leading low budget aircarriers. Business practices are outlined as well as the implementation of technology and customer service programs. Charts, annual reports, quotes from leading corporate executives, and analysis from Forbes Magazine, Airline Financial News among others. This paper details why easyJet and its owner Stelios have succeeded where others have failed in the airline industry. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Memo Undermining Support for Organic Farming

    This 3 page paper is written in the style of a memo to the head of a non profit making organization, advocating that the policy adopted towards food production policies should not reject technology and intensive farming practices. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Moscow and Chocolate Exportation

    This 12 page paper begins with a comprehensive report of the chocolate and confectionery market in Moscow, including leading companies, market shares, and the effect of multinationals on domestic companies. The writer discusses managing the supply chain for this industry and suggests technology solutions. Transportation logistics are discussed with recommendations for shipping chocolate. 1 Table included. Statistical data included.

  • Adding a Catering Business

    A 7 page paper providing preliminary investigation into whether Kudler Fine Foods should add a catering business. The paper discusses three articles addressing niche, technology and consumer taste. Kudler has been contemplating adding an organic department; the paper suggests creating a catering service that specializes in organic foods. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Evolution of Technology and Communication

    A 7 page paper that begins with a reminder that the telephone, radio and television changed communication dramatically when they were invented. The writer discusses today’s technology and how they have change our communication. The discussion includes comments about social Web sites. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Technological Evolution of Computers

    A 10 page outline of the changes which have overtaken the computer industry since the invention of the first analog computer. This paper concentrates on changes in storage mediums such as tape drives, floppy disks, and CDs as well as changes in CPU technology. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Global Impact of Computers

    An 8 page paper examining the conditions today that involve the computer and the world. Many cultures around the world have been deeply effected by the technological growth that involves the computer. With the development of the today's computer and technology, the world, for the most part, is becoming such that it works faster and more efficient in relationship to communications and business. Bibliography lists 7 sources.


    This 4-page paper discusses information technology needs for Club IT. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


    This 12-page paper applies the technology acceptance model (TAM) to online shopping in Saudi Arabia. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • The Use of Technology in the Criminal Justice System

    This 5 page paper discusses mobile data terminals and Livescan technology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 3-page paper discusses the relationship between technology life cycles and innovation life cycles. Bibliography lists 2 sources.


    This 3-page paper examines technologies used for the study of ozone depletion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Semiconductor Water Purification and Reverse Osmosis

    A 5 page paper discussing advances in the purification of water used in the manufacture of semiconductors. Today's reverse osmosis technology is greatly more advanced than that of only a decade ago when membrane pores were large and no other filtration system, such as activated carbon, was used in parallel with reverse osmosis. The technology for the filtration process, as for semiconductor manufacturing, has improved to a level that today it provides an effective and cost-efficient method of purifying water used in the manufacture of semiconductors. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Case Studies In Technology and Management

    This 5 page paper reviews 5 case studies from the book Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation and considers what the student may learn from each case study. The cases include SMaL Camera Technologies, Intel, Hewlett Packard Kitty Hawk, Microsoft and Patterns of Industrial Innovation. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • America’s Grade Schools and the Importance of Technology and Technology Integration

    In fourteen pages this Master’s thesis paper analyzes the importance of integrating technology in American schools to lift lagging education standards and discusses such innovations as SMART boards, Promethean boards, and enVisionMATH, along budgetary considerations as well as the demands on schools posed by constantly changing technology. Fifteen sources are listed in the bibliography.

  • Wal-Mart And RFID

    A 3 page paper that reports Wal-Mart's 2003 decision to have its largest suppliers adopt RFID technology. Examples are provided of companies who complied. The essay discusses Wal-Mart's own delay in equipping stores. The benefits of this technology are also discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Criminal Justice and the Development of New Technology

    3 pages in length. It used to be that tracking down and apprehending criminal suspects required a combination of psychological outsmarting and a whole lot of physical legwork. Today, while still necessitating the ability to outsmart criminals, the legwork has all but been replaced by new technology, particularly when dealing with assault crimes. Pertinent to today's ever-expanding criminal justice system is the implementation of computer technology as a means by which to accomplish such objectives as criminal investigations, intelligence gathering, crime-mapping and analysis, DNA identification, predictions, personnel management and administration. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • UMTS Political Pitfalls of Universal Mobile Telecommunications System or UMTS

    This 11 page paper provides an overview of wireless technology and highlights UMTS. Several aspects are explored. The advent of wireless is also discussed. Political pitfalls are noted and the technology as embraced in both the developed and developing world are explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Web Services Technologies

    This 10 page paper looks at web services technology and considers different aspects. The first part looks at Web Services-Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile, what it is and its components and then considers how it may compete or compliment EDI. The second part of the paper looks at RCP v Document usage for messages and other technologies useful for business. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Telecommunications, Technology, and Law

    A 6 page paper discussing some of the ways that technology drives law within telecommunications. As technologies continue to converge, the need for new laws with different perspectives emerges. The paper discusses Internet privacy, wireless formats and cable involvement in the industry. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Wireless Technology In The Classroom

    A 4 page paper. The writer reports three specific cases where teachers are using wireless technology in their classrooms. In one school, students are using it for a multitude of things and in the other two schools, wireless is used in algebra classes. The essay reports the outcomes related to the use of this technology and comments on some of the purposes of it. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Wal-Mart Design

    A 9 page paper that discusses organization design, including aspects and dimensions of design as well as its purpose. The role of technology in organizational performance is discussed. Wal-Mart’s design is identified and discussed with a focus on technology and logistics. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Overview of VoIP Technology

    The 14 page paper is a comprehensive overview of voice over internet protocol (VoIP). The paper explains how VoIP operates including the use of packet switching, examines the technology, looks at some sample prices and considers the future of the technology. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • What is Bluetooth Technology

    This 2.5-paper focuses on Bluetooth technology, a radio frequency based communications standard and technology that is being hailed as a great cost saver (as it replace cable connection lines). The paper discusses the history of Bluetooth, as well as the interesting name. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Corporate Strategy and Information Technology

    This 7 page paper answers three questions concerning the interdependency of strategy and IT; the first looks at the way in which strategy may support, and be supported by information technology. The second question considers the utilization of information technology of the strategy by a major company; Wal-Mart. The last part discusses the difference between an IS/IT strategy and an IT/IS strategy. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Information Technology and Competitive Advantage

    This 14 page paper looks at the way in which information technology may, or may not, influence or impact on the way competitive advantages are gained by discussing the statement that "Information technology [IT] does not gain an organization a competitive advantage". The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • New Planets' Discovery and Infrared Astronomy

    This 10 page paper provides an overview of infrared technology and how it is used to discover planets that exist beyond the known solar system. A great deal of information is presented on the technology as well as information on recently discovered planets. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • An Overview of Fuel Cell Technology

    A 22 page paper that provides a comprehensive overview of fuel cell technology. Discussion includes: an introduction to fuel cells, what they are, how they work and the types of fuel cells in research; applications for fuel cell technology, including those that are already in use; fuel cell-powered motor vehicles and what the progress is in this industry, including manufacturers who have already introduced fuel cell-powered cars and the forecasts for the near future; issues concerning hydrogen; problems and disadvantages with fuel cells and a conclusion. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Fine Arts and the Impact of Interactive Media

    This paper explores the impact of today's technology and interactive media on the fine arts. Included in the discussion is a definition of interactive media, and ways in which the technology is being used by artists both in terms of career and development of art.

  • Wireless Communication

    This 4 page paper provides information on wireless technology. A history of the technology is provided in addtion to where it is going. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Integrated Technology and Smart Business

    This 4 page paper looks a concept of a ‘Smart Business’ and integrated technology answering three questions set by the student. The first question discusses the way in which information technology may be perceived in an objective manner, the second question considers the influence of politics and power on the way IT is implemented and the last price concept of smart business to a case study provided by the student. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Real Uses of Artificial Intelligence Versus Portrayals in Science Fiction

    A 5 page discussion of the value of artificial intelligence to future generations. The author points out that sci-fi films like “Neuromancer”, “Matrix”, and “Blade Runner” prey on the fears of those who have a poor understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the computer technology around which artificial intelligence revolves. Instead of being a threat to mankind as films such as those noted above delight in portraying it, artificial intelligence holds the most promise of practically any of mankind’s technologies in terms of the benefits which it has the potential to yield. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Security and Wireless Technologies

    A 9 page paper that begins by identifying some of the many benefits of wireless technologies, including the fact that research studies reveal a substantial increase in worker productivity. Security concerns are discussed along with an explanation of the standards intended to reduce risks, such as Bluetooth and 802.11b standards. Hot spots are defined and discussed, including the fact that their numbers are growing exponentially. The essay ends with a discussion of the use of wireless technologies in hospitals and the concerns about installing them. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Health Education and Technology

    This 5 page paper details the ways in which the health care program can utilize new technology in fairly low cost ways. The paper also outlines specific ideas for implementing and utilizing technology in the classroom and providing for experiential learning. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Fremont Technology Plan and Enhancing Education through Technology Grant Program

    This 3 page paper compares section 5 of the Fremont Technology Plan to Criterion 5 of Enhancing Education through Technology Grant Program. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Genetically Modified Food

    A 6 page discussion of this technology. This paper defines this technology, lists some of its applications, and discusses the controversy surrounding it. Bibliography lists 5 sources

  • Biometric Technology & Identity Theft

    A 10 research paper that discusses biometric technology and how it can be used to protect against identity theft. This literature review explores a possible solution to curbing the incidence of identity theft—the field of biometric technology. Biometric solutions to security are explored with emphasis on fingerprint scanners as the best available solution. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Law Enforcement Technology in the 21st Century

    This 6 page paper discusses some of the latest advances in law enforcement technology, and what they mean to the future of law enforcement. It also discusses the possibility that such technologies can be misused. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Technology Helps Companies Become Global

    This 5 page paper begins with reports of entrepreneurs in developing countries who are becoming successful because of technology. The paper then discusses how Zurich Financial Services Group became a truly global company by improving their technology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Technology Effects on Education

    A 6 page research paper that examines technology's integration into classroom instruction and its effect of student achievement. This discussion looks at the strengths and weaknesses in the available research literature, as well as what research says about teacher training in technology use and its effect on student achievement. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • 2D Ultrasound Technology versus 3D Ultrasound Technology

    This 4 page paper considers the use of 3D ultrasound technology vs. 2D ultrasound technology. This paper specifically considers the use of 3D imaging for abdominal organs, including the liver. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Technology and Opening and Operating a Coffeehouse andDance Bar

    This 8 page report discusses opening and operating a coffeehouse/dance bar and the technology that can bring it all together in terms of entertainment, business functions, and management. Numerous challenges exist as part of the start-up process. However, owners of the club are profiled as determined to create a facility that is genuinely prepared to enter the future with every tool high technology can provide. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Essays on Computer Management

    This 5-page paper provides a series of questions to be answered dealing with technology and computers. Questions include ethics over selling names to other businesses, competitive advantage and technology, how to configure a system for a small business and advice to an employee who is looking for a promotion

  • Transtheoretical Behavior Change Model

    A 3 page paper. The writer presents a brief introduction to the stages in the transtheoretical change model. This is followed with a description of how technology can be used with each stage. An example involving coronary patients is included. The writer also discusses how the technology offers visual, auditory and kinesthetic cues for different learners. Bibliography lists 3 sources. PGchntc9.rtf

  • Technology and Learning Styles Among High School Freshman

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of an article on education. Vicki Cohen’s article Learning Styles and Technology in a Ninth-Grade High School Population relates the details of a study on variations in learning styles in technology and the implications for curriculum development. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Distance Learning Program Initiation

    This 5 page comments on some of the issues that need to be addressed when setting up a new distance education program. issues include technology, faculty training, the extra time needed, synchronous and asynchronous technology, and quality issues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Critical Response to Cell Phone Technology

    A 3 page review of cell phone technology. The author utilizes critical response techniques to explore the binary patterns that determine the function and functionality of this technology. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Value of Customer Relationship Management for Web Based Retail Operations

    This 16 page paper considers the potential value implementing customer relationship management software to support increasing sales for an online retail company. The paper gives a brief a general overview of an online retail organization, and then presents an overview of the technology. The application of CRM is considered in terms of the benefits, how it fits in with the value chain, potential risks as well as enabling technology, potential approaches to implementation and associated costs. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

  • Uses of Digital Audio Technology

    A 4 page paper current use of digital audio technology, particularly as it applies to the creation of current popular music. Digital audio technology allows the electronic creation of any number of combinations of people or effects, without the need for having all contributors present at the same place or at the same time. In some respects, the artistic influence in much of today’s popular music can be seen to lie more with mixing technicians than with performers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • e-Learning Personnel Development

    A 7 page paper. Among the first technologies used were slides. The overhead projector provided a significant advance in training large groups. As computers became more common and the Internet became popular, they became predominant in training programs. This essay tracks the history of old and new technology used for employee training and includes possibilities for the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Elementary Schools, Mathematics Achievement, and Technology

    A 10 page paper. This is the literature review for a study that will investigate the impact of technology on math achievement of ELL students. The review discusses the effects of technology on achievement and reports studies that emphasized math achievement. Statistical data included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Ethics of Global Computer Laws

    This 7 page report discusses international computer laws and their ethical impact. What are the problems that are being presented on an international basis due to the Internet and expanded information technology? Issues relating to privacy, decency, and political speech are of particular concern when they cross both international and cultural boundaries. A greater potential for technology-based international crime also exists. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Technology Improves Emergency Rooms

    This 7 page paper begins with general comments about emergency units and technology that has improved wait time. The paper discusses how specific kinds of technology can improve care and workflow for nurses and doctors. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Case Studies In Technology and Management

    This 5 page paper reviews 5 case studies from the book Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation and considers what the student may learn from each case study. The cases include SMaL Camera Technologies, Intel, Hewlett Packard Kitty Hawk, Microsoft and Patterns of Industrial Innovation. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • K through 12 Instructional Technology

    3 pages of the text of a PowerPoint® presentation of the same title. The presentation provides an introduction to instructional technology and a rationale for integrating instructional technology within the K-12 environment. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • ITM Application of Company Manufacturers

    5 pages. Information Technology Management (ITM) in manufacturing addresses technology aspects such as client/server distributed architecture and object oriented programming. Bandwidth ITM solutions address broad areas within any business; things such as manufacturing, distribution, finance and project management, as well as service and maintenance, transportation etc. A seamless integration is essential to provide visibility and consistency across the manufacturing aspect as well. This proposal will give a clear cut explanation of the usefulness of ITM in manufacturing companies, with special attention to the needs of the less developed countries. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Global Power Rise of the U.S.

    A 5 page overview of the rise of the U.S. to international power. The paper begins with the ideals of the forefathers, leading to the inventions rising out of the Industrial Revolution and continuing through World War II (a-bomb), telecommunications, computer technology, military technology and the space program. The paper includes a discussion of some of the problems that have emerged as a result of democratization of communist and socialist states and how the United States is working to assist those countries in the move to the global market. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Ethical Dilemma and Medical Technology

    Mostly an 11 page analytical book review of Richard Zaner's 'Troubled Voices.' -- The writer cites a number of additional sources to evaluate Zaner's contention that advances in medical technologies have raised many ethical and moral questions. By presenting a number of stories describing the ethical dilemmas of patients and their participating care providers, Zaner supports the concept that medical technologies have caused great moral dilemmas that never would have been considered in the absence of such advances. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Aviation and Voice Dictation Technologies

    A 10 page paper that provides a human factors perspective on the use of voice technologies in aviation. The writer supports the use of this technology in reducing pilot error. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Wireless Communications and Satellites

    A 10 page research paper discussing the increasing use of satellite technology in the wireless communication industry. This paper discusses a description of the subject matter, the current state of technology in this field, and then presents the advantages, disadvantages and present and future trends in the use of satellites in wireless communications systems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Technology and Opening and Operating a Coffeehouse andDance Bar

    This 8 page report discusses opening and operating a coffeehouse/dance bar and the technology that can bring it all together in terms of entertainment, business functions, and management. Numerous challenges exist as part of the start-up process. However, owners of the club are profiled as determined to create a facility that is genuinely prepared to enter the future with every tool high technology can provide. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Societal Impact of Technology

    This 5 page paper looks at how technology has changed daily life. Changes throughout the centuries are compared with the immense changes that occurred during the twentieth. Advances in computer technology and biotechnology are emphasized. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Technology and Intervention by Government

    This 6 page paper explains the impact of the government on corporate business as regards technology. Has it helped or hindered business to get ahead by taking advantage of information technology? Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Contemporary Law Practice and the Impact of Technology

    A 14 page contention that technology has impacted the manner in which law is practiced in a multitude of ways. From the perspective of the forensics which can be used to prove innocence or guilt, to the way we communicate with other law professionals or even our clients, to the way we conduct our research, to the way we manage our offices, technology has taken more and more importance. The modern attorney has been quick to embrace this technology. Its incorporation cannot safely occur, however, without deliberate attention to a multitude of issues. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Contemporary Law Practice and Technology

    A 19 page contention that technology has impacted the manner in which law is practiced in a multitude of ways. From the perspective of the forensics which can be used to prove innocence or guilt, to the way we communicate with other law professionals or even our clients, to the way we conduct our research, to the way we manage our offices, technology has taken more and more importance. The modern attorney has been quick to embrace this technology. Its incorporation cannot safely occur, however, without deliberate attention to a multitude of issues. Bibliography lists 18 sources.

  • Nursing Competency and the Use of Technology

    An 8 page discussion of the need for technological competence in nursing. This paper asserts that utilizing technology to optimize patient outcome is directly dependent on a nurse’s competence with that particular technology. Because technology is changing on a daily basis in the medical environment, nursing competency is an ever evolving phenomena. The problem which exists, therefore, in insuring nursing competency revolves around insuring both adequate training and provisions to provide the proper management format and accountability which is necessary to insure that nurses continually perform their duties in the most competent and constructive manner. The establishment of well designed quality assurance/quality improvement models and clinical pathways are critical components of this task. A 1/2 page Roman Numeral outline is included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Information Systems Technology Projects Fail

    This 14 page research paper responds to two questions; What factors contribute to the failure of information technology systems projects? and How does leadership affect the success or failure of information technology projects? A literature review reports the excessive proportion of information technology projects that fail, the major reasons projects fail, the categories incorporated in a project and the phases in any project. The analysis section discusses the importance of communication and suggests and justifies the transformational leadership style as the most appropriate for project leadership in today's complex world. Statistical data are included. Examples are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Improving Security Performance in an Organization with the Use of RFID Smart Cards and Biometric Data

    The 73 page paper is an in-depth look at the way in which technology may be utilized strategically in the form of a smart card, incorporating both biometric data and RFID technology in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of security within an organization. The paper presents an introduction to the subject, includes objectives as well as limitations. The majority the paper is made up of a literature review examining the role of strategy in security, the development and role of smartcards, including the underlying technology, the use of RFID and the value of biometrics. The methodology for research is provided. This is then applied to a case study. The bibliography cites 51 sources.

  • Digital Technology's Pros and Cons

    This 8 page paper looks at the world in general and how technology has changed it. Digital technology is the focus of the paper that spends much time on evaluating the problem of archiving in this changing world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • California Police Officers: Certain Physique And Weight Management

    6 pages in length. The last one hundred years have served to transition the overall duties of police officers from highly physically demanding to duties shared between physicality and technology. Typically, big, strong men were representational of the early 1900s police force when walking was the only way in which to patrol the city. The ability to dart and dash after offenders was the primary means by which police officers could ever hope to apprehend, inasmuch as that era had little more than body-to-body contact for bringing down the perpetrator. Today, the advent of technology gives police officers a tremendous advantage over their historical counterparts with devices to stop and capture the offender, but that does not preclude the need for law enforcement officers to be in peak condition. Police work may not be as physical in nature as it was back at the turn of the century, however, it still entails a significant amount of maneuvering that requires officers be as physically fit as possible. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • ICT School Strategies Development

    This 37 page paper examines the way in which strategies should be formulated for teaching information and communication technology ICT, or information technology (IT) on schools so that all students can leave with good IT skills. The paper is written with a full table of contents (not included in the page count), includes the research rationale and keys aims. An in-depth literature review is conducted, studying the different barriers that exist and the different approaches which may be used for curriculum design. The paper then presents some primary research (fictitious) to demonstrate how this can be presented and then tied in with the literature review. The paper needs with recommendations of future ICT teaching strategies. The paper focuses on UK secondary schools (years 7 – 13), but would be applicable to other countries and other areas of education. The bibliography cites 34 sources.

  • Development of Digital Rights Management

    A 12 page paper discussing the present state of development of this technology. Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a proactive approach to protecting intellectual property that exists in digital – i.e., downloadable – form. National and international copyright protection has been found not to be enough to protect the rights of those owning rights to intellectual property. The entertainment and software industries particularly have been adversely affected by individuals’ abilities to appropriate content for their own use (or worse, for sale to others) without paying developers or providers for the benefit they receive from the products. DRM is an emerging technology that seeks to rectify that situation, at least in part. The paper discusses Intuit’s use of DRM protection in TurboTax® and Microsoft’s proposed Palladium product. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Supply Chain Management and Radio Frequency Identification Tags

    A 15 page paper. Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are tiny, miniscule microchips that promise to reshape and revolutionize supply chain management. Since effective supply chain management means knowing where every item is located at any given time, RFID could just accomplish the goal. This essay provides background information on the person who initiated the idea for RFID tags. The technology of radio frequency identification is explained. The essay then comprehensively discusses what RFID can do and how it does it. RFID tags are briefly compared to bar codes. The advantages and benefits of the technology in terms of supply chain management are discussed. Companies that are already using RFID tags are identified and how they are using them. Bibliography lists 12 sources. PGrfid.rtf

  • Management Defined

    A 16 page paper. Definitions of management are offered and contemporary models of management are explained. This is followed by a discussion of the four categories of management functions and the skills needed for effective management practices. Organization design is explained in terms of the mechanistic and organic perspectives, which are also compared in terms of the characteristics of each and the management style that is more often practiced in each type of organizational design. The impact of information technology is explained and discussed as are the major categories of employee motivation strategies. The paper ends with a discussion of the content. While most of the content is applicable to management in general, specific data and discussions focus on business practices in New Zealand, for example, statistical data on the proportion of firms using information technology. Data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 28 sources.

  • Personal Home Information and Risk Management

    An 11 page paper discussing the risk to which personal information is subjected at home. Home is the primary repository for personal information for most people. The paper provides an inventory of the types of personal information held in a single home that also houses a business and a graduate student, followed by assessment of the risks to that information and a security plan intended to control those risks. The plan follows that of the “Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems,” Special Publication 800-30 of the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NISTA), identifying information assets; assigning a loss value to each; and identifying vulnerabilities and the likelihood of each to arrive at a risk-rating factor for each item. The paper concludes with a security plan for those items at greatest risk. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Management and Airport Security

    A 16 page paper. Airport security has changed in the United States and other countries since the September 11 attacks. Had certain technology, like face recognition, been installed, at least two of the hijacker may never have boarded the plane. Many different systems have been proposed and some have been initiated. For example, the airport in Amsterdam installed iris scanning technology for passengers who fly a great deal. A similar pilot program was installed in one terminal at JFK is using iris scanning for employees. This paper discusses the types of biometric devices that are being considered and/or that have been installed and where they are being used to improve airport security. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • ICT School Strategies Development

    This 37 page paper examines the way in which strategies should be formulated for teaching information and communication technology ICT, or information technology (IT) on schools so that all students can leave with good IT skills. The paper is written with a full table of contents (not included in the page count), includes the research rationale and keys aims. An in-depth literature review is conducted, studying the different barriers that exist and the different approaches which may be used for curriculum design. The paper then presents some primary research (fictitious) to demonstrate how this can be presented and then tied in with the literature review. The paper needs with recommendations of future ICT teaching strategies. The paper focuses on UK secondary schools (years 7 – 13), but would be applicable to other countries and other areas of education. The bibliography cites 34 sources.

  • Decision Making in Schools and Information Technology's Uses

    This 47 page paper is a full length dissertation examining the use of information technology and computer systems to help with decision making. The paper starts with an introduction, considering why this is an important issue and outlining the rest of the paper. The next section is a comprehensive literature review which looks at theories concerning decisions making, barriers to decision making and management systems designed to all technology to help with decision making. The paper then outlines the methodology for primary research using a case study school and presents some findings along with a discussion relating the findings to the literature review. The paper ends with some conclusions and recommendations. The bibliography cites 25 sources.

  • Moving into the Twenty First Century

    A 6 page paper discussing some of the subjects that will be of great concern as we move into the 21st century. The three subjects addressed herein are technology, medicine, and international relations. Each of these three areas of concern are of great importance and while there are many other areas that will also change and readjust to a new era, these areas of concern are perhaps the most obvious and most influential to all people concerned. The 21st century is hinting at being a time of great changes and occurrences. Times have changed drastically in only a few decades, and there is little doubt that changes and advancements have been occurring far faster this past century than perhaps, in any other century known to mankind. Technology, medicine, and international relations have always proven to be the most advancing, and the coming of the 21st century will prove this fact even further. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Digital Era and the Certified Public Accountant's Role

    This 7 page paper looks at the changing role of the certified public accountant in light of new technology. The need for the CPA to upgrade computer systems is emphasized. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • IT and Organizational Structure

    This 6 page paper looks at examples of companies, as well as theories, to discuss the relationship between how organizations are structured in respect to their use of technology. Organizations named include IBM and Motorola. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Management Practices and Factors That Affect Them

    A 6 page paper. Three general topics are briefly discussed. The effect of technology on management practices; the effect of changing socio-cultural factors on management and the effect of economic conditions on management. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Management Information Systems and the Credit Card Industry

    This 8-page paper examines how MIS and technology is helping credit card companies better manage relationship marketing and customer acquisition and retention. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Project Management and New Technologies

    Wireless communication makes instant education resources a phone call or finger touch away. This advancement ties in nicely with other advancements in technology, which according to Primavera (2004), includes advances in the defense and space travel industries and the automotive and transport industries. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvPMtech.rtf

  • Supply Chain Management and Warehousing

    There have been impressive changes in the role of warehouses in the supply chain in recent years. They’ve become distribution centres, customer service centres, and e-fulfillment centres. They incorporate and rely on lean manufacturing, a concept introduced by Henry Ford in the early 20th Century, except that warehousing has been at the root of maturing the lean concept with the continuous reintroduction of new warehouse design, equipment, operating methods, and integrating technologies. Bibliography cites 6 sources. jvWareho.rtf

  • Article Review on the Trends in Sales Management

    A 3 page paper that provides a synopsis of an article entitled "Watch this channel" by Erika Rasmusson. This article focuses on information technology and the evolution of Online Marketplaces as a new distribution channel. Vertical and horizontal marketplaces are explained with examples. Certain opinions in this article are supported in articles by other authors. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Operations Management and IT, TQM, and JIT Effects

    A 9 page paper that begins with a brief introduction to operations management and gaining a competitive advantage. This introduction is followed by an explanation of each: just-in-time (JIT); total quality management (TQM); and information technology (IT). The writer discusses how each of these has changed and improved operations management. For example, JIT and TQM place a greater emphasis on customer satisfaction an on using teams. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • 21st Century Database Management

    This 4 page paper looks at how the role of the DBA has changed over time. Issues of security are addressed and changes in technology are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Text Summary of Carr and Snyder's The Management of Telecommunications

    This 19 page paper provides a summary, with some observations, of the book entitled The Management of Telecommunications by Carr & Snyder. The book looks at historical facts of telecommunications, but also provides precise technical information about technology utilized in telecommunications. No additional sources cited.

  • Society, Young Adults, and Computer Technology

    A 4 page discussion of the importance computer technology (the Internet in particular) has in preparing young people to take their place in society as productive adults. The author points out that some segments of society have greater access than others but that many efforts are underway to ease that discrepancy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Learning Theories And Technology

    A 4 page paper that is a 5-column Table. The columns are: learning theory, contributors, dates, strengths and weaknesses and complementary technology. Four learning theories are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Human Learning and Computer Technology

    5 pages in length. There is little question that technology has given considerable advantage to reading skills at the school grade level, not only serving to improve present learning skills but also setting the stage for increased capability later on in school as well. Part of the challenge of acquiring a good, sound education is getting the student interested in the lesson plan; while some are inherently good students, others require the extra added incentive that such technological advances as computer access offers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • General Overview of Project Based Learning

    A 12 page paper that provides a general overview of project based learning. The writer then focuses on three issues – how project based learning enhances student motivation and problem solving skills and how technology enhances project based learning approaches. Research that illustrates the success and effectiveness of this approach to learning is reported. Examples of projects are also included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Technology and Learning Systems

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of a review of literature on learning systems, motivation and adult learning, including a section on the use of technology, for informing instructional strategies for library specialists. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Technologies for Learning Disabled Students

    This is a 4 page paper that provides an overview of assistive technologies. The classroom usage of software and devices is explored. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Using Technology To Support Learning

    This 4 page paper discusses a project for middle school students in which they will use technology in all parts of the project. The project is designing a future city and is multidisciplinary in nature. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Overview of Hybrid Electrical Vehicles

    An 8 page paper. A hybrid vehicle is one that uses two sources of power, such as gasoline and electric batteries. These are on the cutting edge of automotive technology. This paper discusses how such vehicles are powered and introduces the Toyota Prius and the Honda Insight. The writer also reports what American manufacturers are doing in this area. Finally, the disadvantages and advantages of hybrids are described. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Information Management and Hotels

    This 10 page report discusses information management as applied to the hotel industry and discusses one particular (fictional) hotel and its strategies. As with every other industry, the hotel industry has been radically changed by information technology and its application in terms of guest services ranging from making reservations to ordering room service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Educational Trends

    A 9 page paper that reviews five journal articles that report existing or emerging trends in education. Not surprisingly, technology and the use of the Internet in the classroom is one of those trends. Others include a virtual classroom, cooperative teaching and school-university partnerships. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Will Existing and Developing Technologies in Chemistry Protect Air Quality?

    This 5 page paper examines the question: Can the society rely on existing and developing technologies in chemistry to protect air quality globally? Biofiltration is discussed along with preventative techniques of improving air quality. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Creativity and Innovation

    This 62 page paper is an examination of the way that creativity and innovation take place in the commercial environment with a special focus in information technology. The paper presents an introduction and an aims and objective section before defining what is meant by creativity and innovation and examining the way that it can and does take place constraints and influences and the way it is managed comparing theory to reality. A research methodology using two case studies is presented and a conclusion presented. The bibliography cites 46 sources.

  • Technological Innovations Between 1930 and 1944

    This 6 page paper looks at a range of technological innovations which took place between 1930 and 1944. The paper discusses innovations including the development of photocopier technology, the radio telescope and a computer. The innovations are discussed and patterns underlying technological innovation of this time assessed. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • The Likely Effects Of E-Commerce On The Future Of Book Publishing

    This 10 page paper looks at the way on which e-commerce and the electronic media is likely to change the way books are published and sold in the future, looking at companies such as Amazon, eBay and Abe Books. The paper looks at the importance of the printed word and how publishing has changed in response to technology in the past and looks forward to the potential changes that may occur, especially with the concepts of e-books sold on the internet. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Brain-Body

    A 3 page paper that discusses what this field is about, the contributions of Lashley and Hebb, methods used in early research and technology used today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Summary and Analysis of a Nursing Practicum

    This 7 page paper summarizes and analyzes a nursing practicum project that used a needs assessment to evaluate the need for and appropriateness of using simulation technology to educate nurses on pulmonary artery catheterization . Bibliography lists 5 sources, which includes citing one of the student's previous papers.

  • Past and Present Nursing

    A 5 page research paper that contrasts and compares nursing in years gone by with the nursing profession of the present. This contrast addresses four major areas: appearance, education, technology and employment opportunities. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • An Analysis on an Article About Caring and Science

    A 3 page article analysis that examines "Science, technology, caring and the professions: are they compatible?" by nurses Hawthorne and Yurkovich (1995). These authors express their concern that caring has declined as a value among various professions. The writer summarizes the article and then critiques it, comparing it to two nursing theories that emphasize caring. Bibliography lists 3 sources, but one reference is incomplete.

  • Nursing Profession and 'Telehealth' Implications

    An 8 page paper which examines the implications of telehealth on the nursing profession by defining the term; discussing its benefits; costs; education and/or training guidelines for nurses, privacy, confidentiality, security, ethics, informed consent, and storage of telehealth records; ensuring reliable technology; provincial/state issues; and legal issues. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Nursing's Core Values

    A 4 page paper providing annotation of two main sources followed by discussion of application to the current nursing profession. The founder of modern nursing; theorists writing more than two decades ago; and current patients all agree on the worth of the core values of nursing. Technology and environment change, but core values do not. The articles highlighted here underscore that fact and can be used directly in any current professional's career. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 21st Century Nursing

    This 18 page paper first provides a section on changes in the health care industry, with a focus on the health care delivery system. Various laws are examined, such as COBRA, ERISA and the Social Security Act. The second half of the paper consists of an examination of the nursing profession and how it will likely change in light of trends in the health care industry. The role of the nurse is seen in relation to education, changes in technology and the advent of managed care. Bibliography lists 21 sources.

  • Communnication, Technology, and Social Changes

    This 4 page paper discusses three issues: how mass communication media is used for social change, how technology is used for social change, and a reflection on this course. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Constructing Ego and Confidence in Children Who Are At Risk

    6 pages in length. Myriad theories and approaches are applied on a daily basis to encourage the development of ego and self-confidence in at-risk children, defined as those who suffer from deep-rooted emotional issues that typically stem from a poor upbringing. Medical technology notwithstanding, going back to the basics of psychology illustrates how sometimes the simplest of applications are the ones that work best, with particular emphasis upon the intrinsic value of exercise and animals. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Eastern Europe's Musical Cultures and the Effects of Modern Technology

    A 2 page paper that provides an overview of the impacts of modernization and musical technologies on the musical cultures in Eastern Europe. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • An Analysis of The Creature in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the themes and impact of the Monster's story in the larger novel Frankenstein. In the center of Mary Shelley's novel, the Monster provides an insightful narrative that tells of his experiences after being created by Victor Frankenstein, a narrative that relates his process of learning about his surroundings, language and human emotion. This narrative provides a significant view of the psychology of human development, underscores the problems of creating life using technology, and substantiates the view of the internal conflicts and misperceptions of the Monster pertinent to the defense of his actions. No additional sources cited.

  • Music Licensing and Technology

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of the use of technology and the problem of music licensing. This paper considers the reasons why music licensing has come up as a major issue in the midst of significant changes in technological access. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Popular Music and the Effects of Technology

    A 6 page research paper that examines the effect that technology has had on the development of popular music. The writer discusses Tin Pan Alley, but concentrates on the developments since the 1980s. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Music Instruction and the Use of Technology

    A 10 page research paper which looks at how computer technology is impacting the field of music education. The writer gives an overview of some of the technological marvels available and then discusses the controversy as to how much these new innovations should replace traditional pedagogies. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The Dissemination and Marketing of Music from Tin Pan Alley to the Modern Day

    This 8 page paper looks at the way music has been distributed and marketed from the latter part of the nineteenth century and the role of Tin Pan Alley up until the model day of the internet and the iPod. Included in the paper is consideration of the impact of technology including records, cassette tapes, CD's and MP3 files as well as the role of the media. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Distance Learning

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the core issues and considerations relevant to planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating distance-learning technologies in the K-12 educational environment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Effects of Violence in the Media

    Violence as portrayed by the television, film, and music industries is discussed in this 25 page paper. Actual cases of copycat crimes are noted in addition to a section devoted to the effects of music videos. A discussion on video games is also included. Solutions to the problem are provided, including a discussion on the new V-chip technology and the new television rating system. The paper is replete with references to the latest studies on media violence. Bibliography lists 23 sources.

  • Musical Evolution from Baroque to Classical

    A 5 page paper on the the evolution of Baroque and Classical music, and the contributions of individual composes to that evolution. The paper presents technology and techniques that influenced those changes. Artists include: Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Beethoven, and Haydn. 4 bibliographical references.

  • Needs Assessment and Simulation

    This 3 page paper provides an overview of a needs assessment for the use of simultion technology to teach nurses how to use pulmonary artery catheters in the clinical setting. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Advanced Practice Nurse And Informatics

    A 7 page paper that first reports the setting-an individual has applied for an APN position in the described physician's office. The first section describes the writer's vision of the most effective use of communication and information technologies in this office. The vision includes scanning all documents into a patient's file, networking all PCs and many other things. The next section recommends the kinds of programs to consider ending with the benefits of using these kinds of systems. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • U.S. and Finland Technology

    20 pages in length. One can readily ascertain the technological growth patterns of Finland and the United States as having been on much the same path in relation to the road by which telecommunications has traveled these past decades, as well as where these technological advancements are leading mankind in the twenty-first century. Indeed, it can easily be argued that the potential for telecommunications expansion where Finland and the United States are concerned appears seemingly boundless at this juncture, with each new day affording yet another technological implementation of some sort. However, there appears to be a distinct separation with regard to which country has demonstrated a superior application of technology, particularly in relation to telecommunications. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Discussion of Data Warehousing

    A 5 page research paper that focuses on Data Warehousing. It begins with an introduction and brief history of communications/technology then defines the current usage of data warehousing. In lists 3 factors that can be used to evaluate a warehousing system and gives areas of focus for utilization of the system. Nine benefits of data warehousing are delineated and followed by a brief look at the advantages over current systems. The paper ends by looking to the future and the possibility of a Virtual Warehouse System. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Evolution of the Hubble Space Telescope

    12 pages in length. In what has seemed like the blink of an eye, scientific technology has advanced the human race at such breakneck speed that scientists are forever attempting to outdo each previous discovery with a bigger and better replacement. Such is the case with the fantastic discoveries for which the Hubble Space Telescope has been responsible during the twentieth century. Had it not been for the creation of such a monumental piece of scientific machinery, the world would not have acquired the mountain of information, photographs and previously unknown details that have come forth over the last decade. Indeed, the proficiency of the Hubble Space Telescope has allowed mankind to delve far beyond the confines of conventional boundaries in order to encourage further exploration of outer space. The writer discusses revolutionary and evolutionary aspects of the Hubble Space Telescope. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • File Transfer Protocol ZMODEM

    A 10 page examination of the file transfer protocol known as ZMODEM. Its history, application, and efficiency are discussed. A brief background is provided on it predecessors MODEM, XMODEM, and YMODEM. Bibliography includes six sources.

  • Major Issues in Societal 'Telematics'

    A 21 page paper discussing changes in firm structure, management responsibilities, types of workers and even society that have stemmed from advances in information technology. Peter Drucker asserts that the changes brought about in modern society carries direct correlation to the introduction of printing in terms of its effects on society. Evidence indicates that Mr. Drucker is not losing touch as he ages, but rather is accurate in his assessments of the evolution of IT. It changed jobs in developed countries long ago; its next logical step is to effect many of those same changes in society itself. Bibliography lists 24 sources.

  • Saudi Arabia and the Exportation of Computers

    A 13 page business plan discussing a rather cautious method of exporting computers to the Gulf region. Acme Computer realizes that projections for the domestic PC market are dour well into the next century, but that foreign markets offer the promise of growth unlikely while operating solely in domestic markets. Saudi Arabia technically is classified as a developing nation but is technology- and trade-friendly. Acme seeks to form an alliance with an established small business in Saudi Arabia in order to avoid any cultural faux pas and to learn the nuances of the culture before attempting to gain great returns. The company plans greater marketing efforts after gaining more experience with the culture, but cautiously is relying on its Saudi partner to educate Acme marketers. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • System Upgrade for the XYZ Corporation

    A 14 page paper discussing the dilemma in which XYZ Corporation finds itself. Founded in 1985, the company provided contract financial services for larger businesses. With the growth of outsourcing, XYZ finally moved into providing payroll outsource services for other organizations. By 1999, XYZ's mainframe system that was new in 1992 was obsolete and the company's board has charged the CIO with creating a framework for upgrade. Points considered are customer perceptions and satisfaction, costs of upgrade and total costs of ownership, and outsourcing in terms of recurring costs and as an IT management tool. The paper urges XYZ to adopt a policy of long-range planning and consistent annual technology budgets after getting past the current crisis in which XYZ cannot compete with new entrants that have much more modern equipment and software. The paper recommends that XYZ consider using an intranet and Internet PCs to satisfy its preference for central control and "dumb" terminals. Bibliography lists 22 sources.

  • Incentives and Compensation Management

    An 8 page paper examining the role of incentives in business management. Factors which determine a strong business are defined. Comparisons of technology and the human factor in business are also noted. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • South Africa as a Location for the Construction of a Computer Manufacturer

    This 5 page report discusses why a computer manufacturing facility would do well in South Africa, the best location in the country for the facility, potential problems as well as opportunities. A combination of American business style in areas of great interest and concern for the development of South Africa is likely to be a success in terms of popular support in any South African city. Also, despite its relatively small population, it is the 20th largest consumer of information technology in the world. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Former Soviet Union and Communications

    This 15 page report discusses the economic, social and political factors that have caused the former members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) to have fallen so far behind in their own adaptation to the Information Age. Prior to the dissolution of the USSR, electronic communication, other than fragmented telephone service and state television, was virtually nonexistent. Economics and technology stood in the way, every bit as much as the political aspect of access to information. Although communications are improving in the former Soviet Union, it still is antiquated in comparison to most Western opinions and standards. However, as with most radical social changes, the change in communications must be viewed in the context of what has gone before. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Student Supplied Readings on Being Human

    This 5 page paper incorporates a number of readings submitted by a student to address the issue of being human. Several themes are discussed , including consciousness, war and its effects, and how technology affects man's communion with nature. No bibliography.

  • Star Technologies Drug Testing and Management

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the management issues at Star Technologies, including the problem of drug use and drug testing. This paper integrates an overview of the management systems in place for to address the problem of drug testing and drug use in the company. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Representation Of National Identities In Media - A Case Study, News Coverage Of Turkey On The Doorstep Of European Union (EU).

    This 50 page paper looks at the way in which national identities are created and represented in the mass media and applies this to the study of the Turkish national identity in the Turkish and the European media specifically looking at the Turkish goal of joining the European Union (EU). The paper outlines the goals and objectives and then considers the approaches to mass media that can be applied that concern the way it is created and the way it is consumed. Models used include science and the media, industry and the media, corporations and the media, globalisation, technology and the media and political economics. Consumption is considered with reference to reception theories. The paper then looks at the way Turkey is represented in the media internally and in the west, followed by primary research that uses content analysis to look at media articles. The bibliography cites 40 sources.

  • Strategic Challenges to the Music Industry

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The music industry faced challenges and threats in 1999 wit the launch of Napster. The paper gives the answers to three questions. The situation is defined by looking at the three main drivers of new business; the information revolution, technology and globalization. The reactions are the industry is discussed. Finally, the case is considered from the I/O, RBV and guerilla perspectives. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Theory and a Solar Energy Overview

    This 10 page paper offers an overview of solar energy beginning with the theory underlying solar power and the two major types of solar energy. The technology of solar power cells is explained, beginning with the two major categories of solar energy. The most common materials and elements used to produce photovoltaic cells, how these cells work and their output are then reported. Four of the most common types of collectors are explained. Innovations in the production of solar cells are reported. Comments are made regarding the costs and the savings gained from using solar power. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Emotional Intelligence in the High Technology Workplace

    A 12 page overview of the concept of emotional intelligence. The author traces the concept through the literature asserting that, while the term has been only recently coined, the importance of interpersonal relations in business success has been recognized practically since the beginning of business. Bibliography lists 30 sources.

  • Industry Implications of the Merger Between Sprint and MCI WorldCom

    A 10 page paper discussing implications of the merger for both the national and international telecommunications industry. Announced October 5, 1999, the combination of MCI WorldCom’s global presence and Sprint’s strength in wireless technology promises enhanced growth for both sides, particularly in wireless communication and Internet access, which is expected to provide the greatest growth in telecommunications well into the next century. Both companies will need to provide sound evidence to the FCC in order to gain approval, for the merger of the two companies reduces the number of large long distance carriers in the US from three to only two. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • The Uses of TCP/IP Protocol Today

    A 5 page paper discussing Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), an 'old' technology that is finding new life. There are great hopes for the public Internet in terms of attainment of low-latency delivery and minimal packet drop, but achieving those likely also will end favorable views of any hybrid network between TCP/IP and ATM, or even the old SNA configurations that are dated but still operational. Greater availability of ISDN is another factor that will work against such a hybrid and more toward IP. Regardless of personal bias, it appears that the connected world is moving more toward IP communications. The interim points between should be able to provide a rather seamless transition. Bibliography lists 7 sources. ksTCP-IP.rtf

  • Security Partnership

    A 5 page paper discussing the terms of a 50-50 partnership between two security companies. International Security Protection (ISP) and Axess Technologies Limited (ATL) are two security-oriented organizations specializing in different areas of organizational security. The two companies have determined to form a partnership to supply full-service security to a multinational enterprise that will establish operations in Russia. ISP will provide physical security; ATL will provide document protection. The purpose here is to reduce the companies' verbal agreement to writing to ensure that all understand their respective roles in the partnership. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Women and Men in the Sciences: Is There Any Difference in Ability?

    This 8-page paper argues the likelihood that Harvard president Larry Summers was right when he proclaimed that women weren't very good in the math, science and tech fields because of innate abilities. The paper also discusses, however, that women tend to be discriminated in these fields, as well, so it's hard to tell. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Internet Congestion

    A 10 page paper discussing some of the ways it could be possible to reduce the increasing problem of Internet congestion. The paper discusses ISDN, ADSL, cable modem connection and DirecPC, but high-speed connections do little to ease congestion aside from perhaps allowing the user to spend less time to accomplish what he needs to do. Infrastructure needs to be shifted away from dependence on the circuit-switched voice system that existed long before most could conceive of computers. To accomplish that shift, it would be beneficial to look at IP telephony more as a method of data transmission rather than simply a low-cost alternative to conventional telephone service. In the meantime, the combination of the cable modem and the virtual private network appears to be a workable way of easing Internet congestion using available technology that could be implemented right away. The Internet is doubling every nine months, and there is little space for esoteric theorization without first ensuring that progress is made in practical areas. Bibliography lists 14 sources.

  • Turkey and the Marketing of Computer Hardware

    7 pages in length. Once plagued with the unflattering moniker Sick Man of Europe, Turkey has done well to bring itself into the twenty-first century. One of the primary components of this vast improvement has been within the world of technology, where the Turks have sought to incorporate both their people and their government into the forward-moving aspect of computerization. As a means by which to help this nation expand, the marketing of computer hardware will serve as a significant boost to the ongoing efforts of Turkey's technological expansion. The writer discusses various issues and concerns in relation to marketing computer hardware in Turkey. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • President George W. Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' Act and Its Implementation

    5 pages in length. Contemporary society has a significant challenge on its hands: to provide students with a strong enough education to meet the ever-growing standards imposed by society. As a means by which to address this tremendous need, President Bush instituted the No Child Left Behind Act, which calls for the implementation of solutions to what he deems as the ten most important concerns within the nation's school system: Achieving Excellence Through High Standards and Accountability; Improving Literacy by Putting Reading First; Improving Teacher Quality; Improving Math and Science Instruction; Moving Limited English Proficient Students to English Fluency; Promoting Parental Options and Innovative Programs; Encouraging Safe Schools for the 21st Century; Enhancing Education Through Technology; Providing Impact Aid; and Encouraging Freedom and Accountability. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Ethics In Information Technology

    13 pages in length. Information Technology (IT) is arguably one of the most expansive and influential forms of advancement mankind has ever created; that it serves to connect, facilitate, market and educate the entire global community speaks to a human discovery of monumental value. Indeed, something so significant in a positive light must also harbor shortcomings that can be just as substantial, which is clearly the case with the ethical concerns inherent to IT. Considered the four most prevalent ethical issues in today's IT - privacy, accuracy, property and accessibility (PAPA) - they garner tremendous attention as the illustration of how imposing an otherwise beneficial human advancement can be to its own makers. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Issues Investigation and Genetic Engineering

    An 8 page review of the controversy surrounding genetic engineering. The author points out the success and failures of the technology in agriculture and outlines the arguments of the two opposing camps in regard to its use. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Mobile Phone Technologies and UMTS and GSM Comparison

    10 pages in length. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Universal Mobile Telephone Service (UMTS) represent the future in mobile phone technology. The extent to which each entity has enhanced the entire wireless communication industry has been so significant that upgrades are already in the works to improve upon them even more. By April of 2001, five hundred million people around the world were GSM users; its counterpart, UMTS, boasts a third-generation (3G) mobile system in development within the ITU's IMT-2000 framework, which will ultimately enable the reality of portable videophones via its 2 Mbps data speeds. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • In 20 Years Wired Networks Will be Replaced by Wireless Networks

    10 pages in length. Gazing into the near future, it is easy to see that there will be a great deal of excitement over the new wireless networks that are already in place. These programs hold just as much fascination and enthusiasm as did the telephone and television of the past, as well as something so significant as the current space program. The power attached to advance telecommunications technology will only continue to give rise to a new and better way life. Indeed, it can easily be argued that the potential for telecommunications expansion is seemingly boundless at this juncture, with each new day affording yet another fantastic discovery. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Organizational Conduct and ELearning Effects

    A 12 page paper. -learning is the fastest growing segment in education in education history and it continues to grow. Adopting E-learning/training methods and decreasing or eliminating traditional classroom training models represents a significant change for any organization. Since the research continues to support the effectiveness of E-training, more companies are changing to this technology. This report provides examples of companies and their successes, including ROI, data regarding the growth of E-training, and a general overview of E-learning in the corporate world. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Printing Industry and Its Technology's Economic Impact

    This is a 10 page paper which discusses the value of print and the impact of technology on the economy of the printing business. The bibliography has 5 sources.

  • Technology and Privacy Rights

    A 6 page contention that individual expectations of privacy are decreasing radically with advancements in modern technology. In spite of recent legislation recognizing the importance of privacy, for example the Human Rights Act of 1998, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, and the Information Protection Act of 1998; our privacy is being intruded upon in both our personal and professional lives. Indeed, personal surveillance is becoming more widespread, more continuous, more intense, and more secretive than it has been at any other point in our past. This occurs both through the use of high tech equipment like cameras and computerized monitoring programs but also through the interception of personal computerized data. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • The Major Shifts in Practices in Management Accounting

    A 10 page paper discussing changes in the profession arising from changes in technology, globalization and competitive strategies. Integrated management accounting systems, such as those arising from activity-based costing and management (ABC/ABM) systems with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can be appealing for their instant accessibility to information in real-time, but they also can detract from sound decision making based on trends more easily discernible from the more standard monthly and annual reports of traditional management accounting systems. There can be a place for both, but their uses need to be as clearly defined as the qualities they are measuring. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • 'Why Things Break' by Mark E. Eberhart

    A 5 page summation of an article by Mark E. Eberhart entitled 'Why Things Break.' In this article, Eberhart argues that all of technology is contingent on how things fail‹either by being brittle or ductile. After a discussion that places this topic in historical perspective, he discusses the latest developments in new alloy production and predicting metal fatigue. The writer demonstrates how this is a well-written, clear article that uses language easily understood by the average reader. No additional sources cited.

  • Connection Between Global Travel and the History of Flight

    This 14 page paper provides an overview of aviation history, with a focus on technology and engine development. New trends in world travel are also discussed in light of technological change. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Jeremy Bentham's 'Panopticon,' Michel Foucault, and Power

    A 9 page research paper that examines Bentham's conception of the Panopticon and Foucault's views on its detrimental effects. The writer argues that modern society should be wary of the panoptical surveillance that is available with current technology—no matter what rationalizations are offered by business and corporate interests. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Globalization and Its Economic Impact on 1990s Latin America

    This 5 page report discusses the process and economic impact of globalization in Latin America in the past ten years. As elsewhere in the world, the workers, business owners, and elected officials of Latin America have experienced massive changes. Economic globalization and the rise of information technologies are reconfiguring the fundamental organization of the economies of a number of the nations that are “south of the border.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Adaptable Intellegence User Interfaces and Human Computer Communications

    A 10 page paper that defines and examines adaptable intelligent user interfaces developed through computer technology and how these interfaces are used in human computer communications. The first generation of these interfaces and how they were implemented is discussed as well as future visions for the next generation of interfaces. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Proposal of Automobile Black Boxes

    A 5 page research paper that takes the form of a proposal to the Ford Motor Co. The writer advocates implementation of a study that would evaluate the use of 'black box' technology on automotive vehicles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Options of eCommerce Payment and the Cost of Cyberspace

    A 20 page paper that looks at the various payment options that presently exist in the world of e-commerce. Payment options discussed are online credit card transactions, digital cash, online checks, and smart card technology. The features and benefits of each of these options are examined and the privacy and security concerns surrounding each are discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Using Technology in Business

    This 8 page paper is broken down into different sections to highlight questions submitted by a student regarding the use of technology by The General Electric and 3M Companies. Several concepts are discussed including TPN and EDI. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Stock Analysis of Lucent Technologies

    This 5 page paper looks at Lucent Technologies Inc. (LU) form an investor's point of view. A description of the company, inclusive of future plans, is provided. Financial data is analyzed and recommendations are made in light of industry trends. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Corruption of Business Through the Computer Security Endangerment of Internet Hacking

    6 pages in length. With the advent of Internet technology came the challenge to hack into sensitive personal and business information; as the Internet has advanced in sophistication, so have the hackers' ability to do even more damage. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Life in the 21st Century and Secrets of Success and Survival

    A 5 page paper that examines the factors that stand to determine survival and success in the very changed environment, society, and civilization of the twenty-first century. This paper focuses on Information Technology as the pivoting point of change in this new environment and posits that the sole key to survival and success in the face of this change is adaptability. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of the Construction Industry

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of the industry and addresses subjects such as population, technology and trade union influence. The modern construction business is the focus of this paper that also touches on the industry's roots as well as changes it has endured throughout the years. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Controlling Network Congestion

    This 10 page paper takes a look at network congestion and remedies to alleviate it. The paper is broken down into various sections such as applications, configurations and technology in order to explore these topics individually while addressing the problem of congestion as a whole. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Big Business and Low Budget Graphic Design

    A 15 page research paper that addresses the revolution that has taken place in recent decades relative to the field of graphic design. The writer argues that the ability to produce quality graphics with a small budget is now available through technological innovation, but that the human elements of creativity and knowledge of graphic art still govern how the technology is utilized. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Computer Failures and Disaster Recovery

    This 15 page paper discusses the changing role and perception of disaster recovery plans when information technology fails. The paper considers the history of disaster recovery and the various options available to organisations or individuals who wish to make this type of strategic plan. The bibliographic cites 9 sources.

  • Video Visualization and Browsing Programs

    This 12 page factual paper considers the place in computer technology for video visualisation and browsing programmes and their use. Different types of programmes and systems are explained. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Appalachia and Coal Mining

    An 8 page paper on past history of coal mining/strip-mining and damage done to the land. This piece discusses the entrance of people all over globe, and how that community is rallying to 'live at home' and 'fix the land.' The people and governments and coal mining companies are working together through re-education for new technologies and fixing the land to keep their home. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.

  • Business Communication—A Technology Based Approach by William P. Galle Jr. and Beverly H. Nelson

    This series of 5 three-page reports (15 pages total) discusses 1996 McGraw-Hill textbook entitled “Business Communication: A Technology-Based Approach.” Various aspects of business communication are discussed such as the audiences involved in business communication, the most appropriate and most effective approaches in both positive and negative communication, presenting a research or program proposal, writing an appropriate report, and making an effective oral presentation are also discussed. No secondary sources.

  • The Road Ahead by Bill Gates 2

    Bill Gates' book is discussed in this 5 page paper. The work is reviewed from a professional perspective, but also addresses areas that laymen would be interested in. Includes a discussion of the Microsoft Wallet and new home safety technology. No other sources are used.

  • The Case for Mars by Zubrin and Wagner

    A 5 page paper that provides an overview of Zubrin & Wagner's book which examines the importance of Mars exploration. The writer demonstrates the applicability of their work in science and technology and demonstrates why it is important to the overall efficacy of the space program.

  • Visually Impaired and the Use of Assistive Technology

    This is a 10 page paper that considers the effect of information technology on the lives of the visually impaired. It lists many of the software and hardware alternatives available and cites a few of the most productive and reliable. It briefly looks at adaptations made specific to the academic and employment settings and concludes with an overview. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Examination of Automated Attendance Systems

    A 5 page paper that provides an overview of the problems related to establishing attendance tracking technologies in a college setting, provides a list of possible equipment necessary and considers student reaction to this process.

  • Can Computers Lie?

    A 10 page paper that postulates that under modern technology, a computer cannot tell a lie. The writer uses intelligent references and humor to explain why today's computer cannot lie because it cannot yet "think"--using an analogy to Descartes' "I think, therefore I am." To prove the technological thesis, the paper discusses thoughts about the human brain, digital "thinking," digital v. neural nets, and how SW programs are helping humans think in their creative endeavors. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Technological Innovations and Video On Demand

    7 pages in length. Video on demand was posited to give customers access to a wealth of video services, and allow them to watch a wide variety of programs of their choosing. Concentration is placed on the emerging technologies into online systems. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Neil Postman's The Judgment of Thamus

    This is a 5 page paper that reviews the essay "Judgement of Thamus" by Neil Postman in terms of Postman's presentation on the concept of the role of technology in education and information dispersal. No additional sources cited.

  • NetFlix Case Study

    This 11 page paper looks at the case of NetFlix the online DVD rental company, considers the current strategy and sources of competitive advantage, examines the reasons behind the company’s success and considers the way it may need to change and adapt in the future with new technology such as video on demand impacting on its’ business model. The bibliography cites 12 sources.

  • EDC and SLK Case Study

    This 7 page paper looks at case supplied by the student. EDC, a non-profit making organisation is outsourcing its information technology functions with an offshore company. The paper answer several questions regarding off shoring including how best practice was seen in the case, key success factor is, the potential differences between for-profit and not-for-profit organisations and the way a decision concerning off shoring may be undertaken. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Postgirot Bank Case Study

    This 3 page paper gives an analysis of the way in which Postgirot Bank adopted a new information technology system involving interactive management. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 2 sources

  • Aquarius Marketing Case Study

    This 19 page paper is based on a study is supplied by the student. The first part of the paper assesses the requirements of Aquarius Marketing for a new information technology system. The second part of the paper utilises soft systems modelling (SSM) to determine what is needed and the way that the project should go ahead. Several issues concerning project management then discussed including the importance of scheduling and resource allocation, the importance of leadership to prevent problems in project management, the importance of communication and the value of mentoring. The bibliography cites 18 sources.

  • Supply Chain and Radio Frequency Identification Contributions

    Radio Frequency Identification has been cited as having a great deal of potential to create value in the supply chain. This 10 page paper is a dissertation proposal to study how this technology may create value. The paper includes a lengthy literature review as well as objectives and methodology. The bibliography cites 8 sources.

  • Dissertation Proposal on the Commercial Value of IT

    This 6 page paper considers the value and impact of information technology investments and the implications of those investments for effective management of information system organization. The paper outlines a proposal to study the way that value can be added and to develop a model to help mangers who are looking at making IT investment decisions. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Project Proposal for IP Telephony

    This 4 page paper is an outline for a dissertation looking at the current status of IP telephony and the future potential in order to project the way in which this technology may be used in the future. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Exconom Expansion

    A 3 page consultant's proposal to research likely targets for expansion of Exconom, an excavating company in Singapore that uses tunnel-free technology for cabling and piping infrastructure needs. Exconom's management is hesitant to expand at all, so the consultant offers a proposal for supplying information on other ASEAN nations as well as China as likely targets for Exconom's expansion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Work, Group Members, and Technology

    A 3 page paper consisting of speaker notes for an accompanying PowerPoint® presentation. The paper addresses the types of information technology used by four group members at work. Group members work in mortgage origination, an independent grocery store and the offices of two California counties. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • 'Fault Line' and Intel

    A 3 page paper discussing an Intel Corporation case in two pages, a review of technology's "fault line" on the product life cycle in the third. Two PowerPoint® presentations are available. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Using Elasticity to Set a Price

    This 5 page paper is based ion a case study supplied by the student looking at a fictitious case. Will bury has developed a new technology to create digital books and wants to launch them on the market,. He needs to consider the different influences in order to determine the right price. The paper discusses pricing in terms of the concept of elasticity and uses data supplied to assess elasticity and set a price. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Student Supplied Case Study on Nucor

    This 5 page paper considers a case study provided by the student. The case looks at Nucor and a decision they have to make regarding investing in new technology to make use of thin-slab casting, balancing risk with the potential reward. This includes a consideration of the strategy and the company’s existing core competences. The bibliography cites 10 sources.


    This 4-page paper provides an overview of how Glegg Water Company can introduce its new, superior technology to gain more market share and sales. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • How Employees View Technology/A Research Proposal

    A 5 page paper proposing research into workers’ acceptance of the growing role of technology in their jobs, using the world’s leading producer of oil and natural gas as the ground from which the sample is taken for the qualitative study being proposed. An appendix contains the 20 questions tentatively proposed to comprise the questionnaire that will be used for data collection. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Callaway Golf; Strategic Case Study

    This 7 page paper looks Callaway Golf and the strategy it uses to compete. The firm is examined to identity the relevant competitive strategies that the firm is using, including assessment of the way innovation and technology are utilized, the market position of the goods, the value and importance of economies of scope and scale and the value of vertical integration. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Environmental Business for Virotech

    This 3 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. Virotech have developed a technology using waste from one industry to clean up waste from others. The paper presents answers to two questions, concerning the business model used and whether this clean up model is a suitable long term model and looking at how and why the local firm has become global. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • A Case of Trademark Confusion

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the case of Checkpoint Systems, Inc. v. Check Point Software Technologies, Inc., in which claims are made regarding the application of the Lanham Act and the presence of trademark confusion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Javacom Case Study on Risk Assessment and Behavior

    This 4-page paper discusses a case study about Javacom and analysis of risk assessment and behavior. Some risks identified and planned for in this case study include cost risks, time risks and technology risks. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Home Health Agency Information Technology Upgrading

    A 5 page paper describing the work process at a home health agency and how increased use of information technology could improve work processes, patient care and responsiveness of the company to both patients and their doctors. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Risk and Security Considerations for the IT System of Huffman Trucking

    This 4 page paper looks at a case study provided by the student. Huffman Trucking are considering introducing a new information technology system to do with employee benefits, the paper discusses the potential risks of security issues that need to be considered when undertaking this project. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Technology Helps Health Care

    A 5 page paper that reports and discusses the shortage of these health care professionals. Data are included. The paper describes some of the ways technology can help with these shortages. Bibliography lists 7 source.

  • Technology In The Doctor's Office

    A 3 page paper that describes and explains how one physician's office uses technology to save time for everyone. This is real doctor's office. Bibliography lists 1 source.

  • Options of eCommerce Payment and the Cost of Cyberspace

    A 20 page paper that looks at the various payment options that presently exist in the world of e-commerce. Payment options discussed are online credit card transactions, digital cash, online checks, and smart card technology. The features and benefits of each of these options are examined and the privacy and security concerns surrounding each are discussed. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Historical Functions of Museums

    This 10 page paper delves into museums and how they are to be considered in light of new technology. The function of museums throughout history, and throughout the world, are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Healthcare and IT Influence Increases

    An 11 page paper discussing emphasis on training and cost containment; the origins of success and failure of IT projects in health care; and a recommendation for achieving real IT-based value while decreasing training cost and time. The success and failure of IT projects in health care rests on the same basis as IT success or failure in any other industry. Recommendation for solution to training costs is to adopt industry-wide standards, as suggested by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative in 2003. An accompanying 12-slide PowerPoint presentation is available. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • William Gibson's Johnny Mnemonic

    A 5 page research paper that examines cyberfiction via the example provided by William Gibson's "Johnny Mnemonic." The writer argues that an examination of this narrative demonstrates that cyberfiction writers, such as Gibson, are very aware of social issues and the implications of the rapidly increasing complexity of technology. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Design and Cyber Culture

    This 12 page paper examines the new era of modern technology in terms of design. A variety of modern technological products are identified and analyzed from a deisgn point-of-view. Paul Kunkel's, "Digital Dreams" is consulted for this paper as the "micro-chip aesthetic" is examined. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Cyberspace Crimes and the Law

    This 9 page paper examines cybercrime and how the law is involved. This paper argues that while the law is important, it is sufficient. The problem with catching the criminals who participate in this type of activity is that technology in law enforcement is not up to par. Research is provided to support the assumptions. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Cyberspace Business Startup

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of how to begin a business inclusive of financial considerations. The business plan is explained and the paper goes on to address issues of management and marketing. Applicable theories are provided. A sample business related to information technology is used. Because the case study is an Internet based business, much of the literature and analyses are pertinent to e-businesses. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Unfairness of Telecommunications to Women

    This 6 page paper describes the phenomenon of tele or 'cyber - commuting' and its popularity in modern society. It is argued that tele-commuting has actually intensified the consequences of a male-dominated workplace and that women are afforded the same lesser economic status and lower positions in the corporation they have always had as a result of the advent of computer technology in terms of telecommuting. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Education Technology and Teacher Training Effects

    A 6 page research paper that investigates educational literature pertaining to the effect of teacher training on the implementation of technology into classroom instruction. The writer argues that this literature review shows the crucial nature of this factor. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Strategies for Diverse Classrooms

    A 5 page research paper that offers a brief literature review, which examines several instructional methods profiled in the literature, which includes some strategies that involve technology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Gates Foundation Grant Application Sample

    A 5 page paper that begins with an overview and introduction to this Foundation's Education Grant Program. The writer identifies the items in the initial inquiry letter and then provides a sample grant application for funding for technology to establish an after-school program for students. The purpose of the project is to increase elementary grade students' achievement in math and language arts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Literature Review of Global Brands' Localization and Technology

    This 10-page paper provides a literature review to determine how and if technology does help localization of global brands. The paper also points out pros and cons to globalizaion versus local marketing activities. Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • Literature Review and Contemporary Business Sales Strategies

    An eleven page literature review relating to sales and marketing strategies in the modern business environment, with particular reference to the impact of Internet and Web technology, and the changes in marketing which have been brought about by the development of e-commerce. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • IT Acquisition by Developing Nations and Strategies of Identification

    This 13 page paper is an outline for a paper studying the best ways for developing countries to develop strategies to help them develop information technology competences. The paper gives an introduction and a justifications of the research and then gives a lengthy literature review that focuses on the way foreign direct investment,(FDI), may be used with knowledge transfer and the role of education and internal policies. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Integrated Technology and Teacher Staff Development Program

    This 7 page paper provides an overview of a plan to assist teachers in applying technology in their classroom. This plan is a staff development plan with a rationale based in the current literature. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Military Operations and IT

    A 12 page paper. Information technology systems have not only changed the corporate world, they have changed the defense and military worlds. This paper is a literature review of articles addressing the issue of information warfare, changing military operations, the need for information by military commanders, the risk and vulnerability of information systems. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Companies and Class Action Lawsuits

    10 pages in length. The writer discusses class action lawsuits as they relate to AOL, CMGI, InfoSpace, ARIBA, Exodus Communications, WorldCom, Oracle, Cisco Systems, Qualcomm, United States Interactive, NY Railroad, Puma Technologies, Infoseek, Amazon, Advanced Viral Research, Celera Genomics, Genome Therapeutics and JDS Uniphase. No bibliography.

  • Argumentative Essay: Avatar's Script is Same Old Same Old

    This 5 page argumentative essay explores the script as an extension of a hundred similar storylines in the film genre, first parodied in "Forbidden Planet" in 1956. The argument specifies that the film's only redeeming feature was the technology. Bibliography list 2 sources.

  • Voice Over Internet Protocol History

    A 6 page paper reviewing the history of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). From its beginnings as an old and expensive technology that no one could find a good use for, VoIP now is poised to overtake POTS (plain old telephone service) in the future. If the future unfolds as the creator of the Skype VoIP service envisions, then existing telephone companies will find themselves with the need to discover new sources of revenue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Connection Between Global Travel and the History of Flight

    This 14 page paper provides an overview of aviation history, with a focus on technology and engine development. New trends in world travel are also discussed in light of technological change. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Wireless Communication's History

    This 5 page paper presents an overview of wireless communication from Marconi to the Internet. Spanning a century, the paper explains how the new technology evolved. Safety is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Multimedia and Communications' History

    This 20 page paper provides an overview of the history of communications leading up to and including multimedia. Various aspects are discussed inclusive of the history of video and audio communications and the way in which computer technology has affected the lives of ordinary individuals. The transitions over time are explored and a historical perspective is provided. Finally, the paper takes a look at how the media as a form of communications has affected the world. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Web Design and Internet Technology

    This 6 page paper considers two aspects of new technology. The first part of the paper considers development and spread of the Internet. The second part of the paper considers web design, why it is important and how it has developed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • PC's History and Impact

    7 pages. Personal computers have come a long way since the seventies, the eighties, and even within the last five years. Because technology is changing at such a rapid pace we have seen personal computers impact our lives in many different ways. Socially, economically and industry-wise the personal computer and its history are described in this well-written and concise paper. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Post Second World War and Global History

    7 pages in length. The changes that have occurred since the end of World War II have been both grand and far-reaching; from a global standpoint, myriad events have taken place to completely alter the direction in which the world has progressed. Choosing but a handful of these incidents is weighty indeed, however, it can readily be argued that two issues served to transform the world in significant ways: The Cuban Missile Crisis and technology/globalization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • History and Future of TCP/IP

    A 3 page paper tracing TCP/IP’s origins and assessing its likely future. Other technologies such as Ethernet and ATM have too many technical barriers that TCP/IP does not. In determining TCP/IP’s future, it appears that the connected world is moving more toward IP communications. The interim points between should be able to provide a rather seamless transition. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Technology and Learning Systems

    This 8 page paper provides an overview of a review of literature on learning systems, motivation and adult learning, including a section on the use of technology, for informing instructional strategies for library specialists. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Westward Settlement and Environmental Effects

    This 4-page paper examines westward settlement during the 19th century and its impact on the environment. Issues covered include technologies that spurred settlement, ecological impacts resulting from westward moement, and the reaction of settlers to the changes in the land. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Senior Management and the Significance of Risk Management

    6 pages in length. The writer discusses the importance of risk management, the significance of the senior manager, the influence of risk culture and technology's impact. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Benefits of Teen Jobs

    A 5 page paper providing a section for a much larger work examining the problems created by teens working too many hours during the school year. This section provides a review of the current environment and difficulties of change, as well as a plan for solution. The plan is that educators create lessons based in disciplines relevant to students’ jobs. Likely subject candidates include business math; technology use in business; business planning; business strategy; microeconomics; and macroeconomics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Sports Fans and Advanced Sports Technology's Negative Effects

    8 pages in length. The writer discusses how advanced sports technology, such as television broadcasts and steroidal drug use, has detrimentally impacted sports from the fan's perspective. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • NFL and the Effects of Instant Replay

    A 14 page paper which examines the instant replay rules used by the NFL and the technology needed to implement it, criticism regarding its negative impact, where it needs to be improved and how this can be achieved, and considers whether instant replay is necessary and what its impact could mean for the future of the sport. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • 4 Areas of Operations Management

    This 5 page paper gives an overview of four areas of operations management; the way a location is chosen, what Total Quality Management (TQM) is and how it works, product and process layout, and the role of technology in operations management. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Information Management and Hotels

    This 10 page report discusses information management as applied to the hotel industry and discusses one particular (fictional) hotel and its strategies. As with every other industry, the hotel industry has been radically changed by information technology and its application in terms of guest services ranging from making reservations to ordering room service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Pathology Management and the Impact of New Technology

    A five page paper which looks at the impact of new technology on pathology management, particularly with reference to the use of common platforms with multiple sites, and the impact which this has had on clinical and management resources.

  • Future Trends In Management

    A 5 page paper. Numerous factors have and will continue to change the practice of management. Advancing technology, changing demographics including an aging workforce and vast diversity in the workforce, and globalization are just a few of the challenges facing managers today. These factors will continue to change the way in which managers manage. This paper discusses some of the forecasts for how management will change in the future, including a different perspective on the four major functions of management. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Globalism, Technology, Capitalism, and Sport

    A 6 page paper that focuses on LaFeber's book, Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism. The essay looks at how sport has become so commercial over the decades to become part of global capitalism with major corporations sponsoring sporting events in the 1960s. The writer comments on the interaction of technology, capitalism and sport. LaFeber uses the relationship between Jordan and Nike as an example. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Teaching Math - Effective Strategies

    This 3 page paper discusses effective strategies for teaching the diverse math classroom. Three strategies are included: technology, cooperative learning and peer assisted learning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Mathematics and Computer Technology

    This 15 page paper provides an overview of articles related to a research review of literature on topics that include mathematics software, technology and use in the classroom, the use of word problems and the use of techniques for the instruction of children with learning disabilities in mathematics. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Germany's Infrastructure of Technology and Transportation

    This 4 page paper examines the macro environment in Germany outlining the transport and technology infrastructure that is in place. Many useful facts are quoted in the paper. The bibliography cites 6 sources.

  • Future Transportation Transformed by Digital Technology

    This 6 page paper discusses the future in terms of travel, and how it will be impacted by digital technology. This paper focuses on air travel, space travel, trains, cars, etc. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • IT and KM

    This 4-page paper reviews the concept of knowledge management (KM) and discusses information technology systems and software that support this management initiative. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • VoIP

    A 7 page research paper that examines the new technology of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). The writer discusses what it is, how it works, and how it will affect the future of the Internet and telecommunications. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Questions on Information Technology Acquisitions

    This 4 page paper looks at different aspects of Information technology acquisitions. In five parts the paper considers the alignment of company and IT strategy, the value of The U.S. General Services Administration (GAS) contracts for IT purchases within US federal agencies, reducing ongoing IT acquisition costs, methods of evaluating acquisitions and the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing IT functions. The bibliography cites 5 sources.

  • Voice Over Internet Protocol History

    A 6 page paper reviewing the history of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). From its beginnings as an old and expensive technology that no one could find a good use for, VoIP now is poised to overtake POTS (plain old telephone service) in the future. If the future unfolds as the creator of the Skype VoIP service envisions, then existing telephone companies will find themselves with the need to discover new sources of revenue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Oil and the Economic Diversity in the Persian Gulf

    A 13 page overview of the importance of economic diversification in the Persian Gulf States. Stresses that a move away from an oil-based economy is critical if these countries are to survive. Provides suggestions for alternative economic activities including recycling of natural resources (particularly oil), foreign investments, tourism and technology based innovations. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • The Viability of a New Type of Smartphone

    This 8 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. Immo are a company specializing in security, surveillance and communication equipment. They have developed a new type of smartphone which combines communication technology with personal protection. The paper considers whether or not the product to be launched, looking at the potential target market or markets, the characteristics of those markets, whether or not the product should be standardized or differentiated in the way in which marketing may take place. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Abortion, Surrogacy and Men

    A 15 page research paper that offers an examination of international law and looks specifically at the issues associated with abortion, assisted reproductive technologies and surrogacy. The focus is on how statutory language is utilized and the implications that this holds for male interaction with specific legal codes. Bibliography lists 12 sources.

  • Time Travel: Possibilities

    This 8 page paper examines various sources that discuss the possibility of time travel, and concludes that while it is unlikely, it is impossible to say definitively that it will never be possible to travel in time. Because we cannot say “no” in all cases, we have to leave the possibility open and say that yes, time travel might be possible, though not for a very long time and then probably with technology we cannot currently imagine. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Literacy and Texting Technology

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of texting technology. The emphasis is on whether or not texting impacts traditional literacy skills. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Filming Video Underwater

    A 5 page paper that provides an accurate account of the impacts of water depth on color, images, and light waver consumption/scattering in underwater video processes. This also outlines some of the current technologies being used for underwater video recording. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Universe Understanding, Technology and Science

    This 5 page report discusses the idea that science does not yet have a full understanding of the universebut that technology will enable humanity to reach that understanding in the next few decades. The writer of this paper takes exception with such a statement and notes that as knowledge has increased and resulted in ever-advancing levels of technological capabilities, scientists have come to understand that earlier questions may have been too simplistic or too limited in the scope of what was being asked. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Racial Profiling: The Classroom as the Base of Societal Change

    This 3 page paper explores the issue of stereotypical images created on television and in film that lead to racism and racial profiling. The paper argues that the classroom and technology are the proper forum for changing this world view. Bibliography lists 3 student sources.

  • Virtual Prototyping and Virtual EngineeringTechnology in Manufacturing

    This 4 page paper reviews two articles concerning the use of technology in manufacturing. The articles look at virtual engineering and the use of virtual prototypes. The main points of the paper are summarized and the writer states why the articles are interesting. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Porter's 5 Forces Analysis & Value Chain - Retail Industry

    This 8 page essay explains each Force in Porter's Five Force Analysis process. It then explains each of the categories and supporting factors found in Porter's generic value chain analysis process. The writer uses Wal-Mart as an excellent example in the retail industry of how information technology can be used to create value as well as a competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • DHL and RFID Technology

    This 3 page paper discusses DHL's decision to use RFID technology and their most recent idea to equip trucks with RFID. The writer also reports their latest innovation, RFID with temperature sensor. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • “The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century”

    This 3 page paper summarises the main arguments and message of “The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism by Daniel Headrick in the Nineteenth Century”. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Missile Defense System of President George W. Bush

    This 5 page paper begins with comments related to the need for an anti-ballistic missile program. The essay then outlines President George W. Bush's anti-ballistic missile defense program, including future capacities and technology. The writer also comments on the difference between the current program, President Reagan's SDI and President Bush's global protection program. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Marine Vessel Diesel Engines and Selective Catalytic Reduction

    This 15 page paper analyzes the good, bad and ugly of selective catalytic reduction in marine vessels. Brief overview of the scr, problems, future applications, use of technology in UAE. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Effective Tutoring Programs

    A 10 page research paper that examines the parameters and efficacy of various tutoring programs. The writer examines the different types of tutoring programs and what research has shown to their efficacy. This examination demonstrates the components of these programs; how teachers perceive them; and how they have, in many cases, incorporated technology into the context of tutoring. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • The Acquisition of Clipper Windpower by United Technologies

    This 8 page paper examines the acquisition of Clipper Windpower by United Technologies, examining how and why the acquisition took place in looking at some of the motivations which may have supported the decision before looking at how and why the acquisition failed to produce value. The paper starts with an introduction identify key areas study and presents three research questions, and then provide a literature review and discussion. The bibliography cites 16 sources.

  • Science and Technology in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

    A 9 page paper on Aldous Huxley's 1932 futuristic novel. The paper discusses Huxley's view that science and technology should serve man, not the other way around, and society should never have to adapt itself to an ideology that does not serve its spiritual as well as its physical and social needs. No sources.

  • Impact on Society, Innovation in Communications Technology, Impact on Society

    A 6 page research paper that discusses the change that has come about due to innovations in information and communications technology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Technology's Effect on Society

    This 8 page paper examines some of the effects of technology and science on society, and argues that although some sources express concern, man is not the "slave" of his machines. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Theory and Application Regarding Satellite Communications

    This 11 page report discusses the gaps between the theories related to satellite communications and their applications as compared with the actual practice being utilized or expanded upon. An ever-increasing number of applications of international communications satellite technology have developed in the past forty years but many of those applications are still variations on the communications theme. This paper both discusses satellites and their capabilities but also examines the number of potential satellite applications that have received little attention or development. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Satellites: Contribution To Technology

    4 pages in length. The leaps and bounds of technological advancement created a wave of medical, military and space expansion throughout the twentieth century. Indeed, the extent to which satellites have improved man's ability to progress as a species is both grand and far-reaching; that such aspects as medical sensors, GPS systems and space exploration are direct results of such technology speaks to the integral nature of satellites to the human race, planet Earth and beyond. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Problems of Water Pollution and Possible Solutions

    A 9 page paper on the problems facing the world, and particularly the U.S., in regards to water pollution. The paper concentrates on streams, surface and ground water pollution and the most likely polluters of those waters. The solutions addressed include cooperative efforts, educational efforts, technology and changes in the law. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Military and Technology Uses

    This 10 page paper examines current and future trends. Various types of technology from stealth to computer to wireless are discussed. The future body suit with potentially life saving qualities are also included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Sports Fans and Advanced Sports Technology's Negative Effects

    8 pages in length. The writer discusses how advanced sports technology, such as television broadcasts and steroidal drug use, has detrimentally impacted sports from the fan's perspective. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Intersection of Language and Culture

    This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of how technology and culture influence language. Three articles are examined in support of this theme. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Overview of Extrasolar Planets

    This 7 page paper discusses the last decade in terms of extrasolar planets. Specifically, this paper examines the technology which allows such detection in terms of its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the direction of future efforts. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • 4th Amendment and Thermal Imaging Technology Search Reasonableness

    A 3 page paper discussing the reasonableness of a search using thermal imaging. Today’s technology appears to allow searches that are not truly physical searches. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits such searches. The purpose here is to determine whether examination with thermal imaging devices constitutes a “search” according to Constitutional law. It uses Kyllo v. United States to conclude it does not. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Thermal Imaging, Satellite Surveillance, and Privacy Issues

    A 4 page research paper that discusses the advent of new technologies, focusing specifically on satellite surveillance and thermal imaging, as a threat to privacy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Strategy, Leadership and Vision

    A 5 page paper assessing the relationship between strategy, leadership and vision. As markets, technologies and external economic conditions continually change, there is frequent need for change within the organization. Strategy seeks to meet that change; leadership provides the vision for it. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Amazon and the Potential for New Technology

    This 7 page paper looks at the way may benefit from the adoption of new technology. The paper considers the use of RFID for stock control to compliment the existing systems and increase value in the value chain. The first part of the paper looks at how this would add value to Amazon. The last page discusses the way the change could be introduced. The bibliography cites 10 sources.

  • Technology in an Organization

    This 3 page paper considers a firm that is losing its’ edge and suggests the use of new technology, outlining the benefits and disadvantages and how it may be implemented, The example used is the introduction of RFID in a winery. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Online Trading and the Infrastructure of Technology

    A 3 page paper describing the network of an online brokerage. “Infrastructure” is defined as “the underlying foundation or basic framework … the resources (as personnel, buildings, or equipment) required for an activity.” Fictional Primus Securities entered the competitive brokerage service market and in three months’ time has enabled online trading; differentiated its website from competitors; and achieved enhanced customer satisfaction. The purpose here is to describe the technology infrastructure that supports and enables such accomplishments. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Value of Effective Organizational Communication: A Technological Overview

    This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of organizational communication. Strategies for effective implementation of information technologies to enhance communication are explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Avatar Game Interaction

    This three page paper considers how the results of the analysis of people, activities, context and technology has influenced the way a platform game should allow an avatar to collect a variety of items and interact with whilst the game player needs to be aware of the status of the game. The paper considers the use and inputs, interactions and outputs.

  • Driving Forces for Mobile Commerce

    A 3 page paper that discusses the factors driving the increase in mobile commerce. Acceptance of e-commerce and advancing technology are two of the drivers. Trends are reported. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Scientific Management Theories, Motivation, and Theories

    This is a 5 page paper discussing various aspects of management including scientific management theories, the Hawthorne Experiments and other areas including an example of a social structure found within a work setting. Over the course of history, work, mainly manufactured work, has been studied in terms of the various elements required needed for the production of an item and the time it would take workers to complete this task. In addition, with the introduction of certain industrial technologies over time, manufacturing and the management of manufacturing systems and teams have been altered to accommodate new trends and technologies. Management, within an historical perspective, had little to do direct contact within the employees which was generally left to the foremen. However, Frederick Winslow Taylor in the 19th century began to think in terms of “scientific management” in which production management became important to improving the overall production of any manufacturing area. While scientific management looked mainly to efficiency in production, the Hawthorne experiments in the 1920s found that work places are very much social systems and workers reacted accordingly. Lastly, employee motivation need to be established by owners and managers in order to initiate recruitment for firms and retain employees once recruited. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Dystopia and the Film The Matrix

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the film “The Matrix” as a dystopia. The 1999 Wachowski brothers’ film “The Matrix” reflects the most severe fears and anxieties within today’s society in regards to a futuristic world as a “dystopia”. Opposite of More’s idealistic world portrayed in his work “Utopia”, the literary term “dystopia” refers to a “bad place”. Since the industrial revolution and more recently the computer and information revolution, society’s fears of possible negative results from growing technological achievements have been reflected in literature and cinema. While currently cyber-technology, that which is related to the computer world and artificial intelligence, is being promoted as a positive element within society in that humans are able to access free information and share information on a global scale, the film “The Matrix” portrays more so that element not promoted within technological circles, that is, the negative and de-humanizing aspects of cyber-technology which robs human of their individuality from a physical and mental perspective and uses humans for the proliferation and eventual dominance of artificial intelligence. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Web Based Application Tool and Cross Platform Programming Language Known as Java

    This is a 3 page paper discussing Java as a Web-based application tool and as a cross-platform programming language. When Sun Microsystems first introduced Java it was considered a “cross-platform programming language” in which the introduction of such a tool could “level the Intel/Microsoft playing field by lowering the cost of application development”. Among other things however, Java is essentially considered as “Sun’s cross-platform application development language for Internet applications” which is why it is often considered as a development tool for Web-based applications. While Java clients were attracted by the low costs associated with adopting the Java platform, what really appealed to developers was the lack of the administration required to adopt the platform in that the language could be easily incorporated within existing HTML web pages to provide more robust interactive features and applications. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Overview of Computer Viruses

    The path of technology has confronted and overcome each new problem that has stood in the way of 'progress'. The computer viruses currently 'attacking' the computer population is no exception. This 5 page paper defines computer viruses, looks at their effects and provides a guide to prevention. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Early American Urbanization and the Impact of Energy and Transportation

    (6pp) The period from the first European settlements until 1920 was one of great technological change, especially in energy and transportation. Major changes in transportation technology are discussed as well as how transportation affects urban form and urbanization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Desert Storm, Desert Shield, and Lessons Learned From Them

    This 5 page report discusses experiences of and the lessons learned in the United States' military operations known as "Desert Shield" and "Desert Storm" and how the ways in which warfare were changed forever by the implementation of advanced technology, weaponry, and communication. However, certain events and situations proved their greatest value in terms of mistakes made and the ultimate lessons learned. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Contemporary Nursing's History

    This 5 page report briefly discusses the development and history of modern nursing in the Western world. “Modern” nursing, just as other aspects of modern medicine, began to come into its own in the mid- to late-19th century in the Western world. Between war, scientific advancement, and the onslaught of the Industrial Age, humans were becoming aware of certain physical truths regarding their physical bodies, good health, and what constituted beneficial care and treatment. It has continued to advance along with technology and human knowledge. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • The Cattle Industry of Argentina

    A 5 page paper discussing current conditions in Argentina's traditional focus of national pride, its cattle industry. The traditional method of raising cattle is open-range, but Argentine beef can weigh as little as half of that raised in the feel-lot system. The Argentines prefer the traditional method, which results in beef of higher quality and lower cholesterol. The paper suggest possible contributions of industry and technology in improving herd management in Argentina through adopting the feed-lot system for most animals while retaining the open-range approach for others, followed by astute marketing of the benefits of range-grown beef. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Risks, Structure, and Security Management

    (8 pp) The complexities of modern society have combined to generate a variety of threats to business organizations, information networks, military installations, government operations, and individuals. For information technology, information is the core of its existence. Anything that threatens information or the processing of the information will directly endanger the performance of the organization. Whether it concerns the confidentiality, accuracy, or timeliness of the information, the availability of processing functions or confidentiality, threats that form risks have to be countered by security. That means there are structural risks. Structural risks require structural security. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • The Employment Situations in California and in America as a Whole

    A 5 page paper discussing movement in unemployment rates and the economic health of the California economy during the summer of 2002. The fallout of the technology sector, particularly in high-tech, Internet-related companies, set investors on their collective ear. Few expected such a correction in market value of these companies, and the losses incurred in returns has been more than only disheartening for organizations and investors alike. The stock market continues its slide, reducing businesses' market capitalization and therefore the amount of capital available to them. Many have laid off workers; many more have placed freezes on hiring. The economic outlook for California as for the rest of the country remains mixed and depressed, yet optimistic. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Computer In Criminalistics

    3 pages in length. Staying one step ahead of the criminal has long been the first line of defense for law enforcement officers; when intelligence is gathered that precludes the ability for the offender to actually commit the crime, it serves to establish a pattern by which subsequent foils can also be utilized. However, technology has created quite a significant challenge for law enforcement to maintain that critical step ahead of criminal activity by virtue of the wholly comprehensive nature of cyber crime. As such, the entire criminal justice field has come to incorporate the very instrument that has facilitated so many crimes as part of its arsenal for thwarting those offenses and ultimately catching the lawbreakers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Information and Knowledge in the Age of Cyberspace

    6 pages in length. Knowledge and information have become synonymous in the cybernetic age, but not necessarily to the benefit of understanding. The power of this statement illustrates that while technology might improve man's progress in some areas, it also fails to do so in a holistic manner. The global community is bombarded with information from myriad sources unlike any other time in history, which would lead one to presume this generation to be more knowledgeable than their parents or grandparents. This is, indeed, a logical deduction to make considering this age group was quite literally brought up in the midst of the technological revolution. However, the barrage of information today's younger generation receives on a daily basis via the Internet, television, radio, newspapers and magazines serves more to clog the assimilation into understanding than to allow for it. In short, the information is dispensed but the receivers have not been adequately taught how to decipher and retain what is important. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Questions Regarding H&R

    This 4 page paper answers 4 questions on a case study regarding the Canadian sewing machine company H&R. The first question looks at the way in which firms using sewing technology of the impacted by changes in the macro environment. The second page considers the influences of the microenvironment on the suppliers and manufacturers of sewing machines. The third question looks at some strengths and weaknesses of the management of the organization. The last question assesses different strategic alternatives that the company may use in order to recover from significant losses. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Strategic Challenges to the Music Industry

    This 7 page paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The music industry faced challenges and threats in 1999 wit the launch of Napster. The paper gives the answers to three questions. The situation is defined by looking at the three main drivers of new business; the information revolution, technology and globalization. The reactions are the industry is discussed. Finally, the case is considered from the I/O, RBV and guerilla perspectives. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

  • Hong Kong Labor Market Trends

    This 75 page dissertation papers examines the labour market in Hong Kong. The paper begins by exploring the impact that global economic slowdown is having on the Hong Kong labour market, looking first at the economy globally and the problem of over-capacity and then at the specific impacts the global economy is having on Hong Kong as well as more local impacts, such as the transfer of rule to China. The writer then looks at the development of the labour market and how the economic changes have forced the structure of the labour market to change away form the more traditional manufacturing to new technology and the desire to build knowledge based economy. Issues such as the skills shortage, the disadvantages and advantages of the links with China and its’ membership of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and the role of vocational training are all considered before the conclusion that within Hong Kong occupational trends demonstrate a new economy. The bibliography cites 61 sources.

  • eCommerce History

    An 11 page paper tracing the history of ecommerce over the past century. After computers became necessary for business, it became desirable to use the electronic environment for more than only information storage. Data networking was the only missing link, and eventually telecommunications networks were sufficiently available to enable purchasing and payments in the electronic environment. Ecommerce was born, to be embraced by business and consumer segments at different rates. The purpose here is to trace the history of ecommerce and technology over the past century, and to make a conclusion as to whether the industrial age has ended. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • 20th Century British Theatre History

    This 28 page paper examines the development of the theatre in England during the twentieth century. The paper considers the different styles seen, looking at realism, abstract, suggestive and interventionist theatre. This is considered in time order and also incluides elements such as the ay staging took place, lighting and general technology impacted on production. The paper then examines the way in which social constraints impacted on the way the theatre developed including the censorship laws and the reaction to those censorship laws. The final paper of the paper speculates the cycle is turning full circle with the rebuilding of the old Globe theatre in London. The bibliography cites 15 sources.

  • Star Technologies Drug Testing and Management

    This 6 page paper provides an overview of the management issues at Star Technologies, including the problem of drug use and drug testing. This paper integrates an overview of the management systems in place for to address the problem of drug testing and drug use in the company. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Post 911 Laws

    A 10 page paper. Americans have enjoyed a degree of freedom few, if any, other countries enjoy. Yet, it was that freedom that was at least partially responsible for the horrific events of September 11, 2001. In wake of the Attack on America, new laws have been passed that give far more freedom to different government agencies to monitor communications. The new laws cover the Internet, as well as all other telecommunication technology. This paper discusses these new laws and the need for them. It also discusses the need to balance national security with individual privacy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • History of Egypt and the Early Egyptian Hyksos' Rise and Fall

    A 10 page overview of the entry of the Asiatic peoples known as the Hyksos into Egypt, their contributions to Egyptian history and technology, and their defeat at the hands of Kamose, his younger brother Ahmose, and their father Seqenenre, a Theban king. Emphasizes that while the Hyksos reign is often characterized as being one of hardship and cruelty, these peoples offered tremendous technological advancements to Egypt. These advancements, in part, included the horse and chariot, the introduction of copper and bronze, an improved version of the battle ax, and even the compound bow. Comments on Hyksos material culture and their similarities to ancient Egyptian/Mesopotamian cultures in general. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Elementary School Mathematics, Science, and the Internet

    A 9 page literature review that addresses the use of the Internet in teaching math and science in the elementary classroom. Elementary school teachers today are confronted not only with the sometimes daunting task of instructing a diverse student population in the intricacies of science and mathematics, but they are also frequently required to incorporate new technology into their pedagogy as they do so, such as the Internet. This review of relevant literature on this topic examines several questions. First of all, it asks if use of the Internet helps or hinders the instruction of elementary student in regards to studying science and math, or is it simply one more item to be addressed in an overworked teacher's busy agenda? Assuming that the use of the Internet facilitates educational goals for elementary schoolchildren studying math and science, what are the best pedagogical practices in regards to Internet instruction? Bibliography lists 15 sources.

  • Multiculturalism And Literature In The Classroom

    This 9 page paper is written in four parts. The first part looks at the current trends in content area reading and content oriented literature, including the movement towards the requirement for the ability to discern between sources and critical literature review skills rather than just issues of comprehension. The second part fop the paper considers the way that technology may be used within a reading program. The third part of the paper examines the four approaches proposed by Banks in the way multicultural literature may be used in the classroom, looking at the contribution approach, the additive approach, the transformation approach and the decision making and social action approach. The last part of the paper outlines some ideas for the way multicultural literature may be used in the classroom. The bibliography cites 9 sources.

  • How Exercise Delays Onset Of Dementia In Alzheimer's Patients: Literature Review

    20 pages in length. The natural course of aging takes its toll on both the body and mind; as much significant progress medical technology has made, there are still some aspects of human existence it cannot stop or reverse. Multimodal exercise has long been a highly recommended component of the geriatric health protocol as a method by which to tone muscles, strengthen bones stronger and keep all the bodily systems in good function. Why is it, therefore, that exercise is only just recently being associated with the delay onset of dementia when it has such dramatically positive impact upon the rest of the physiological makeup? Second only to the skin, the human brain is the largest organ in the body that responds to stimuli no differently than others, however, it is also vastly complex when compared to the liver or heart; because medical science still has a very long way to go before the mind's holistic function and capacity is known, new realizations of the mind/body connection will continue to be made, not the least of which includes the growing association between physical activity and staving off dementia. Bibliography lists 19 sources.

  • Role of Nurse Educator

    An 8 page research paper that addresses the field of nursing education. Nursing education is a dynamic field that has been challenged in recent years by the issues entailed in the national nursing shortage, as well as the related faculty shortage, while also addressing the innovations presented in increasingly sophisticated technologies (Nurse educator, 2008). This discussion of the nurse educator role looks at various issues associated with this pivotal cog in the nation's healthcare system and the responsibilities involved in being a nurse educator. The final 2 pages on the paper offer an appendix that identifies 5 Internet sites related to nurse educators and discusses these sites. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • The Changing Nature of Health Care in the U.S.

    A 7 page paper discussing the state of several aspects of the US health care system and nurses’ roles within both the current system and that which continues to emerge. One of the primary qualities of US health care today is that it is in flux. It has been changing dramatically since the advent of managed care; continued budgetary pressures and the ongoing shortage of nurses dictate that further changes are made in the future. Nursing itself is changing as well, as those who have made nursing their life profession approach retirement age themselves. Those new to health care now face higher career demands than those who went before them. The new generation of nurses will need to be even more adaptable to change and more conversant with technology as it continues to change the face of health care. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Shipping Operations and Operations Management Objectives

    A 5 page paper. The goal of operations management is to increase customer satisfaction, productivity and efficiency. There are many approaches to accomplishing this goal and numerous tools the operations manager can use. This essay discusses what operations management is. It then discuses the major challenge for shipping companies and the effectiveness of automation. Finally, the writer uses FedEx as an example of how a shipping company can greatly improve operations using different techniques, including technology, teams and incentives. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • President George W. Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' Act and Its Implementation

    5 pages in length. Contemporary society has a significant challenge on its hands: to provide students with a strong enough education to meet the ever-growing standards imposed by society. As a means by which to address this tremendous need, President Bush instituted the No Child Left Behind Act, which calls for the implementation of solutions to what he deems as the ten most important concerns within the nation's school system: Achieving Excellence Through High Standards and Accountability; Improving Literacy by Putting Reading First; Improving Teacher Quality; Improving Math and Science Instruction; Moving Limited English Proficient Students to English Fluency; Promoting Parental Options and Innovative Programs; Encouraging Safe Schools for the 21st Century; Enhancing Education Through Technology; Providing Impact Aid; and Encouraging Freedom and Accountability. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • The Major Shifts in Practices in Management Accounting

    A 10 page paper discussing changes in the profession arising from changes in technology, globalization and competitive strategies. Integrated management accounting systems, such as those arising from activity-based costing and management (ABC/ABM) systems with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can be appealing for their instant accessibility to information in real-time, but they also can detract from sound decision making based on trends more easily discernible from the more standard monthly and annual reports of traditional management accounting systems. There can be a place for both, but their uses need to be as clearly defined as the qualities they are measuring. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Incentives and Compensation Management

    An 8 page paper examining the role of incentives in business management. Factors which determine a strong business are defined. Comparisons of technology and the human factor in business are also noted. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Frustrating Technology and Distance Learning

    5 pages in length. There was a time when students had to rely upon the traditional - and archaic - educational methods of attending class, abiding by the pre-established schedules of instructors, following a curriculum upon which they had little time to focus, as well as rearranging their lives to accommodate their schooling. This is no longer the case with the advent of telecommunications technology in the classroom -- the classroom being the privacy of the student's own home. Indeed, it is impossible to overlook the many benefits inherent to such programs as distance learning, video conferencing, interactive multimedia, knowledge-based systems and the Internet as they relate to education. Contemporary students have been given an opportunity unlike any who have studied before them: the chance to mold their educational needs to fit their individual lifestyles. However, along with the good comes the not-so-good in terms of technological frustrations that impede upon their progress. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Personal Definition Of Video Games

    4 pages in length. Despite the general consensus that video games encourage antisocial behavior, obesity, sedentariness and - some argue - violent tendencies, there is an entirely opposite definition to this animated, interactive entertainment many people overlook: their value as effective learning tools. The extent to which children and adolescents alike connect with the fantasy world of video games is both grand and far-reaching; that this interactive relationship has spilled over into the academic environment as an unexpected - yet highly welcome - educational device speaks to the overwhelming benefit this particular type of technology has had upon reaching and teaching students, inasmuch as being engaged with the overall learning process is half the struggle of achievement. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Management Accounting and Technology

    A 6 page paper examining some of the ways that technology has influenced management accounting. Examples are from the manufacturing perspective, particularly as it applies to a Just-In-Time (JIT) system. Some authors believe that increased technology also increases risk, but the general attitude is that as technology continues to evolve, so will the capabilities of management accounting. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

  • Classrooms, Technology, and Education

    This 5 page report discusses the changes and trends in teacher education over the past two decades and the all-important introduction of technology into mainstream use in virtually all aspects of life, including the classroom. Teaching music teachers to use Internet technology in their classrooms is the focus of the studies proposed here. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Print Media Impact of Current Technologies

    8 pages in length. Computers have become a significant part of life. There is no denying that their very presence has drastically altered humanity's existence since the mid to late 1940s. Through a number of developments, computers have not only become integral components of virtually every aspect of a person's life, but they have also been successfully assimilated into homes all across America for personal and business use. There is practically nothing that computers do not influence in one manner or another, which has caused society to render itself dependent upon its constant application. However, as with most other entities that offer such distinct advantages, they are typically balanced by at least some level of significant disadvantage; in this particular case, the detriment has been felt throughout the print media industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Insurance and Bank Mergers and IT Issues

    This 6 page report discusses the results of mergers taking place throughout the nation of banks with what are technically non-financial institutions. Such mergers have resulted in a wide range of concerns relating to regulatory oversight, conflict of interest, as well as the potential for a domination and exploitation of consumer choice. Not the least of those concerns is the potential that exists for abuse of individuals’ right to privacy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Financial Service Industry and IT

    A 5 page paper providing a general overview of the effects of the growth of IT in financial matters, primarily using the evolution of the stock broker’s duties as IT has grown in ubiquity and functionality. The US currently spends more than 4.5% of GDP on IT, and finance departments are being affected. Whether the ultimate effects will be positive or negative remain to be seen, however. Some observers see the growing sophistication of IT as bringing about the demise of finance departments, others look at the same patterns and see how they will strengthen finance departments’ positions within their organizations. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Working from Home and Internet Technologies

    This 5 page report discusses the different type of residential connections available for Internet use for the at-home worker. The example used is that of a research company specializing in online information, whose workers need a fast and dependable connection to the Internet in order to do their work. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Negotiation and the Wellington Institute of Technology

    This 6 page paper, written in 2 parts, looks at the case study provided by the student. The first part of the paper looks at the problem and identifies the goals and strategy of the proposed negotiation in the case study. The second part of the paper considers the way in which the negotiations took place, there is which was successful and the lessons learned from undertaking negotiations. The bibliography cites 2 sources.

  • Juice Red Tomato Company Human Resources Investing Research Proposal

    This 5 page paper provides an overview of a research proposal for investing in HR change at a company called Juicy Red Tomato (JRT). Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Technology Transfer in the Middle East

    This 3 page paper is a dissertation proposal to assess the most successful strategies for attracting and them leveraging technological transfer in the Middle East. The paper presents an introduction with aims and objectives, a brief literature review and outlines a methodology for the project. The bibliography cites 4 sources.

  • Aspen Technology Inc Case Study

    This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied b the student. The company sells licenses which customers pay for in installments over a number of years. The questions answered discuss financial issues related to the case, including why customers may want to pay in installments, the ways finance are raised by the company and the issues associated with the chosen hedging strategy. The bibliography cites 1 source.

  • Technology and Culture: The Electronic Media and Our Children

    A 5 page overview of how the electronic media impacts our children. This paper focuses on the relationship between violent media content and violent electronic games and our children’s propensity to be violent. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • China, Singapore, and New Media and Internet Technology Uses

    This 12 page paper evaluates new media and the use of the Internet in both China and Singapore. Does the government use the Internet for control or do the people use the Internet to try to avert government control? Bibliography lists 20 sources.

  • New Media Technologies and Their Cultural Implications

    A 10 page paper discussing producer control of individuals’ use of digital information; the “digital divide” in Internet access; and cultural implications of Internet content. There are cultural implications of access, of course, but there are additional considerations of the cultural differences in which content can be perceived. The bottom line is that the developer needs to be aware of these disparities in perceptions, and speak to all possible – or profitable – aspects. Bibliography lists 11 sources.

  • Stress of the Workplace and the Impact of Technology

    4 pages in length. Technological advancement -- as beneficial as it is to myriad aspects of contemporary society -- can be a detriment in the workplace by virtue of the capacity for increased productivity. Email, the Internet and computers in general have all been cited as having at least some negative impact upon workplace stress, a situation with which employers are working hard to address. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

  • Revolutions in Science and Technology

    A 7 page research paper that discusses advancements and innovations. This examination of scientific creative innovation begins with the medicine and the penicillin revolution, but then looks also at the examples of creative revolutions that have occurred in the contemporary era and concludes with observations bout the way in which scientific and technological creativity tends to overlap. Bibliography lists 5 sources.


    This 5-page paper focuses on how to prevent humans from compromising Internet security. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

  • Technology and Application of Rapid Prototyping

    An 18 page paper discussing changes in design for manufacturing. Prototyping increasingly translates not to the production of a physical sample, but to solid assessment for manufacturability and product function in a fully virtual environment. The key is to speed the process between design and market to the shortest cycle length possible. Several manufacturing and supply chain changes have been instrumental in contributing to this shortened cycle; rapid prototyping is one of the most significant on the list. Despite all the changes seen only within the past decade, it is likely that the coming ten years will provide even further refinements and usefulness. Bibliography lists 16 sources.

  • Historical and Contemporary Religious Responses to Science and Technology

    This 10 page report discusses the fact that throughout history, technological advancement and human knowledge has served as a threat to religious predominance in society. Beginning with the radical Copernicus, who taught that the earth revolved around the sun, Europeans began to reject medieval scientific thought. They developed an unheard of conception of a universe based on natural laws, not on a personal God. New science and old religion were destined to fall into conflict and that conflict has prevailed for centuries. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

  • Dynamic Content Management

    This 3 page paper analyzes a brief article on content management which suggests that the next thing in web site design is interactive content. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • AT&T and VoIP Technology; Strategic Issues

    This 9 page paper looks at the well known communications company AT&T and the way ion which VoIP will impact on it strategically. The paper gives a brief background to AT&T and then looks at the way voice over internet protocol (VoIP), has been adopted by the company and the way it may impact on the company along with the way the changes could be leveraged for its’ advantage. The bibliography cites 7 sources.

  • Cell Phone Technology

    This 6 page paper discusses how cell phones work. It also touches briefly on their history, and the system that is now used most frequently. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nurse and the Future of Canadian Health Care

    This is a 21 page paper discussing how nursing as a professional group may influence the changes and recommendations in the Romanow report for the future of health care in Canada. On November 28, 2002, Roy Romanow and the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada released its final report. This report highlights recommendations in key areas in health care including Medicare; issues in primary health care; prevention and promotion; key measurement tools through the development of the Health Council of Canada; innovation and delivery through information technology; access for rural and remote communities; homecare; prescription drugs; and, Aboriginal health among many other factors and includes funding commitments for these recommendations. The nursing associations across Canada including representatives from the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) and the Canadian Federation of Nurses’ Unions (CFNU) have supported the Romanow Report as a “remarkable blueprint for building Medicare’s second generation and strengthening the public’s access to nurses” as well as the reforms which “will shorten waiting time and improve care” overall. The professional nursing groups have an active interest in all aspects of the Romanow report which not only broadens the roles and responsibilities of the nurses in Canada but increases the number of programs which will be affiliated with nursing. Most important in regards to nurses’ roles in the recommendations of the report are those which relate to measurement outcomes from an administrative and informative approach; those which relate to various commitments to innovations within the industry and primary care access; homecare access; and the new legislation proposed in regards to the entire health human resources. Bibliography lists 17 sources.

  • Graphic Design, Typography, and the Impact of CAD Design

    This is a 10 page paper discussing the evolution of typography and graphic design from a historical perspective and the recent advent of computer-aided design. Typography and graphic design have gone through a great deal of evolution since the introduction of the first printing press in the 15th century. Since that time, typography has been impacted greatly by the industrial revolution, the introduction of photocomposition and most recently, computer technology. In each revolutionary step, designers have maintained certain styles and formats while at the same time developed new and exciting aspects of the trade. The recent computer-aided design (CAD) applications which have been introduced have allowed graphic designers to not only develop new types of fonts, styles and logos at their desktop but have also expanded their responsibilities to include not only traditional design but the responsibilities previously of the typesetters themselves in addition to being the main designers for the market involving printed materials and graphics used in advertising, inter-active media and web design. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

  • Issues, Problems, and Solutions Regarding Nursing Shortages

    This is a 12 page paper discussing the current nursing shortage issues and proposed solutions within the profession. The United States is currently undergoing a nursing shortage which is expected to continue until the year 2020. Reasons for the shortage have been reported as: an ageing nursing population; an ageing and decreasing nursing education population; less than competitive salaries in the nursing profession; poor recruitment programs; an increase in the overall population of the United States; an increase in the number of patients due to the ageing baby boomer population; and, individuals in modern society living longer due to new technologies and treatments. The nursing shortage affects the nursing profession in a number of different ways in that nursing managers are trying to find ways to organize, retain and satisfy their current nursing workforce during a time of crisis while at the same time trying to organize new incentives and recruitment strategies to once again build the profession. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Knowledge Management (KM) Processes

    This 5 page report discusses the fact that virtually every organization in the modern world has somehow been transformed by the availability and ongoing development of information technology. Case-based reasoning (CBR) is used as an example of that fact. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Cell Phone Industry and Government Regulations

    A 5 page discussion of the difficulties the government has experienced in various industries in trying to regulate technology that is in high demand by the public. Using numerous examples other industries the author contends that governmental attempts at regulating the cell phone industry will be difficult even if definitive and quantitative risks regarding cancer are identified. Without clear substantiated risks the task will be near impossible. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

  • Only Technology is Necessary and Philosophy is Irrelevant

    This quote begins a 10 page paper that examines our reliance on technology and our value of philosophy. The discussion looks at the technocracy movement of the 30's, yet strikes a more moderate resolution than the quote suggests. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

  • Solow's Growth Model and Economic Growth, Including Comparisons of Countries Along with 'The Golden Rule'

    This is a 9 page paper discussing Solow’s Economic Growth Model including country comparisons, formulas, stylized facts and “the golden rule”. Robert Solow’s economic growth model (1956) takes into account various important economic determinants of growth which include capital, labor, human capital, life expectancy, technology, trade and geography among other components which help to answer certain discrepancies which appear throughout the world economies today such as why some countries are rich and others poor; why some countries grow faster than others; how some countries manage to sustain economic growth; and why growth miracles and disasters can occur. Stylized facts included with Solow’s assumptions and model are those which have found that there are large variations in per capita income across economies; rates of economic growth vary a great deal across economies; growth rates are not constant over time; countries can move between being rich and poor; growth in output and trade are related among others. Solow’s growth model emphasizes all of the aspects of the importance of economic growth within a society. It also includes components of the supply and resources of a nation which can expand opportunity for a country’s production. Above all, savings are critical in that they must be high enough to replace the depreciated capital and also provide for the workers. Lower savings means lower worker productivity and lower living standards. The Solow growth model basically defines the conditions of different nations’ approach to an equilibrium level of capital stock (a steady-state). While developed nations such as the United States have reached this level of steady-state, other developing nations are still experiencing rising levels of high savings and rising capital/labor ratios. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Overview of Generation N"e"XT

    (10 pp). For the first time in history, most teenagers and young adults are more experienced in a computer based technology than the majority of their caregivers or parents. Rather than be frightened by this new skill employed by Generation N"e"XT, we should see it as a creative challenge to learn more about our young people and ourselves. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Apocolypse Now

    (6 pp) Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 film, Apocalypse Now, is the embodiment of the film genre called "The Lure of the Exotic: Hollywood Abroad." This discussion will examine the genre from the traditional aspects of theater principles, technology, and resolution . Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Effective Advertising and Digital Manipulation

    This is a 5 page paper discussing the use of digital manipulation and its perception and effectiveness in advertising. Historically, images produced by photographers and appearing in public print or advertising were taken largely by the public as true unaltered images. This being said, society today is well aware that digital technology allows for images to be altered rather easily. Nevertheless, the public still believes that many of the images it views are still basically true in their depictions. This perception of the truth becomes distorted especially in the world of advertising when advertisers now have the opportunity to make their products look “better than the reality”. While it has been a given that many of the models pictured in magazines have undergone make-up sessions, what many people don’t realize is that many of the same photographs of the models have been digitally altered to make the models not only appear to be beautiful but they become, through digital enhancement, perfect. The image of perfection can be obtained digitally of course and it is this perception of perfection which advertisers are now able to easily sell to the public. Image perfection is not the only realm used by advertisers and news magazines to sell their products. Digital manipulation also allows advertisers to promote their products using advanced technological overlays which does not intend to deceive the public but can appeal to many different levels and ages in today’s society. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

  • Analogue to Digital Photography Shift and its Implications

    This is a 4 page paper on the implications of the shift from analogue to digital photography. With the recent shift of analogue to digital photography, critics cannot help but wonder what the implications of this change will be in regards to the ideals of originality, truth and authenticity of the work. From a traditional viewpoint, Benjamin and others argued that art loses its authenticity and originality once it is mass reproduced because art and photography have an intrinsic link with time and space which relates to these two aspects. In addition to the fact that digital photography can be mass reproduced in an exact manner, it also lends itself to being altered and manipulated quite easily. While this may imply that all original components of the piece are lost forever, some graphic designers have recently expanded this component to create a new field to allow for original technical work which is considered reflective of modern society. While Baudrillard stated that the media has turned modern society into one which is devoid of authentic experience, some critics allow that digital technology may actually provide a further medium to create authentic and dynamic experience. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Robert Solow Growth Model and Economic Growth

    This is a 4 page paper discussing economic growth and the Solow growth model. Robert Solow’s growth model emphasizes all of the aspects of the importance of economic growth within a society. It includes components of the supply and resources of a nation which can expand opportunity for a country’s production. The supply component however is determined by its labor force growth rate and increases in the productivity of the workers. This increase leads to increases in the capital/labor ratio which in turn results in improvements in technology. Above all, savings are critical in that they must be high enough to replace the depreciated capital and also provide for the workers. Lower savings means lower worker productivity and lower living standards. The Solow growth model basically defines the conditions of different nations’ approach to an equilibrium level of capital stock (a steady-state). While developed nations such as the United States have reached this level of steady-state, other developing nations are still experiencing rising levels of high savings and rising capital/labor ratios. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

  • Nanotechnology and Environmental Considerations

    A 5 page review of nanotechnology. The author demonstrates that nanotechnology is moving into mainstream application at a phenomenal rate. While much of this technology is beneficial, there is room for significant environmental concern. Bibliography lists 6 sources.

  • Mass Media, Ethics, and Current Codes

    This is a 5 page paper discussing a specific mass media incident that posed an ethical dilemma and some examples of codes of ethics within media. Editors and executive officers in charge of mass media operations have formatted over 33 known codes of ethics and values in the media. Many of the codes of ethics deal with public relations and moral dilemmas, conflict of interest issues, timeless values, new technology, sources and reporters, editorial independence and diversity issues among other areas of concern. Nevertheless, cases which test the codes of media ethics continue to be an issue in the public and journalist world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.


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